How to give birth as soon as possible. How to give birth faster and meet your long-awaited baby

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Pregnancy is the most emotional period in the life of every woman, and the closer the due date, the more worried and worried the expectant mother is. The 40th week of pregnancy is approaching, the mother is anticipating the long-awaited contractions, but they still do not begin. The last days of pregnancy drag on for a long time, and the baby still does not want to go out into the big world.

When the day passes on which the doctors suggested giving birth, mommy becomes truly anxious. Is everything okay with the baby? How long will it take for him to be born? Is it possible to induce contractions on your own? Every pregnant woman wants to quickly free herself from a heavy burden and press her beloved baby to her chest. There are several fairly effective ways to speed up labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy, the only question is whether it is necessary.

When should you give birth?

Pregnancy ideally lasts exactly forty weeks, or ten lunar months, but the child may be born earlier than the appointed time, or may linger in the womb. It is not considered a deviation from the norm if the baby decides to get out of the belly already at 38 or only at 42 weeks. In the first case, the baby is fully formed, continues to grow and gain weight, and in the second case, it does not yet show signs of postmaturity.

A woman’s body manifests itself very individually, but you can roughly calculate how long the pregnancy will last by looking at the length of her menstrual cycle. If menstruation recurs after 28 days, then the child will most likely be born exactly on the date determined by the doctors, but if menstrual cycle takes more than 30 days, then gestation will be long.

If for some reason the baby is born before 38 weeks, he is considered premature and must be nursed in the postpartum department. And if a baby is born after 42 weeks, all the signs of postmaturity are visible, which also does not have a very good effect on his health.

The doctor informs the expectant mother of the preliminary date of birth at the first appointment. antenatal clinic, and more exact date determined during an examination with an ultrasound machine, when the physician observes the degree of development of the embryo. At 40 weeks of pregnancy, if there are no pathologies or complications, childbirth takes place naturally. But under certain conditions, the doctor may prescribe a caesarean section.

Is it really necessary to induce labor?

Whether it is worth inducing labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy, only a doctor can tell after an examination. If the baby grows and develops normally in the womb, there is enough space for him, the mother does not have to worry, waiting for natural birth process. In this case, it is better not to interfere during pregnancy.

But if the baby is large, he may not have enough oxygen from the aging placenta. A post-term baby who does not want to get out of his belly experiences oxygen starvation. In addition, after the 40th week of pregnancy, the fetus’s skull bones begin to harden, which means that it will be very difficult for him to move along the birth canal, and the mother will experience severe pain during childbirth. In this situation, in order not to wait for a referral for a caesarean section, the pregnant woman is advised to induce labor.

How to induce labor at home?

Already at 39 weeks, doctors begin to scare a pregnant woman artificial stimulation childbirth using medications. No mother wants to poison herself or her unborn baby. medicines, so many people wonder how to induce contractions at home. There are many ways to independently induce contractions and childbirth; a doctor at the antenatal clinic can tell you about them in detail. Women who are determined to give birth should take a good rest and sleep, because childbirth is a long and tiring process.

  1. Hiking. Brisk walking on fresh air useful at any stage of gestation: it increases the tone of the body and gives it a good shake-up, bringing birth closer.
  2. Physical exercise. Many women admit that their contractions began as soon as they finished cleaning the house. The main thing is not to overwork, so as not to provoke placental abruption instead of childbirth. You can wash the floors, dust the furniture, take out the trash, give your older child a bath, wash your clothes, but you cannot carry heavy buckets or lift loaded boxes and bags of groceries.
  3. Sex. Natural and very effective way speed up childbirth at home, especially if the intimate process ends with orgasm. Spermatozoa contain a high concentration of the hormone prostaglandin, which helps soften the tissue of the uterus, and orgasm causes active contraction of the uterus, which can smoothly develop into labor contractions.
  4. Breast massage. Intense stimulation of the breast in the area around the nipples provokes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the onset of the birth process.
  5. Laxatives. Increased peristalsis intestinal tract not only helps speed up labor, but also cleanses the body, which makes it more likely to avoid loose stool during contractions. A good laxative for pregnant women is ordinary castor oil; one tablespoon is enough to induce contractions. also in last days During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and cereal porridges.
  6. Folk remedies. Strong tea made from raspberry leaves activates labor and softens cervical tissue, but it should not be taken until the 40th week of pregnancy. This is very strong remedy, which can cause miscarriage in the early stages. A thoroughly whipped mixture of sparkling water, apricots, almonds and castor oil also helps to quickly stimulate labor.
  7. Linseed oil. The components it contains make the tissues of the uterus and birth canal soft and elastic, preparing them for upcoming birth. If there allergic reaction flax oil, you can replace it with primrose oil.
  8. Fragrances. It is believed that the smells of certain flowers, especially roses or jasmine, can cause contractions. A woman who wants to give birth sooner later, can perform aroma therapy at home using flower oils. The main thing is not to cause allergies.
  9. Acupuncture. This method of inducing labor is best left to a specialist. The master uses the finest needles to influence the points of the body responsible for the functioning of the uterus. This technique quite often contributes to the occurrence of contractions.

Reading time: 7 minutes

During pregnancy, when there are no contractions even at 41 obstetric weeks, a woman begins to seriously think about the question of how to give birth faster, and tries to put into practice the home advice of “past generations.” In general, it is quite possible to stimulate labor, but it is important to first enlist the support of a specialist to eliminate the threat to intrauterine development and pathological birth. It won't be long until the baby arrives. To speed up labor naturally, you need to choose the safest way to speed up this natural process.

What is childbirth

This natural process female body, during which the light is born new life. Physiologically, labor begins with contractions and ends with delivery. It is difficult to call this condition painless, however future mommy She is sincerely glad that the pregnancy has come to an end and is even ready to endure the pain. Every woman in interesting position“she dreams of giving birth quickly and painlessly, but in practice you can forget about such desires. However, there are ways to stimulate the cervix to open, while reducing the severity of pain symptoms.

How to speed up labor

Consciously approaching the due date is not encouraged, especially at obstetric period up to 38 – 40 weeks. Otherwise it may cause harm intrauterine development fetus, provoke pathological birth with dangerous birth defects. If the 41st obstetric week has passed and there are still no contractions, labor can be stimulated. This is permitted only after the consent of the leading gynecologist. Here are proven methods in a given direction:

  • find time for an intensive nipple massage;
  • increase physical activity on the pregnant body;
  • V home environment do special exercises from the field of gymnastics;
  • engage in “papatherapy” (as sexual intercourse before childbirth is called);
  • perform a cleansing enema;
  • accept warm bath(water temperature no more than 37 degrees) with aromatherapy;
  • perform acupressure.

How to induce labor at home

During the second birth, such a need does not arise, since experienced mother I have already established close contact with the baby and set him up for imminent birth. During the first pregnancy, there is also a high probability that the baby will be born before the obstetric due date established by the gynecologist. In order for the baby to be born healthy and strong, the expectant mother is strictly forbidden to do anything on her own, so to speed up this natural process, medical intervention is clearly indispensable. Below are effective ways to give birth as quickly as possible.

Exercises to speed up labor

In order for the water to break faster, the expectant mother remembers old proven methods that can be done without special labor implement at home. Some women stop using the elevator and climb up and down the stairs on their own. The latter remember the benefits spring cleaning, and still others even resort to certain physical exercises. In the latter case we're talking about about the safest way to speed up the birth process. Below are some simple exercises that will help you quickly experience the joy of motherhood:

  1. Purchase a fitball in advance. Take a sitting position and perform not fast, but rhythmic jumps on its surface. In this way, you can speed up the flow of blood to the uterus, as a result of which it contracts faster.
  2. It is recommended to perform deep squats, but no more than 8 – 10 repetitions at a time. The muscles of the uterus begin to contract from such physical activity, the process begins labor activity.
  3. The onset of contractions is preceded by performing classic Kegel exercises - 100 repetitions per approach. You can do such movements an unlimited number of times a day, and the flow of blood to the pelvic organs will make childbirth quicker and less painful.

Nipple stimulation

Acceleration of labor is ensured by simple manipulations with the breast. Before performing an intense nipple massage, it is important to understand how it works and determine in detail the stage of pregnancy. The natural hormone oxytocin is responsible for the onset of labor, so its intensive production and concentration in the blood must be increased. To do this, doctors recommend performing nipple massage at home using baby cream And Massage Oil. Gynecologists stimulate labor by artificially injecting Oxytocin into the blood in the maternity hospital.

Having sex

To speed up the birth process, you can involve the future “father of the family”. Sexual contact, due to the rhythmic forward movements of the partner, “forces” the reproductive organ to contract and open faster. In addition, this physiological process ensures smoothing and softening of the cervix, reducing the period and intensity of contractions. A mandatory requirement is to choose the right position for sex. Here valuable recommendations gynecologist:

  1. Do not apply increased load to the abdomen, so it is better to choose the “cat” pose.
  2. It is important to avoid excessive pressure from a man on a woman’s breasts.
  3. To make a man’s movements easy and painless, it is recommended to buy a special lubricant.


Every woman has not the most favorable associations with the maternity hospital, so the expectant mother prefers to stimulate labor at home. The fastest and safest method is to slightly adjust your usual daily diet and diversify it with food ingredients that help you give birth faster. Here are the foods we are talking about:

  1. Any spicy dishes on the daily menu provoke uterine contractility and help give birth faster.
  2. Olive oil increases the elasticity of the perineum, accelerates its opening and reduces the risk of cervical rupture.
  3. You can drink tea made from raspberry leaves, as it helps tone the muscles of the uterus and pelvis. Preference can be given to this drink after 34 obstetric weeks.
  4. Ginger tea works on the same principle, and a woman can not only give birth faster, but also significantly strengthen her immunity weakened by pregnancy.
  5. You can eat a little hot pepper. The muscles of the uterus intensify their contraction, but such sharpness is harmful to the digestion of the mother and child and poses a threat to health.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods also help to give birth faster, but they should not be superficial and arbitrary. Otherwise general state in a pregnant woman can be dramatically worsened. To quickly give birth to a child without harm to own health, the first step is to choose the right folk remedy, and to do this, exclude increased sensitivity the body to certain plant components, reduce the risk of local and allergic reactions.

Raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry significantly increases the tone of the uterus, therefore, in order for a woman to give birth faster, it is recommended to drink tea with its leaves, which should first be dried and crushed. You can brew the raw material in the usual way, and in terms of taste, such a tonic drink is in no way inferior to classic teas from the store. Labor does not begin immediately, but noticeably accelerates.

Sunflower oil

This is the most affordable and easy way bring labor closer. After ingestion, sunflower oil provokes a pronounced laxative effect - there is no need to give an enema. After each bowel movement, the contractility of the uterus only increases, and you can soon give birth. It is allowed to take 1 tbsp orally. l. oil base, no more.

This alternative way to give birth faster is similar to the previous one, only the laxative effect is softer and more gentle. If you drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. castor oil, after 7 - 10 minutes there is a noticeable urge to go to the toilet. With frequent bowel movements, the uterus becomes toned, begins to contract diligently, and promotes natural childbirth.

Medical methods

If a woman continues her pregnancy for more than 42 obstetric weeks, doctors strongly recommend hospitalization with forced simulation of labor. This is necessary because the child may be born with extensive pathologies. Here's what medical methods give birth quickly we are talking about:

  1. Opening amniotic sac(amniotomy) with further production of prostaglandins. The procedure is quick and painless, but can only be performed in cases of polyhydramnios and weak labor, when the cervix is ​​ready to dilate.
  2. Administration of drugs Oxytocin or Enzaprost intravenously. The procedure is carried out only for medical reasons, while the doctor constantly monitors the fetal heartbeat.

The danger of post-term pregnancy

Transitioning through pregnancy is also serious pathology in obstetrics, so a woman should use all safe methods at home in order to quickly give birth to a healthy and strong baby. Otherwise, the child may die in the womb, for example, by choking on amniotic fluid or suffocating from a lack of vital oxygen. Other dangerous complications, which the local gynecologist discusses in detail during the obstetric period from 41 weeks, are presented in the following list:

  • acute oxygen starvation of the fetus, asphyxia;
  • slowing down biochemical processes in the umbilical cord and placenta;
  • difficult passage of the child through the birth canal;
  • the need for an emergency caesarean section;
  • congenital pathologies, serious internal defects.


The content of the article:

Everyone will agree that waiting is a rather painful process. And this statement will definitely be confirmed by future mothers: 40 weeks of pregnancy is no joke! This is especially felt with the onset of the 38th week. The baby should already appear, but nothing foretells the imminent start of the birth process. What to do? It turns out that you can speed up the onset of labor on your own. Of course, for this you need to know the most safe ways, which will not harm either mother or baby.
In this article we will tell you how and what you can do to speed up labor.

Means and techniques for stimulating labor

You can speed up the birth process at home and in a clinical setting. Just keep in mind that at home you should use only the safest methods that will not lead to unpleasant consequences. All possible ways It's best to discuss this with your obstetrician/gynecologist.

If carrying a baby for all months passed without complications and his birth does not imply any threat to the life and health of him and his mother, then some manipulations that stimulate the birth process can be carried out at home. Only for this you need to definitely, one hundred percent know your deadline. In general, the gestation period is 40 weeks. Although the baby is considered to be fully formed already at 38. But in order to give birth faster at 38 weeks and use for this various ways stimulation, you need to be sure that this is exactly how long the baby was in the stomach.

Home remedies to speed up labor

The most effective and harmless methods include the following:

1. Long walks in the fresh air. Of course, on foot. Plus it's just useful. And not only for pregnant women. Therefore, you should definitely include walks in your daily routine, and do them daily. Only on this long term You will still need an accompanying person. At the very least, you need to take your phone with you (well charged in advance).

2. Just like walking around the neighborhood, climbing stairs can help speed up labor safely. Therefore, if the house has an elevator, then it is better not to use it, but to go up on foot. Well, or just go up and down, using one flight of stairs for “training”.

3. What else can be done to speed up labor? Swim. In a pond or pool. Just remember that it’s better not to do this alone at such a late date.

4. Can orgasm speed up labor? Even doctors do not deny this method of stimulating labor. You can just have sex without orgasm. Semen contains certain hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. They promote the onset of labor by activating the contractile function of the muscular wall of the uterus. But if the plug has already come off, then this method is absolutely not suitable. This is fraught with infection of the baby.

5. To speed up labor, you can massage your nipples and breasts. Such stimulation allows the production of oxytocin. And this hormone, as is known, performs a contractile function. It is not without reason that putting a baby to the breast after childbirth allows the uterus to contract much faster.

6. You can also use grandma's method - intensive cleaning of the house. Of course, without lifting weights. How to wash floors to speed up labor? It’s very simple: you just need to put the mop aside and clean up with my own hands, it is advisable to move on your haunches. Just don't put too much pressure on your stomach. Stimulation is provided by movement, not pressure.

7. Jumping on a fitball will also help speed up labor. They create additional blood flow to the uterus, which speeds up its opening.

8. Taking laxatives (which, of course, are not contraindicated during pregnancy) also tones the uterus. The intestines, contracting, have a stimulating effect on the reproductive organ, thereby promoting the onset of contractions.

9. Some mothers, in order to give birth sooner, go to an acupuncturist. Acupuncture effect on necessary points accelerates the onset of labor.

10. Uncomplicated physical exercise can also provide stimulation. For example, you can do squats to speed up labor. At the same time, you need to move your legs to the side (you can hold on to something). The number of approaches is at least 8 times a day. Especially gymnastics (plus jumping on a fitball) will help those who want to give birth faster at 40 weeks.

11. Very capable of speeding up labor without harm. effective exercise Kegels (100 times a day).

12. Blowing up balloons at least 10 times a day is also excellent stimulation. During the pushing period, breathing becomes exactly the same as when inflating, and, therefore, the necessary muscles tense.

13. Some mothers take no-shpa, which speeds up labor by removing spasms from the cervix, which allows it to open easily. But you should not do this without consulting a doctor.

14. Castor oil is also an energizing home remedy. It is folk remedy to speed up labor. It, too, like cleaning, was used by our grandmothers, who could not wait for the baby to be born. This remedy is not very harmless. In order for the oil to act in the desired direction, you need to drink at least two tablespoons of it. The dosage causes severe diarrhea, bowel cleansing, in turn, stimulates contractions. The product itself has an unpleasant taste. Therefore, oil is mainly used as a component of some tasty, for example, fruit cocktail.

15. Some experts claim that there are aromas that can speed up labor without harm. These include rose and jasmine. If you breathe in the vapors of oils from these flowers using an aroma lamp, you can start the birth process.

Of course, it would be useful for any expectant mother to know how to speed up labor without harming her health. But do not forget that you still need to consult a doctor. Even if this only means walking up stairs, not to mention castor oil. It is necessary to initially exclude contraindications.

How labor is stimulated in the maternity ward

The need for urgent initiation of the labor process lies in the following indications:

Disturbed placental blood flow;
fetal hypoxia, confirmed by tests;
sharply manifested Rh conflict between mother and fetus;
pregnancy period exceeding 42 weeks;
discharge of amniotic fluid with the absence of contractions.

Stimulation is also prescribed at the request of the woman herself. Of course, within reason. If she wants to speed up labor at 41 weeks, then the doctor can satisfy this desire.
There are several types of contractions medical supplies and methods. They are safe for mother and fetus, but can only be used in a clinical setting and under the supervision of specialists. Such means include:

1. Hormonal drugs. Used only when the pregnancy is full term. Labor may begin within the next two days after taking this remedy.

2. Prostaglandins. They soften the neck, thereby allowing it to open more easily. They are administered by injection into the cervix or through an IV.

3. Laminaria. Among the many properties of the drug is this: it stimulates the production of hormones necessary for the onset of labor. Today, the introduction of kelp is a priority method of accelerating labor.

4. The doctor opens the cervix with his own hands. This happens if contractions are in full swing, and the cervix dilates poorly.

5. Amniotomy. This is the opening of the amniotic sac. Often the baby simply cannot break through the dense membrane. In such situations this technique is used. Contractions begin either immediately or after some time.

6. Oxytocin. The hormone oxytocin is administered intravenously using a drip. It stimulates labor, pushes contractions.

Indications for accelerating labor must be compelling. Mostly doctors stand on the side natural birth crumbs.

Contraindications for accelerating labor

You shouldn’t even think about how you can speed up the birth process if you have a planned caesarean section, as well as in the following cases:

Narrow pelvis;
uterine scar;
incorrect position child;
placental abruption;
pelvic organ infections;
diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys of the woman in labor.

It doesn’t matter what the term is, even when it’s the 38th–39th week of pregnancy, you absolutely cannot look for ways to speed up labor if the woman in labor has been diagnosed with the above diagnoses. All labor in these cases should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor from beginning to end.

It is worth knowing that if placenta previa is diagnosed, then even a small exercise stress, not to mention sex, can lead to bleeding, which will endanger the health or even the life of the baby and his mother. Therefore, no matter how much you would like to see your baby as soon as possible, it is better to still let him be born when he himself wants it. And delivery should be accelerated only if medical indications and under the supervision of a doctor. Childbirth is an unpredictable process. And a precious little life depends on how this process goes.

In this article:

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time in the life of every woman. Expecting a baby psychologically prepares her for the arrival of a child. But when it gets a little long, expectant mother begins to think about how to quickly give birth to a long-awaited child.

A woman has various fears about future childbirth, her stomach begins to bother her, heartburn and pain in the lumbar region appear. And if the expected date for the birth of the baby has already passed, she begins to experience pressure from doctors and close relatives, which is very depressing.

Usually the turning point is 41 weeks. By this time, both the child and mother are completely ready to meet each other. But for some reason childbirth does not occur. Doctors in in this case It is advised to go to the maternity hospital and undergo stimulation. But if the cervix is ​​not yet sufficiently prepared, then this is fraught with ruptures and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, the woman begins to look for other ways that will help induce labor naturally.

There are quite a lot of methods, but this does not mean that they are universal and will help absolutely everyone.

Method number 1 - sexual intimacy

This remedy is one of the most effective. Even gynecologists recommend having sex on last weeks pregnancy. Proximity will not necessarily cause contractions to begin, but it will help soften the cervix, which will allow the woman to more easily cope with the first stage of labor.

But the likelihood of contractions occurring after sexual intercourse is still quite high, since during orgasm the muscles of the uterus begin to sharply contract, which can cause the onset of labor. This is why doctors do not recommend sexual intimacy in last trimester pregnancy. Many couples don't want to get into a relationship sexual intercourse for fear of harming the baby, but this opinion is wrong. The main thing is to approach this with caution and follow a number of simple rules.

Choosing the right pose

The most important thing when choosing a position is that the woman does not experience pressure on her chest and abdomen. Otherwise there are no restrictions. You can easily choose an option that suits both you and your spouse.

Using Lubricant

Mother Nature, unfortunately, did not provide sex for latest dates pregnancy. And therefore, very often the release of natural lubrication from expectant mother is significantly reduced. To avoid discomfort, you can use special formulations for water based, which can be bought at the pharmacy, the main thing is that they do not contain dyes or flavors.

Method No. 2 - nipple massage

Nipple stimulation can also trigger contractions. You can do it yourself or ask your husband for help. Of course, you shouldn’t be zealous and call painful sensations. The procedure should be pleasant. Be sure to use baby cream or massage oil to lubricate your fingers. And then gently knead your nipples one at a time for 20 minutes. 3-4 exercises a day will perfectly prepare your breasts for feeding and prevent the possibility of developing cracks.

After several days of such classes, half of the mothers who used them end up in the maternity hospital. This is explained by the production large quantity oxytocin, responsible for the onset of labor. This hormone is sometimes even specially administered to expectant mothers so that they can give birth faster.

Method No. 3 - physical activity

Healthy physical activity also helps start as soon as possible contractions Simple exercises will tone muscles, increase skin elasticity and improve respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Alternatively, you can sign up for classes for expectant mothers, where you will not only be given physical activities, but they will also teach you how to behave correctly during childbirth.

But I want to note that you shouldn’t go to extremes. You should not move heavy furniture on your own or exhaust your body by constantly walking up stairs. To give birth to a child you will need strength and health, so try to observe moderation in everything. In addition, excessive stress can provoke premature placental abruption, which will negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.

You shouldn’t give up household chores completely either. The main thing is to take the necessary precautions. Carry out wet cleaning: wash windows, floors, mirrors. But make sure that someone close to you is nearby and can come to your aid in a difficult situation.

Method No. 4 - folk remedies

If a woman wants contractions to start faster, you can try some traditional methods. Here are the most effective of them.

Olive oil

Even if it does not speed up the birth of the baby, there will be no harm from its use. This product increases tissue elasticity, reducing the risk of possible ruptures during childbirth. You need to take 1 teaspoon of olive oil at least 3 times a day before meals.

This drink tones all the pelvic organs, thanks to the substances it contains. This tea helps the uterus prepare for childbirth. To prepare it, you need to put 3 tablespoons of crushed raspberry leaves in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water over them. The drink should steep for a couple of hours, after which it can be drunk with honey or sugar.

The woman should drink the resulting volume in one day and contractions should occur in 4-5 days. But it is important to know that raspberries help lower blood pressure, so pregnant women whose blood pressure is already low should not drink this drink.

This product in large quantities contains vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the circulatory system and makes the cervix more elastic. The oil must be natural and you need to drink it from 36-38 weeks 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon. What if you do it with sunflower oil massage of the perineum, the risk of ruptures is reduced by 80%.

Castor oil

This method is more radical. With its help, you will be able to give birth in the very near future. Castor oil has a laxative effect, but how? side effect it causes severe spasm of the uterus, and sometimes the breaking of water, if the dose is more than 60 ml. Since the oil does not dissolve at all, it must be divided into bubbles, otherwise it may cause vomiting.

Method number 5 - food and drinks

Alcohol also helps induce labor. This method is far from harmless and gynecologists do not recommend using it so as not to harm yourself and the baby. However, many people advise drinking a small amount of weak alcohol, such as red wine, at night. Based on the fact that it helps to remove nervous tension and muscle relaxation. But this theory has not been confirmed by anything, and the fact that alcohol is harmful to a child’s health has been clearly proven.

As for food, there is an opinion that spicy foods effectively stimulate the onset of contractions. Doctors believe that this method can lead at most to gastritis, so you should not abuse it. However, many women went to the maternity hospital after eating spicy foods, especially Japanese cuisine.

But if 41 weeks are already over and you have tried all the methods, but it didn’t work out to give birth faster? What to do? See a doctor immediately, because post-term pregnancy is imminent negative consequences for you and your future baby.

What are the dangers of post-term pregnancy?

Such a pregnancy threatens mother and child with a number of serious complications:

  • Deformation of the fetal head. During postmaturity, the bones of the baby's skull harden and lose the ability to overlap each other as they pass through the birth canal, which significantly increases the risk of ruptures.
  • Intrauterine hypoxia. While in the stomach, your baby constantly needs oxygen, and the placenta in late pregnancy is no longer able to satisfy it, which leads to the development of this disease.
  • Pathology of the umbilical cord of the placenta. As the placenta ages, the fetus may lack not only oxygen, but also other nutrients, which has a very negative impact on its development.

Therefore, if you have not given birth by 42 weeks, you need to urgently do an ultrasound and be sure to consult with your gynecologist, who will definitely help you take correct solution, albeit sometimes not very pleasant.

Medical methods that make it possible to give birth faster

IN medical practice There are many ways to stimulate labor. Usually, in order for a woman to give birth faster, her amniotic sac is pierced so that the uterus begins to contract vigorously. This procedure is absolutely painless, so do not panic when you see the instrument in the hands of an obstetrician. I would like to note that if the doctor decides to carry out this procedure, then the pregnant woman must give birth within the next 24 hours, otherwise the child will simply suffocate.

And if this cannot be done naturally, then you should agree to a caesarean section. This procedure is performed in a gynecological chair. In addition, after it amniotic fluid remain in the body, which allows you to experience less painful contractions.

There is another option for inducing labor. Inserted into the cervical canal special gel, containing prostaglandins, which promotes the “ripening” of the cervix and helps a woman give birth faster.

If a woman wants, she can go to the maternity hospital as early as 40 weeks so that doctors can help her properly prepare for childbirth. In most cases, she is simply under observation, biding her time, but if a post-term pregnancy becomes a diagnosis, doctors move on to serious measures and induce labor with medication.

It must be taken into account that stimulation is not indicated for all women, and even if a woman in labor wants to have this procedure performed, doctors do not always agree to this.

In what cases is stimulation impossible?

  • too active labor;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic hypoxia in the fetus, as the child will suffer greatly during childbirth;
  • presence of scars on the uterus;
  • cardiovascular diseases or respiratory system from the expectant mother.

In these cases, obstetricians-gynecologists do not perform stimulation, and if natural childbirth is not possible, they try to perform a caesarean section.

It is very important to note that some girls have genetic predisposition To late childbirth. Therefore, if your mothers and grandmothers gave birth at 42 and 43 weeks, you should not make hasty conclusions and try to induce labor in any way. Trust nature and your baby will be born when the time is right. The main thing is to constantly be under the supervision of a doctor and monitor his health. And if there are no violations, then there is no need to worry.

Conscious stimulation of labor - all the pros and cons

It also happens that a woman herself wants labor to be induced. This is especially true for mothers who already have children. She wants to speed up the birth process as much as possible so that the baby is born faster. But is it worth doing this to the detriment of the child?

In fact, if a woman has no health problems and the pregnancy is progressing normally, there is no particular harm this procedure won't bring it. Not all women have active labor and for some, stimulation is a real opportunity not to endure contractions all day long. With its help, a child can be born within a few hours. It is very important to be constantly monitored and inform your doctor about any changes in your condition.

Typically, the process of stimulation during childbirth occurs as follows. Over the course of several days, the cervix is ​​prepared for childbirth. Then the woman is given intravenous hormonal substances. These may be prostaglandins or oxytocin. These drugs stimulate the onset of labor, causing contractions. At a certain dilatation of the cervix, the amniotic sac is punctured and contractions intensify gradually turning into pushing.

You need to know that stimulation is not always effective and if it is not beneficial, doctors will raise the question of caesarean section. Therefore, you should think 10 times before voluntarily going for stimulation. Childbirth is a natural process for which the body has time to fully prepare during 9 months of pregnancy and if everything proceeds normally, it does not need various kinds interventions.

You should not be afraid of pain, naively believing that stimulation will help avoid it. At correct breathing and following the recommendations of doctors, you can give birth to a child quite easily and quickly. Go to classes for expectant mothers, read specialized literature, seek advice from a specialist and you will understand that there is actually nothing terrible in childbirth.

remember, that natural childbirth give a greater chance of being born healthy child. The main thing is to have positive attitude and listen to your doctor in everything, and then childbirth will bring you nothing but happiness, and everything else will be forgotten in a week.

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How to give birth faster

How to induce labor with sex

The most pleasant and at the same time one of the most effective ways speed up labor in post-term pregnancy - have sex. This option has the added benefit of semen helping to smooth and soften the cervix. At the same time, sexual intercourse itself does not harm the child in any way if love is made correctly. In particular, it is important that the man does not put pressure on the woman’s chest or stomach and is very careful.

Simple sex is not enough: it is necessary for the woman to have an orgasm, since this is what promotes contractions of the uterus. If you have problems with lubrication, you can buy lubricant at the pharmacy

To give birth faster, you can resort not only to classic sex, but also to oral sex. However, in this case, it is important that the partner is very careful not to allow air to enter the vagina. In addition, whichever option you choose, it is advisable that sex is accompanied by nipple stimulation. It also helps to quickly induce labor contractions and has no contraindications or side effects.

Natural contractions and stimulation: 6 differences

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Additional ways to speed up labor

There are a number of foods and drinks that can help speed up contractions. However, they should be used with caution, remembering to consult a doctor first. For example, in some cases, spicy foods help, but this option is not always appropriate. For example, with gastritis at the 38th week of pregnancy, this method is contraindicated.

To speed up labor and at the same time make it easier, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. olive oil three times a day. This recipe allows you to increase the elasticity of tissues, prepare the cervix for childbirth, and speed up its dilation. To enhance the effect, starting from the 35th week, it is recommended to drink a glass of raspberry leaf tea every day. It increases the tone of the uterus and helps stimulate labor. But here you need to be careful: you should first consult a doctor.

Physical exercise can also be beneficial small quantities. It is very important not to overdo it: in the third trimester, it is better for a woman to rest more, since it is at this time that the most hormones are produced that help relax and facilitate childbirth. Even simple household chores like wiping dust off shelves can help speed up the onset of contractions. You can also walk on the stairs regularly, just for a short time. Slight bending with raised arms will also be useful.