Are there faithful men and husbands - Psychology. Why do men cheat on you? Male gaze Are there any faithful men male gaze


With every century, women understand that men do not change - they have cheated and continue to cheat on their wives. And here only one question remains: are there faithful husbands and men who don’t even think about running after every skirt?

In fact, such men exist, only there are much fewer of them than those who believe in their need to sleep with everyone.

Reasons for betrayal

Why do they happen? In other articles on the women's website, the site has more than once listed the reasons for infidelity, both male and female. However, you should not think that the reason is often the only one - as soon as it is eliminated, everything will immediately improve. Psychologists usually say that betrayal is a combination of factors that accumulate over the course of a person’s life and ultimately lead to treacherous behavior. If a man cheated once, most likely he will cheat many more times with the same woman and possibly another. Factors that influence whether a person is faithful or unfaithful are:

  1. Upbringing.
  2. Education.
  3. Satisfaction with one's own life.
  4. Self-satisfaction: both appearance and inner world.
  5. Satisfaction with your choice of partner.
  6. Honesty.
  7. Responsibility.
  8. Individual characteristics.
  9. Degree of implementation.
  10. Religious views.
  11. Family relationships, etc.

That is why a woman must remember that she can forgive her husband’s betrayal, but this will not stop him if he did not see anything wrong in his action, did not understand what he could lose, did not suffer because of his betrayal and simply does not respect his wife.

Usually people try to find someone to blame when one of the spouses begins to cheat. Psychologists say that both are to blame:

  1. A woman could be very tired of her man, who constantly asks her for something, needs something from her.
  2. The man did not dare to break up with a woman who was tired of him or was no longer satisfied with him, so he resorted to deception.

Both are to blame, despite the reasons for male infidelity:

  • Tired of a constant partner. And this fatigue occurs in all people. Over the years, people become boring, boring, and uninteresting. Every person accumulates grievances and some resentments towards their partners. Instead of taking a little break from each other or changing something about themselves, people often cheat as a way of introducing something new and fresh into their lives.
  • The appeal of novelty. Over time, other women become more beautiful and more interesting than the close and always present wife. Sometimes a man wants something new, unknown, unusual. And this concerns not so much sex as moral satisfaction, gaining new knowledge and curiosity.

People talk about the reasons for male infidelity more often than about female infidelity. It's all about the dual behavior of the gentlemen themselves: on the one hand, they do not leave their wives, on the other, they cannot live without their mistresses. Here we look at various reasons that can lead to cheating. The representatives themselves explain their behavior differently. Let's try to comprehensively understand the problem.

A man’s behavior is largely influenced by his upbringing and the criteria by which his masculinity is assessed. Remember what is usually said as instructions and slogans:

  • Men are polygamous; they cannot help but look “to the left.”
  • The male dignity is called the sexual organ. In other words, male power is manifested solely in how much and how well the representative was able to satisfy women.
  • A man does not cry, that is, he must hide his emotional experiences from loved ones so as not to appear weak. But we are talking about a person who can also experience disturbing and deep emotions.
  • The man is a hero. And heroes need admiration! If a person does not receive this admiration in his homeland, then he leaves for other countries where he can show his masculinity. Metaphorically, it says that if a wife does not admire her husband, then another woman will admire him.

These provisions are laid down in every representative of the stronger sex, who, faced with unpleasant situations for themselves, when no one admires or worships their masculinity, looks for various ways to fill the gaps. The solution is a mistress who is needed in order to:

How does a man get all this from his mistress? Often, special categories of ladies are chosen for the role of “second woman”: weak, tired of loneliness or victims of male egoism, ugly, poor, etc. Confident women, beautiful, smart, sensible, able to defend their point of view and etc. But from such “snow queens” you may not receive any affection, no warmth, no concessions, no love. Weak women are chosen to play the role of mistresses, who are ready to live for the sake of men, infringe on their interests and desires, and do everything only for the sake of their partners. These are selfless representatives who, somewhere deep down in their souls, have already lost hope that someone will love them. Therefore, a married man is the savior who, at least for a short time, will allow you to become happier.

A flawed woman is an ideal lover.

  • A man in her eyes will become a hero, even if he does not give her gifts or solve her problems.
  • He will remain strong, despite the fact that he doesn’t like everything, is unable to solve his problems at work, and cannot come to an agreement with his wife at home.
  • He will remain a respected person, despite the fact that he abandons his children for his mistress, does not pay attention to his family and behaves immorally.
  • The man will be the most beloved because she is grateful to him for paying attention to her.

In other words, she is many times more stupid, more flawed, weaker, etc. He does this because in the family he cannot relax, cope with his wife’s attacks, or feel like a man not only physically, but also psychologically, morally and emotionally. He must always be a superman - a person who has no flaws or weaknesses.

To be a hero in the eyes of a woman, while having shortcomings and acting immorally, selfishly, it is necessary to choose one who no longer believes in herself, is weak and flawed. She is ready to be with someone who will pay attention to her, even if it is a married gentleman. Low self-esteem and lack of confidence in one’s own beauty and strength are the main qualities of lovers. Otherwise, a man would not be able to satisfy his psycho-emotional desires, which are not embodied in family life, where what is required of him is not weakness and indulgence in his own egoism, but dedication, strength and the absence of shortcomings.

Why does cheating happen?

Cheating often occurs due to youth: he hasn’t had enough fun, doesn’t have much experience in sex, wants to try something else, etc. However, cheating often happens at a later age. And here the reasons are often:

  1. Dissatisfaction with your wife: her appearance, behavior, character, manners in sex.
  2. A midlife crisis, when a man begins to prove something to himself or remember his youth.

Should betrayal be forgiven?

When betrayal happens, the other half has only one question left to decide: is it worth forgiving? And here it is not always necessary to forgive the cheater, just as vice versa, not every betrayal should be severely punished. Several factors influence whether you need to forgive betrayal:

  • Was it one-time or multiple?
  • Does it have a good reason for its occurrence?
  • Does the husband repent?
  • Is the husband trying to restore the relationship with his wife or is he staying away from the problem?

To make the right decision, you need to abstract yourself from the emotions that are probably raging inside after the news of your husband’s infidelity.

In many love relationships, partners are faced with a stressful situation when not just a quarrel occurred between them, but a serious event in the form of betrayal, separation or infidelity. In any person, these three situations cause all sorts of emotions of despair, anger, hatred, etc. There are three possible scenarios for the development of events:

  • Partners separate forever.
  • Partners change and begin new relationships, completely different from the previous ones.
  • Partners continue the relationship they already have.

In the first case, when partners break up, both simply have to go through the period when they wean themselves from past relationships and begin to desire new contacts with other candidates for their love.

In the second case, partners forgive each other for what they did. In doing so, they begin a grand process of changing themselves. Not one, but both partners begin to change so strongly and globally that no trace or memories remain of the previous relationship. A new man and woman appear, who get to know each other again and build completely different relationships, completely different from the previous ones. This requires a colossal amount of time, effort and the desire of both partners to forgive everything that happened, forget and start living in such a way that such serious stressful situations no longer occur.

In the third case, when partners simply continue the same relationship without any changes, forgiveness, etc., further stressful situations are foreseen in the future, and on an increased scale. In other words, if someone cheated, they will cheat again, but now it will be much more sophisticated and painful. If someone betrayed, then they will betray again, but with great losses for people. Spouses in a relationship according to the third scenario will have unequal positions: one will constantly remember what the other has done, and the second will constantly be tormented by a “sense of duty” and guilt for his action. But over time, these feelings dull, which is why the second partner begins to take revenge on the first because he constantly accuses him of something, which is why he commits another “unforgivable” act.

Betrayal, separation, betrayal - how to survive it? Successful people choose either the first or second scenario. If they understand that they can forget what happened and change together with their partner, thus taking the relationship to a new level, then they build a new union. If they understand that they do not want or cannot forgive, then they finally break off the relationship.

People who are used to suffering, torment, being victims or tyrants, infantile personalities, choose the third option for the development of events, because in this case they do not have to fight the fear of loneliness and look for new partners who will agree to suffer with them.

6 reasons to be faithful

However, not all men cheat, although, of course, they can if they want. They choose the path of “loyalty” more out of rational reasoning, and not because others want it. Here are 6 reasons to be faithful to your wife:

  1. Resources. Every woman requires resources from a man: time, attention, strength, money, emotions, etc. If a man does not feel the desire to share resources, waste them, waste his time and energy on ladies with whom he is not going to have anything serious, then he would prefer fishing to treason.
  2. Inability to hide deception. And men understand this. They first think about the consequences of their infidelities, and then decide whether they are ready to face these consequences when the deception is revealed.
  3. The mistress is a dispatched agent. Often women approach men for a reason. They want to get something from their future lovers. Information for competitors does not always become the reason lovers meet. A woman may simply want to extract money from a man.
  4. Reluctance to deal with a jealous husband if a love affair is possible with a married woman.
  5. Humiliation of one's own dignity due to the fact that one will have to deceive, play around, conceal and do something in secret.
  6. Lack of desire to have infidelity. Yes, this can also happen when a man does not depend on female attention, affection and sex in principle. He lives for his own pleasure, and for this he does not need numerous crowds of girls.

Bottom line

If women are interested in whether there are faithful men, then the answer will be positive. The question remains: how to find such a man, because there are very few such people? And here you really have to work hard, since a man is faithful not only when he loves, but also when he is simply too lazy to run after someone, or is independent of women in general, so you have to run after him.

“In my entire life, I have met only one man who did not cheat on his wife - this is the one-legged watchman of our municipal bathhouse Vasily Tarasovich,” he shares his experience cook Zinaida. 

“But this good fellow had a number of shortcomings, not counting the absence of one leg: he mumbled disgustingly with a toothless mouth, regularly went on binges and, although he worked in a local bathhouse, he washed no more than once a month.” Architect Valentina

also does not believe that a successful, prosperous, attractive man can be absolutely faithful: “I think that almost all representatives of the stronger sex cheat on their wives if they are given such an opportunity. The only difference is that some men go out in the open... And others value marriage, know how to “encrypt” well, and create an “iron” alibi for themselves ahead of time, before going to great lengths with their next sweetheart.”

“A few days ago, out of nothing to do, I decided to check my husband’s mobile phone. No suspicious SMS were detected,” says engineer Ekaterina.

Then the meticulous woman began to “call” all the people indicated in the phone’s address book... This experiment brought very unexpected results. Under the name “Egor Vasilyevich, plumber” the telephone number of the intimate services salon was recorded. Moreover, the salon administrator confirmed that the owner of this phone is their regular customer.

Behind the contact “Petya from Vologda” was hidden the phone number of Lyudochka, a seductive accountant with her husband’s job. Moreover, this lady just divorced her husband. Under the name “Vasya,” Katya’s husband wrote down the phone number of his former passion, Elena, with whom, according to him, he had long ceased contact...

“Of course, it’s not good to dig into someone else’s mobile without asking... Now I don’t even know what to do with the information that has been revealed. It’s not for nothing that they say: the less you know, the better you sleep!” 

- Ekaterina sums up her investigation.

By old age they will walk up! “By the age of seventy, after suffering two heart attacks, men are usually no longer drawn to intimate exploits. Let's go for a walk! But at this age they already lose interest in their own spouse,” he states his position wife with 47 years of experience Galina

. According to Galina, “polygamy is inherent in male nature, and nothing can be done about it.”

The elderly woman emphasizes that infidelity in itself, especially single ones, does not indicate a man’s unsuitability for family life: “A husband can sincerely and reverently love his wife, take care of her and the children, be happy in marriage... And at the same time” have fun on the side,” especially when his wife is not around.”

Not enough oxytocin? Or conscience? “During intimate intimacy, women produce the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the formation of emotional attachment,” says St. Petersburg sexologist Oleg Ustinov


- For physiological reasons, men produce this hormone in much smaller quantities. That is why a man can, say, love one woman all his life, but at the same time enjoy intimate relationships with many ladies.” is skeptical about arguments about a lack of oxytocin. “I think what traitors lack is not oxytocin, but honor and conscience! - the woman says emotionally. 

“I still believe that faithful men exist, and they make up the majority.”

Betrayal cannot be justified Programmer Olga

states: “I am disgusted by any talk about supposedly natural male polygamy. A person should act not on the basis of animal instincts, but obeying the voice of reason. If a gentleman values ​​and loves his wife, he will not cheat on her.” Graphic artist Antonina

is also not going to put up with male infidelity: “Betrayal is betrayal. And betrayal can never be justified by anything!”

She has never encountered such problems in her life: “My husband Valery is a bright, attractive man who is liked by many women. And at the same time, during 19 years of marriage, he never gave any reason to doubt his fidelity.”

Look for your soul mate! “I am categorically against both female and male infidelity,” says woodcarver Konstantin


- I love and respect my wife and would never inflict such a wound on her... I can advise all readers: look for a soul mate! If you find “your man,” he will never cheat on you.”

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Konstantin admits that he, like most men, pays attention to attractive young ladies on the street and in public places. But these temptations are not able to shake his fidelity: “In accordance with Orthodox canons, the unity of husband and wife is akin to the unity of Christ and the Church. Adultery is a sin for every Christian... I always remember that a real treasure is waiting for me at home - a faithful, devoted, loving wife. As a man, I try to be worthy of her.”

There has long been an opinion in society that no man can be completely faithful. They say that guys don’t consider physical intimacy to be real betrayal, so they go for it quite simply. And unfortunately, it is worth noting that most men really hold this opinion, even if they do not admit it. But there are still faithful young people. But there are very few of them left in our world.

Women's fault for infidelity

Speaking about male fidelity, it is probably worth remembering that it was women who made some men unfaithful. For a guy who doesn't cheat, cheating is the worst sin. Such men do not forgive misdeeds. Since for them the woman they love is really the only one, they themselves cannot imagine that the lady of their heart can pay attention to someone else. It’s unfortunate that these guys very often come across flighty women. And after another betrayal, they come to the conclusion that their loyalty is a relic of the past. As a result, guys either completely close themselves off and push away the female sex, or they themselves begin to behave like womanizers. In fact, they do not so much want to offend someone as they want to destroy the offense in themselves. Cheating has always humiliated male dignity, and in cases where the guy himself is incapable of this, such an attitude generally breaks him. So, looking at flighty men, do not rush to judge them and accuse them of ruining women’s destinies. Perhaps their fate was also ruined because of some representative of the fair sex.

Signs of a faithful man

If a man is truly faithful, then his loyalty is manifested in everything. First of all, his family (his beloved woman) comes first. He will always try to spend more time with the lady of his heart. By the way, this does not mean at all that the guy will refuse his friends. He just wants his beloved to always be with him. And he will always place her feelings a little higher than the feelings of others. A faithful man, first of all, is faithful not in the physical sense, but in the moral sense. It’s not easy for him to not allow himself to look at other women, he really doesn’t want to. Such men are generally uninterested in all girls except that one. Very often this type of man remains bachelor for a long time, although many people like him. It's just that faithful men don't exchange their feelings. If they start dating at a conscious age, it’s not just like that, but to really build a relationship. That's why this type of guy doesn't start relationships with many ladies, although they are ready for almost anything. A faithful guy will consider that it is better to immediately make it clear that he does not see his future wife in this girl than to hurt her later. By the way, it is worth noting that faithful men, when actually starting a relationship, treat their lady of the heart exactly as a potential wife. They don’t have such a concept as “sucked and abandoned.” Such guys can take a long time to decide on some serious steps (for example, sex), but if this happens, it means that he is sure that the girl is the only one for him and he wants to be with her and only with her.

Reasons for loyalty

Many believe that men who are faithful are those who got married early and have no sexual experience, so they are simply afraid of disgracing themselves somewhere on the side. But in reality there is only a grain of truth in this. Men with a fairly rich sexual experience can also be faithful, and faithful even in cases where for some reason they have to abstain from sex for a long time. Whatever sexologists say, there are guys for whom the moral aspect of a relationship is truly much more important than the physical one. They really understand that with their betrayal they can hurt the person they love and in the end simply lose him.

The ideal wife for a faithful husband

But no matter how faithful a man is, you still need to always try to be the woman next to whom he simply won’t think about cheating. Because even the most loving, kind and honest person can endure hysterics, claims, and scandals for years. And then it still breaks down. And the worst thing is that he will break down not just physically, he will break down mentally. If a wife is constantly dissatisfied with something, accuses, gets angry, screams, then in the end there is a woman who sees in a man a wonderful, honest knight and gives him the tenderness and affection that a wife cannot give. That's when a faithful man forgets about his fidelity. Although, probably, there’s still no point in talking about loyalty here. In such cases, love simply leaves. And when this feeling disappears, then there is simply no one to be faithful to.

That is why, no matter how kind, gentle and honest a man is, a woman who is lucky with such a treasure should not take it for granted, much less take advantage of his feelings. If a woman sees that a guy is incapable of cheating and will always idolize only her, in no case should you relax, “sit on your head.” Never forget to compliment your man and remind him that he is the best for you. A man should always see that you love him, desire him and want to spend your whole life with him. Also, don't let routine take over you. Even the most faithful, calm man sometimes wants some adventure. And so that he never gets into his head to look for them on the side, create a fairy tale or an adventure novel in your life. Travel, if he loves it, go on some small adventures, be interested in what captivates him. In general, take part in his life, and do not stay on the sidelines.

Faithful men have always been able and know how to love truly. They are really ready to do everything for their woman and do not want to hurt her. Therefore, try to pay your man “in the same coin.” And then you will definitely live a very long, wonderful, happy life in marriage.

Every woman wants her husband to remain impeccably faithful to her and never cheat on her. However, from the pages of the media, from TV screens and from computer monitors, a stream of information is constantly pouring on us, convincing us of the following: a man, by definition, cannot be faithful to one woman, they are all polygamous by nature, they change absolutely everything, it’s just that some are good at hiding your betrayals...

How can one believe that there is loyalty and devotion in the world? Are these qualities really a thing of the distant past, and the fate of a modern woman is to put up with the fact that she is not the only one in her man’s life?

Now let's try to figure it out.

Reasons for male infidelity

To know how to treat a disease, you need to find out its causes - the main rule of medicine. In fact, there are as many reasons for male infidelity as there are men. Among the huge variety of them, the most typical can be identified:

Forced abstinence (for example, during a business trip);
- Excessive alcoholic libations (for example, at a party or at a corporate party);
- The monotony of marital sex;
- Such is nature!

Does everyone change?

According to studies, 24% of married husbands do not at all strive to find mistresses, and even sometimes refuse very tempting female offers. What makes them do this?

Explanation one. The man had a lot of fun before marriage: he had many sexual partners, and by the age of 30 he had settled down, got married and did not consider it necessary to look for a mistress on the side. He does not need self-affirmation through seduction; his self-esteem is already at a fairly high level. There are not very many such men: of the 24% that we mentioned, a quarter belongs to this group.

Explanation two. Three quarters of faithful husbands are men who got married quite early, much earlier than their peers. Premarital sexual experience of such men is minimal. They often suffer from depression and have low self-esteem. If everything is more or less clear with the first group, then in this case the question arises: what prevents them from cheating on their wives? If you ask this question head-on, a man, without hesitation, will give a fixed answer: I love my wife, I don’t want to betray my family, my moral principles don’t allow it. In reality, the situation is different. The main reason for their loyalty is banal fear. No, not the fear of exposure and not the fear of destroying the family. We are talking about the fear of being unsuccessful with a new partner, of causing her ridicule. It must be said that these fears are not unfounded: such men very often suffer from sexual function disorders, such as early ejaculation or decreased potency. They feel calmer with their wife.

What do psychologists and sexologists think?

Now you will be surprised. Most psychologists and sexologists are convinced that in order to have a full sex life and maintain physical and mental health, a man simply needs to cheat on his wife from time to time. An affair “on the side” is an excellent way to increase your own self-esteem, as well as compare your own wife with a new woman (the wife almost always turns out to be better). In addition, going “to the left” brings some freshness to marital intimate relationships, making them more vibrant and exciting.

As for faithful husbands, they do not receive all these shocks that help revitalize their sex life, which means they risk developing depression and frequent low moods.

How should wives behave?

Observe “safety precautions”! Moreover, this also applies to those women whose husbands do not cheat on them. Don't relax! Let you live happily in marriage for 20 years, let your husband never even look in the direction of another woman, let him give you flowers and give you compliments... A “midlife crisis” will come (and most often this is 40 - 45 years old), and “ explosion". The accumulated and unspent sexual energy will escape out of control, and the husband may one day pack up his things and leave the family for a young mistress.

How to prevent this? Now I will surprise you again. According to experts, it is necessary to provoke a husband’s interest in other women 10 years before the expected crisis, that is, when the man turns 30-35 years old. No, there is no need to push him to cheat. Just act as if your husband's affair could happen at any moment. Emphasize his masculine attractiveness in every possible way. From time to time say: “How that girl over there looked at you!” or “All the women at work are jealous of me because you’re so cool.”

How to understand that your loved one is cheating?

It is necessary to be aware - at least in order not to feel like a complete fool. How to “decipher” your husband’s affair?

1. A man suddenly decides to update his wardrobe (although he was previously completely indifferent to new things), and enrolls in the gym.

2. The husband either almost stops paying attention to you, or, on the contrary, trying to make amends for his guilt, shows increased signs of attention.

3. He has constant “rush jobs” at work, he is “called” to work on weekends and evenings.

4. Despite the previous point, there is less money in the family.

5. Inspect your husband’s car: have any strange things appeared in the glove compartment, has the position of the seats changed?

6. My husband’s long-term habits, which had become automatic, have changed. It was she, the mistress, who influenced him!

8. Pay attention to the behavior of women you know, “family friends,” your husband’s co-workers, neighbors, etc. Practice shows that men do not like to go far in search of pleasure, but prefer to establish relationships with those who are closer. If your friend suddenly stops calling you, and when they meet, she looks away and tries to sneak away - this is not without reason...

9. Finally, such banal and even anecdotal evidence as traces of lipstick on a shirt, the smell of unfamiliar perfume, someone else’s handkerchief in the pocket, etc.

Also pay attention to your intuition: almost all women “gut” feel adultery, and if you are “tormented by vague doubts” - this is not without reason...

They say that all men, regardless of age, appearance and personal preferences, regularly walk to the left. This is their nature, and nothing can be done about it. To be fair, it should be noted that some males really cannot miss a single girl. It is they who benefit from rumors about the irresistible force of male polygamy. Well, a normal man is quite capable of remaining faithful to his beloved even in provocative situations. At the same time, his behavior will not be considered a feat. To determine whether you have come across such a treasure, check your partner for compliance with the following criteria:

1. Man Doesn't make your attraction the center of your communication. Much more interesting topics and incentives for interaction constantly circulate in the head of a normal man. Well, if all a lover can talk about is “the same thing,” then in the absence of his beloved, he most likely continues his passionate communication with someone else.

2. Age yours partner is not significantly different from yours. When a man is looking for a woman to spend the rest of his life with, he chooses someone his own age. Five years is the limit, the achievement of which does not prevent lovers from having common interests and similar life experiences. A large difference in age in either direction may indicate mercantile interest or the perception of a partner as a status accessory.

3. He takes care of his appearance, but in moderation. Men are required to dress neatly, cleanly and in a consistent style. All additional tricks most likely have nothing to do with the social code. A girl can wear makeup and style her hair because that’s what she needs for work and that’s what everyone around her does. A preening man is usually planning to seduce someone.

4. He is a reliable person who always tries to keep his promises. Responsibility, openness, honesty: these qualities characterize a man for whom remaining faithful will not be a burdensome task. A decent person is decent in everything. Well, if a lover often lies about small things, then he can lie about more important issues.

5. He prefers to buy quality things and keep them in good condition. Human psychology works simply, no matter how much psychologists try to complicate it. A man who takes care of his things understands that the connections made are worth a lot. Anyone who rushes after every new product behaves the same way in his personal life.

6. He values ​​his family. Even the youngest relationships are already the possibility of a future family unit. Anyone who understands the value of family relationships will not risk existing relationships for the sake of a casual affair.

7. He doesn't need to be the center of attention all the time.. The people who run the biggest parties usually don't have stable relationships. Why, if the whole world is already at their feet? Noisy gatherings give a false sense of success. Constant communication with new people, casual relationships as a way of socialization... A man focused on strong relationships will not strive for this.

8. He likes to do things with you. Nothing reveals relationships like teamwork. If a man trusts you in business matters, then he will not risk betraying this trust by ending up in bed with another woman.

9. He has a clear life plan. Uncontrolled connections are the lot of those who live one day at a time. Lovelaces who plan to seduce victims by consulting diagrams in organizers are found only in American sitcoms. In reality, a man’s organizer will most likely contain business contacts and addresses of stores with household appliances for a new family.

10. You live according to one regime. If your periods of activity occur at the opposite time of day, then it will be difficult to satisfy your natural passion. In this case, a man may start looking for someone on the side, prudently “forgetting” to notify his significant other about this.

Although public opinion believes otherwise, there are many more faithful men than it seems. Do not trust outright womanizers, focus on balance and stability. This will help you find a person to whom you can give your love without fear.