How to get rid of nagging at work. Psychology of office romances


Although men say directly: “Don’t sleep where you work!”, and women, not always sincerely, shrug their shoulders: “We don’t have any interesting employees,” life remains life. Office romances still flare up and fade away... They are carefully hidden. Their bosses hate them fiercely. People gossip about them.

What is this - office romances? For some, it’s just the title of a favorite film from childhood. But my friend Lena believes that this is the only way to diversify a dull life. She works at a magazine and flirts with the editor, whose wife also works there... And Lena is also having an affair with a young employee of the printing house where the magazine is printed. She always goes to work as if it were a holiday, perceiving the vacation and the newsletter as heavenly punishment. “I’m so consumed by everyday life, my husband, my children, that I can only relax at work.” Only at work does Lena live to the fullest. She doesn’t remember the last time her husband gave her flowers, but Andrei, the printer, presents her with luxurious bouquets at least once a week, and the editor often invites her to a restaurant.

Tina (Valentina according to her passport) always perceived an office romance as a chance to change her life. After school, she deliberately entered the institute, where there is one female student for every 25 students, which means it is easier to get married. However, she did not find her husband there. Now, when applying for a job, Tina is always interested in the “gender ratio” of employees and may refuse a good position if she needs to work in a female team.

She takes her office romances seriously, even with excessive zeal. Because of this, she had to change jobs more than once. Because she couldn't continue to work side by side with the person with whom just yesterday...

Her classmate Olga also often changes jobs, but for a completely different reason. For some reason, she constantly comes across bosses who don’t give her a pass...


The classic version of an office romance is a male boss and a female subordinate. Women have always loved bosses. A boss means a bigger salary, power, cover, authority, and an apartment with a car on a silver platter. Women cannot resist their boss, even if he is unattractive in appearance. Maternal instinct kicks in: my children will be protected. At the subconscious level, but it works flawlessly. Any lady will consider her boss’s offer to meet and never reject it out of hand.

Vika, my neighbor, worked as a salesperson in the soft toy department of a large department store. The director noticed her when he congratulated the employees on March 8th and presented them with carnations. Vicky's youth and freshness were noticed. There are restaurants and awards. Vika became the head of the section. She became dizzy with success and quarreled with her colleagues, who never missed an opportunity to make fun of her way of making a career. And Vika... was getting married. But the director got himself a new passion. The employees rejoiced. And Vika came running to me in tears: “What should I do now – change my job?” What could I advise her? Don't take the breakup as a disaster. You can, of course, find another job. Or you can accept everything as it is and reconcile. Endure it. Sooner or later everything will be forgotten. If I were in Vika’s place, I would talk to this director so that he understands: I am no longer laying claim to him.


When you work with someone equal to you in intellect, position, and on the same project, how can mutual feelings not flare up? A common cause, shared experiences and successes, healthy competition favor the emergence of “relationships.” Working in different departments of the company and infrequent meetings in the smoking room can also become the starting point for an office romance. It would seem that this form of relationship is not fraught with anything, however... A damaged reputation if someone makes the details public. Decreased interest in work due to increased attention to the subject of worries. And if your partner gets bored or falls out of love, can you remain friends and continue to work together? Will I have to look for a new company?

Alya and Oleg worked together and were close for more than five years. Although he had a wife and three children. The romance faded away and then flared up again. The team gossiped at first, then cooled down - their romance became something ordinary, boring. But Oleg was offered a higher position, and he left for another company on the next street. And somehow I immediately forgot Alya. She called, wrote letters, and threatened to tell his wife about everything. To no avail. Oleg was cut off...

This is the most painless ending to an office romance. Although everything could have been even calmer, if Alina had not tried to return the “lost sheep”. It seems that it was not necessary not only for him, but also for her. Someday Alya will understand this and will rebuild her life. Sometimes you need to empty your heart so that you have somewhere to put new happiness.

And Oleg, it seems, has been looking for a reason to break up for a long time.


There is another category of office romances when the boss is a woman. Any representative of the fair sex dreams of being the subject of adoration, care, attention, strives to love and be loved. Women are very sensitive to affection and warmth and experience breakups very painfully. Everyone wants to believe that a man is with her out of great and pure love, and not for selfish reasons: career, salary... Alas, but sadly, office romances also happen out of convenience. And in the most cynical way: to deceive a colleague, obtain incriminating evidence or find out a trade secret, receive benefits or a promotion.

Olga is the chief doctor of a commercial clinic. A loving husband, two children, an interesting job - what more could a woman wish for?

One day, while celebrating a birthday at work, she drank more than she should have. A colleague offered to give her a ride home. Quick sex in the car instantly sobered her up. Olga was worried about her frivolity and hoped that the second participant in the incident would behave tactfully and not remember anything. But Ilya hinted the very next day that he was quite capable of telling everything not only to his employees, but also to his husband. For several years now, Olga has been fulfilling all his requests, moving him up the career ladder. She is tired of what is happening, but is afraid of losing her family and job.

The situation is not pleasant. But regretting the past is just a waste of time. It is better to slowly but surely separate the paths in different directions. That is, fire him. So that the blackmailer would have no benefit. If she didn’t do this, then she doesn’t need it.


Office romances, like everything else on earth, have their ending. It is extremely rare that such relationships end in a wedding and the warmth of the hearth. Most often - a rupture. And here there are three options. The most worthy of them is when they part quietly and peacefully, by mutual agreement, and contacts remain smooth and do not interfere with work. The second and third options are conflicting: either you initiate a breakup, or they leave you.

When a woman breaks up a close relationship, it hurts a man very much. The wounded pride of the stronger sex is a time bomb. Moreover, it does not matter at all what he will worry about - because of unrequited love or simply because of resentment. The ex-partner may desire revenge in order to compensate for his suffering “indiscriminately”.

If you want to get rid of a man, don't do it abruptly. The breakup must be prepared gradually and without irritation: a smooth removal from the object of former passion will smooth out the sharp edges of a possible conflict, or even help to avoid it.

Option three: the man leaves the woman. It's horrible. But no one should know about this. There are many who want to see your humiliation. Why give them and HIM such pleasure? Clench your teeth, but force yourself to be calm and attractive: go to salons, dress well. In a word, experience your own honeymoon, even if the cats scratch your soul. No scandals! This is a taboo... At least you will not lose the respect of your colleagues and will not be humiliated in your eyes and the eyes of your “ex”. Decide...

Personally, I don’t divide my novels into “office”, “resort”, etc. When it comes to “relationships” in the workplace, there are a few things to consider.

First. Is this an office romance or the main love of your life? Do you only meet at work or do you maintain relationships outside of the office? Do you hide them from employees? Is he polite to you in public? What do you know about him, besides his career achievements?

Second. What is more important to you: romance or work? Try to calculate what will change if one of you changes jobs? Maybe in a new place you will have a new object for feelings? And if someone else takes your place in his heart, will you have to look for another job?

Third. Have you become another victim of a loving boss? Have you fallen on the hook of a person who believes that “it’s a sin not to take advantage” and is not used to being denied something? Such relationships are short-lived and fraught with trouble. And it is not surprising that the boss’s mistress is usually not envied, but rather pitied.

Fourth. Have you become a victim of a careerist subordinate? Does he love you or your position? Or maybe he combines business with pleasure?

So, think for yourself, decide for yourself. Should I love? Should I serve?


In Europe and Puritan America, office romances have always been extremely negatively viewed. But recently new trends have emerged in British companies. Now employees in love don’t have to hide their affectionate relationship. And the heads of English companies make this clear to their employees. It turns out that office romances not only do not harm work, but are quite useful. The director of the British Industrial Society, Richard Reeves, argues that romantic relationships strengthen employees' loyalty to their company and increase productivity.


Nikolai Nikolaevich Naritsyn, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst:

Why do office romances most often end in separation rather than marriage?

Firstly, for most people, work, even a favorite one, is unconsciously associated with unpleasant responsibilities. Gradually, these associations are transferred to the object of addiction, and a damaged relationship is one step away.

Secondly, it is not at all beneficial for a romantic relationship to communicate every day. The two have not yet decided on marriage. But circumstances force them to see each other every day. And everything that is forced on a person is unconsciously rejected by him, even if it is very necessary and useful for him.

Thirdly, an office romance usually develops in front of a large number of socially significant people - employees, subordinates, superiors. So far everything is fine, those around are silent. But as soon as friction begins, people around will begin to gloat.

Thus, office romances bring more negative experiences than positive ones. In any case, if you have an office romance, you need to follow simple rules of conduct at work. During smoking breaks and tea parties, you should not reveal your soul to your colleagues. Keep a reasonable distance at work. It is better not to associate yourself with any relationship other than official ones with your boss. And it doesn’t matter whether the boss is a man or a woman.

They say that there are no good bosses. But if the boss expresses open disrespect, and the attempts of his subordinates to establish working relationships are in vain, it’s time to use a people-tested remedy - a conspiracy and prayers from the boss so that he doesn’t find fault.
The content of the article

  • How spell magic and prayers cope with the authorities

    Conspiracies and prayers for the boss are full of variety:

    • conspiracy against an evil boss;
    • protective installations from the cries of the satrap and his nagging;
    • spells against the love advances of a womanizer holding a leadership position;
    • a conspiracy from a vampire boss who feeds on the energy of his subordinates;
    • prayers for mercy and respect from the leader.

    Traditional healers and sorcerers even offer conspiracies to get rid of an evil boss by dismissing him.

    Although, if you anger higher powers by wishing bad things on someone (even the most terrible person), you can also harm yourself. Sometimes you will additionally need to use .

    Conspiracies against the boss so as not to find fault

    Let's look at ways available to the common man to deal with the boss that do not cause serious negative consequences.

    Spell for the love of superiors
    Excessive meticulousness and pickiness of the manager can be removed with the following ritual.

    Take a saucer and Thursday (prepared on Maundy Thursday) salt. Pour seven pinches into a saucer and say the spell words:

    My guardian angel, my deliverer angel, dispel bad thoughts about me, open the blind eyes of the servant of God (to be named by name), let him forget his grievances, protect me from him. Amen.

    The miraculous salt must be taken with you to work and scattered secretly in front of the general entrance of the service area (office), in the corners of your office or under the boss’s threshold.

    Slanders from the evil director If a manager has people subordinate to whom he periodically gives a beating, the day is not far off when he may find poppy seeds.

    Evidence that one of the wards, tormented by eternal nagging, performed a ritual with poppy seeds. This is a fairly strong magical spell. It is read three times over poppy seeds, which are then sprinkled into the boss’s office or clothes:

    On the wide sea, on the distant ocean, stands the island of Buyan. On that island there is a table - God's throne. The case lies on the table, white and petrified. The prosecutor and the judge are sitting at that table. Most Holy Theotokos Mary, help me, petrify their tongue, teeth and lips. Just as a dead person lies and does not say or think evil, so they will not think evil against God’s servant (name).

    It’s time for a person who has found a poppy seed to think about reconsidering their behavior with subordinates.

    A simple prayer for your boss

    To prevent your manager from lashing out at you, you need to knock on any massive tree every day on your way to work and whisper the words onto the trunk:

    Just as your trunk stands firmly, let (the boss’s name)’s mouth be closed with a strong lock.

    Conspiracy to fire a boss

    Able to help vacate the position he occupies. On a white sheet of office paper (or a piece of landscape paper) you need to draw a portrait of the hated leader (schematic). Then shade the drawing until you have painted it all over, saying:

    Go, go, find another job for yourself, and leave this one, forget about it and don’t remember it. Amen!

    You can carry out such a ritual without leaving your favorite workplace. The main thing is that the evil boss does not catch you doing this interesting activity.

    There are also more complex rituals that black magicians practice to eliminate high-ranking persons. But since these are no longer simple conspiracies, but serious rituals that carry a mortal threat (to the performer and the victim), this article does not consider them.

    In return, we offer an effective Christian prayer that can protect against the attempts of a “tyrant”, which can be read daily before leaving for service (work).

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Calm the anger of my strict boss and protect me from his demonic attacks. They told him not to get angry, not to swear, but to pray and hold on. Take away his unrighteous anger from me and your right servants. Let it be so. Amen.

    Have a great career! And may you yourself become a good boss later!

  • Almost every person has to spend quite a lot of time at work, and mutually beneficial relationships with superiors are simply vital. But it often happens that among the bosses there are evil tyrants who find fault with every occasion.

    In order not to quit your favorite job and not shed bitter tears, you should carry out a conspiracy on your boss, which will help establish good relationships and a favorable microclimate at work.

    For the conspiracy to work

    Many people around the world suffer from the selfishness, stinginess and loudness of their leadership, which rarely tends to feel love for its subordinates. And often employees have to experience unpleasant outbursts of anger and listen to constant reprimands.

    In order for the boss to stop nagging, it is very useful to use one of the effective magic spells. But it is not enough to simply read the magic words and then wait for the boss to change his attitude to a more favorable one.

    Any magical effect requires compliance with a certain list of rules:

    • Before performing the ritual, you should completely calm down: a stressful or nervous state will negatively affect the action of magic and will not allow you to achieve the desired result;
    • any conspiracies and prayers require complete concentration: absolute concentration on the goal will enhance the magical effect many times over;
    • clear visualization is very important: during a conspiracy it is necessary to imagine the image of the boss down to the smallest detail;
    • Before carrying out the ritual, you should select everything you need: the absence of even one item will change the plot and lead to completely different consequences than were expected.
    • any conspiracy requires the ability to keep a secret: you should always perform the ritual completely alone and not tell anyone about it, only in this case will you be able to achieve the desired results.

    In addition to all of the above, you will have to be patient. After execution, a plot to favor the boss usually does not take effect immediately. Often you have to wait several weeks or even months for the leader to change his anger to mercy.

    To make time pass faster, it makes sense to put in your own efforts: try to complete assignments faster, show initiative, and even stay late at work.

    Almost any conspiracies can remove the boss’s hostility, but you need to strongly believe in them. After all, a lot depends on the inner mood. After some time, a change in the attitude of the authorities will become noticeable, even to the point of issuing a bonus or valuable bonus.

    When the impact of the conspiracy becomes clear, it is very important to say words of gratitude to the higher powers for the help provided.

    Several effective rituals

    More than one employee wants to be a priority for his superiors, wanting to achieve his favor and special favor. And so that the boss does not find fault, he often uses various conspiracies and sentences. Preference should be given to ancient folk rituals.

    The most famous conspiracies are the following:

    On a gray poppy

    In a special store you need to purchase some gray poppy and carry out the spell on an even day of the week. You need to take a little poppy seed in your left palm and say:

    “The Lord created heaven and earth and adorned it with height and beauty. And God endowed me with beauty, intelligence and strength. And my enemies will never put me under their thumb and never reach me with evil words. The holy poppy in my hands will help what has been said come true. And therefore I wish my boss (say his name) to become meek and humble like King David. Amen!"

    You should read the spell 3 times, then put the charmed poppy into a bag sewn with your own hands. Early in the morning at work, you should scatter poppy seeds on the doorstep of your superiors, and gradually the reprimands and complaints will begin to dry up.

    On birch bark

    A special ritual using birch bark will help you get rid of anger and make your bosses love you. At exactly noon, you should go to a pre-selected birch tree and pick a small piece of birch bark. You should try to choose a piece of white color without black inclusions.

    The next day, at the first rays of the sun, you should take the birch bark in your left hand and say 7 times:

    “As ordered, I take it. For good, not for evil! Amen!"

    Then you should carefully wrap the birch bark in a piece of colorful, beautiful fabric and hide it in the pocket of your work clothes. Her daily presence will help you gain the favor of your superiors and attract success at work.

    To myself

    When a manager constantly shouts at work, not wanting to calm down, a spell against the boss’s anger, which is performed directly on oneself, will help in this situation. You need to come close to the mirror and look closely at the area between the eyebrows. Next you should say the magic words.

    You found a new, interesting job and joined the team. But the boss immediately looked at you without approval - nagging began, resentment began, and you will not see any career growth. A plot against your boss, proven over the years, will help. So as not to scold you, not to try to fire you, but to look at you with different eyes.

    White magic will remove all negativity without coercion, help your boss understand his feelings, and see you as an excellent employee. Take fate into your own hands, start the game by your own rules - let only love and peace be in your heart. It won’t take much time for everything to work out and for you to get a good salary; the plot will work in a matter of days.

    How do these conspiracies work?

    White magic is based on positive influence. The boss's mercy can be spoken to. It helps a person reconsider his position. If you are not to blame, then your boss will definitely remove the veil from his eyes and will no longer intrigue against you. Friendship, respect, and solidarity can replace anger and resentment. Making someone love you is more difficult, but it comes with time. First of all, everything depends on you - carry only a positive charge, do the work carefully.

    Prepare for the ritual:

    • Visualize a positive result - imagine the day when all the negativity goes away, your boss shakes your hand, and you begin a new stage of cooperation.
    • Imagine that he raised your salary and praised you for a successful project.
    • Banish all your negative emotions immediately.
    • Don’t be afraid of your boss, think at home - why does he treat you this way?
    • Light blue candles at home - they will have a beneficial effect on the situation and give a lot of friendly energy.

    When you are completely calm and analyze the situation, you can begin the ceremony itself; you have a sufficient charge of energy for work. Read prayers to the Saints, seek help.

    Before going to the boss, read the plot

    Have you been called urgently to see your superiors? If you suspect that there will be a conflict or an unpleasant situation, quickly read the plot against the boss’s nagging. It is simple and fast, no additional preparation is required. This is an emergency measure, an ace up your sleeve. Say the words in a whisper on the way to the office - everything will work out. Need to say:

    “Lord, your help is with me! Most Holy Theotokos, help me, bless my work. Amen".

    Then add more:

    “The right hand (raised hand) is the right thing. Left hand (raised hand) - a bold deed. The Lord God is my defense. I will defend myself with the Lord, I will tie myself with a holy robe. Amen".

    And as soon as you approach the doors of the evil boss’s office, say:

    “The staple sticks out, the staple is silent. So you (boss’s name) remain silent against me. Amen".

    This conspiracy will not bring you immediate love from your boss, but the situation will dramatically change its degree. There will be no trace left of the conversation in a raised tone - if a reprimand is given, it will not be so severe. This option is suitable to resolve the situation quickly in your favor. You can read an unlimited number of times - before each trip. This method will help you get rid of the fear of your boss's anger and displeasure.

    Conspiracy for mercy and respect from the boss

    If the situation becomes difficult and inadequate, try a stronger conspiracy. The method will become your lifesaver - so that the boss is loving and not rude. It is done once a month. You will need a ritual and several unusual items:

    • Three blue candles;
    • Coin from your wallet;
    • A ball of white thread;
    • Holy water.

    Do it on Wednesday evening. Stay at home alone or lock yourself in a room - no one should disturb you, no phone calls.

    1. Write your boss's name on a piece of white paper.
    2. Place a candle on it and light it.
    3. Imagine an angry boss, his voice full of anger, the unpleasant words he spoke.
    4. Look at the candle and visually burn away all unpleasant negativity. Let only love remain in your heart. This may take time.
    5. When you have completely cleared your memory of unpleasant impressions, take a sip of holy water.
    6. Read:

    “As the sun warms and warms, As a mother cherishes and pleases a child, So you (chef’s name) caress me. Be good and kind now. Amen".

    Place the coin on the table next to the candle. Unwind the ball of thread to the bottom, drink more water and start winding the ball while reading the second part of the plot:

    “Slave (name of the boss), I put the heart of an angel in you, I forbid you to be angry and shout. I take away your tongue, I tame your heart! I control my fifth you (chef’s name)! Amen."

    Repeat until the ball is completely wound. He will need to be kept at home so that no one finds him. Take the coin and secretly put it in the boss's office - it's not difficult. You will immediately see the result - if you used to find fault without reason, now you won’t. This ritual is simple but powerful.

    Conspiracy against energy vampirism

    Is your manager literally draining your strength, and you can’t think normally or answer questions in front of him? You have encountered an energy vampire. This is a bad combination for successful work in a company. You can’t fix a vampire, but you can protect yourself from its influence. Against such a boss you will need an amulet and prayers to the Patron Saints.

    Early in the morning, when the Sun rises, stand by the window and read the text by heart:

    “I become a servant of God - name (servant of God - name) before you, the clear sun. As you warm with your rays, as you scorch with your rays, so protect me, servant of God - name (servant of God - name) from aches and whining, from slander and the evil eye. I trust in your strength, I conjure you by Christ God. Amen".

    During this time, keep a silver object in your hands that you can carry with you. It can be a ring, chain, pendant, bracelet. Let the rays of the Sun fall on it. You will have a strong amulet that will prevent you from draining energy. When your boss feels that you feel confident in his presence, your prayers have been answered. He's not that scary, this boss of yours.

    Conspiracy against boss harassment

    Sexual harassment from a senior colleague is nothing new. A person of any gender can suffer here. But this is not the kind of boss’s love you were looking for. Buy a lock with a key, the simplest one. To return everything to a purely working direction, in the morning at 5 o’clock, stand by the window and read aloud:

    “I become God’s servant (name) at dawn and bewitch myself from the witchcraft spells of the homewrecker - name (homewrecker - name), fence myself off with a heavenly fence, protect myself with golden rays, close myself with keys. Amen".

    • Close the lock, lock it with the key.
    • The key will need to be thrown away next to the church.

    A simple lock will help against any harassment from a man or woman. Speak sincerely, from the heart.

    Conspiracy to protect the boss

    Turn the situation in your favor. A former enemy can become your patron. He will give you his mercy, protection, and raise your salary. You will need one thing from the boss - it could be a calendar, a scarf, his signature on paper - anything you want, something that can be burned.

    • Buy candles: black, white.
    • Bring the item home and place it in a container to burn.
    • Be alone at home at night.
    • Read the text:

    “On a distant island there grows a tree, on it there are white and black flowers, sweet and bitter rafts, fresh and dry leaves.”

    • Light a black candle. Continue:

    “Black flowers fall, bitter rafts rot, dry leaves are carried away by the wind.”

    • Light a personal item on fire with a black candle and let it burn out.
    • Say:

    “On a distant island there grows a tree. It bears sweet fruits, white flowers, fresh leaves - beauty and grace. So the servant (name) is now merciful to me, generous, kind, speaks sweet words, and does not order anyone to scold me.”

    Read prayers for your boss’s health more often by lighting a white candle - may you have a positive connection. The energy of the conspiracy will quickly find its target - the boss will change his attitude towards you and apologize. There is a solution to his anger.

    Unemployment is not always the main problem. Many people are faced with situations where the problem is misunderstanding, pressure and anger from an evil boss. When there is no mutual understanding with a manager, or when the boss is constantly nagging, this adversely affects the work. However, the situation can be changed and replaced, as they say, anger “with mercy” and love. To do this, you can use magical spells on your boss. You will learn about them from this article.

    By reading a conspiracy against your boss, you can significantly improve not only your relationship with him, but also his attitude in general. Such rituals using light magic are designed to protect subordinates from moral oppression by their superiors.

    In any team there is a picky boss who doesn’t let many people get away with it. It happens that a higher-ranking person will make a fair remark. But situations often arise when you have to put up with groundless reproaches. To get rid of them, use spells against boss’s nagging. One of these involves a special ritual.

    To carry out the ritual you need to prepare:

    • saucer;
    • salt.

    Take a shallow plate and pour 7 pinches of salt into it, bend over it and begin to recite the spell against your boss’s nagging:

    “White salt, pure salt! Take away bad and unclean thoughts. Calm down bad speeches and evil words. Amen"

    Taking this salt with you to work, sprinkle an equal amount of it:

    • at the threshold of the office entrance door;
    • under the boss's door;
    • in every corner of his office.

    The conspiracy from the boss and his unfair nagging will begin to take effect immediately. The main thing is that no one sees your actions during the ritual, and do not tell anyone about the ritual.

    How to protect yourself from a “vampire” official?

    N e less serious problem is the vampire official. It is difficult to communicate with energy vampires, and when you have to deal with such people on duty, it can be very difficult. In order for the conspiracy from your boss (energy vampire) to work, and it becomes easier for you to work in his company, carry out this conspiracy.

    Having determined when the new moon stage arrives, purchase a regular pin from the store. At the same time, you need to overpay for it. When handing over bills to the seller for the pin and also coins equal to half its value, say the following spell:

    “I pay coins for a job, I want everything to turn out the way I wanted.”

    When you return home with your purchase, open the window. Place the pin on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it. Then you can go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, immediately take a hairpin. Holding it in your right hand, repeat the spell seven times in a row:

    “Beyond seven fields, beyond seven seas stands a palace. There is a door in that palace, and behind the door there is a stump. A man is sitting on it. In his left hand he holds a wide shield, and in his right hand a sharp spear, he protects my peace from the wrath of others. Whoever offends me, upsets me with witchcraft and malice, will himself suffer from them. My word is strong. Amen".

    The enchanted amulet can be attached to the inside of any item that you plan to wear to work. To prevent your boss from offending you, wear this hairpin regularly, remembering to attach it to your clothes before leaving the house.

    There are many magical texts, using which you can return the inclination and goodwill of your boss. To change the attitude of the evil official towards you and other employees, apply the following ritual. The conspiracy described below helps to get rid of the anger of a higher-ranking person, the authorities.

    For this plot to have an effect on your boss quickly enough, say it on Thursday. When entering the office (another work space), begin to read the words of the magic spell:

    “Corners are corners, locks are locks, keys are keys, kings are kings. I am coming to you (boss’s name) with caution, please approach me with kindness. I come to you with pepper, and you come to me with a kind heart. My word is firm, so be it! Amen".

    You will be able to notice an improvement in your superiors' attitude towards you immediately. If you are not completely satisfied with the effect, repeat this ritual in a week. Next Thursday, read the plot again to achieve what you want.

    How to soften the anger of officials if you have done something wrong?

    There are situations when you need to tell your boss bad news. Knowing that the official will be very angry, you can first perform a special magical ritual. When going to the “carpet” to see your superiors, read the plot in front of the threshold of his office:

    “I, the servant of God (state your name), have repented. Guilty of everything. Just as the Lord forgives us, so you (say the name of the person superior in position) send down your grace on me and forgive me. Amen".

    The text of this prayer can significantly calm the official’s anger. When going to your boss to confess, you can read this plot every time.

    Protection from attacks

    WITH There are not only conspiracies against the boss, which are designed to protect against attacks, nagging, anger and simply the negative energy impact of employees. There are also magical texts that endear your superiors.

    The ritual with the pronunciation of the words of the conspiracy to evoke the favor of the official must be carried out while standing at his door. Before entering his office, clench your left hand into a fist. After this, whisper the spell:

    “Bless, O Lord, Thy servant (state your name). I pray for you, I call for help. Intercede for me, Heavenly powers. Bind the mouths of rulers, the evil tongues of princes and various servants of the authorities. Amen".

    After this ritual, you will be able to see that there will be no anger from your superiors. The attitude of a higher official will become more loyal and gentle. To prolong the effect of the conspiracy on your boss, light him a candle “For health” a few days later. In the coming days, you will notice that the disfavor of a person in a higher position will be replaced by love.

    Ritual to summon favor

    There is another method that will help you win the love of your superiors without making much effort. Magic spells against the nagging of superiors and to win his love must be performed on the waxing moon.

    Standing in front of the door to your boss’s office, say the words of prayer:

    “Lord, I turn to you, I cry for your help, I trust in you! Remember King David. As he was merciful to his servants, as he was meek with his servants, so let the superior people be fair. I ask for mercy, meekness and humility for them. Amen".

    Similar rituals can be performed by those who suffer from the wrath of evil authorities. In order not to lose your job, to complete all tasks without interference from the “ruling” person, read the corresponding plot. Every conspiracy from the boss helps smooth out relationships.