How to white weld jeans. How to lighten jeans at home using simple products

To mom

Denim clothing always remains in trend. Every year the design of the models, color, and decor changes, but it never goes out of fashion.

A variety of models allows you to choose a thing of the desired design that will emphasize your figure and complement the created image. However, fashion changes rapidly, and it’s a pity to part with your favorite clothes. Original methods will help you lighten jeans and change their design to white.

Preparatory stage

Before the process, you need to think about what desired result you want - just change the shade of the item or create an unusual abstract drawing. At home, the following substances will help restore attractiveness and originality with the help of digestion and clarification:

  • bleach is the most effective method;
  • baking soda – effective for jeans made of thin fabric;
  • hydrogen peroxide - used to lighten denim in light shades;
  • lemon juice – suitable for creating exclusive designs.

The choice depends on the desired result: lighten the item a little or bleach it completely. It is also affected by the quality of the material and its density. Bleach destroys fabric, especially from prolonged contact with it, so if the jeans are thin, then to change the color you need to choose a less aggressive substance.


Chlorine bleaches are best suited for this purpose. Products based on active oxygen are not able to radically change the color of the fabric.

White is suitable as a bleach. It has a strong whitening effect and is applied only to items made of thick denim, as it can simply dissolve thin ones.

  1. With this method, the thing will cook. Therefore, to start the process, you need to take a metal bucket or pan half filled with water, pour in one glass of white, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula, stick (large ladle, spoon) and put on medium heat. It is better to work in thick rubber gloves.
  2. After this, place the prepared jeans in boiling water. They must be dry and clean. For streaks to appear, they must be twisted, tied or intertwined. For this you will need laces and clothespins. It is better to take white laces so that they do not fade on the item when boiled. With the help of these devices, jeans are twisted and tied. To obtain vertical streaks, the pants should be folded lengthwise and secured; for horizontal streaks, crosswise. For the star effect, make clips with wooden clothespins.
  3. To prevent the jeans from floating, you can press them down on top with some kind of weight (lid or ladle).
  4. After just 10 minutes, the denim will noticeably turn pale. If this is not the result you want, boil the jeans for another 10-20 minutes. If the brightening effect is not noticeable, increase the concentration of bleach. But keep in mind that bleach has a corrosive effect on fabric.
  5. Once the desired result is achieved, remove the dyed item into the wash basin and remove all laces and clips. Rinse the jeans well under running cold water and leave to dry. The achieved effect will be clearly visible on a completely dried item.

To achieve exclusivity, you may want to make only one leg lighter or create “splashes” on the fabric. To lighten a jacket, jeans or shirt, you first need to think about their modified design: where to just lighten, and where you can do it with patterns, where to achieve a whiter color, and where to just change the shade a little.

Using soda

If you want to bleach clothes made from thin jeans, then it is better not to use aggressive bleach - whiteness, but to use soda.

Soda has a slight bleaching effect, but it can be adjusted by the number of times you wash it.

  1. You will need bleaching powder for hand washing, baking soda, gloves, and a large basin.
  2. To lighten a denim item, mix baking soda and powder in a 1:2 ratio in a measuring cup. Pour half the solution into a bowl of warm water and soak the jeans in it for 30 minutes.
  3. The next step is hand washing. Wash the jeans, adding the second half of the solution. Rinse, dry and evaluate the result.

Don’t expect a big effect right away; moreover, it will depend on the intensity of the fabric being bleached. But the good thing about this method is that it allows you to adjust the tone of the lightening, achieve the desired shade and make the bleaching uniform throughout the fabric.

Hydrogen peroxide as a denim brightener

Two to three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are poured into the washing machine tank along with washing powder for automatic washing. The number of tablespoons of peroxide depends on the desired lightening result.

Peroxide will also help whiten jeans from yellowing that appears over time.

Bleach – lemon juice

You can try to bleach a denim item, for example, pants or a jacket, with a natural bleach - lemon juice or acid.

  1. Prepare a solution at the rate that for 1 liter of water there is 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  2. Soak the item in the prepared solution for about 1 hour. If the effect is not achieved, you can increase the soaking time. Then rinse and dry the jeans.

Please note that there is a chance that the tone will look slightly darker on wet trousers, and after drying the jeans the final result may be slightly different.


If you want to partially lighten your jeans, then soak a sponge in bleach and rub it over the areas you want to make lighter than the base color. To create splashes, use a spray bottle. After which the jeans are left to sit for 5 minutes (no more) to achieve the lightening effect. When the fabric has become discolored, the jeans must be rinsed well under running water, washed and dried.

For an unusual and interesting design at home, jeans can be painted. You can draw the pattern with a regular paint brush dipped in water with the addition of citric acid.

Thus, to lighten a thing, it is not always necessary to boil it; in some cases, it is enough to simply apply the necessary substance.

With any lightening method, you must remember that the more often the fabric is exposed to bleach, the faster it will wear out, so you should not resort to chemicals unless necessary.

Lightening jeans at home is a creative process that requires imagination, imagination and a simple desire for change. The resulting items can become the highlight of the image, attracting attention with their stylishness and exclusivity.

Such a variety of denim clothing has literally fallen onto the heads of buyers from virtual shop windows and real store shelves that at least a couple of similar items are forced to be purchased. At first glance, there are an insane number of modifications, models and color options. But, alas, upon closer examination they all turn out to be trivial. I really want to have a unique pair of jeans! For this there is a proven “grandmother’s” method - change the standard color to your own exclusive design solution. How to whiten jeans at home? – there are half a dozen tips for this case.

“Good old” methods known to everyone

All these funds do not require large financial outlays and are available to every buyer:

Boiling water

Soviet fashionistas also practiced this method of lightening deep blue denim color by boiling it in boiling water. The result was the so-called "varenki" Jeans were placed in a large pan of boiling water, and, preventing them from floating with a wooden stick, they were kept there for about half an hour. The result will be only a tone or two lighter than the original;


In a similar way, it is possible to bleach jeans at home by pouring a glass and a half of “Whiteness” or a similar chlorine-containing bleach into boiling water. Cooking time is reduced to 5-20 minutes depending on the desired final color.

Check the label before using. If your jeans are not 100% cotton, they may turn yellow after bleaching with chlorine.


Cheap baking soda has magical whitening and brightening properties. It is enough to soak a denim item in a basin with powder and add a glass of soda, and you will end up with a magical effect - even for 4-5 tones.

You shouldn’t experiment like this in an automatic washing machine, because... it may fail due to the aggressive properties of soda.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice (concentrate or natural) or citric acid are perfect for lightening jeans a couple of tones. Moreover, it is these substances that are most often used for bleaching not the entire thing, but for applying beautiful ornaments with a sponge or brush.

The duration of bleaching depends on the quality of the denim and its color. The darker the jeans, the longer it will take to achieve the desired result. Sometimes the process can take several days.

New “miracle remedies” for how to whiten jeans at home

Will cost a little more:

  • Bleach pen, sold in household supplies. It is perfect for applying stripes, patterns, and a worn effect on denim without leaving splashes or streaks;
  • A hair oxidant sold in hairdressing stores. It is better to take 9 or 12% so that the effect is lighter. It is he who helps to become blondes, and jeans acquire light shades. Hydrogen peroxide can be used similarly, because it is a component of the oxidizing agent. But it is the hair product that is gentler on the fabric.

To create stripes, stars, patterns and scuffs, you can gently rub sandpaper or a pumice stone on the outside of your jeans. Or, during cooking or washing, twist them, tighten them with rubber bands or clamps. Then the thing will become truly designer.

Denim clothing always remains in trend. Every year the design of the models, color, and decor changes, but it never goes out of fashion.

A variety of models allows you to choose a thing of the desired design that will emphasize your figure and complement the created image. However, fashion changes rapidly, and it’s a pity to part with your favorite clothes. Original methods will help you lighten jeans and change their design to white.

Preparatory stage

Before the process, you need to think about what desired result you want - just change the shade of the item or create an unusual abstract drawing. At home, the following substances will help restore attractiveness and originality with the help of digestion and clarification:

  • bleach is the most effective method;
  • baking soda – effective for jeans made of thin fabric;
  • hydrogen peroxide - used to lighten denim in light shades;
  • lemon juice – suitable for creating exclusive designs.

The choice depends on the desired result: lighten the item a little or bleach it completely. It is also affected by the quality of the material and its density. Bleach destroys fabric, especially from prolonged contact with it, so if the jeans are thin, then to change the color you need to choose a less aggressive substance.


Chlorine bleaches are best suited for this purpose. Products based on active oxygen are not able to radically change the color of the fabric.

White is suitable as a bleach. It has a strong whitening effect and is applied only to items made of thick denim, as it can simply dissolve thin ones.

  1. With this method, the thing will cook. Therefore, to start the process, you need to take a metal bucket or pan half filled with water, pour in one glass of white, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula, stick (large ladle, spoon) and put on medium heat. It is better to work in thick rubber gloves.
  2. After this, place the prepared jeans in boiling water. They must be dry and clean. For streaks to appear, they must be twisted, tied or intertwined. For this you will need laces and clothespins. It is better to take white laces so that they do not fade on the item when boiled. With the help of these devices, jeans are twisted and tied. To obtain vertical streaks, the pants should be folded lengthwise and secured; for horizontal streaks, crosswise. For the star effect, make clips with wooden clothespins.
  3. To prevent the jeans from floating, you can press them down on top with some kind of weight (lid or ladle).
  4. After just 10 minutes, the denim will noticeably turn pale. If this is not the result you want, boil the jeans for another 10-20 minutes. If the brightening effect is not noticeable, increase the concentration of bleach. But keep in mind that bleach has a corrosive effect on fabric.
  5. Once the desired result is achieved, remove the dyed item into the wash basin and remove all laces and clips. Rinse the jeans well under running cold water and leave to dry. The achieved effect will be clearly visible on a completely dried item.

To achieve exclusivity, you may want to make only one leg lighter or create “splashes” on the fabric. To lighten a jacket, jeans or shirt, you first need to think about their modified design: where to just lighten, and where you can do it with patterns, where to achieve a whiter color, and where to just change the shade a little.

Using soda

If you want to bleach clothes made from thin jeans, then it is better not to use aggressive bleach - whiteness, but to use soda.

Soda has a slight bleaching effect, but it can be adjusted by the number of times you wash it.

  1. You will need bleaching powder for hand washing, baking soda, gloves, and a large basin.
  2. To lighten a denim item, mix baking soda and powder in a 1:2 ratio in a measuring cup. Pour half the solution into a bowl of warm water and soak the jeans in it for 30 minutes.
  3. The next step is hand washing. Wash the jeans, adding the second half of the solution. Rinse, dry and evaluate the result.

Don’t expect a big effect right away; moreover, it will depend on the intensity of the fabric being bleached. But the good thing about this method is that it allows you to adjust the tone of the lightening, achieve the desired shade and make the bleaching uniform throughout the fabric.

Hydrogen peroxide as a denim brightener

Two to three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are poured into the washing machine tank along with washing powder for automatic washing. The number of tablespoons of peroxide depends on the desired lightening result.

Peroxide will also help whiten jeans from yellowing that appears over time.

Bleach – lemon juice

You can try to bleach a denim item, for example, pants or a jacket, with a natural bleach - lemon juice or acid.

  1. Prepare a solution at the rate that for 1 liter of water there is 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  2. Soak the item in the prepared solution for about 1 hour. If the effect is not achieved, you can increase the soaking time. Then rinse and dry the jeans.

Please note that there is a chance that the tone will look slightly darker on wet trousers, and after drying the jeans the final result may be slightly different.


If you want to partially lighten your jeans, then soak a sponge in bleach and rub it over the areas you want to make lighter than the base color. To create splashes, use a spray bottle. After which the jeans are left to sit for 5 minutes (no more) to achieve the lightening effect. When the fabric has become discolored, the jeans must be rinsed well under running water, washed and dried.

For an unusual and interesting design at home, jeans can be painted. You can draw the pattern with a regular paint brush dipped in water with the addition of citric acid.

Thus, to lighten a thing, it is not always necessary to boil it; in some cases, it is enough to simply apply the necessary substance.

With any lightening method, you must remember that the more often the fabric is exposed to bleach, the faster it will wear out, so you should not resort to chemicals unless necessary.

Lightening jeans at home is a creative process that requires imagination, imagination and a simple desire for change. The resulting items can become the highlight of the image, attracting attention with their stylishness and exclusivity.

Jeans are a practical type of clothing that is always relevant. The variety of styles and branded models in various colors amazes with its spectacular appearance. Products in light colors never go out of fashion; they can be bought in any store. And knowing how to whiten jeans at home, you can transform old dark-colored models into fashionable exclusive items, as well as hide stains in prominent places. Strict adherence to the rules, as well as knowledge of safety precautions, will help you bleach your jeans efficiently without harming the material.

Light colors are becoming more and more popular. In order not to spend money on new jeans, you can easily lighten your old ones. Whitening jeans does not take much time and does not require financial costs. The main thing is to choose the right material and means for lightening. There are many ways to help achieve the desired result.


To get the maximum effect when bleaching jeans, you can use bleach, a strong chlorine-based bleach that is recommended only for thick fabrics.

To lighten, you need to perform the following algorithm:

  • Dilute a glass of white in a bucket of water, bring the solution to a boil;
  • lower the jeans so that they are completely immersed in the composition, leave for 10-20 minutes, controlling the degree of bleaching of the fabric. In this case, the products must be constantly turned over;
  • then take it out, rinse under cool water, rinse;
  • Wash the jeans thoroughly in the washing machine using powder and dry them.

To avoid harm to health when bleaching jeans with white, you need to wear rubber gloves. You should also use a mask to avoid chemical burns and allergic reactions.

After this procedure, you get uniformly lightened jeans. But if you want to get streaks on your products, you can use clothespins and clamps. To do this, before bleaching, you should twist the jeans and secure them. The shape of the streaks will depend on the twisting method. For example, if you compress jeans using clothespins, you get a star-shaped pattern.

Hydrogen peroxide

If you compare hydrogen peroxide with whiteness, the result will not be so remarkable, and the chances of ruining your jeans are reduced to zero. For the most gentle method of whitening, it is necessary to carry out the following procedure:

  • Fill a bucket with 10 liters of water, add 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
  • place jeans in liquid;
  • for uniform lightening, stir the item, squeezing, every 5 minutes;
  • take out after 30 minutes, you can choose the duration of the process yourself depending on the desired shade;
  • Afterwards, rinse the jeans with cold water and wait until completely dry.

Using a washing machine is considered an easier way to whiten jeans. When washing the product, you need to add about three Hydroperite tablets or three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the powder reservoir. This product is considered safer for the washing machine than soda.


Using regular baking soda may result in a slight lightening effect. It is recommended to wash only by hand, as it has a negative effect on the drum, as well as other internal parts of the washing machine. To whiten jeans with soda you need:

  • combine 100 g of baking soda with 80 g of washing powder, add water at a temperature of 70 degrees;
  • after dissolving the powder and cooling the water to 40 degrees, place jeans turned inside out into the solution;
  • remove after an hour, rinse thoroughly under warm water;
  • Dry in fresh air if possible.

You should work with rubber gloves, especially if there are cuts or scratches on your hands.

Making a soda bleach solution is a cheap and safe method that works well for jeans made from thin material. It is much easier to carry by fibers compared to white. If you use baking soda every time you wash, the result will be completely white jeans.


A good helper not only in everyday life, but also for creating new stylish things is the universal cleaning product Domestos. The active substances contained in it can give jeans a lighter shade. To do this you should:

  • mix half a glass of concentrated product and 3 liters of cold water;
  • place the jeans in the resulting solution;
  • when the jeans lighten to the desired color, take them out and rinse well in clean water;
  • wash and dry the product in the fresh air to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

The method is fast and effective, but has a drawback. Even after washing, the unpleasant smell of the cleaning product will remain. After the third or fourth wash, the jeans will smell nicer. Also, in addition to Domestos, you can use other cleaning products designed for cleaning the bathroom and toilet.

Natural acids, unlike synthesized ones, do not harm textile fibers and do not destroy them. It is for this reason that lemon is considered the most harmless means for whitening denim. To carry out the whitening procedure at home you will need:

  • 10 tbsp. l. add lemon juice to a ten-liter bucket of warm water;
  • stir until the mixture is completely dissolved and immerse the denim item so that it is completely saturated with the solution;
  • keep for 4-5 hours, periodically moving the jeans in water for better results;
  • rinse thoroughly and dry.

Wet jeans will be approximately a shade darker than dry ones. Therefore, the final result may vary.

Lemon juice is a natural bleach that is perfect for delicate items that are not suitable for contact with aggressive bleaches. The method using citric acid is much more economical. When making a solution, you need to follow the proportions: for 10 liters of water, 10 tsp of powder, and then the action plan is no different from the method with lemon juice.

How to brew properly

Washing jeans became popular in the second half of the eighties. Home-made jeans have become a cheap version of the expensive foreign original.

  • Nowadays such a thing is also in great demand, and it is not difficult to make. To boil jeans at home without much effort, you need to follow this procedure:
  • Fill a large iron container three-quarters full with water;
  • heat the water to a temperature of 80 degrees until steam begins to form and add a glass of bleach;
  • wait 15 minutes, stirring gently. Prolonged exposure of the product to chlorinated water can damage the fabric, so it is not recommended to boil the product for more than 20 minutes;
  • Place the jeans in a pre-prepared bowl of cold water and rinse well;
  • hang to dry in the fresh air.

At the end of the procedure, an unpleasant odor will be felt in the room for about a day, so constant ventilation is recommended.

The result after boiling will directly depend on the quality of the jeans fabric and the bleaching agent used. The advantage of this method is the ability to independently choose the degree of lightening of the product. If you don’t like the result the first time, you can try bleaching a second time for a lighter color. The process is quite complex, so before you start bleaching jeans, you should experiment on another product so as not to spoil an expensive item.

Everyone wants to look stylish and extraordinary without spending money on every fashion item. Old, boring jeans can be transformed with your own hands at home and the result will be the squeak of fashion.


Even the most comfortable and favorite jeans can lose their appeal over time. It’s a shame to throw it away, and I don’t want to wear it anymore. What to do? There is an exit. Any denim clothes can be turned into a fashionable new thing, since you can even whiten jeans with home remedies. There are several ways to do this.

Lightening with citric acid

Aromatic lemon juice is a natural bleach given by nature. Masks, face creams, and nail lightening agents are prepared on its basis. The same property is also used to change the color of denim. To whiten, mix the juice of one lemon with a liter of water. You need to soak your clothes in this solution. If there are no fresh citrus fruits in the refrigerator, you can replace them with citric acid. The mixture is prepared from 1 teaspoon of powder and 1 liter of water.

Leave for at least 1 hour depending on the desired result. To obtain a light effect, citric acid is poured into the washing machine compartment along with the powder. Don't be afraid of damage! On the contrary, the acid will clean the internal parts of the machine from plaque.

Whitening with soda

Lightening with baking soda powder is the simplest whitening method. This method is also well suited for processing clothes made of thin or stretch fabric. Soda is mixed with powder or other detergent. The resulting mixture is foamed in warm water. Immerse the jeans in the soapy solution and leave for approximately 3 hours.

The items are then washed by hand. It is not recommended to use a washing machine, as baking soda damages the surface of the drum. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a significant result after one procedure. Because whitening jeans by several shades is achieved only by repeated soaking. This method is quite labor-intensive, but it is absolutely safe for human health.

Domestos - improper use

Chemical toilet cleaners contain active substances that can also make jeans much lighter. Half a glass of concentrated liquid is diluted in 3 liters of water. The resulting solution is used to moisten the trousers and leave them to bleach. When the fabric becomes lighter, the items must be rinsed thoroughly. But this method also has a drawback. Jeans after bleaching smell unpleasantly like disinfectant. The scent disappears only after a few washes.

Gentle whitening with hydrogen peroxide

For some types of denim, the use of aggressive bleaches is not recommended. In this case, hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. This method will not lighten dark things, but will allow you to quickly get rid of yellow spots without damaging the structure of the fabric.

To whiten jeans, you need to prepare a liquid mixture of 6 liters of water and 6 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Wet clothes. After a few hours, wash with soap or powder.

Whiteness: aggressive, but effective!

The most popular and accessible method is to lighten things with chlorine bleaches. To do this, pour water into a bowl and add the required amount of product to it. The proportions are usually indicated on the packaging, so you must carefully read the instructions before the procedure. Having lowered the trousers into the liquid, it is advisable to periodically stir them with a plastic stick. If after half an hour the fabric has not begun to lighten, then you can add a little more bleach, first diluting it in water. When the clothes acquire the desired shade, they should be rinsed in cool water and then washed.

To create trendy stains on jeans, they are twisted and then dipped in a weak whitening solution. The more the fabric is twisted, the finer the blur will be. To obtain maximum effect, the places of twists are fixed with clothespins or thick elastic bands.

Bleach is quite aggressive on fabric because it contains chlorine. It can bleach clothes very badly. However, you should be careful and careful when using white. Too much exposure destroys the fibers of the material, the fabric becomes thinner, and holes form.

Despite the fact that this method gives quick and noticeable results, it is important to adhere to safety rules. Bleaching must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. It is forbidden to mix whiteness with other chemicals (ammonia, vinegar). Lightening should be done with special rubber gloves.

How to “boil” denim?

In the past, “varenki” were so popular that folk craftsmen learned to create similar trousers at home. For whitening you will need the following components:

  • Whiteness – 250 ml;
  • Water – 7 l;
  • Large bucket;
  • Plastic or wooden stick;
  • Protective gloves.

Pour white into a bucket of water and place on the stove. When the liquid boils, slowly lower the jeans into it. To prevent clothes from rising to the surface, they must be held with a previously prepared stick. If after 10 minutes the fabric does not begin to change its color, then you should add a little more white.

Cook for at least ten minutes. It is necessary to constantly stir the clothes to avoid streaks. As soon as the jeans have lightened, they are removed from the container and rinsed thoroughly. It is better to dry them in the fresh air to completely get rid of the pungent smell of bleach.

When bleaching, you need to take into account the color of the threads on the seams. They are not always lightened along with the fabric and, after processing, can contrast with the overall shade of the jeans.

If your jeans fade a lot, it will be even easier to get rid of the dye. You just need to spin them in the washing machine a few times. The water temperature must be at least 60°C. As a result, things will not only stop shedding, but will also become noticeably lighter.

It is important to remember that after bleaching, jeans become softer and thinner. In this regard, it is not recommended to lighten trousers made of thin and delicate denim.

Dark blue jeans bleach perfectly, gradually losing pigment. But when lightening black things, you need to be extremely careful. Sometimes the result does not meet expectations at all. Pants may bleach unevenly and develop unsightly pink, red or orange stains.

Old jeans in a new way

It is not necessary to completely lighten your clothes. Interesting colors can be done in a variety of ways:

  • Apply bleach with a sponge or brush.
  • Create a fine splash effect using a brush or spray bottle.
  • Make white spots with an old pipette.
  • To get the “spilled” effect, you just need to pour the solution onto your clothes.
  • Draw stars, stripes, designs using a special bleach pen. It is sold in hardware stores.
  • Create stylish scuff marks. To do this, select areas are easily rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper or pumice.
  • Perform a smooth color transition or change the shade of only the lower part. The essence of this process is to gradually remove items from the bleach solution.

If possible, it is advisable to try each product on old jeans. You can also buy a pair of cheap pants just to experiment.