What contractions feel like. How to induce contractions and labor

Other reasons

A woman in the process of expecting a child lives new life. Everything changes: taste sensations, Lifestyle. IN different time changes occur in her body: first, a brutal craving for one product awakens, then toxicosis, a heavy belly begins to interfere with movement, and later false contractions. It is the latter that should be given Special attention so as not to miss the onset of labor (women often confuse false and true contractions).

Signs of contractions


Training, false contractions (you can find the name “Braxton-Hicks contractions”, named after the scientist who first described them) are felt as rhythmic contractions of the abdomen. More often they do not cause significant discomfort, but this is individual and depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity. They begin randomly and end as suddenly as they appear, with no discernible sequence.

This condition can be traced from about the 20th week and can accompany a woman until the very birth, slightly intensifying in the last months of expecting a baby. Contractions are most often felt in evening time or at night, when all other muscles are relaxed and sensations are focused on changes in the tone of the uterus. Contractions often occur when physical activity. In some women they are asymptomatic.

Symptoms of false contractions:

  • Irregularity of uterine contractions (may appear several times a day, then do not bother you at all for some time, and then appear again).
  • Most often, the sensations during false contractions are painless or cause minor discomfort.
  • The attacks go away when you change position, stop activity, or increase activity.
  • There is no dilatation of the cervix (can only be determined by a doctor).

How to relieve the condition

When false contractions begin, accompanied by discomfort, you can alleviate the condition with several in simple ways. First of all, you should calm down and try to relax. Be sure to change the type of activity and body position. Helps some women warm bath, a nice massage or a snack. You can practice breathing birth exercises, then during real contractions and childbirth the pregnant woman will feel more confident.


True contractions occur individually for each pregnant woman. Some women in labor feel severe pain at the beginning, others only experience mild discomfort, which intensifies as contractions become more frequent. The pain may radiate to the back, lower back, bottom part abdomen, lateral area, thighs, legs, bladder, or rectum. The sensations can be compared to pain in the first days of menstruation with painful periods () or attacks of pain with diarrhea.

A distinctive feature of true contractions is their frequency. A decrease in the interval between attacks of pain is clearly visible, the attacks themselves become longer, and when changing position or changing the type of activity, they do not weaken. Often there is diarrhea, a feeling of nausea and even vomiting. At the same time, the amniotic sac may open with the discharge of amniotic fluid. The obstetrician-gynecologist notes the gradual dilatation of the cervix.

Questions whose answers will help determine the nature of contractions

The difference between false contractions and real ones is quite understandable and clear for doctors, but a panicking pregnant woman, constantly worried about the health of her child, often cannot correctly navigate the many signs and symptoms. Questions will help you get an accurate answer. If the first answer is your case, then the contractions are false; if the second option, then the contractions are true and you need to seek help.

How often do they occur?

  1. Appear from time to time, do not have a specific interval.
  2. Regularity of attacks of contractions is noted, the interval between them is from half a minute to a minute, and they gradually become more frequent and increase in duration.

Are they weakening? uterine contractions when changing body position and type of activity?

  1. There is a weakening of the condition when changing activities, after resting or walking.
  2. Contractions continue with the same intensity even after changing position and type of activity.

What intensity?

  1. There is a weakening of contractions, intensity pain does not increase.
  2. Each contraction feels stronger than the previous one.

Where is the pain located?

  1. There is pain only in the anterior abdominal area or in the pelvic area.
  2. Pain and contraction are first felt in the lower back and then spread to the abdominal area anteriorly.

If most of the answers are the second option, and it’s too early to give birth, then you need to contact the doctor managing the pregnancy and clarify the situation with him, or go straight to the hospital.

When to see a doctor if you have false contractions

It happens that not everything goes smoothly and there are situations when training also requires medical intervention. Moreover, it does not matter how long the false contractions last or what their intensity is, help is required immediately. Such signals include:

  • The appearance of vaginal discharge (it may contain blood or be watery).
  • The discharge of amniotic fluid or its leakage (in the first case, a large volume of liquid splashes out of the vagina, in the second, moisture is constantly felt in the vaginal area, panties quickly get wet).
  • The pain during uterine contractions is severe, but its regularity is not visible.
  • Severe pain is felt in the lumbar region.
  • The child began to move less (less than 10 movements over two hours) or froze completely.
  • Severe contractions at any stage up to 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The contractions are not strong, but are repeated frequently (more than 4 attacks per minute).
  • Contractions are not regular, but their intensity is increasing.
  • The pressure on the perineum increases and causes significant discomfort and pain.

Why are training contractions needed?

False contractions are an integral part of preparing the muscles of the uterus and its cervix for childbirth. Contractions help train muscles (as well as physical exercise for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and other parts of the body). Without them, the uterus will not be able to right moment contract and push the baby through the birth canal (and this requires a lot of effort). There is an increase in muscle endurance, because during childbirth they will have to strain themselves more than once. Otherwise, the uterus will “hang like a bag” and will not tone at the right time.

Training contractions also stimulate blood circulation in the reproductive organs, and thereby increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients(including for the baby).

Don't worry if you don't feel any contractions at all. They exist, you just have a high pain threshold or you don’t attach importance to them (you’re constantly busy with work, you’re on the move, you confuse them with increased gas formation, attacks of abdominal pain or other phenomenon). A pregnant woman’s body works as an autonomous system and will take the necessary actions on its own.

Contractions- these are rhythmic contractions of the uterus, which are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity which can be felt throughout the abdomen. A pregnant woman may feel these contractions several weeks before the baby is born. The table shows the differences between “false” and true contractions.


False contractions

True contractions

Number of times per day

4-6 times a day, no more than 2 hours in a row

More than 8 times in 2 hours


a few seconds, rarely up to a minute

Increases over time


Weakens or does not change

Increases over time


Regular, increasing over time

Pauses between contractions

vary greatly and can be from 10-15 to 20-30 minutes

Decrease over time

Appearance time

After 24 weeks, increasing towards labor

Start of labor

When changing body position and after a massage, warm bath, aromatherapy


Don't change

What happens during contractions?

Due to contraction of the uterine muscles during contractions and pressure on the cervix amniotic sac or the presenting part of the fetus after the rupture of amniotic fluid, the cervix shortens until smooth. This continues for 4-6 hours and is called the latent phase of labor. At first, the contractions are weak and painless, the intervals between them are about half an hour, and sometimes more, the contraction of the uterus itself lasts 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the intensity and duration of contractions increase, and the intervals between contractions gradually decrease. During the period between contractions, the stomach is relaxed. Pain during contractions is caused by dilatation of the cervix, compression nerve endings, tension of the uterine ligaments. Sometimes the first tremors are felt in the lumbar region, then spread to the abdomen and become encircling.
Pulling sensations may also occur in the uterus itself, and not in the lumbar region. Pain during contractions (if you cannot relax or find a comfortable position) resembles the pain that often accompanies menstruation. The strength of the pain depends on individual characteristics threshold of pain sensitivity, emotional mood women and their relationship to the birth of a child. It is important not to be afraid of childbirth and labor pain. After all, the entire process of childbirth takes only a few hours, and the pain of labor is quickly forgotten. You can often hear from women who have given birth that their contractions were either completely painless, or the pain was quite tolerable. During contractions, the body releases its own painkillers. In addition, from painful sensations Relaxation and proper breathing techniques learned during pregnancy help get rid of this.

What should you do during contractions?

You have a little time to take a shower, put on clean clothes, trim your nails and wash off the polish. For many women, shaving the perineum upon admission to the maternity hospital is very unpleasant moment. However, this procedure is necessary, as it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the perineum during childbirth, prevent its rupture, and in case of injury, it is better to compare the tissues when suturing. Feelings of embarrassment can be avoided if you perform this simple procedure at home yourself. Just take a brand new razor and treat your skin well with an antiseptic solution or antibacterial soap.
You should go to the maternity hospital when contractions become regular and come every 10-15 minutes. If a clear interval between contractions has not yet been established, but they are accompanied severe pain, you also need to consult a doctor. If the birth is repeated, then with the onset of regular contractions it is better to go to the maternity hospital immediately (often repeated births They are characterized by swiftness, so it is better not to hesitate). During contractions, you can choose a body position that is comfortable for you: you can lie on your side, walk, stand on all fours or kneel. Monitor the duration of contractions and the intervals between them. Try walking, getting on all fours, or rolling on a big ball.
During contractions, slowly, deeply and rhythmically inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. If contractions become very strong, frequent shallow breathing, in which you also inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. From the very beginning of the contraction, stroke the lower half of the abdomen. You can massage your lower back with your fists or an open palm on both sides of the spine, up and down, to the base of the tailbone. After a contraction there is always a period of time when there is no pain, you can relax and rest. Remember to empty your bladder regularly - this stimulates contractions.

What can't you do?

During contractions, you should not sit or lie on your back;
can't eat;
You cannot take painkillers on your own: they will not relieve normal labor pain, but can mask important symptoms;
You can't stay at home following cases:
a) if they appeared bloody issues;
b) if it bothers you headache, blurred vision, pain in the epigastric region and in the uterus;
c) if the child’s movements become very violent or, on the contrary, become poorly felt;

In these cases, it is necessary to get to the hospital as quickly as possible, ideally by ambulance with medical escort.

What should my husband do?

Usually the first contractions future mom tolerates quite easily: they last 15-20 seconds and are repeated every 15-20 minutes. At this time, you can still chat with your wife about something abstract, create a foundation Have a good mood, joke and dream.
During contractions, help your wife use her imagination. Let her imagine that the contraction is a wave, and your wife is overcoming this wave.
Breathe with your wife, especially if she loses her rhythm. To set her up for proper breathing, first copy her breathing, and then gradually change the frequency of your breathing, and your wife will unconsciously copy your breathing.
Remind her of techniques that relieve pain. You can try to relieve your spouse of unpleasant sensations by massaging her back in a circular motion from the waist and below or by tapping your fingertips on pain points, stroke your stomach from bottom to top and to the sides.
Persuade her to walk around the room, inviting your beloved to lean on your hand. Walking speeds up the birth process by 30%. This is especially important on initial stage childbirth
Before leaving for the maternity hospital, you must check the availability of documents: passports, exchange card, insurance policy, contract for childbirth management (if any). If you have an individual agreement for childbirth, when contractions begin, call the doctor who will lead your birth. If you are going to wait for the baby to appear in the maternity hospital, then you can take a small bag of sandwiches with you, but you need to carefully make sure that your wife does not eat anything.

What most often frightens a young woman preparing to become a mother for the first time (or what is most often frightened of her)? The answer suggests itself - contractions. The anticipation of pain can cause more panic than the pain itself. And the closer the cherished deadline, the more obsessively this fear haunts you. The most the right remedy get rid of fear - stop hiding from it and hiding it from yourself, meet it face to face, “talk” to it. Are you afraid of contractions? So let's figure out what it is.


In medical terms, labor pains are involuntary regular contractions of the uterus, along with pushing, related to labor forces that expel the fetus.

Contractions indicate that labor has begun. (In addition to contractions, the onset of labor may be indicated by symptoms such as the rupture of amniotic fluid and the release of the mucous plug that covers the lumen of the cervix; the mucous plug may come off 2-3 days before birth, so its release does not always mean that it’s time to go to the maternity hospital). Many works have been written about what actually triggers the onset of labor. While differing in particulars, all researchers agree on the main thing: the organisms of mother and child, being in close interaction, seem to “agree” and transmit the necessary impulses to each other.

Shortly before labor begins, the woman's placenta and the baby's pituitary gland begin to produce specific substances (in particular prostaglandins and the hormone oxytocin) that cause contractions of the uterine muscles, called contractions. During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​tightly closed. With the onset of labor pains, its opening begins: the cervix of the uterus gradually expands to 10-12 cm in diameter (full opening). The birth canal is preparing to “release” the baby from the mother’s womb.

Intrauterine pressure increases during contractions as the uterus itself contracts in volume. Ultimately, this leads to rupture of the membranes and the release of part of the amniotic fluid. If this coincides in time with the complete opening of the uterine pharynx, they speak of timely rupture of water, but if the uterine pharynx at the time of rupture of the membranes did not open enough, such rupture is called early.

The first, preparatory, period of labor takes on average 12 hours if a woman is giving birth for the first time, and 2-4 hours less for those who are not having their first birth. At the beginning of the second stage of labor (the period of expulsion of the fetus), the contractions are joined by pushing - contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. In addition to the fact that they participate in contractions and attempts different groups muscles, they have one more important difference: contractions are an involuntary and uncontrollable phenomenon, neither their strength nor frequency depend on the woman in labor, while attempts are to a certain extent subordinate to her will, she can delay or intensify them.


Feelings during contractions vary from person to person. Sometimes the first tremors are felt in the lumbar region, then spread to the abdomen and become encircling. Pulling sensations may also occur in the uterus itself, and not in the lumbar region. The pain during contractions (if you cannot relax or find a comfortable position) resembles the pain that often accompanies menstrual bleeding.

However, you should not be afraid of contractions. You can often hear from women who have given birth that their contractions were either completely painless, or the pain was quite tolerable. First, during contractions the body releases its own painkillers. In addition, relaxation and relaxation techniques learned during pregnancy can help relieve pain. correct breathing. And finally, there are medicinal methods pain relief, however, they are recommended to be used only in extreme cases, since they all affect the baby to one degree or another.

Real (and not false - see below) “expelling forces” approach with regular intervals. At first, the intervals between contractions are about half an hour, and sometimes more; the contraction of the uterus itself lasts 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the frequency, intensity and duration of contractions increase. The most intense and long-lasting (and sometimes - although not always - painful) last contractions, preceding attempts. When to go to the maternity hospital? In the case of the first birth (and if the maternity hospital is not far away), you can wait until the interval between contractions is reduced to 5-7 minutes. If a clear interval between contractions has not yet been established, but the pain intensifies and becomes longer and longer, then it’s still time to go to the maternity hospital. If the birth is repeated, then with the onset of regular contractions it is better to immediately go to the maternity hospital (often repeated births are characterized by rapidity, so it is better not to delay).

With the onset of contractions, mucous discharge with a slight admixture of blood may appear - this is the same mucus plug that “clogs” the entrance to the uterus. Blood (in small quantity) enters the mucus due to effacement and dilatation of the cervix. This natural process, which should not be frightened, but when heavy bleeding immediate examination is necessary.


It is worth keeping in mind that after the 20th week of pregnancy, some (not all) women experience so-called false contractions, or Braxton Hicks contractions, and 2-3 weeks before giving birth, women begin to feel precursor contractions. Neither one nor the other, unlike true contractions, lead to dilatation of the cervix. arise pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or lower back, the uterus seems to turn to stone - if you put your hand on your stomach, you can clearly feel it. The same thing, in fact, happens during labor pains, which is why Braxton Hicks and harbingers often confuse women giving birth for the first time. How can you tell if labor is really starting and it’s time to go to the hospital, or if these are just false contractions?

  • Braxton Hicks contractions, unlike true labor contractions, rare And irregular . Contractions last up to a minute and can be repeated after 4-5 hours.
  • False contractions painless . Walking or a warm bath most often helps to completely relieve the discomfort.

The role of false contractions has not yet been fully clarified. Their appearance is associated with increased excitability of the uterus; it is believed that shortly before childbirth, precursor contractions contribute to the softening and shortening of the cervix.


It has been noticed that the more scared a pregnant woman is, the less she knows about what is happening to her and what is ahead of her, the more difficult, longer and more painful her birth is. Even in the very recent past, the phrase “preparing for childbirth” seemed complete nonsense in Russia. Fortunately, over the past decade there have been qualitative changes in this area, many courses and schools have been opened to prepare for childbirth, where this important event Not only future mothers, but also future fathers are preparing. Enough books have been published. And most importantly, the psychology has changed. Now, if not all, then most women understand that they need to prepare for childbirth, like for any difficult and important work. And the main goal of such preparation is to get rid of fear and pain.

What do experts usually recommend to make contractions as easy and painless as possible? As already mentioned, you will not be able to control the frequency and strength of contractions; this does not depend on you. But you can completely help yourself and your child survive these contractions.

  • At first, when contractions have just begun, it is better not to lie down, but to move: this will speed up the process of opening of the uterine pharynx, and therefore shorten the time of labor.
  • Concentrate calmly and try to find the body position in which you are most comfortable. Feel free to get down on all fours, lie on a big beach ball, or even... dance. Believe me, no one would even think of judging you for extravagance. Circular and rocking movements of the pelvis help relieve tension and reduce pain.
  • If possible, try to sleep between contractions, or at least “pretend to be asleep” (this will help your body relax).
  • You can lie in the bath for ten minutes warm water- of course, if you are not alone in the apartment and they can help you if necessary.
  • Lightly stroking the skin of the lower abdomen with your fingertips eases contractions at the beginning of the journey. As the contraction begins, you need to inhale and direct the movement of your arms from the midline to the sides; as you exhale, your arms move in the opposite direction.
  • When contractions intensify, strong and frequent pressure helps relieve pain. thumbs hands on points in the area of ​​the anterior superior iliac spines (these are the most forward parts of the pelvis). Place your hands comfortably with your palms along your hips.
  • Massage of the sacral area of ​​the spine is very useful. It is effective not only at the beginning of contractions, but also throughout the entire time that expelling forces are operating in your body.

As the contractions intensify, everything higher value acquires proper breathing. But the most important thing is to tune in, listen to your own feelings and... remember about the child. You both have to hard work, but its result will be a meeting!

Tatiana Kipriyanova

I had difficulty recognizing the first contractions. The fact is that they were very similar to “training” contractions - the so-called “Braxton-Hicks contractions” that haunted me almost every evening since the 7th month. And at first I couldn’t understand whether it was still them or the beginning of labor. It feels like the stomach below is freezing, then “letting go”. The intervals between contractions were uneven: sometimes after 20 minutes, sometimes after 5; but still they walked regularly (longer than two hours) - this influenced the decision to go to the maternity hospital after all.

The first contractions were quite tolerable - just a feeling of slight discomfort. There were significant gaps between them, which made it possible to relax, and I even began to doubt that I was really giving birth. Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, an examination showed that the cervix was 1 cm dilated. When the bladder was punctured (by the way, it didn’t hurt at all), the contractions became more effective, the pain became quite noticeable, the intervals were about 5-10 minutes (dilation was 4 cm). I used to have quite painful periods, and this pain seemed similar to menstrual pain. During next hours(the child moved towards the exit) the pain became stronger and stronger. It was hard. I was helped a little by the lower back massage that my husband did, and the breathing that I read about in books (the medical staff also suggested how to breathe better). When the pain became simply unbearable, attempts began (by the way, I have heard more than once from others that when you feel that the limit has come and you can no longer endure the pain, it means that everything will end soon). Attempts are easy to recognize - you involuntarily begin to push (I could compare this process to the urge to go to the toilet). Pushing is also a painful thing, but the cardiographic machine began to poorly listen to the baby’s heart, and I had to give birth as quickly as possible. Therefore, after about the fifth attempt, I already gave birth to my boy (not without an epistomy). The whole process took us 12 hours (this was my first birth).

Anna Goncharova

The contractions were similar to a very strong and painful menstruation. At first they were very weak, and I didn’t even feel any discomfort. It felt like a very mild (not painful) spasm inside my abdomen. The contractions became painful only after four hours. And it reminded me most of all of painful menstruation. But it was very painful only for about an hour. It was possible to endure, but with difficulty. My husband helped a lot. Even at the most intense moment the pain was not constant. Everything happened approximately every 5 minutes. At first the pain grew quickly, reached a maximum and then disappeared just as quickly. Each contraction took about two minutes. For about three minutes there was no pain at all! The worst thing for me was at the moment a new contraction began - when it still doesn’t hurt, but you understand that everything has started all over again. Unpleasant, but tolerable. And only one hour. As soon as I was allowed to push, the pain stopped. I didn’t have any more pain, which is sometimes written about (in the lower back, or somewhere else).

By the time the contractions started, I was already in the maternity hospital, so I immediately went to the doctor, and the doctor confirmed that labor had begun. The doctor and midwife told me when to start pushing. It didn't hurt at all, and giving birth didn't hurt at all. Although they made an incision, I didn’t notice it at all.

In general, I remember childbirth very well, but the pain is forgotten very quickly. I remember rather with pleasure - and first of all, all sorts of funny moments. There was no feeling of horror and “never again” at all. Maybe because it was good maternity hospital and I gave birth with my husband!

Elizaveta Samoletova

Unfortunately, I was psychologically completely unprepared for childbirth. Therefore, already in the delivery room (I was in the maternity hospital for safekeeping), I felt that my stomach hurt very badly, and I was scared. Of course, “theoretically” I knew that contractions were coming, but I had little idea what they were. Of course, there was no question of counting the intervals between contractions (this was suggested by the midwife, who was sitting nearby at the table and writing something). It seemed to me that I was dying, and in a weakening voice I asked for a caesarean section. For some reason the midwife laughed cheerfully. I ask: “Are you laughing?” And she told me: “According to my calculations, every second woman in labor asks for a caesarean section.”

I suffered for about an hour. I was very offended that the people who were around (nurses, midwives, heads of departments and even some trainees, to whom I was shown as an example of “an old primigravida with a somewhat narrowed pelvis”) took my suffering for granted and as if nothing was wrong sometimes they tried to talk to me in some boring household topics(they asked where I work, where I got such a strange last name and what I would name my unborn child). And when my stomach started to hurt especially badly, the midwife came up and mockingly (as it seemed to me then) told me how I should breathe.

When the efforts began, it became easier and even, I would say, more interesting, because the “result of labor” was about to appear. He appeared. It contained 3 kg 600 g.

Then I apologized to the doctors, but they laughed again and said that almost everyone behaves like me. And I decided that next births I will prepare long and seriously.

In anticipation of contractions before childbirth, excitement, and sometimes even fear, grip many women. This is especially true for first-time mothers who have never experienced anything like this before. But those who have become pregnant not for the first time also have a lot of questions: how contractions begin during the second birth, how not to miss contractions, when should you go to the maternity hospital, and so on.

Most of the concerns associated with upcoming contractions arise about recognizing them in time and arriving at the maternity hospital on time. But the obstetricians here reassure all women: the period of contractions is quite long, and there is a lot of time to get to the institution chosen for childbirth. In addition, you will immediately recognize real contractions: the woman even intuitively feels that this is it. There are also symptoms of true contractions that help to very accurately distinguish them from false ones.

How labor contractions begin: sensations and signs

This condition, which marks the beginning of the labor process, is very aptly called contractions. After all, there is a feeling as if the uterus is “grabbing”, squeezing, you can feel how it turns to stone, becomes hard, and becomes toned. The abdomen becomes hard during each contraction. But everything can start “from afar.”

Contractions are painful sensations that occur with the onset of labor. They accompany the dilation of the cervix, after which the next stage of labor begins - pushing.

Obstetricians conventionally distinguish three stages of development of labor pains:

  • initial phase characterized by weak, sometimes even barely noticeable contractions, which may still be irregular, occur chaotically and cause more discomfort than pain;
  • active phase is marked by the repetition of noticeable attacks at regular intervals. When contractions begin to repeat every 2 minutes, you should already be in the maternity hospital in full readiness for childbirth;
  • transition phase is the end of the period of contractions and the beginning of the period of expulsion of the fetus. At this time, the attacks are the most painful, efforts appear that must be restrained - it is too early to push.

If during contractions or even before they move away amniotic fluid, then you should go to the maternity hospital without waiting. Or at least call the doctor and warn him about this, and he will determine further actions. The fact is that violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder poses a risk of infection to the child. In connection with this, you cannot take a bath after the amniotic fluid has broken - only a shower.

If the discharged amniotic fluid contains blood (pink, reddish, brown, or brown), then you need to go to the hospital immediately. You also need to do this in the case when, with the onset of contractions or even before their onset, spotting is noted before childbirth.

Labor pains begin with unexpressed, but noticeable aching, nagging pain. They can occur directly in the uterine area. But it also often happens that the pain seems to originate in the back or lower back and rolls like a wave to the sides, covering the entire abdomen, pelvis in a circle and connecting in front. Many women compare the pain at the beginning of contractions with pain, like during menstruation, with the only difference being that the attacks become more frequent and intensified over time. Therefore, you will have to record the frequency of their repetition and duration.

This is not to say that contractions begin very painfully. Yes, it is pain, but it is quite weak and “soft”. However, as the labor process progresses, if the contractions turn out to be real and labor is actually beginning, the contraction pain will become sharper and more intense. That is, during true contractions, the pain will gradually increase - this is necessary.

If a woman has prepared for childbirth in advance, she will certainly understand that under no circumstances should she concentrate on the pain. This is futile: it does not bring relief at all, and even increases sensitivity to pain.

On the contrary, you should relax as much as possible, use relaxation techniques, proper breathing, and in the intervals between contractions, use the time allotted to you for rest and recovery. Don't let pain control you: you must control it. Don't focus on the pain - it's really not that significant. Moreover, it has been confirmed that with emotional and physical stress, labor pain intensifies.

Think about the fact that your current behavior, tactics and even thoughts largely determine the outcome of the birth and how easy and or difficult it will be for the baby during this process. You must help the baby by working together with him. Therefore, when the time comes to push (during the pushing period, not earlier!), listen to the midwife’s instructions. And if you still have a little time, then be sure to study breathing techniques during childbirth, if you have not already done so - they help a lot! In particular, at the moment of contraction, you should breathe quickly and abruptly, superficially, and at the end of the contraction, take a smooth, deep breath and exhale just as slowly.

A lumbar back massage will help relieve pain during contractions. It’s just wonderful if there is someone to make it for you.

Perhaps you have already had situations when you were sure that you were starting to give birth and labor pains appeared. It may even be that you have already been to the maternity hospital and raised a false alarm. Therefore, now you want to know exactly how real contractions begin and how to recognize them.

It should be recognized that cases of premature referral of pregnant women to maternity with suspicion of the onset of pregnancy are not so rare. The cause of such incidents is false or, as they are also called, training contractions, also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They, unlike real true contractions, are not the beginning of labor, but only a rehearsal for it: such a phenomenon is considered the absolute norm and does not carry any danger.

False contractions are not painful, but only cause some discomfort; they are irregular and passing. If pain does occur (it is also somewhat reminiscent of menstrual pain), then a warm bath (but in no case hot!) or leisurely walking around the room will help to calm it down. You can also take a No-shpa tablet and lie down: in case of false contractions, the pain will go away after that.

Real contractions have signs that allow them to be accurately identified and recognized:

  • contractions do not stop;
  • pain gradually intensifies;
  • the intervals between contractions are reduced;
  • the duration of contractions lengthens.

If you notice the picture described, then you should start getting ready for the maternity hospital. But there is no need to rush: you need to leave home only when the interval between contractions does not exceed 10 minutes, and on average is 5-7 minutes. At the very beginning, contractions repeat approximately every 15-20 minutes (for some more often, for others less often) and last only a few seconds. Gradually they lengthen to a minute and are repeated more and more often. A sign of full dilatation of the cervix and soon to be born The baby has contractions that repeat every 2 minutes and last a minute.

In general, approximately 10-12 hours pass from the onset of contractions to the onset of labor if a woman is giving birth for the first time. But there are exceptions - the rapid course of labor. In such a situation, the entire labor process can take only a few hours from the moment the first contraction appears. Therefore, if contractions are strong and very frequent from the very beginning, repeating one after another without breaks, then you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately!

How contractions begin during the second birth

Contractions in multiparous women are no different from contractions during the first birth. They also begin with a weak girdling pain or pain concentrated in the uterus, and also grow and intensify over time. But there is still one difference that should definitely be taken into account if a woman is giving birth not for the first time.

During the second birth, the whole process proceeds faster than during the first. And the period of contractions, and the period of pushing, and the period of birth of the child - everything happens a little faster.

Labor pains in multiparous women last on average 6-8 hours from their onset. That’s why doctors warn: you should go to the maternity hospital in advance.

Finally, we note that if there is a scar on the uterus, the entire birth process, starting from the first contractions, should occur under medical supervision. In this case, the woman should either go to the hospital in advance or go to the maternity hospital as soon as spastic pain in the abdomen or lower back appears.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

Waiting for the baby to appear is, in any case, a crucial period for the expectant mother. However, people are most afraid of the unknown. That is why for women in interesting position For the first time, waiting for labor to begin is accompanied by fear. After all, not every expectant mother knows what contractions are, or what to do when they occur. This article will help you properly prepare for the expected date and answer the main questions that women ask during pregnancy.

Contractions: what are they?

On last trimester The expectant mother’s body begins to give the first prenatal signals, one of which is the appearance of contractions. This symptom is involuntary periodic contractions of the muscles of the uterus. The onset of contractions is facilitated by the release of a special hormone into the blood - oxytocin. Contractions not only indicate that labor is approaching, but also prepare a woman’s body for intense physical exertion.


Expectant mothers who already have children react more calmly to the approaching labor process, since they know first-hand what contractions are and how to recognize them. For young and inexperienced pregnant women, all this is new, so they often begin to panic ahead of time. How can you understand that contractions have begun? This is not difficult to do if you know the symptoms that accompany contraction of the uterine muscles:

  • Pain in the lumbar region.
  • Drawing sensations reminiscent of menstrual cramps.
  • Girdle pain in the lower pelvis.

It is worth noting that during contractions it is not necessary to have all the listed symptoms. This process occurs individually for each woman, so the pain can be completely different character and strength.

Feelings during contractions

The main feature of contractions in pregnant women is their gradual increase. In the first hours, the process may not cause the expectant mother virtually any discomfort. When talking about what contractions are, you shouldn’t immediately imagine the cutting pain that immediately arises. As a rule, everything happens smoothly and at first almost unnoticed. The first 2-3 hours of contractions are short-lived and are not accompanied by severe pain. During the period between uterine contractions, the expectant mother may even have time to rest, which is very advisable, since she needs to gain strength before the upcoming birth.

After some time, the pain during contractions begins to intensify, and after a few hours it becomes almost constant. This is due to the fact that the intervals between spasms are shortened, so the expectant mother hardly notices them. It feels as if one contraction is instantly replaced by another, without giving you the opportunity to rest. However, you should not be afraid of this - an increase in the frequency of uterine contractions indicates that the labor process will finally begin soon.

False contractions

Not every woman knows what training contractions are, or, as they are commonly called, false contractions. Starting from about the 20th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body begins to actively prepare for the upcoming load. The uterus “trains” its tone with the help of barely noticeable spasms. So, from time to time a pregnant woman may notice that her stomach has become tense and too hard. Many expectant mothers are frightened by this condition, and due to inexperience, they mistake it for prenatal contractions. However, in such a case there is no cause for concern, and the tension goes away in just a few minutes. The main difference between training contractions and prenatal contractions is the absence of pain. In addition, false spasms do not differ in regularity and frequency, but appear only from time to time, for a short period of time.

IN medical practice This condition in pregnant women is also called “Braxton-Hicks contractions.” Every woman who is preparing to become a mother should know what this is, so as not to succumb to unnecessary anxiety if the symptoms described above appear and not to harm the baby’s health.

What can cause training contractions?

Despite the fact that false contractions do not cause pain in a pregnant woman, they bring her some discomfort. Therefore, it is best to try to protect yourself from situations that could cause training cramps. Factors most often causing false contractions:

  • Full bladder.
  • Active movements of the baby in the womb.
  • Sexual intercourse.
  • Sudden movements.
  • Nervousness.
  • In some cases, you can find out what training contractions are during pregnancy even by simply touching your stomach. It all depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body, but it’s still better to try to avoid factors that cause such a reaction.

    When should you be concerned?

    Most often, training contractions are not a cause for concern. Spasms go away quite quickly when the factor that caused them is eliminated. Therefore, in the last months of pregnancy, prepare for the fact that false contractions may become your regular companion, and do not attach much importance to them. However, if the following symptoms go to the hospital immediately:

    • If the duration of spasms is more than 2 minutes.
    • The contractions began to be accompanied by severe pain.
    • Bloody or colorless discharge from the vagina.
    • The spasms became frequent and regular.

    In other cases, it is enough just to know what false contractions during pregnancy are and not focus your attention on them. It may become just a little difficult to find a comfortable position while lying in bed.

    True contractions

    Unlike training spasms, true contractions indicate the immediate approach of the birth process. They may already be more pronounced and regular. Often true contractions are accompanied by the discharge of amniotic fluid. However, it is worth noting that sometimes in women this happens even before cramps occur. At the same time, it is not so rare to encounter cases when amniotic fluid is not expelled on its own, and dissection of the bladder that protects the baby from outside world, is performed in the hospital by a doctor, and only then the liquid is removed from it.

    Describing what contractions are before childbirth, it is worth adding that they may be accompanied by the release of a mucus plug. However, again, this is not at all necessary. For some expectant mothers, the mucus plug comes off a couple of weeks before giving birth. If this happens, the woman should consult a doctor to avoid possible consequences.

    Attempts: how to distinguish them from contractions?

    Sometimes pushing is confused with contractions. This happens especially often during rapid labor. It is important to understand that contractions and pushing are two different things. In the first case we're talking about about the initial stage of the birth process, in which the uterus is just preparing to push the baby out. In the second - about the immediate birth of the baby. What pushing and contractions are can also be described by the feelings of the expectant mother. During cramps, a woman feels a painful temporary tightening of the walls of the uterus and is completely unable to control it. Pushing is accompanied by a feeling of strong pressure on the lower part of the pelvis and perineum. In this case, a woman can partially reduce or increase it with the help of muscles. In this way, the expectant mother, in fact, helps push the baby out of the birth canal.

    Unlike contractions, pushing has a very strong effect on the child’s condition. Therefore, a pregnant woman must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. A missed push can cause the baby to lack oxygen, which increases the risk of death from suffocation.

    Stages of contractions

    It was previously described what contractions are and how they manifest themselves. As specified, this process must be regular and gradually increasing. However, how does the process actually develop? There are three main stages of labor pains:

    1. Hidden.
    2. Active.
    3. Transitional.

    At the very beginning, spasms are barely noticeable and short-lived. They occur approximately every 5 minutes and last 30-40 seconds. Hidden stage contractions are the longest - they can take up to 8 hours. In this case, the cervix remains practically undilated, dilating by a maximum of 3 cm.

    Then the contractions enter the active stage, which lasts about 5 hours. It is already becoming more noticeable for the woman, as the pain intensifies, and the interval between spasms, which last almost a minute, is reduced by 2 times. The dilation of the cervix is ​​already obvious - from 3 to 7 cm.

    The transition period implies what contractions are like at their very peak. In this case, the spasms last about a minute and a half, literally giving way to one another, because the gaps between them become barely noticeable. During the transitional stage, the maximum dilatation of the cervix is ​​observed, which is about 10 cm.

    When should you go to the maternity hospital?

    Most women wait with great anxiety for the onset of contractions. Therefore, at the first manifestation of symptoms similar to spasms, they rush headlong to the maternity hospital. Of course, contractions often turn out to be false, and the pregnant woman is sent home. Therefore, the main rule that is worth remembering is: no need to panic. After all, if you know what contractions are and how to recognize them, then we can say that the situation is under control. Arm yourself with a watch with a second hand. Use them to periodically record the duration and frequency of spasms. If contractions continue at least every 5 minutes for two or more hours, then you can safely go to the maternity hospital.

    Contractions have started: what to do?

    When the long-awaited moment arrives, and the woman feels the signs of true contractions, in most cases, hasty preparations for the hospital begin. Of course, ideally a bag with things for this case should be collected in advance, but even if this is not the case, there is no need to worry. If you know a lot about what contractions are, and how to recognize them, and what it feels like, then you should understand that there is still time to slowly prepare for childbirth.

    The first thing to do is try to calm down and set yourself up for an easy and quick birth. Next you can start hygiene procedures: take a shower, shave your bikini area. Warm water will help you relax and reduce pain. If contractions begin in the evening, you can lie down to rest, because there is a high probability that the baby will be born only in the morning. For women who are preparing to become mothers with the help caesarean section, it is advisable to have a light snack to gain strength and energy.

    Reducing pain during contractions: proper breathing

    Spasms of the uterine muscles in pregnant women are of an increasing nature, resembling a rolling wave. An earlier article discussed what training contractions are and described them as painless. With true labor spasms, this is completely different. At the very peak of contractions, a woman experiences painful sensations, which are often very strong. Most people giving birth scream, thereby trying to make the process easier. However, the most proven and effective way Reducing pain is breathing control. Try to concentrate on the moment when the contraction intensifies. In this case, it is necessary to breathe as often and deeply as possible, focusing on exhalation. Imagine that the air coming out of your lungs is pain. With each new exhalation it decreases and gradually disappears.

    Relaxing massage

    Light stroking helps to distract from painful sensations. You can do them yourself or ask for them. loved one. This method can be used even before the onset of labor, if you know first-hand what training contractions are during pregnancy. The sensations that accompany false spasms go away when stroking the lower back.

    Don't be afraid of contractions. This is a completely natural process during pregnancy, and it also takes you one step closer to having a baby. long-awaited baby. Set yourself up for positive thoughts and, first of all, make sure that your child is comfortable. After all, contractions are a temporary phenomenon that is worth hearing the first cry of your baby.