Recognize a lover without words: how to understand a man’s sympathy by non-verbal signals? Nonverbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman.

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Every young lady, having met a handsome young man, at least once wondered how to understand that a guy likes you. After all, if interest arises, you want to find out whether the potential chosen one experiences the same emotions or prefers friendly communication.

How can you understand a man’s true feelings if he is silent and, it would seem, does not show his interest in any way? You will need to conduct an interest test to discover characteristic features, talking about male sympathy, and perhaps just explain it to the young man.

Finding out about the feelings of an adult man is somewhat easier, since a self-sufficient person is unlikely to hide his sympathy. If he really cares about you, he will try to be the first to take a step towards you.

To make sure of male sympathy, take a closer look at the following points:

  1. Courtship is the main component of the love game. Gifts, bouquets, going to cafes and restaurants are clear signs of certain feelings for a girl.
  2. Another characteristic “symptom” is an increased interest in various areas life of a young lady. The man is interested in the girl’s studies or work, her family problems, and offers his help.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex try to look more often at girls they like and touch them - for example, they offer their hand to their companion not only when exiting a vehicle, but also when going down the stairs.

Mature, confident men usually do not spend much time on romantic advances. If a girl is not indifferent to him, he will definitely be the first.

It is much more difficult to determine the presence of sympathy when it comes to teenagers or boys. Many of them prefer to hide their emotions, continuing to dream about a girl. But there are signs that will help you find out true feelings young man.


The look is the first to reveal a person's mood. A guy will always look at the girl he likes. Of course, he can do this openly, but most often he prefers to admire it furtively.

The first to give out tender emotions, male gaze. You are attractive to a young man you know or does not know if he:

  • constantly glances in your direction, even when communicating with other interlocutors;
  • examines you when he believes that you do not see it (but this is noticeable with peripheral vision).

Another a clear sign interest - dilated pupils when he looks at you. In some cases, such a “symptom” can speak not only of sympathy, but also of falling in love.


How do I know if a guy likes me if he's silent all the time? Words are not so important if you have the opportunity to observe his gestures, which can no less successfully tell about his sympathy. What movements are we talking about?

  1. The speaking gesture is a leg put forward. Firstly, this speaks of some uncertainty experienced by a young man in the presence of a pretty girl (this is how he creates support). Secondly, the toe of the foot is a kind of arrow pointing to the object of sighing.
  2. Every guy strives to appear taller, slimmer and generally more respectable next to a young lady he likes. This can be expressed in the following: the young man straightens up, straightens his shoulders, sucks in his stomach.
  3. Another reliable signal is repetition of your movements. For example, you straightened your hair - he subconsciously touches his hair, you take out your phone - he also reaches for his mobile phone.
  4. How to understand that a guy likes you? General position When talking to you, the body will tell you about sympathy. If in the process of communication a young man turns to you and does not cross his arms over his chest, this signals that he is open to you and is ready to listen to any information you say. It's even better if he constantly leans in your direction to say something.

Try to pay more attention to the way he communicates with you. The following signs will help you determine what feelings he has for you.

  1. Carry out the following "test". Watch to see if he holds your gaze. Is it preserved? eye contact during a conversation, or is he constantly looking around? But don't forget that modest guys may be embarrassed by direct gaze, even if he likes the interlocutor.
  2. See if he is easily distracted by others and interrupts the conversation he has started. If he forgets about the conversation when asked a question or immediately answers the call, interrupting you mid-sentence, perhaps communication with you is not a priority for him (the exception is indeed important call or significant in this moment companion).
  3. To determine whether a guy likes you or not, pay attention to the content of the conversation. The meaning of phrases, the presence of compliments, personal questions - also important indicator sympathy and attitude towards the girl. The following points indicate interest:
    • teasing and sweet banter;
    • mention in conversation about family problems, own troubles (personal information that is usually not shared with unpleasant people);
    • compliments and nice words;
    • questions about your previous relationships.

You can understand that a young man, including a stranger, likes you through correspondence. With a girl he likes, the guy tries to joke, be polite and funny.

On social networks, he evaluates your photos, leaves messages on the wall - that is, he monitors your activity on the Internet. But you shouldn’t rely only on these signs; it’s better to make sure of your sympathy during a personal meeting.

Liking test

How can you tell if a young man likes you? A test or, rather, an experiment will help you understand your feelings and the situation. Carry out the following simple tasks, which will lift the “veil of secrecy”.

Of course, they cannot confirm or refute your assumption about the presence of sympathy with an absolute guarantee, but you will be able to think through a strategy of behavior.

Test No. 1. Asking for help

To understand the guy’s level of interest, try breaking, for example, a pencil and asking the young man to sharpen it (you might “accidentally” drop an earring, for example). If a guy agrees to help you without persuasion, we can talk about his sympathy.

Test No. 2. Look

This test is related to this psychological feature, like mirroring the movements of a handsome interlocutor. Catch a man's gaze and immediately look at the clock, then look at the man again. If he also turned his gaze to your watch, and then began to look at you again, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test No. 3. “Provocation”

The next test is a bit like a provocation, but there is nothing you can do to find out whether a young man is not indifferent to you. Come up with a story that you and your friend were going to the cinema, but in the end you were left without a companion. If a guy likes you, he will offer his company without further ado.

There should not be too many such experiments, otherwise the young man will understand that you are testing him. Who knows how he will react to such “testing”.

The correct conclusion from male behavior

There are many recommendations on how to understand that a guy likes you. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions that correspond to reality. This happens because young ladies mistake banal politeness for falling in love, and ordinary indifference for modesty.

Let's try to look at specific examples:

  1. Let’s say that a guy you know greets you when he meets you and asks how your business is going at college or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of good manners, but nothing more.
  2. Are you sure that the young man is not asking you to meet only out of natural modesty? What if this is simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again, reconsider the signs of sympathy, conduct a small test, make a few not too transparent hints. If he doesn't react at all, he probably doesn't care about you.
  3. Yes, a man regularly compliments you, but you shouldn’t dream of a serious relationship just yet. wedding dress. Perhaps this is a feature of his character - gallantry. In addition, many young people show admiration for the appearance of pretty girls.

Indeed, the more of the above-described signs in male behavior you found, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.

And yet, no test, horoscope or clever trick can replace the usual frank heart-to-heart conversation. If your relationship is predetermined, then it will begin with this conversation, but if not, you can no longer harbor vain illusions and switch to another guy.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

One of the most strong desires Every person's goal is to be attractive to others. It still appears in childhood when the baby wants to please his parents, friends and acquaintances. Over time, this feeling passes into adult life. For everyone, sympathy is approval, support, affirmation in society. But why do we experience it, on what does it depend?

What it is?

All living beings feel something. For the simplest, these are ordinary innate instincts: hunger, pain, fear. More developed animals experience a greater range: affection, habit, which can be observed in pets. Dogs and cats show emotions quite clearly, demonstrating the joy of meeting their owner.

Scientists say that even plants understand good relations towards yourself and bad things. But man remains the most complex creation of nature. His range of feelings is not limited to instincts. People sometimes experience several emotions at the same time: joy, bitterness, happiness, sadness, love, anger, disappointment. And all this manifests itself to varying degrees, at different moments in life.

Sympathy is good attitude to someone or something. It manifests itself in the form of friendly communication, special attention and sometimes even admiration.

As much as each person is unique, the reasons for this feeling can be so different. Sometimes we ourselves are unable to explain such an attitude.

Why does sympathy arise?

Each individual occurrence this feeling has its reasons. For example, personal sympathy is acceptance of another person, a good attitude towards him. It can be based on external data, when a person is physically liked: Beautiful face, fit figure, expressive eyes or a bewitching smile.

In addition, sympathy can arise on the basis of internal qualities, when a person is attracted by his character, attitude towards other people, sociability or sense of humor.

Communication with an object that we like is always pleasant and easy. Time spent together does not cause bad associations and always passes calmly.

Every day we come across the concept of social sympathy. This is a positive attitude towards sellers, people in public transport, to those whom we meet by chance.

Similarity is of great importance, and not external, but internal. The more we see ourselves in a person, the more we sympathize with him. Another unifying factor is proximity. For example, a common place of work, residence, visiting the same sections, common hobbies.

Please note that if when communicating with a person you often smile or laugh, it means that your contact with him has been established, and sympathy has already arisen between you.


The opposite in sensations and meaning is antipathy. Its occurrence is also due to many internal and external characteristics. If sympathy is something positive, then this feeling evokes completely different emotions.

If we turn to the interpretation of the word, it is hostility, even disgust, towards someone or something. Like a positive feeling, it sometimes arises empty space, unconsciously. We haven’t had time to get to know each other better yet, but the first gestures, words, appearance can provoke the emergence of an internal negative attitude.

Communication with people we don’t like is usually kept to a minimum. There is no desire to meet, call each other, or even spend time together.

The initial feeling of hostility may fade over time. For example, when you get to know a person from the other side, and a completely different image is revealed to you. Quite often, our best and closest friends did not arouse our sympathy in the first stages of acquaintance. But sometimes a negative feeling only strengthens and becomes a belief that is almost impossible to get rid of.

The power of a glance

At the moment when a person experiences this or that feeling, he unnoticeably changes his behavior. Insignificant, in small details, however, if you look closely, you can see them.

You can tell that a person likes us even by looking at us. If they look at you furtively, they quickly look away. At such moments, people experience possible failure, they do not know the response and therefore are in no hurry to take the first steps. Some still dare to meet the gaze of the object of sympathy, but in their eyes there is no hint of negative emotions or hostility.

Men and women look at the person they like differently. If we talk about the stronger half, then they are not afraid of making eye contact; after examining the face, they lower their gaze to examine the area of ​​the chest and hips, so to speak, to evaluate the woman completely.

For the weaker half of humanity, signs of sympathy are something like voyeurism. A woman watches a man when he does not see her. For her, meeting eyes is both exciting and very important. This is why girls usually start looking up, as if anticipating a special moment.

Voice of Gestures

Gestures are of great importance for analyzing human behavior. As noted above, external manifestations the sympathies of men and women are different. The latter have a wider and more varied “arsenal”, but there are also universal gestures.

If a person is not sure about the object, then his expression of sympathy will be very cautious. Accidental touches usually cause fear, because a person is afraid that he will not be able to cope with his emotions and will reveal his feelings.

More courageous and self-confident individuals, on the contrary, strive to attract as much attention as possible with the help of gestures.

Men often choose an open pose, putting their leg to the side, placing their hands in the abdomen or tucked thumbs by the belt. The main focus is on the genital area. This is how the male shows that he is ready for a relationship.

A woman's gestures are more varied: playing with her hair, showing her wrist, shaking her leg if she is sitting. In an informal setting, sometimes the most revealing poses and movements are used.

Sympathy and love

These two feelings are similar, they evoke in us positive emotions. But the difference is quite noticeable. We can say that sympathy is the first step towards a more serious feeling; it is the basis.

With a person we like, it’s a pleasure to spend time, communicate, engage in activities common cause. But if we are in love, then all thoughts and aspirations are directed towards the other person. You want to be with him all the time, desires for physical intimacy arise: hugs, kisses, walking together hand. This strong feeling, filling us with energy, especially when mutual. I want to jump, dance, sing, send a feeling of joy into the Universe.

It cannot be said that sympathy is love or infatuation. But without it nothing like this can develop in us. This is the driving force that unites kindred souls.

Sympathy in psychology

Many years of research have established a number of reasons why sympathy or affection for something or someone arises. One of the main factors is physical attractiveness, the role of which we will consider below. But what should those who do not stand out for their bright appearance do?

Scientists have noted that sympathy is a feeling that can develop over time, regardless of our preferences. Advertising does something similar to us. We don’t yet know the taste of the two chocolate bars, but we already prefer the one we saw more often on TV. This is recognition. Even the experimental rats showed greater affection for the music of the composer whose masterpieces were heard more often.

Exactly the same thing happens in social environment. The person we see often becomes more attractive to us.

Attractive appearance

Experiments involving humans have shown that physical characteristics play a role big role in the formation of sympathy. This is because by surrounding ourselves with more beautiful people, we gain more high reviews in society, a certain status and attitude towards oneself. However, it was noted that if you appear in society with a more attractive partner or boyfriend (girlfriend), you can receive low reviews of yourself. All this happens because of the comparative attitude. Against the backdrop of more handsome man we are lost.

Remember that mutual sympathy is a relationship built not only on physical attractiveness. This is unity by common goals, interests, similarity of character, views and life priorities.


You need to understand that sympathy is a feeling thanks to which we can exist favorably in society, make acquaintances, partnerships and friendships. This is the basis for falling in love and love.

To feel more confident and comfortable, you need to be able to express yourself, present yourself, and make people sympathize. But this can only be achieved by remaining yourself, developing in yourself positive traits, such as friendliness, openness, honesty, decency, reliability, willingness to listen. And only then can we expect goodwill and a budding, strong friendship from the other person in return.

Sometimes we desperately want to know if the man we like is interested in us. Alas, the myth that representatives of the stronger sex literally “take things unceremoniously” is greatly exaggerated. We are all different, regardless of gender, and where one directly expresses his sympathy, the second will fall into a stupor at the sight of the object of his adoration.

Therefore, it is impossible to equate the actions of each man with the only correct and “supposed” ones.

How to identify a man in love?

Needless to say that many of them simply cannot express their sympathy verbally, due to certain circumstances?

However, there are also non-verbal manifestations of sympathy and interest on the part of a person, which are easy to “count”, knowing what exactly they mean. Gestures of sympathy from men to women are diverse, and if you want to know everything about them, we will be happy to tell you how to identify a “male” in love in a company!

It is generally known that the manifestations of female love are quite colorful - wonderful lady literally “blooms”, a light blush appears on her cheeks, and her eyes shine with happiness. Some women even lose a lot of weight during the period of falling in love and infatuation with a certain man! What is it like male sympathy by external “symptoms”?

It turns out that a man’s passion can also manifest itself externally, and quite clearly and specifically, which cannot be ignored with due attention. If you have a suspicion that someone has fallen in love with you, or you want to recognize this on the part of a certain person, we will be happy to tell you about non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman!

Gestures, glances, facial expressions

A person in love has quite a hard time hiding his sympathies, and this is no secret to anyone. When we feel that we really like someone, we experience something like euphoria, elation, inner harmony. Of course, all this is difficult to “mask” from prying eyes. Men behave almost the same way as we do. Therefore, there are many signs of sympathy on the part of a man that are easily recognized "with the naked eye".

What can give away a person interested in your attention?

  • Sight. always looks at his newfound passion in a special way. Be there a whole crowd among him pretty girls, he singles her out. Often his gaze becomes especially intent, even, if I may say so, “obsessed.” When you respond in kind, a man usually looks away. When a man in love looks at you, his eyes seem to “shine”; you can see in them the very “sparks” that they write about in women's magazines. Thanks to her innate intuition, a woman simply cannot lose sight of this;
  • Gait. Another change occurs in gait. She becomes light, as if flying, or even dancing. Often a man begins to hum tunes and whistle. Which, you see, is completely uncharacteristic for typical representatives of the stronger sex in everyday life;
  • Attitude and worldview. A guy in love changes radically before the eyes of others. He becomes more cheerful, active, "easy going". He is in high spirits and in a cheerful mood. They say that in this state he is able to “move mountains,” and this statement is completely justified. By the way, it is during the period of falling in love that men often commit adventurous and reckless acts that are completely unexpected for them. They can perform specific feats, causing great surprise and bewilderment on the part of the people around them;
  • Gestures. Still in children's "encyclopedias for girls" it was said that an interested young man always points his toe towards the object of desire. And this is true - a man always turns his foot to where his beloved is standing. Moreover, it is important not to make a mistake here - if you witness other signs of a man’s hidden sympathy for a woman, but his sock is not directed in your direction, accordingly, he is not sending them to you at all. When he encounters you, he tries to prettify himself - he touches his hair, straightens his tie, shakes off "invisible dust" from clothes. Another important “symptom” of strong interest is laying thumbs hands on the front of the trouser belt, as if the man was about to expose her. Moreover, this gesture is purely instinctive and uncontrollable, because in nature the male always tries to demonstrate his genitals to the female in order to indicate his obvious superiority over his rivals. Another similar “natural” gesture is placing your hands in your trouser pockets with your thumbs up. Thus, a man tries to show his determination, will, strength of character;
  • Posture. If a man is in love, he tries to show the object of his sympathy all his “power” and “strength” that is given to him by nature. He stands straight, straightens his shoulders, as if trying to demonstrate the width of his back. Often holds his hands on his hips and spreads his legs wide, as if showing off his physical characteristics. When talking, he turns his whole body to his beloved and listens very carefully to what she says.

Unlike female characteristics sympathy for the man, the second expresses his disposition more “cautiously.” If a woman, in the presence of her newfound hero, often begins to stammer, speak out of place and simply talk outright nonsense, the man tries to seem more balanced, strong and smart to her. After all, by nature he is a male, which means he does not have such weaknesses!

Colleague: how to recognize signs of his affection for you?

It happens that a lonely, young, promising, and also very attractive employee appears in the team, who immediately becomes a “target” for women. Things often end « office romance» , if a certain girl recognizes his signals of sympathy towards her in time.

Male colleague: what are his signs of sympathy for you?

  • It makes you stand out from everyone else. Moreover, he can do this openly, for example, praising you for a brilliant job, setting you as an example, admiring your experience, skills and knowledge. He tries to be closer to you and is interested in conversations with you. He often appears in those places where he can “accidentally” meet you, even if his localization in them is completely inappropriate;
  • He looks at you. Staring is always a sign of passion. However, it may not only be directed at your eyes. An interested representative of the stronger sex can often turn his gaze to where yours is directed. If a man stares at your lips, this signals sexual interest. Psychology often talks about "eating with eyes", i.e. detailed examination of your entire body in order to remember the details of the image;
  • He "undresses". No, of course, not completely! However, if a man wants to give you a certain signal, in your presence he can take off his jacket or vest, loosen his tie, or unfasten his watch strap. All this suggests that he wants to attract your attention to himself;
  • He invades your personal space, and in the literal sense of the word. Every person has a so-called intimate area, located no further than arm's length. We usually allow only relatives and well-known people into it. If a man strives to be in it, this is an excellent sign, indicating that he dreams of getting closer and starting a relationship with you;
  • He is trying to create tactile contact. Does your colleague constantly try to touch you, put his arm around your waist, or put his hand on the chair or chair where you are sitting? This indicates his serious interest. And thus, he instinctively shows other “males” that you are his territory, which cannot be encroached upon;
  • He shines in society. If a young man constantly tries to demonstrate his sharp mind or sense of humor in your presence, he probably likes you a lot. However, this signal also needs to be assessed as a whole, since it can be directed towards a completely different lady.

Signs of sympathy are multifaceted and varied, and in your case it is important to evaluate them in combination. You cannot rely on only one signal, considering it the only correct one. And then, do not forget that the guy theoretically may have other objects of attention, interest in which he involuntarily has to express in your company.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about what are the signs of a woman’s sympathy. You will learn by what manifestations you can judge that a girl is not indifferent to you, what non-verbal and verbal signs can indicate this, what is the behavior of a girl who feels sympathy for a young man.

Why do you need to know

There are a number of reasons that indicate the need to find out information regarding whether the girl has sympathy for you or not.

  1. This is important in order to learn how to determine whether someone reciprocates your feelings or not. It is much easier to recognize these signs than to become interested in someone who will only leave you disappointed.
  2. When a guy sees that he is attractive to his chosen one, he begins to feel more confident, quickly moves on to the dating process, and the relationship develops more quickly.
  3. A young man who knows how to recognize non-verbal and verbal signs is able to control the relationship that has begun and avoid a number of mistakes.

Characteristic manifestations

A woman’s nonverbal sympathy can manifest itself in the following ways:

  • the young lady holds her gaze - the girl begins to flirt, casually glancing at the man, constantly switching her attention, then looking at him again;
  • preening - the young lady tries to look as attractive as possible, adjusting her hair, clothes, makeup;
  • a guy for whom you feel sympathy will probably make the girl smile;
  • the young lady will try once again touch the object of your sympathy, because in your thoughts there is closer communication with him.

Regarding verbal signs will be characterized by the following:

  • girl takes Active participation in conversation;
  • shares secrets;
  • excludes “yes” or “no” answers;
  • she asks questions that interest her;
  • often addresses the guy by name.

You can understand that a young lady feels sympathy based on certain signs.

  1. When she is near a man who interests her, she begins to blink frequently. He does this unconsciously.
  2. When communicating, the girl leans forward slightly, thereby trying to get closer to the man she finds attractive.
  3. Lip biting. This act indicates love potential; the woman demonstrates her attractiveness to her chosen one.
  4. Hair touching. The young lady can touch her curl, twirl it on her finger, or simply stroke her hair.
  5. A woman tries to get as close as possible to the man who interests her. At the same time, she can first approach, then move away, thereby flirting with the object of her sympathy.
  6. You can pay attention to the girl’s smile and the shape of her eyebrows. If she likes a man, she will smile and raise her eyebrows slightly.
  7. The girl will try in any way opportune moment touch the object of your sympathy, pat him on the shoulder, take him by the hand, hug him.
  8. The young lady listens attentively to the story of the man she is interested in, his jokes amuse her.
  9. The girl keeps herself open, does not cross her legs or arms, she feels comfortable next to the man who interests her.
  10. When communicating with the object of sympathy, he may begin to blush and feel embarrassed.

It is important to remember that girls are quite insidious creatures, they know well how to use signals to seduce a man, and can do this for their own benefit. Therefore, it is extremely important to make sure that the signals that the girl gives are sincere expressions of sympathy. You can verify this by paying attention, for example, to a girl’s smile. Sincere emotions will be shown:

  • symmetrical smile;
  • one gets the impression that the whole face is smiling;
  • eyes glow;
  • The corners of the eyes wrinkle.

You can also familiarize yourself with how it manifests itself.

First meeting

The following points may indicate that a young man arouses a feeling of sympathy in a woman upon first meeting.

  1. She smiles when she talks to him and tries to maintain a dialogue.
  2. The girl constantly preens, straightens her hair, and worries about how she looks.
  3. Makes eyes. She looks the young man straight in the eyes. When his gaze meets hers, he looks away.
  4. If, when we first meet, a girl starts asking a guy some questions, she is clearly interested in him. She will most likely agree to a date.
  5. If the acquaintance took place in a company and a girl feels sympathy for a guy, she distinguishes him from other men, tries to be as close as possible, communicates more, shows signs of attention.

Signs on a first date

  1. The girl actively maintains a dialogue and tries to joke.
  2. If you are sitting opposite each other, then the toes of her shoes or the girl’s knees directed in your direction will indicate sympathy.
  3. The presence of sympathy may be indicated by the fact that the girl is sitting in a relaxed position and does not have a handbag on her knees. She becomes as open as possible towards the guy, subconsciously removing all barriers.
  4. The fact that the young lady expresses sympathy for the young man can be indicated by the demonstration of her neck and wrist.

Now you know how a woman shows sympathy. As you can see, by carefully observing a girl, you can understand how she treats you, how strong her feelings and intentions are. If you see that there is a young lady nearby who, by all indications, is experiencing certain feelings, and you like her, take the first step, start the relationship that you both need so much.

Showing inappropriate shyness can often be a major factor preventing you from starting a new relationship.

But the person who shows it can be understood: how can you take a step towards if it is not clear what is going on in the head of the person you like?!
How do boys and girls show affection?
Even relatives and close friends are not always able to “read” thoughts and understand each other’s needs, not to mention those who are strangers, but secretly dream of developing friendly and romantic relationships. Before you think about the relationship itself, you need to understand whether the guy or girl shows at least some interest? This article is aimed at helping to understand the subconscious signs of a young man indicating sympathy.
Romantic interest quite often manifests itself in the signs a guy shows towards a girl. The only question is that you need to be able to notice them, understand what they mean and reciprocate them. It is generally accepted that men should be the first to show attention, but even they do not always have the courage, especially if the girl’s behavior is ambiguous. And it’s not easy for girls: how to show your interest if it’s not clear how the young man will react to it?!
Sympathy can be divided into two types: hidden and obvious (overt). It is clear that the latter will not be difficult to notice, but to see the first, you need to work hard.
How to determine sympathy by look
It is by this that one can determine sympathy, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. From them you can see a person’s feelings and emotions that he experiences when meeting you. The main thing is to learn to “read” them.
If a guy shows hidden sympathy, then from time to time he directs hesitant glances in your direction. It’s difficult to talk about how frequent they should be, because the main thing for him is that you don’t notice them, so he can be extremely careful (although it’s hard not to feel someone else’s gaze). If your eyes suddenly meet, he will most likely look away, blush a little, but curiosity will get the better of him and he will look at you cautiously again. The young man will try to be as close to you as possible in order to exchange more often in short phrases or be able to still timidly watch you.
When showing open sympathy, the gaze also plays a role important role. The difference is that he becomes more courageous and persistently demanding. You can say that the guy is watching and waiting for your reaction to the silent question: so maybe we can try? Do you want to get to know me better? His gaze is not timidly shy, but appraising and probing. He can allow himself to look at your legs, chest, thighs and nod approvingly after you. Some girls do not accept this line of behavior and regard it as arrogant and vulgar behavior, indicating that men see them only as a sexual object. In fact, it is a subconscious instinct that encourages a man to fully evaluate his choice. This look is quite easy to determine: when looking at a girl, the pupils dilate, there is nothing negative in them (anger, arrogance, aggressiveness), on the contrary, they are filled with tenderness and warmth. But glances are just one tool in the arsenal with which they show sympathy and interest.
How men show affection through gestures
It is not for nothing that more than one book has been written on the study of body movements and gestures. Despite the multitude, variety and uniqueness of gestures, they can be studied. Then you can easily understand how a person feels even without starting a conversation with him. Men as individuals are less emotional and restrained, they gesticulate (resort to nonverbal communication) to a lesser extent than women, but constrained and stingy body movements are enough to reveal sympathy. Gestures of sympathy from men are discussed in detail here.
If a guy sees a girl for whom he has sympathy, then he begins to put his appearance in order: straightens his hair, brushes imaginary specks of dust from his trousers, checks to see if his shirt is in order, and so on. He does many things subconsciously preening himself in order to look perfect next to the one he likes.
There is also another sure sign. Seeing a girl he likes, the guy puts his thumbs in his belt. Why is he doing this? This gesture encourages the girl to lower her eyes and pay attention to the main part male body. But you shouldn’t hastily conclude that the young man has only sex and serious relationship he doesn’t need it - such a body movement occurs at the subconscious level and the guy may not even notice that he is doing this.
Another sure sign is a special manner of standing. If a man’s body and the toes of his shoes are directed towards the girl, and he keeps his hands on his sides, then he is definitely interested in you!
This is one of the powerful and effective methods. Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking that a smile always indicates sympathy. Of course, in most cases this is true, but you can smile in different ways, and its purpose can be of a different nature. Some smile to show interest. Others want to win over a person with the selfish goal of getting something. And still others demonstrate hostility and a negative attitude with a smile.
Therefore, you need to look not only at the smile, but also at the eyes. If there is no joy and sincerity in them, but at the same time the person smiles broadly and openly at you, it means that this is just a maneuver aimed at getting what you want from you and using it for your own selfish purposes. If warmth and friendliness are visible in the eyes along with a friendly smile, then this is a sign that the person is showing interest and sympathy for you, and does it sincerely.
If a guy smiles so that his teeth are visible, his head is tilted to the side, and his eyes are squinted, it means his heart is with you and he is touched by your funny and amusing behavior. But such a smile is similar to an evil grin (the difference is in clenched teeth), so you need to be careful not to confuse anything.
Is it possible to judge sympathy by voice?

We can say that he gives the guy away and is another factor that indicates sympathy on the part of the man. You should not expect a young man to lower his voice and speak hoarsely - this is typical for women. A man is a male and a similar cry can even slip into his voice. Changes in voice will be quite obvious. If someone else pays attention to you, his voice will become rude and harsh - he will not tolerate competition. But when dealing with a girl, his voice will transform and will look like a gentle velvet song. The notes and timbre of the voice will change and will be like the flow of a quiet stream.
Now you know that it is not difficult to identify the sympathy that a guy shows for a girl. It manifests itself in shy or frank glances, obvious gestures, a sincere smile and a gentle voice. And if you notice any of the above in a guy you are interested in, then do not ignore these signs - act! Perhaps this is the beginning of a serious and lasting relationship.