Got pregnant after getting pregnant. I can't get pregnant after a missed pregnancy

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A frozen pregnancy is a sad phenomenon not only for the woman herself, but also for her loved ones. This is a big psychological trauma. But don’t despair and leave the desire to have a child in the past.

According to scientific definition- this is one of the types of miscarriage in which the fetus stops developing and dies. This usually happens in the first trimester. At this point, the egg has already reached the uterus and implanted in it.

What are the symptoms? Most often a woman for a long time may not notice a frozen pregnancy. She feels great and has a good appetite. At the same time, toxicosis no longer torments her. If signs of pregnancy such as fast fatiguability, drowsiness, nausea suddenly disappear, then the woman should be wary and consult a doctor. Diagnosing a frozen pregnancy is possible only through a routine examination. The doctor will see that the stage of fetal development does not correspond to the period of pregnancy, there is no heartbeat in the fetus, and the woman’s breasts are no longer enlarged. Alarm signals in this case there will be bloody issues in small quantities and short-term cramping attacks in the lower abdomen.

The cause of a missed abortion may be hormonal disorders in the fetus. They are provoked by the inherent characteristics of the mother bad habits, infection with infectious diseases or their exacerbation. Therefore, in order not to catch the disease, find out whether you have already had rubella and chickenpox in childhood. If not, then you are at risk, especially if you work in children's team. Be careful not to catch anything contagious during the period. Be sure to get rid of sexually transmitted infections if you have them.

Also, a provocateur of a frozen pregnancy can be a Rh conflict between the fetus and mother. The danger increases if a woman has had several abortions. It is known that with each pregnancy the amount of antibodies in the blood increases. Reaching a critical point, it becomes the cause of a real disaster. Abortions themselves lead to disruption of hormonal status, injure and infect the cervix and often precede a frozen pregnancy.

It happens that the fetus dies for more than later. This is often associated with a variety of serious illnesses of the mother, for example, kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment before becoming pregnant, and during pregnancy you must follow all the doctor’s instructions.

A relatively good outcome for a frozen pregnancy is a miscarriage, when the body itself rejects a fetus that has stopped developing. Things are worse when the fetus remains in the uterus. In this case, you cannot do without the help of doctors. The doctor prescribes drugs to the woman that provoke uterine contractions and thereby lead to miscarriage.

Planning a pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from such an unpleasant outcome as a frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to abstain from drinking alcohol even during pregnancy planning, because these are the habits that increase the risk of a frozen pregnancy. Also during this period, you should be careful with the use of medications and take medications only on the recommendation of a doctor. You may not even know you are pregnant at the time of taking medication, and some drugs tend to take a long time to be eliminated from the body.

The risk of frozen pregnancy is increased in women working in hazardous conditions, in enterprises with hazardous production, therefore it is necessary to minimize such effects on the body of the expectant mother. Strengthen your immunity, as it decreases during pregnancy. The reason for this phenomenon is the production of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. Its main function is to protect the baby's immune system from the mother's immune system. Otherwise, the fetus is perceived by the mother's body as a foreign body, and rejection occurs. This can also cause a missed abortion.

So, how to plan a pregnancy correctly if a woman has already experienced fetal loss in the past?

First, be sure to undergo an examination at a medical-gynecological consultation and find out the reason for the sad outcome. If the cause of a missed abortion is genetic abnormalities in the fetus, and the parents are absolutely healthy, then there is a high probability that this will not happen again. After all, no matter how sad it may sound, in that case a kind of natural selection took place, nature itself “made sure” that the “unhealthy” baby did not develop.

And yet, if you have a violation menstrual cycle and hair growth appears male type, consult a doctor and get tested for hormones. Get treatment if necessary.

Get a smear for infections, especially sexually transmitted infections, a blood test to determine your hormone levels, and an ultrasound examination. Together with your partner, determine your karyotype and group compatibility.

If the tests are normal, then you may not need treatment even after a frozen pregnancy.

How long after cleansing can you get pregnant?

After your body recovers, try again to get pregnant. Sexual activity after a miscarriage can be started as soon as the desire arises. Don't be afraid of the emotional shock of intimacy in the first moments, as this is quite understandable. Before conceiving, it is also important to come to terms with past feelings of loss and disappointment.

Concerning specific deadlines When you can start working on trying to conceive a child after a woman has had a cleanse, doctors recommend waiting at least six months. Of course, it is best to plan the next pregnancy after a frozen one during the period when the female body has fully recovered physiologically and is ready to bear a child without compromising the development of the fetus and the well-being of the mother, and also when the woman herself is ready for this psychologically. That is, it is necessary to prepare yourself for the upcoming pregnancy not only from the physical, but also from the moral and emotional sides.

Eat vegetables and fruits - they will enrich your body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Activate iron absorption by drinking natural juices. Give up alcohol, cigarettes, walk more, and swim if possible. Take care of yourself and do not deny yourself rest.

If you take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle, you will soon see that you are able to get pregnant again. The first trimester may be marked by the emergence of fear of losing this child. Don't panic. Develop a positive attitude towards pregnancy. Live and be happy!

Especially for- Maria Bilykovskaya

From Guest

I gave birth to 2 girls, then there were 2 ZB (after the second I almost went crazy) then on Duphaston I gave birth to 2 girls and now another ZB happened (even though I took hormones) I’m in shock because the doctor said that there is prevention and that’s all it will be good, BUT NO((((Now I am deeply depressed, although many people tell me you have 4 daughters, that you are sad, but the bitterness of loss does not depend on the number of children ((((

From Guest

I had two frozen pregnancies; a year ago I gave birth to my beloved son, although I no longer believed in this happiness. A month ago my third pregnancy miscarried. Doctors shrug their shoulders, but I myself understand that there can be a lot of reasons. Although there are no chronic diseases or bad habits. I really believe that my baby won't have to grow up only child and we'll have another one small miracle! I’ll go for acupuncture, my son and I think it helped me!

From Guest

My frozen pregnancy was confirmed at 12 weeks. There was bloody discharge. I went to the hospital, did an ultrasound and it turned out that the pregnancy froze at 8-9 weeks. Yes, this is shock, this is grief. Especially when the pregnancy is the first and desired. But we need to think about the future, we need to get treatment and try. And by the way, at about 8 weeks my breasts stopped hurting and toxicosis went away, these signs meant that the pregnancy had stopped. Good luck to everyone in our difficult task! The main thing is not to give up and try!

From Guest

We froze at 7 weeks, discovered it at 10, of course there is fear about the next pregnancy, but this is probably a normal reaction, I’ll get tested and try again. If you’re afraid of the wolf, don’t go into the forest, we’ll definitely try again, and everything will work out.

From Guest

In 2015 I had a frozen pregnancy at 10 weeks, this year I became pregnant again at 12 weeks, again a frozen pregnancy. Let's get tested, it might work out.

From Guest

I froze at 9 weeks, it was terrible. they really wanted a baby. I was very worried, 8 months have passed and to this day I still have these terrible memories and tears in my eyes. but we don’t lose heart, we’re trying to conceive a baby, but alas, it’s not working out yet. I hope everything works out and the baby is born healthy.

From Guest

My pregnancy was also desired... I was planning it and took all the tests. When I got pregnant, fortunately there was no side chapel, but at 9 weeks the fetus froze (the reason was my cold (3.5 months have already passed, we really want a baby again... but fear seems to have taken hold in my soul... I’m very afraid

From Guest

I had 2 STs at 8-9 weeks, after the second time it took a long time to recover (((I’ve already passed all the tests, the doctors say that everything is fine. 8 months have passed, but I’m afraid. I don’t know what to do!

From Guest

There was a desired third pregnancy; at an ultrasound at 12 weeks they said that the heart was not beating, that the embryo froze 2 - 3 weeks ago. It was terrible for me. I didn't believe it. Yesterday we already did the cleaning. I can’t leave yet, but I try to think about the good. We haven’t had time to tell the older kids yet (probably for the better). The fear of pregnancy appeared, as those who have lost it painfully know. P.S. I talked almost every day with the baby, I said just live and grow, the most important thing.... but no, I didn’t listen (((((

To plan new pregnancy After a frozen pregnancy, you need to be especially careful. After all, if expectant mother wants to prevent fetal death and carry to term healthy baby, she must prepare very carefully for pregnancy, adhering to all the requirements of the gynecologist.

3D is a condition in which the fetus suddenly stops developing completely and then dies. In this case, it often happens that there is no miscarriage, and gynecological cleansing is required.

This problem affects women of all ages and can occur any week. Medical practice can give many examples when a child died just a month before the expected due date. However, the period of particular risk is the third and fourth, as well as the sixteenth and eighteenth weeks.

The reasons for the occurrence of zb can be the following:

  • infection of the expectant mother with rubella;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or other STDs;
  • thyroid problems, hormonal imbalance;
  • chromosomal abnormalities;
  • pregnant women using alcohol or drugs;
  • contact with toxic substances;
  • stress;

Signs of pregnancy in which the fetus has stopped developing:

  1. Abrupt cessation of toxicosis, weakness, drowsiness and other symptoms.
  2. The appearance of unpleasant pain in the abdominal area, especially if they are accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  3. Copious discharge.

If at least one of the symptoms listed appears, you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist and do an ultrasound, which will determine whether the unborn baby has a heartbeat.

Why you can't rush

Theoretically, the chance of becoming pregnant is possible within a month after the pregnancy, but in practice everything is not so simple. After all, medicine knows many cases where women became pregnant and lost their baby again. In addition, several embryo rejections occurring one after another can lead to infertility.

After an ST, especially if it occurs in the later stages, every woman is in a state of stress. This is natural, because she experienced the loss of a child whom she had already fallen in love with. Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy is a way out of depression and an opportunity to start living a full life again. You just need to know how and when you can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy in order to avoid repeated cleansing.

Of course, a woman wonders when she can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, how many months should pass from the moment of cleansing and whether it is possible to become pregnant again at all, because she wants to feel like a future mother again as soon as possible. There is no universal answer to these questions, since every woman’s body is individual.

After a frozen pregnancy, you can become pregnant a month later. However, if a girl becomes pregnant immediately after a frozen pregnancy, there is no guarantee that the child will not stop developing again. A quick pregnancy after a non-developing one is a serious test for the body.

In this situation, you should never listen to outside advice, because friends can only do harm with their stories about who got pregnant after how long. In any case, there is no need to rush. To return to your previous lifestyle, you need certain time.

When to plan a baby

If stillbirth was eliminated vacuum method or using medicines, restoration of sexual activity may begin no earlier than in a few weeks.

After death, you are allowed to have sex a month later, so that the reproductive system has time to fully recover.
It is recommended to take birth control pills for at least a month.

The best option is to conceive a child 6 months after a frozen pregnancy, because a woman must recover not only physically, but also mentally for a certain time.

But only after passing the necessary tests and consulting with a doctor: it is he who must allow conception.

Examinations and tests

Examination and passing the necessary tests are mandatory. After all, it is important to eliminate the problem that caused the sting.
Planning a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy should begin with a visit to your gynecologist, who will tell you how to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, what tests you need to take after a frozen pregnancy, and what examination you need to undergo. Standard list looks like that:

  • First mandatory analysis, handed over after non-developing pregnancy, is a histological study that is carried out on the remains of a frozen fetus. This study helps to find out the cause of this situation and develop individual recommendations for each expectant mother so that conception after a frozen pregnancy is successful.
  • You need to visit a therapist and do general analysis blood, as well as donate blood to determine the group and Rh factor.
  • Smear for flora and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Exception Analysis antiphospholipid syndrome(AFS) in a woman. In this syndrome, the fetus is rejected by the immune system expectant mother.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Hormone tests. A gynecologist or endocrinologist will make a list of them. It is especially important to check the hormonal profile if the expectant mother does not have regular periods or has excessive hair growth.
  • Blood test for hormones thyroid gland- TSH, T3, T4. Sometimes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland is also required.
  • Genetic consultation. Perhaps fetal development has stopped due to genetic reasons. It is important to find out whether parents or their relatives have genetic mutations. Chromosome analysis may be needed.
  • A man who is taking part in preparing for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy should also visit a doctor - he needs a consultation with an andrologist or urologist. You may have to have your sperm analyzed.

Depending on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment. There is no universal recipe here and cannot be.

If a patient becomes pregnant after a miscarriage without consulting her doctor, this is a risk. And pregnancy immediately after cleansing requires special monitoring throughout the entire period.


If all the tests after a frozen pregnancy have been passed, and the doctor has approved conception, you can start planning your pregnancy again.

When planning a pregnancy, be sure to eat right and take folic acid. Should I drink? vitamin complexes, it's up to you and your doctor to decide.

Also, after a missed pregnancy, planning a new one involves abandoning harmful work. Working conditions must be gentle, contact with harmful substances needs to be excluded.

Particular care should be taken when taking medications. If you have a cold, it is better to treat it not with pills, but folk remedies. Allow reception of any medications Only a doctor can.

A pregnant woman should receive everything essential vitamins, so doctors recommend eating as much as possible more vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and fermented milk products. You should refrain from spicy, fatty and salty foods, oversaturated with various seasonings and spices.

When planning the birth of a baby, you should also not completely abandon physical activity, however, the loads should be moderate. Preference should be given not active recreation, but rather quiet, long walks in the fresh air.

However, you should not treat pregnancy as something special. This natural process, which will proceed quite calmly if you don’t take everything to heart.

Difficulty conceiving

Many women wonder how to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy. If the frozen woman ended in a miscarriage without cleaning, then this issue should not bother you. If conception happened the first time, it will happen the second time. If you have undergone curettage, your ability to conceive may be reduced. But this does not mean infertility at all.

Therefore it is important to find good doctor which will help you recover.

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy should be treated with special responsibility: take everything necessary tests and take medications prescribed by your doctor.

If you start conceiving after treatment, it can happen within a year. If after a year of trying nothing works, we may be talking about infertility. This problem can also be solved – for example, using the IVF method.

Of course, preparing for pregnancy after a frozen one is a rather complex process. Including psychologically. After all, you are tormented by a lot of questions: how quickly can you get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, where to start taking tests, whether this process will be successful.

However, there is no need to worry. According to statistics, more than 80% of women who survive thyroid disease later give birth to healthy babies. That is, your probability of giving birth is about the same as other girls. The main thing is to carefully prepare for pregnancy.

In obstetrics, the term “frozen pregnancy” refers to the cessation of fetal development up to the 28th week of pregnancy. This may be preceded by many reasons, but the outcome is still the same - curettage of the uterus and a long period recovery, after which a woman always asks the question - how can one get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?

Chronic difficulties with pregnancy may arise due to anatomical problems reproductive system women. For example, when . The altered structure of the organ prevents normal attachment and development ovum, therefore, the chances of becoming pregnant and carrying a child to term even after 2 missed pregnancies in such a patient will be negligible.

When to plan a pregnancy

The probability of becoming pregnant after a frozen pregnancy is high, but the issue of conception must be approached responsibly. First of all, you should not be afraid to try again - after all, many women, having experienced an undeveloped pregnancy, subsequently gave birth to healthy children. But it is not recommended to become pregnant without preparation; conception after an unsuccessful pregnancy should be preceded by examination by a doctor and, if necessary, treatment.

It is important to know that after curettage, the woman’s body is seriously weakened, however, this does not affect the process in any way. The egg can mature within 11-14 days after cleansing the uterus, and as a result of sexual intercourse without it, conception can occur again.

But no matter how quickly you want to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy, you shouldn’t rush. After failure, you must use contraceptive methods for six months so that the body can recover.

Why do many people fail to conceive a child after a frozen pregnancy?

Is it possible to get pregnant and how quickly will this happen after curettage of a frozen pregnancy is a question that worries everyone who has suffered this condition. If a woman has paid the necessary attention to her own health, if the cause of the problem has been identified and eliminated, if a certain amount of time has passed that the body needed to recover, there should be no difficulties with conceiving and carrying a child normally.

Sometimes a woman fails to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, even if the listed treatment and preventive measures have been taken. If the patient is healthy, most likely the cause should be sought in. This is why doctors strongly recommend that couples undergo a joint examination if they have any problems with reproductive functions in order to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.

What should you do before trying to conceive again?

During the recovery period, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. This is important to identify possible reasons freezing of the fetus to exclude them next time. If a problem is detected at the genetic level, both partners are examined. You cannot plan a new one immediately after a missed pregnancy, despite the fact that you can get pregnant on your first pregnancy.

All types of treatment are prescribed strictly by a specialist, and his recommendations must be followed strictly. A woman needs to undergo an ultrasound, tests for infections and hormonal status. Her partner is visiting a urologist. It is also recommended that the couple undergo genetic counseling and undergo an immunogram - analysis for.

In addition, attention is paid to health status. Taking multivitamins, quality nutrition, avoiding stress and excessive exercise - all this is important.

- a question that worries every woman who has encountered this failure. If the patient is healthy and at least 6 months have passed since curettage, the gynecologist can recommend certain cycles and, if necessary, prescribe drug support for conception - progesterone drugs or.

Of course, you can hear about such incredible situations when someone was able to get pregnant immediately after cleansing for a missed abortion, but this risk will not always be justified. The longer the gestational age at which the fetus died, the more difficult the recovery will be. Therefore, the questions of how quickly and after how many months you can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy should not be a priority. There's no need to rush.

How to carry a pregnancy to term

After the recovery stage is over, the woman becomes physiologically and morally ready for new attempts at conception, there is no need to waste time - you can get pregnant in the next cycle. The majority of patients (approximately 80-90%) who experienced fetal failure in the recent past successfully became pregnant and carried the child to term.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist, who will identify abnormalities that impede normal pregnancy. If the doctor insists on hormonal support the onset of pregnancy, you should not refuse; in many women it can occur due to a lack of progesterone, especially among those who became pregnant after a non-developing pregnancy, the cause of which was hormonal disorders.

During the entire gestation period, a woman should be attentive to her own well-being and, if any signs of trouble appear, immediately consult a doctor. For example, a sudden cessation of symptoms may indicate that the pregnancy has stalled again.

Infertility after a frozen pregnancy

Some patients, after a frozen pregnancy and the end of the recovery period, complain that for some reason they are unable to get pregnant again. Usually this condition is associated with complications of a non-developing pregnancy, namely, an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity.

During gynecological cleansing, pathogenic microflora can enter the uterus. The same thing happens during abortions. 20% of curettages and abortions end in endometritis. Mechanical impact on the mucous layer of the uterus negatively affects local immunity, and bloody discharge and body heat create favorable conditions for the development of infection.

Because many women don't like once again to be treated and consult a doctor, acute endometritis smoothly flows into a chronic, sluggish process, which is dangerous for the development of adhesions and subsequent. Attempts to get pregnant can be successful if these diseases are excluded.

What to do if there were two non-developing pregnancies in a row

There are chances of getting pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, even if there was more than one. The main thing is to find and eliminate the cause of this pathology, to find out why the failure occurred. Two consecutive non-developing pregnancies usually occur due to infectious and inflammatory factors, persistent hormonal disorders in the body, bad habits and the expectant mother and fetus.

Thus, it is possible to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, even if there were several of them, the main thing is to eliminate all unfavorable factors that interfere with normal conception and pregnancy.

Faced with such a serious problem, many women begin to feel uncertain about their chances of becoming a mother. There is no need to despair and give up if the body has experienced a failure; the attempt can be repeated by eliminating existing health problems and carefully preparing for a new conception.

In fact, you can get pregnant a month after a frozen pregnancy, that is, immediately after cleansing, but is it worth the risk again? Preparation is mandatory and will take more than one month. Besides medical care and care own health, the support of loved ones is also important - together all this can give positive attitude for conception and birth of a new life.

Useful video about frozen pregnancy and planning

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A married couple becomes truly happy only after the birth of a child. This event - main holiday in life, a real miracle. And a woman has no limits to her joy when she finds out about pregnancy. But, unfortunately, not every child is destined to be born. Sometimes fetal development freezes.

The diagnosis of “frozen pregnancy” is made by doctors when the fetus dies. This happens mainly in the early stages (before week 20), when the connection between the embryo and the mother is still weak. It is impossible to leave the embryo in the uterus - this threatens the life of the woman herself. Therefore, the gynecologist performs scraping (cleaning). In some cases, the body itself rejects the dead fetus, that is, a miscarriage occurs.

The loss of a child greatly affects the psychological state of both the girl and the man, unsettling her for a long time. Only after 3 months the depression goes away, and the married couple thinks about the questions “How to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy?”, “Will the next pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy also be fatal?”

After a frozen pregnancy, it will be possible to give birth to a child. You just need to prepare psychologically, physically, find out the cause of what happened - you will need to take several tests and be examined. Recovery will take at least 3 months, and during this time it is necessary to get rid of health problems, if any.

There are many who gave birth to a child after cleansing. Therefore, do not despair, consult your doctor for advice on how to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy.


Often, women who have lost a child due to a frozen pregnancy ask the gynecologist the question “I want a child. Are there those who gave birth to a baby after a frozen pregnancy? Will I succeed and in how many months?”

Before you start planning a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy, you need to find out what caused it. Then the problem can be eliminated, which means the woman will be able to give birth to a child next time.

Unfortunately, it is problematic to reliably find out what triggered fetal freezing. Therefore, it would be better if you ask the doctor to conduct a histological examination of fetal tissue.

What can cause embryo development to stop:

  • Genetic disorders. In approximately 80% of women, the fetus fails due to an unfortunate combination of genes.
  • Infectious diseases. A cold, a severe infectious disease, always affects the development of the fetus. Especially severe consequences appear after antibiotics. If you catch an infection in the first 3–4 months, that is, big threat occurrence of frozen pregnancy. If this happens at 6 months or later - a miscarriage or health problems for the child.
  • Hormonal disorders. The embryo may stop developing if the woman’s body does not produce enough estrogen, progesterone, and she also produces a lot of androgens (the so-called male hormones).
  • Artificial insemination. It has been proven that after IVF, many who gave birth to a child were at risk of stopping the development of the embryo. Therefore, it is necessary to be constantly monitored by a doctor and at the first alarming symptoms ask for help.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol, cigarettes, as well as drugs - all this negatively affects the mother’s body and not yet born child. As a result, a miscarriage may occur, the fetus will stop developing, or the baby will have severe pathologies.

Planning a pregnancy after a missed abortion without finding out the cause is undesirable. After all, if the problem was an infectious disease, then it is necessary to be cured before conception. If there is a genetic disorder, you need to try to find out what it was and how to avoid it.


Doctors advise all women to undergo examination after a frozen pregnancy. It is recommended to do this when you are mentally ready to give birth, and not immediately after curettage or a miscarriage occurs.

Both parents will need to undergo the examination. After all, the reason that you can’t bear a baby may be a genetic disorder or serious illness from not only women, but also men.

Which specialists should you contact:

  1. Gynecologist. The girl should first visit this doctor. He will examine you, do a smear to find out if there are sexually transmitted infections, and ask you to take several tests. It will also tell you what else you need to do and who to contact.
  2. Ultrasonography. It is very important to make sure that after curettage there are no embryo particles left and no blood accumulations (hematometers) have formed. An ultrasound will help determine whether fetal freezing was associated with hidden pathology in the uterus. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the pelvic organs a few days after cleaning. It is imperative to repeat the study before conception.
  3. Genetic consultation. If a histological examination indicated that a missed abortion was caused by genetic mutations, it is necessary to reliably find out what caused them. Perhaps this happened spontaneously, or maybe the problem is associated with serious illnesses and other defects that were in the family. Therefore, you will definitely be asked whether there were precedents for miscarriages, fading of fetal development in people close by blood, and whether anyone gave birth to a baby with serious defects. You will be interested in information about bad habits.
  4. Endocrinologist. One of the reasons why a frozen pregnancy could occur is improper functioning of the thyroid gland. Because of this, in fact, hormonal imbalances occur. Therefore, every woman in mandatory you need to take tests such as T4, TSH, T3, and examine the organ using ultrasound.
  5. Urologist. A man definitely needs to be examined by a doctor. If necessary, you will have to take a spermogram test.
  6. If the examination reveals chronic diseases, they are referred for consultation to a therapist or immunologist.

Until you complete the course of treatment, it is better not to think about conceiving - there is a high probability of repeating the sad experience.

If a girl has recovered from the stress she experienced and firmly declares “I want a child!”, you need to prepare well: consult with all the specialists, get tested. In addition, it wouldn’t hurt to boost your immunity (with medication), eat well, and eliminate bad habits (at least for a month).


Gynecologists advise all women to undergo special tests after a frozen pregnancy. With their help, it is almost always possible to determine what caused fetal freezing.

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of “frozen pregnancy” is also encountered by healthy parents. It can be caused by disturbances at the genetic level of fetal development.

If a couple is faced with a frozen pregnancy for the first time, then there is no need to undergo additional tests, but after the second time it is simply necessary to do this.

Tests for women

Unfortunately, there is a considerable probability that the girl’s frozen pregnancy will happen again next time. To prevent this from happening, you need to undergo special tests at least a month before conception.

What tests should a woman take:

  • Vaginal smear. It will help determine if there is an infection that will interfere with the normal development of the fetus. These include: gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc. It will also help to detect inflammatory process. According to statistics, sexually transmitted infection found in every third person.
  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Blood group, Rh factor.
  • Blood for hormones. Be sure to check the levels of prolactin, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones.
  • TORCH infections. This test will help determine whether immunity is present to diseases such as cytomegalovirus, herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella, hepatitis B, mumps, and HIV infection. The fact is that any of them can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta and lead to its death. If the expectant mother does not have immunity, then she is recommended to get vaccinated. Then the probability of a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, abnormal development the fetus will decrease significantly.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome. At elevated level homocysteine the immune system The girl independently rejects the embryo, which leads to its death.
  • Chromosomal analysis.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and its appendages.

If a problem is discovered, you must undergo treatment before planning your next pregnancy.

Tests for men

If a girl is unable to carry a child to term, doctors begin to look for the cause. Therefore, a man should also undergo the examination.

The potential father is asked to take a spermogram. Poor performance indicates possible risks during pregnancy.

They will also be asked to take tests:

  • For blood type, Rh factor.
  • TORCH-complex
  • Chromosomal analysis.

Conception is undesirable if at least one of the parents is sick - this, as a rule, leads to the death of the embryo. Therefore, it is recommended not to rush into a second pregnancy, but to wait at least 3 months.

Chance of getting pregnant

When a girl declares to her husband “I want a child!” I know those who gave birth to a healthy baby after a frozen pregnancy, and we will succeed!”, the man, as a rule, rejoices. But you shouldn’t immediately plan conception without consulting with specialists.

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy, theoretically, may well occur in less than a month, when ovulation occurs (that is, almost immediately). But this is still undesirable, because you can lose the child again.

A frozen fetus must be removed from the uterus. To do this, you can do medical abortion or vacuum aspiration in the early stages (up to 2 months). At later stages - curettage. Depending on which method the doctor chooses, conception can be planned after at least 5 months, and preferably later.

When to plan pregnancy?

For some reason, some women believe that those who gave birth to a baby after a frozen pregnancy “came to their senses” quickly enough; they did not need special preparation. And this opinion is wrong.

Firstly, the loss of a child, even at 2-3 months, is a great emotional stress. As a result, there is a fear that this will happen again next time. Therefore, doctors recommend waiting, although theoretically pregnancy after curettage can occur even after a month.

Secondly, after curettage it is necessary to give the body time to recover. Therefore, after vacuum aspiration, medical abortion Experts recommend thinking about conceiving no earlier than after 3 months, and better yet, after six months. Curettage traumatizes the uterus and its cervix more, so after this procedure it is advised to wait six months or a year.

How long can you wait after a frozen pregnancy? In order not to lose your child again, it is better not to rush, but to wait at least 6 months. This time should be enough to prepare not only mentally, but also physically.

It is not recommended to conceive immediately after a frozen pregnancy, also because it is necessary to find out the reason for the freezing of the embryo and do tests. It is also advisable for a girl to be treated with antibiotics and take vitamins after a frozen pregnancy. It doesn't hurt to change your lifestyle:

  • Quit smoking, don't drink alcoholic drinks(this also applies to men).
  • Change your diet: eat more fruits, berries, greens, grains, nuts, and vegetables. The diet should include fish, meat, and seafood. It is also advisable to increase your iron levels. It is necessary to exclude spicy, fried foods, pickles, and smoked foods. No coffee or sparkling water.
  • Multivitamin preparations. A woman does not always succeed with the help proper nutrition provide the body with the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Especially often there is not enough folic acid, vitamin E.
  • Be physically active.
  • Strengthen your immune system. Go for a walk outside as often as possible. Night sleep must last at least 8 hours.

The diagnosis of “frozen pregnancy” is not a reason to panic. After it, you can give birth to a healthy baby, you just need to make an effort, listen and follow all the doctors’ recommendations.