Parting words for parents for the summer holidays. Short holiday greetings to children, sms


The school year has been incredibly long. But everything ends someday, and now the time has come when you can enjoy your vacation and not think about studying - the beginning of the summer holidays! Three months of heavenly delight - fabulous sunsets and magical sunrises, flower meadows and walks under the moonlight, starry sky and spiritual gatherings around the fire, azure sand by the river, sun rays, gentle freshness of the waves, ice cream in a glass, pockets full of sweets, soft drinks, steam grandmother's milk in the village, lush pancakes in sour cream, a camp outside the city, hiking and excursions, friends and girlfriends, carousels, fountains, fragrant grass, a beach, fishing and a summer mood! Yes, it's a real holiday! Enjoy your summer holidays and give each other beautiful, sunny wishes of kindness and warmth with the beginning of summer happiness! and our site will help you do it easily and in an original way.

Summer has opened the doors wide open for you,
Holidays! You can not wear a school shirt,
You don't need to fill your portfolio with books,
You can have fun all day long!
Golden time - the beginning of summer holidays,
You can eat raspberries and strawberries all day,
Go fishing and drive the ball in the yard,
This is such a gift summer gave the kids!

Congratulations! Summer holidays have begun!
Start relaxing! You can not? Learn!
Are you used to going to school all year,
But this habit will have to be forgotten for the summer!
Gather your friends and straight to the river
Give freedom to your soul and heart
Now let your wishes come true
May your eyes be filled with happiness!

The end of the school, the portfolio famously flew into the corner,
You have a lot of important things to do without studying,
Go to the beach and look at the neighbor's garden,
And in the course of action, put a raspberry in your mouth!
And strawberries, and peach, and sweet grapes,
You are happy to celebrate the beginning of the holidays with a sweet
You've been waiting for this day for so long
That I was seriously hungry and tired!

Waited, finally! Hooray! Holidays! Freedom!
Summer! Sun! Fresh air! Beautiful weather!
And you can walk until morning
Children will follow this advice today!
The street is light until the deepest night,
And don't get up for school in the morning, by the way,
Tomorrow you can sleep until noon,
And no lessons! Over the school - a victory!

Today was a success from the very morning,
The holidays have begun! It's time for rest!
And the mood immediately soared up,
Everywhere fun, joy and children's laughter!
Summer gives us a tan and a sea wave,
In the summer you become happy both in a dream and in reality,
Dreams come true almost every day
Well, if it's too hot, find shade!

Summer holidays start! The reason is big
So as not to go home early today,
So as not to rush, not to rush and not to worry,
That you won't sleep again for weeks!
From today you can sleep at least until dinner,
For being late, a strict conversation is not waiting for you,
You are free! Do what your heart desires!
Enjoy the summer and live slowly!

Holidays, holidays! Hooray! Summer is in the yard!
Forget how we went to school in December
As they counted and wrote for days on end,
Finally, we are waiting for three months of rest!
Swimming trunks, a towel and a hat on the top of my head,
Taking a beautiful girlfriend with you to the beach,
We will swim and sunbathe all day,
Strengthen your health for the winter so as not to get sick!

The start of summer vacation is a great time!
Down with the heavy burden of studying,
The soul is delighted, rejoices and sings,
And let the school rest without us for now!
A wonderful occasion for joy, and I congratulate you on it,
I share this joy with you,
Give your brains a break
And remember that you don't have to get up in the morning!

Time to rest and let the study wait
We have been waiting for the summer holidays for a whole year,
Prepared, lost weight, bought sunblock,
And they chose their place under the sun on the beach!
After all, it is important to have a good rest during the holidays,
To continue your school path with renewed vigor,
To make it easier to learn, and there was something to remember,
And most importantly, fill your soul with freedom!

Congratulations guys on the start of summer holidays!
Each of you penetrated enough to study,
But it's time to let your brain rest
And turn off the school road to the river!
Drive the ball and take a walk under the moon,
Take all the pleasures of summer to heart,
You can also come home late
And with the holidays somehow, my heart is even warmer!

What joy visited schoolchildren,
In one stroke, the students turned into robbers,
We walk now without problems, until the morning,
After all, it's time for summer vacation!
And there are no prohibitions, no taboos to rest,
Let's make the most of this summer
And then the harsh winter will come,
And we will go to school, as always!

We rejoice at the holidays, we are happy with the weather,
You can enjoy nature day and night
You can sunbathe on the beach without a break,
It is necessary to take the buzz from this summer in full!
Everyone needs a break from studying sometimes,
So that in the hands there was ice cream, not a book,
You need to learn, we agree, the 21st century,
But rest is also important! Not a robot, but a human!

We are glad to meet the beginning of the summer holidays,
Cold lemonade is the right thing to celebrate,
And then, all together go to the beach,
And from such joy do not mind starting to dance!
This is a real gift from the summer,
Nature in green, festively dressed,
The mood is on the rise, whatever you want, do it,
And don't worry about studying!

Summer has prepared a wonderful gift for us,
Mood plays with sunlight!
Holidays! The very beginning! Super! Hooray!
If only this time would never end!
I wish I could sleep until noon all year round,
But no, the kids will go to school in the fall,
But autumn is still far away,
And this thought makes my heart warm!

Congratulations guys, happy summer break,
Congratulations on the holidays and a cool break,
Revel to the fullest, to the fullest,
Dissolve in the summer, light atmosphere!
And don't worry about books and notebooks,
May your days and nights be sweet
Let the rest do you good
Take a comfortable position for relaxation!

Hello summer! Forget about school for three months!
Learn a given verse, then somehow,
We postpone all urgent matters until autumn,
And everyone threw their portfolios into the far corner!
Now you won't need it for a long time,
You became free from school, like a bird,
Your job is to relax, walk and have fun,
And also, we wish you fall in love in the summer!

Forget that you have to get up early tomorrow
Holidays! And you can sleep until the evening
But we won't waste time on sleep,
And early in the morning we get out of bed!
After all, you need to have time to go to the river,
We also plan to nail a birdhouse,
A lot of things need to be redone in the summer,
Swim, play, have fun, jump and run!

Summer heat does not scare us at all,
On vacation, everything beckons and attracts us,
After all, you don’t have to go to school, and this is already a joy!
The whole day in business, but you do not feel tired!
Because what we want is what we do
We are diligently trying to take everything from the summer,
After all, it will fly by, and back to school, in a circle,
Three months of summer is a golden moment!

I really want to swim, have fun and walk,
So, from today, all this can begin,
Holidays! And summer is full of rays,
Run to the beach, to the water! Who is with us?
Let's sunbathe and eat ice cream
And just like that, we won't give up in autumn,
From the beginning of the summer, let's take what is due to us,
And only after three months we will start getting up in the morning!

It's what we've been waiting for so long
Holidays! Summer! Beach! River! Movie!
Immediately my heart became somehow more cheerful,
Happy summer holidays to all our friends!
And let your summer pass like in a fairy tale
May you have enough sunbeams of affection,
Let the vacation time go in no hurry,
Let the book lie unopened until autumn!

The name of the collection: A wish for the summer to students from the teacher. The higher the mighty eagle soars in the sky, the longer it is forced to rest on earth. Alexandre Dumas father

Well-organized rest - when everyone is tied to the beds. Mikhail Mamchich

Allow me to congratulate you on the first day of summer. All the best and good luck!

I wish over the summer to gain fresh ideas, good health and incredible energy.

On weekdays they will think about the future, on weekends - about the past, and only on vacation - about the present. Vladimir Borisov

Don't be upset if it suddenly rains! This is a summer, warm and short-term precipitation. Summer has come!

Happy first day of summer. We wish you good mood, good health, pleasant impressions.

Happy first day of summer, ladies and gentlemen! Everything that worries you, worries and strains, put aside in a distant box.

Let the summer inspire and fill you with new strength, vivacity, energy, good health, vivid impressions and good emotions.

Shortest distance between two points: the distance between the start and end of the vacation. Yanina Ipohorskaya

I want to wish that the days of rest do not fly by unnoticed, that every moment is filled with a new idea and fun fun.

Change of seasons. Spring is followed by summer. And today is the first day of summer time! Congratulations on this wonderful, sunny day!

I wish that your everyday life turns into a holiday, so that you want to sing and dance!

This summer, use every opportunity to relax your body and soul, enjoy the sun and have a good time!

Time goes by, summer goes by! Get busy and enjoy the summer!

I wish you a good health and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

I wish that all your summer plans come true, so that your vacation will be remembered for many years!

We wish you to spend your summer days with comfort and excellent mood.

You can't work all the time. Everyone needs a little rest, and I think the best time for that is in the early hours of the morning, five or six hours after you wake up. George Allen

The bed is the best place to read, think and do nothing. Doris Lessing

Relax, gain strength and absorb the mountains of positive!

Rest and work are inseparable, like an eyelid and an eye. Rabindranath Tagore

So the first day of summer has come, with which we congratulate everyone. The gathering place is the beach, the dress code is summer!

I wish that with the advent of summer, a wonderful, easy time, carelessness and ease await you!

Love yourself, take care of yourself, relax while there is such a great opportunity!

I wish you a sincere company of friends this summer!

May every summer day bring sunny mood and amazing moments.

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours. Cicero

Summer has come! With what I congratulate you! Let the round dance of his glorious events swirl you, fulfill your cherished desires.

I wish this summer that your whole life is like the first day of summer!

Smile and have fun, summer is here!

Give me a foothold - I'll sit down and smoke. Yuri Tatarkin

Summer gives us incredible happiness to see all this, enjoy life and take inspiration from all this beauty!

I wish you an exotic vacation in overseas countries! Let the summer leave only good memories of itself.

Meet the most beautiful time of the year with a smile, and summer will smile at you too!

Over-fatigue is when you don’t even have enough strength to rest.

We wish you to restore strength, gain energy for new achievements, get unforgettable vivid emotions and impressions.

Let everything turn out exactly the way you want, and in some places even better!

We wish that not a single cloud spoils your mood, not today, not tomorrow, never!

Summer is special, summer is magical, summer is a fairy tale, summer is heaven on earth!

We wish you an air walk towards the beach, a bronze tan, delicious drinks and friendly companies.

I wish you to join the majority and take a break from the routine of everyday affairs!

Summer comes to us with flowers, sun and warmth. Let's meet him.

Summer is a fairy tale! Where there are no snowstorms, cold weather, blizzards and frosts!

Let these days give a lot of impressions, let both body and soul rest, let every minute pass cheerfully and interestingly.

Summer! First day! Summer has opened its arms for us, and leaves no chance to be sad!

Did business on the Internet walk boldly. Neuah

Let you have a chance to happily experience adventures and a holiday romance in the summer, and let every day be a new, fun series of pleasures!

May this summer bring many pleasant surprises and fateful meetings to everyone.

So the holiday of warmth, sun, beach season and outdoor activities has come! Long live summer!

Summer time takes us from everyday routine to the world of bright colors, sunny days, joys, laughter.

We wish you to go right now to where the sea, sun and water are our best friends!

Summer breathes new life into us, new strength, new sensations! Let's take it all and use it!

On the first day of summer, accept my congratulations! Our summer is fleeting, but even more expensive! Start resting.

Congratulations on the start of summer. I wish you a great holiday by the sea.

I want to wish that everything you have planned will certainly succeed, that every day of your vacation be eventful, interesting, in its own way unusual, cheerful and happy.

Let this summer bring the joy of a vacation with friends and family, let everything be 5 plus!

Collect summer in the palm of your hand with memorable moments and let it be easy for you!

I wish you to spend the summer in a circle of friends and girlfriends! Enjoy the start of summer, friends! - A wish for the summer to students from the teacher.

Rest from the works of the righteous for a serene sleep encourages and inspires. Yuri Tatarkin

Let the first day of summer be a good start for your love. Congratulations on the start of summer.

Reminder for autumn holidays

And don't forget:November 07 classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Reminder for autumn holidays

Dear children and dear parents!

In order not to overshadow the joy of rest, not to upset your loved ones, I want to remind you that during the holidays, children should not forget the rules of personal safety.

Be attentive and careful on the carriageway, follow the rules of the road, the rules for using a bicycle.

While at home, be careful when handling sharp, cutting, piercing objects, gas and electrical appliances, household chemicals, and medicines.

Do not play with matches or lighters.

Do not respond to signs of attention and orders from a stranger. Don't go anywhere with strangers.

Do not play in dark places, in landfills, vacant lots and in abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

If a suspicious object is found, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not play with stray animals. Wash hands after playing and before eating.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to water bodies and into the forest. Don't move to another location.

Dress according to the weather.

Do not sit in front of the TV, computer.

Make good use of your free time. Read more, repeat the material covered. Provide support to your parents.

And don't forget:November 07 classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for winter holidays

Holidays with 7 G.

Help the young and old.

Do not forget: January 16 school starts.

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for winter holidays

Holidays with December 30, 2016 to January 15, 201 7 G.

Dear friend! I want to remind you that during the winter holidays you should not forget about your safety and your health:

Obey the rules of the road. Know that the winter road is dangerous.

Do not go far from home without the permission of your parents, if you need to leave, warn your parents.

Carefully use the gas stove, electrical appliances, do not leave them unattended.

Be careful with fireworks, use them only with adults, do not use firecrackers. This is dangerous for your health.

Walk more in the fresh air: go skiing, sledding. Be careful during snowfall and ice.

Do not go on the ice far from the shore, do not come close to the hole.

Do not communicate with strangers, do not invite them into the house. - Do not touch abandoned bags or boxes.

Don't sit in front of the TV and computer. Read books, study subjects on your own.

Help the young and old.

Do not look for new adventures and sensations, rest safely. Remember! You are always welcome at home and at school!

Do not forget: January 16 school starts.

During the holidays, the responsibility for the life and health of children are the parents!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for spring break

Be attentive and careful on the carriageway, follow the rules of the road, the rules for using a bicycle.


Do not play in dark places, in landfills, vacant lots and in abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

If a suspicious object is found, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not play with stray animals. Wash hands after playing and before eating.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to water bodies and into the forest. Don't move to another location.

And don't forget:03 April classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for spring break

Dear Guys! From March 27 - holidays. In order not to overshadow the joy of rest, not to upset your loved ones, I want to remind you that during the holidays you should not forget the rules of personal safety.

Be attentive and careful on the carriageway, follow the rules of the road, the rules for using a bicycle.

Notgo out on the ice during the spring flood.

Being at home, be careful when handling sharp, cutting, piercing objects and electrical appliances; Do not play with matches or lighters.

Do not talk to strangers (strangers). Do not respond to signs of attention and orders from a stranger. Don't go anywhere with strangers.

Do not play in dark places, in landfills, vacant lots and in abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

If a suspicious object is found, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not play with stray animals. Wash hands after playing and before eating.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to water bodies and into the forest. Don't move to another location.

Make good use of your free time. Read more, repeat the material covered. Provide all possible assistance to your parents.

And don't forget:03 April classes begin.

I am waiting for you! Have a nice holiday!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for summer holidays



SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

Reminder for summer holidays

Dear friend! To benefit from summer vacation, be extremely careful and follow the rules of personal safety.

Follow the rules of the road, the rules for using a bicycle, be careful when crossing the street.

While at home, be careful when handling sharp, cutting, piercing objects and electrical appliances; do not play with matches or lighters.

Do not play in dark places, in dumps, wastelands and abandoned buildings, next to the railway.

Don't play after dark.

Without parental permission and without adult accompaniment, do not go to the pond and the forest.

Follow the rules of safe behavior on the water,Swim only in specially designated areas and during warm weather.

Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries.

- If you find a suspicious object, do not touch it, inform an adult.

Do not go anywhere with strangers and do not get into a car with them.

- Observe the time mode when watching TV and working on a computer.

Make good use of your time. Make friends with a book.

Provide all possible assistance to your parents.

I wish you a pleasant and safe summer vacation!!!

SW. parents! Take care of the life and health of your child during the holidays!

Cl. supervisor

Familiarized with the memo:

Student __________________________

Parents _________________________

And so another school year has flown by. Congratulations to everyone on the start of the summer holidays. I wish you a great rest, relax, soak up a lot of sun and a good summer mood. Gain strength, get positive emotions, improve your health, have fun and get a lot of wonderful experiences. See you next school year!

The long-awaited summer vacation has finally arrived. I want them to be fun and educational. The will to relax, but at the same time spend them to good use. Let every day be sunny and warm, joyful and unforgettable!

Congratulations on your summer holidays and I want to wish you incredible adventures this summer. An intense vacation filled with fun hiking, sea waves, sunbeams, bright colors, funny stories, unforgettable impressions and ringing laughter of wonderful friends.

Hurray, it happened, wait! Congratulations on your summer holidays. I wish you to turn off all the settings for study and school mode, go towards new adventures and fun fun, fly to your dreams and desires, racing with the wind and hand in hand with luck.

Congratulations on your summer holidays! There are three months of freedom ahead: no lessons, no school uniform, no homework, but only new friends, games and travel. I wish you bright, sunny, unforgettable moments! Grow up, smile at the summer, be healthy and happy!

Congratulations on the most long-awaited, brightest and hottest holidays. I wish to break away in full and not to expect miracles, but to be weird on my own. Smiles, fun, sea, sun and great weather!