Signs of early miscarriage. Early miscarriage - can it happen again, what to do after it

With your own hands


First of all, the likelihood of a miscarriage can be indicated by vaginal discharge in the form of pink mucus or a large amount of light liquid. A woman can also celebrate bloody issues, which are accompanied by painful sensations (pain is not necessary). The amount of blood in this case varies from a couple of drops to massive bleeding. In the first cases, you should not panic - you just need to urgently consult a doctor to stabilize the condition, but if there is bleeding, you need to call an ambulance, since it threatens both the life of the child and the life of the mother.

Bleeding with severe spasms is especially dangerous - they may indicate the onset of labor activity(for more later pregnancy) and about increased uterine tone, which can literally push the fetus out of a woman’s body. If a miscarriage occurs early in pregnancy, it can be identified by the presence of a light pink blood clot or gray tissue clot in the discharge. Wherein spontaneous interruption At the very beginning of pregnancy, women are often confused with those who have come.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms of an impending miscarriage, you need to take No-shpu, which will reduce increased tone uterus, and go to bed, having first called an ambulance. It is strictly forbidden to strain or move - otherwise the chances of maintaining the pregnancy are significantly reduced. If cramping pains are present, it is necessary to measure their interval - with premature birth they occur every 5-10 minutes or more often.

If there is no pain, but there is suspicious discharge, you need to do ultrasonography, with the help of which the doctor will determine the presence or absence of a heartbeat in the embryo. If the fetus is alive, the woman will be sent to the pregnancy pathology department, where she will undergo the necessary drug treatment which can last from several weeks to several months. Also, a miscarriage can be prevented by placing a suture on the cervix - with it, the woman goes through until the very birth and successfully carries her baby to term.


Many women with unusual discharge early in pregnancy have healthy, full-term babies. But under no circumstances should such a symptom be ignored.

Helpful advice

Even when labor begins, doctors who arrive on time manage to stop the miscarriage and save the fetus.

A miscarriage is the termination of a pregnancy without intentional intervention. It occurs up to 22 weeks. Approximately 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.


Alarm signal number one is uterine bleeding of varying intensity. At first, blood may come out in small quantities with vaginal discharge, then gradually the bleeding intensifies. In this case, characteristic pain in the lower abdomen is possible.

This kind of bleeding pain syndrome may last for more than one day, and may also disappear and recur. If pieces of tissue can be identified among the bloody discharge, a miscarriage has occurred one hundred percent.

The fetus is most often removed from the body in parts, because it is already dead. In more in rare cases it comes out entirely, in the form of a rounded bubble of a grayish tint. After spontaneous abortion bleeding may continue for several days.

Not all women know that there is a chance to prevent a miscarriage. As soon as cramping pain and bleeding of any intensity begin, the woman feels weak and dizzy. These signs cannot be ignored; you must consult a doctor.

An early miscarriage is not an out of the ordinary situation and, as it doesn’t hurt to say, quite common. If you believe medical statistics, and there is no reason not to believe them, pregnancy for one reason or another is terminated in every eighth woman in the first trimester. Many expectant mothers know about the threat of miscarriage, but not everyone knows what specific symptoms are a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Therefore, in this article we will try to briefly and succinctly outline the signs of early miscarriage, its possible reasons and consequences.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms that you should definitely pay attention to are discharge mixed with blood (brown - including this often occurs during a frozen pregnancy) and pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries. At heavy bleeding There is no way to save the child, but if the discharge is spotting, then it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor. Timely help- although this is not a guarantee that the pregnancy will continue, it is the only possible chance.

You should also know that in some situations, an early miscarriage does not have any symptoms, or more precisely, a woman may not even recognize that she was pregnant, and may mistake the bleeding for another menstruation. In rare cases, a miscarriage occurs “at once” - the entire fetus with membranes comes out.

Is it dangerous symptom uterine tone? Most doctors are inclined to believe that no, if the tone is not regular and not painful. If tone arises, gynecologists recommend using safe antispasmodics and lie down until everything returns to normal.

Causes of miscarriage

If we talk about very early stages, then spontaneous termination of pregnancy in most cases is a kind of salvation for the couple, since it occurs due to chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus that are incompatible with normal life.

In addition, hormonal reasons can cause early miscarriage. If in the body expectant mother lack of progesterone, there is a serious threat of interruption. Although with timely treatment, usually carried out in a hospital setting, the child can be saved.

Other possible reasons.

1. Autoimmune factors.

2. Malformations of the uterus.

3. Various infections.

Possible consequences

As a rule, a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages does not threaten a woman with any serious health problems. Problems can arise only if the miscarriage was caused independently by “folk” remedies, or if after the incident there were particles of the fetus or its membranes left in the uterus - this happens more often than longer term pregnancy. It is because of this possible complication Our Russian doctors prefer all women who have had a miscarriage in early pregnancy to have the uterus curetted for “preventative” purposes. After which a control ultrasound is required.

Many people believe that the consequence of one spontaneous termination of pregnancy is a repeated termination. However, this is not entirely true; the cause-and-effect relationship is in this case defined incorrectly. Indeed, women who have experienced this tragedy have an increased risk of repeating the situation, but only if... the cause of what happened has not been established, or has been established, but not “treated.” So, an early miscarriage does not have negative consequences if the woman applied for help in time medical care. If not, severe uterine bleeding, large blood loss, or even blood infection may occur.

If pregnancy is desired, then its termination is the biggest fear for the expectant mother. But it is better to find out in advance how early miscarriage occurs. This will help to identify deviations in time and immediately consult a doctor, which will avoid sad consequences.

How does this happen?

What processes take place during abortion? at an early stage? Let's try to get to the heart of things. Under the influence of some factors, everything begins to go wrong. So, which is attached to the walls of the uterus, can detach from the cavity and then pass through the cervix and out of the vagina. But it may also be that the uterus begins to contract (as during childbirth), causing the developing fetus to come out.

If you want to find out how this happens, then you should know that there are several stages. At the first stage, the process is just starting. The uterus begins to contract and ovum may partially peel off from its wall. It is called threatening miscarriage. The second stage is more intense contractions and more extensive detachment. This is called In this case, the pregnancy can still be saved. The third stage is the death of the fertilized egg. If it remains in the uterine cavity and there is no complete miscarriage in the early stages, cleaning is necessary. Otherwise, intoxication or sepsis will begin. The last stage is a miscarriage. The fertilized egg comes out of the vagina.

Causes and symptoms

Now you know how early miscarriage occurs. It would be useful to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. There can be many of them, we list the main ones:

Now it’s worth listing the symptoms of miscarriage:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back;
  • pain may intensify and become cramping;
  • any pathological discharge(brown, pink and especially scarlet) should alert a woman;
  • You may feel weak and dizzy.

The photo will help determine this. But most often small clots come out of the vagina, since at this stage development, the fetus has not yet had time to form.

What to do?

For any alarming symptoms You should immediately call an ambulance. While you are waiting for the doctors, lie down and try to calm down.

If a miscarriage does occur, it is important to undergo an ultrasound examination to make sure that the uterine cavity is clean. Otherwise, curettage will be required. The doctor will remove everything that remains.

A woman who has suffered a miscarriage needs support and understanding. But she must know that life does not end.

Good luck and easy pregnancy to you!

Slight delay positive test for pregnancy and the beginning of bloody discharge from the vagina - this is an approximate picture of an early miscarriage. It happens that a woman does not even suspect that she was pregnant and believes that she just started another menstruation. Sometimes you can only understand whether there was a miscarriage or menstruation if you donate blood hCG hormone on one of the first days of bleeding: if it is detected increased amount, then there was still a pregnancy.

When can termination of pregnancy occur?

Many who do not know what a miscarriage looks like are accustomed to thinking that spontaneous abortion can only occur in the first days after pregnancy, but this is not entirely true. Termination of pregnancy by physiological reasons can occur at any time, if this happens after 22 weeks, then doctors will call this case premature birth. But in the first days of the delay, the fertilized egg is too small to distinguish it from ordinary clots - pieces of the endometrium. Usually, information about what an early miscarriage looks like is of interest to those who have had it in the first few weeks.

So, only after the fifth week of pregnancy can you understand what an early miscarriage looks like and distinguish between menstruation. Usually at this time the girl already knows about the onset of pregnancy and any pain localized in the lower abdomen, and even more so bloody discharge from the vagina, should frighten her. In this situation it is better to call ambulance, do not refuse hospitalization, so as not to see with your own eyes what an early miscarriage looks like.

In some cases, only in a hospital setting can the baby be saved. So, if you feel intense, sometimes cramping painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which in some people may radiate to the lower back, and blood is released from the genital tract, then this is an incipient miscarriage. At home, spontaneous abortion can end even in a couple of hours: the fertilized egg will come out of the uterus. At a period of about 5-6 weeks, it is approximately the size of quail egg, color varies from flesh to gray, streaked with blood. After just a couple of weeks, the fertilized egg is much larger; if it comes out completely, then it is elongated oval shape, often resembles a deflated balloon. True, there is little chance that a complete miscarriage will occur with the expulsion of all membranes from the uterus.

Spontaneous interruption: action tactics

If you have already realized that you have lost your baby and found out what an early miscarriage looks like, you need to seek help from the hospital. After all, you cannot be sure that all the membranes of the fertilized egg have come out and there is nothing left in the uterus. This can only be checked using ultrasound. Any tissue remaining in the uterine cavity can cause inflammatory processes, decay of foreign tissues and, as a result, lead to intoxication of the woman’s body. In addition, as a result of complete detachment of the ovum, bleeding may occur. This may cause the uterus to be removed or, if assistance is not provided in a timely manner, lead to the death of the woman. If any problems are detected in the gynecology department, the uterine cavity is cleaned: the procedure is reminiscent of an abortion.

Pregnancy is wonderful. But sometimes it happens that the body itself decides to get rid of the emerging new life, and then a miscarriage occurs. In most cases, this occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first 12 weeks.

Statistics say that every fifth woman loses a child before even knowing that she is pregnant. From a gynecological point of view, a miscarriage is considered to be a spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks, since children born prematurely - after 22 weeks and weighing 500 grams - can be saved by today's medicine. But, if the weight is below 500 grams, then the possibilities are zero.

As we have already said, in most cases it happens that the woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant and nothing bothers her. While waiting for her period to come, she simply registers that she is late, and a few days later her period begins, but comes more heavily than usual and with painful sensations.

Sometimes, an early miscarriage is characterized by only moderate pain in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding, then the woman does not even go to the doctor if the bleeding stops soon. If bleeding is coming abundantly for several days, then contacting a doctor cannot be avoided.

In some cases, such delayed periods are very painful, and one day a blood clot comes out. Then we can definitely say about spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage. Usually this clot resembles a burst blood blister. This phenomenon always frightens those who encounter it for the first time. After the release of a blood clot, you must definitely consult a doctor: firstly, to undergo an examination and determine exactly what it was; secondly, to check if cleaning is needed.

A miscarriage is a phenomenon that makes both the body and soul suffer. Many people know that there is such a danger as spontaneous abortion, but not everyone knows about its causes and how it can be prevented.

If we talk about early miscarriage up to 12 weeks, then basically it is a test and warning for parents. A miscarriage at this stage of development indicates that either the mother’s body is not yet ready for normal development there is a baby inside him, or something is wrong with the health of both parents, and it needs to be strengthened so that the baby develops healthy in the future, and the body will continue to get rid of unhealthy things on its own in the future.

Early miscarriage: causes

Genetic disorder in the fetus. IN Special attention focuses on the healthy development of all organs of the future person, which requires equal 23 chromosomes from mom and dad. And if one of them suddenly contains a mutating element, it is recognized as incompetent, and a miscarriage occurs.

The presence of such elements is influenced by the environment, viruses, and occupational hazards. It is very difficult to avoid these factors; you can only reduce the risk of their influence on the body by going on vacation: Fresh air and for a long time. By carrying out a miscarriage, the body thus produces natural selection, characteristic of all life on earth.

Hormonal disorders. It is known that hormones are responsible for the good functioning of a woman’s body, so their incorrect balance in the body can lead to early miscarriage. Also, a lack of the hormone progesterone or an excess of the male hormone causes this phenomenon. If such a problem is diagnosed in a woman in advance, then before planning a pregnancy she is prescribed hormonal therapy, which helps avoid miscarriage.

Rhesus conflict. It’s not for nothing that when planning a pregnancy, they are required to take a blood test to determine the group of both mother and father (if the mother turns out to have Rh negative factor). In this case, the father's Rh is important, since its opposite indicator can lead to the development of Rh conflict when the embryo inherits Rh positive father, and the mother’s body identifies his tissues as foreign and rejects them, saving itself, as it seems to him.

If the father also has a negative Rh factor, then such a problem does not arise. With timely diagnosis of such a pathology, the hormone progesterone is used, which plays a protective role for the embryo and eliminates this cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

Infections. Infection is bad in any case. If you know that you or your partner have a sexually transmitted infection, you need to get rid of it before you become pregnant. When a pregnancy occurs with this diagnosis, the fetus becomes infected and, again, the body gets rid of the embryo at an early stage.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases internal organs. Any increase in temperature up to 38 degrees, caused by a disease of the internal organs, can cause early miscarriage. Typically, such a temperature is accompanied by intoxication of the entire body, and therefore it is unable to hold the embryo. That's why it's so important to go through full examination when planning a pregnancy, to detect and treat all chronic diseases and get vaccinated if necessary.

Abortion. As is known, this is an intervention in ordinary life female body. If an abortion has ever taken place, it can lead either to habitual spontaneous miscarriages or to infertility.

Medicines. In the first trimester, it is generally not recommended to use any medicines, which can lead to fetal developmental defects. There are also herbs that are contraindicated in early pregnancy: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy.

Bad mood. More precisely, severe stress, grief, and prolonged mental stress can negatively affect the birth of a new life. In this case, only with the recommendation of a doctor can you take some sedatives.

Lifestyle. You need to change your habits immediately when planning a pregnancy. Getting rid of bad habits, balanced and good nutrition– the first conditions for development healthy child, the opposite can lead to miscarriage.

Physical impact. Unsuccessful falls and heavy lifting are the starting point for a miscarriage and contribute to it only if one of the above reasons is present. If the mother is healthy, then this effect must be very strong to cause a miscarriage.

Early miscarriage: symptoms

The most common signs of miscarriage are: lower abdominal pain and bleeding. Also, pain from the lower abdomen can spread to the lower back. This pain is periodic. Vaginal discharge talk about the threat of early miscarriage. If such discharge has a reddish or even brownish tint, you should consult a doctor to avoid miscarriage.

Often called a symptom of miscarriage uterine tone, but only in cases where it is accompanied by discomfort for the mother and pain. If it is not accompanied by anything, then doctors’ recommendations stop at reducing physical activity and reducing stressful situations.

In some cases even after above symptoms the pregnancy proceeds normally in the future, only under more careful medical supervision, then they talk about the threat of miscarriage.

The symptoms of miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy are relatively similar. They may only be accompanied by stronger pain and copious discharge.

Second trimester: miscarriage symptoms:

  • about bag damage amniotic fluid says liquid that drips from the vagina, in this case, contacting a doctor should be immediate;
  • vaginal bleeding is a sign of miscarriage in any trimester of pregnancy;
  • blood clots appear during urination, accompanied by pain;
  • internal bleeding, which can be very strong pain in the shoulder or in the stomach area.

How is threatened miscarriage diagnosed?

If your pregnancy is planned, and you have gone through all the necessary preparation procedures that the doctor told you about, taken all the tests and treated all the diseases detected, then the possibility of a miscarriage is reduced to a minimum. If any contraindications were discovered in advance, then great attention is paid to them already when the baby is conceived. In this case, the diagnosis of the threat of miscarriage takes place at the planning stage, and treatment is prescribed in advance.

If pregnancy occurs spontaneously, without preliminary treatment and examination, then any gynecologist can diagnose a miscarriage scheduled inspection. When examining a woman who comes in with a delay problem, the doctor determines the expected duration of pregnancy.

  • checks the size of the uterus for the given period;
  • checks for uterine tone;
  • determines whether the cervix is ​​closed;
  • pays attention to the nature of the discharge (bloody or mucous).

Most reliable way diagnose a miscarriage or premature birth already at a later stage - transvaginal ultrasound, which carries out experienced doctor. Using this method, the length of the cervix and the condition of the internal os are checked.

Treatment of early miscarriage

The most basic and first thing that a doctor advises if there is a threat of miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy is: bed rest. In some cases, in order to maintain the pregnancy, the woman is even forbidden to get out of bed. It is clear that your exercise stress should drop to zero when there is a threat of miscarriage.

It is also recommended to reduce the level of anxiety, bad news and thoughts. Already from the first weeks of existence, the nascent life feels you from the inside; any of your excitement can negatively affect its condition. And disturbances in the condition can lead to its rejection by your body. To avoid these nervous tension, the doctor may prescribe valerian or motherwort.

You yourself can use relaxation therapy: sit comfortably on a sofa or chair and think about something good. The best thing in this case may be dreams about the future baby, choosing a name, mentally drawing his portrait. But all this is after consultation with a doctor.

If the threat of miscarriage is more serious and simply good thoughts If there is no way around it, the first thing the doctor does is determine the cause of the threat. After determining the cause of the threat of miscarriage in the first weeks of pregnancy, hormonal drugs , which are designed to preserve good flow pregnancy.

You may be prescribed progesterone (it is part of Utrozhestan, Duphaston) and may be prescribed drugs for hyperandrogenism (if large quantities male hormones), as well as medications when there is a threat of Rh conflict.

If the doctor deems it necessary, they may conduct an additional intrauterine ultrasound examination. If such an examination reveals insufficiency, then stitches are placed on the cervix, which stop the fertilized egg inside the uterus. This operation is performed in a hospital and under anesthesia, while relaxing drugs are injected into the uterus.

Most cases of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy are treated in a hospital; sometimes women have to remain under the supervision of doctors until the very end of pregnancy, that is, until childbirth. In some cases, treatment begins in a hospital, and then proceeds to home conditions while observing bed rest. Sometimes, having undergone treatment for a threatened miscarriage in the early stages, a woman does not return to it until the birth.

Prevention of miscarriage

In most cases, it is possible to avoid miscarriage. If a couple approaches their decision carefully and responsibly, then they will be examined by a doctor in time, which will reveal all sorts of deviations and inconsistencies in the bodies of the man and woman. A preliminary examination will allow you to cure all kinds of infectious and hormonal diseases that can cause a miscarriage later.

Another six months before the planned conception, the couple’s habits and lifestyle should be changed. Maintaining healthy image life will help reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Consequences after early miscarriage

From a medical point of view, serious consequences after spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages are extremely rare. Big problems can arise if this miscarriage is caused independently with the help of medications or folk remedies, or if parts of the fetus remain in the uterus, which most often happens at a later stage during miscarriages.

It is in order to avoid such problems in the early stages that gynecologists prefer to do preventive cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage. If a woman goes to see a doctor, she always undergoes a control ultrasound.

Many people believe that the consequences of one miscarriage are subsequent ones. spontaneous miscarriages. But in reality this is not the case. Subsequent miscarriages occur after the first only if the cause of the first miscarriage was not identified or this cause was not treated.

A miscarriage in early pregnancy does not have serious consequences only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. If we neglect this fact, then severe uterine bleeding may occur, that is, a large loss of blood, which will lead to death, or blood poisoning, which is also extremely unpleasant and dangerous.

Even if the next period does not go as usual (heavier or with severe pain), it is better to consult a doctor about this, in case you were pregnant and did not notice it. The answer to the question of what to do in case of an early miscarriage is to consult a doctor, if it is very bad, then even call an ambulance.
