Russian souvenirs. Your own business – a store selling souvenirs “Souvenir Shop”

  • Where to begin?
  • Legal registration
  • Creative approach and advertising
  • Expenses

We all believe in miracles and dream of visiting a fairy tale at least once. IN real life this is impossible, so you should think about how to create a fairy tale with your own hands. Great way to bring this idea to life - open a souvenir shop from scratch. Souvenir shop as a business is not only an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of childhood and magic, but also great way make good money. Such a store collects an incredible amount of various souvenirs and memorable trinkets from all over the world and always attracts the attention of customers with original and amazing things.

Increase your store's profit margin

Use a promotion to increase your store's average ticket, which is the average amount each customer typically buys at your store. The calculation is simple: take your total monthly sales and divide by the number of customers who buy from your store.

To increase your creative gift shop's profit margin, study the products that are on the list best sales. Offering these creative options gift, the flow of customers in the store tends to increase. Consumers who have been around for a while will not want to take advantage of good prices. This helps not only increase sales of discounted items, but also everything else on nearby shelves.

Where to begin?

Opening a souvenir shop does not require numerous initial investments, but you will still have to spend money. Even if you are planning to open a business in which you will make some of the souvenirs yourself, keep in mind that you will have to buy materials for this. You can also buy unique and interesting items from craftsmen. To make the purchase more profitable for you, pay attention to unknown craftsmen - their products will cost an order of magnitude lower. Be sure to check out the master’s works and visit his home, if possible. Usually, the homes of craftsmen are richly decorated with their own creativity, so you can understand whether the master makes his souvenirs himself or simply makes money from resale.

When the goal of promotion is to win new customers, the products to be offered are the most profitable. These items typically have higher profit margins because they are more carefully designed and priced by customers, but they are not among the top sellers because they usually cost more.

By putting them on sale, the company brings attention to the brand and also attracts consumers who would not normally shop at their store. Do you have questions about how to create promotions in your creative products store? You can still check out our post for our products and tips on what to have in your store.

Legal registration

If you decide to open a gift shop from scratch, the next step is important point there will be its legal registration. If you are planning to create one sales department, then you can register the business as an individual entrepreneur - individual entrepreneur. If you plan to subsequently open several more retail outlets, then it is better to create an LLC.

Look up and down and how to create a gift shop. When it comes to opening a new business, some people think about creating a gift shop. Since it is very easy to sell products of this size, it is perhaps the easiest of the new businesses to be the first entrepreneur and attracts many people in search of their own boss.

Check out our tips for creating a gift shop

The first thing you need to know before setting up a gift shop is that this venture is full of ups and downs. During holiday seasons that require gifts such as Christmas, Father's Day, Mother's Day and Children's Day, fill out, but at other times of the year it takes a lot of waistline to attract customers.

The location of the outlet will also be important. Ideal places For successful trading are busy streets and large shopping centers. Although the souvenir shop will be quite relevant in the areas of airports, train stations and stations. People coming and going often buy simple gifts for their friends and memorable souvenirs self made for myself. In residential areas, on the contrary, children's goods will be in greater demand than unusual souvenirs and gifts from distant countries.

What gift shop owners complain about the most is that the shops are empty during periods such as July and January when there are few occasions to buy such items. But there is an advantage: if you invest in good prices and differentiated products, the store can be searched well.

The secret is not to be swayed by the holiday seasons of the year, but when setting up a gift shop, always look for updates on new products, launches and articles that always sell well, this way you can reduce sales variations a little.

To open a store selling souvenirs main problem is the choice of location. Your profit and business success will depend on the location you choose. It is also worth deciding on the price segment, which segment of the population your products will be aimed at.

There have long been manufacturing companies on the souvenir market that have been in this business for decades and offer gifts. various topics. The HAND MADE direction, which is carried out by local manufacturers of souvenir products, is still in demand. All product manufacturers are happy to make contact because they are interested in good sales of their products. Intermediaries can collect a varied selection of souvenir products for their consumers in their store.

The ideal is to work with a number of cosmetic products, such as cosmetics, mirrors and suitcases, which sell a lot, bags, wallets and general decoration products, which sell well not only for gifts, but also for general household use.

Legal basis for creating a souvenir shop

The first step before opening an operation is to take care of legal side. This will be the most important thing to avoid a fine and closure of the institution. You must open a company on legally so that you don't have problems with the law. The ideal is to hire an accountant who, in addition to opening a company, will be responsible for the bureaucratic part of hiring employees, closing the company, returning income tax, by the way.

To provide intermediary services for the sale of souvenirs to corporative clients It will be necessary, first of all, to establish relationships with manufacturers and ensure a wide range of goods. Today there are many companies on the market, manufacturers of souvenirs that have many years of experience in this area and offer “souvenirs” of various themes.

To open a business, you will need proof of residence where the gift shop will operate, so it must have at least one signed lease agreement. It also requires documentation from members and proof of residence of the same name, the fantasy name, the name that will be used on the façade, and the legal name that will be on the accounts, which do not have to be the same.

If you are going to make a big investment and want to use a brand, it is best to register it so that other stores do not appear with the same name, which is very common in the middle of entrepreneurship. This is a way to ensure that the competition does not copy the name, logo. Even if she creates similar ones, she may still have the suit of the original brand owner in her defense.

Costs - gift shop:

1. Rent. For a small store you can rent space in mall, approximately 10-15 sq.m. Costs will range from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. per month.
2. Registration as an individual entrepreneur, purchase of a cash register - 10,000 rubles.
3. Salary to the seller. On initial stage You don’t have to hire an employee, you can trade yourself.
Initial costs are about 20,000 rubles.
4. Product. You buy at a wholesale base, order via the Internet, or make it yourself. Minimum amount - from 20,000 rubles.
Net profit at the initial stage - from 5,000 rubles.
The larger the area and the number of products, the greater the profit you can make from the store. The above example tells about the opening of a small souvenir shop, so the profit is not very large. At the initial stage, it is advisable to direct it to the development of the business.

Starting a business has crucial for working with a credit card. Card companies only accept legal entity registration. With an open signature, you can register as a merchant in your city and enter into law for your next enterprise, it is safer to avoid fines and loss of the gift shop.

Location and structure of the gift shop

The first step is to observe the location, it should be very noticeable. If you don't know your audience, don't risk setting up a store in an area that doesn't have traffic. In some cases, neighborhood gift shops are very profitable, but in others they are economically difficult.

In addition, you can negotiate with the owners of flower and gift shops and, for a small fee (from 500 rubles per month), install small stands with souvenirs (postcards, key rings, etc.) textile toys etc.).
In addition to registering an individual entrepreneur and purchasing a cash register (up to 20 thousand rubles), also include in the budget for the first month the salary of the seller (from 10 thousand rubles). You can develop a logo yourself or contact a specialist (about 1000 rubles).

Ideally, a gift shop is close to others, on busy streets and avenues. Close to the bus stop - great option, because they always have movement. Invest not only in the website, but also in the signage. Illuminated signs are only needed if the store is open at night, but if you have traffic on the street at any time, it is helpful for customers to know that it exists on other days and times.

The structure of a gift shop can be simple and straightforward. Unless you sell electronics, work only with displays and gondolas on the store floor to display products. If you are going to be selling electronics, it is ideal to have a glass counter with an attendant so that demonstrations can be done without the risk of break-ins. It's more safe way avoid loss of valuable and expensive material.

The most difficult and important thing is to find and select a product for the store. Here regional online communities (forums, groups in in social networks, blogs). Many of their participants will be happy to provide their crafts for sale in your store. If the item is not purchased within the time specified in the contract, the store returns it to the author.

The ideal is to organize the store into sectors: children on one side, grown adults on the other and grown men on the other. Objects for finishing deserve a separate place and have more space for processing if they are glass. Avoid placing too many products on shelves. To do this, you will need a supply, which can be as simple as a small room to keep the products in boxes and only replace them when you need more.

Tips for Setting Up a Gift Shop

The best way To make a store sell better is to invest in several segments at the same time. For this, less than 20 thousand reais in hand may become unworkable to create such a store. Ideally, you should have at least five product options for gifts for adults and children of each age group. This way, the customer will pick up and come back to see more things by being drawn to the news.

The second line of business involves creating your own production. The best way to run your own business is to develop it in resort towns or popular tourist destinations. Attract potential buyers like this small company may have unique products in its assortment, for example, gifts or handmade toys.

Always invest in news, launches, especially in the women's sector. If a new electronic line goes beyond the market price, there is a negotiation behind it. Working with resellers is much more difficult and expensive, it is best to go directly to the distributor and negotiate an acceptable cost in exchange for a partnership.

Always check the consumer protection code to set the switching time in store and always indicate it on your invoice. The client must have clarity of information or else the process will be a viable way for the client to secure their rights, which can be much more expensive. The best way is to use a standard stamp for all Deliverer's notes so that he doesn't take the note and return to the store and you cheat and the other one with deadline exchange that will return you in court.

They work great as tourist souvenirs. various products folk crafts, as well as views of the city, miniature images of the main attractions. These can be figurines, wood or birch bark products made using traditional technologies, folk souvenirs and much more. Probably the most shining example traditional tourist souvenirs - Russian nesting dolls, which are well bought not only by “visiting tourists”, but also by the local population.

And are you thinking about creating a gift shop?

Either way, starting a gift shop, like any other business, requires planning and dedication if you need help planning your store. Check out our kit. How to open a business. Regardless of the type of business you want to set up, it is very important to do the planning.

Gift Shop - Here's how to get it. Have you, businessman or not, seen how someone, in moments of crisis, stops giving someone away? So why not say that there can't be too much? Although the competition is high, many cities are still starting to have a diverse and entrepreneur with a good vision, and the seed capital for investment can see good request get a good monthly salary.

Thus, to open a souvenir shop you will need about 50 thousand rubles. The store markup is 100% and above. If the space you rent allows, you can conduct paid master classes (on average 300-500 rubles per person) for handicraft lovers. This will not only be an additional source of income, but will also help you find “suppliers” for your store.

Although this is due to the seasonality of dates, this type of business can also be well received at other times of the year and sells all year round, because there are still personal dates that are involved in buying a gift, such as a marriage anniversary, a secret friend, among others. Therefore, for an entrepreneur to succeed in this company format, simply create creativity and a diversified supply of products.

In this segment, the greatest demand falls on May, June, August, October and December, that is, memorable dates: Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Children's Day and Christmas. This item greatly affects sales and business income. However, something else is also important: the date of customer payment.

The payback period for a store with handmade goods is on average about 3-6 months. During “hot” seasons - during the holidays - this period can be reduced to 1-2 months.