Complete spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages. Early spontaneous miscarriage, causes, symptoms, treatment


According to statistics, early miscarriage occurs in 20% of women. Moreover, most of them do not even have time to understand that something irreparable has happened. Spontaneous abortion, as doctors also call fetal rejection female body, happens up to 12 weeks for various reasons. The main thing to do in this case is not to miss the symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Read in this article

Causes of spontaneous abortion

What causes early miscarriages? This is a question worth asking before conception. But the information will be useful both to those who have already experienced trouble and to those who just saw two lines on the test. So, the reasons for miscarriage in early pregnancy can be:

  • hormonal imbalances (the risk is higher in women with high testosterone);
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • constant ;
  • previous ;
  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus caused by mutations at the gene level;
  • immunological abnormalities, the main one among which is;
  • , taking drugs, drinking energy drinks;
  • infectious diseases transmitted from a partner;
  • careless, rough sexual intercourse;
  • falls, injuries;
  • lifting weights;
  • mother's age is 35 years and older;
  • taking medications prohibited during pregnancy.

Only a doctor can tell exactly why a particular couple has a miscarriage in the early stages after conducting a comprehensive examination.

Signs and symptoms of onset of fetal rejection

In any case, signs of miscarriage in the early stages should alert the expectant mother. These include aching pain in the lower abdomen. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always clear whether normal menstruation has begun or whether there really is a threat of failure. Especially if the woman herself does not know whether she is pregnant. If the conception is planned, then the expectant mother should be wary of strange consistency or unusual periods. They are usually brown, with some bloody spots mixed in.

Don't be embarrassed to see a doctor! If this is really a pregnancy, everything can be stopped at the initial stages and the pregnancy can be maintained. Of course, when heavy bleeding there is no chance to save the fetus.

It is very important to know the indirect first signs of miscarriage in the early stages in order to at least maintain your health. The following changes will indicate spontaneous abortion:

  • weight loss;
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by cramps;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea);
  • the appearance of discharge of a strange shade.

The symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy are similar to both and others, no less dangerous pathologies. Therefore, you cannot postpone visiting a specialist.

There is an opinion that a couple can have a spontaneous abortion more than once during the entire planning period. This is partly true. Young people can change the situation on their own, simply by being examined and undergoing a course of treatment. Spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages, the symptoms of which in the first month are very similar to menstruation, often go unnoticed by the woman. If she already knew about her new situation and was expecting a child, then after cleaning it is recommended to go to rest, change the environment and gain strength. And after that, you can start planning your conception again and believe that this time everything will definitely be fine!

According to some sources, about 10-20% of established pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. In addition, miscarriage often occurs very early early stages(until the 12th week), when the woman herself had not yet found out about pregnancy, and her symptoms were mistaken for regular periods or their delay.

In medicine, a miscarriage is considered an independent abortion that occurs in the early stages at 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and before the 22nd week of pregnancy. Babies who were born prematurely, but after the 22nd week and weighing 500 g modern medicine able to save and get out.

How dangerous is early miscarriage?

Termination of pregnancy, including spontaneous abortion, is a huge stress for the body’s immune and hormonal systems, as well as a great psychological shock for a woman.

In most cases, survivors of a miscarriage perceive what happened as a tragedy. Some are able to recover from stress and depression within 1-3 months, while others need much more time for emotional recovery. Therefore, during such a period, a woman especially needs understanding and support from her husband and loved ones.

Concerning physical condition and restoration of reproductive function, then with timely receipt of medical care and compliance with the prescribed treatment, recovery occurs quite quickly and in the future the woman has every chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth healthy child.

A woman's health is at risk in the following cases:

  • The uterus is not completely cleared of the embryo or membrane. Because of this, they may fester, which provokes the occurrence of inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor and have necessary examinations. If necessary, cleaning of the uterine cavity is prescribed.
  • The woman lost a lot of blood. In such cases, hospitalization, blood transfusion or other surgical interventions are necessary.
  • Cause not determined spontaneous abortion. The greatest danger is not the miscarriage itself, but the reason that provoked it. If you do not conduct a thorough diagnosis and do not cure existing diseases, there is a danger that in the future the situation will not only recur, but will also affect your health even more seriously.

What can cause spontaneous abortion?

The reasons for early miscarriage can be different.

According to statistics, approximately 73% of miscarriages occur due to abnormalities in fetal development. All systems in the fetal body are based on early stages pregnancy. The woman's immune system, having identified developing organism genetic abnormalities, she herself may reject the fetus.

In most cases, these anomalies are not hereditary, but occur as a result of mutations that occurred in the cells of the parents due to the influence of mutagenic factors. These include viruses, radiation, poor ecology, harmful production etc.

As a rule, it is almost impossible to prevent a miscarriage in such cases. But by reducing the influence negative factors and having completed a course of treatment, the chances of the next successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby increase significantly.

For example, in many cases, the cause of spontaneous abortion was determined to be a malfunction endocrine system women. This is due to the fact that hormones have a great influence on intrauterine development child and if the pregnant woman experiences any hormonal disbalance, then the body is unable to cope with pregnancy.

To diagnose the disorder, the doctor prescribes a series of tests, after which a course of treatment is prescribed. You can plan a new pregnancy after a miscarriage after restoring the balance of hormones in the body. But if you identify the problem in a timely manner and seek help medical care, then miscarriage can be avoided.

One of the reasons for miscarriages is initial stage Pregnancy also includes abortions performed in the past (medical, vacuum, surgical). The fact is that abortion is not just a gross intervention, but also a strong shock and stress for the whole organism.

The consequences of abortion can be disruptions menstrual cycle, adhesions and scars on the uterus, dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands, inflammation internal organs, endocrine diseases, ectopic pregnancy, recurrent miscarriages and infertility.

Spontaneous abortion is often caused by STIs: herpesvirus infection, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and others. Viruses and bacteria infect the membranes and infect the fetus, which increases the risk of miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, you should be tested for STIs before pregnancy and receive the necessary treatment.

The risk of early miscarriage increases with the so-called Rh conflict, when the blood of the expectant mother has negative Rh factor. Then the immune system women perceive the fetus as a foreign body and try to get rid of it. Experts recommend paying attention to this even before pregnancy, getting tested and following the doctor’s orders. If a woman finds out about the Rh conflict already during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take special medicines.

Does not have a negative effect on pregnancy and fetal growth healthy image life. Therefore, get rid of bad habits(alcohol, smoking, etc.) follows even at the stage of planning conception.

Severe stress, fear, unexpected grief, nervous overstrain are dangerous both for the pregnant woman and for the child growing inside due to the release into the blood large quantity hormones. Try to keep your worries to a minimum and discuss this issue with your doctor. You may have to take a course of sedatives.

Taking certain medications, decoctions or herbal infusions can cause spontaneous abortion or provoke the development of certain defects in the fetus. The intake of some herbs, such as parsley, St. John's wort, nettle, tansy, cornflower, should be limited in the early stages of pregnancy.

Intense physical activity, heavy lifting, falls or strong impacts also pose a certain risk. Often such factors act only as a “push” for miscarriage if a woman has any of the above problems.

How to understand that a miscarriage has occurred - the main signs of pathology

The most important and most dangerous symptom miscarriage - bleeding from the genitals. It is not too abundant and lasts several days. The color of the discharge ranges from bright red to dark brown. Also, along with blood, small blood clots may come out of the vagina, which also indicates a self-abortion.

In any case, even scanty spotting, uncharacteristic of pregnancy, should alert the woman, since over time the bleeding may increase and a spontaneous miscarriage may occur.

You may also experience cutting pain in the lower abdomen and heaviness in the lumbar region. It happens that the pain occurs periodically, as if “rolling” in waves and disappears. Although these symptoms are not necessary: ​​in some cases, women experience no pain at all.

If a miscarriage occurs after the 13th week, the woman notices pain resembling contractions, her water breaks and then the fetus is expelled from the uterus.
If a pregnant woman experiences any of these symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Doctor's advice in this video:

Spontaneous abortion or menstruation - how to determine

As mentioned above, a woman does not always realize that she is already pregnant, especially in the very first weeks. The appearance of bleeding is perceived as the onset of menstruation.

It is almost impossible to distinguish between menstrual discharge and blood that appears during a miscarriage. You can find out for sure whether pregnancy has occurred. One way is to take a blood test to determine the level of the pregnancy hormone, human chronic gonadotropin. Even after self-abortion, the level of this hormone is elevated for some time, which indicates that pregnancy was still present. If the result is positive, you should consult a doctor to make sure that the embryo has completely left the uterus.

You can also try a pregnancy test at home. HCG levels are determined in urine. If the test showed one line, there was no pregnancy, and if two were noticed, then perhaps this indicates that a miscarriage has occurred. You should do another test and if the result is the same, consult your doctor.

At very early stages ultrasonography may not show any results, since in the first days the fertilized egg is simply not visible, it is still too small.

How is a threat diagnosed early?

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the risk of miscarriage and find its cause in order to determine the correct treatment tactics:

  1. A gynecological examination, which helps the doctor determine big picture and assess the condition of the cervix.
  2. If there is a threat, an ultrasound examination is performed. Ultrasound allows you to study the structural features of the uterus and find out what is happening to the fetus and placenta.
  3. Analysis of progesterone levels.
  4. Analysis for the detection of viruses in the blood: herpes, toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, etc.
  5. Blood test to determine antibodies for hCG.
  6. Vaginal smear and blood for infections: gonorrhea, ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.
  7. Test for blood clotting (if previous pregnancies also ended in miscarriages).

Treatment of threatened miscarriage depends on the severity of the situation and the reasons that caused the complication. If it is possible to save the fetus, the woman will undergo treatment in a hospital or, if her condition allows, at home. Sometimes it takes only a few days to eliminate the threat, and in some cases the pregnant woman is kept until the birth itself.

Consequences of miscarriage

If a spontaneous miscarriage occurs at an early stage, and the woman consults a doctor on time, then there should be no serious consequences or threat to her health.
Complications arise if the uterus is not completely cleared and part of the embryo or its membranes remains inside it. This can provoke infection of the uterus, which, in turn, threatens pelvic inflammation and even sepsis. This also leads to endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, obstruction fallopian tubes, ovarian dysfunction, infertility.

There is an opinion that if a woman has a miscarriage, then her next pregnancy is also at risk. In fact, such a risk exists, but only if the cause of the previous miscarriage has not been determined and the woman has not undergone appropriate treatment.

When a pregnant woman with suspected miscarriage is in no hurry to go to the hospital, she may experience heavy bleeding, which is impossible to stop on your own.

Serious health problems arise in women who try to independently provoke an abortion using traditional methods. How longer term, the higher the risk of complications and even death increases.

Preventive actions

Exist preventive measures, the implementation of which will help prepare for conception and reduce the risk early interruption pregnancy to a minimum. First of all, a woman who cares about herself and the well-being of the child must get rid of addictions (do not smoke or abuse alcoholic drinks), lead a healthy lifestyle.

Together with your spouse, consult a doctor and get tested to identify chronic and hidden diseases, including sexually transmitted infections. Remember that parental illness can negatively affect both the pregnancy process and the development of the child. Get tested for hormone levels. If the diagnosis shows the presence of any disease, take its treatment very seriously and follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

To reduce the risk of miscarriage, you should be very attentive to your condition, especially during initial stages. If you notice any of the symptoms that may indicate a miscarriage, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Avoid intense stress physical activity, regularly attend antenatal clinics.


Unfortunately, no one is immune from early miscarriage, but if this has already happened, you need to make every effort to cope with the loss. You should recover as quickly as possible and eliminate all the reasons that prevent you from bearing and giving birth to a healthy child in the future.

Miscarriage is one of the common names for spontaneous termination of pregnancy. I must say, this sad phenomenon occurs quite often - up to 1/5 of cases of conception end In a similar way. And most often, spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this article we will discuss in detail its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, methods of restoring the body and much more.

Miscarriages and their types

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy, depending on the timing, is divided into three groups:

Highest chance of miscarriage

Speaking about the timing of spontaneous miscarriage, let us pay attention to especially dangerous periods when a woman must be most careful for the birth of her child.

Now let's decide on early spontaneous abortion.

Types of miscarriage in the first weeks

Early spontaneous miscarriage can be of two types:

Causes of spontaneous miscarriage

The most basic reason for this in the early stages is the presence of defects in the fetus that are incompatible with life. Therefore, most often doctors do not try to stop the process. However, if a woman insists on preserving the fetus, then a miscarriage can often be prevented. But in this case future mom must accept that the child may be born with serious genetic abnormalities.

Reasons for interruption biochemical pregnancy- this is a “breakdown” of genes during the fusion of parental germ cells.

Early spontaneous miscarriage is caused by the following:

  • Endocrine diseases of the mother, hormonal imbalances.
  • Tumors of the reproductive system.
  • Serious pathologies blood vessels, kidneys, heart.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • Diagnosis of drug addiction and alcoholism in parents.
  • Toxic poisoning of the mother.
  • Nervous shock, stress.
  • History of abortion.
  • Rhesus conflict in parents.
  • Infections suffered by the mother - rubella, tonsillitis, herpes, influenza, STIs, toxoplasmosis, etc.
  • X-ray examinations.
  • Taking a number of medications.
  • Operations on abdominal cavity, uterus.

The most common reasons late abortions:

Stages of miscarriage

Spontaneous miscarriage (we do not show photos for ethical reasons) is a process that takes place in four stages:

  1. Threat period. If you start therapy at this time, then trouble can be prevented.
  2. An abortion has begun. During this period, doctors, despite the intensive measures taken, may no longer be able to save the fetus.
  3. Miscarriage is in progress. This is a completely irreversible process - a partially or completely dead fertilized egg leaves the uterine cavity.
  4. Completed abortion. The remains of the fetus leave the uterus, it is restored in size.

Symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage

To prevent trouble, you need to know how it manifests itself. Symptoms of early spontaneous miscarriage are as follows:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes very severe.
  • Cramping may be felt.
  • Vaginal discharge for 1-3 days is scarlet, brown.

If a woman is not aware that she is pregnant, she can take similar symptoms for the beginning next menstruation. However there is indirect signs, which distinguish early spontaneous miscarriage from menstruation:

  • Spasmodic type pain.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Aching pain in the lower back.
  • Bloody discharge alternate with the release of mucus.
  • Weight loss.

If the period is already 4-5 weeks, then the symptoms are different:

  • Nagging pain lower abdomen.
  • Returning nausea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Frequent urge to urination.
  • The discharge is red-brown or brightly colored with blood stains.

It must be said that such states can last up to several days.

Symptoms of the second stage of miscarriage are as follows:

  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum.
  • Severe dizziness.
  • General weakness.
  • Bloody discharge comes out in clots

At this stage, you need to immediately consult a doctor - there is a chance to save the baby’s life!

When a miscarriage has already begun, a woman feels the following:


Spontaneous miscarriage is primarily uterine bleeding and pain of varying duration and intensity. Why there's blood coming out? Detachment of the fetus, its passage through the birth canal is associated with damage small vessels. Normally, bleeding lasts 4-10 days. If this period is longer, then we can talk about the development of infection in the remaining parts of the fetus in the uterus. This requires surgical or medical treatment.

After an early abortion, the risk of developing serious complications, as a rule, is minimal. In most cases, the fruit, along with the membranes, is completely rejected by the body.

Miscarriages that are caused by a woman at home using improvised means are dangerous. This is especially true for later dates. They can lead to inflammation and even sepsis. Sometimes, because of such an act, a woman cannot become pregnant in the future.


The main way to identify a threat is to perform an ultrasound of the uterus. At the threat stage, with the help of this study it is possible to detect segmental contractions of the walls of this organ. When a spontaneous abortion is in progress, an ultrasound may show abruption ovum.

If a woman has repeated miscarriages, genetic tests are used to look for “wrong” chromosomes.

Treatment of consequences

  • General strengthening, sedative drugs.
  • Antispasmodics that eliminate increased tone the walls of the uterus.
  • Hormonal medications, most often containing progesterone.
  • Vitamins ( folic acid).
  • On later a ring is placed on the cervix, or surgical method sutured.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs, then elimination of the consequences of spontaneous miscarriage without cleansing is prescribed. The doctor can choose one of the following treatment tactics:

  1. Expectant. If the miscarriage is complete, then the body does not need treatment. He will fully recover in 4-6 weeks.
  2. Drug treatment. To remove the remains of the fetus from the uterine cavity, the woman is prescribed stimulant drugs. Most often it is Misoprostol. Taking it causes a strong contraction of the organ, which helps to complete the miscarriage.
  3. Surgery. If complications are identified, then similar treatment is prescribed. It also applies in connection with individual characteristics female reproductive system (for example, uterine flexion).

Curettage of the uterus

Cleaning during spontaneous miscarriage is one of the unpleasant procedures. But if the fetus is not fully delivered, you cannot do without it. Otherwise, serious consequences appear - inflammatory processes in the uterus, the inability to become pregnant in the future.

The procedure goes something like this:

  1. Preparing a woman for surgery, enema.
  2. Selecting the right type of anesthesia.
  3. The cervix is ​​opened with speculums and dilators, after which the surgeon uses a cuvette to remove the fertilized egg and its membranes.
  4. The operation is completed by scraping the organ from the inside in order to prevent its inflammation.

The collected material is sent for histological examination.

Woman's recovery

If physical health after a spontaneous miscarriage is restored relatively quickly, the same cannot be said about the woman’s mental state. Someone falls into apathy, someone tries to forget themselves in bad habits, someone tries to get pregnant again as soon as possible. A woman should be protected from all this by her loved ones. You should not be afraid of the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist during a difficult period.

The menstrual cycle returns a few weeks after the miscarriage. Sex life experts advise resuming no earlier than after 1.5-2 months. But it is better to try to conceive again after six months or a year, when the physical and moral state has already been fully restored.

Doctors also advise to go before new pregnancy examination:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic systems.
  • Tests for STIs.
  • Blood test for glucose levels.
  • Hormonal studies.
  • Tests for the biocompatibility of the blood of the father and mother.
  • As prescribed by the doctor - genetic tests.
  • General clinical examinations.

We must not forget about proper preparation for the new responsible state:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Taking a balanced complex of vitamins.
  • Refusal of bad habits, excessive addiction to coffee.
  • Vaccinations against a number of infectious diseases.


Unfortunately, people are not yet able to exclude the influence of genetic characteristics and the consequences of chronic diseases on the course of pregnancy. However there is general tips that will help reduce the threat of miscarriage to a minimum:

For the most part, spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is not dangerous for physical health women. With timely and proper treatment, the event will not harm her reproductive function. More attention deserves the moral state of a woman who needs the support of both loved ones and specialists.

Of course, none of the women wants to even think about what long-awaited pregnancy may end in miscarriage. However, statistics indicate that 15-20% of pregnancies are spontaneously terminated, and in most cases this occurs in the early stages. Today we will talk about why this happens, how you can find out about an incipient miscarriage, and what treatment you need to undergo in the future.

An early spontaneous miscarriage is a termination of pregnancy that occurs in the first trimester - before 12 weeks. After this period we're talking about O late miscarriage– up to 22 weeks. Unfortunately, doctors have not yet learned how to save premature babies weighing less than 500 g, so at such a time the fetus will not be viable.

Is it possible to give birth to a healthy baby after a miscarriage? Of course, but this largely depends on the reasons that caused the first pregnancy loss. However, if a woman has miscarriages two or more times in a row, then both parents need to consult a geneticist about undergoing a special analysis - karyotyping. It will help identify chromosomal abnormalities in married couple, if they are.

Spontaneous early miscarriage

The overwhelming number early miscarriages occurs due to genetic abnormalities in the fetus that are incompatible with life. This is a peculiar reaction of nature to the occurrence of random mutations. Spontaneous miscarriage occurs when the fetus stops developing. In this case, there will be no consequences for subsequent pregnancies - after all, each fetus has its own personal chromosome set, which is never repeated.

The second common cause of miscarriage is various disorders hormonal levels in a woman. In this case, there is a chance to save the pregnancy if the miscarriage has not yet occurred. In this case, the woman is placed in a hospital and an attempt is made to stabilize her hormonal levels. The best option is to check the level of hormones (both sex hormones and thyroid gland and adrenal glands) even before the onset of gestation. If a miscarriage does occur, such an examination is mandatory before another pregnancy, as is a course of treatment. This will help prevent another miscarriage.

Organ diseases reproductive system can also negatively affect spontaneous miscarriage, as can the presence of inflammatory processes. Of course, this fully applies to sexually transmitted infections. If a miscarriage occurs due to a woman having a sexually transmitted disease, both parents of the child will have to undergo treatment - otherwise it will happen again.

Viral diseases suffered in the first trimester (rubella, influenza, sore throat) also lead to fetal defects or miscarriage. At the moment of formation of all organs and systems, the fetus is very vulnerable, so any negative impact may affect him.

Late spontaneous miscarriage

Often the reasons that cause pregnancy loss at these stages are different. This is isthmic-cervical insufficiency or Rh conflict between the blood of mother and child. Spontaneous miscarriage in the first case occurs because the cervix softens and does not hold the fetus in the uterus. If such a problem is detected in time, the pregnancy can be saved: sutures are placed on the cervix or the woman is fitted with an obstetric unloading pessary. If pregnancy loss does occur, then next doctors will monitor its progress as closely as possible, and most likely, such manipulations will be required.

A miscarriage after a Rhesus conflict is dangerous because the blood of the mother and fetus is mixed. This means that if you are pregnant again with an Rh-positive fetus, antibodies will begin to be produced faster. This is also not a death sentence for a woman - repeat pregnancy possible, but under the full supervision of doctors.

Stress, falls, and injuries can cause miscarriage at any stage of gestation.

Spontaneous miscarriage: symptoms and consequences

What do you need to know about the symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage so as not to miss it? The main symptoms are the following:

  • Bleeding;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or back;
  • General deterioration in health.

Why is such a formulation of the question even possible, you ask? Because a miscarriage at a very early stage may be completely unnoticeable if the woman did not suspect that she was pregnant. In this case, she may mistake the bleeding for another, slightly delayed menstruation. You should consult a doctor if there are pieces of mucus or bloody clots in the discharge. Analysis on hCG level Immediately after bleeding in this case will help to determine whether there was a pregnancy, since hCG does not decrease in the blood immediately, but gradually.

It should be remembered that similar symptoms are characteristic of the so-called threatened miscarriage, when you can still try to save the pregnancy. Therefore, a woman should immediately seek help if she suspects a spontaneous miscarriage.

The main danger to a woman’s health is the incomplete expulsion of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. In this case, the development of acute inflammatory processes or uterine bleeding is possible. In the hospital, the woman will undergo an ultrasound examination and curettage of the uterine cavity if particles of the fertilized egg remain in it. Antibiotic therapy will be required in the future. 4.9 out of 5 (23 votes)

Perhaps the main symptom of the development of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is uterine bleeding, which can sometimes be insignificant. In most cases, such an abortion begins with weak, almost imperceptible bleeding, which intensifies over time.

How to independently recognize spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage?

As already mentioned above, it is bloody issues are the first sign of spontaneous abortion at short notice. At the same time, the color can vary from bright scarlet to brown.

As for the volume of these discharges, it can also be different. The only thing is that in all cases of spontaneous miscarriage, the discharge lasts more than one day.

As for pain, as one of the symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage, sometimes they may be absent. In some cases, pain may appear and then disappear for a while. Sometimes cramps in the lower abdomen may also be observed.

The woman’s general condition only worsens over time. Sometimes this can happen so abruptly that the woman does not even notice the presence of any spontaneous miscarriage observed in early pregnancy. A woman recognizes it by the presence of only pieces of tissue in the discharge.

In most cases, the fetus dies long before it begins to be removed from the uterine cavity by the body. Therefore, it often comes out in parts. In cases where complete discharge does occur, it looks like a small, grayish round bubble. This happens at very early stages of pregnancy (1-2 weeks).

What types of spontaneous miscarriage are usually distinguished?

Depending on how it happened spontaneous interruption pregnancy, doctors usually distinguish:

  • incomplete (inevitable) spontaneous miscarriage– observed when there is an increase in the lumen of the cervix and rupture of the membranes. At the same time, it is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen, which does not stop long time;
  • complete spontaneous miscarriage observed when the fetus or embryo completely leaves the uterine cavity. At the same time, there are painful sensations and the bleeding stops;
  • at failed spontaneous miscarriage the fetus dies, but does not leave the uterus. This condition, as a rule, is detected only during the next examination of the pregnant woman and listening to

It is also necessary to say about such a type of spontaneous abortion as anembryony. With this disorder, after fertilization has occurred, the formation of an embryo does not occur.

Often a diagnosis such as threatened spontaneous miscarriage is also made. This condition is characterized by minor uterine bleeding or increased contractile activity uterine muscles in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The size of the uterus corresponds to the duration of pregnancy, and its external os is closed. This condition is considered reversible, and if successful timely treatment pregnancy can then develop normally.

How does early spontaneous miscarriage occur and how long does it last?

In most cases, spontaneous abortion begins suddenly, against the background of general well-being. First, the pregnant woman notices the appearance of slight discharge, which is observed for several days in a row. As a rule, they indicate the death of the embryo.

Pain appears when the uterus, through contractile movements of the myometrium, tries to get rid of dead fetus. At this time, women may notice the appearance of pieces of fetal tissue in the discharge, which can be seen in blood clots.

As for the duration of spontaneous miscarriage, it can be different, but on average it is 3-4 days (from the moment the discharge begins until the fetus is completely expelled from the uterus).