The nail bursts along. What to do for treatment? What symptoms to look out for

For a wedding

Nails on the fingers indicate the state of the body. Cracks, detachment, and other pathologies with nails most often occur due to systemic chronic or acute illness. Let's take a closer look at the factors that cause fingernails to crack near nail bed in adults and in children.

Causes of cracked nails in adults

If a person has a cracked nail, he begins to look for the cause of this condition. Most often, the following situations lead to a problem:

  • in the body, which causes cracking nail plates on the fingers;
  • dehydration of the nails and the skin around them also leads to cracks;
  • cracks on the plates appear due to a lack of iron, calcium, biotin;
  • the nail on the thumb cracks due to hormonal disruptions in the human body;
  • coating may appear due to frequent contact of fingers with detergents and chlorinated water;
  • strict diets lead to delamination and cracks.

If the body lacks silicon, longitudinal cracks appear on the nails near the cuticle.

Cracks may appear along the nails on the fingers of adults due to fungal infection (mycosis), a sharp change in temperature or humidity, the use of poor-quality nail polish, frequent use nail polish remover, improper care.

Causes of gel cracking

The gel, which is used for nail extension, gives them a glossy look, natural shine and naturalness. But there are situations that lead to cracking of the gel around the nail bed.

Factors due to which the gel on the extended nail plate cracks:

  1. Poorly done work by the master, his low qualification.
  2. Application low-quality funds and material when creating extended nails. Such negligence of the master will be visible already on the second day after the procedure, when the gel starts to crack.
  3. Since gel nails are very fragile, they may crack due to mechanical damage. It is important to protect them from this. If an injury occurs and the gel begins to crack near the nail bed, it is no longer possible to restore it. Therefore, it will be necessary to plates and build up a new layer.
  4. Since the gel gives the fingernails a thick structure, as they grow back, the center of gravity will shift, which will also cause them to crack. If the correction is not carried out in time, the nails will crack along the nail bed.

Due to sudden changes in temperature, hormonal drugs or antibiotics, polymerization is disrupted, causing the gel to crack. Therefore, with extended nails, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bath, and also drink medicines in large quantities. In winter, it is important to always wear gloves.

Why do children's nails crack?

If a child’s nails are cracking, you don’t need to start stuffing him with various vitamin complexes.

Feed him cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, buckwheat, porcini mushrooms, berries. For the child's nail plate, almonds and walnuts will be useful.

Causes of cracking fingernails in children:

  1. In infants, most often the nail plate cracks due to a lack of vitamins. To make up for it, a nursing mother must eat a balanced diet and take additional vitamins.
  2. Injury to the nails at the age of one year in a child occurs due to their untimely trimming. It is at this age that he learns everything through touch. The kid grabs, strokes, touches and throws toys, all the objects that he explores. To prevent the formation of cracks on children's nails, it is recommended to regularly trim them carefully.
  3. If a child older than two years old begins to crack the nail plates, it is important to show him to the doctor to find out true reason. Most often, in older children, the nails crack along due to a lack of vitamins, injury, and the development of any diseases.

Since the child is constantly growing and actively exploring the world, it is important to carefully monitor his health, and at the first problems with nails, immediately go to the doctor for an appointment.

Prevention and recovery

Regardless of the cause of fingernail cracking, it is recommended to dilute it in a glass every day for a month. warm water 5 grams of gelatin and drink the solution.

In addition, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet of fermented milk products, almonds, liver, cabbage. As well as figs, dates, carrots, butter, pumpkin and other useful products.

In order for the nails on the hands to become strong again, to prevent their cracking, it is recommended:

  • rub olive oil into the nails, which is enriched with vitamins and trace elements. It can be mixed with lemon juice;
  • to strengthen the nails, take daily baths with sea and ocean salt;
  • rub a special healing and strengthening cream with protein into the nails and cuticles;
  • do all housework with detergents only with rubber gloves;
  • for cracked nails, use preparations with glycerin, lactic acids, phospholipids.

Knowing why nails crack, you can prevent this condition. By eliminating or preventing the causes of cracks on the plates, you will always have beautiful and resistant nails. It is important to learn how to follow them. proper care, protect them from various traumatic effects, and also eat a balanced diet. At the first manifestations of nail cracks, be sure to go to a specialist in a beauty salon for a consultation in order to help your nails in a timely manner and preserve their beauty and strength.

Only a serious approach to hands will prevent them from cracking, peeling and other possible problems.

Cracks in the nails of the hands cause aesthetic discomfort and signal problems in the body. This is a problem faced by both adults and children.

It is important to establish the reason why cracks appeared on the nails in order to choose the most effective ways treatment. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct diagnostic procedures, revealing pathological changes in the body.

The reasons

There are various reasons why the splitting of the nail occurred. Often irritants are external factors, which include:

  • regular contact with household chemicals;
  • temperature regime;
  • prolonged contact of hands with water;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • dirt under the nails;
  • mechanical damage.

By eliminating irritants, you can effectively and quickly solve the problem.

Other factors

The causes of cracks in the nails of the hands can cause internal irritants:

  • elevated blood glucose levels;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • the intake of an insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins;
  • liver disease;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • stress, depression, neuroses;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • anemia;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

If on the hands the nail cracks along the plate, the patient is diagnosed with onychorrhexis. This is a pathological disease that is associated with dystrophic processes occurring in the human body. The disease is characterized by cracking of the nail surface only along.

The plate can split into thin, small pieces in one area or break completely along the entire length. This feature can be seen in the photo by searching for information on the Internet. If timely treatment of the disease is not started, it appears strong pain and discomfort.

Single cracks on the finger can be corrected with a manicure. If the splitting takes up a large surface of the nail surface, you should immediately visit a doctor.


If the cause is precisely established, it is allowed to treat a cracked nail at home on your own.


If the problem of cracking is associated with a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to drink a course vitamin complex. It is important to review your diet. To replenish the body with calcium, it is worth using: dairy products nuts, oatmeal. With a lack of vitamin A on the table should be present: carrots, apples, squash, peaches.

The lack of iron is replenished with liver, legumes, cereals, herbs, corn. If there is a longitudinal line on the thumb, it is important to consume omega-3 fats. There are many of them in sea fish of fatty varieties and in seafood.

If splitting is associated with malfunctions nervous system, vitamin B is needed. It is found in nuts, eggs, dried fruits, and cereals.

Vitamin C plays an important role in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly consume citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, peppers, and cabbage. Do not forget about vitamin E, which is abundant in cereals, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, vegetable oils, in meat.

Folk remedies

Crack in the nail thumb hands are effectively treated with traditional medicine.

Those who do not know how to treat the plate should try the following recipes:

  1. Pour 200 g of water into a container and add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. sea ​​salt and soda. Mix the components thoroughly. Keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied.
  2. If a fungus has become the cause of cracking, 2 cups of water are poured into the container and 1 tbsp is diluted in it. l. salt and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Keep in hands for at least 30 minutes. You can use lavender essential oil tea tree or lemon.
  3. For small cracks, mix 5 drops of iodine with a small amount salt. Apply this composition to the nail and fix the gruel with a plaster.
  4. To prevent the crack from growing, it is sealed with wax. It envelops the plate, prevents the crack from spreading further, protects the diseased nail from aggressive effects. external environment. To do this, mix cosmetic wax with a small amount of salt. This composition in the form of heat is applied to the nail plate and seal the place of cracking. It is not necessary to remove the composition. The longer it stays on the surface, the faster the healing and growth of a new plate will occur.

The nail as it grows must be carefully trimmed.


If a fungus has become the cause of cracking, you can use medications.

  • Nomidol + - due to the presence of beaver musk in its composition, the nail plate is softened. This facilitates the penetration of oils based on medicinal plants: fireweed, which eliminates cracks of any size; celandine, which has antiseptic properties; lemon balm, which kills pathogenic microorganisms and fungus; valerian, which relieves irritation; horseradish, string and kombucha, which disinfect the surface of the nail plate.
  • Lac Loceryl is latest development, which represents lacquer coating. The main component of the drug is amorolfine hydrochloride, which helps protect and restore the affected plate. Apply the product every 10 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of treatment ranges from 6 months to a year.
  • Exoderil - this remedy is produced in the form of drops and ointments. Main active substance- antifungal agent naftifin. The drug removes inflammatory processes, has antibacterial and fungicidal properties. Effectively treats onychomycosis. Apply the drug to the affected areas twice a day.

The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks, the maximum is 6 months.

Prevention of cracks

  • when using household chemicals or when cleaning, protect your hands with gloves;
  • after contact with water, apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the hands;
  • use products for nail surfaces;
  • keep hands warm in winter and in windy weather;
  • include foods containing a large number vitamins and microelements.


An important component is proper and regular hand care. But if there are problems, do not leave them unattended. Finding out the cause of the cracks and starting timely treatment, can be avoided serious complications in future.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

The condition of the nails can tell everything about their owner, from how he takes care of himself to his state of health. Due to some factors, exfoliate, break, change its color, etc. A crack in the nail is also a sign of a negative impact on the body, both from the inside and outside.

If we talk about why cracks appear on the nails, then all the reasons can be divided into two small groups:

  • pathological;
  • non-pathological.

Let's consider them in more detail to understand how to deal with this problem.

Cracks in the nails of the hands may appear as a result of exposure to negative external factors. This may include:

  • poor quality nail care;
  • use of cheap varnishes;
  • permanent exposure chemical substances on the nail plates.

It is very easy to check this. Take a close look at your nails. Have you noticed any other changes in them, except for the presence of cracks? For example, yellow or white spots, separation of the nail plate from the bed, the presence of bad smell? If yes, then that's for sure.

Treatment of a cracked nail this case requires the use of special medicines which should only be prescribed by a doctor. can also be used, but only in combination with drug therapy.

In addition, cracked nails can be a symptom of the development of:

  • psoriasis;
  • diabetes;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver diseases;

It is very important to determine the exact cause of cracked nails. After all, if you do not eliminate it, negative impact on the nail plates this will continue, and the cracks will become more and more.

If you have diabetes, it is very important to take medications that normalize blood glucose levels. In addition, it is necessary to follow a special diet for diabetics, which also has a therapeutic effect on the body.

It should be noted that in addition to the above diseases, cracks in the nails may also appear due to hypovitaminosis. This is a condition in which the body is deficient in one or more vitamins. Most often this happens when there is a lack of vitamin A and C. You can replenish their reserves by taking special multivitamins, which should also be prescribed only by a doctor.

Ask a question, how to treat a crack on the nail, better specialist. Only he will be able to establish the exact cause of its appearance and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Remember that self-activity can lead to sad consequences. If cracks are really a symptom of illness, then you just give it time to properly "fix" in your body. And then the treatment will be much more difficult and longer.

Video about the causes of cracked nails

The skin of our hands is most often exposed to negative factors- this is constant contact with water, pollution, household chemicals.

To this list it is necessary to add avitaminosis and various diseases, against the background of which the skin of the hands becomes very dry and begins to crack. When the skin on the fingers cracks, it not only causes pain and does not look beautiful, but also causes some discomfort, because we do everything in this life with the help of our fingers.

To treat cracked skin, you need to know the cause of this symptom, for which it is recommended to visit a dermatologist. To prevent cracking of the skin on the hands, regular care and protection is necessary.

Causes of cracked fingers

If you have cracks on your fingers, then there are actually a lot of reasons, ranging from exposure to external factors to deeper internal problems.

The main mechanism for the formation of cracks is dehydration of the surface layer of the skin, which leads to a loss of elasticity of the epidermis and dermis and, as a result, the formation of cracks at the slightest external influence. Main external causes dehydration of the skin on the hands and the appearance of cracks on the fingertips, on the folds of the fingers, on the palms are:

  1. Skin on fingers near nails sensitive to any temperature changes, there is a particularly sensitive type of skin that cannot stand any kind of cooling, especially frosty air. Hands can not only become covered with cracks, the reaction manifests itself almost instantly, the symptoms are more like an allergic one. If no action is taken within two days, then the cracks deepen, turning into painful wounds. And this stage is already much harder to treat.
  2. Insufficient hand care. Under the influence of low high temperatures wind, the skin of the hands can dry out and crack if it is not properly supplied with nutrients.
  3. Household chemicals . Be sure to wear gloves when using cleaning, laundry, and dishwashing products. Household chemicals contain many aggressive substances that cause severe dryness hands or allergies.
  4. Mechanical effect on the skin in combination with other unfavorable factors can also lead to the formation of cracks. A prime example are the "gardener's hands" - rough, overdried, cracked skin, which happens to people who work a lot in the land and water, especially in spring and autumn.

The situation is more complicated if the skin under the nails bursts under the influence of certain internal factors. Most often, in this case, long-term complex treatment is required. In addition, it is in this case that the defeat can be especially strong. The following conditions can cause peeling and cracking of the skin:

  1. Non-infectious skin diseases (which usually begins on the face or on, as well) are characterized by the appearance of cracks on the hands, primarily between the fingers.
  2. Infectious diseases of the skin various etiologies can lead to the formation of cracks in the skin. It can be fungal and pyococcal infections.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins A, E and B7, as well as magnesium and Omega 3 lead to the development of dry skin, prone to roughness and cracking. Usually the condition is aggravated by climatic factors and the use of alkaline soaps.
  4. Diseases internal organs , including endocrine system(, hypothyroidism), gastrointestinal tract (, duodenitis,), neurological diseases (depression, neurosis,), often in a complex of symptoms they have dry cracked skin.
  5. can lead to the formation of rashes, allergies, dry skin and, as a result, cracks and erosions.

If cracks are caused internal changes, then they can be localized not only around the nails, but also between the fingers and on the palm.

What to do if there are deep cracks on the fingers?

With deep painful cracks, if you follow the following recommendations, after 1-2 weeks you will feel relief:

  1. If a crack occurs, you can “glue” it with a special medical terminal BF 6. This is completely safe and effective. On clean, dry hands, apply a few drops to the damage and wait a few minutes until it hardens. Cracks will heal faster if the edges of the injury are fixed in this way.
  2. Within 5-7 days, no other treatment should be performed.
  3. After a week, you can use moisturizing and nourishing creams.

If the fingers on the hands are very cracked, it is better, of course, to immediately go to the skin specialist. It may be necessary to do a scraping from the fingers for mycosis, to carry out sowing on the mycelium in the laboratory. Then the treatment of cracks will be more effective.

Cracks on the fingers: photo

We picked detailed photos, by which you can determine how cracks look on the fingers, especially near the nails.

How to treat cracked fingers

First of all, when cracks appear on the fingers, treatment is prescribed based on the cause of their occurrence. However, in addition to direct therapy with healing ointments and tablets, harmful factors that stimulate damage to the epidermis should be avoided, otherwise the situation will only worsen.

Since the root of the problem lies in the increased dryness of the skin of the hands, the key direction of treatment should be intense hydration, saturation of the body essential vitamins and micronutrients.

The main means of treating cracks in the hands are:

  • ointments;
  • compresses;
  • baths;
  • wraps.

Shallow cracks are easily healed with regular hand creams containing chamomile, celandine, or lanolin. Effective in such cases are the creams "Spermacetovy", "Silicone", "Country", "Pantoderm". It is recommended to lubricate their hands after each wash. Pharmaceutical ointments with wound healing components are more potent agents. These include Vishnevsky's ointment, Ichthyol, "Rescuer" balm.

If the cause of the appearance of cracks is beriberi, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, enriching it with those foods that contain many vitamins of groups A and E.


Recipes for ointments from cracks in the fingers for quick treatment at home:

  1. Take raw egg yolk, add a few drops olive oil and 2 teaspoons cottage cheese- mix everything well. Apply the resulting slurry to your hands, rinse after 15 minutes.
  2. Natural wax, nutria fat and gum resin must be mixed in equal proportions. Stirring constantly over low heat, bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Lemon, yolk and honey. Take a tablespoon of lemon juice, yolk, a quarter cup linseed oil and two tablespoons of honey, preferably already a little sugared. Mix all the ingredients in a glass and lubricate your hands and cracks during the day, so that the whole mixture is used up by the evening. If you took candied honey, then you can rub your hands a little with the mixture to remove dead skin particles.
  4. Natural butter (50 gr) must be rubbed with honey (1 teaspoon), adding 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of decoction of chamomile, calendula and plantain.
  5. Goose fat must be mixed with crushed soap root in a ratio of 2: 1.
  6. Healing herbs. Take equal proportions of chamomile, plantain, calendula and string herbs. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Rub 50 g of butter with a teaspoon of honey, add a tablespoon of herbal infusion and mix everything thoroughly. Lubricate the sore spots on the hands with the resulting ointment.

All these ointments can be stored for a short period of time, literally a few days, so cook large quantities, for the future, it makes no sense. Store them in opaque containers in the refrigerator. They are applied, like creams, in a thin layer. After application, you can wear special gloves - this will enhance the effect.

Therapeutic baths

Very useful in the treatment of cracks are therapeutic hand baths prepared according to folk recipes. They have a double action - they soften the skin of the hands and heal cracks and wounds.

  1. To prepare the bath you need: o olive oil, 2 vitamin A and E capsules and a few drops of lemon juice. Lightly heat the olive oil, then add lemon juice and the contents of capsules with vitamins - mix everything well. AT ready mix dip your hands for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, it is enough to get your hands wet with a paper towel.
  2. In liquid boiled in milk oatmeal add a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey. Immerse your hands in the mixture for 10 minutes. Then they are washed with herbal decoction and smeared with cream.
  3. Tea tree oil is a good anti-inflammatory and regeneration-accelerating agent. This oil can be added to hand baths (10 drops essential oil to a glass of warm water).

All baths are desirable to do before going to bed. They should be warm, 10-15 minutes is enough time for this procedure. After the bath, hands should be wet with a dry cloth and apply the selected cream.

Masks and compresses

In addition to baths and ointments, you can treat cracks in the fingers near the nails with special compresses or masks. You can alternate them with other therapies.

  1. Gives a good result compress of milk and potatoes. To prepare it, you need to boil two potatoes, crush them and pour two tablespoons of milk. After thoroughly mixing the mass, you need to apply on your hands and wrap them with cellophane. After removing the compress after 20 minutes, rinse your hands and apply cream on them.
  2. Soaked in warm milk Rye bread and applied to the skin, wrap hands with polyethylene, after half an hour the compress is removed and the skin is rinsed warm water or milk.
  3. To carry out such a treatment, take a raw egg yolk, add a few drops of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese - mix everything well. Apply the resulting slurry to your hands, rinse after 15 minutes.
  4. Thanks to the components that make up honey, a honey compress also helps a lot when fingers crack. It is not difficult to make it: the yolk is ground with three tablespoons of honey and 60-70 grams of olive oil are added. The resulting mixture is lubricated with fingers and hands and wrapped in polyethylene. After 20 minutes, remove and rinse hands with warm water.

If all methods of treating cracks at home did not work desired effect, you should contact a dermatologist to determine the exact cause of their appearance, and select a comprehensive treatment regimen.


The appearance of cracks on the hands, especially near the nails, can be quite easily prevented if you try to follow some elementary rules conventional prophylaxis.

First of all, it is important to wash your hands with soft (or pre-softened) water and exclusively mild soap. The skin of the hand must be wiped dry, leaving no moisture between the fingers, where most often a crack appears. After each wash, it is better to lubricate the skin with a protective cream.

Do not use household chemicals without special gloves, as their composition is extremely aggressive towards the delicate skin of the hands. Since the skin of the hands does not like low temperatures they need to be kept warm at all times.

When people have cracked fingernails, what to do they ask their nail technicians in salons. In reality, there are more serious disorders and diseases that require professional treatment. A crack on the nail is longitudinal or transverse - this is always a sign of an adverse effect. various factors on the body from the inside or outside.

Causes of manifested cracks

Nails are composed of keratin with a layered structure, so if they are subjected to mechanical stress, cracks can form. They grow if harmful substances and even infections get into them.

Nail plates grow from root parts called matrices. All sorts of violations in this area leads to abnormal growth of nails and the formation of different kind cracks.

The reasons why your favorite nails crack also include skin diseases such as psoriasis and mycosis that affect the nail plates and their roots. Provoking factors also include a lack of nutrients and vitamins. Nails weaken, thin and break.

Sometimes the wrong manicure, performed by unscrupulous craftsmen not according to technology, leads to cracks. The nail plate and the matrix itself are affected. The nail suffers due to careless filing, and the root part may suffer when trimming the cuticle.

Causes of cracks that appear along the nails

When the nails crack along, the cause is often a disease called onychorrhexis. With this pathology, the nails break, cracking exclusively longitudinally. Onychorrhexis develops against the background of dystrophic processes that develop in the body.

Other reasons why fingernails crack only along are less rare factors:

In most cases, onychorrhexis develops on the hands, and it rarely affects the legs. Longitudinal cracks with a similar pathology are single or multiple. First, the nail splits near the free edge, and on early stages it's invisible. Without treatment, the crack will deepen to the base and expand.

Causes of transverse cracks

It is impossible to say for sure why the gel or nail polish cracks, but it’s mostly a non-professional manicure. Also, the nail plate itself across can crack as a result of onychoshisis. This is a dystrophic pathology that develops for the same reasons as onychorrhexis. There are also other reasons why the fingers crack at the nails across:

  • constant receipt of minor mechanical;
  • onychophagia ( bad habit bite your nails);
  • the use of cheap materials when performing manicure.

Often, cracks across occur on the free parts of the nails. Without proper treatment cracks will multiply and cover all the entire nail plates.

What to do for treatment?

When the nail initially grows with a significant crack along the nail plate, action must be taken. Gradually, the problem will get worse, and soft tissues will be injured and you will experience discomfort. If your fingernails are constantly cracking, and you don’t understand the reason, try doing a manicure with shellac. This gel polish coats the nail, protecting it from infections.

Durable protective covering does not allow cracks to expand, but it is important to periodically trim such nails. Having found a significant longitudinal crack, you are unlikely to fix or mask it with shellac. In this case, it is better to use acrylic or biogel.

Biogel protects nails and starts the processes of regeneration of diseased tissues. Acrylic is considered the most solid composition to create extended nails, so under it they almost never crack.

When the nails on the hands crack due to pathologies, it is better to consult a doctor for treatment. You yourself can rework the diet by adding more trace elements and vitamins to it. Vitamins A, B, C and E are especially important. Among the trace elements that prevent the appearance of cracks, iron, zinc and calcium are isolated. For better absorption of the latter, vitamin D is required.

When nails become dehydrated, use vitamin oil to prevent cracking. good remedy Sold in capsules and called Aevit. The oil is squeezed out of the capsules onto the nails and rubbed up to two times a day.

Why do nails crack, we have decided, but consider one more thing effective remedy for treatment. We are talking about ordinary baths with the addition of sea salt. They must be performed at a water temperature of 60 degrees for a quarter of an hour. In such baths, you can add lemon juice, iodine and other oils that you wish. In most cases, cracks in the nails of the hands are difficult to treat, and therapy must be long-term.

Effectiveness of preventive measures

It should be noted that when the nails endlessly crack on the fingers or break, decorative methods won't help you. The cause must be sought in nail diseases and eliminated, but as you know, in most cases it is easier to prevent a violation than to treat it in the future.

When the cause of cracks in the nails is in the pathologies of the organs, they must first be cured. Among the most frequent illnesses that violate the structure of nails, emit:

  • hematological blood diseases;
  • deviations of the endocrine nature;
  • impaired immune defense.

It is difficult to get rid of vertical and horizontal cracks, but prevention will help to avoid recurrence. Start giving your nails a break from manicures for at least a few days every two weeks. Varnishes contain substances that destroy keratin (the main component in the composition of the nail plates).

As preventive measures if the nails on the hands are cracking along or across, you need to adjust the daily routine and include it in the diet. Nails, along with hair, are an indicator of health. If you constantly live in stress, it will be difficult for you to avoid cracked nails. No other nail care will help as much as good sleep and a normal diet.