Artificial tan at home. How to make a tan at home

Other celebrations

Well, spring has pleased us with its arrival. And although there is still snow here and there, and the frosts recede very slowly, nevertheless, the spring awakening is felt in everything: in nature, in moods.

Before we know it, summer will come after spring. I would like to meet him fully armed: a toned figure and a beautiful tan.

And although so much has already been said about the dangers of ultraviolet rays, a tanned body continues to be considered the standard of beauty and grooming.

What if, like me, a solarium, sunbathing and purchased cosmetics for self-tanning are not suitable for you, for one reason or another? It turns out there is a great alternative.

This article is about how to get a beautiful, even and safe “tan” without the sun using folk remedies: using cosmetic procedures and using natural products.

About the dangers of regular tanning

The ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight triggers the production of melanin pigment in the body, which allows you to acquire a natural tan.

The sun is very useful, but scientists are more and more loudly declaring its harmful effects: free radicals are formed, DNA structure is damaged, the stratum corneum thickens, and it ages prematurely. In addition, for medical reasons, the open sun and solarium are contraindicated:

  • people in whose families there were cases of oncological diseases;
  • persons with light skin that burns easily and is prone to pigmentation;
  • those who have many moles on their bodies;
  • you should not abuse sunbathing if you are prone to varicose veins.

Synthetic dyes for leather

The cosmetic market offers a huge variety of tanning products that allow you to do without the sun, but have their drawbacks, and many are dangerous to health.

Quite a bit of history:

The first self-tanning cream was invented in the last century by Benjamin Green, a simple American pharmacist. And it happened quite by accident.

While working on a cure for diabetes, Benjamin spilled a substance containing a sugar molecule on his hand, in this place the skin color changed. Many modern self-tanning products are still based on this property of the sugar molecule to give the skin a tanned appearance.

Types of artificial skin tanning products: accelerators, pills and injections, bronzates (bronzers), self-tanners.


- means that enhance the production of melanin. The amino acid tyrosine is the most famous accelerator, it is far from safe. Western European countries and the United States have banned the use of tyrosine.

Tanning tablets

contain the pigment canthaxanthin, which stains the epidermis when it enters the body. The intensity of shades depends on the dose: from light golden to dark bronze. Canthaxanthin has a side effect: it is deposited and accumulates in the retina of the eye, which can lead to serious vision problems. Canthaxanthin tablets are banned in many Western countries and in the US.

Melanotan injection

A procedure that is gaining popularity. Melanotan causes skin coloration without exposure to ultraviolet rays. "Sunburn" appears a week after the injection. Tan should be maintained by repeated injections of melanotan twice a week. This drug is distributed by online stores and fitness clubs. It should be noted that melanotan has not been fully studied.


Color the skin with dyes. You can choose the desired shade of tan: tropical, mountain, marine, etc. Cons: bronzers give a short-lived effect of tanned skin, it is difficult to evenly paint yourself on your own, clothes get dirty.


Contains dihydroxyacetone, a white powder obtained from sugar cane or beets. This explains the specific smell of self-tanning. Dihydroxyacetone stains the skin in a dark natural color without penetrating into it. Self-tanning marks on clothes, as a rule, do not leave. Disadvantage: Washes off quickly, requires constant reapplication.

Folk methods of tanning without the sun

They include simple and familiar beauty treatments using safe natural products and appropriate nutrition. They will not make you a chocolate, but they will get rid of pallor and give the skin a light and pleasant shade of tan.


Cocoa, coffee (ground) or strong black tea(1 teaspoon of tea leaves per 50 ml of boiling water, change the proportions in relation to your skin color) will give a beautiful golden tone to the skin, as well as refresh, tighten and tone it well. Use only natural products and good quality.

Chamomile and Chamomile provide a light shade of tan: 8 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of herbs pour one liter of boiling water, leave for two to three hours in heat, strain.

Onion peel is a well-known dye, our great-grandmothers also dyed eggs for Easter and tinted their hair with it. To prepare a natural self-tanner, simmer thoroughly washed onion husks over low heat. The proportions of husk and water are determined empirically.

Rhubarb root decoction: one table. pour a spoonful of dry root (crushed) with one glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Refrigerate, strain.

How to use: take a large cotton swab and rub (2 times a day) coffee, tea, cocoa, herbal infusion or onion peel decoction into the skin of the face and body.


Ice cubes (not possible with rosacea):

Freeze tea, cocoa, coffee, infusion of string and chamomile in ice molds and wipe the skin with ice. This procedure gives an excellent tonic, tightening and coloring result.

rhubarb root juice 2 times a day will give a beautiful shade to the body. Especially useful for oily skin, as it tightens pores and disinfects the skin. For dry skin with rhubarb, it is better to make masks (see below).

Black tea tonic. Used to wash off tanning masks to fix and enhance the effect. It is also useful for them to wipe their face during the day for refreshment and nutrition, because tea has valuable properties for the skin. Prepare a tonic: brew 3 teaspoons of tea with half a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.


Very effective in achieving a beautiful tanned skin color at home.

Mix coffee or cocoa with water to make a fairly thick mass. Apply for 10 minutes on the face, décolleté and, if desired, on the body. For dry skin type, use instead of water (olive, jojoba, cocoa and other base oils).

The value of a coffee / cocoa mask is that it will not only color well, but also gently cleanse the epidermis of dead cells. To get a more lasting result, make masks daily for a week.

From henna: mix red henna with warm boiled water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply to the skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

From rhubarb root juice(for dry skin):

Add juice to your cream (1:1). This mask can not be washed off by soaking the remnants with a napkin after 20 minutes.

mix with yolk or sour cream, apply for 20 minutes, apply for 20 minutes, rinse with tea tonic or water.

from carrots :

Carrots, grated on a fine grater, mix with vegetable oil (cream, sour cream), keep the mask for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with black tea tonic (see above) or water.

Carrots, grated on a fine grater, mix with glycerin (100g) or melted beeswax. Mix thoroughly, refrigerate (up to 30 days) and use as a 5-minute mask. Wash off with warm water (large amount).

Important! Carrot masks are not suitable for people with very fair skin, it can turn yellow.


Tea baths perfectly tone, nourish, rejuvenate and color the skin, improve blood circulation. Pour half a liter of boiling water 6 tablespoons of black tea, leave for 20 minutes, then pour into the bath.

During the bath, rub the tea on your face and neck. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes, it can be taken daily, after the bath, do not rinse the skin, but blot it with a towel.

Bath with string and chamomile also has a coloring effect, tones, nourishes, soothes.

walnut leaves: prepare a decoction (brew a glass of chopped fresh leaves with a liter of boiling water, leave to cool) and add it to the bath. To get a natural shade, you will need to take two or three baths lasting up to 30 minutes. The effect lasts for about a week.

Walnut leaf baths are useful for skin diseases, gout, rickets, and nervous tension. However, they also have contraindications: diseases of the intestines, pancreas, increased blood clotting, etc. Consult your doctor!

Cambrian blue clay(3 tablespoons), henna (1 tablespoon) and one teaspoon of cinnamon (make sure you are not allergic!) mix and dissolve in the bath. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

Important :

before taking a coloring bath, take a warm cleansing shower, treat the skin with a scrub. I recommend coffee, it nourishes the skin and reduces cellulite.

To get a beautiful golden “tan” with folk remedies, be patient, the first time you are unlikely to achieve the desired result. But your efforts will avoid exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation, which leads to pigmentation and early wrinkles.

This is especially true for those for whom traditional tanning is contraindicated. In addition, natural remedies will not only give a beautiful and even color to your skin, they will also not stain your clothes.

As you can see, using safe methods, you can give your skin a tanned and well-groomed look at home. You can “tan” much more effectively if you combine cosmetic procedures with nutrition: many plant products contain carotenoids - pigments that color the skin from the inside. Read about it.

Be beautiful and take care of yourself!

In the following publications:

  • (base and essential). Safe and helpful.
  • , compatibility and contraindications of essential oils (list of the most popular).
  • Getting ready for the beach season: in 2 weeks!
  • , beautiful and keep the tan for a long time.

Summer, sun, river or sea - who does not dream about it? Everyone is waiting for this magical time. It is during the holidays that we restore strength, rest not only with the body, but also with the soul. In this material, we invite you to talk about how quickly, beautifully, and most importantly, safely sunbathe in the sun.

It is worth saying that going to any reservoirs, the goal of many people is not only to swim in plenty, but also to get a tan. A tanned, chocolate body has become so fashionable that some people are even ready to give a lot of money in order to have a beautiful skin color in winter.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that you need to be able to sunbathe. Of course, for many, this may look ridiculous, because we are used to the fact that if we want to sunbathe, we just lie down under the rays of the sun and wait for the result we need. Be aware that this variant of tanning can not only fail to live up to your expectations, but also bring great harm to your health.

If you value your health and treat it with care, then the following tips just for you:

  • First, you must be aware that not everyone can sunbathe and it is highly undesirable to ignore these recommendations. People who have an increased sensitivity to the sun's rays should be very careful about spending time in the sun.
  • People who need to be careful also have fair skin. Moles, age spots are another cause for concern. In the presence of at least one of the above factors, the tanning process should be as gentle as possible, since people with such features are prone to sunburn.
  • As soon as you arrive at the sea or at the river, you should not immediately "throw into the pool with your head." To start, tan 10-15 minutes and preferably out of direct sunlight. Do not forget that the shoulders, chest, legs are the areas where the skin is most sensitive.
  • Use sunscreen. For some reason, many people think that it is enough to apply the cream just once per visit to the beach, but this is a huge mistake. Such products should be applied every hour and take into account the peculiarity of the skin.

IMPORTANT: If possible, avoid going to the beach at lunchtime. It is from 12 to 15 hours that the sun can harm your health. It is best to sunbathe before 12 and after 16 hours.

  • Many people believe that while in the water, the skin is protected from the action of ultraviolet rays. If you think the same, you are wrong. As practice shows in the water, the tan "sticks" even faster, which, in fact, is the danger.
  • While a person is in the water, this process is almost imperceptible, but as soon as you go out on land, a burning sensation immediately begins to be felt. In order to avoid such situations, do not forget to use a cream before bathing.

A tan will be much more beautiful if:

  1. The position of the body will change every 5-10 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to occasionally dip into the water.
  2. Special tools will be used. Various tanning creams will enhance the effect and give your skin a golden hue. Remember that such products should be selected individually, based on the type of your skin.
  3. After sunbathing, you will take a contrast shower and apply a nourishing lotion to dry skin.

Be very vigilant: sometimes, spending time on the beach, hours fly by unnoticed. It's no secret that during the process itself it is not always possible to feel how badly the skin is tanned. The most interesting thing begins later: the skin begins to turn red, blisters and burns appear. That is why we recommend doing everything consistently and not chasing the result at any cost.

How long can you sunbathe in the sun, and at what time?

Earlier we talked a little about these important issues, now let's look at them in more detail. Before hearing the answers to these questions, you must clearly understand one simple but very important thing: your health is much more important than even the most beautiful tan.

  • Of course, we all want to get a great result and spend a minimum of time. But remember, that doesn't happen. It is for this reason that before sunbathing, you need to learn the rules and recommendations with which it will be much easier to do this, and most importantly, safely.
  • Sunbathing is recommended gradually. As soon as you arrive at the sea or another body of water, you should start the process very carefully.
  • To begin with, sunbathe for half an hour, while changing the position of the body a maximum of every 10 minutes. Sunbathing is not under the open sun. A good option would be a place in the shade, as well as a beach umbrella.
  • With every next day, increase the time spent in the sun, do not forget to swim periodically, so the tan will take better.
  • As soon as the period of adaptation of your body to sunbathing passes, you can safely enjoy the process of "tanning".
  • Regarding the time at which it is better to sunbathe, it must be unequivocally said that it is either morning or evening.

  • The most dangerous sun is from 12 to 15 hours. This period of time is recommended to be spent in the room or at least away from open sunlight. At this time, the sun can bring you not only burns, but also sunstroke, and this, as you know, is insanely dangerous for health.
  • The most gentle sun is from 8 to 12 am. It is this time that is perfect for a uniform golden or chocolate tan.
  • From 15:00 to 18:00 the sun's rays are also very soft and are unlikely to bring you any problems.
  • It goes without saying that, even when sunbathing at 16 pm, you must follow the basic safety rules that we talked about earlier.

Sunburn at home: folk remedies

If you are not going to rest by the water, and you basically do not have free time for sunbathing, then the following tips are just for you. As a rule, all folk remedies come down to eating certain foods.

  • Such miraculous and unique substance as lycopene, contributes to the acquisition of the skin of a slightly golden hue. And what do you think, in which vegetable is this substance? It probably wouldn't even cross your mind... in a tomato. Therefore, for a beautiful golden tan, it is recommended to eat these delicious vegetables.

  • For an even tan, you should eat eggplant. These vegetables prevent skin aging, thereby ensuring its smoothness. Due to this particular property of the skin, the tan lies evenly.

  • A rich, bright tan can be obtained if you drink any daily citrus juices.
  • Dreaming of a beautiful bronze tan, then they will come to your aid nut oils. One has only to pay attention to the fact that after applying such oil to the skin, you can sunbathe for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Apricots, carrots and their juices can also contribute to a beautiful bronze tan. Before going to the beach or before sunbathing at home, you need to drink a glass of juice or eat a small amount of apricots and grated carrots.

What to put on to tan in the sun to a chocolate color?

Such questions bother vacationers quite often, but finding answers to such questions is a task that requires time and patience. Of course, there are a lot of tips regarding chocolate tanning, but whether they are effective, that is the question.

We have chosen only the most effective methods and now we will tell you about them. So, let's begin.

  • If you want to get an attractive chocolate tan, but your skin every now and then does not want to tan evenly and beautifully, use a special tanning cosmetics. Now these funds-activators are quite popular, it will not be difficult to find them. However, we advise you to buy this type of product only in specialized stores and pharmacies. At the same time, take into account the type of your skin and its features, because what suits someone may harm you.
  • Give preference natural activators, they are made on the basis of natural basic and essential oils.
  • aromatherapy, oddly enough, it also improves tanning. In this case, the process should be carried out with essential oils.

  • Our next recommendation may surprise you, but still. If you dream of a beautiful chocolate tan, put on some beer. Yes, this particular drink can help you realize your dream. The natural ingredients found in beer help the tan "stick" much faster and distribute it evenly over the body.
  • Our advice: use dark beer. The drink should be applied to the skin, as if rubbing it lightly, but not by dousing. People with fair skin are advised to add olive oil or vegetable oil to beer. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1.
  • Another great tanning product is Coconut oil. Thanks to the action of lauric and hyaluronic acids, the tan lies evenly and beautifully.

Also Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Well eliminates dry skin, that is, nourishes the skin
  • Helps cells regenerate
  • Smoothes wrinkles
  • Reduces chances of sunburn
  • Thanks to the use of this oil, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.
  • Strengthens the immune system of the skin

Cocoa butter is also considered a good tanning agent. It is important to remember not to over-smear with this oil, as this can lead to sunburn. Cacao butter- Excellent product for problematic skin care:

  • Makes skin softer and relieves dryness
  • Helps the face to acquire a healthy beautiful color
  • Reduces skin reaction to temperature changes
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Brings skin tone back to normal

In anticipation of summer and the beach season, as well as any holiday in the sun, it is very important to take care of your skin so that you do not suffer from undesirable consequences later.

The tips written above are definitely important: they will not only help you get a beautiful golden or chocolate tan, but also maintain your health, and this, you see, is important.

Remember that nothing is more important than your health and the health of your loved ones, and even the most beautiful and attractive tan is not worth the risk. That is why we recommend that you take our recommendations with all responsibility - stick to them and enjoy your vacation.

Video: "Rules for a beautiful and safe tan"

The application procedure, although simple and safe, nevertheless, it requires compliance with the basic rules, therefore, before you make self-tanning at home, you should first of all prepare yourself:

  • first of all, it is necessary to cleanse the skin well, not limited to just taking a shower. It is better to carry out as deep a cleaning as possible at home, which involves the use of various scrubs, peels and masks to achieve a good even tan.
  • Get rid of body hair - they can also prevent you from achieving an even tan at home.
  • After taking a shower, dry yourself with a towel.
  • Since the prepared formulations contain natural ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction, it is recommended to test the ingredient before starting the application of self-tanning - apply funds to the bend of the elbow and follow the reaction.
  • In order for self-tanning to be well absorbed, it must first be moistened with a cream. A moisturizer is perfect for this.
  • Before applying the composition, prepared at home, it is important to make sure that there are no injuries on the body and face.

How to apply self tanner at home

Instructions for applying natural self-tanning are not much different from professional cosmetics, but it should also be taken into account:

  1. Mixtures for self-tanning at home must be prepared in glass or ceramic dishes so that oxidative processes do not occur with the ingredients.
  2. Before going to bed, it is better not to perform the procedure. The composition should be absorbed as best as possible and not smeared. The best time to apply the product is in the morning.
  3. To achieve a uniform application of self-tanning at home, you should use cotton gloves for this (in no case rubber ones - they deform the skin) or a napkin. In extreme cases, a cotton pad will do, but because of its small size, you will have to dip it into the composition very often, and this is inconvenient.
  4. When using self-tanning at home, you need to follow the application lines - from top to bottom and do it with massage movements.
  5. First of all, the legs are covered with self-tanning.
  6. The back can cause the greatest difficulty - it is unlikely that the mixture can be applied on its own. It is better to think over this point in advance by asking someone for help.
  7. The next parts of the body that are self-tanned are the body and hands.
  8. Lastly, self-tanning at home is applied to the face and neck, not forgetting the ears, but excluding the eyelids.
  9. It is necessary to protect the hair (put on a shower cap or use polyethylene), eyebrows and lips (they must be smeared with a greasy cream in advance).

Mask Recipes

Coffee Self Tanner

This composition has an additional scrubbing quality. Natural coffee is brewed with boiling water, used after it cools down. The amount of the substance must be calculated in advance so that you do not have to additionally brew a portion of coffee later. In addition, if you do not observe the exposure time of the mask, then as a result you can get an uneven spotty color. This mask is recommended to be left for 10-15 minutes. But it should be done in a course - daily for 7 days.

Cocoa Self Tanner

In this case, instead of coffee, cocoa is used, which also needs to be poured with boiling water. This composition does not have a scrubbing effect, but it will make the skin velvety and tender.

Self-tanner with henna

Natural henna is diluted with water and applied to the entire body. Colorless henna will not bring the desired effect, so you only need to take a product containing a coloring pigment.

With rhubarb juice

The juice is extracted from the root of this vegetable, which can give the skin an absolutely harmless tan of a delicate chocolate color. To do this, add the yolk of a raw egg to it. Most likely, you will need more than one yolk - its amount will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication. In total, the mixed yolk should be equal in amount with the juice.

Rhubarb and sour cream

The same component is diluted with another substance - sour cream. The higher the percentage of fat in this product, the greater the benefit it will bring. It is especially good to use this recipe for those who have an oily type of epidermis. Both ingredients are taken in equal amounts.

Recipes for tinctures and decoctions

These liquids, prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, should be wiped daily on the skin, without interrupting the 2-week course.

A decoction of chamomile

Pour dry chamomile flowers with hot water and let it brew for several hours. The number of dried flowers affects the tone of the tan, so the more they are used, the darker the skin will become. The optimal amount is about 9 large spoons.

A decoction of a string

By the same principle, you can use the infusion of a string at home, increasing the dosage of the collection in accordance with the desired shade.

Rhubarb root tincture

Brew the root extract with hot water at the rate of a spoonful of dry matter per glass of liquid. You can wipe the body with this tincture twice a day.

Mint tincture

Turmeric is also an excellent remedy for tanning at home. It is diluted with mint leaves steamed in boiling water. This tool also has an anti-inflammatory effect - it will help to cope with acne and comedones.

Home baths

With the help of this folk method, as a rule, the result is achieved in a shorter time. Usually 3 baths are enough for the skin to acquire a golden hue.

Bath with walnut leaves

It is necessary to prepare a concentrated remedy from the leaves, pouring it with a small amount of water. The resulting tincture is poured into the bath. The water in it should be at a comfortable temperature. The disadvantage of this homemade tan is that it does not last long, despite its instant effect.

tea bath

Tea, along with coffee, has a coloring effect that can be successfully used by using this tool at home as a self-tanner. It is enough to make a strong brew and take a bath with it.

How to wash self-tanner at home

To do this, you need to take a shower, rubbing the body with a scrub with large particles. Then wash off the remnants of the product with shower gel or soap.

Self-tanner prepared at home does not have the same durability as store-bought products. However, it speaks in favor of the fact that only natural ingredients are used in its manufacture, which are publicly available and do not bear any harm. But when using home self-tanning, you also need to be patient - in order for the result to appear, you usually need to carry out a whole course of procedures.

In order for the body to acquire a beautiful, swarthy shade, it is not necessary to hang around for days under the scorching rays of the sun or rub kilograms of toxic chemicals into the skin. You can take advantage of folk experience, which has accumulated many recipes throughout its history that will allow you to give your skin a shade from pale golden to chocolate.

Due to the natural ingredients used in folk remedies, in addition to tanning, as a bonus, you can get:

  • protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • protection against skin aging;
  • nutrition and hydration.

Please note that a solarium and a “sunny” tan are extremely contraindicated for people:

  • blood relatives who suffered from cancer;
  • with dry, badly sunbathing pigmented skin prone to rapid burning;
  • with a large number of moles on the body;
  • susceptible to varicose veins.

Attention! Home tanning also has its contraindications: it is not recommended for pregnant women, people suffering from skin diseases. Also, do not apply self-tanner to skin with wounds or a large number of moles.

How to make self tanning cream at home

Self-tanner is very easy to prepare at home, you just need to follow the algorithm in the recipe. A large number of recipes and their variations will allow you to choose the product to your taste, taking into account the type of skin and the desired result.


From natural coffee

For this mask you will need ground coffee and water. The amount of ingredients is selected depending on the area of ​​​​the working surface on the body. Coffee and water must be mixed until a thick substance is obtained, which can be easily applied to the body. Wash off the mask after 10 minutes. For a rich, lasting result, it is recommended to make masks every day for a week.

Important! If you have dry skin, replace the water with vegetable oil.

Result: beautiful coffee tan, scrubbing effect.

Based on henna or cocoa

The mask is completely similar to coffee, only the main component is replaced by henna or cocoa.

From rhubarb root juice

You will need:

  • daily body cream;
  • or egg yolk;
  • or sour cream.

Mix the juice and the selected second component in a ratio of 1: 1, apply to the skin for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with water or tea broth.

Result: chocolate tan.


You will need:

  • grated carrots;
  • vegetable oil 100g;
  • or cream (sour cream);
  • or glycerin.

Combine grated carrots with the second ingredient and apply to the skin. Wash off after 20 minutes with water or tonic.


This lotion is suitable for those who wish to tan "for one day".

You will need:

  • tincture of ginseng 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • baby cream 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil 1 teaspoon;
  • rosehip 1 teaspoon;
  • wheat germ 1 teaspoon;
  • liquid strong coffee 0.5 tsp;
  • lavender oil.

Grind rose hips and germs and mix with the rest of the ingredients, add a couple of drops of lavender oil. Apply not the body.

Result: light one-day tan, prevention of stretch marks.


Tea room

You will need:

  • tea brew;
  • boiling water 0.5 l.

The proportion is selected depending on your skin color and the desired shade of tan. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves, leave for 20 minutes and finish off in the bath. You need to be in the water for at least 30 minutes, constantly wiping the skin of the face and neck. A light tan appears after 2-3 applications, you can continue to take a bath until the desired result is obtained.


Fill the bath with water and dilute potassium permanganate in it until the water turns pink. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Important! Do not dry yourself with a towel after a bath.

From walnut leaves

You will need:

  • chopped walnut leaves 1 cup;
  • boiling water 1 l.

Pour boiling water over the leaves and leave to cool. The method of application and the effect is the same as that of a tea bath.

With Cambrian blue clay

You will need:

  • blue clay 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • henna 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cinnamon 1 teaspoon.

Mix the ingredients and add to the bath. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.


You will need:

  • vegetable oil 300 ml;
  • essential oil 100 drops.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin. The result is a golden hue.

Tinctures and decoctions

based on iodine

You will need:

  • water 2 liters;
  • spray.

Add 4-7 drops of iodine to the water, spray the resulting liquid on the body from a spray bottle.

From string or chamomile

You will need:

  • dry chamomile or string 9 tbsp. spoons;
  • water 1 l.

Pour boiling water over the selected herb and let it brew. Then we filter through a strainer or gauze and wipe the body. Apply every day until you get the desired result.

A decoction based on onion peel

You will need:

  • onion peel;
  • water.

Rinse the onion peel thoroughly under water, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Wipe the whole body with the prepared decoction every day until the desired effect is obtained.

Preparing the skin before self-tanning

To achieve the best effect, before applying self-tanning, the skin must be prepared in a certain way:

  1. Cleanse the body of dead cells with a scrub.
  2. Take a shower and moisturize your skin.
  3. Wipe the body dry.

  • it is best to apply self-tanning with special gloves;
  • if you do not have one, wash your hands thoroughly with a brush after completing the procedure.

Rules for applying self-tanning

Properly preparing self-tanning is half the battle, it is also very important to correctly apply it to the skin. Improper use of self-tanning is fraught with consequences such as colored spots, uneven distribution of shade. To avoid such unpleasant surprises, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Carry out the procedure in the morning.
  2. Cover lips, eyebrows and nails with a fat cream.
  3. Put a shower cap on your hair or wrap it in plastic.
  4. The self-tanning mask should be applied in a sliding circular motion from top to bottom.
  5. To evenly distribute the tan, a thin layer is applied to the folds and bulges of the body (knees, elbows, ankles). It is not recommended to lubricate the armpits at all.
  6. Take care of the person who will help you treat your back in advance.
  7. Don't forget to pay due attention to the neck and chin.
  8. Do not apply self-tanner on the eyelids and under the eyes.
  9. Apply the product in an even layer on all parts of the body (except those indicated in paragraph 4).
  10. The mask should be washed off no earlier than 4 hours after application.

How to wash off self-tanner

To wash off self-tanning, you need to take a warm bath and treat the skin with a light scrub or washcloth.

Undoubtedly, the effect of "home" self-tanning will not be as bright and saturated as from a store-bought lotion or after a tanning bed. However, using a product prepared on your own, you will save the skin from the negative effects of chemicals and ultraviolet radiation, as well as improve its appearance, increase tone and enrich it with vitamins. After all, healthy and beautiful skin is worth the effort!

All of us dream of beautiful tanned skin, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the sea in summer or just sunbathe in the sun. Of course, the most effective way to quickly get tanned skin is a tanning bed. But most prefer the safer form of achieving dark skin. Therefore, in order to look tanned in winter and summer, you can use folk methods.


1. Tea, coffee, cocoa for tanning

To give a light tan, wipe the skin every day with a strong brew of tea, coffee or cocoa. These products not only give the skin a dark shade, but also refresh and tone the skin well. You can freeze the infusion and wipe your face with ice cubes.

Coffee mask for tanning skin

Take 2 teaspoons of insoluble coffee and pour boiling water over it to form a slurry. Apply this paste on a clean face for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Instead of coffee, you can use cocoa, and if the skin is dry, then use vegetable or olive oil instead of water.

2. Carrots. An excellent product that colors our skin is carrots. Wipe the skin with carrot juice, but do not overdo it, carrots stain very well.

Carrot tanning mask

Finely grate a medium-sized carrot and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.


3. Herbal infusions.

You can freeze the infusion and wipe your face with ice cubes.

Infusion of chamomile and string for tanning

Pour boiling water over a mixture of dried chamomile and string flowers at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water, and let it brew under the lid for about 2 hours. Strain, every morning instead of water, wash your face with this infusion.

Also, as in the previous recipe, infuse chamomile flowers. Use to wash your face in the morning and evening. Chamomile has a good effect on the condition of the skin, tones it, protects against the appearance of pimples and blackheads.


4. Onion peel for skin tanning

Who among us has not dyed Easter eggs with onion skins. Also, with the help of this tool, you can color your skin. Take an onion peel, wash it very well and boil it in water for a few minutes until the water turns dark. Wipe the infusion on the face, neck and décolleté.


5. Bath to give the skin a light tan

Take this bath to give the skin a light tan: 4 tsp. black tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. add infusion to the bath. Take a bath for about 20 minutes.


6. Recipe for an even tan

Mix olive oil with a few drops of iodine, add a little red wine vinegar. Shake everything well, apply to cleansed skin.


7. Mask to preserve the tan

Mix 2 tbsp. cottage cheese, pulp of 1 tomato, 2 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. milk. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water and rinse with cold.