School uniform like in Japan. School uniforms in Japan: a success story

Choice of colors

Uniforms are often not required in elementary schools. Where it is, boys usually wear white shirts, short white, navy blue, or black shorts and caps. For girls, the school costume may consist of a long gray skirt and a white blouse. Dress code may change depending on the season. Bright hats are common - both among boys and girls.

boys wear gakuran- trousers (or shorts) and a dark-colored jacket with a stand-up collar. The uniform of girls in most schools is called "sailor fuku" and resembles a sailor's suit. This is a shirt and a skirt. The female uniform also includes socks, a sweater, a scarf and even underwear.

There are certain rules regarding the form. So, for example, boys are required to wear shorts both in winter and summer, up to the seventh grade, when they are given trousers. Girls, on the other hand, go barefoot all year round, and they are required to come to the line with the director of the school, which is held three times a week, in a jacket, even if it is hot outside.

To the form, large bags or briefcases that are the same for everyone are usually also given. So they can only stand out with accessories, so it was from Japan that the fashion came to hang all sorts of baubles on bags, mobile phones and clothes.

Only low-heeled shoes, socks almost knee-length are allowed to be worn with the uniform. By the way, so that long socks look “lowered”, but at the same time stay on their feet, they are glued to the legs with special glue. This "glue for socks" is very popular among schoolgirls. The only disadvantage of the glue effect is that when moving, the socks can peel off and move, so the girls carry glue in their bags just in case.

So, japanese school uniform in middle and high school, it traditionally consists of military-style uniforms for boys and sailor suits for girls. This uniform is based on the military dress of the Meiji period, modeled after European naval uniforms. At the same time, many schools are moving to school uniforms similar to the Western ones worn in parochial schools. It includes a white shirt, tie, school crest sweater and pants for boys and white blouses, ties, school crest sweaters and plaid woolen skirts for girls.

Gakuran - Japanese school uniform for boys

or tsume-eri- men's uniforms in many middle and high schools in Japan. The gakuran is usually black in color, but may be dark blue or brown in some schools.

Gakuran comes from a type of Prussian military uniform. The word is a combination of hieroglyphs gaku meaning "learn" or "student", and run meaning Holland or, historically in Japan, the whole West in general; Thus, gakuran translates as "Western student". The same clothes are worn by schoolchildren in South Korea and were worn in China until 1949.

Sailor fuku sailor suit - Japanese school uniform for girls

Matroska- A common type of uniform worn by girls in middle and high school and sometimes in elementary.

It was first introduced as a school uniform by the rector of Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University, Elizabeth Li. It was based on the British Royal Navy uniform from the time Lee was an exchange student in the UK.

Unlike the gakuran, the sailor suit has many different appearance variations. Usually the uniform consists of a blouse with a sailor collar and a pleated skirt. Depending on the season, the details of the costume may vary: different sleeve lengths and material. A ribbon is sometimes tied in front, stretched through a loop on a blouse. Instead of a ribbon, a tie, bow or neckerchief can be used. The most common colors for uniforms are: dark blue, white, gray, light green and black.

Shoes, socks and other accessories are sometimes also part of the uniform. Socks are usually dark blue, white or black. Shoes are brown or black.

Some schools are quite famous for their uniforms. Often the form is associated with carefree youth.

The sailor suit plays a big role in culture. There are many anime, manga and doujinshi with characters wearing school uniforms.

Here I will talk about everything that I managed to learn about the Japanese school uniform: about its types, about the attitude towards it, and much more.

So the Japanese word for uniform is 制 服 (seihuku/seifuku).
General name of the school uniform: 学生服 (gakuseihuku / gakuseifuku - characters are different from 制服seihuku / seifuku).
Uniform in high school ブレザー (bureza- / bureza).
Traditional Japanese uniform for schoolchildren - 学ラン (gakuran/gakuran)
セーラー服 (se-ra-huku / serafuku) is the traditional school uniform for schoolgirls. Year by year, the number of schoolgirls who wear this uniform is decreasing, but still it is still quite common ...

parent's opinion:
Japanese parents believe that school uniforms help people recognize social class at a glance and protect students on the street. However, the students themselves do not want to be forced to wear uniforms even after school.

student opinion:
Among children, you can also find different opinions regarding the school uniform ... Some see its positive points: “Thanks to the school uniform, you don’t have to choose clothes in the morning”, “It has a good design”, “I like the traditional school uniform!”. Others look at her from a negative point of view: "The school uniform is unpleasant to wear", "It has too old design"... In general, each student has his own attitude towards the school uniform...

All Japanese uniforms must have the emblem of the school).

Japanese schoolgirls are also distinguished by their athletic uniforms. It includes a white tank top and sports mini shorts. (Sometimes they are drawn even shorter and red)

In schools with swimming pools, school swimsuits have been introduced, most often they are blue.

Gakuran or tsume-eri is the male uniform in many middle and high schools in Japan. Usually gakuran is black, but in some schools it can be dark blue or brown.

In Japan, a very popular shoe brand is HARUTA. It produces school shoes - below is an example. As you can see - exactly the same as in the anime)

What else is on the feet of schoolgirls? Of course, socks. Long, black (In the anime, they are also drawn in dark blue and white, of different lengths).

On the neck, on top of the blouse, a bow, tie, or scarf is hung around the neck. Bows come in all shapes and sizes! Would you like one like this?)

Bags that Japanese women carry with them to school. As you probably already guessed, like the shape, everyone's bags are the same (or almost), so hanging a lot of baubles on them is an option! To make the bag more beautiful and not get lost among others. It was from Japan that this fashion came - to hang fennies on bags.

The skirts of Japanese schoolgirls are long, but sewn in such a way that they can be tucked up while wearing, and they barely peek out from under the jacket.

The inscription in the picture with yellow:
Beautiful style.
Will you fix it soon? Skirt length.
The inscription on the pink picture:
Diligent study and a skirt - from motivation even lengthen.

The school uniform in Japan has gone from a prestigious sign of the highest circles to trendy clothes in a little over a hundred years. During this time, it has not changed much, but the attitude to the form has changed constantly. Today, the school uniform in Japan has become one of the most popular, which is worn not only in educational institutions, but also outside the school.

History of Japanese school uniforms

Oddly enough, Japan, once a country of traditions closed to prying eyes, did not become the inventor of its own school uniform. Unlike India, where some schools have a uniform color sari for everyone, in Japan they did not use kimonos. In the last third of the 19th century, Japanese educational institutions borrowed the idea of ​​a school uniform from Europe. So, in 1885, for the first time, it appeared which was the first to be put on by students of the Imperial University in Tokyo. Since then, the school uniform in Japan has become mandatory for all educational institutions, both schools and universities.

What is this form?

There is a common name for school uniform - gakuseifuku. In addition, there are varieties: clothes for boys are called gakuran, for girls - serafuku. The male uniform is a white shirt, dark trousers and a jacket. It is believed that this type of clothing was "peeped" from the Prussian soldiers of the 19th century. The school uniform for girls is a combination of a white shirt and a dark jacket or vest. Girls complement their school outfit with a tie or bow to match the skirt and golfs.

Popularity Secrets

The greatest interest and delight is, of course, the school uniform for girls. This is not surprising, because for several years now it has been one of the symbols of modern Japan. As already mentioned, the school uniform in Japan, the photos of which are presented in this article, was either at the peak of popularity, or it gained ardent opponents.

So, the Japanese uniform at one time suffered the fate of the Russian one: schoolgirls did not want to wear it, many dreamed of standing out from the rest with the help of their clothes. The school uniform received a new round of interest thanks to anime and manga about student life in Japan, in which, among other things, the uniform was also depicted. Japanese girls, having seen the success of cartoon girls in school costumes, decided that this was a great chance to become more popular both at school and beyond.

So the school uniform in Japan, the pictures of which made it a new fashion hit, became in use not only within the walls of an educational institution, but also in everyday life. Schoolgirls prefer to buy clothes that look like uniforms and wear them for evening outings with friends or going shopping in them. Fashion designers are trying to diversify the styles and materials of school uniforms. Often Japanese girls themselves add unusual details to their costume. Thus, having become incredibly popular, the school uniform was able to please both the younger generation, striving for individuality and originality, and directly educational institutions, because schoolchildren are now happy to wear the required costume.

So, the school uniform in Japan today is not just a suit that distinguishes a student from the rest of the classes of society, it is also trendy and popular clothing.

Surprisingly, but true: Japanese schoolchildren and students love uniforms. Few of them seek to throw it off their shoulders, just stepping on the threshold of their home after class. The Japanese school uniform is unique both in appearance and in the principle of creating ensembles.

The type of school uniform was modeled on the Meiji era and is a sailor style for girls and a military style for boys. In the middle of the 20th century, the style of the uniform began to change, acquiring a more European bias, however, in 2012, more than 50% of secondary schools in Japan still use the sailor style. The Japanese uniform is interesting in that there is no single strict uniform that all students in the country must wear. Each has its own form, which changes depending on the season and has accessories that make it attractive.

There are different schools in Japan: public and private. They differ not only in the form of financing, but also in the severity of the rules. Nevertheless, in almost every school, students are required to attend classes in specialized clothing - a school uniform.

Its appearance is determined by the rules of the educational institution. Municipal schools are not very strict about the clothes of their students. Children are allowed to go to class in normal jeans. But in private everything is very strict. Children are taught respect for the school. Wearing a uniform is a kind of sign of dedication to the school.

The costumes of boys and girls were created on the basis of the sailor uniforms of the British military. They consist of various elements: trousers and skirts; tunics, jackets or jackets, sweaters and vests, shirts and blouses. The set also often includes knee-highs or socks of a special color, even bags are offered to be purchased in one type (not everywhere).

The school uniform in Japan is distinguished by a variety of sets assembled from typical elements. In municipal educational institutions they are simpler, in private ones they include more toilet items and accessories. The cost of the sets also varies. It can go up to 100,000 yen.

School uniform for girls

Young ladies in all countries strive to decorate themselves, stand out from the crowd. Oddly enough, school uniforms help Japanese schoolgirls in this.

It usually consists of a plaid or plain pleated skirt. The length of this toilet item is also strictly regulated. So, it is believed that the hem should be 15 cm above the knees. This is the ideal length. Recently, however, Japanese girls have fallen in love with midi. Some schools have allowed skirts to be made longer.

The kit also includes shirts with guis (marine wide collars). Their appearance, shape and color are established by the school charter.

In addition, some educational institutions offer students special-shaped jackets, shirts, vests or jumpers for the cold period. By the way, girls prefer to wear warm clothes of modest colors. Among them, beige, gray, black, blue prevail.

  • Accessories and shoes

Students are required to go to class with bare feet. It is permissible to warm up only with socks. The classic form includes knee-high socks. Their color is in harmony with uniforms.

Today's schoolgirls deviate from strict rules. They get socks to the middle of the calf or very short ones. This is the spirit of the times. Also in Japan, accordion leggings are popular. So that they do not fall on the shoes, the girls glue them with a special tool.

School bags also have a strict look. Sometimes an educational institution obliges to acquire a portfolio only of a certain form and firm. They are usually made of leather and polyethylene. Recently, backpacks have become fashionable among schoolgirls. However, schoolgirls' bags always have a modest, discreet look. Decorate them with baubles. It was Japanese fashionistas who gave this trend to the world.

The strictness of the rules does not apply to shoes; rather, tradition operates here. Japanese girls prefer moccasins. Shoes are black or brown. Heels are minimal. By the way, stilettos or a platform are considered bad manners at school. Everyone walks in comfortable shoes with a flat sole or with a small heel.

School uniform for boys

Young people in Japan are also not offended by the diversity in their choice of outfits.

It's interesting that . They are somewhat different from ours. So, in elementary school they study for six years. Eleven-year-old or twelve-year-old children go to the middle. There they study science for another three years. The senior level is not required. Adolescents 15-16 years old go into it. The training continues for three more years.

And this is important in the sense that during the period of study in elementary school, shorts are required for boys. They are worn all the time: in winter and summer. The same elements complement the form as for girls:

  1. jackets or jackets;
  2. sweaters or vests;
  3. shirts with sailor collars or other elements.

Uniforms for boys and girls do not always have the same color. Some educational institutions offer their students to walk in strict suits. The main set includes: trousers (skirt), jacket, shirt (white mostly). You can complement it with a jumper or vest. Clothing color: blue, gray, black.

However, there are schools developing more complex kits. For example, boys are dressed in a strict suit (gakuran), consisting of a frock coat with buttons up to the throat, shorts or blue trousers. Girls are offered a gray-blue checkered skirt. She is accompanied by a blue uniform jacket, for example, in color.

  • Bows, ties, scarves, scarves

Pupils are supposed to observe the full ensemble established by the charter. It usually includes a tie for boys and a bow for girls. Both elements are sewn from the same fabric, have colors that are in harmony with the shape. Sometimes this element is replaced with a neckerchief. In some schools, only girls wear ties, while young men wear frock coats buttoned up to the neck.

Interestingly, such a rigor of wardrobe elements is not necessarily in all educational institutions. Some strictly describe the set, students - violators are punished or not allowed to attend classes. Parents need to purchase a uniform in a special store.

Other schools just make the rules. Their students can buy clothes in a regular store. By the way, in many shopping centers there are departments offering a variety of uniforms out of order. From it you can make your own set to taste and size.

The difference between the clothes of older and younger students

The form varies depending on the age of the students.

Toddlers are usually dressed in shorts and short skirts with jackets. Color of elements: dark blue or brown.

Older boys and girls dress differently. Sailor suits are introduced already in high school. Young ladies acquire several types of special uniform blouses: with sleeves of different lengths, for example. Each for its season. For boys, different shirts are also required, designed for any weather.

Kids take off their jackets when it's hot. They are only allowed to wear a shirt. At the same time, skirts and shorts are supplied with suspenders to keep them on slender figures. In middle and high schools, the rules are stricter. If the uniform kit includes, for example, a vest, it cannot be removed even in hot weather. The rule applies mainly to private educational institutions.

In elementary school, children wear mostly satchels. Teenagers are switching to uniform bags. If the child is fond of sports, he is allowed to wear a branded backpack or bag. By the way, there are no changing rooms in Japanese schools. Sportswear is worn under the uniform in order to prepare without hesitation for a physical education lesson or participation in competitions.


Each school has a signature element: a cap, a hat, a peaked cap or a panama hat. Its type depends on the educational institution and the level of education. Toddlers can walk in panama hats, and a cap is put on for the elders, for example. Some schools create an ensemble close to the military. This is complemented by a stylized cap. Wearing a headdress is also mandatory.

Why form?

Young people respect uniforms. It emphasizes belonging to an educational institution. They decided to introduce it more than one hundred and fifty years ago. The idea was simple: children should not focus on the inequality of parents who are not able to dress their offspring in the same way. Everyone has the same clothes, which means that children pay more attention to classes.

In addition, uniforms, like the rules of school life, contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism in children. It should be noted that the composition of the classes changes every year. It is believed that this way children communicate more with each other, acquire communication skills. And this, in turn, leads to the creation of an atmosphere of patriotism in relation to the educational institution.

  • Anime school uniform

The Sailor Fuku uniform holds a special place in otaku culture. Many anime, manga, doujinshi characters wear it. For example, there is a character - an ordinary Japanese schoolboy. As a rule, this is the main character of the anime, who, in the course of the plot, is given the opportunity to save the whole world from a terrible catastrophe. In school uniform, as a rule, bishōjo appears. This is a high school student, distinguished by outstanding external data. The whole plot revolves around her beauty and talents.

Japanese school uniforms for every taste and wallet can be chosen in the online store

The Japanese themselves are very responsible and correct people. In their lives, they think everything through, and of course the school uniform has an important place in this habit. seifuku- that is the name it bears in Japan. It is the same for all educational institutions and is considered a standard for every student.


Japan is a country filled with history. Therefore, even the school uniform has its own colorful history. Back in the 19th century, school uniforms began to appear for the first time. From that time to the present day, it is considered mandatory for everyone. Elementary school can be called an exception, because in some institutions it is optional, although there are other rules.

The uniform in this country not only has a gender difference, but it is always different for junior, middle and high schools. Toddlers wear shorts and shirts, according to the principle dark bottom and always white top, on the head must be a blue or black cap. The girls wear blue or gray trousers, again with light, mostly white shirts. But as mentioned earlier, there are no strict rules in terms of form.

School uniform in high school

And here wearing a uniform in high school is compulsory. Rules set by management must not be broken. Boys wear military-style suits, and girls wear sailor suits. This fashion came out because of the beautiful uniform of European sailors, which was once liked by Japanese fashionistas, but this rule takes its roots in the era Meiji. The sailor suits were introduced by Elizabeth Lee, who studied in Europe and later took over one of the school uniforms. The variation was different at the time.

The most popular colors are dark blue and white top. Sleeve length is determined by each school individually. Some schools have switched to a European style uniform consisting of a shirt, tie and sweater. Usually the school logo is on the sweater. Boys wear trousers, and girls in this style, a woolen skirt. This form is called gakuran in the country. In translation, the word "gakuran" sounds like "Western student."

Asian countries have been using standard clothing in schools for many years. As well as in Japan, in South Korea, schoolchildren and students wear special clothes and follow the established procedures. Once upon a time, school uniforms were also popular in China, though only until 1949.
The school uniform in Japan is not just a piece of clothing and a “rule”, it is a story that children willingly follow.

She is also often seen in Japanese films.