How to say hello to a girl beautifully. What message to write to make a girl smile


Many people are faced with the question of what to write to a girl when meeting VKontakte. The opportunity to meet a girl on the Internet can help people who feel insecure when trying to meet on the street. In the 21st century, people are accustomed to trusting acquaintances in social network than in in public places. The social network guarantees pluses when meeting.

  1. protection from physical impact. When meeting on-line, you start a correspondence, and a personal meeting takes place after the consent of both opponents. The social network acts as a kind of protection between a girl or a guy who did not want a real meeting.
  2. The opportunity to get to know a person closer than in person. VKontakte pages contain a lot of information. Photographs (showing sometimes the entire life path person), places of stay (which show where a person lives and what places he has visited), people who are on the list of friends (you can find common acquaintances and remember a long-standing meeting at some event).
  3. Chance to postpone the meeting until a certain point. You can designate a circle of contacts and, after a long correspondence, agree to personal contact. This will help to get to know the interlocutor well before the meeting.

We get new culture social communication. A culture that challenges young people additional question, VKontakte, how to start a conversation online. Most of the younger generation no longer believes that just approaching a girl on the street - good idea, and the second half has no idea how to meet a girl on VKontakte. We will analyze all aspects of the new branch of social communication.

Correct filling of the profile in the social network

The page should contain a lot of information about you. Profiles that contain only a name and often no photo are regarded by users as “fake” (pages used by scammers to try to deceive users of a social network). Indicate gender, age, city where you live, upload photos. Tell us about yourself in the appropriate field, see what other aspects of your life you want to highlight in front of society. It is not necessary to fill in all the possible information that is in the profile, but the required minimum must be present.

Photography is a calling card

The face of your VKontakte page is a photograph. If you uploaded one old photo, no one will like it. Try to post fresh pictures, it is a good move to attach some photos of how you spend time with friends. Just try to share decent photos, I don’t think that a girl will show interest if there are two albums from the profile photo, “Bukhach at Max” and “Alcohol Marathon, Morning”.

Update your avatar, the updates in your profile will show that you are active and varied life, in most cases this will be another plus for a successful start of a conversation with a girl.

Lead an active social life

Pages with well-filled profiles look rather strange, beautiful photo on the avatar and an empty wall. As if a person has no position in life. Fill the space between photo collections with reposts from groups. You reflect interests on the wall: by looking at the wall of an active VKontakte user, you can find out his hobbies, sense of humor, see which girls or guys the page owner prefers.

Family status

How to start a conversation if you have a graph Family status stands “married”, and two children are noted as an addition to the picture. In no way am I suggesting that you hide your marital status, but you should remember that our goal is to establish communication with a representative of the opposite sex. Part of your personal life should not be exposed to the public. Interest the girl, and if communication is built in a positive way, open the cards to each other. It happens that the lady you decide to meet has children, and you can perfectly complement each other.

Real information

Do not write down real data in a profile, place of residence or phone. Real information is a double-edged sword, and all of them can negatively affect your chances.

  • Open access to real information - show scammers the way to the address and phone number. Disguised as a girl, a dishonest person may contact you and try to drag you into a scam.
  • Girls do not like available guys: by opening a phone number, you show that you are ready to give it to everyone. Try to hide this information, let it be a kind of quest for her, the prize for which will be an address, phone number or a personal meeting.

Friend list

IN latest updates our favorite social network has added the function of hiding contacts from the list of friends. Review your "friend list" and edit it. You will make a strange initial impression if you have only girls as friends. Nothing better than a huge number of people you don’t know who flooded the “Friends” tab on the page. The fact that most of them will be Internet traders and advertising bots will not add any pluses. Some men in this tab can also leave an ambiguous impression. We get the friends list recipe.

  • Beautiful girls. This is one of the must-haves. If you want to hit on a girl the right way, you need to make her feel proud about being added to your "friend list".
  • Friends. Try to keep friends close and successful people. Do not forget that girls and guys in your friends should be about 50/50.
  • Do not litter the list with a huge number of unfamiliar faces, the girl may think that you are a public person or an advertising bot that is added in order to pour another portion of unnecessary advertising into your chat.


Before learning what to write unknown girl VKontakte, prepare a foothold, that is, design a page in VK. Correctly fill in information about yourself. Post a certain amount different photos. Fill in the feed with the information you want to offer the girl as business card. Edit your friends list. And after that, start thinking, in the first message on VKontakte.

Start of correspondence


In detective slang, this is called "breaking the ground." Look at the information indicated in her profile.

  • Find out her interests. Hobby, what she does in her free time from work/study. This will help when choosing a topic for conversation, all girls, to one degree or another, like to chat about themselves, and asking the right questions, you will increase the chance that you will be answered by several times.
  • View photos, profile pictures, and albums that she has shared. Quite a lot of information can be found in this environment. You can find out what kind of vacation the person with whom you decide to start a correspondence prefers. If you saw several photo albums with trips to the forest, tents, backpacks and beautiful landscapes, which were clearly taken far away from the city, I don’t think she would be interested in going to a club or talking about a trendy DJ. In such cases, it is better to talk about field trips and the beauty of the mountains. You will be told various stories and it will take communication to the next level.

First post

The first message should generate interest in you, not necessarily immediately as a person with whom she wants to spend time alone. You can also show sympathy for an interesting interlocutor. Formulate main idea messages based on the information you found in the girl's profile. You can try to start the correspondence with a question that relates directly to her or the type of activity with which she associates herself. This is one of the main ways to interest a girl in communication.

If you are not a master of the pen and it is difficult for you to build long interesting conversations, just write that you have looked at her photos, read the posts on the wall, she seems attractive and positive, and you would like to get to know her better. Do not worry that you immediately blurted out the essence of your attempt to speak. In certain circles, honesty and openness in communication will only be a plus. Another positive moment this will be that the girl will immediately begin to consider you as a gentleman (there are situations when it is quite difficult to get out of the friend zone).

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Today it is possible and even necessary to get acquainted through the Internet! IN modern world many opportunities to communicate without borders. Place an ad on a dating site and wait. It is advisable to attach some high-quality photographs to it. This will allow the girls to look at you. When the lady has answered, try to write to her as soon as possible. Depending on whether you like her or not, you choose, In the first message, you need to either reject her or give her a chance. Although you are in control of the situation, try not to let the girl know about it. Answer softly: “Sorry, but I think I already found my one and only. Cheer up, better luck next time!”

Dating a girl on the Internet: an example

"Hey, let's get to know each other a little better. Tell about yourself. What do you like the most? What's annoying? What do you think about online dating? - after that, try to read at least two sentences from what she writes, and act on the basis of the information that is. Try to show participation and indulgence.

First meeting

Many young men are interested in the answer to the question of what to write to a girl in the first message. But few people think about the fact that you first need to get acquainted. Even the most sophisticated words may not work on a beauty if she does not know you. Therefore, first of all, you need to somehow get into her circle of friends. If you meet through social networks, send her a request to add you as "friends".

Social media

Modern Internet resources allow people to communicate at a distance and get acquainted with the young ladies they like. The appearance of the network solved the problem of where to meet girls. However, it should be noted that not all Internet users want to communicate, let alone dating.


If you are still interested in what to write to a girl in the first message, we offer step-by-step instructions.

1. Get yourself a good photo shoot. Girls, like men, "love with their eyes." Based on this, before writing a message, make sure that you have online beautiful photos. If you manage to attract the attention of your sweetheart, then the first thing she will want to look at you. Beautiful appearance and favorable angles - half the battle!

2. Determine what you need a girl for. Do you want a serious relationship from her or just sex without commitment? Some young men don't know how to behave just because they can't even model a goal. Everyone decides what to write to the girl. In the first message, you can just introduce yourself and say a couple of compliments.

3. Be different. Guys very often try to embellish the truth. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because in the case of closer communication, you will either be revealed and called a liar, or you will be in a stressful state, afraid that the truth will be revealed. Therefore, we recommend that you speak honestly at once. In order not to seem completely boring, try to joke.

4. Never start a conversation with a dirty joke or suggestion. This not only repels a person, but also spoils the mood. Try to be interesting and not boring.

5. Give detailed answers to questions. Monosyllabic phrases make the person feel like you don't want to communicate. When writing messages via the network, do not use a large number of emoticons.

6. It is desirable to make blank messages. This will allow you to send them to the girls you like as spam. Someone will reject, and someone will want to get to know each other better.

So, you are VKontakte. And the girl you like, too. Perhaps even she is your friend, but you keep waiting and waiting and waiting, you are shy, shy, you don’t know what to write to a girl in VKontakte, and what to talk about with her.

Or vice versa, you tease her trite questions and then she ignores you more and more. Either way, things are going badly because either you're not doing anything at all to seduce her, or you're doing it wrong, which is even worse.

Everything ingenious is simple!

First, it is important to understand that you should act, not her. . No need to wait until she deigns to write you a message or just takes an interest in your affairs. Even if the girl herself is added to you as a friend, you must help her start communication with you and write her something like “Peeping?)”. If it is not added, then even more so - you need to take it and start communicating with it! Read my article on how to feel more confident at this stage.

Secondly, you need to turn on fanaticism and figure out what you can write to a girl in VKontakte to hook her . This is where most of my readers have a question.

What should I write to her to make her interested in me?

I am convinced that writing to any, even the most beautiful girl, is a simple task. If you don't know what topics to bring up in a discussion, practice. Below I will give some examples to help you in the first step.

In fact, it is easy to communicate with girls. You don't have to be afraid of it. If you really don’t know what to talk about and what to write to a girl in VKontakte, then:

  1. You have no imagination at all
  2. You don't do anything at all

Because if you have any social activitytravelling, work, hobbies, hobbies, studying, walking your dog, meeting friends, playing sports- then you already have great topics for conversation with a girl. First, try not to ask the girl personal questions. Talk about socially relevant topics first. Discuss her dog, your dog, joke about it. See what you have in common. Only here there are forbidden topics, such as religion, politics and other difficult topics. You should also not argue with her, impose your point of view. Your task is to communicate easily and naturally in a positive way.

Be more positive than all the other guys who want to hook up with her. If after talking with you she still has a smile, then this is very good sign. She will continue to want to communicate with you, and not with anyone else.

Try not to be interested in her. Don't let her think that you are an evil fucker who enthusiastically looks at all her photos in Vkontakte (although I know that you are))). I'm serious, try to get the girl to be the first to show interest in you! And as soon as she shows interest, smiles at you, and you feel that communication is going with a bang - get out of Contact! Yes buddy get out of contact leave her hanging. If you use this technique correctly, then the girls will almost fight for you. It has been verified many times by me and my students who watched the video course "Secrets of Successful Dating VKontakte".

Most men are very stupid creatures. As soon as they see that the girl opened up to them a little bit, answered positively, they immediately begin to roll up to her too obviously, thinking that that's it, now there will be sex! Control your behavior! Most guys chat with a VKontakte girl and wait for her to say “Bye” first or just leave the network. And it's not right! To, you need to behave differently. Instead, you need in the midst of communication, when she thinks "oh what interesting guy, I want to know more about him ”take and be the first to cut off communication! Just write to her "Okay, nice to correspond with you, but I'm being distracted here, maybe we'll write later."

And that's it. You wrote to the girl on VKontakte, produced good first impression, made first contact, now just sit back and wait . Most likely, she will often look at your page and soon she will write to you “how are you?” the next time you're online. This works especially well if you managed to become.

And remember to avoid negative topics. The girl has enough of her own problems, so she shouldn’t complain, say that she’s sick, you’re bored, you’re mad at your boss or fucked up friends. Any negative girl will cut off.

Here are 5 good topics suitable for writing to a girl in VKontakte

Use these themes before proceeding to personal topics. They are superficial. Talk about yourself, about her, about the environment around, not affecting deep thoughts and feelings. Peculiar clues that allow you to stir up a girl.

1) Favorite music
Note: for example, you noticed a girl has a lot of photo reports from club parties and you can discuss the last disco of the 80s

2) Sports
Note: you noticed that she is engaged in the port, for sure it is important to her

3) Internet
Note: Discuss the place where you met - VKontakte, LiveJournal, ICQ.

4) Animals
Note: I usually show her a photo of myself with a cat. Themes of pets almost always go with a bang - cats, hamsters, dogs.

5) Events
Note: concerts, competitions, holidays that you or she visits and impressions from them

And, as a bonus, 5 deep questions, which you can write to a girl in contact after socially appropriate topics :

1) What do you enjoy in life?
Note: This question will make the girl relax so that your communication becomes more comfortable.

2) What do you feel when you dance with a new partner?
Note: Dancing is a mirror of the soul. By asking this question to a girl on VKontakte, you will awaken a feeling of attraction in her.

3) What job do you dream of? And where do you want to live?
Note: Great question to find out her life goals and make her dream.

4) What would you do if you won $1,000,000 in the lottery?
Note: This way you can determine her attitude towards money and financial priorities.

5) How do you see your life in 5 years?
Note: I just love asking this question to a girl, because she probably won't be able to answer it (90% of girls find it difficult to answer). But this unique opportunity demonstrate YOUR vision and show her your ambitious plans! Girls love promising guys.

As you can see, it's not hard to imagine interesting topic to write to a girl in Vkontakte. Use my tips to keep the conversation alive and interesting. By building a dialogue correctly, you will understand what kind of girl is in front of you, and you can easily take a phone number and meet her.

P.S. All working phrases and topics that will help you, if you still don’t know what to write to a girl in VKontakte, are in my video courses, which you will find on the blog pages.

Have a great day!

Talking to a girl is not so easy, if a guy sincerely liked her, the barrier to that will be excitement, embarrassment and fear of being rejected. It is much easier to get acquainted with the help of the Internet, where almost every second resident of the country and abroad is located today. It remains only to think in advance how to write to a girl in order to get to know each other and draw her attention to yourself.

Psychologists favor live communication, which is a plausible way to convey information, feelings and emotions, but due to the popularity of the Internet, young people like non-verbal communication through correspondence. Virtual communication actually has many advantages, in just a couple of clicks you can find beautiful girl, learn about it from the questionnaire and immediately start communication.

Preliminary work before writing

Despite the ease and simplicity of virtual communication, many guys cannot immediately decide what to write to the person they like for the first time in order to get to know each other and continue communication. Due to the great competition among guys who are ready to chat with girls, it is important for a man not to allow platitudes, to find interesting and acceptable topics for the first correspondence, as well as tricks on how to make a good impression.

In any business, the planning stage is important, that is, preparation, the same applies to dating a girl on the Internet. Before writing to a girl, a man must take a couple of steps:

  • clean up your account, fill in all the data in the questionnaire, indicate hobbies, interests, publish high-quality photos;
  • find the right girl from your city certain age, possibly by common interests and hobbies to make it easier to start a conversation.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

The first task that a man faces is to make a good impression of himself in order to attract the attention of a girl. To do this, it is not necessary to upload photos processed with Photoshop or even add other people's pictures of handsome men. Communication on the Internet with the prospect of a relationship will sooner or later lead to a logical outcome, that is, to a meeting, which means that it is stupid and inappropriate to deceive and embellish information about yourself.

Basic rules for online communication

Psychologists and pickup masters are ready to share their recommendations on how to write to a girl in order to immediately attract her attention and interest. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the first message, since the first words have genuine weight and importance.

Experts say that the message should contain short and concise information regarding 3 questions:

  • Who is the man, what is his name, how did he find this particular girl.
  • For what purpose does he want to meet, for example, have fun, find a girlfriend, invite her on a date and build relationships in real life.
  • The reason why the man paid attention to her, that is, what is common between the interlocutors, the features in her that the guy liked.

It is not necessary to keep just such a sequence of main points, the main thing is that the message should interest the girl as much as possible. The message should not be in the form of an endless sheet of letters, with complex sentences and phrases. A greeting is mandatory, as even informal communication requires respect for etiquette if we are talking about talking to a girl.

There is no need to scare the girl with large-scale plans, for example, the desire to marry and have children. It is enough to dwell on a simple desire for communication due to some points of contact. It can be general groups in social networks, hobbies of cinema or certain music. The main thing is to clarify what exactly she became different from others, since the man decided to write to her. If she realizes that she is special to him, the success of a man is guaranteed.

How to write a girl to get acquainted?

In order to immediately get into the field of view of a beautiful stranger in the vastness of the Internet, you need to make a choice of what phrases to say when meeting a girl. To do this, experts offer ready-made templates of phrases that unconditionally act on most girls. They can be used as a sample, but not just “copy-paste” from the Internet, but paraphrased in your own words.

For example:

  1. - the perfect way to melt a girl's heart and start a conversation. For example: “Hi, Irina. My name is Ilya, I accidentally stumbled upon your profile on the social network. Seeing your charming smile, I just could not pass by. As soon as the girl answers the message, you can exchange a couple of phrases and offer communication not on the Internet, which, for sure, will be appreciated by the girl as dedication and determination.
  2. Common interests- a reliable point of contact between young people, on the basis of which you can get to know each other. For example: " Good day, you Tatyana. I was looking for photos of Lake Baikal using the hashtag and came to your page. It turns out that we both went to the lake this summer, and we also live in the same city. May I ask you a couple of questions about your trip? By the way, my name is Dmitry. If the girl agrees to discuss the trip, you can offer to do this over a cup of coffee.
  3. Love for music (cinema, art, etc.)- another one common topic, which is the link. For example: “Hi, my name is Andrew. I saw your photos and videos from their concert in the RHCP fan community. I wanted to ask, what are your impressions after live music? One of these days the group will perform in my city, so I'm thinking whether it's worth going. What do you say?". Such a beginning will lead to the fact that the girl, as it were, will help the man with advice, and girls are very fond of taking care and helping.

In any case, thanks to the girl’s page on the social network, the posts on the wall, the communities and publics in which she is a member, all this data can be a good reason to get to know each other. The main thing is that communication starts easily and naturally, if a girl is embarrassed and behaves stiffly in a conversation, a man can use a sense of humor by telling funny stories from life or an anecdote.

Why not start a conversation?

If a man decides what first words to write to a girl in order to win her over, it is important for a man to get rid of stop phrases and words that repel girls. Experts give some of the most common male mistakes that are made when meeting girls on the Internet, for example:

  • platitudes- it is worth refusing messages like “hello, how are you, what are you doing”, since every second guy writes these phrases, causing the girl to feel longing and indifference.
  • Vulgar hints- you should not discuss the charms of her figure at the beginning of an acquaintance, talk about your desires and fantasies, otherwise the girl will get scared and put the man’s page on the black list.
  • Foul language and jargon- in communication with a girl with the help competent speech you can show your respect for her, which means that any jargon like “che” or “xs” should be deleted from the messages. If a girl ignores a guy or rudely sends him off, there is no need to stoop to rudeness and rudeness in her direction.
  • Grammatical errors- the lack of education and a man's understanding of the Russian language will repel a girl who will consider a man stupid, and therefore unpromising.
  • Deception- on the page of a man, only truthful information should be indicated. A fake page without information or with other people's photographs can repel.

By avoiding the above contraindications, a man will insure his communication with a girl from a fiasco and refusals on her part. In communication, you need to pay most of your attention to questions about the girl, rather than overwhelm her with information about yourself.

What to do next?

As soon as the girl responded to the man's offer to meet, you need to immediately move in the direction of the original goal. If a man was looking for a girl for a serious relationship, do not delay with virtual communication and correspondence, as this can lead to the loss of her interest. At the first manifestations of her enthusiasm and sympathy, you need to ask for her phone number and invite her on a date.

The moment when a girl is focused on her interlocutor can be quickly lost than longer man will lose, the more likely that the girl will refuse to meet. As soon as she agreed to a meeting, the man needs to analyze her character, interests and hobbies, choosing perfect date. Psychologists separately offer top lists of ideas for first dates with a girl. If the girl did not agree to the meeting, you need to continue communication.

Do you like meeting girls on social media?



Psychologists advise preparing in advance for meeting and communicating with a girl by adjusting your page, as well as studying her account on a social network. The first message should be capacious and concise, indicating the purpose of the acquaintance, desires and reasons why the man wrote to this particular girl. A spectacular pretext for dating will lead to the fact that the girl will not be able to leave a message unanswered. A man should remember that dating on the Internet is just a bridge on the way to a date with a girl in real life.

Many guys have a problem, they don't know what to write to a girl to make her feel good. It's not difficult when you know a person for a long time, but if you've known each other for several days, it's hard to guess which phrase will cheer her up and create the right impression. We will try to help, share our experience and imagination, as well as tips from experienced people.

What to write to a girl in the first message?

The most difficult thing is to start, the first letter is undoubtedly difficult to formulate, because there is a person whom you do not know at all, and often you have never seen. Therefore, you should be modest and avoid vulgarity in messages, but keep intrigue and originality:

  • “Today is suitable for a pleasant acquaintance, can it take place?”;
  • “Hello, I am also a fan of this group, tell me, on which site is it better to download their songs?”;
  • “I can’t solve this problem, can you help me?”;
  • “Hi, don’t you remember me?”;
  • “I need to make a gift to my sister, tell me what a 12-year-old girl might like?”;
  • “Hello, my name is Sergey, I am a member of the same group, so I wanted to get acquainted”;
  • “Today I dreamed of a beautiful stranger, and in the morning I accidentally saw your photo, are there such coincidences?”;
  • "Let's just become a friend and girlfriend?";

If you are really interested in her, study her page: what she likes, what groups she is in, what music she listens to. This will give you information with which to start dating.

How to proceed?

If she doesn't answer, don't insist, it means she doesn't want to. The girl replied with a phrase that suggests further communication - act. It all depends on the goals, if this is flirting for an easy relationship, then do not delay with poems and emoticons, throw in a few defining phrases:

  1. "Are you sad? I can brighten up the evening for a lonely girl”;
  2. “Baby, I care about your hot photos, do you want to meet?”;
  3. “You are cool and I’m not a miss, I think we’ll have a great time together, don’t you mind?”;
  4. “Ready to shine yourself on you, are you ready?”;

By answering them, she will immediately make it clear what she is ready for. But, when you are looking for a serious acquaintance - correspondence can last indefinitely, take your time, do not push, get to know the person and at the same time don't forget to compliment:

  • “Great photo, how did you manage to take such a picture?”;
  • “I rush here every time to spend an evening in a pleasant company”;
  • “I didn’t find a message from you today and got upset”;
  • “It is interesting for me to communicate with you on the Internet, I am sure that in life it is more interesting.”

Slowly probe her, talk less about yourself, if she is interested, she will take an interest herself, this will be a good sign.

This video shows some interesting original examples such messages, after which any girl will certainly melt:

What to write to a girl you like?

You have already met a little, maybe you are dating and so you want to please your beloved with a message during the day:

  • “They say that angels live in heaven and only occasionally descend to earth - I was lucky, I saw one yesterday”;
  • "The most beautiful eyes are now reading this message";
  • "The nicest thing I can do is think of you";
  • “Baby, when you are far away, days and nights last twice as long, and the sun does not shine so brightly, I want to be there”;
  • "The most best girl was with me tonight”;
  • “You see, the weather has deteriorated, because today you are sad, give people joy - smile”;
  • “You cured me of color blindness, now I see the world in bright colors”;

You can use these phrases as they are, you can change the meaning by adding an appropriate emoticon and a touch of humor for a good mood.

How to apologize in verse to a girl?

It happens that a guy offends a girl, and then it’s hard to find words of apology. Of course, it is better to personally ask for forgiveness, but sometimes there is no way and the Internet comes to the rescue.

Use the usual touching sentences:

  • “Forgive the fool, I was wrong, I’m afraid to lose you a lot”;
  • “I know that because of my mistake you are not sleeping now, I want to change everything that happened to be forgotten.”

Or send poetry :

I want you to shine with a smile

Forgive my mistakes!

My baby furrowed his brows

Excuse me for grief!

One left and miss

Alone now I'm on my way

It's not too late to admit your guilt

Forgive me, forgive me!

Darling, I'm sorry for the quarrel,

I admit that I'm guilty

I brought you a lot of grief

You smile - I will be glad!

I'm afraid to lose you

I will continue to be calm and affectionate,

Agree to walk with me

I stand under the balcony with flowers.

Of course, it all depends on the degree of guilt, but it is unlikely that a woman will be able to resist poetry (even not always with rhyme) and sincere apologies.

What can not be written to a woman?

There are phrases, after reading which the girl will not communicate with you. Usually this is either vulgar flirtations or self-exaltation. Below we give some examples:

  • « Hello, let's meet!"- This phrase is normal, but it gives the right to choose, this question can simply be answered:" No ";
  • « You probably won't reply to my message, but..."- a demonstration of insecurity, and this does not paint a man;
  • « Maybe I'm not your type”- this is never good for dating. How does she know what kind of person is writing the message if you are just trying to get to know each other;
  • « Baby let's have sex"- but everything is clear at once, but not for serious intentions. Some ladies will like this context if you are looking for it for these purposes. But when it takes a woman to build serious relationship or even a family, this sentence is best excluded;
  • « You have beautiful photos, but the content is just as beautiful?"- sounds defiant and if some accept the challenge, then most will add to the black list.

Try to be just a man in correspondence with a new acquaintance, communicate on an equal footing, do not belittle yourself and do not put “above” and everything will work out.

How to write a girl in an original way: "Hi"?

We are used to starting a letter with the word "hello", but you can also replace it for originality:

  • "You are so beautiful that I forgot to say hello";
  • “There is a thread, I want to make friends here”;
  • "What can you say about the phonetic analysis of the word?";
  • “Do you know that today is Saturday, and not yesterday or even tomorrow?”;
  • “Tell me, how many electrodes does a transistor have?”;
  • "Do you play chess? Me not.";
  • "Tryam";
  • "Hello" - in Bulgarian.

There are many original phrases, greetings sound good on foreign languages or "terrible" sentences from physics or other complex sciences, they speak of you as an intellectual person. It is difficult to guess right away what a particular girl will like, information from her page on a social network can help.

So, we suggested what to write to a girl so that she would surely be pleased, the rest is up to you. Be gentle but assertive when you're making acquaintances, modest and ingratiating when you're apologizing.

Video: funny attempts to meet

In this video, Daniil Rogozin will show 20 funny tricks in a girl, written in VK: