A man criticizes a woman when he feels that he is becoming indifferent to her. Hidden gestures of sympathy

For men

Often, when meeting a man, women are faced with the following problem: it is very difficult to determine from his behavior whether he has sympathy for his interlocutor, or whether he is showing signs of attention only out of politeness.

There are times when a man behaves rather ambiguously, and even strangely - then determining his mood becomes even more difficult. But there is good news: it is still possible to do this if you know a few secrets of the psychology of communication.

This is what the World Wide Web “says” about this....

Signs that a man is interested in you

It doesn't matter where you meet a man: in a bar, a store or at a friend's house, the fact remains that you wonder if he is really interested in you. Fortunately, determining the interest of men is not very difficult. They do not tend to be cunning or disingenuous, and they express their attitude towards women directly.
It turns out that when a man likes a woman, he subconsciously begins to send signals to her. Now the main thing is to recognize similar signals that appear in facial expressions and body language.

According to the old hackneyed legend, it is the man who takes the first step towards a relationship: he showers her with flowers and invites her to dinner. And women pretend to be hard to touch, hiding their interest. What nonsense! In fact, it is women who always make the first move and set the pace, flow and direction romantic relationships. It turns out that women are generally very good at deciphering body language. You just need to pay attention to the man’s gestures and movements, to his views.

The fact is that not every man feels confident in the presence of a girl, especially if he likes her. Some, due to their natural temperament, behave modestly, others cannot show their true feelings due to hidden complexes or fear of failure. If a woman can determine the nature of the doubts of the object of her sympathy and tactfully help him open up, then a generous reward awaits her: gratitude and an increased degree of trust on the part of the chosen one.

All people are different. It will be common for someone to actively try to attract the attention of the object of desire, flirt, wink. Some will be embarrassed to show their interest. But there are universal signs that are characteristic of all men.

As a rule, it is a person’s gestures that carry the greatest amount of information about a person’s mood, his emotional state. Controlling your movements and gestures is not an easy task and requires special training. But even if the interlocutor makes very few movements, then his posture, posture, and head turn can speak volumes.

Let's look at the most obvious gestures a man makes that indicate what he is experiencing obvious sympathy to your interlocutor.

"Passed by" signal
He passed by several times. If a man “hangs around” around a certain woman, periodically passing her for no apparent reason, this is one of the most obvious signs that he is interested in her.
A man may not look at the object of his sympathy when he is nearby - thereby he demonstrates himself, tries to arouse interest in himself and not reveal his feelings.

It is important to be especially careful here, because a man can walk past you several times and not of his own free will, but, for example, while carrying out some errand. In order to most accurately determine his intentions, it is better to play it safe and carefully watch him: does he show any other signs of attention to you.

The signal “I would have hugged you”...
If a man, while communicating with you, simultaneously spread his arms (leaning on the railing of the stairs or the back of a chair) - this is a hidden symbol of hugs.

Signal “I want to be closer”

The classic social distance is about 3.5 m or more; business from 1.5 m to 3.5 m; friendly - from 0.75 m to 1.5 m; and closer - intimate.
If the interlocutor is trying to get closer to you, it means that he wants to be closer not only in the literal sense of the word.

It's simple - the closer your man wants to be to you, the more he is attracted to you, and in the literal sense. When a person is absorbed in you, he will try to catch your fleeting glance, catch every word and smile.
If your feelings for him are mutual, smile back.

Signal "Copy Gestures"
A man's interest in a girl can manifest itself in the following way. The young man will try to engage him in conversation and interest him. If a man unconsciously repeats the gestures of the woman with whom he is currently talking (he also crosses his legs, tilts his head in the same direction, moves in the same rhythm), this indicates that he is tuned in to the wave of his interlocutor, and she he is deeply attracted to her.
When talking, he will quite often lean towards his companion, lower the timbre of his voice, and therefore the phrases will sound a little “intimate”.

If during a conversation a man does not hide his palms, but, on the contrary, shows them and raises them up, most likely he speaks sincerely and seeks to make you sincere.
He may also put one leg forward - this may indicate that he is taking a step towards her.

Signal "I like you"
A smile is already an excellent sign, and a sincere smile during a conversation between a man and a woman cannot but indicate mutual sympathy. An open, friendly smile is often easy to distinguish from a “tight”, insincere one, reminiscent of an animal’s grin. Take a closer look at how tense or relaxed the muscles of his face are when he smiles.
Don't be shy to show your feelings and smile back. In addition, starting a conversation with a smile will immediately endear you to your interlocutor.

- If his palm turns upward when shaking hands, he is ready to obey you.

- If his two palms clasp one palm, he expresses sincerity and friendliness.

— If a man touches your hand or elbow, this is a sign of sympathy.

Signal “I want to please”
First of all, when an object of interest appears in his field of vision, a man tries to become visually taller, more toned and stately.
If a man straightens his shoulders, sticking his chest forward, stretches out, plays with his muscles, and raises his chin, this indicates his desire to impress a woman.
A man begins to preen at the sight of a woman he likes, much like animals do during mating season.

He puts himself in order “from head to toe” - suddenly he remembers that he needs to comb his hair, straighten up, suck in his stomach, and so on.
This also includes manipulations with his hair. He tries to smooth them, shakes his head or tugs at his hair, trying to create a hairstyle, the name of which translates from French as “crow’s nest.”

“Games with the wardrobe” begin: the man straightens his jacket, straightens his tie, straightens his shirt collar, or simply smoothes his clothes with his hands or shakes off specks of dust from them - these gestures indicate that the man strives to please the woman, so he begins to “clean his feathers” in order to appear in front of her in the most presentable form.
Noticing with horror that his shoes are covered with a thick layer of dust, he will try to quietly wipe them on the back of his trousers.

Adjusting a tie is a characteristic gesture for a man. But the way he does it speaks volumes about his thoughts and feelings at the moment. The tie is a phallic symbol, having an oblong shape, like the main male weapon, and its position clearly indicates the source of this similarity.

So, a man touches his tie in two cases - when he is confused and wants to give himself confidence, and when he preens himself before a decisive attack on a woman. If in the first case the gesture will be accompanied by active movement of the neck and head, then in the second the hands move more, straightening the knot of the tie, and rib cage bulges forward. In both cases, this gesture is generally intended to give the man more confidence and determination in realizing his intentions.

Signal “Hands are a magnet”
Everything we like is always attractive and interesting. I want to touch it, study it. You can understand that your partner is in a state of excitement because he is constantly trying to touch his interlocutor.
It's completely normal if you notice that the person you're talking to wants to touch you from time to time. This means he needs more of your attention. And through tactile contact he is placed even closer to you.
If you like a man, casually touch him back as a sign of reciprocity.

The degree of tactile ingratiation depends on the situation, the specifics of the couple’s relationship, the behavior of the lady herself and the man’s level of education. An inexperienced young man will seek touch timidly and ineptly. The body will constantly give it away, showing confusion, embarrassment, and sometimes even fear.

An experienced lover will begin a subtle erotic game on the verge of what is permitted, forcing his companion to respond and seek contact with his hands herself. In such a dangerous sexual game, a woman is at the mercy of her seducer from the first seconds, making it clear that she agrees to everything.

If the item sexual desires behaves strictly and aloof, and his upbringing is quite strict, one might say puritanical, the man will not risk “storming” too persistently, fearing a strong negative reaction, but he will still make attempts.

Signal "Metamorphoses with voice"
The carried away man is betrayed by his voice. If his “sweetheart” participates in the conversation among others, the speech young man changes depending on who he is addressing.
He will speak harshly and rudely to other men (possible rivals!). But when communicating with a dear friend, the timbre will change, speech will acquire melodious notes, and the voice will sound more velvety.
The reason for metamorphosis is again rooted in the animal world: males from wildlife in the fight for the female they could even pull out each other’s feathers. The world of men is not without cruelty. And not without a healthy spirit of competition.

By the way, changes in voice sometimes betray the fair half of humanity. While focusing on charming you, she will speak at the same volume as her counterpart. If you speak quietly and measuredly, your interlocutor will not want to disturb the harmony. For the sake of maintaining the same harmony, she will support you even when you inspiredly shake the air with bass trills, tapping your fist to the beat.

Signal "I'm interested in you"
Of course, it is necessary not only to observe the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor, but also to listen to what he is saying, otherwise you can find yourself in a very uncomfortable position for you. You should carefully monitor the content of his speech, the meaning of his jokes, and changes in mood during the conversation.

If in a conversation a man takes the initiative into his own hands, directing the conversation, asking a lot of questions, this indicates that he is very interested in the interlocutor. On the other hand, if the conversation is purely business or professional themes, this may mean that the man has not yet seen an attractive woman in his communication partner.

A man’s desire to talk only about himself and his hobbies may be a sign that he is not very interested in the woman. Sincere, open laughter in the company of a woman indicates that the man is not shy about expressing his emotions in her presence, and this already speaks of trust.

"Pay attention" signal
Men's nature is to be constantly active. If he likes a woman, then he will try to meet her, communicate, get into her field of vision, interest her in something, and stand out from the crowd.
In no case will he neglect the attention of the object of interest; on the contrary, he will be as sympathetic and courteous as possible. A man will try to learn as much as possible about a woman, and will also talk more about himself.

A man strives to spend as much time as possible with his friend. This is a time of intimate conversations, cultural trips to various creative and entertainment locations, but does not require special “sacrifices” on the part of your partner.

“Chance meetings” are not random at all. These are clear signs that the property lacks your company and attention.

Signal “I care”
If a man is in love, he listens to the woman's opinion. Have you noticed how a man's shirt fits and you don't like it? He will never wear this shirt again.
He remembers every little thing about a woman to himself, tries to find out more about her without asking anything. Begins to be interested in what she is interested in.

Another sign of interest on the part of a representative of the stronger sex is his ability to remember any little details regarding the object of interest. Dates, events, names - everything said in passing can be carefully preserved by the male consciousness.

Signal “I change next to you”
Some men straighten their ties in your presence, others turn into clowns, starting to behave noisily and cheerfully, although in ordinary life behave differently. Any hyper-active movement or exaggerated gesture means that he is thus showing interest in you.
What the passionate man doesn't realize is that the only thing worse than the shy guy at a party where everyone is going crazy is the shy guy who pretends to be a tough macho man and goes out of his way to pretend to be an alpha male and try to imitate Casanova or his more cheeky friends to please your beloved.

It changes often appearance.. Various little things ( new suit, a bright shirt, a tie to match the shirt, neatly styled hair, a watch and fashion perfume) may indicate that the man wanted to look his best for you. He wants (consciously or subconsciously) for you to pay attention to him.

Signal "Eyebrow Dancing"
When looking at a woman, his facial expression may also change. Shy guys They often avoid the gaze of even the girl they like, but a confident young man, when he sees his future lover, will look at her with wide eyes and slightly raised eyebrows.
Raising eyebrows usually indicate that a person is interested in the interlocutor. But this is the case if the conversation is casual, because a serious topic of conversation can cause a concentrated or even tense expression on the interlocutor’s face.

A slightly surprised or mocking expression may indicate that he finds you attractive, but considers you a “complete fool.” In this case, a calm, firm gaze is preferable - this man finds you boring.

If during a conversation a man does not know where to put his hands - he twists a ring on his finger, fiddles with the hem of his clothes, a cufflink or a button on his jacket, we can safely conclude that he is worried. And the reason for his excitement, most likely, was the charming interlocutor.

Signal “I will always help”
Compliments, gifts, a gallant attitude and the desire to constantly help, but without fanaticism. Even if she is not in a difficult and unpleasant situation, the man will still try to make her life easier and better. He will be characterized by the desire to always be there.
Firstly, it means patronage, protection, readiness to help. Secondly, the man is subconsciously convinced that you are in his hands and will not disappear anywhere. And thirdly, this is a completely understandable hint to other men: the position is no longer vacant.

Moreover, his help can manifest itself in small things: throwing his jacket over your shoulders so that you don’t freeze, giving you his umbrella, and walking in the rain yourself.
If a girl notices a clear “excess” with attention and care, most likely the guy is extremely interested in his partner

Excessive pressure may indicate a “hunter’s instinct” and, having achieved his goal, a man will simply lose interest in his chosen one.
Another scenario: a person who demonstrates care and overprotection is inherently overly caring and persistent

Signal "I'll tear everyone up"
An equally important indicator of his interest is jealousy. Every man is a predator and earner by nature, it is in his blood. And the presence of another male in the occupied territory, even if it is a friend of his girlfriend, will give rise to unpleasant emotions in him.

He may be annoyed by other men's attention directed at a woman, looks, words and gifts.
He will not be able to tolerate his potential rivals in close proximity. He can behave assertively and even aggressively with men who pay attention to you.

A little jealousy of a man towards a woman is an indicator that the man likes the woman and that the relationship is developing in the right direction.

How can normal jealousy manifest itself? He reacts when you mention another man in his presence.

The first is that the man is somehow trying to shift the conversation from your admiring discussion of another man (naturally, who is superior to him in some way) to his successes or other topics.
Or maybe he will begin to defiantly shift the conversation to another topic, talking about an attractive mutual friend or his favorite actress.

The second is an attempt to find some shortcomings in a man whom his woman admires.

Third, he tries to remove “male friends” from a woman’s life in some way. That is, do not invite people to visit, change the schedule or route, be rude, etc.

If his woman stops admiring another man, or the man who is courting his woman disappears, male “friends” leave, then jealousy goes away. (In contrast to the pathological one, which never goes anywhere, regardless of time and circumstances).

It is worth noting that most of the signs indicating male attention to a certain woman are inseparable from sexual desire. This is the nature of the stronger sex - they, as a rule, have a spiritual interest hand goes hand in hand with the physical. There is no need to fight this; on the contrary, you should rejoice. After all, this means that a man in love will not even look in the direction of another woman.

Signs that a man “wants” you

Any woman dreams of penetrating the thoughts and consciousness of a man, discovering all his secrets, secret desires and fantasies, and understanding his nature. Indeed, knowing what a young man wants at a given specific moment, a woman will be able to manipulate him, achieving her own goals.

A man who wants sex automatically turns into a “piece of clay” from which a woman can mold everything she needs. The problem is only one thing: how to understand when the chosen one is really sexually interested and what kind of woman he desires at the moment.

How to evaluate a man’s behavior competently if you have known each other for a long time?

In psychology, there are many techniques to distinguish between lies and truth, to predict the desires and intentions of the interlocutor, to determine whether a man wants a woman and what his future plans are. Men by their nature are not endowed with such powerful emotional potential, rich facial expressions and unrestrained nature as representatives of the fair half of humanity.

If physiological needs can still be somehow predicted, then in-depth studies of the subconscious are impossible. Most psychologists advise simply having a heart-to-heart talk, finding out what the man wants: sex without obligations, a serious relationship, or he sees the woman as a friend.

Direct signs of sexual interest

To understand that a man will sexually desire a woman, you should take a closer look at some behavioral points. It is easiest to “count thoughts” among emotionally open people.

For them, flirting and ambiguous jokes accompany the entire stage of flirting and verbal sexual foreplay. If the interlocutor makes “greasy” jokes, trying to focus attention on his excitement, and to please the ladies’ ears with especially piquant compliments, then this is the beginning thorny path to bed. This model of behavior is inherent in sexually liberated, emotional, and mentally open individuals.

Postures that signal “I want you!”

When a man wants to satisfy his physiological needs, he can restrain himself emotionally, but the body always reveals the essence of its owner’s desires.
The master of body language interpretation, Alan Pease, in his best-selling book “Body Language. How to read the thoughts of others by their gestures” gives the following example of men expressing sympathy. The most sure signs excitement:

  • Hands are in pockets, but thumbs are pointedly outstretched. When a guy takes this position, this is the surest sign that he wants his partner. Most often, these are self-confident dominants who set the tone in communication, bed, and everyday life, but such persons prefer to end their game, regardless of the opinions and feelings of others

  • An even more frank gesture is when thumb hands placed behind a belt or trouser waistband- don’t go to a fortune teller, you’ve “hooked” him.
  • Another very eloquent gesture that focuses a woman’s attention in the area of ​​a man’s hips is hands with thumbs hooked into pockets, belt, trouser straps, etc.. In this case, the palms often lie along the inner thighs, creating a kind of viewfinder aimed at the “center of the composition.”

  • But if in your presence he puts his hands completely in his pockets, and squeezes his shoulders or slouches, this indicates his emotional “stiffness.”
  • It speaks of a desire to continue the conversation with a more intimate overtone. unfolded body, palms located closer to the hips, and the interlocutor himself is trying to protect his lady from the views and influence of strangers. Finding herself “captive”, the girl feels pressure and interest on an intuitive level
  • Boot socks always a man involuntarily turns in a company towards the person who is the most emotionally and physically attractive at the moment. If a lady notices that the “target” is pointed at her, then there is every chance of successfully persuading a man to fulfill his fantasies and desires
  • Signs that are true for both men and women - involuntary and frequent preening, constant touching of hairstyle, tie, accessories. If a man wants his interlocutor, he involuntarily wants to look as attractive as possible, which is quite natural and understandable

  • When a young man begins to “get hung up” on the same status attribute(expensive cufflinks, designer tie, branded watches or fashionable glasses), most likely he is trying to demonstrate his worth to a potential partner.
    A woman must understand that this is a respectable and accomplished man, and when such a man shows signs of attention, they must be appreciated.
  • If a man sits opposite a woman with his legs spread quite wide- He feels free, relaxed. This position is adopted on a subconscious level so that the woman views him as a male (showing the genital area to the female is a biological instinct in many primates)
    Many women misinterpret this pose as a sign of self-confidence and bragging, but this is not the case. This happens at the level of instincts, and you can’t go against nature.

How to understand if your partner wants sex: hidden signs

Lips are a sensual zone that attracts sexually, seduces in flirtation, and receives and gives oral caress. When a man involuntarily licks his lips, he sends the signal “I want you” to the lady with whom he is currently in contact.

  • TO hidden signs include constantly touching your lips with your finger. When a guy is talking to a girl he wants, he will subconsciously look at her lips while touching his mouth. This gesture is deeply subconscious, and it is almost impossible to control it.
  • One of the sensual and ingratiating scenarios of flirting on the part of a man is deliberately creating a situation where he tries to touch his interlocutor's mouth. It should look natural and fleeting: brushing away a crumb, wiping away a drop of drink, an attempt to “feel you more fully.” Understand that this is an open invitation to sexual relations, it won’t be difficult for your partner.

  • It is also quite likely that a man, when talking with a sexually attractive partner, will drive up and down the cheek back side fingers, touches ears or rubs chin.

“I only want you”: hypersexual signs

Men who frantically want to take possession of a woman sexually demonstrate this in every possible way in everyday life and simple companionship. When a guy shields a girl from the company of other interlocutors, as if hanging over her, he involuntarily shows his emotional dependence and the desire to have a girl.

He wants to become the center of her world. This scares many ladies, but such a gesture does not carry any aggression. It’s more about persistence and the manifestation of sexual tension.

Eye contact

It is believed that women primarily look at the shoulders and arms potential partner, and if possible, then on the legs and buttocks. Men first evaluate the entire figure, the style of clothing and, finally, their gaze falls on the chest, then on the waist and hips.
The eyes never lie. This is true. The main thing is to correctly “read” what is written in these eyes.

In principle, the stronger sex is very talented, and can do anything with its eyes:

  • Caress
  • Mentally undress
  • Flirt
  • Trying to make people feel sorry for you (a popular technique, and often with a claim to success)
  • To embarrass and deliberately “make one blush”

Be that as it may, a sexually intrigued man will make it clear that he is looking at you. Experts also call this look a floating look: his eyes look you up and down, stopping at the most interesting details of your body. Often the eyes of a man who feels sympathy for a woman linger for a long time in the area of ​​her neckline - you should not think that at this moment the man is thinking “only about one thing,” he often looks there unconsciously. However, remember that this is primarily a message: I consider you as a potential sexual partner.

A prolonged eye to eye gaze also indicates that the man has a genuine interest in the woman and is open to communicating with her. At the same time, the pupils of his eyes will dilate.
Experts say that the cause of dilated pupils is the excited state of the brain. It is believed that if you do not experience anxiety or fear, then your pupils may dilate when looking at a person you like. That is, from pleasure. Therefore, when talking face to face, keep your eyes on the eyes of your interlocutor. If his pupils suddenly begin to cover even the iris, feel free to chalk it up to your charm.
If the gaze is intent, but “cold”, a little indifferent, and the pupils remain narrow, this indicates that the man evaluates the woman, but has not yet determined for himself whether she is interesting to him or not.

You shouldn't rely 100% on eye contact, but it doesn't hurt to make it important. If you like a man, then there is no reason to avoid his gaze. Moreover, an attentive glance during a conversation indicates interest.

If your counterpart cannot take his eyes off you, then know that he is head over heels in love with you.

But don’t forget about the man’s temperament and personal characteristics; perhaps he really likes you, but by nature he is embarrassed to show his feelings and shyly looks away.

There is only one problem: if a woman is in love or is too involved in a love affair, then visual signals may be deciphered incorrectly. Simply put: sometimes we see what we want to see, and not what actually is.

A few signs that a man is in love with you

It is no secret that men and women are built completely differently, they think and act in their own way, as they say, “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.”
The stronger sex attaches importance to visual aspects, but the fair half of humanity cares about what men say and how they say it. Sometimes we miss the banal and simple phrase “I love you.”

I don't know why it's so hard to say these words, but usually men make us feel their love in other ways. It's not that they can't talk about their feelings, I just think they don't think about them as often as women...

Often men express their feelings in very strange ways. Well, for example...

He sends stupid text messages
The more banal the text of the message, the more in love he is with you. For example, if the content of the message is something like this: “I’m drinking a Margarita” or “I just saw a cat, she looks so much like you,” there is no doubt that he is “head over heels” in love.

He constantly calls
Generally, there are 3 reasons why men use the phone:
a) for work;
b) for emergency situations;
c) to hear someone's voice. And if you are not his colleague or an employee of the rescue service, then he is only interested in you and he only wants to hear your voice.

He shares his feelings with you
He is not afraid to be himself in front of you: he is not shy to tell you that he was moved by yesterday’s film, that he had a quarrel with a friend. If a man tells you about his experiences, you mean much more to him than all the other women in the world.

He asks for your advice
“What do you think I should write in a birthday card for my brother?” “Do these boots match these pants?” - men ask these kinds of questions if they are in love and they are really interested in your opinion.

He introduces you to all your friends and buddies
If a man is truly in love and plans to build a serious relationship with you, he will definitely introduce you to his friends, acquaintances and all the acquaintances he meets by chance.

This is how he makes it clear that you are busy, that you are his woman.

He introduces you to his family
Men can date a girl for several months, but if they do not take her seriously, then they are in no hurry to introduce her to their parents and other relatives.
If he decides to get acquainted and even insists that you come to Christmas dinner, it means that his intentions are serious, and he sees you as his companion, and maybe even his wife.

You often hear from his friends that he has changed
Nobody knows your man better than his friends. If they start jokingly telling him that he has changed, stopped, or, conversely, started doing something, then this indicates that you are influencing him.

All his actions, all the changes in him are for your sake.

If a woman is important to a man, then the man is ready to change something in himself and his life, even if it is not very easy for him. If a woman is not very important for a man, then the man is not ready to change anything, but demands changes from the woman, or he is indifferent to everything.

He only looks at you
A man's eyes always give him away. A man in love can look at his chosen one for hours.

The visual perception of the surrounding world is much more important for a man than for a woman. Therefore, as soon as you are nearby, a man in love cannot help but look at you.

The man moves the relationship
Every person, regardless of his gender, wants to have his own living space, any encroachment on which will be perceived by him as an unacceptable invasion of privacy.
Women are still somewhat easier on the fact that someone may show interest in the place where they live, but men will not even tolerate the thought of such a thing.
But the psychology and behavior of a man in love changes greatly; it no longer seems strange to him that someone other than him could be on his personal territory.

How does a man in love behave? He begins to invite the girl to visit him. If you haven’t stayed overnight with him (or he with you), he makes sure that you stay the night, then maybe for the weekend, and then maybe move.
His things appear in your apartment and do not disappear anywhere, or vice versa, he leaves your things in his apartment. This already means that you are part of his life.

It's much worse if a man only needs you to please him in bed. You will be just a toy, which, as soon as he gets bored, will be completely expelled from his life.

So, what are the most basic actions and actions your partner can take that show their love for you?

  • He takes care of you and fulfills all your desires.
  • He always remembers what you told him.
  • He began to compliment you more often, which was not the case before. (And not the other way around, a lot of compliments when meeting, and then less).
  • You figure in his plans for the future, he discusses a future together with you.
  • He holds your hand in crowds of people and when crossing the street.

  • He unconsciously hugs you when you are in male company.
  • He is always interested in what is happening in your life.
  • He is always ready to help, even if he is very busy. If a man sacrifices his plans in order to take your beloved cat to the veterinarian, it means he is in love with you. It is unlikely that he would make sacrifices simply because of his selfless nature.
  • He is always happy to see you and smiles when you meet.
  • At times, after quarrels, he is the first to reconcile, even if he is not guilty of anything.

  • You are always aware of what is happening in his life.
  • He treats you with respect and never allows himself to act disparagingly towards you.
  • He is ready to sacrifice his own tastes and interests to make you happy.
  • Your opinion is important to him, he always discusses with you how best to act in a given situation.

  • He tries to please your parents, relatives and friends.
  • He tolerates communication with your relatives and girlfriends whom he does not like, and behaves quite decently.
  • He can't stay angry with you for long.
  • He enjoys spending time with you.
  • He often calls himself, for example, when the date is over and he called and found out how you got there, or calls despite being busy and tired.

  • He never forgets dates that are important to you.
  • He never gets annoyed if you distract him from important matters and finds time for you, even when he is clearly busy or overloaded. (This does not mean, of course, that you need to deliberately provoke such situations. They will definitely happen without any effort on your part. Just watch).
  • At parties he never gives anyone any attention more attention than you.

  • He begins to communicate less often with his friends, and begins to engage in his hobbies and passions less often.
  • He changes his appearance to the one you like best, pumps himself up, masters some skill that you clearly like.
  • He began to cook for you, although this had not been noticed in him before. Don't forget to praise his dish, even if it turned out to be imperfect from the point of view of an experienced cook.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list possible changes in a man's behavior. And it is not necessary that all changes be present. However, if a man periodically adapts and changes for you, while spending his time, making efforts and spending some money (not necessarily), then this is a good indicator that your relationship is developing in the right direction.

A word of caution. Some changes are almost impossible for a certain person. It can be bad habits(smoking), some mental characteristics (for example, character type - melancholic). A man sometimes cannot change them, even if he wants to, and not just for your sake.

So, while communicating with the man you liked, you made several valuable comments for yourself. Let's say you noted how naturally he conducted the conversation, from which we can conclude that this person feels easy and free next to you.
But, alas, they did not notice that during the conversation he kept his arms crossed on his chest, and his gaze most often wandered around the room. Or you caught his long, dreamy gaze, considering this an unequivocal recognition, and at that moment he simply became thoughtful.

In order not to become a victim of your rich imagination and not to indulge yourself with vain illusions about the object of sympathy, you need to be patient and carefully analyze all the facts. Remember: each behavioral feature should be interpreted in conjunction with others that are no less important. Watch him in different situations, come up with several reasons for communication and topics for conversation if he does not approach you. And when you have firm confidence that he likes you, but for some reason he cannot say it directly, feel free to take the initiative into your own hands, casting aside all doubts.
Based on materials from vk.com, delaismelo.ru, www.domashniy.ru, www.saratovlady.ru, semya, www.pixy.ru, krasota-box.ru, www.wmj.ru

PS. Not all men behave this way. This list is general information. This is what the so-called reflects. average statistical norm: a pattern of behavior typical of most men. At the same time, the behavior of a particular individual may deviate significantly from the standard model.

As you know, the richness of body language is not inferior to the richness of our speech. Our body reacts to our emotions and feelings, in a word, to everything that happens in our lives.

The human subconscious never lies, we simply must learn the basics of a man’s body language in order to understand how he treats us. Moreover, if a man is interested in you, it will be immediately noticeable by his facial expressions, gestures and body movements.

15 body language signals of a man in love

Man raises his eyebrows

If a man raises his eyebrows slightly and immediately lowers them when he looks at you, this is a sign that he is interested in you. This is a very subtle movement that simultaneously shows surprise and joy. But there is one trick here: if a man raises his eyebrows too often and is in no hurry to lower them, he may be skeptical.

Reaches his body towards you

When we feel sympathy for a person, subconsciously we try to get closer to him. For example, if a guy sits opposite you and tilts his body slightly towards you: he likes you.

Doesn't know where to put his hands

Hand movements very eloquently convey human emotions. When you are near a man, watch his hands. If he unknowingly fiddles with something, touches his belt or pockets, this means that he wants to change the subject and attract attention to himself. These gestures also convey slight embarrassment.

Touches hair

As you know, when a woman wants to attract the attention of the opposite party, she begins to straighten them, twist them, string them on her finger, etc. Men use the same signal to attract the attention of someone they like. If you notice that a man has begun to smooth his hair, know that he is preening so that you pay attention to him.

He goes to the beat with you

A man's stride is wider than a woman's. But when you walk next to a guy who likes you, you won't have to catch up with him: he will walk in time with you.

Mirror effect

Psychologists say: if you doubt a man’s feelings when talking to him, start gesticulating and observe whether he repeats your movements. Usually, the interested person will begin to unconsciously imitate your gestures.

Looks into the eyes

Men usually find it difficult to understand women. But if a man is in love, he will listen to your words. If during a conversation a man looks intently into your eyes, he does not unnecessary gestures and doesn’t look away.

Intense gesticulation

When a person is relaxed, he hardly uses gestures. If he is excited, excited or interested in attracting the attention of his interlocutor, his gestures become brighter and more intense. Plus, if a guy suddenly starts talking a little faster, you can bet he likes you.

He touches you

If you see that during a conversation a man discreetly touches you, offers his hand or holds you while walking, this almost always means that he is very interested in you, and also sexually.

Speaks softly and muffled

He sits on the floor

When a guy sits on the floor, he is trying to be more open and frank with you. If at the same time he also took your hand, he wants to get to know you better and, perhaps, offer to date you.

Kisses you on the forehead

Everyone knows that a kiss on the forehead means: a person values ​​you and wants to always be near you.

He's courting you

Have you noticed that a man who likes you cares for you: brings you a cup of tea, asks if you are cold, etc.

He carries your things

In fact, men don't like to wear handbags, but when they try to attract our attention, to show sympathy, they have nowhere to go, they need to show the gentleman in themselves. Therefore, if you have a bag or heavy packages, after shopping, the man will definitely offer you help.

Opens the door for you

When you are together, he opens and holds doors for you, thus showing that he cares and protects you. And these are not “old school” tricks in everything.

Looking back a little, we remind readers that, speaking of preparing for family life, we have already paid attention to the mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, parents of the newlyweds (uniting mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law and fathers-in-law). Then we got a little distracted by politics (but who in Lately weren’t distracted by her?) and finally, we got to the “default figure” that is invisibly present in our latest articles - the man, the husband, the center of the family universe, around which all other family members revolve. His daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are fighting for him, his mother-in-law is intriguing against him, his wife wants to improve relations with him, his children are seeking his attention. But do all men act as heads of the family? What qualities do you need to have to become the master of your own home?

At the moment of starting a family, a man has to seriously think about who he would like to be in the family “play” - a simple spectator, a puppet actor, an extra, a stagehand “wherever they send him,” a cashier, an equal partner, or a wise production director who defines each family member his role and degree of influence on the course of the play. The last option is, of course, very tempting. But it is impossible to appoint oneself as the head of the family; the role of “leader” must be won, just as one wins the love of one’s chosen one and how one wins the respect of others.

What qualities does a man need to become the head of a family? First of all, he needs to be imbued with the idea that family is the most important thing in his life, and only then career, business, favorite activity, friends and hobbies. After all, if family is not the main thing for you, then how can you be the main thing in the family?

And all other qualities are covered by the concept of “willingness to take responsibility for the family.” A man who has taken responsibility will not tell his wife: “deal with my mother yourself, I don’t interfere in women’s affairs”; will not start ranting about the “fruits of female education” if problems arise with his son; will sacrifice, without hesitation, fishing, football, etc. for family needs; will not bring friends into the house when the refrigerator is empty; will not throw away too much for family budget amount at your whim; will not be afraid to admit his mistake; will not assert himself at the expense of his wife; will not offend her with jealousy; will not put her in conditions under which she will turn to him for every penny; will not infringe on her rights, including the most important ones women's rights- be weak.

A man who has taken responsibility provides for his family financially and tries to help his wife around the house; participates in raising children; persistently learns calm marital love, and does not look for it on the side thrills; keeps all family members in sight and tries to pay attention to everyone. He is able-bodied and hardworking, because he has someone to live and work for; is responsible for his words, adheres to the agreement and fulfills his promise. He is confident in himself and his abilities, calmly follows his wife’s advice if he considers it reasonable. Such a man is decent because it is important to him that the children are proud of their father. He develops a strategy for the preservation and development of the family. The head of the family is a wise ruler of a small family state, not afraid to take on the burden of the most important decisions and at the same time not shying away from “dirty work” in resolving small everyday problems...

Perfect option? Certainly. And it’s quite normal if the ideal is unattainable for the majority. There is no need to suffer from the fact that we do not correspond to them. Ideals are needed in order to know what to strive for, what to compare the course of our development with and how to raise our children - both at home and at school. An ideal is a guideline, a guiding star on the path of self-improvement.

To be a real head of the family, you need to be a real man. But not everyone puts the same meaning into this concept. More than once I had to observe how the honorary title “ a real man“Women rewarded nondescript (at first glance!) and even frail men. This happened when they performed a courageous act, demonstrated determination and endurance in critical situations, and miracles of professionalism.

Many people believe that the concept of a “real man” includes pumped up muscles; the ability to “punch in the face”; rude manners; tendency to use profanity; careless, slightly arrogant treatment of women; a priority male friendship; emphasis on your masculine abilities; the indispensable presence of “male vices” in the form of smoking, drinking, night parties, etc. This is a value system from adolescence, when external male attributes are important for young men for gender self-identification. During this period, the main efforts of adolescents are aimed at appearing like men. Their courage is sometimes replaced by bravado, self-confidence by boasting, and their inability to organize themselves and achieve goals is covered up by the “philosophy of not giving a damn.”

But all this is too small for a mature personality, the main criteria of which are the development of strong-willed and emotional spheres. You need to be a man, and not seem like one. The will to self-organization and self-discipline, the will to daily small victories over oneself, the ability to curb one’s instincts and bad inclinations, to take responsibility for oneself - this is truly masculine qualities. Not all young men develop them. This is why there are male boys with gray hair at the temples. Strength of spirit is much more important for a real man than muscle strength. Courage is manifested in not being afraid of responsibility and not shying away from it.

A real man will never be a tyrant in the family. Women are humiliated and suppressed by notorious, weak-spirited men who have not been able to assert themselves either in the professional or social sphere. Just like those who cannot forgive a woman if she is at least superior to him in some way - more educated, smarter, earns more. The simplest and most primitive thing is self-affirmation based on gender. It is undignified and shameful to pretend to be strong while humiliating someone who is weaker than you. Or even worse - someone who depends on you. Or completely disgusting - the one who loves you. A real man is confident, noble, generous and not petty; he is not tormented by doubts about his worth, including to his family. It makes no sense for him to increase his self-esteem by humiliating others.

But what do men themselves see as their role in the family? We conducted a quick survey in our immediate male environment, and the majority of those surveyed answered the same: “Provide for the family financially.” We don't argue. This is very important, but an association involuntarily arises with the old joke: “A man is a male plus money.” Many men nowadays feel inferior because they do not provide enough (either in their opinion or in the opinion of their wives) for their family. But “not enough” is a vague concept. Both a teacher and a millionaire businessman can suffer from a similar inferiority complex. It's not about the amount of money, but about the presence of an alternative value system, which is much more important than wealth. To be an ideologist of the family, a spiritual leader, to be able to stop a woman, and then children, in the race for more and more material benefits- this is also the responsibility of the head of the family (of course, we are not talking about extreme options associated with the family’s refusal of basic life needs).

When asked what the role of the head of the family is, the answer of a 16-year-old boy was revealing: “To build everyone and provide them with money.” Unfortunately, such a teenage view of leadership in the family is quite typical among men. With this approach, the man acts as a kind of self-indulgent tyrant, and money is seen as a kind of indulgence for the right not to delve into everyday problems, into the life of the family, not to share the worries and experiences of his wife, not to satisfy (no, we are not talking about bed) in the first place her emotional needs. “What do you want from me, I bring money” - unfortunately, it sounds in many families. But no amount of money can pay off family responsibilities, much less it does not compensate for callousness, spiritual deafness and moral stagnation.

A good husband is obliged not only to bring money into the house, but also to listen to his wife, share her concerns, give her empathy, sympathy, and attention to the smallest worries and pains. This does not mean doing something instead of her. Most likely, what lies in the sphere of purely female responsibilities, she will do later herself. But the husband’s involvement in issues important to a woman increases her self-esteem, maintains her confidence in the importance of her role in the family, and gives her strength to fight routine and dull everyday life. Men! It doesn't matter how often you have the opportunity to pay attention to your spouse. This could be just a couple of hours a week. But if a woman knows that at the first opportunity you will try to give her real, not formal attention, that your soul will respond to her joys and sorrows, she will wait patiently. After all, thirst is much easier to bear if you know that you are going to a spring of spiritual communication. But it is unbearable if you are sure that you are in an emotional desert.

Family as the meaning of life - isn't it a bit small for a man who is destined to play the main role in society? Not at all. A good family man will be a good teacher, since ideals are not alien to him; a responsible politician because he dreams of his children living in a civilized state; a brave warrior, because he has someone to protect. For a real man, the family is a kind of springboard, an airfield for spiritual and social takeoff to creative activity.

During the revolution it was constantly heard: “How many real men we have!” Finally we saw our men in all their glory!” And were we talking about those for whom it costs nothing to punch someone in the face and knock out teeth? No, most women admired those men whose faces were inspired by lofty ideas; men who were not afraid to take responsibility; were ready to fight to the end; men who gathered their will into a fist and showed their best qualities. Will they disappoint us? Let's be realistic: every day, performing a small feat of struggle with yourself and with routine is always harder than throwing yourself into the embrasure of circumstances once. But we, women, know what we would like our men to be like and what qualities to admire in them...

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Well written, intelligent and quite professional. However, a narrow view of the purpose of men misses precisely the concept of the individual man (... one of those who could not assert themselves either in the professional or in the social sphere), who is not a psychologist, beware. That is, it is written exactly how a woman(s) imagines the role of a “real man”. Otherwise I liked the article.

Alex, age: 25 / 01/16/2019

Dmitry, age: 39 / 02/22/2018

Happy marriage- this is when the husband is modest, like a servant, and the wife addresses him like a king. Wonderful Eastern wisdom!! When everyone takes care of the other, knowing him weak sides When there is mutual respect for small weaknesses and a common desire for the same goal, then everyone is happy in marriage. And wiser and more experienced, I agree, it is better when the couple is a man, not a woman. Then, as Dima wrote here, there is no imbalance. Because a man is wiser, a woman listens to him more and respects him more. And in this case, a man has no desire to assert himself through force. But when it’s the other way around, sooner or later a woman takes power into her own hands and what happens is what indignant men are writing about in the comments here. Among acquaintances and friends, those couples where the man is more spiritually developed, more experienced and more knowledgeable in many things than the woman live much happier. A woman greatly appreciates and deeply respects such a man next to her, and also tries to reach his level, grow and correspond to him. And couples where the woman, in principle, has nothing to take from the man as a human being, sooner or later fall into a quagmire, stop developing, or degrade. Because, after all, initially, by nature and God, a man was created as one who achieves, strives, protects from the outside world, trains the power of his will, and a woman, as the keeper of the hearth, i.e., the one who creates the internal climate in relationships and family, gives birth children, deals with them more. Another thing is that the roles of men and women in modern world so confused that men now often have no willpower at all, no desire for anything at all, and many behave like women, and many women have turned into men.

Marina Orlova, age: 30 / 05/15/2016

Being the master of the house or the head of the family is not a mission or a dream. This is a natural function and a social, public status. function: organize local space (family and home) for the purpose of survival and reproduction. Public status: a person who is responsible (or should ideally be responsible) for raising reliable offspring in front of society. Reliable offspring are those on which public resources have not been wasted and which, after reaching adulthood, will bring additional resources to society. Therefore, the head of the family can be the one who provides the solution to the main task. And mutual understanding between spouses is a condition for a harmonious marriage as a transaction between two adults and somewhat equal people.

Serge, age: 55 / 10/10/2014

The women, sensing that the man is covering up on family fronts, become impudent and break away from the family. Life experience: marriage for 14 years. Helped Zhenya get on her feet, raised her son, sent her to conferences - she needed it for her dissertation, allowed her to participate in business. The result was that she simply neglected the family - basically! We are on the verge of divorce! As far as my mental strength is enough, I support my family. I'm not leaving. I’m trying to bring my son to the point where he can walk on his own, with his own feet. I believe that GOD will put people in their places and everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds.

Wrestler, age: 37 / 06/18/2014

Dear ladies! You write about equality with thoughts about your leadership in mind. In every relationship, someone is the leader, be it male friends or a male-female couple. THERE CANNOT BE EQUALITY! Let me remind you that this applies to all relationships between people. And you, ladies, having a distorted upbringing, do not want to consciously submit. Maybe there is no need to agree on this, the strongest will become the leader, but by taking the reins of power into your own hands you are making yourself unhappy. You will understand this not now, but when the man is already under your thumb. Answer yourself the question, who do you need, a strong companion, a stone wall or a dog on a leash? A woman's strength is in her weakness. You don't have to write anything back to me. I don't really care. This is your life and you have to live it.

Sasha, age: 21/10/12/2012

Guys, don’t argue with women and don’t even try to convince them of their opinion. Be men, women don’t know what they want, that’s why they say it.

Georgy, age: 30 / 11/25/2011

I’ll share my real experience. Perhaps it will be useful to someone. You are the husband who provides and is responsible for everything in housing, household, economic and, as you think, spiritual and moral issues, the importance and correctness of which you have tested from your own experience. But the wife is gradually getting used to the role - I live without working for my own pleasure, since he was so right. Then everything is classic. The more there is, the more the wife wants. To maintain peace in the family, and the family as such, the husband limits himself to comments and moralizing (sometimes overly harsh). For which he receives rudeness from his wife in response, and raising children in the spirit: the tyrant father does not allow, does not give, the kind mother will allow everything. In the spirit of the "ideal" husband, dad brings in the dough and, working hard at work and at home, comes into a state chronic fatigue from the fact that he sees mismanagement in the house on the part of the wife and complete disrespect for herself + raising children in the spirit of their mother. \"Little daughter, lie in bed as much as you like, play as much as you like on your computer, watch all sorts of crap on TV, and you will find a moron like your dad. He will answer, provide, repair, clean, entertain, etc.\" If you say nonsense, then a couple more facts to add to this description. One abortion in the 4th year life together without the knowledge and naturally the consent of the husband, I will make a second threat if you don’t give me money (I did, she said jokingly), a third time a threat demanding a more serious amount, promised in the event of the birth of a child. I thought he would give birth and come to his senses. Nope, she gave birth and demanded money without hesitation, as promised. I had to give it away so as not to leave the children without a father or mother, because... you won't give away a divorce. I'll divide everything you have into the piles. Yours because I came with \"0\" for everything ready (big house, car, etc.). The wife is a completely sane modern person—from the outside, pretty and well-mannered. She loves both children (in terms of living dolls). This is the first marriage for both of them. 14 years of experience. Unfortunately, it’s not a nightmare, it’s a fact. Conclusion: 1) you will be treated as you allow.

2) those who don’t work don’t eat.

3) do not reinvent the wheel - The one who created this world, in the commandments, gave all the instructions for the correct, and therefore happy, living in it. And here and after here. Brother, age: 41 / 03/15/2011 I'm very interested in how this equality that the girls are theorizing about here is possible? In principle, it does not exist between men, or between women, because... Everyone is different, but gender difference is something else! Yes, human nature is complete in both men and women, but still sexual

natural features

Thank you site for a good article! Dima +1

Marina, age: 22 / 02/08/2011

It is our own fault that our men behave and act in an unmanly manner! They grow up in an environment where they see that a woman is, in fact, not the weaker sex, a woman (first a mother, then a wife) knows how to do everything herself! “Why should I bother?!”

Gulnara, age: 30 / 01/28/2011

People (not just women, men too) don’t want to be humiliated, not because they don’t know how to resist (but I can!), but JUST don’t want to be humiliated. And they are looking for equality not because they want to download rights, but because they DO NOT want to download rights. What will an equal sacrifice for the sake of a loved one? But nothing. He will simply love and enjoy being loved. There is always something to sacrifice, why power? Why are some men afraid of equality because they have nothing to sacrifice except power? Firstly, no one asks them to sacrifice, and secondly, they just like to be a kind of sacrificing hero-defender (from whom?). I understand perfectly well that such men do not have the goal of humiliating, but they still perceive a woman as a weak being (not only physically, but also, more importantly, morally). Believe me, we are not like that, some people just pretend to be like that so that guys will pay attention to them. But I like guys who are for equality - they are more reliable! (this is not to offend other guys, but just for thought) PS Dima, why do you attribute my opinion to age, as if my age is somehow different from yours?

Lisa, age: 22 / 28.11.2010

Lisa, it’s a shame that modern people, power is associated with the concept of dictation of will, and unconditional submission based on obedience. Probably with age you will see that there are other types of relationships that you want, based on love, when no one would even think of humiliating anyone... You know, if a man loves, he will sacrifice power for the sake of his woman... aren’t such relationships more loving? What will an equal person sacrifice for the sake of a loved one??? throw away stereotypes about power and about all relationships. They are not divided, but are always individual, like the human soul. Only some are looking for a reason to pump up their rights and, because of their weakness, do not want to be humiliated, because they do not know how to resist, and some are looking for sacrifices for a loved one, because they love, and are so strong that they are ready to sacrifice (BOTH).

Dima, age: 22 / 27.11.2010

I also don’t understand why there is a head in the family. IMHO, to become a leader, you only need to want to become a leader, and by developing in yourself positive traits the person will no longer want to be the head. What's wrong with being an equal partner? Only that he does not have all the power. Those. In general, in this situation, there is no power on either side, it is simply not needed. And we, of course, can listen with interest to legends about powerful kings, but we would prefer to throw in our lot with men who recognize equal rights. Not at all to humiliate them, as irresponsible people think. So that they don't humiliate us.

Lisa, age: 22 / 26.11.2010

Dreamer, forgive me if I say something wrong, but the point is not the concept of trust, but the fact that I’m probably explaining it poorly if you’ve already started saying so. I want to say that when love (not passion and infatuation, but love) predominates in a relationship, then it doesn’t matter to anyone who is in charge, because expect support and a desire to take responsibility from everywhere. No humanity can come close to true love. The rest is all husk. I don’t know how to convey it anymore) p.s. I think we all have stereotypes everywhere. We just don’t notice them for now; when we get smarter, we’ll switch to new ones). But this is no longer relevant to the topic

Dima, age: 22 / 08.11.2010

One should distinguish between a careerist who works only for fame and an exorbitant amount of money (although such people are mainly found among men), and she is not interested in anything else, and a woman who works for self-realization (even if this word irritates someone) and to ensure her life . Of course, if a family is not interesting, you should not create one, but do you really think that if a woman is successful in her career, that means she is not interested in a family? And equality between men and women is not my stereotype, it’s just humanity. Not some kind of abstract humanity, but one without which their love is impossible. I DO NOT IN ANY WAY intend to impose my point of view on others; If people are happy, it is not my business, but only theirs, what makes them happy. I began to criticize such articles only because of their conservative approach to family roles, which, you see, is not suitable for everyone. But if someone lives like this and is happy, one can only rejoice for their happiness. I am generally against any kind of stereotypes. And my misunderstanding of your opinion may actually be due to the fact that now I just want to clarify my opinion, because... I still don’t understand how with trust and love there can be a chapter. I just never understood or saw anything like this in my life, and I’m unlikely to see it. Perhaps you and the authors of the article have different concepts of trust. Believe me, I highly value trust, but I don’t know and don’t want to know any other trust other than the trust of equals. And, believe me, VERY many modern women will agree with me on this issue.

I don’t make this an axiom. This is as much a stereotype as your understanding of equality between husband and wife is a stereotype. By development, I rather mean experience in life, intellectual development. Experience in problem solving and decision making. I'm not offended, and I don't want to offend. A woman must develop. Any person is called to this, otherwise he will die from degradation. But because to each his own, then some women may not consider a certain type of women’s development as development, or rather, they do not understand what personal development consists of. For example, a careerist woman who is not very interested in family will most likely look at a woman who cooks and raises children with misunderstanding, because... the values ​​are different and the worldview is different. The dull look is possible because she wants something else, who knows why the dull look... it is a mistake to take a particular case and derive from it a rule and a generalization for all particulars. There are cooks and teachers who get incredible pleasure from their work because they love it. A person develops when he loves something. This is an activity for their soul. This means that you don’t need to equate everything to your limited vision of life, but everyone has a limited one. And your lack of agreement and understanding simply shows that perhaps in life you didn’t notice this (because you are not inclined to it, much like in the case of a career woman) or you haven’t come across similar relationships in life, when the head is not because the despot and order in the family, but because trust and love are at the head.

Dima, why are you sure that “a man is further developing”? How do we generally understand who is further in development? Some people are more developed in one area, others in another. And in general, in a family, I think it’s unlikely that someone would be more developed, because... Most people choose life partners at approximately the same level of development as themselves. Of course, this is not always the case, everyone decides for themselves which person they feel better with, but the fact that a husband is always more developed than a wife is a stereotype. Of course, I agree that a man should develop, for his own good, but I still don’t understand your statement “a man is developing further.” I don’t argue that in many families this is indeed the case, but it is not an axiom. Please, no offense, but judging by the topics of the site “women about women” and “men about men”, a man must develop (which no one doubts!), but a woman does not. Would a full-fledged man be interested in a woman who only knows how to do housework (or one who always tries to be second)? I have seen such women, they have a dull look. At the same time, both they and their husbands claim that they love each other.

Dreamer, age: 21 / 11/07/2010

Dreamer, I didn’t understand the logic “since you can develop endlessly, so in life it almost never happens like this.” Man and woman develop together. Only the man is further developed, but because... Both do not stop developing, then no one catches up with anyone. Although anything is possible. What I described is not fantasy at all for me, because... I've seen couples like this in real life. It is very pleasant to look at them, you can see love, respect, idyll, believe me - it is very pleasant to look at. Therefore, the text does not reflect fantasy for those who have seen this and know that families are different. The main thing is for the family to develop. But in any case, a man should try to develop, I think you will agree on this. So I repeat that this is the goal and is pursued by the article, saying - men, develop in all directions except lust and selfishness... (the rest of the bad and immoral things that make a person degrade can be inserted yourself) :), and the more developed you are, the happier on all fronts. Of course, it is clear that the words that you would now insert in place of the three dots reflect your needs in a man. But this does not mean that everything can be completely different and everything will be correct and you will be happy. For example, at first I think that I will be happy in one, now I think that I will be in the second...) but in fact in the third.

Dima, age: 22 / 07.11.2010

Dima, the fact that development is endless is not just your assumption, this is how it actually is :) And therefore in life it almost never happens as you wrote. If only the husband is much older than the wife, but why do I need, excuse me, a sugar daddy? It seems to me that the text of this article mainly reflects fantasy. Moreover, it is specifically beneficial to men, otherwise the section “women about women” would look a little different;)

Dreamer, age: 21 / 11/07/2010

Dreamer, what if your husband is always right? (in every situation, his decision will be the best and deeper, more thoughtful and successful). You probably consider yourself a girl who is not stupid, and capable of being an equal interlocutor with her future husband (and any person now), and most likely you want to be at equal levels of development with your husband. But it may well be that when living together it turns out that the man will be much taller than you. After all different men there are. Taller and more developed than you, this means that he will be more morally and spiritually and psychologically more perfect, etc. (perhaps it’s hard for you to imagine this now, but still, it’s possible, because you haven’t reached the limit in development, for me in general suspicious doubts arise that it is endless :)) And if you say that power for the sake of the desire to possess someone and lead is bad, then this man will understand this all the more, he will not even talk about it, because it is not worthy of wasting time, because... It is obvious. Do you understand what I want to say? He will understand everything that you understand, and his experience in life will be greater than yours. And if this happens, then when your conceit and self-confidence recede, then spiritual respect and solidarity based on inequality in development will appear. And of course, against the background of this, you will listen to his opinion, and talk about this opinion, trusting his opinion right away because you will know that he is more experienced. And this is not weak-willed submission to this opinion, but you yourself will comprehend it and become taller next to such a person, you will improve, but he will also improve at the same time, and all this will be built on trust in each other and the desire for love (which is also is built, unlike falling in love), that's roughly what I meant. This article encourages men to be like this. So that a person grows up next to you.

Dima, thank you for the debate, but I still don’t understand your point of view. A distinction must be made between consent and submission. Agreeing with a man who is right is sober. Also, agreeing with a woman who is right is sober. If a husband and wife live in harmony, the question of subordination is irrelevant for them, therefore, the function of the head is purely nominal. But this is already humiliation. I don't want to be second. I want to be equal. And a man who does not want to be equal, but wants to be first, is cruel by definition, no matter by what means he achieves his primacy. Even if at first glance his actions look good. Even if he sincerely considers himself kind.

Dreamer, age: 21 / 06.11.2010

Dreamer, the power of a kind and sympathetic man is based on his sacrificial and selfless love for everyone. And in the family they obey him, not because they will be punished for disobedience, but because they trust him more than anyone else, and they know that if they don’t do as the head of the family says, then it will simply be bad for the one who did not listen, because my father will not give bad advice, and he has a lot of experience in life. They know that HE will never dare to do anything bad to the family, and he reliable person and strong. And of course, if a man loves and knows you, then, knowing you, he will not do what you consider base in relation to your loved ones.

Dima, age: 22 / 06.11.2010

I once drew this picture: I will meet a simple good guy, I will divide the Universe in two with him, and both of us will be a hundred times better from this than we were before we met, although each of us will remain ourselves. DREAMING! It is your destiny, woman, to behold the Sun God who protects your little galaxy, and to know that you shine only because you reflect His light! I apologize for the excessive pathos. But I don’t understand how this kind, sympathetic man can be the “head”. It turns out that his goal is power, and everything that can be called “a good attitude towards his wife” is only a means. Therefore, no matter how many manuals I read family psychology, I can’t understand what the difference is between “tyrant” and “chief”. IN different means achieving the goal? Well, so what? I know that many people believe that power breeds cruelty, and there is nothing wrong with power without cruelty. But, dear readers, how would you answer the question, why is power needed at all? For order's sake, you say? But order, and, consequently, power in the world exists not for the sake of some kind of harmony, but only to restrain manifestations of cruelty. Why would the police be needed if there were no criminals? So it is not cruelty that is a consequence of power, but power that is a consequence of cruelty. Why power in the family? The answer “to curb cruelty” is not appropriate, because... What kind of family is this in which there is cruelty, and even such that it needs to be restrained? And even coming from his wife and children. Funny. Submission of a wife to her husband is the most humiliating of all submissions. I'm serious. Subordination of students to the teacher or employees to the boss, etc. has practical significance. And only power in the family is power for the sake of power. By the way, you always stay away from government officials. No matter how grateful you are to a good teacher no matter how much you respect good boss, there is always some distance in relationships with them. Do you agree? Imagine such a distance in a family. What kind of family is this? Yes, I agree that having power is a very tempting prospect. It is difficult, very difficult to fight the desire for power. Therefore, I partly understand men who could not cope with such a struggle. Having learned that inequality exists, I also thought: “It would be great to be born a man!” Moreover, according to all sorts of popular ones there psychological tests(which I, however, do not trust) my character was defined as masculine, and in general I am constantly compared to men. I don’t know if it’s possible to make such assumptions, but it seems to me that the Lord did not create me as a man, because I most likely would not have been able to withstand the struggle with the desire for power, becoming the kind of man that repels me. Becoming the "head of the family." Once again, sorry for the excessive pathos. But why be the head at all? If you are kind, if you recognize equality, you know how much they will love you! And whoever wants to be the head is simply not able to give true love. He who is unable to give love may not count on love for him. And finally: I don’t want a man to sacrifice football or fishing for family needs; I don’t want him to be unable to take a large amount from the family budget if he needs something; I don’t want my favorite business, friends, hobbies, etc. to be put aside because of me. Family after all, or prison strict regime? And I will never even look in the direction of that man who thinks that being weak is a right, as stated in the article. So while the Sun Gods of small galaxies are discussing what they should be, I’m looking for a simple, good guy. Do they even exist? P.S. Dear readers and editors, sorry for such a huge review. It's just a cry from the heart.

(Alexander Ipatov, President of the Russian National Federation Oyama Kyokushinkai Karate-do)
We are responsible for everything that surrounds us ( Andrey Kochergin)
Courage, imaginary and real ( Alexey, 57 years old)
A real man doesn't waste words ( Alexander Fomichev)
A man is brought up by activity ( Psychologist Lyudmila Ermakova)
Fatherhood as a quality of a real man ( Irina Moshkova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences)

Very often, men deliberately increase their secrecy and equanimity, thereby covering themselves with an aura of secrecy, arousing in women curiosity and interest in their own person. As if this isn’t enough of a headache for women, they also have to rack their brains with the question, “Does he like me?” Sign language can help in this matter. As you know, people send hidden signals to each other, the main thing is to be able to decipher them correctly.

So, let's talk about signals that will help lovely ladies understand the true intentions of their men.

Signal suggesting “Anything is possible”

If a man, listening to a woman, not only looks at her, but periodically straightens his tie, touches his hair or the collar of his shirt. This indicates his obvious interest, if at the same time, the toe of his shoes is turned towards the woman, his interest is more than obvious. True, in such a situation there may be a different meaning; perhaps he is more interested in the topic of the conversation than in the speaker herself.

Signal meaning "I'm telling the truth"

If, during a conversation, a man demonstrates his palms while gesticulating, this indicates his sincerity and honesty. Perhaps a man does not always gesture when talking, but this is most likely due to the nature of the conversation and his attitude towards the interlocutor.

Signal implying "I would like to be closer"

Each person has his own rules and criteria by which he keeps someone at a distance and allows someone closer. The only thing that can be said with complete confidence, based on verified facts, is that city residents allow their interlocutors to approach closer to themselves than the villagers.

There are some generally accepted indicators of the distance between people that is acceptable in certain circumstances. If it is customary in society to communicate at a distance of about 3.5 meters from each other, then friendly communication occurs at a distance of 1.5 to 0.75 meters. If a man tries to be closer to a woman during communication, this indicates his desire to be closer to her in general. It is worth considering that some may immediately show their intentions, others will reduce the distance gradually.

A signal that a man would not mind hugging a woman

It happens that when communicating with a woman, a man, with his arms outstretched, leans on a chair, chair or railing. This gesture is very eloquent, because... symbolizes a hug.

Signal indicating a man's sympathy for a woman

Touches can say as much as gestures. For example:

  • If during a handshake between a man and a woman, the man's palm is turned upward, this indicates his willingness to submit to the woman.
  • If a man clasps a woman’s palm with both palms, we can talk about his sincerity and friendliness towards her.
  • Also a sign of sympathy is a man touching a woman’s hand or elbow.

A signal indicating a man's desire to please a woman

When a man, at the sight of a woman, begins to put himself in order, examines whether everything is in order with his clothes, brushes off the dust from his shoes, combs his hair, pulls in his stomach, straightens his shoulders, etc. This suggests not only that it is important for him to make the right impression, but also that he wants to please this woman.

A signal indicating a man's sexual interest

Men have a number of poses that indicate that a woman is interested in him as a sexual object. When he sits with her legs outstretched, or when he stands with his hands on his hips, or if he constantly puts his thumbs behind his belt while talking, all these gestures are designed to show the woman his sexual attractiveness and attractiveness, drawing her attention to the area “below.” belts."

A signal that says a man doesn’t need anything

If, during a conversation between a man and a woman, the index finger of his hand touches his nose, and the rest of his palm covers his mouth, this means that he is not inclined to have a frank conversation, or simply does not believe her.

A signal indicating a man's desire to escape from a woman

If, in addition to everything that was said earlier, the man begins to distantly fiddle with his earlobe with his free hand, or other parts of his face, this indicates that he is thinking about how to get rid of his interlocutor.

Signal, speaking one a man's interest in a given woman

If during a conversation a man stands at a decent distance from a woman, while leaning in the opposite direction from her, or speaks to her half a turn, this indicates his disdain for his interlocutor.

A signal indicating a desire for close communication

If a man greets a woman with a barely noticeable handshake, he thereby creates a distance between himself and her that he does not want to reduce.

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To understand how a man feels about you, you don’t need to ask him directly or guess until the last minute. Just look at his posture. No matter what a person says, gestures can reveal much more about his true intentions.

That's why website selected the most eloquent male gestures, going back to the most ancient instincts. They will let you know that he cares about you.

1. Smoothes or ruffles hair

Usually, in this way, men seem to be trying to give themselves confidence. When we see an attractive person, we instinctively preen ourselves, for example, straightening our hair. By the way, this also applies to women.

2. Places hands near the waist

If a man holds his hands near his hips - puts them in his pockets, touches his belt - this is the clearest signal of a demonstration of strength. The same meaning is conveyed by the position when a man sits with his legs spread wide apart.

3. Tries to take up as much space as possible

The males of many animals, when a fight for a female is expected, swell and puff up their fur or feathers. All this in order to look as massive as possible. When a man becomes dignified at the sight of a woman, this is an example of the most ancient instinct.

4. Open pose

When communicating, we subconsciously adopt a more open posture towards someone we like. Also pay attention to the toes of your shoes. People themselves don’t notice how they turn them towards the person with whom they would like to talk.