What causes miscarriage? Miscarriage in early pregnancy: signs and symptoms

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Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman who wants a baby. However, sometimes her body is not able to bear a child or is not yet ready for such a serious load. In this case, miscarriage often occurs in the early stages. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed in the period 1-12 weeks.

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Rejection process

Statistics show that in every 5 women this phenomenon occurs asymptomatically - this means that she is not even aware of what happened.

How to recognize early miscarriage. This can be done based on some symptoms that a woman will notice soon after self-diagnosis.

What is a miscarriage? As described earlier, women in most cases do not notice that they have had an interruption of conception.

They simply wait for the start of the menstrual cycle, which is delayed by several days, and then they notice more heavy bleeding and severe pain in the lower abdomen. However, as a rule, in this case, ladies do not go to the doctor, since after menstruation the pain and discomfort disappear.

Sometimes a miscarriage in the early stages can only be detected by mild nagging pain in the abdomen and copious discharge of blood, which appears a little later. before the possible onset of menstruation. In this case, the woman also does not go to the doctor, citing this condition as menstruation. However, if pain and heavy discharge do not stop after 5-7 days, a visit to the doctor is inevitable.

How to distinguish this condition from normal menstruation. Sometimes menstruation may be delayed, and during its onset, the fair sex will notice severe pain that is uncharacteristic of this cycle, as well as the release of a large blood clot, which clearly characterizes an interruption. If this phenomenon occurs earlier than the expected menstrual period, it is not difficult to identify the possible course of pregnancy.

What does a miscarriage look like? Usually it is a burst bubble containing blood. However, women who notice him for the first time do not understand what happened to them.

After the release of such a clot, you must visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and identify:

  • whether a spontaneous miscarriage really occurred;
  • Is it necessary to clean the uterus, in which the fetal bladder, placenta and other “components” of a normal pregnancy remain?

If this is not done, you can begin to worry about the woman’s condition, since untimely cleaning can lead to inflammation of the reproductive organs.

To understand what a miscarriage looks like, it is important to know the normal course of the menstrual cycle. Then it will not be difficult for the lady to notice large blood clots, which clearly characterize a spontaneous miscarriage.

How does a miscarriage occur? Typically, this phenomenon is characterized by detachment of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus, which comes out along with the rest of the contents of the reproductive organs.

Typically, women who do not know what a spontaneous miscarriage is are not able to detect it when menstruation occurs.

This causes serious harm to their health, because after spontaneous abortion, cleaning is almost always required to help avoid inflammation.

As a rule, this phenomenon can occur for up to 12 weeks, when the body is rebuilt and getting ready for a new job. If a woman is not yet able to bear a baby, the pregnancy, unfortunately, will be terminated. But this sign will be a good lesson for future parents, because it means that they need to correct their health in order for the pregnancy to be successful and complete.

What can cause a miscarriage? Sometimes this phenomenon occurs if the embryo has developmental problems. For example, already at the initial stage of pregnancy he is significantly behind in development. This is the main reason why spontaneous interruption may occur.


Various circumstances can provoke fetal loss, ranging from medical factors to social ones. It is often difficult to identify what caused the termination of pregnancy, since this phenomenon is based not on one factor, but several at once. Some women experienced spontaneous interruption several times, which negatively affected their health and psycho-emotional level.

Let's list the main reasons miscarriage in the first trimester e. This may be the independent rejection of a non-viable fetus, which already at the initial stage of development has genetic problems or developmental abnormalities. For example, a congenital disease includes a mutation caused by poor ecology, radiation or a virus living in the mother’s body.

Unfortunately, this phenomenon is beyond the control of medicine, since it cannot prevent or change it.

That is why many married couples need to prepare their body before conception, namely: cure diseases, start eating right, take vitamins, move and walk more, and also not “abuse” certain medications.

Then the question of what a miscarriage is will no longer worry the lady.

Unsatisfactory functioning of a woman’s hormonal and immune systems will not allow her to fully bear the baby. It is important for a woman to treat such health problems when planning a pregnancy. Before conception you should undergo an examination to get rid of problems in the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid glands, as well as restore the balance of androgens and progesterone.

What else could cause an abortion? Often this phenomenon is observed as a result of Rh conflict between mother and baby. In this case, the pregnant woman’s body will react to the embryo as if it were a foreign body, trying with all its might to get rid of it. To avoid repeated abortion, the fair sex will need to undergo immunomodulatory therapy in order to be able to bear a child the next time.

Infections are rightfully considered the worst enemy of the normal course of pregnancy. Most dangerous to the fetus are considered, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia and so on. Such bacteria penetrate the membrane of the embryo, which causes its infection, after which the death of the sick and non-viable embryo occurs.

What can cause the growth of a baby in the womb to be interrupted? Viral pathologies often lead to fetal death. These include severe sore throat, influenza, rubella, hepatitis, and inflammation of the respiratory system.

The unstable psycho-emotional state of a woman can cause embryo rejection at the initial stage of its formation. Often the interruption occurs due to the fact that the expectant mother is constantly nervous and angry. Stress has an adverse effect on conception. Therefore, it is important to try to keep yourself under control and not get wound up at the drop of a hat.

After all, if an interruption occurs, there is a subsequent risk of complete infertility.

Sometimes the cause is congenital diseases of the mother, which have anomalies or malignant tumors. In this case, unfortunately, full gestation is impossible.

It became clear how a miscarriage occurs. But how to distinguish menstruation from miscarriage, and what are the symptoms of this condition.


The most common signs in the early stages:

  • severe bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the lower back.

As a rule, pain is periodic. What are the signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy? Unusual discharge from the vagina notify about the threat of spontaneous interruption. They are usually brown or red in color and vary in consistency (sometimes they are liquid and sometimes they have blood clots).

Attention! If a woman’s discharge is rare and in small quantities, the chance of maintaining the pregnancy is quite high.

However, if pieces of the baby’s “tissue” are present in the discharge, it means that the interruption has already occurred.

Often the symptoms of this condition include uterine tone, which causes severe pain and discomfort during intimacy.

If a woman notices the tone of the uterus, which is accompanied by a “petrification” of the abdomen, she will need to reduce stress and physical activity -

Attention! The signs of this phenomenon are the same at any time. However, in the 2nd trimester, problems with the baby’s development can be identified by other symptoms.

Signs of fetal rejection in the 2nd trimester:

  • open internal bleeding, which can be noticed by severe pain in the shoulder or abdomen;
  • blood clots observed when emptying the bladder, which is accompanied by severe pain;
  • damage to the amniotic sac, which is characterized by constant dripping of clear or white fluid from the vagina.

The release of a blood clot from the vagina at an early stage of its formation and the death of the baby in the womb in the 2nd and 3rd trimester require cleaning of the uterine cavity. Contact your doctor, he will conduct an examination and find out for sure whether the pregnancy was terminated or not.

For this purpose the following are used diagnostic methods:

  • determination of cervical density;
  • identification of uterine tone;
  • study of the nature of discharge;
  • determining the size of the reproductive organ, which must strictly correspond to the gestation period of the baby.

The patient also needs a test that will accurately determine the child’s condition and identify problems in its development. If there is a threat, the woman is sent to the hospital; if an interruption occurs, she is sent for cleaning. you can find out by following the link.

Useful video: symptoms of early miscarriage

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Spontaneous, that is, spontaneous, independent of the woman’s actions or medical intervention, termination of pregnancy up to 20-22 weeks is called a miscarriage. If this happened before the term, then they say that the pregnancy was terminated at an early stage, and before 6 weeks it is called very early.

When the duration of development of the situation is more than 20-22 weeks, we are already talking about premature birth, since modern medicine gives a chance to save a fetus that has reached a weight of 500 g or more. Up to this mass the chances of survival are zero.

Official statistics show that the proportion of early miscarriages ranges from 10 to 25% of recorded pregnancies - that is, when the woman knew she was pregnant. The majority (about 80%) occurs in the first 12 weeks.

Almost a quarter

How does miscarriage occur in early pregnancy?

Whatever the reasons for spontaneous abortion, the situation always develops along the same path.

  1. Death of the fetus.
  2. Its detachment from the internal cavity of the uterus is externally manifested by the onset of bleeding.
  3. Discharge of exfoliated tissue from the uterine cavity, complete or incomplete.

At periods up to 5-6 weeks, especially when the woman did not suspect that she was pregnant, this process looks like regular menstruation, but more abundant with painful sensations. You can find out that it was a miscarriage by going to the doctor and having a test, which almost no one does.

There are also deviations from this scenario. Most often, they are associated with the fact that the rejection process does not occur completely or does not begin at all. Any type of abnormality in the menstrual cycle is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist.

If pregnancy is confirmed, the appearance of bleeding indicates three situations:

  • the fetus died and its rejection began;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • a small detachment of the endometrium or fetal site occurred while the fetus was alive.

Only a doctor can find out the cause of bleeding. If a pregnant woman makes such a complaint, the first thing the gynecologist does is refer her for an ultrasound. When a living fetus is detected, the probability of miscarriage immediately decreases to 2-3%. Therapy may be prescribed - progesterone, vitamins. It has now been proven that in these situations it has no effect on the course of pregnancy. In 97-98% of cases, bleeding stops and the situation develops normally, even after IVF.

The causes of bleeding during a normally developing pregnancy are still unknown to doctors. There is an assumption that the female body does not have time to adapt to the new regime. Bleeding occurs on days when menstruation should have been scheduled.

If a dead fetus is found, then we are talking about a frozen pregnancy. In this case there are two ways. One of them is to leave everything to the will of nature, then the rejection process lasts from two to six weeks. Of course, under medical supervision. Or they resort to surgery. Usually, curettage guarantees the absence of painful sensations and gives a good prognosis.

The worst option is . In this case, the woman is urgently operated on. The prognosis here depends on the consolidation of the fetus, and how successful the operation itself was. It is possible to save an ectopic pregnancy in rare cases. There is a great risk to the health of the woman herself.


It turns out that the types of miscarriages are different. There are complications. The World Health Organization has developed an international classification of diseases, in which each disease is assigned an alphanumeric code. Now ICD-10 is in force, that is, the classification in the 10th revision.

According to this coding, the following codes are assigned to different types of miscarriages.

  1. O00-O08. These codes are used to indicate diagnoses related to abortions of all types, including miscarriages, or, according to the classification, pregnancies with abortive outcome. Moreover, cases when pregnancy continues - for example, in the presence of twins or triplets - but one fetus was expelled are not included in this classifier.
  2. O31.1. Abortion of one or more fetuses of a multiple conception, after which the pregnancy continues.
  3. O00. This code is used to indicate an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. O03. An encoding denoting involuntary abortion, that is, a miscarriage itself. Each type is coded with an additional digit separated by a dot. Thus, O03.4 is used for incomplete abortion that occurs without complications. And O03.9 – for complete abortion without complications.

Expert opinion
Borovikova Olga
These codes are indicated in medical histories, medical certificates, and sick leave certificates. If the miscarriage caused complications, each of them also has its own code. Arbitrary abortion is also included in this section of the classification. So, medical is designated by code O04. There are other types, but they are no longer related to miscarriages.

What does a miscarriage look like?

In the first days, an interrupted pregnancy looks like normal menstruation. Only a few days have passed since fertilization; the embryo has not yet had time to securely attach itself in the uterus. It is useless to look for photos of such miscarriages. In 90% of cases, women did not even suspect that they were pregnant.

At 2-3 weeks, the fertilized egg is 1-2 centimeters in diameter. A woman suspects pregnancy because she notices a delay in her period. Tests can confirm it. But ultrasound is not always able to discern such a small fetus. A miscarriage may look like a heavier period. Some manage to see something in their discharge; you can find amateur photographs on the Internet, and corresponding pictures on medical websites.

Every week the fetus “grows” in volume by 1 millimeter. At a period of more than two weeks, a blood clot approximately corresponding to the size of the embryo can be detected in the discharge. The color of the discharge may be the same as during menstruation, or brighter.

At later stages, from 7-9 weeks onwards, there are two or more clots. This is due to the fact that when rejected and released from the uterus, the fertilized egg may disintegrate into separate pieces. More often, the fetus comes out entirely; some women claim that they were able to see the details of the embryo body and the umbilical cord.

Symptoms of miscarriage

The very first signs of miscarriage are bleeding from the vagina. If bleeding begins, consult a doctor immediately.

Cramps and cramps in the abdomen are another harbinger of miscarriage. They don't always happen. They can be associated with both the normal course of pregnancy and miscarriage.

Similar sensations may appear in the lumbar region. They are both weak and strong.

Signs of a miscarriage include a sharply improved condition of the pregnant woman. If the interruption begins even before the missed period, then it is more difficult to determine.

80% of early miscarriages


At a short stage of pregnancy, hypothermia during a miscarriage may not occur. This is not the most common symptom. Sometimes the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees.

If the increase is accompanied by severe pain and discharge with an unpleasant odor, a septic miscarriage is possible, that is, there is an infection in the uterus. In this condition, urgent hospitalization is necessary.


During a spontaneous abortion, the discharge can be of a very different nature - habitual, like during menstruation, or very small, spotting. Scanty brown discharge is much less likely to result in miscarriage than abundant bright red discharge. You need to see a gynecologist as soon as possible.


The nature of the discomfort differs at different stages of pregnancy. Some people experience period-like pain. This is typical for early miscarriages before 6 weeks. There may be cramping pain in the abdomen, pulling in the back. Their strength varies from barely noticeable to very strong, sometimes leading to a state of shock.

A miscarriage may begin with pain in the abdomen or back, and only then does discharge appear. This situation is typical for miscarriages after 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Main feature

How long does a miscarriage last?

On average, the process lasts several hours or stretches over several days, stopping periodically. If the miscarriage was incomplete, that is, pieces of tissue from the fertilized egg remained in the uterus, the process may drag on for a month.

There are risks of damage to the internal cavity of the uterus during cleaning. Therefore, some women planning to have children in the future refuse it, relying on nature. If there are no contraindications, then this option is quite acceptable. But the final decision must be entrusted to the doctor.


The most difficult question regarding miscarriages is to find out the sources of arbitrary termination of pregnancy.

The vast majority of miscarriages - 7-8 out of 10 - occur due to genetic disorders in the fetus that are incompatible with life. Doctors still do not know the mechanism by which the female body recognizes these disorders.

It is useless to look for the culprit. According to research results, genetic defects are detected in approximately 10% of sperm. And they are constantly renewed in the male body. Female eggs are formed in girls by their mothers and only mature and divide throughout their lives.

The appearance of genetic abnormalities in an embryo is possible in 2 cases:

  • a healthy egg was fertilized by a defective sperm;
  • During the process of division and maturation of the egg, disturbances occurred even before fertilization.

Violations in egg division appear more often as women age. The number of miscarriages in women after 35-40 years of age increases, and a second interrupted pregnancy also occurs more often. Men do not have such a dependence, but there is a connection between lifestyle - smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, the presence of infections and even stress.

A minority - 20-30% - of the list of causes of miscarriage is the condition of the woman’s body, namely:

  • pathologies of the reproductive system organs - the uterus, tubes, ovaries - which “prevent” the fertilized egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus;
  • infectious or chronic diseases;
  • hormonal problems;
  • immunity disorders;
  • previous abortions;
  • a sharp increase in physical activity;
  • stress – the psychosomatics of the female body plays a role here.

These causes are listed in order of prevalence. Most early miscarriages are associated with fetal nonviability due to chromosomal abnormalities. A woman's inaction or activity has nothing to do with it.

How to determine if there was an early miscarriage

If there is a need for accurate diagnosis, use the following methods.

  1. Ultrasound. An ultrasound can detect a fertilized egg or its remains in the uterus.
  2. Morphological study. This is an analysis of vaginal discharge - provided that it has been collected. Such an analysis will show whether the released pieces are actually parts of the fruit. He can also identify genetic disorders that caused the miscarriage.
  3. Blood analysis. If pregnancy occurs, the level of hCG in the woman’s body increases. After a miscarriage, it does not drop immediately, because in the first days after the incident, the level of the hormone in the blood or urine can be used to determine whether it was a miscarriage or just menstruation.

It's already been proven

What to do if you have an early miscarriage at home

If pregnancy is confirmed, and bleeding suddenly occurs, or pain appears in the lower abdomen or lower back, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. You can immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself - the gynecologist will refer you there after the examination.

The tactics may be as follows: wait for the bleeding to stop and pass. The duration of discharge can range from several days to two weeks.

Any medical protocol provides for a mandatory ultrasound of the uterus after a miscarriage. This is necessary to control the cleaning of fetal tissue residues.

How is threatened early miscarriage diagnosed?

It is diagnosed when a viable fetus is observed on an ultrasound, its heartbeat is seen, but the woman has at least one of the following symptoms:

  • discharge of varying degrees of intensity and color;
  • pain of varying severity and character in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • temperature up to 38-39 degrees is rare, mainly in the presence of infection.

If an examination by a doctor reveals a suspicion of a threatened miscarriage, you should not panic. You need to calm down and listen carefully to the doctor. At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, you can accurately determine whether the fetus is alive. This immediately increases the chance of protecting yourself from miscarriage to 96-97%.

In addition to a gynecological examination and ultrasound, modern diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage may include the following steps:

  • blood test for hormone levels, mainly aimed at identifying progesterone levels;
  • blood test for certain viruses;
  • detecting the level of hCG in the blood;
  • identifying the level of ketosteroids in urine;
  • smear for bacterial genital infections;
  • detection of blood clotting (coagulogram) - performed for a history of miscarriages, that is, in the past.

How to avoid miscarriage

It is almost impossible to completely prevent abortion due to genetic abnormalities of the fetus.

Here everything is individual, examinations are carried out, therapy is prescribed to prevent the threat of miscarriage in each specific clinical case.

For example:

  • in case of bleeding, hemostatic drugs may be prescribed;
  • for hormonal disorders - taking corticosteroids;
  • with increased uterine tone - antispasmodics that reduce or eliminate uterine contractions;
  • if infections are detected, they must be treated;
  • with progesterone deficiency (progesterone is the “pregnancy hormone” that promotes successful pregnancy) -.

However, the expectant mother herself can create a threat of miscarriage.

For prevention, you need to exclude the following factors from your life:

  • unstable emotional background – stress, discontent, anxiety;
  • work "for wear and tear";
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • drugs;
  • strong coffee in large quantities;
  • various harmful drinks like energy drinks;
  • a sharp increase in physical activity;
  • physical injuries.

As you age, the likelihood of miscarriage increases. For expectant mothers who are 40 years of age or older, preventing miscarriage is a more pressing problem than for 20-year-olds.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor

Treatment after miscarriage

After early termination, therapy is usually not required. If there was a miscarriage 2 or 3 times in a row, then both the woman and her partner need to be fully examined.

If a miscarriage occurs at more than six to seven weeks of pregnancy, then changes in the body have already begun, both physically and hormonally. Termination of pregnancy weakens the body as a whole, forcing it to carry out reverse processes. Especially if the miscarriage had complications. Therefore, in such situations, treatment is necessary.

Medicines may be prescribed:

  • antibiotic – to prevent infection;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - usually suppositories;
  • Oxytocin – to enhance uterine contractions.

You cannot drink, inject or administer any medications on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

How long are they in the hospital?

Expert review
Borovikova Olga
The time of hospitalization is determined by the doctor. Usually after cleaning, if there are no complications and the woman’s condition is satisfactory, she is discharged on the second day. Sometimes you have to be treated for several days. Some complications can delay the recovery process much longer; its duration depends on the nature and method of treatment.

Recovery after miscarriage

In addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, following these recommendations will help you recover and get pregnant again:

  • abstain from sex for one to two months;
  • do not take hot showers and baths, do not steam in baths and saunas, a warm bath can be taken for no more than 10 minutes;
  • carry out constant and regular hygiene procedures - at least 2 times a day;
  • good rehabilitation after completion of the course of treatment - sports, activities should be moderate, without overexertion;
  • follow a sleep and nutrition schedule;
  • Vitamins can be used as maintenance therapy.

Normalization of the menstrual cycle after miscarriage

Regular periods are an indicator of a woman’s normal reproductive health. Normalization of the process usually takes from 2 to 6 weeks.

The first menstruation after a miscarriage begins no earlier than 20 days later. This period is influenced by hormones, namely the level of hCG. The higher it was at the time of the miscarriage, the longer the recovery process takes.

If after a miscarriage the bleeding stops and then resumes after a couple of weeks, then this is not yet your period. Most likely, the embryonic tissues did not come out completely, and this is how the uterine cavity gets rid of their remains. Once this bleeding is completed, after another couple of weeks, it is already possible to resume the normal menstrual cycle.

Grief unites

Why is miscarriage dangerous?

In the early stages, even without medical intervention, termination of pregnancy against the backdrop of a healthy female body does not in any way affect the ability to conceive and safely give birth to a healthy child in the future.

If you postpone a visit to the doctor for more than 2 weeks or refuse when the doctor strongly recommends it, the risk of serious consequences increases. Tissues may become infected and inflammatory diseases may develop. The result can be tubal obstruction - which means infertility.

A woman should not keep her emotions to herself. You need to talk it out, cry. The best communicator can be a partner who is experiencing no less grief. Sympathetic interlocutors are among relatives and close friends. There are special support groups consisting of people who have experienced the same situations.

You can contact a psychologist. The main thing is to find a specialist with whom it will be comfortable and easy to communicate. It will help solve many problems. For example, when a woman says, I’m afraid to have sex, I’m afraid to lose my child again.

Over time, if you do not hold grief within yourself, give it a way out, find sympathy, understanding and support among others, the feeling of loss, emptiness and guilt passes. It becomes possible to live on and...

When can you plan a pregnancy?

Physiologically, conception is permissible if the menstrual cycle is normalized - in a month. Doctors recommend planning a pregnancy no earlier than in 3 months, and preferably six months or a year. This time is necessary for the body to recover.

If there was severe blood loss during the miscarriage, then the woman is likely to develop anemia. Pregnancy against this background will lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, which will affect the development of the child.

A period of 6 months is considered safe. During this time, the reproductive system is completely restored.

Consult a doctor

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage

  1. Plan your new pregnancy carefully.
  2. Get tested to identify the causes of the miscarriage. And not only for the woman, but also for her partner.
  3. Take an ovulation test to make sure there are no irregularities.
  4. Determine hormonal status.
  5. Determine the level of ketosteroids in the urine.
  6. Get tested for all types of hidden infections.
  7. Do an ultrasound of the genital organs.
  8. Consult a geneticist.

Obtaining a certificate of miscarriage

There is no document as such. If a woman consults a doctor, he may well issue form 027/y, which gives the right to time off from work or absence from classes at an educational institution without negative consequences. Considering that after a miscarriage it takes time to recover and adhere to a special regime, the possibility of obtaining such a certificate immediately after the miscarriage is extremely important.

To obtain a certificate, contact the doctor who performed the treatment or a gynecologist. It does not necessarily indicate the actual diagnosis - it can be replaced by any other disease that requires a similar period of recovery. The document can be drawn up in free form, but must be certified by the signature of the issuing doctor, as well as the stamp and seal of the medical institution.

For certain reasons, a miscarriage can occur due to various hormonal disorders, previous abortions, STDs, viral and infectious diseases, in particular if a woman is often exposed to stress. In order to promptly prevent the occurrence of an undesirable situation, you should consider the existing causes that provoke the occurrence of miscarriages. We'll try to figure this out.

Indeed, knowing about certain symptoms that precede a spontaneous abortion, taking the appropriate actions in time, it is quite possible to safely carry and give birth to a baby.

Some sources claim that almost fifteen to twenty percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. In addition, in many cases this is observed at a time when the pregnant woman does not even suspect that the pregnancy process has already begun, and the discharge that appears at this time assumes that another menstruation has begun.

In such a situation, the woman’s psychological state is in a calmer state after she learns about what happened, she is less susceptible to severe psychological shocks, depression and stress. However, when a miscarriage occurs in the early period, it is definitely more difficult for a woman to bear emotionally.

An early miscarriage is the process of carrying a baby that happens before the twelfth week. “Late” involuntary abortions are also common.

Diagnosis of miscarriage

If a pregnant woman feels that any abnormalities are occurring in her body, she should immediately seek medical help. There are various signs of miscarriage, however, the doctor still takes into account the clinical symptoms.

The main method used in the study of miscarriage is ultrasound diagnostics. Since it determines the fact, it also helps to determine the method by which the treatment will be performed, that is, whether it is necessary to continue the therapy aimed at maintaining the pregnancy or not. A method that helps measure the level of hCG in the blood is often used, since if the fetus has died, its level decreases.

The most dangerous and also serious sign of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding, particularly if it is minor. It is with mild bleeding, which intensifies over time, that spontaneous abortion occurs; along with this process, cramps may also appear in the lower abdomen. The incoming discharge may have a scarlet tint, as well as brown. However, they may not be particularly abundant and may last for more than a few days.

Cutting pain can occur along with a miscarriage, but its absence can also be observed. It happens that symptoms appear, but they may disappear for a certain period of time, then reappear. If one of these symptoms occurs, a woman should immediately consult a doctor, since emergency medical care can save the unborn baby.

If there is a sharp deterioration in the general condition of a woman, and there were no various precursors for this, and in addition, pieces of tissue are observed in the resulting discharge, then this often indicates the following - a miscarriage has occurred. Often, the death of the fetus occurs before the process of removing it from the female body begins.

Thus, it is quite often observed that the fetus comes out in parts. If it happens that the fetus is completely delivered, it looks like a round bubble with a grayish tint. Sometimes some white particles may be found in bloody discharge. Bleeding may occur along with pain for two to three days.

When, after interrupting the process of bearing a baby, the uterus is cleaned completely independently, the woman in this case does not need further appropriate therapy. However, if certain fragments of the fetus are detected in the uterus, then their immediate removal is required. As a rule, after a miscarriage, the next menstruation begins a month or two later.

When a woman’s body rejects an embryo, which occurs during the process of carrying a baby until the twenty-second week, this process is called a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

If this process occurs before the twelfth week of pregnancy, it is called early. In the case when the process of termination of pregnancy was between the twelfth and twenty-second week, in this case the miscarriage is called late.

The concept of “premature birth” refers to the spontaneous interruption of the process of bearing a baby, observed in the period from 23 to 37 weeks. When fetal rejection occurs during 37-42 weeks, such delivery will be called urgent, when a completely viable baby is born.

Late birth - when a pregnant woman gives birth after the forty-second week, this does not have the best effect on the condition of the baby, as well as the process of childbirth itself. From a medical point of view, when a baby is born before the twenty-second week, he is a fetus. But if the baby is born between 22 and 37 weeks, then the baby is considered a premature newborn. His weight is no more than half a kilogram, and his height, as a rule, is about twenty-five centimeters.

However, thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, children born today, even if they have little weight, have a great chance of survival. Nowadays, raising a baby born at seven months is not a problem.

What could be the reasons for a miscarriage?

It is not easy to determine the cause of a miscarriage in all cases. Even after performing a series of studies, a woman is not always able to find out why the termination of pregnancy occurred. This is explained by the fact that such a process can happen not because of existing health problems, but because of random factors that cannot be influenced.

The main causes of miscarriage include:

  1. Hormonal problems observed in a pregnant woman. This reason is the most common, due to which in the first period there is a threat of miscarriage. But if a woman consults a doctor in a timely manner, then there is a possibility that such a miscarriage can be eliminated. The doctor then prescribes the use of medications that eliminate the resulting deficiency of hormones.

    As a rule, the specialist will recommend taking the following medications: duphaston, utrozhestan, since in case of a lack of corpus luteum they have a beneficial effect on the process of maintaining pregnancy. When the problem is that the thyroid gland has pathologies, then treatment is carried out in this direction.

    If the female body contains a significant amount of male hormones aimed at reducing the formation of progesterone and estrogen, this can also cause a miscarriage. This condition is usually observed in polycystic ovary syndrome. Then appropriate treatment should be carried out even before the pregnancy planning process.

  2. performed in the anamnesis, because this manipulation is quite a lot of stress for the woman’s body, which can provoke dysfunction of the adrenal glands and ovaries. In addition, abortion contributes to the appearance of inflammation in the genitals, which in the future may become one of the reasons for childlessness, as well as repeated miscarriages.
  3. An anomaly in the fetus at the genetic level, which often comes into contact with a pathology that is hereditary in nature. In certain cases, this condition appears due to single mutations leading to fetal death. At this moment, the female body realizes at the hormonal level that the development of the embryo has stopped and then a miscarriage occurs.

    In such cases, it is impossible to stop spontaneous abortion, and there is no point in doing so, since the death of the fetus has already occurred. In the fetal genome, the occurrence of various mutations is provoked by alcohol consumption, smoking, in particular taking appropriate medications, as well as poor environmental conditions. All possible harm should be excluded during the process of planning conception.

  4. Immunological diseases of various kinds can provoke miscarriage. In many cases, the reason is when women have a negative Rh factor. To avoid miscarriage in such cases, it is eliminated by a special drug administered to the pregnant woman to neutralize antibodies.
  5. An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the important factors that negatively affects the fetus. Therefore, smoking and the use of alcohol-containing drugs should be eliminated even before the conception process.
  6. Infectious diseases and various infections that are transmitted sexually can cause abnormalities in the development of the embryo, which can affect the course of pregnancy.
  7. Stress is a condition that manifests itself along with the release of hormones entering the blood. These hormones have an insufficiently beneficial effect on the progress of pregnancy.
  8. Sexual intercourse, as well as various falls, lifting heavy objects, in some cases, may be an appropriate mechanism that provokes the process of termination of pregnancy.

If a spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs, the doctor must explain further actions that will need to be taken by the woman. After this process, the condition of women is quite serious, especially if the pregnancy was expected and planned.

It is advisable to take a vacation for a while, you can issue a sick leave, since a woman will need some time to restore her psycho-emotional as well as physical condition.

Since no woman can be insured against termination of pregnancy, therefore, when a miscarriage occurs for the first time, the doctor will suggest undergoing an appropriate examination of the body in order to find out the reasons that provoke the occurrence of this process.

If the interruption has not occurred for the first time, then it is imperative to perform a full examination, which will help identify existing genetic ailments, possible infections, and also help determine the state of the hormonal balance. The appropriate tests need to be performed not only by the woman, but also by the man, who may be the source of this problem.

What are the types of miscarriages?

Doctors divide miscarriage into several types:

  1. Incomplete (inevitable) - when sharp pain occurs in the lower abdomen, in particular and in the lumbar region, manifesting itself along with uterine bleeding. Moreover, if there is an increase in the lumen of the cervix, the fetal membrane bursts, then such a miscarriage is inevitable. In the case of an incomplete miscarriage, the incoming discharge and pain do not stop.
  2. Failed spontaneous termination of pregnancy - when the death of the embryo (fetus) occurs, but at the same time it continues to be located directly in the uterus. This condition can only be determined by consulting a doctor, during which a specialist listens to the baby’s heartbeat.
  3. Complete miscarriage - when there is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy and the embryo has completely left the uterus. During this period, hemorrhages stop completely, and no unpleasant sensations are observed.
  4. Anembryony - when fertilization occurs, but the formation of the fetus does not occur. The attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus is observed, and the formation of a gestational sac, which contains a yolk sac, is also possible. In this case, there is no fetus in the uterus, but there may be symptoms of pregnancy.
  5. Repeated - observed when a woman had spontaneous abortions more than three times in the early stages. Somewhere around one percent of families experience such a violation.
  6. Chorioadenoma - in this case, a violation of fertilization is observed along with a change in genetic information, after which, instead of an embryo, only a small piece of tissue is formed that takes on a larger size. Such painful conditions, for medical reasons, end in spontaneous termination of pregnancy, that is, abortion.

If a miscarriage occurs early and appropriate treatment has been carried out, then no complications will arise. The doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics and also recommend that you start taking appropriate hormonal contraceptives. Antibiotics can fight the infection, but to normalize hormonal levels, you need to use contraceptives.

However, when a woman has not resorted to curettage for a long time, it is possible to seek medical help in a timely manner; in this case, a serious infection may occur, which can lead to endometritis, as well as inflammation of the uterine appendages. Subsequently, due to these complications, infertility may occur, since the fallopian tubes become obstructed, thereby the appendages will not function to the same extent.

Miscarriage - this condition is a severe stress that has an adverse effect on the immune as well as hormonal system, therefore, it will be necessary to use oral contraceptives for three months.

What preventative measures need to be taken to prevent miscarriage?

It is good when a woman prepares in advance for the upcoming process of bearing a child and plans to eliminate those factors that can provoke a miscarriage. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition; it should be complete and balanced. Sleep should preferably be eight hours. It is also advisable to perform a complete examination to help determine the presence of infections, and an appropriate study aimed at studying thyroid hormones should also be performed.

You should ask your doctor about the period at which there is a possibility of a miscarriage. As a rule, special care should be taken at four to five weeks, including eight to nine weeks, as well as eleven to twelve weeks, that is, in the first half of the pregnancy process. In the development of the fetus, it is precisely such critical stages, as well as the influence exerted by various pathological factors, that can lead to the death of the fetus.

Throughout pregnancy, many health problems can arise, but the pregnant woman’s thoughts should only be positive, because this can serve as an excellent prevention of miscarriage. Because it is a stable emotional mood and mental state that can protect against spontaneous abortion.

If any danger arises, you should immediately consult a doctor. And remember that it is easier to prevent a problem than to treat it.

One of the greatest and long-awaited joys for a woman is, of course, the joy of motherhood. Having learned about her pregnancy (according to the results of a test or confirmation from a doctor), a woman already casually looks at the display cases with children's things and toys, plans how and where she will give birth, comes up with a name for the future baby, etc. True, no one around has yet notices that you are pregnant, since the baby inside you is very tiny and is just beginning its difficult path of development and growth.

Unfortunately, your happiness may be darkened ‒ medical statistics states that a quarter of early pregnancies end in miscarriage. At this time, a woman may not yet be aware of the changes in her body. Then it is a little easier for her to cope with the pain of loss.

How to avoid early miscarriage? To do this, expectant mothers need to know what can trigger a miscarriage, what symptoms and signs it is accompanied by, how to prevent them and whether they can be avoided.

This problem in medicine is considered quite serious, because it is encountered often, and in most cases the process is almost impossible to stop. If a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs at the very beginning, then the woman may not even understand what happened.

Without realizing her situation, the woman simply thinks that the menstrual cycle has gone wrong or there has been a delay (usually a week or two). Then some feel minor abdominal pain, and menstruation begins, which, however, can be much heavier than usual. Not all women deal with this, but only those who are frightened by the release of a blood clot, similar to a burst bubble.

Nevertheless, it's worth going to the doctor, even if nothing else bothers you. They will do an examination to see if it was indeed an early miscarriage, and will also check whether additional cleaning is needed after this.

If a woman knows about her pregnancy, then she needs to be very attentive to any manifestations of pain or discomfort in the abdomen and back. The slightest spotting with an admixture of blood or tissue clots is already dangerous. Sometimes pregnancy can still be maintained, so you should contact your doctor immediately.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs before 12 weeks, which is classified as an early miscarriage. If it happens before 22 weeks, it will already be late. Unfortunately, this also happens for a number of reasons. Then doctors define this threat as premature birth, and with prompt and timely intervention they can save the premature baby.

Causes of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy

Why does early miscarriage occur? Sometimes a woman faces this problem several times in a row. Doctors call this recurrent miscarriage.

The cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is very difficult to determine; this will require a comprehensive detailed examination, many different tests and appropriate treatment.

But it may also happen that even this will not help, that is, the termination of pregnancy will be influenced by factors that simply cannot be predicted or prevented.

The main reasons that cause or provoke miscarriage include a number of socio-biological and medical factors. The first group is purely personal and subjective reasons:

  • unfavourable conditions(place of work in hazardous production, radiation, exposure to environmental toxins, difficult psycho-emotional background and microclimate in the family, etc.);
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle and bad habits (if you are, then you should quit smoking, don’t drink alcohol, give up strict diets, excessive coffee consumption, adjust your diet and daily routine);
  • woman's age is also often one of the causes of miscarriage;
  • stressful situations, nervous shocks or strong emotions are a serious threat to a little life. A woman should protect herself from all this, but under no circumstances take sedatives, so as not to harm the baby even more. It is better to consult a doctor to find the right way out if stress cannot be avoided;
  • do not ignore the danger that all kinds of physical exercise. Avoid heavy physical work and do not lift heavy objects (even bags with groceries that weigh more than 5 kg are taboo for you). You will also have to approach sports with caution. Some types, especially extreme ones, cannot be combined with pregnancy. Be careful with hot baths, baths or saunas;
  • if it happened to you accident(unforeseen emergency, car accident, etc.) so you are seriously injured or injured, your body may not be able to cope with maintaining the pregnancy. Even a minor fall due to negligence (uncomfortable shoes, ice, etc.) is dangerous.

Medical reasons or women's health problems

  1. Doctors say that early miscarriage is most often caused by genetic disorders or abnormalities in the fetus. A woman may suffer from a hereditary form of the pathology, although there are also isolated mutations that lead to the death of the embryo. This is influenced by a whole range of different factors: radiation, viruses, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. It is no longer possible to control or stop this process. Thus, nature itself produces a kind of control, saving you from non-viable offspring. However, doctors recommend that couples who want to conceive a healthy child seek advice from a geneticist, and also carefully prepare for the upcoming pregnancy.
  2. Very often, the cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is hormonal disorders in a woman's body. If you detect the problem in time and seek help from a doctor, this threat can be eliminated. The most common complaints are about a shortage, although there are also cases of increased levels of male hormones. Problems with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, which prevent the organs from functioning correctly and fully, also cause miscarriages. Usually in such cases, hormonal therapy or appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is better to check the condition of your body before pregnancy.
  3. Any pathology of the immune system threatens termination of pregnancy. The most common manifestation is considered to be a complication in the form of Rh conflict. This means that your body is fighting an embryo that is foreign to it and rejecting it, because its blood Rh factor is negative, and the one taken from the father is positive. If such a possibility exists, doctors recommend prophylaxis with immunomodulators.
  4. Very dangerous for any kind of pregnancy infections. This includes all sexually transmitted diseases: herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others. Due to the fact that the membranes are affected by viruses and pathogenic bacteria, the fetus itself can be infected, which leads to miscarriage.
  5. Also a serious risk for the baby are inflammatory diseases internal organs and even general infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, rubella, influenza or sore throat with complications and fever, pneumonia and others. When planning a pregnancy, pay close attention to your health in order to identify and eliminate any possible dangers.
  6. It is worth calling a huge stress for the female body abortion. If previous pregnancies were interrupted artificially, then there is a huge risk of complications that lead to miscarriage or even secondary infertility. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have had an abortion before.
  7. The first trimester of pregnancy practically excludes the intake of any medicines, medications and even herbs. All this often poses a great threat to the life of the fetus and affects its development. Never self-medicate, because even simple parsley in the form of a seasoning can lead to. Always consult your gynecologist and read the instructions carefully.

They also cause miscarriage individual characteristics of the body women. So, if she suffers from congenital anomalies of the structure of the uterus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, oncological diseases of the genital organs or other pathologies, then often the pregnancy simply cannot be maintained.

Threatened miscarriage in the early stages: signs and symptoms

How to recognize an early miscarriage and what are the symptoms?

There are several main stages of spontaneous abortion, since it does not happen all at once. Each of these stages is characterized by its own symptoms due to the threat of miscarriage in the early stages, and sometimes this can be stopped or prevented, if you seek treatment from a doctor in time.

So, the first signs of early miscarriage that should alert you any manifestations of pain or pain in the back and abdominal area, which is accompanied by brown or red discharge. Sound the alarm even if a few drops of blood appear from the vagina, because this may already indicate an early miscarriage. Also pay attention to your condition: have the main signs of pregnancy disappeared?

Don't miss it routine visits to the doctor, passing mandatory tests or necessary examinations. This way you can rule out any pathologies in the development of your baby and be confident that the pregnancy is going well.

Main stages of miscarriage

  1. Threat or risk spontaneous abortion. This condition happens very often, which is why some women are forced to remain in bed for almost the entire 9 months. It is characterized by the above-mentioned cramping pains and bleeding, sometimes even very copious ones. You can also note increased uterine tone.
  2. The second stage is more serious - it is classified as incipient miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The fertilized egg has already partially detached from the walls of the uterus, so the symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages will be pronounced. But doctors still consider this stage to be reversible, that is, with prompt and qualified intervention, they can save your child’s life.
  3. With the so-called "miscarriage in progress" The pregnancy cannot be saved. At this stage, the woman feels severe and sharp pain, and heavy bleeding occurs almost immediately. The fertilized egg has already died, and the cervix is ​​open, so it can come out all at once or in parts, which will be considered an incomplete miscarriage.
  4. The last stage is completed spontaneous abortion. The uterus, having expelled the dead fertilized egg, contracts and returns to its previous size.

Treatment and consequences after miscarriage in early pregnancy

What to do after a miscarriage in early pregnancy? If it did happen that the pregnancy could not be maintained and you lost the child, then you need to undergo therapy, which is mandatory after a miscarriage. The doctor should send you to body examination to determine the reason that caused the miscarriage (if this has not been done previously).

You definitely need to check whether the fertilized egg has completely left the walls of the uterus, since if the abortion is incomplete or not completed, you will need curettage. There will also be antibiotics were prescribed, which will help cope with a possible infection, and hormonal contraceptives. This stabilizes your hormonal levels.

In addition to the physical stress on the body, miscarriage is very serious psychological and emotional test for any woman. The pain of loss can develop into severe, protracted depression, especially if the pregnancy was long-awaited and desired. Don’t isolate yourself during this difficult time, try to trust your spouse, parents, and loved ones so that they will support you and help you get through the grief. Allow yourself to be sad and cry, you can even seek help from a psychologist if you are unable to cope with your feelings.

You should not be afraid of the same failures in the future and despair. Just be more responsible about your next one early on. Remember that the body is still restoration required, so don’t rush to become a mother again for at least six months. During this time, you can get rid of existing problems, drink alcohol, and undergo complex therapy prescribed by the doctor.

The correct psychological attitude and only positive thoughts that everything will be fine with you, and after a certain period of time you will take your long-awaited baby in your arms is also very important.

If you find out that you are carrying a small life inside you, then you need to minimize as much as possible the potential risks that could lead to miscarriages. Follow simple rules: adjust your diet, give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t overwork, be extremely careful, avoid stress and nervous shock.

Be sure to stand on registration in antenatal clinic. The doctor will help identify illnesses or problems that you did not even know about, but that may pose a threat to your baby. Timely treatment or prevention will help prevent the threat of miscarriage. Follow all the recommendations your gynecologist gives you.

At the slightest sign of danger go to the hospital immediately. In most cases, pregnancy can still be maintained. If you have experienced the loss of a child, do not despair and do not be alone with your pain.

Video about miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

We invite you to watch one of the episodes of the pregnancy video guide, where they will tell you about such a problem as miscarriage, what could be the cause and how to cope with the loss.

Please share in the comments, have you encountered a similar problem: what helped you prevent the threat, what symptoms and signs were it accompanied by, did you prepare for conception in advance, what kind of therapy did you undergo?

According to statistics, out of 100 pregnancies, 15–20 end in miscarriages. Most often this happens when the woman does not yet know about her situation. But if the expectant mother is already aware that conception has occurred, then a miscarriage becomes a terrible loss for her. Therefore, information regarding miscarriage will be useful both to those who are at the planning stage and to women already expecting a baby. Knowing the causes and symptoms of spontaneous abortion in the early stages, you can prevent the threat of losing a child, as well as avoid unpleasant consequences.

What is spontaneous abortion

Miscarriage (spontaneous or spontaneous abortion) is the rejection of the fetus by the mother’s body for reasons beyond her control for up to 28 weeks.

Statistics of pregnancy rates among women in Russia

There are three types of spontaneous abortion (depending on the period at which the miscarriage occurred).

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy (up to 3 weeks). For unknown reasons, the embryo detaches from the walls of the uterus and comes out along with blood clots. Bleeding at these times is in most cases perceived as the beginning of menstruation, since the woman does not yet know about her pregnancy.
  2. Early miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. Termination of pregnancy occurs before the third trimester.
  3. Premature birth, or late miscarriage. The reasons may be various pathologies of the fetus, circulatory disorders, gestosis in the mother, etc. In most cases, with a miscarriage in the later stages, the child can be saved.

In each period of pregnancy, there are periods during which the threat of miscarriage is most likely. The highest risk of losing a baby occurs in the first month after conception, especially from 14 to 21 days.

In addition, you need to be extremely careful during the following periods: 8–12, 16–20, 28–32 weeks. During these periods, a woman should rest more, avoid stress, listen to her feelings and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

If signs of an incipient miscarriage are detected, a woman should immediately seek qualified medical help. Timely measures taken increase the chances of maintaining pregnancy and a successful delivery on time.

Threat of miscarriage - how to maintain pregnancy (video)


Miscarriages are divided into several types:

  1. Inevitable (incomplete). He is accompanied by severe pain, covering the lower back and lower abdomen. Accompanied by cervical dilatation and uterine bleeding. A miscarriage is considered inevitable when a rupture of the membranes forms and the internal os of the uterus opens. Continuous pain and discharge are signs of an incomplete miscarriage.
  2. Complete - spontaneous termination of pregnancy, in which the embryo or fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. After complete cleansing of the organs, pain, spasms and bleeding disappear. Surgery is rarely required.
  3. Failed miscarriage or frozen pregnancy. The dead fetus remains in the uterus; at first, no symptoms are observed. Most often it is diagnosed at a routine appointment with a gynecologist or by ultrasound. Surgery is mandatory.
  4. Repeated miscarriage. Happens in about one in a hundred couples. When a woman has three pregnancies in a row end in arbitrary termination in the early stages.
  5. Anembryony. Fertilization and attachment of the egg occurs, upon examination, an enlargement of the uterus is observed, a fertilized egg is formed, and other symptoms of pregnancy are also present. But the fetus either does not develop or dies at the initial stage.
  6. Chorioadenoma. Develops due to genetic disorders. In place of the amniotic sac, just a piece of tissue is formed, which gradually increases in size.

If these conditions are diagnosed early, the woman must undergo an abortion for medical reasons.

Features in the early stages

In most cases, complete or incomplete miscarriages occur in the early stages of pregnancy.

  1. With a complete miscarriage, the uterus rejects the fetus completely, along with the waters and amniotic sac.
  2. In the case of an incomplete miscarriage, most often only the embryo is rejected, and the amniotic membranes remain in the uterine cavity. The embryo can come out either completely or partially.

To avoid the serious consequences of an incomplete miscarriage, the woman is cleaned and also prescribed hemostatic, hormonal, antibacterial medications that cause uterine contractions.

After cleaning, it is imperative to perform an ultrasound to make sure that there are no blood clots or fetal tissue left, and that the uterine lining is being restored.


Most often, the causes of miscarriage are genetic abnormalities and fetal malformations that are incompatible with life. This is why some doctors prefer not to continue pregnancy until 12 weeks, arguing that this is due to natural selection. In some cases, abortion is offered for medical reasons.

If a woman is hospitalized for preservation, then in most cases doctors are able to prevent a miscarriage. In this case, if possible, a complete examination of the fetus is carried out for the presence of genetic abnormalities. And only then is a decision made on further tactics for managing the pregnancy or a referral to terminate it is issued.

The main causes of early miscarriage:

  1. Genetic defects:
    • anatomical (congenital and acquired malformations);
    • infectious (chronic endometritis);
    • genetic (structural or quantitative change in chromosomes);
    • endocrine;
    • thrombophilic;
    • immunological (autoimmune and alloimmune).
  2. Violation of hormone levels and thyroid function.
  3. Diseases of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted infections.
  4. Viral and infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, rubella, chickenpox, toxoplasmosis).
  5. Impaired blood flow between mother and child;
  6. Severe pathologies of the internal organs of the fetus.
  7. Bad habits of the mother (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  8. Stress, nervous tension.
  9. Physical activity, heavy lifting, injuries.
  10. History of abortion, scars on the uterus and abdominal cavity.
  11. Taking medications contraindicated during pregnancy.
  12. X-ray radiation.

The causes of early fetal rejection can also be attributed to a later period, although in the second and third trimesters, miscarriage is most often provoked by inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity or placenta.

Signs in the early stages

The following symptoms indicate a threat of miscarriage:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding (scarlet or brown discharge, spotting or heavy);
  • convulsions.

In the early stages, it is not always known about pregnancy, so the symptoms of a miscarriage can easily be mistaken for the beginning of a new menstruation. It is worth noting that there are secondary signs of spontaneous abortion that distinguish it from menstruation, in particular:

  • vomiting and frequent loose stools;
  • pain in the form of spasms;
  • weight loss;
  • bleeding alternating with mucus;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region.

If you know you are pregnant and even minor bleeding begins, you should urgently seek medical help.

There is such a thing as a frozen pregnancy, or a failed miscarriage. This is the cessation of fetal development and its death for up to 28 weeks. Signs of this condition:

  • absence of toxicosis;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • weakness.

In addition, the symptoms of a miscarriage may vary depending on the stage of its progress.

Symptoms depending on the stage of miscarriage (table)

Stage Clinical picture
State of threatened miscarriage

This stage is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. In some cases, spotting and spotting appears.

During the second stage of miscarriage, the pain becomes cramping, there is general weakness and dizziness. With every movement, the bleeding increases, and there are clots in the discharge.

Miscarriage in progress (or in progress)

Symptoms of miscarriage are a sharp pain that spreads throughout the abdomen and lower back, significant blood loss and the release of the fertilized egg from the uterus. In some cases, a woman may see a small gray bubble in the discharge; most often this happens if the fetus died a few days before the development of the main symptoms.

Completed miscarriage (completed abortion)

The bleeding gradually becomes less intense, but spotting may continue for several days.

Timely diagnosed threat of miscarriage and the onset of spontaneous abortion (first and second stages) with adequate treatment leave a chance of saving the child. The next stages are irreversible and lead to termination of pregnancy.

Stages of spontaneous miscarriage (gallery)

Bleeding after spontaneous abortion can last from 4 to 10 days Some time later, the fertilized egg and placenta are expelled from the uterus Clinical picture of a miscarriage: bleeding, accompanied by spasm and pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region

Spontaneous abortion or menstruation?

It is possible to determine that a pregnancy has been terminated and that another menstruation has not occurred by monitoring the level of hCG in the blood and measuring basal body temperature.

Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature, which is measured immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed.


Even a completely healthy woman is not immune from spontaneous miscarriage. It is not always possible to detect genetic mutations, hereditary or chronic diseases, which often manifest themselves during pregnancy.

But you can follow simple rules that will allow you to conceive a healthy child and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Among them:

  • moderate and healthy eating, weight control;
  • complete cessation of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • taking multivitamins;
  • elimination of stress and overload;
  • frequent and long walks in the fresh air;
  • gymnastics or physical education classes;
  • complete rest;
  • routine examinations with a doctor.

After an early miscarriage, a woman should undergo a full examination, treatment, and only with the permission of a doctor begin planning a new pregnancy.

According to statistics, 2 out of 10 pregnancies end in spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being while carrying a child. If specific symptoms occur, seek medical help immediately. Timely diagnosis and treatment will preserve your pregnancy and minimize the risks of its termination.