Hormonal support. How and why to support the body after eco


I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the medical staff of the MAMA Clinic, especially to my attending physician, reproductologist Yulia Mikhailovna Kossovich!

Saying thank you is not enough!

My husband and I almost despaired... 6 years of attempts, visits to different doctors, surgeries, medications, leeches.... there was no exact diagnosis.

We were treated in another clinic, with another doctor, and then a miracle happened, as if someone from above took our hand and brought us to the “Mama” clinic, to Yulia Mikhailovna Kossovich! At the first meeting, I completely trusted her.

To be honest, I didn’t hope at all that everything would work out the first time, I just gave up. My husband and I spent a lot of money over these 6 years and once again, I thought that again everything was in vain.

When I came to the MAMA Clinic, I didn’t read a single review, so you understand how much I didn’t believe in a miracle)

While at Yulia Mikhailovna’s first appointment, I saw walls with photographs of children, and the thought crept into my head that our baby would be here too. The doctor explained the action plan, gave a list of what needed to be done, and was always in touch with any questions.

When the protocol began, of course I made a mistake with the medications, at the wrong time and in the wrong dosages, I was very scared, but Yulia Mikhailovna calmed me down and edited everything.

During the puncture and transfer, all the clinic staff who were nearby were very sensitive and kind, doing their job with care.

A week after the transfer, I realized that everything worked out, I didn’t wait for the hCG, I took the test... and here I can’t put it into words, tears of joy!!!

Thank you YULIA MIKHAILOVNA, for your love, care, sensitivity, kind smile, for this miracle!!!

I went into complete enjoyment of pregnancy, I had never slept so much and did not allow myself, even toxicosis and headaches, not to equal this wonderful feeling!!!

Thanks to ALL THE STAFF for your support and care! Thank you for existing, thanks to you, long-awaited little people are born, whom not only parents are waiting for. But you too, Yulia Mikhailovna...

Now I know for sure that the photo of our baby will hang on your wall)

Thank YOU!!! With love Irina S. 09.17.2019

Heartfelt thanks to the entire team of the MAMA Clinic!

Dear, our dear, Tatyana Sergeevna!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your professionalism and sensitive attitude.

Thank you! for not leaving us!

Thank you! that gave me hope!

Thank you! that you are!

Of course, special heartfelt thanks to the entire team of the MAMA Clinic!

No one remained indifferent to us.

Future mothers and fathers, if you still have doubts, then leave all doubts and try!

And Tatyana Sergeevna and the Clinic team will support you and help you with everything.

P.S. We have a difficult situation, and we are already at week 7. And, Tatyana Sergeevna, we promise to continue to fight.

Best regards, Daria and Sergey.

Many thanks to all the doctors of the MAMA Clinic

I would like to say a huge thank you to all the doctors of the MAMA Clinic))) You make people a million percent happier))))

Tatyana Sergeevna, thank you very much for our son Platon))) We are very glad that there are people who help us cope with what seemed to us an unsolvable problem))))

Today we are already two months old)))

I can't find the right words..

Irina Yuryevna, hello!

I wanted to thank you for the incredible girl I had! Your knowledge, support, participation and sensitivity helped the long-awaited miracle appear! I can’t find the right words... Just one huge THANK YOU!!! We will definitely come to meet you!

I hope that in a few years I will come to you for a brother or sister for my children. They already asked, by the way! :)

I would like to express special words of gratitude to Elena Ivanovna for her support and constant communication on all issues that concern me!

See you soon!


I would like to express my gratitude to the MAMA Clinic and my doctor Yulia Mikhailovna Kossovich!

Thank you very much for the miracle you gave me!

Thank you for your care, sensitivity and support!

I came to Yulia Mikhailovna completely by accident and I’m incredibly glad that everything worked out the first time, to be honest, I didn’t even believe that it would work out!

Thank you for your help!

Thanks to all the staff!

Thank you for being!!!

With gratitude Irina!

I thank God that you appeared on my path!

Yulia Mikhailovna, respected, dear, attentive, understanding, optimistic, supportive in any moments of life.

I thank God for the fact that you appeared on my path, exactly you.

I wish only good things, right decisions, without wrong actions, you have it all, let your children multiply, happy eyes of moms and dads, and all this with health in the cube and in all organs!

Dear girls, believe, definitely, and everything will work out.

When I lost faith, my doctor and all my family believed in me, or rather in us, and everything happened.

We are still small, but we are already dancers!!!

If hormones play, it means everything is OK with your body. In a healthy person, they quickly respond to all chemical changes caused by positive or negative stress. Hormones are sensitive to stress, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, alcohol, reduced immunity and other factors. They, like a lightning rod, soften the blow from the outside and help the body function normally in any conditions.

The secret of energy

High energy level, good mood, excellent digestion, proper metabolism, good complexion - all this is possible thanks to hormonal balance in organism. Our task is not to interfere with natural processes, and if so, then give it a “fight”.

To improve hormonal levels, it is not necessary to stuff yourself with medications. Healthy sleep, more exercise in the fresh air, several hours a week in the gym, spa treatments, quitting smoking and alcohol, and good nutrition will bring your hormones back to normal.

Nutritionists say that nutrition is a powerful regulator of hormonal balance. Interestingly, male and female hormones prefer different menus.

Oatmeal, sir!

To man felt like a man, his diet should include foods rich in zinc, amino acids, and polyunsaturated fats. All of them are involved in the synthesis of testosterone.

Shrimp, crab, lobster, squid, octopus and any fish are excellent sources of zinc. A few handfuls of raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds a week, brown rice and grain bread will also replenish your body with this useful microelement. Well... oatmeal, sir! Oatmeal is rich in zinc.

Red meat and dark poultry meat are used as a source of amino acids. It turns out that the basis of testosterone is cholesterol, so men should not give up foods containing harmful polyunsaturated fats: hard cheeses, meat and sausage products, butter, lard. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get atherosclerosis instead of testosterone. Everything is good in moderation.

Typically masculine products- royal jelly and bee pollen. They contain both testosterone itself and substances that promote its production.

The male hormone promotes the synthesis of proteins and the formation of glycogen, necessary for the construction and functioning of muscles. Testosterone has another pleasant property: it maintains skin elasticity and maintains the necessary degree of moisture.

Ladies, cut some grass!

Women shows the hunt for foods high in phytoestrogens, which in their properties are similar to female sex hormones: carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, green peas, pumpkin, apricots, mushrooms, beans, peas, onions, sprouted wheat, rye, oats, bran. The range is not as appetizing as that of men, but the play of hormones is worth it.

The “ladies' menu” should also include protein products of animal origin. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs contribute to the production of the femininity hormone estradiol.

Endocrinologists advise women to eat foods high in zinc and selenium. Pinch the herbs: parsley, lettuce and watercress, cabbage, dill, spinach, basil. Treat yourself to nut desserts. Give preference to seafood and fish.

Estradiol gives shine to the eyes and elasticity to the skin, participates in the synthesis of collagen fibers and regenerates the skin, affects the function of the sebaceous glands.

About hormones in detail

Hormone-friendly nutrition will not keep you waiting for results. Believe me, all your gastronomic efforts will be rewarded. Emotional uplift, thirst to live and create, excellent health, healthy complexion, sparkle in the eyes more than compensate for giving up bad eating habits.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is known as "well-being hormone" It revives performance, lifts mood, improves memory, and activates libido. Thanks to DHEA, the skin of our face does not have a network of fine wrinkles, does not fade, does not thin, and the facial muscles are toned and maintain the shape of the face. To maintain your levels of this hormone, eat foods high in vitamin E and protein foods.

Seafood, seaweed, chokeberries, currants, persimmons, dates, prunes, apples, cherries, cucumbers, beets, carrots, cabbage, eggplants, garlic, radishes, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, and onions revitalize the thyroid gland. In winter, this is very useful: the gland “hibernates”, the level of hormones decreases - and this affects our health and appearance.

Somatotropic hormone or growth hormone has another name - “ lifting hormone" It not only provides energy throughout the day, helps restore lost strength, but is also responsible for skin hydration, tone and volume. Somatotropic hormone loves protein foods.

The body replenishes its reserves of melatonin, or the sleep hormone, thanks to which we relax and relieve stress at the end of the day, through oats, corn, rice, and foods high in calcium and magnesium. It is very easy to spot people with low melatonin levels in a crowd. They have a tired expression on their faces and generally look much older than their years.

But the hormone of happiness, praised by psychologists serotonin, which causes a feeling of relaxation and euphoria, has a bad effect on the condition of the skin. So don't overdo it with bananas, chocolate and dates.

Vera Alexandrova. Photo Depositphotos.com

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Cryoprotocol: on HRT, blockade and in the natural cycle - what is it? How, why and why

Storage of frozen embryos

Transfer of thawed embryos is a narrow topic that concerns those women who have already completed the IVF program. Among IVF protocols, the cryoprotocol is a good alternative to standard schemes. It is not indicated for everyone, has a relatively high cost due to the use of “freezing”, and allows doctors to avoid serious complications. For a woman, this means increasing the chances of having a healthy child.

Cryoprotocol - what is it?

A cryocycle or cryoprotocol is an artificial insemination program in which the protocol is divided into two parts in time. In the first half, stimulation, fertilization of eggs, development of embryos, followed by cryopreservation occurs. After the break, the embryos are defrosted and transferred to the uterus.

Cryocycle stages

The first stage of the cryoprotocol occurs in one MC and includes:

  • preparation;
  • fertilization of the obtained oocytes;

The first part of the cryoprotocol does not differ from standard IVF

The second one can be carried out in the next menstrual cycle without a break. On average, embryo transfer occurs after 4.5 weeks. The protocol may be interrupted for several months.

This part includes:

  • preparation of the endometrium;
  • “thawing” of embryos;

If, after collecting an anamnesis or during preparation for the IVF cryoprotocol, it turns out that there are problems with the growth of the endometrium, it is advisable to break the cycle in order to gain time and prepare the uterine mucosa for implantation.

Historical facts about IVF cryoprotocols

People began to talk about cryopreservation of embryos back in the 70s of the last century, when they began to freeze mouse embryos.

Having obtained successful results in standard IVF protocols, the question arose - what to do with the unused embryos that remain after the ART program. This became the reason for the development of methods for cryopreservation of human embryos. In 1983, pregnancy was first reported following cryoprotocol (transfer of cryopreserved embryos at an early stage of division). In 1985, they learned to freeze embryos at the blastocyst stage.

The blastocyst is the stage of embryo development at which it is physiologically capable of attaching to the endometrium and implanting.

What cryoprotocols exist?

For many, the cryoprotocol is perceived as the transfer of frozen embryos, and nothing more. But if you look at it, it turns out that it can be carried out in several ways. A combination of a cryoprotocol with the transfer of “fresh” embryos is also possible.

Depending on the medical support, cryo IVF protocols are divided as follows:

  • A cryoprotocol for HRT is a protocol for hormone replacement therapy followed by the transfer of cryopreserved embryos. In this case, doctors gain complete control over the menstrual cycle.

With the help of drugs, they regulate and control all hormonal processes in the reproductive system. Depending on the drugs used, they block the body’s production of its sex hormones completely (with a blockade of the pituitary gland) or partially (without blocking it).

To stop the production of gonadotropins (they are synthesized by the pituitary gland and their function is to regulate the functioning of the genital organs), injections of GnRH agonists are prescribed, for example: diphereline or others. Suppression of the secretion of gonadotropins entails inhibition of ovarian function, and artificial menopause occurs.

  • The cryoprotocol in the natural cycle is a more gentle scheme for the body, but a most important task for the doctor. Careful control is required over the maturation of the follicle, so as not to miss ovulation, and the uterine mucosa - the endometrium.

The fact is that the inner lining of the uterus must be ready to receive an embryo, and for this it must have. During preparation, hormonal agents may be prescribed as necessary, but in minimal quantities - only to correct and maintain the luteal phase.

Cryoprotocol for HRT by day

The goal that doctors pursue when using a cryoprotocol during blockade is total control of the menstrual cycle.

GnRH agonists are prescribed from the 20th day of the cycle. Diferelin has its own specific administration - it can crystallize in the needle. Therefore, it is important to first read the instructions for preparing the suspension and follow the recommendations exactly. It is better to entrust the administration of the drug to a person who has experience in administering this drug or to give the injection in the clinic itself.

There may be discomfort after administration of this drug, but more often it occurs with repeated administration:

  • headache;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • nausea, hot flashes (as during menopause);
  • abdominal pain, etc.

If you experience such sensations, do not panic - you will have to be patient. Just let the doctor know.

On the second or third day of the cycle, during the cryoprotocol on the blockade, estrogen-containing drugs are prescribed. Under their influence, the endometrium grows: the mucous membrane thickens and prepares for. Taking medications is necessarily accompanied by an ultrasound to monitor the effect of treatment and the degree of endometrial maturity.

From the moment of ovulation (on days 12–14), progesterone preparations are added. - a hormone produced by the ovaries. Normally, the production process starts after the egg leaves the follicle. In the cycle we are considering, all physiological hormonal processes are “blocked”, so it is necessary to administer progesterone drugs artificially, in the form of gels, suppositories or tablets (injections are practically not used today). This is the so-called hormonal support, it is carried out until 7 weeks of pregnancy, if everything goes well. It is very important to start taking progesterone after ovulation.

Over the course of 3–5 days, the uterine mucosa grows and acquires the necessary functional properties. Once the required dimensions are achieved, transfer is prescribed.

The cryoprotocol for HRT without blockade occurs in the same sequence, only without prescribing GnRH agonists. Constant monitoring of hormonal status using tests allows you to timely adjust the dosage of prescribed therapy and maintain the level of hormones in the blood plasma at the required levels.

Cryoprotocol in natural cycle by day

proceeds smoothly and measuredly, without the aggressive influence of hormones “from the outside.” They find out about the onset of ovulation using an ultrasound, since only some women can feel ovulation. And these sensations are not always objective. Here are some manifestations:
  • , feeling of fullness;

But relying on your feelings is inadvisable, the stakes are very high. Ultrasonic testing is more reliable. The transfer takes place after a few days. When carrying out a cryoprotocol in a natural cycle, it is given. If necessary, it is recommended to support the luteal phase - adding progesterone.

Other types of cryo IVF

In exceptional cases, when a woman has already had several unsuccessful attempts with other types of preparation, they resort to a cryoprotocol in a stimulated cycle. A distinctive feature of this scheme is the administration of hCG, under the influence of which the growth of the follicle and endometrium is stimulated.

Sometimes doctors, taking into account the characteristics of previous attempts and the individual reactions of the body, can use a combined transfer, when “fresh” ones are transferred along with frozen embryos. Transfer to the uterus occurs in two stages: first, fresh ones are transferred (on days 2–3) and then frozen (on days 5–6).

, multiple pregnancy, increase the chances of implantation, prevent complications during pregnancy.

In standard in vitro fertilization cycles, under the influence of high levels of estrogen and stimulation drugs, the receptivity of the uterine lining and the ability to implantation is lower. There is rapid growth of the endometrium, which does not make it of high quality, and early closure of the “implantation window” (the period during which it is possible).

Poor endometrium leads to disruption of the formation of feeding vessels. Poor blood supply does not allow the placenta to develop properly. This leads to bleeding in the second half of pregnancy, placental abruption, delayed fetal development, and premature birth.

  1. Increasing the chances of success of the ART program by ensuring several attempts to transfer embryos per follicular puncture.
  2. Saving money for patients. The cryoprotocol costs 5 times less than the program with stimulation of hyperovulation. And the probability of pregnancy in a cryoprotocol is almost the same as in a fresh cycle.
  3. Reducing the risk of harm to a woman’s health by eliminating repeated stimulation of hyperovulation and multiple pregnancies.
  4. It is possible to conduct genetic analysis - PGD, which lasts several days. Several cells are taken from the blastocyst, which are sent for analysis, and the embryo(s) themselves are frozen. The study makes it possible to determine the karyotype, which makes it possible to distinguish a good embryo genetically from a poor one. Thus, the highest quality unit is selected for cryotransfer.
  5. Possibility of pregnancy after several years. For example, a woman in an IVF protocol became pregnant and gave birth to a child. In a few years, she has the opportunity to undergo cryopreservation and become pregnant again. This is an opportunity for a couple to give birth to healthy children in the future, because over time, women’s egg quality decreases, they age and become defective. Egg aging is a natural process. If the embryos were frozen at a young age, before 35 years old, then they can be transferred into the uterine cavity, say, at 40 years old and get the same chances of getting pregnant as at 35.
  6. Donor cycles, when it is necessary to synchronize the menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient.

One of the advantages of the cryoprotocol is the ability to give birth to a child at a later age.

Indications for cryoprotocol and embryo freezing

  • Availability of “extra” 5-day embryos of excellent and good quality in IVF and ICSI programs.
  • The need for cycle segmentation.

Segmented cycle - what is it?

Cycle segmentation during IVF is when in one menstrual cycle stimulation, transvaginal puncture of follicles, fertilization, cultivation of embryos in the laboratory, cryopreservation of all embryos by vitrification are carried out, and in the next MC the blastocysts are thawed and transferred to the uterus.

When is a segmented loop needed?

The need for IVF segmentation may arise for a number of reasons:

  1. Risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. If more than 20 eggs are obtained from a woman during follicular puncture, embryo transfer is not performed in a fresh cycle. The risk of OHSS is very high - it is a threat to a woman’s life (the risk of various vascular disorders, the tendency to thrombosis increases) and implantation is disrupted (microthrombosis develops in the chorion vessels, the embryo does not receive the necessary nutrition and dies, the pregnancy may be terminated).

When 15-20 cells are obtained during puncture, cycle segmentation is approached individually, since each woman has an individual risk of developing hyperstimulation syndrome.

  1. An increase in progesterone levels on the day of hCG administration of more than 4.5 nmol/l. According to foreign studies, such a jump in hormone levels will most likely lead to the absence of pregnancy in a new cycle. The probability of pregnancy is reduced by more than 2 times as a result of a shift in the implantation window. The endometrium begins to degenerate earlier than necessary.
  2. The appearance of hydrosalpinx during ovarian stimulation. The adhesive process in the pelvis under conditions of increased secretion caused by stimulation leads to the accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tubes. This fluid is inflammatory in nature and moves to the uterus, where it has a detrimental effect on the embryo.

In case of hydrosalpinx, the only correct solution is segmentation followed by cryopreservation of all blastocysts. The woman is referred for laparoscopic tube removal. After the end of the rehabilitation period, embryos are transferred in the natural cycle of the cryoprotocol.

  1. Poor endometrial growth during the stimulation cycle. If the endometrium is less than 7 mm, the embryos are frozen, the transfer is carried out in the natural cycle, when the endometrium grows better.
  2. Acute disease: ARVI, herpes, etc.
  3. The cryoprotocol is perfect for those women who are not planning a pregnancy now, but want to give birth later.
  4. Planning chemotherapy or radiotherapy for oncological tumors.
  5. The need for genetic diagnosis of embryos.

Cryoprotocol statistics

The effectiveness of the cryoprotocol depends on many factors, one of them is the woman’s age. Let's look at the effectiveness using the example of one of the ART clinics.

As can be seen from the table, the effectiveness of the cryoprotocol decreases with age; the same pattern is observed in recent protocols.

Effectiveness depending on the reasons for IVF cycle segmentation

Successful cryoprotocol

The effectiveness of the cryoprotocol depends on the following factors:

  1. Choosing a method for cryopreservation of embryos. Vitrification is the most justified and popular.
  2. The use of closed cryogenic carriers – straws, on which embryos are placed for freezing.
  3. Selection of embryo for storage (only excellent and good quality on the 5th day of cultivation).
  4. Embryologist qualification.
  5. Storage conditions for biomaterial.
  6. Clinical preparation of the endometrium.

The success of the cryoprotocol depends on the qualifications of the embryologist and the storage conditions of the biomaterial

Protocols for preparing the endometrium before cryotransfer

It is ineffective to transfer embryos to the endometrium thickness, which does not exceed 8 mm. The thawed embryo transfer program has several options for preparing the endometrium:

  1. Replanting in the natural cycle (NC).
  2. Use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
  3. HRT with preliminary blockade of gonadotropins.

Cryoprotocol in a natural cycle

From the beginning of the menstrual cycle, ultrasound monitors the growth of the own follicle and the growth of the endometrium. When the follicle grows and the thickness of the endometrium reaches 8 mm, progesterone drugs are prescribed (Utrozhestan, Crinon, Duphaston). It is very important to “catch” the period of follicle maturity and prevent it from ovulating.

On the 5th day of using the drug, transfer of thawed blastocysts is prescribed. Control: determination of hCG on the 14th day after embryo transfer.

Advantages of EC: more natural, does not require estrogen intake.

Disadvantages: poorly controlled cycle, requires highly qualified reproductologist.

If spontaneous ovulation occurs, the embryo is not transferred in this cycle, because with the release of the egg, progesterone begins to rise and there is a high probability of missing the implantation window.

Cryoprotocol for HRT

This type of cryoprotocol is resorted to when a woman does not have her own ovulation or lives far away (out of town) - there is no adequate opportunity to control the growth of the follicle. From the beginning of the cycle, estrogen preparations (Proginova, Divigel) are prescribed and endometrial growth is monitored. In this case, the follicle does not grow; it is suppressed by taking medications. When the endometrium reaches a thickness of 8 mm (day 11-12 of the cycle), a progesterone-based drug is prescribed. On day 5 cryotransfer is prescribed.

Advantages: More controllable.

Disadvantages: requires estrogen administration before the 12th week of pregnancy.

Cryoprotocol for HRT with preliminary blockade of gonadotropin production

On days 21-23 of the previous cycle, GnRH drugs (depot form) are administered, which blocks the pituitary gland and gonadotropic hormones are not released into the blood. As soon as menstruation begins, estrogens are prescribed, the endometrium is brought to a thickness of at least 8 mm, and progesterones are prescribed. Replacement in a cryocycle with HRT and blockade is carried out as standard - on the 5th day.

This type of cryoprotocol is prescribed for decreased ovarian reserve, frequent appearance of follicular cysts and in donor IVF programs.

According to the literature, the effectiveness of cryoprotocols in the natural cycle, on HRT and on HRT with blockade is approximately the same.

Hormonal support after embryo cryotransfer

In order to support pregnancy after a cryoprotocol up to the 12th week of gestation, the following is prescribed:

  1. Estrogens: Proginova in tablets 2 mg 3 times a day or Divigel (gel that is rubbed into the skin).
  2. Progesterones: Utrozhestan 300 mg 3 times a day.

Cancellation of hormonal drugs in cryoprotocol

From the 12th week, a gradual reduction in the dose of medication begins. Every 4-5 days, reduce the frequency of administration by 1 tablet of Proginova and 100 mg of Utrozhestan.

Complete withdrawal from hormonal support in the cryoprotocol occurs by 16-20 weeks of pregnancy.

Whatever cryoprotocol you are prescribed: with HRT, blockade, in a natural or stimulated cycle - strictly adhere to the recommendations of your “native” doctor, report changes in your well-being, because both of you are responsible for the result. This means you can share the joy with him too.

Sarah BeEaker, nurse

Hormones largely rule our world. They play a role inshaping our mood, sleep cycle, energy levels , appetite, weight fluctuations and, of course, in our reproductive cycle.

To help you balance your hormones, we have developed a variety of natural remedies and supplements designed to help you maintainwomen Health , having a beneficial effect on various hormones of the body. But first, it might be helpful to know what signs indicate you have hormonal issues so you can take the right steps to bring your body back into balance!

How do you know if your hormone balance is imbalanced?

Hormone imbalances can lead to fatigue, sleep problems , problems with weight gain, fragility hair and nails and especially unpleasant symptoms PMS.

When our estrogens testosterones and progesterones are not balanced, this usually results in a combination of fatigue and weight gain. These symptoms may also be the result of the hormone insulin not working optimally due to eating too many sweets and carbohydrates. Although many of us believe that hormones are only associated with the reproductive cycle, they are actually involved in many different processes in our body, especially when it comes to insulin. If you ever have moments when you feel too tired or have brain fog, it may be due to insulin instability or imbalance.

Hormone cortisol throws us off balance when we are exposed to strong stress . If we're under constant stress, a cortisol imbalance can cause us to feel extra anxious, crave food to calm ourselves down, and can also make it difficult to get a good night's sleep.

In short, hormones are connected to various systems in the body, so it is important to always take preventive measures to ensure that hormones are in harmony with our body!

Natural remedies to restore hormonal balance

Watch what you consume. Whenever I talk to clients or readers about general health and prevention, my number one piece of advice is to pay attention to diet. We all know what we can and can't eat, but it seems easier said than done. To help get you started in the right direction, I want to share what types of foods you can add to your diet to help maintain healthy hormones.

  • Increase healthy fats. Including healthy fats in our diet in the form of foods like avocados and walnuts helps support progesterone and estrogen production. Bonus: Eating healthy fats also helps us feel fuller longer, which can reduce appetite.
  • Increase your fiber and fermented foods. , found in fruits and vegetables, and fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles, and kombucha, support gut health and digestion. When our gut is functioning perfectly, our hormones work together smoothly and easily.
  • Increase cruciferous vegetables. Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and kale bind to excess estrogen in the body, process it, and flush it out of the body.
  • Reduce sugar and grains. Aside from the obvious (breads, baked goods, desserts), try minimizing high-sugar fruits, grains in the form of pasta, and even legumes/beans for a few weeks. If you feel more energized, lighter, and clearer in your head, this may indicate that there is an insulin imbalance occurring when you eat high-sugar foods and grains.

Sleep, sleep and sleep again. You probably read about this in almost every health article. And all because it is SO important. When you sleep (and sleep really good), your body calms down, restores and renews itself. While you sleep 7-9 hours at night, your body is working to restore the balance of hormones. With enough sleep each night, the body also releases growth hormone (GH), and this type of hormone promotes the formation of healthy cells, helps the body recover and increase stamina.

Supplements to Help Balance Hormones

Adaptogenic plants:These types of plants help us regulate and control stress in the body, which acts as an additional line of defense against stress-related diseases. In addition to protecting against stress, these types of plants can support the organs in our body that produce and regulate hormones, such as the thyroid and adrenal glands, as well as maintain insulin levels. The list of these plants includes:

  • especially useful for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Holistic medicine practitioners have used ashwagandha to treat an overactive and underactive thyroid and adrenal fatigue. Although the concept of adrenal fatigue as a disease is not widely accepted in Western medicine, many alternative medicine practitioners and practitioners recognize adrenal fatigue as a problem caused by excess emotional stress, mental or physical fatigue. When our adrenal glands become overworked to cope with stress, it can lead to an imbalance of progesterone and cortisol.
  • Rhodiola helps us increase energy during times of stress. It is also said to help reduce cortisol levels.
  • Holy basil Used to regulate cortisol levels to naturally reduce mental stress and anxiety. Some studies also suggest that it helps flush out heavy metals from our bodies accumulated from environmental exposure, which can also cause hormonal imbalances.

Essential oilsGreat for inclusion in natural cleansers and self-care routines. They contain many different compounds that give them beneficial properties that affect the body and emotional state (and hormones!). I like the following essential oils that help balance hormones:

  • Lavender is a popular essential oil that can calm the nervous system. It is known to help reduce the effects of stress and mood swings, as well as support a deep, restorative sleep cycle. When we are in a calm or neutral state, the hormones have a much better chance of working together.
  • Thyme oil may help balance progesterone levels by supporting normal production of this particular hormone. Thanks to this, thyme oil may help improve sleep and even reduce menopausal symptoms. I like to add lavender and thyme oils to my evening baths to help me relax after a long day.
  • Clary sage may help balance estrogens as it contains phytoestrogens. This specific oil is claimed to help reduce symptoms PMS and may help regulate the menstrual cycle. I like to rub sage oil as a natural remedy directly into the skin of my belly during cramps.

Additional supplements can be used, especially if our diet does not include the healthiest foods. To add a little more options for you if you'd rather experiment with supplements rather than essential oils, here's a list of foods related to hormone balance.

  • Vitamin D is an important part of our diet (usually in supplement form) as it is difficult to find in foods and difficult to obtain without being exposed to the sun during the day. It is beneficial to take vitamin D supplements especially in winter when we feel like we are experiencing seasonal depression.

Do you constantly feel tired, stressed, and have mood swings? At the same time, your addictions are long behind you, are you trying to get enough sleep, exercise and eat well? So a reasonable question arises: why, what am I doing wrong? Most likely, this is a consequence of a hormonal imbalance that has begun in the body.

Let's figure it out. What happens to us when hormonal levels are normal? Firstly, we have healthy and sound sleep, so we do not feel tired, but only a constant surge of energy. Depression will not take you by surprise, because our consciousness is clear and we are able to solve any problems. What should you do to never experience problems? The answer is simple. It is necessary to maintain normal hormonal levels. The set of male and female hormones is slightly different from each other. In men, these are thyroid hormone, cortisol and testosterone. In women - thyroid hormone, cortisol and estrogen.

But the tasks of these hormones are still similar: regulate metabolism in the body, ensure healthy sleep, maintain normal levels of energy and sexual desire of any person. The coordinated work of hormones will ensure a high level and quality of life.

What you need to maintain hormonal balance

When you visit a doctor, you will most likely receive a prescription with the name of a medication that is supposed to help, and nothing more. But in the modern world, there are not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also plant extracts that can more gently and effectively help bring hormones into order.

1. Explore your home. Is everything there environmentally friendly?

Most building materials are toxic: polyvinyl coatings for various surfaces, various sealants, paints used in construction and renovation of premises. What about cosmetics – regular toothpaste, various creams, deodorants? In food these are dyes and preservatives. In our daily lives, we are exposed to a huge number of destructive forces that lie in wait for us everywhere.

Invisible toxins affect the human endocrine system, suspending thyroid function, destroying our health. In men, breasts grow, potency and sperm count decrease, and the likelihood of cancer cells appearing in the prostate increases. In women, they affect the microflora, thereby changing test results, affecting early puberty and promoting the occurrence of breast cancer.

What can you do?

Select building materials carefully;

Check how perfect the ventilation system in your home is;

Buy clothes only from natural fabrics;

Learn to buy natural food products and cosmetics.

2. Detoxification

Alcoholic drinks, sweets and gluten are not what you need. Sugar increases blood glucose levels and promotes weight gain, which leads to unpleasant consequences. A stroke is not what you need. Alcohol increases cortisol levels and thereby ruins your quality and healthy sleep.

By consuming large quantities of baked goods and pasta, you become gluten intolerant and, as a result, experience infertility, menstrual irregularities and ovarian problems.

What can you do? Limit your intake of sweets, gluten-rich foods, and alcoholic beverages to a minimum. This will help you avoid weight gain, increase energy levels, get good, restful sleep and improve the functioning of your reproductive system.

3. Losing weight? Get tested for toxins.

By eating foods treated with pesticides, we increase toxins in the blood. Environmental pollution also contributes to this. When the body loses its ability to gain weight, it releases toxins into the bloodstream.

What can you do? Eat only healthy, organic foods. Try to stay less where the air is heavily polluted. Losing weight only improves a person's general condition, unless this weight loss is the cause of the disease.

4. Live in harmony with nature

Throughout our lives, we are unconsciously drawn to nature. The love of life inherent in man must give rise to love for his own body. Therefore, each of us can find a way to manage our health naturally.

What can you do? To remain in harmony with nature, we must learn to adapt easily and be flexible. Learn to understand your body. What exactly do you need to ensure that your sleep, weight, energy and sex are always normal even when you are no longer young?

5. Latest generation medicine

Scientists have proven that on average 70% of gene manifestations in any person directly depend on the quality of food taken, various supplements, lifestyle, and even on the thoughts swarming in the head. This means that if each of us can critically evaluate ourselves, look from the outside, then we can avoid, for example, genetically determined excess weight, the onset of diabetes mellitus or early aging.

What can you do? If possible, study your genes in a laboratory setting. This will help identify shortcomings and make up for them, somehow transforming your life. Perhaps changes should affect the nutritional system or encourage the use of plant extracts.

6. Do you have your feet firmly on the ground?

Don't be skeptical about walking barefoot on the ground. It has long been proven that this helps us relieve tension and relax well, and even reduce inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

What can you do? Cardiovascular disease is promoted by the clumping of red blood cells. To minimize this process, walk barefoot on the ground. There is also an opinion that if you come into contact with the ground while sleeping, the quality of your sleep will be much better, inflammation will go away, and the hormone cortisol will return to normal. Make friends between your own body and the earth and find health.

7. The longer the better.

The ends of our chromosomes are capped with little caps called telomeres. They allow us to find out our biological age. If telomeres are too short, you will experience anxiety, stress, and poor sleep.

What can you do? You yourself can control telomeres and prevent them from shortening. If possible, eliminate stress from your life, start doing yoga and taking fish oil. Go to bed early and try to get enough sleep. For this, a person needs at least seven hours.

Connect with nature, try to balance your quality of life, change your diet. You yourself are able to bring your hormones back to normal, thereby qualitatively changing your life. published .

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet