Vaseline in cosmetics: good or bad? Food grade Vaseline: what it is and what it is used for.

For children

Many people know Vaseline because it beneficial features multifaceted. Based on this natural product can be done cosmetic masks and facial care products. If you compare Vaseline with expensive ones cosmetic preparations, then its benefits are immediately visible. Firstly, there is a difference in price, and secondly, it extremely rarely causes allergies and intolerances for any skin type. It has no contraindications before use. And many people use Vaseline instead of cream, since natural cosmetics have always been effective.

Benefits of Vaseline for facial skin

This is a product that began to be produced many years ago. Changes have occurred in cosmetology, but the manufacturing technology and composition of the product do not change. One of the features is that it does not have the smell that other cosmetic products have. If Vaseline is applied to the face, a thin film forms on it, which moisturizes the skin. Indications for its use are windy and cold weather, to prevent chapping. Preference should be given cosmetic Vaseline for face.

Not every cream can cope with this task, since most of them are too greasy - this is where the harm of cosmetics lies. Unique property we can say that it does not penetrate deep into the dermis, thereby preventing the occurrence of infections. Vaseline is especially useful for dry, sensitive and damage-prone skin.

Vaseline is most often used for the following purposes:

  1. As a makeup remover, it dissolves stubborn makeup well;
  2. For the treatment of acne and pimples;
  3. As a remedy effective in windy weather;
  4. To protect lips from chapping.

The best recipes for homemade face masks with Vaseline

This is a good cosmetic product that can improve your appearance. Vaseline will not cause any harm, since its contraindications are minimal. Based on it, you can create creams, lotions, scrubs and masks. If you don’t have time to prepare masks, you can simply smear your face with Vaseline.

Thanks to masks with Vaseline, you can achieve the following effect:

  • Make scars and pimples less noticeable;
  • Make scars less noticeable;
  • Restore damaged tissues;
  • Make the skin texture even.

Anti-wrinkle mask with Vaseline

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. Sole manufacturer fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • aloe leaf;
  • half a teaspoon of Vaseline.

Option for preparing and using a folk recipe:

  1. Squeeze juice from aloe leaf.
  2. Take 15 ml of juice and Vaseline.
  3. Place the product in a jar.
  4. Apply, reapply after 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with cool water.
  6. Close the jar with a lid.
  7. Use the remaining mask within a month.

Mask with Vaseline for acne

To get rid of acne and do dark spots less noticeable, the following mask is effective.


  • sour cream - tbsp. spoon;
  • Vaseline - Art. spoon;
  • lemon.


  1. Squeeze 1 teaspoon of juice from the lemon.
  2. Add full-fat sour cream and Vaseline.
  3. Apply.
  4. After 20 minutes, wash off.
  5. Wipe your face with lotion.

Scar mask

To get rid of scars that may remain after acne, it is recommended to use effective masks for face. They are also effective in combating age-related wrinkles.



  • gelatin;
  • water;
  • cosmetic Vaseline for the face – 1 tablespoon;
  • iodine – 1 drop.

A simple recipe to make:

  1. Pour gelatin with water until it swells.
  2. Place the container on water bath until a liquid consistency is obtained.
  3. Add iodine and Vaseline.
  4. Cool.
  5. Apply overnight.

Recipe for dry skin

Using Vaseline on the face is one of the effective methods moisturize the skin and rejuvenate. This mask is suitable for people with dry and combination skin.


  • butter -50 gr.;
  • castor oil - 40 ml;
  • Vaseline – 10 gr.

Preparation option:

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Heat Vaseline in a water bath.
  3. Mix all.
  4. Apply.
  5. After 40 minutes, wipe your face with a napkin.

Mask with Vaseline and honey

The product is effective against pimples, blackheads and other rashes on the skin of the face, which can be eliminated by regularly making masks based on it.


  • egg;
  • almond oil;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of Vaseline.

Preparation and use of a homemade mask:

  1. Separate the white from the yolk.
  2. Whisk the yolk.
  3. Add butter and honey.
  4. Melt Vaseline in a water bath and mix.
  5. Place the finished mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  6. Apply overnight.
  7. In the morning, wash off the product.

Mask with Vaseline and iodine

Thanks to such a mask, you can soften the skin, eliminate flaking and make freckles, fish and acne less noticeable.


  • iodine – 2 drops;
  • castor oil – 12 ml;
  • Vaseline – 7 gr.

Preparation and method of application:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply.
  3. After an hour, wipe with cotton wool.

Oil mask

This skin product only provides positive effect. Recommended for dry type.


  • olive oil;
  • Vaseline oil;

Recipe and use of an effective mask:

  1. Grate a few cloves of garlic on a fine grater.
  2. Mix with oil.
  3. Before applying the mask, wipe your face with Vaseline.
  4. Place a paper napkin on top.
  5. After 20 minutes, remove the mask from your face.
Video recipe for a scrub to moisturize lips at home

Vaseline contains solid, semi-solid and liquid high-molecular carbohydrates: solid paraffins, oil (perfume or medical), ceresin.

Release form

Ointment for external use. Available in cans made of polymer materials or aluminum tubes of 25, 30, 40 or 50 grams.

Externally, Vaseline is a cloudy mass that is translucent in a thin layer. The substance is neutral, tasteless and odorless. Its color may be white or yellowish. When melted, it forms a homogeneous, transparent, oil-like, odorless, fluorescent liquid substance.

pharmachologic effect

Dermatoprotective agent with a softening effect .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vaseline helps soften the epithelial layer and restore the protective hydrolipidic (acid) mantle of the skin, which is a mixture of sweat and sebum; prevents the loss of fluid from the upper layers of the skin, eliminates cracks and flaking of the skin.

When used as an external agent, it does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream and deep tissues.

Indications for use

Vaseline is used to soften the skin of the face and hands, including after exposure to unfavorable temperature factors.

Medical Vaseline is used to treat the skin before performing a number of procedures: cupping, enemas, application vent pipe. The product is suitable for softening excessively dry skin around natural openings.

The substance is often used as one of the components of other medicines, for example, salicylic petroleum jelly.

Salicylic ointment with Vaseline effectively disinfects damaged skin, accelerates wound healing and relieves inflammation. At low concentrations the drug has keratoplasty , and in high - keratolytic effect . It is used as a means of external therapy for various kinds skin diseases .

Indications for use, in particular, are (any degree), chronic eczema , . At allergic dermatitis the agent is diluted with the prescribed antibiotic ointments .

Cosmetic Vaseline is reliable protection for hand skin when working with solvents and caustic substances. The product is indispensable for softening rough and very dry skin of the hands and body, as well as for moisturizing chapped or sunburned skin.


Vaseline should not be used by persons with hypersensitivity to him.

The use of boric petroleum jelly is contraindicated in patients with existing functional renal failure , pregnant and lactating women, children infancy(up to 12 months), with hypersensitivity to the drug.

Salicylic acid preparations (including salicylic petroleum jelly) are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity. In pediatrics, they are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

Side effects

Vaseline is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes side effects. In isolated cases, development was noted allergic reactions (hypersensitivity reactions) and irritation appeared at the site of application of the ointment.

Salicylic ointment also, as a rule, does not cause unwanted reactions, but in high concentrations it can irritate the skin. In persons with individual intolerance, due to its use, it may develop allergic dermatitis .

Sometimes in patients to whom the product was applied to large areas skin(or used as a compress), a feeling of heat, difficulty breathing, and headache occurred.

An ointment containing salicylic acid present in large quantities, may cause skin soreness. In this case, the medicine is removed and the irritated skin is treated zinc paste .

Instructions for use of Vaseline (Method and dosage)

Vaseline is an external remedy. A small amount of the product is applied to previously cleansed dry skin and lightly rubbed. The drug can also be used for applications.

Vaseline is not suitable for intimate use if partners use latex contraceptives.

Instructions for Salicylic Vaseline

Salicylic Vaseline should be applied to the affected area of ​​skin in a very thin layer. After treating the lesion with ointment, cover it with a sterile napkin and apply a pre-impregnated napkin on top. salicylic ointment sterile bandage.

Experts advise changing the bandage every 2-3 days. Treatment is continued until the purulent contents completely drain from the lesion. As a rule, the course lasts from 6 to 20 days.

At ichthyosis one percent salicylic petroleum jelly is used in combination with. It is recommended to rub the mixture into the skin after a hot bath.

Why is Boric Vaseline needed?

Boric petroleum jelly is used to treat lice. The product is applied for 20-30 minutes scalp scalp and then wash off with warm running water and shampoo or soap.

To remove dead insects, the hair should be combed with a fine-toothed comb.

The amount of treatment depends on the thickness, length and degree of infection of the hair. Typically, 10 to 25 grams of ointment is sufficient for one procedure.

Why is Vaseline used in cosmetology?

Everyone knows what Vaseline is. But not everyone knows that this remedy is wonderful. cosmetic product, allowing you to effectively and comprehensively care for your hair, nails and skin.

Vaseline is used to soften rough heels and accelerate the healing of cracks that have formed on them. To keep your feet soft and smooth, it is recommended to lubricate them with Vaseline every night before going to bed. For greater effectiveness, the legs are wrapped in cling film and warm socks are put on top.

For deep cracks, the legs should be steamed in a hot bath with a decoction of medicinal herbs or boric acid (the product is taken at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of water) and then apply a thick layer of Vaseline to the cracked heels, secure the patch on top and leave for 8 hours (it is best to do this before bed). The procedure is repeated every day until the cracks completely disappear.

Using Vaseline on eyelashes can make them thicker and longer. For achievement desired effect It is recommended to regularly lubricate them with a small amount of product (preferably at night).

The product provides excellent conditioning and hydration of dry and brittle eyelashes, and also helps strengthen them. However, it does not cause irritation and is considered safe for use on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Reviews from women who have used Vaseline for eyelashes indicate that the results are not long in coming - after just a couple of weeks the eyelashes become thicker, grow faster and fall out significantly less.

The use of cosmetic Vaseline for eyebrows allows you to give them a correct and stable shape. To do this, a drop of the product is carefully distributed over the hairs with a cosmetic brush, after which the eyebrow is carefully combed, giving it the desired shape.

Once the ointment dries, it will not only fix the hairs, but also give them shine.

In the same way, it can be used for hair: the ointment will not weigh it down, but will make it smoother and more manageable, and will also disguise split ends. The drug reduces the formation of dandruff and reduces the itching of the scalp caused by it.

For the face, Vaseline is used as a makeup remover. For makeup removal cotton pad soak in ointment and light movements, massage lines remove remnants of cosmetics. Vaseline gently and thoroughly removes even waterproof makeup.

In addition, the product perfectly protects the skin from exposure environment, which makes it indispensable in cold windy weather.

The ointment quickly heals chapped skin of chapped lips. In addition, you can use it to make an inexpensive and safe lip balm. To do this, melt in microwave oven a few pieces of chocolate and a small amount of Vaseline. After this, the liquid mass is thoroughly mixed and cooled until the solid consistency is completely stabilized.

Vaseline with sea salt, ground coffee or brown sugar makes a great body scrub.

At acne The use of the product allows you to eliminate scars that remain on the skin at the site of acne. To do this, the affected areas begin to be treated with ointment from the moment the scars appear, preventing them from becoming coarser.

The property of Vaseline to promote healing and restoration of the skin, as well as prevent the formation of rough crusts, makes it advisable to use it after plastic surgery and for the treatment of fresh tattoos.

Lubricating the cuticle with Vaseline allows you to thin skin around the nail plate is softer, and the fingers are more well-groomed. If you rub a small amount of ointment into your nails, they will become more shiny.

The drug has found use as a replacement for aftershave balm, massage product and base for self-tanning or bronzing cream (if you lubricate dry areas of the skin with Vaseline, the cream goes on more smoothly and as a result the tan turns out more beautiful).

Contrary to popular belief, the drug is used very little as intimate lubricant. The ointment destroys the structure of latex, which is why it is absolutely not suitable for people who use latex contraceptives for sex.

Why do you need Vaseline in everyday life?

The use of Vaseline allows you to restore the shine to dry bags and shoes and remove stains from cosmetics from clothes.

You can use the ointment to lubricate fishing rods, and if you apply a small amount of it to the neck of a bottle of nail polish, the cap with the brush will not dry to it.

Mothers use the product to lubricate their child's eyebrows when washing their hair. This simple method will allow you to create a kind of “visor” to protect your eyes from shampoo foam getting into them.


There is no information about cases of Vaseline overdose.


Being an indifferent substance, Vaseline does not interact with other drugs.

The drug is often used as an ointment base for the skin. Being a fat-like substance of mineral origin, Vaseline is characterized by high chemical resistance and does not change its properties even during long-term storage.

The product can be mixed with almost all active chemicals. It has good sliding properties and effectively protects painful areas of the skin from harmful liquids and gases, as well as from air access.

Since the ointment is not absorbed through the skin, the medicinal substances contained in it are also not absorbed into the skin or their effect is extremely insignificant.

Terms of sale

Over-the-counter product.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light and moisture, out of reach of children, at a temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

According to Wikipedia, Vaseline is a petroleum product that is a purified mixture of heavy carbohydrates and mineral oil with the general formula СnH2n+2.

The carbohydrate mixture consists primarily of branched and straight chains and may contain cyclic alkanes and aromatic molecules with paraffin side chains.

According to the European Pharmacopoeia 2005 and USP 28, the substance may contain a certain stabilizer (antioxidant, for example, butyl hydroxytoluene, alpha-tocopherol or butyl hydroxyanisole), which is noted in the product labeling.

What is Vaseline made from? The substance is obtained by steam or vacuum distillation of semi-liquid residues from oil refining. The resulting substance is purified by hydrogenation under high pressure or by treatment with sulfate acid after filtration through adsorbents.

Along with drugs produced by pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, technical Vaseline, which is obtained from the woodworking industry, also enters the market.

The substance is used to impregnate fabric and paper, protect metal from corrosion, and also in the production of plastic lubricants that are resistant to strong oxidizing agents.

Enthusiastic chemists use the substance to produce an explosive. To obtain the so-called “explosive” Vaseline, combine 2 parts of ointment with 1 part of gasoline. The mixture explodes under the influence of electric current.

Precautionary measures

Using salicylic or boric ointment It is necessary to avoid contact of the product with the mucous membrane of the eyes. If this does happen, the eyes should be wiped with gauze or a cotton swab and rinsed well with warm water.

Boric Vaseline should not be applied to areas affected by acute inflammatory process hairy areas of the body.


What can replace Vaseline? The following drugs have a similar effect to the drug: Apropol , Biobalm Mink , Dexeryl , Kalankhin , Tumanidze ointment , Methyluracil , Pyolysin , Propolis milk ,Reparef , plant raw materials from chamomile flowers, Lead water , ,Chloroform liniment , Uroderm .

During pregnancy

Contraindications to the use of the product by pregnant women or during breastfeeding No.


The composition of Vaseline is a mixture of solid and liquid carbohydrates. Vaseline is obtained by processing petroleum fractions with a low boiling point, and its invention dates back to the middle of the 19th century.

Vaseline melts at 60°C, dissolves in ether and chloroform, and mixes with all oils except castor. At the same time, it does not dissolve in either water or alcohol, so when applied to the skin it is difficult to wash off.

Natural Vaseline is made from naturally occurring paraffin resins. Artificial - from a mixture of ceresin and paraffin with the addition of purified vaseline or perfume oil and substances that increase viscosity. Artificial Vaseline has a cloudy yellowish or White color. Compared to it, the natural preparation is more viscous and transparent, and also has an antimicrobial effect.

Using Vaseline.

Types of Vaseline:

  • technical,
  • medical,
  • cosmetic.

Technical Vaseline undergoes the least cleaning. Its color can vary from yellow to dark brown. Unlike other varieties, technical Vaseline has the smell of kerosene. This kind of Vaseline is used in industry to protect metal parts from the destructive effects of moisture, to impregnate electrical insulators and to lubricate various contacts. Part technical Vaseline contains acids, so if it comes into contact with the skin, irritation may occur.

Medical Vaseline , like cosmetic ones, undergoes thorough cleaning and is white in color. In medicine, it is used mainly externally as an emollient and protective agent, and also as a basis for medicinal ointments. Vaseline helps protect the skin from burns when cupping. Before inserting an enema or gas tube, their hard tips are lubricated with Vaseline to protect the mucous membrane from injury. Applying a thin layer of Vaseline helps heal minor cracks in the skin and soften it after exposure to the sun, wind or frost.

Cosmetic Vaseline used in the production of many ointments and creams. IN pure form it is rarely used, since Vaseline can completely clog the pores of the skin and block the access of oxygen to it. However, Vaseline is great for softening the skin before a massage and for protecting the skin after peeling or dermabrasion. Vaseline retains the skin's moisture without allowing it to evaporate. This property has both positive and negative side. The protective Vaseline film helps the skin to rest and recover after cosmetic procedures. However, with skin problems, fluid retention negatively affects recovery processes.

Extremely in rare cases An allergic rash may occur at the site of Vaseline application. When applied to the skin, Vaseline is practically not absorbed into the blood, so it has no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

Many of us would like to have an inexpensive and effective remedy which can be used in self-care. We suggest learning the beneficial properties of Vaseline and how to use it not only in for cosmetic purposes. Read and adopt.

Proven methods!

Vaseline oil is a mixture of paraffin, microcrystalline wax and mineral oil. It prevents moisture from evaporating through the skin, clogging pores and preventing the skin from breathing, which prevents it from drying out.


Vaseline is an occlusive humectant. Occlusives form a sealant that locks water into the skin, thereby preventing dryness. Vaseline can relieve dryness by preventing further water loss from the skin, allowing the skin to repair itself from the inside out. Thanks to this property, Vaseline oil is used to eliminate dryness of the upper layers of the skin.


Healing cuts, abrasions and chapped lips

Vaseline oil was originally developed for use on cuts and scrapes on the skin. Thanks to the occlusive properties of Vaseline, it simply seals a minor wound on the skin, which prevents bacteria and various contaminants from entering there, allowing the body to easily restore damaged tissue.

When Vaseline is applied to chapped lips, it acts as a balm, soothing the surface and preventing moisture from evaporating.

Lubricate the thermometer

Vaseline oil is used as a lubricant. Experts recommend using Vaseline when measuring a child's temperature rectally. After cleaning the thermometer, coat the tip with Vaseline before inserting it into your baby's anus.

Vaseline oil for constipation

If you suffer from constipation, among other things natural remedies Vaseline can be used orally. The main advantage of Vaseline oil over others vegetable oils, is that it is absolutely not absorbed in the intestine, which makes it possible to effectively lubricate both the colon itself and its contents. Thus, it stimulates intestinal motility and facilitates the passage of feces.

Other uses of petroleum jelly

In addition to the above-mentioned uses of Vaseline, it can also be used as a treatment applied to pulse points on the neck and forearm to prolong the longevity of a perfume's scent. Also, Vaseline oil You can thicken split ends of your hair.

Vaseline is a universal product for all occasions

Today we will talk about ways to use Vaseline. It turns out that this is a fairly multifunctional product that is used not only for medical purposes. It can serve you in many situations. In addition to its wide functionality, Vaseline has another advantage: it is quite inexpensive. So, if you know how to use it at home, you can save a lot on something.

Vaseline instructions for use

And there are many ways to use Vaseline. Today we will talk about the main ones. Remember, maybe you will take something into your arsenal.

For good health

Vaseline is great for softening your skin if you have rough skin. Such skin often occurs on the elbows, palms, feet or knees. Simply rub Vaseline into these areas overnight. This way you can significantly soften the skin and even whiten it. Vaseline can also be used as shaving gel.

Vaseline is also great for lips if they are chapped. It can also be used to lubricate hands, rubbed areas on the skin, as well as healing calluses and even burns.

Vaseline is usually used to massage scars that can remain on the skin from pimples, stretch marks after pregnancy, as well as post-operative scars. In all these cases, Vaseline makes the tissue more elastic and, in addition, it significantly helps the skin seals to dissolve. Vaseline can easily replace massage oil for you.

For beauty

To make your eyelashes and eyebrows look dark and at the same time shiny, you can apply a little Vaseline to them. This can be done with a mascara brush. With Vaseline, you can smooth out those hairs that stick out from your curls and spoil the whole picture.

You can soak a sponge in Vaseline, and with it you can remove any makeup from your face, even if it is quite persistent.

Do you want the perfume (or rather the smell from it) to last longer? Then before you apply perfume to your neck, lubricate it with a little Vaseline. The smell will last much longer.

From small sea ​​salt You can also use Vaseline to make a body scrub.

Vaseline should also be used to lubricate those areas of the skin that are rougher than others. This must be done before applying the product. fake tan, then the tan itself will lie much more evenly.

If you are going to dye your hair, as well as eyebrows or eyelashes, and at the same time you will be doing this with fairly persistent dyes, then it is better to first rub Vaseline into the skin around you before starting this procedure. This can also be done when applying nail polish. Vaseline will protect your skin if you accidentally smear paint or varnish. With Vaseline, it will be quite easy to wipe off paint from these places on the skin.

When caring for animals

Vaseline will be useful not only for “our loved ones,” but it can also help animals.

When you come back for a walk with your dog, wash its paws and coat the pads on its paws with Vaseline. This way they will remain soft and will not crack.

It can be very difficult to untangle mats in cats or other animals. If your animal also has long hair, and at the same time it has formed tangles, then it is better to first anoint this ball of hair with Vaseline, and then you can comb it.

Cow owners also use Vaseline. After milking they rub it into the udder. This way, the skin on the udder remains elastic, and the cow’s teats will not have cracks or any abrasions.

Gears or Vaseline as a lubricant

To protect any metal part from rust during storage, you can anoint it with the same Vaseline. It can also be used to anoint garden tools made of metal and other metal tools and spare parts. A thick layer of Vaseline will protect the metal during long-term storage.

If you have difficulty closing the zipper on your clothes or bag, then Vaseline will also help. Doors squeak or parts in children's toys are a little slow, again use Vaseline lubricant to solve all these problems.

Sometimes the batteries are household appliances Sometimes they do not work stably, that is, intermittently, or do not work at all. This is often caused by rusty terminals, that is, battery holders. The terminals will need to be cleaned of rust with fine sandpaper, and then also coated with Vaseline so that they do not rust in the future.


Many people make pumpkin crafts for Halloween. Some people just like to carve various objects from zucchini, melon or watermelon. Such things can decorate anyone well. festive table. So here it is. To prevent the cuts on these vegetables from darkening and becoming chapped in the future, you just need to lubricate them with Vaseline.

Do you want your child’s hands to remain clean when sculpting with plasticine or clay? Then just before sculpting, he will anoint his palms with Vaseline.

Any plaster cast can be taken out of the mold much easier if this same mold is first coated with Vaseline.

I like photographing various objects, Vaseline will help again. Just lubricate the objects you photograph with it (stones, jewelry, fruits) and this will make them shine quite attractively. They will be provided with gloss! True, you won’t be able to eat fruit anymore.

What else is Vaseline used for?

If you apply Vaseline with a cotton sponge to Leather Products(these are shoes, gloves, bags and other things), then they will become soft again and, in addition, they will shine again.

Just rub a little Vaseline into a lipstick or mascara stain on your clothes. Then it will be much easier to remove this stain by regular washing. warm water. And not with powder, but with laundry soap.

To prevent the nail polish cap from sticking to the bottle after its next use, simply lubricate the threads inside the cap with Vaseline. Or you can anoint the threaded neck itself directly on the bottle.

Droplets of paraffin that flow from the candle will not stain your candlestick if you lubricate it with Vaseline.

When you put on the earrings, lightly coat your earlobes and earring arms with Vaseline. This way they will slip into the hole much easier.

A tight ring will also help remove the Vaseline. An alternative way here is to simply soap your hands.

When will you wash your hair completely? to a small child, then apply Vaseline to the skin above the eyebrows. The protective strip that Vaseline forms will prevent foam from soap or shampoo from flowing directly into the eyes, that is, the eyes will not sting and the child will be calm.

What else do you need to know about Vaseline?

First of all, it can be different. It can be natural, that is, made from artificial resins, and in addition it can be artificial, that is, made from oil.

In addition, Vaseline is also divided into cosmetic (aka medical) and technical. Cosmetic has a high degree of purification. But, if you lubricate some parts, you can get by with the technical one. In any case, you should only use Vaseline that is suitable for this particular situation.

But in this video story they will tell you a lot of interesting things about the use of Vaseline. Let's see.
11 unusual ways to use Vaseline around the house.

1. Removal in oska with subs in echniko in . Long red s V The candlelit dinner last night was wonderful, but then you discovered wax leaking in the candlesticks. Next time, coat the inside of the candlesticks with Vaseline before inserting the candles, their remains can be easily removed.

2. Removal chewing gum With wooden surfaces. You found chewing gum stuck under dining table or to the head of the child's bed. Dont be upset. Apply a little Vaseline to the nasty lumps and rub until the gum begins to disintegrate, then brush it off.

3. Easy connection of vacuum cleaner parts. It's good that your vacuum cleaner has so many attachments and accessories. But when they are tightly connected to each other and you have to forcefully separate them, it is annoying. Apply a little Vaseline to the edges of the pipes and the parts of the vacuum cleaner will connect and separate easily.

4. Gloss on patent leather shoes. You have great couple patent leather shoes and an amazing handbag to go with them. Polish them with Vaseline and they will retain their shine longer.

5. Appearance leather jacket. You don't have to have a branded moisturizer for your favorite leather jacket. Vaseline does the job just as well. Rub it into the skin, remove the excess, and you can put on the updated item.

6. To prevent the bottle cap from sticking. You find it difficult to open a bottle of glue or a bottle of nail polish. Apply Vaseline around the edge of the bottle. Another time the lid will not dry out.

7. Protect door handles when painting. You have started the renovation. But will you really have to bother with unscrewing all the metal parts, including door handles so as not to stain them when painting? If you cover them with Vaseline, the paint won't stick. When you're done, simply wipe off the Vaseline and any paint that may have fallen on it.

8. Protection of chrome-plated items put away for storage. Take your time putting away children's bicycles for the winter or folding them stroller until the time you have another child. First, lubricate the chrome parts with Vaseline. When the time comes to use these things, there will be no rust on them. This method is also suitable for storing various mechanisms in the garage.

9. Lubricating doors and window frames. Are medicine cabinet doors creaking annoying? What about the window that you struggle to open to ventilate your home? Take a small paint brush and apply petroleum jelly into the sash groove and on the tracks. home first aid kit. Now open the doors easily and silently.

10. From creaking door hinges. A squeaky door, especially when you're trying not to make any noise, is incredibly annoying. Lubricate the door hinge rods with Vaseline. Their creaking will no longer offend your hearing.

11. Removing traces of water on wood. After a recent party, there were a lot of water marks left on the wooden furniture. To remove them, apply Vaseline and leave overnight. In the morning, wipe off the Vaseline along with the white circles.