Teenagers and modern technologies. Interactive technologies in working with difficult teenagers

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From September 19 to 21, a conference " PRO adolescents: best practices of specialists working with orphans in state institutions and foster families to improve the quality of life of young people.

More than 30 experts spoke at the forum. Photo from the site pro-podrostkov.ru

The organizers are the charitable foundations "Sunny City", "Change One Life", "Opening Horizons" and the Interregional Public Organization for Assistance to the Upbringing Program for the Younger Generation "Big Brothers Big Sisters".

According to the organizers, “over the past two years, the number of teenagers who live in institutions for a long time has greatly increased. Toddlers and younger schoolchildren are willingly taken to Russian families, but older children do not often find their “new families”. And working with teenagers, oh, how difficult, and few even know how to do it! This causes a lot of problems, including after the children leave the orphanage.”

If teenagers are adopted, then often the adoptive parents admit that they did not cope, and again hand over the children to an orphanage or boarding school. Such guys are called "secondary" - because they were abandoned not only by their own parents, but also by adoptive ones. Returns of children in recent years is becoming more.

The purpose of the conference was to teach technologies and provide tools for the effective work of child protection specialists with children over 10 years old left without parental care.

More than 30 experts spoke at the forum - representatives of executive authorities and non-profit organizations working in the field of child protection, as well as institutions for orphans and children left without parental care and support services for foster families.

The organizers shared their impressions of the conference with the correspondent of the Change One Life Foundation.

Marina Aksenova, DirectorChildren's Charitable Foundation "Sunny City"

“We managed to gather a lot of specialists from different regions to participate in the conference, who are ready not only to discuss topics related to the adoption and upbringing of adolescents left without parental care, but also to share their own unique practices.

Such applied things are not taught anywhere and no one. And we suggested that specialists in the field of child protection for effective work with adolescents left without parental care, to master them.

We held the conference in such a way that new knowledge formed the basis for understanding the emotional nature. Thus, all participants in the educational process will benefit from participation in this conference: both mentors and their wards teenagers.

Specialists demonstrated new unique practices. Photo from the site pro-podrostkov.ru

I believe that such forums should be attended by representatives of various institutions in the field of education, representatives of all branches of government related to this topic. They need to learn to understand orphans, to be able to communicate with them and know what is necessary for their upbringing and education. Then, in adult life, these children will enter not as sociological units of the risk group, but full-fledged representatives of our society.”

Alexandra Telitsyna, Executive DirectorIPO "Big Brothers Big Sisters"

“At the conference, topical issues were discussed, for example, respect for the human personality in general, and for the personality of a teenager in particular, they talked about respect for the self-determination of adolescents. They discussed age-related crises, riots - how to live with it, how to use them as a continuous source of personal growth. We talked about how to properly conflict.

Specific practices were presented. For example, representatives of the Uppsala Circus project showed many an example of how to work with teenagers.

Upsala Circus knows how to work with teenagers. Photo from the site pro-podrostkov.ru.

There wasn't enough time for everything, of course. We did not have time to discuss such issues as to motivate employees of children's institutions for orphans, to change their attitude to the profession, to their duties, to understand that it is by personal example that they form the attitude of adolescents to their future adult life. Work “out of necessity, not out of vocation” is unacceptable when interacting with teenagers. This applies in particular to educators.

Topics such as the violation of children's rights - being taken away from the birth family, the consumer position of adolescents - pupils of children's institutions, the formation of universal human values ​​among adolescents who have lost their guidelines "taking someone else's - it's not good, not helping - it's a shame, etc." lies and theft among pupils of children's institutions, hopelessness and prospects - why teenagers do not imagine their future, the school bullying triad, sexual and sexualized behavior of children and adolescents in the institution, and many others.

I would like to see Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Olga Batalina, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and Anna Kuznetsova, the new Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Russian Federation, as participants in the dialogue with charitable organizations in order to discuss and solve the existing problems with orphans in state institutions, at such forums.

Yulia Yudina, Director

“The conference was practical, and in my speech I spoke about the real possibilities of the Internet and new information technologies in promoting the family placement of orphans.

The power of the Internet in Russia cannot be underestimated. According to an international study in 2015, Russia is the third country in the world in terms of the level of penetration of social networks and the activity of their use.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the audience of social networks is quite different from each other, in particular, in terms of age and gender composition, in terms of popularity in individual cities. Therefore, effective communication with VKontakte users requires different formats, a different language than when building communication with Facebook or Odnoklassniki users. This must be taken into account when developing PR campaigns for children who need families.

The Change One Life Foundation makes a lot of efforts to ensure that thousands of videos of orphans filmed by our foundation are seen and noticed by potential parents.

“At the conference, we were able to highlight the issues and problems of working with adolescents in a complete, so to speak, “chronology of events”: removal of a child from a birth family and placement in a state institution, his stay in an institution, placement in a foster family, stay in a foster family, release from institutions.

The most important thought went through all three days of the conference for the participants - we: representatives of guardianship authorities, institutions, NGOs - that is, all adults, must act exclusively in the interests of each individual child! Here is the most important question.

Our foundation participated in two sections. In the section “Role-playing games. Formation of goal-setting and motivation through the game” we presented a unique method of educational games of live action, developed specifically for the social adaptation of children from orphanages. As part of our Opening Horizons charity program, we hold games in state institutions in 17 regions of Russia aimed at developing the following skills in children: communication, independence, planning, persuasion, and solving life problems.

We have chosen educational games of live action, because the main problem of children from orphanages is the lack of opportunities for independent activities in orphanages. We give them this opportunity by creating space for independent action.

At the second section - "Work on vocational self-determination - assistance to NGOs" we presented our program "Step into the Future". This is a “full-cycle” career guidance program that includes 6 content blocks: educational career guidance games, practical classes and trainings (from searching for a job on the Internet to passing an interview), excursions to educational institutions and enterprises, vocational training at our partners’ corporate universities , internships and employment. The program caused a heated discussion, which means that the topic of career guidance is very relevant for pupils of state institutions.

The conference is one of the first steps in the great work to improve the lives of teenagers. Photo from the site pro-podrostkov.ru

The situation is always changing people. In our case, people on the ground, those who, returning home after the conference, will (or will not) use the knowledge gained to change the situation in their particular institution or region. There is such a good Old Believer motto - "Though do something, but do it." It seems to me that if the participants of our conference implement at least 10 percent of what they have heard and seen into their work with teenagers, and, at the same time, continue to use their successful practices, this will already be a significant result.

I would like to hope that our conference is only one of the first steps in the great work that we must carry out together in order to really improve the lives of adolescents in children's institutions. The non-standard format (an immersive game at the beginning) made it possible to “stir up” the participants and hold a really effective event.”

All conference materialslink.

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The culture of the youth community is saturated with digital technologies, and it is no longer possible to imagine a teenager outside of computer games, social networks, Internet surfing and various chats and forums.

Today, from a technological point of view, families with teenagers are becoming the most advanced, since it is they who know how to use any technology adequately to its capabilities and lead the rest of the family, improving their knowledge in the field of electronic resources and information technology.

Teenagers set the tone in technological progress as the main consumers of new products. Most of the "computer time" they spend in games that have a contradictory impact. Parents, teachers and psychologists are concerned about the impact of video games, Internet communication and the information space on the intellectual, emotional and communicative development of adolescents.

The impact of digital technologies on the cognitive development of adolescents. Data on the impact of digital technologies on the psyche of adolescents demonstrate a multidirectional impact: both positive and negative (Fig. 3.6). The main changes relate to perception and thinking, the formation of a predominant orientation to visual channels of information and the development of the so-called clip thinking, which has a number of advantages and limitations.

Wedge thinking is a predominant focus on visual figurative information with a high speed of processing visual images and the formation of fragmentary, narrowly specific blocks of information that are not connected by causal relationships.

Rice. 3.6.

Among the positive consequences of digital technologies for thinking and cognitive development in general, the ability to multitask, the high speed of cognitive reactions, and the ability to defend against information overload are distinguished. In many ways, the basic source of stress (information overload) has been overcome by modern teenagers. Positive achievements also include the growth of non-verbal intelligence, a specific concentration of attention and an increase in its stability. Adolescents who devote only some of their free time to the computer demonstrate academic performance at the same level as non-gaming adolescents, and sometimes even higher. Of course, if a teenager spends 10 hours a day at a computer, not only his school performance will worsen, but also his somatic health. With a moderate interest in computers, the intellectual development of adolescents does not suffer. Video games require a willingness to explore, to try behavior, they are focused on inductive thinking, which is so lacking in school deductive education.

Computer games, according to foreign psychologists, also contribute to the development of intuitive thinking, the ability to find solutions by trial and error, the ability to interact with information in a situation of uncertainty. Against the background of continuous changes in modern society, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to single out universal strategies of behavior; old landmarks disappear. Teenagers learn to live in a world where they often have to act at random, like in a computer game, where at first it is not known which strategy will bring luck, but active trial and error turns out to be promising.

Alternative psychology

French psychologists, analyzing the development of adolescent thinking under the influence of interaction with a computer, believe that such adolescents have a clear advantage. The plasticity of the developing brain allows young people to form not only traditional, but also original mental schemes. The main achievement is the fundamental willingness to learn new cognitive models. Adolescents who actively use search engines are able to sift through information, analyze it and make decisions faster than their non-computer peers. The skills of searching for the necessary information in hypertext form the readiness to consider diverging points of view and conflicting information, which, in turn, contributes to personal growth, the formation of a multidimensional picture of the world and resistance to totalitarian influences. Mastering a computer helps teenagers regulate their own activities by analogy with the efficiency and accuracy of computer programs, increase self-reliance and independence.

The Internet provides teenagers with access to a wide variety of information that is often inaccessible in conventional forms. For example, information related to puberty is extremely important for a teenager, and the availability of honest, unbiased data is limited. Most parents are not ready to discuss gender issues with their children, and peers most often distort information by retelling information “about it” to each other as in a “broken phone”. Television, including advertising, presents gender relations in a very biased way, and any teenage boy will suffer the deepest disappointment in the physical and physiological organization of his body if he compares himself with the models offered from the television screen. The Internet is an opportunity to confidentially, fearlessly receive accurate, open information on issues that concern thousands of adolescents who have entered puberty. And this is only one of the sides of the information space of the Internet.

The Internet is becoming a source of objective (in their opinion) information for teenagers, and the request among teenagers is made not only about traditionally teenage issues (sex, drugs, rock and roll), but also about fundamentally different ones (cognitive and professional activities, political activity, etc.) 1101.

At the same time, there are obvious disadvantages of clip thinking and the impact of digital technologies in general. The intellect, which functions mainly in the digital space, is characterized by a decrease in the ability to analyze, build a systemic logic of cause-and-effect relationships. Knowledge turns out to be fragmentary and narrowly specific. A significant characteristic of adult thinking is lost - its length, as well as the ability to perceive long, linear sequences and homogeneous, one-style information, for example, a book text. Accordingly, there are difficulties with the processing of sign information that is as abstract as possible, divorced from the image. Analyzing technocratic thinking, V.P. Zinchenko and E.B. Morgunov indicate that what is essential for it is “the primacy of the means over the end, the end over the meaning and universal interests, the meaning over the being and realities of the modern world, technology over man and his values” .

Changing thinking is an objective reality that arises in response to the acceleration of the general pace of life, the growth in the quantity and variety of information in the surrounding space, the ability, thanks to modern technologies, to simultaneously perform various tasks. The information society also makes demands on mental processes, and adolescents effectively respond to this challenge.

The emergence of intelligent technologies has fundamentally changed the attitude to information: society has stepped from a deficit to an abundance of information on the verge of redundancy. This situation inevitably entails the transformation of the entire process of development and learning. Thus, the position of the teacher undergoes significant changes. Adolescents no longer see the teacher as a knowledgeable authority figure with information. Any information is available to them on the Internet, and the emphasis in training is shifting to the formation of skills for sorting information and choosing opportunities for its use. The traditional school hierarchy according to the criterion of possession of information is greatly shaken.

But the authority of parents in connection with the growing technical competence of their children does not always fall. Parents have not only knowledge, but also values ​​that determine an authoritative position. In a situation where adolescents themselves choose the necessary knowledge and sources for obtaining it, and social experience is constantly being transformed, the task of parents is to convey values ​​and moral principles to children.

One of the properties of the Internet that is fundamentally important from a psychological point of view is its personification as the ability to adapt content to the needs of the user. This property is manifested, for example, in virtual shopping, when offers are oriented exclusively to the needs of the buyer. Here lies the threat to development. If you are ready to buy only rock music, you will never come across the classics, because the computer allows you to deliberately limit the choice in accordance with your preferences. This paradox extends to some extent to all the information that a teenager can potentially get on the Internet.

Control questions

  • 1. What is abstract thinking?
  • 2. What is the content of cognitive development at the stage of formal operations?
  • 3. What is the fundamental difference between formal operations and the stage of concrete operations?
  • 4. How is the term “pseudo-stupidity” understood in psychology?
  • 5. What characteristics of formal thinking can be identified?
  • 6. Does the level of intelligence development depend on the gender, ethnicity and culture of a teenager?
  • 7. What cognitive styles are identified in psychology?
  • 8. What factors influence the formation of cognitive style?
  • 9. What are the main patterns of informational socialization in adolescence?
  • 10. How do traditional forms of activity change under the influence of information technology?

Nowadays, almost all mothers and fathers worry that their children spend a lot of time on the Internet. However, parents don`t understand that it`s their lifestyle and try to make their offspring live without computers.

In my opinion, parents shouldn`t limit the time for their children to use computers. First of all, teenagers can communicate with their friends who live far away using e-mail. Secondly, they have a good opportunity to develop computer skills. They learn to work with documents, photos and videos. In addition, teenagers have a chance to relax after school listening to their favorite music or watching films on the Internet. Besides, they can find a lot of useful information in order to do their homework better.

There are parents who oppose my point of view. They argue that sitting on the Internet is not good for health, especially eyes. They think that teenagers live an unreal life. However, teenagers develop their thinking and spend time with pleasure.

In conclusion, parents should be more understanding to their children. They should help them surfing on the Internet, show interesting sites and never limit the time to use computers. It will make parents closer to their children.


Nowadays, almost all moms and dads are worried about the fact that their children spend a lot of time on the Internet. However, parents do not understand that this is the way of life of their children and try to deprive them of computers.

In my opinion, parents should not limit the amount of time they spend on computers. First, teenagers can communicate with their friends who live far away using e-mail. Secondly, they have a great opportunity to develop computer skills. They learn to work with documents, photos and videos. Also, teenagers have the opportunity to relax after school, listening to their favorite music and enjoying movies on the Internet. In addition, teenagers can find a lot of useful information on the net to do their homework better.

There are parents who do not share my point of view, believing that spending time at the computer is bad for health, especially for vision. They think that teenagers live in a fantasy world. However, teenagers develop their thinking and have an interesting time.

In conclusion, parents should treat teenagers with understanding. They should help their children surf the Internet, show them interesting sites and not limit their time on the computer. This will help parents get closer to their children.

Vasilyeva Ekaterina

Interactive technologies in work with difficult teenagers with addictive behavior.

Addictive behavior- one of the forms of destructive (destructive) behavior, the desire to escape from reality by changing one's mental state by taking certain substances or constantly fixing attention on certain objects or activities (types of activity), accompanied by the development of intense emotions.

By resorting to forms of addictive behavior, people try to artificially change their mental state, which gives them the illusion of security, restoring balance. Addictive behavioral strategies are usually caused by difficulties in adapting to problematic life situations: difficult socio-economic conditions, numerous disappointments, the collapse of ideals, conflicts in the family and at work, the loss of loved ones, a sharp change in habitual stereotypes.
Chronic dissatisfaction with reality leads to flight into the world of fantasy, finding refuge in cults led by powerful, demagogic religious or political leaders, or in groups committed to the worship of some idol: a rock band, sports team or other "stars", replacing real life values ​​and reference points artificial, virtual.
The destructive nature of addiction is manifested in the fact that in this process emotional relationships are established, connections not with other people, but with inanimate objects or phenomena (especially with chemical addictions, gambling, vagrancy, etc.).
Emotional relationships with people lose their significance, become superficial. Methods of addictive implementation from a means gradually turn into a goal.

The word "interactive" came to us from English from the word interact (inter - mutual, act - to act). Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person).
Interactive methods of teaching and upbringing are understood as methods based on the interaction of a minor with other minors, teachers, parents and other subjects of the socio-pedagogical process.
These methods allow minors to independently solve difficult problems, create a potentially great opportunity to transfer knowledge and experience of various types of activities (educational, labor, communicative, creative, etc.) from a simulated situation to a real one; allow you to gain time, are psychologically attractive and comfortable for minors.
The use of interactive methods excludes the dominance of both one speaker and one opinion over another, which is very important for adolescence and youth, when pressure is regarded as a humiliation of dignity.
It should also be emphasized that the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of minors, his task is to create conditions for their initiative. Interactive methods of social education of minors is a model of open discussion that contributes to the development of adolescents' ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. Within the framework of the classification based on types of goals, the following groups of interactive methods can be distinguished:
– transfer of social experience in the form of knowledge, information (lectures, conversations);
- changing attitudes towards the outside world (discussions, role-playing games, debates, show technologies);
- modeling technology, or project method (rather as an extracurricular activity);
– training in social skills (trainings, role modeling).
Interactive technologies are based on the direct interaction of students with the learning environment. The learning environment acts as a reality in which the student finds for himself the area of ​​mastered experience. The learner's experience is the central activator of learning cognition.
In traditional education, the teacher plays the role of a “filter” that passes educational information through him, in interactive education he plays the role of an assistant in work, activating mutually directed flows of information.

Compared to traditional ones, in interactive learning models, interaction with the teacher also changes: his activity gives way to the activity of students, the task of the teacher is to create conditions for their initiative. In interactive technology, students act as full participants, their experience is no less important than the experience of a teacher, which not only provides ready-made knowledge, but encourages students to search independently.
The teacher acts in interactive technologies in several main roles. In each of them, he organizes the interaction of participants with a particular area of ​​the information environment. In the role of an informant-expert, the teacher presents textual material, demonstrates a video sequence, answers questions from participants, monitors the results of the process, etc. In the role of an organizer-facilitator, he establishes the interaction of students with the social and physical environment (breaks into subgroups, encourages them to independently collect data, coordinates the implementation of tasks, the preparation of mini-presentations, etc.). In the role of a consultant, the teacher refers to the professional experience of students, helps to find solutions to already set tasks, independently set new ones, etc.
the main objective- holistic development of the student's personality. The means of personality development, revealing its potential internal abilities, is independent cognitive and mental activity.
Therefore, the task of the teacher is to provide such activities in the classroom, which is facilitated by modern interactive technologies.
In this case, the student himself opens the way to knowledge. The assimilation of knowledge is the result of his activity