A love plot for a gift will help you get what you want. Gift conspiracy - correct and effective rituals


It's no secret that the most effective conspiracies- those in which there is direct contact with the purpose of the rite, especially if they are directed at other people. That is why most effective and powerful rituals carried out with the help of the thing of the person on whom the conspiracy is being carried out. In such cases, it becomes necessary that then this thing or object be carried with you or at least touched.

Modern practicing magicians resorted to cunning and, based on ancient treatises, created a new branch of magic spells - conspiracies for gifts. Read more about what to choose as a gift and how to speak it in our article.

What can you say gift?

Gift conspiracies are multifunctional rituals due to their versatility. Among other things, Such rituals have a number of advantages:

  • gifts are nice to receive. In addition to the conspiracy carried out, you will please dear person or you can build relationships with a conflicting acquaintance;
  • gifts are nice to give. The feeling of self-satisfaction and the delight of the recipient will overwhelm you along with the joy of fulfilling the desired;
  • as a gift, you can choose almost any item;
  • the charmed gift will become a wonderful amulet and amulet;
  • a new thing is ideal for donating, and you don’t have to beg, or worse, steal someone else’s;
  • no need to look for an extra excuse to give something to someone.

Having decided on the usefulness of such a ritual and its convenience, it's time to proceed to the main thing - choosing a goal. The gift can be spoken in:

  • love;
  • health;
  • good luck
  • protection.

Few people know, but it is also possible to conduct a ceremony to receive a gift back. By setting ultimate goal and having presented the initial result, one must choose an object suitable for the conspiracy. Suitable as a gift:

  • clothes. Good option - something for daily wear, bad option- shoes;
  • accessory. A belt or a watch will do, not suitable: a tie, an umbrella, a handbag;
  • decoration. Preferably a ring or bracelet, undesirable - a chain or pendant, absolutely not - earrings and a necklace under the neck;
  • souvenir. Do not choose figurines that are chipped, beaten, vulgar or with a bad meaning.

You can speak a gift for love for both men and women. Moreover, the ritual in both cases is identical and one spell is suitable. The only difficulty lies in choosing the gift itself, since only a thing reminiscent of love, but not a symbol of it, is suitable for it. This rule can be circumvented by giving, for example, a cup with a pair of small hearts, a large red terry towel or a sweater with interlaced rings around the border. will be too obvious Teddy bear or decorative pillow in the shape of a heart. Approach the choice of a gift with intelligence and imagination, but do not overdo it. Promise higher powers and the subject of sighing should be clear, but not intrusive.

The ceremony is performed during the new moon. Having bought the selected item, do not pack it on the spot, you can do it later on your own, but the conspiracy should be carried out directly on the thing itself in close contact.

In the evening, place a gift on a red cloth, light a candle nearby and stand opposite. You need to repeat the spell nine times, because the number nine is a symbol of spiritual love.

“I will give you a gift - I will hand over my heart, as you take it in your hands - you will remember me, but with a kind word, affectionate and in love. Let mine be kept by you, and in return, love me and honor me, so that we can be together and not know grief. As I say, so be it."

Pack the item carefully and give it to your soulmate or the person you like. Soon the love energy of the gift will be transferred to him and he will begin to show reciprocal feelings.

For health and good luck

Are you going to speak a gift for health or good luck? The best option there will be a rite that allows you to feed the object with light energy at the astral level, transforming it into an amulet. Suitable as an amulet:

  • precious jewelry, mainly of silver, excluding earrings and necklaces;
  • coins on a chain;
  • beads;
  • brooches;
  • watch.

You can make an amulet with my own hands, speak it and give it. Such a talisman will be able to perform several functions at once, including protective. Also a definite plus in the ability to independently choose the appropriate design. Usually natural resources are used in the manufacture of amulets:

  • wood;
  • skin;
  • wood resin;
  • clay;
  • metals;
  • natural stones.

Having chosen an amulet or having created it, one should proceed to the conspiracy. Take five candles, color, thickness and shape do not matter. Arrange them, forming a circle, and place an object in the center. Light candles, and always with one match. Start reading the universal spell:

“I speak, I speak (the name of the thing), I turn it into an amulet, I endow it with miraculous supreme power. For luck and success, health and wealth, happiness and love (you can choose your goals, there must be exactly six of them) and for protection from evil and the machinations of enemies. Let him keep and protect, add energy, only bring joy, and drive away false enemies. As I say, so be it. I seal the amulet, lock it with words, throw the key into the water!”

Leave the candles to burn out to the end, put the cinders together, wrap them in red cloth and hide them away from prying eyes. It is better to give a gift in a natural wrapper.

If you want all the powers of the amulet to speak for a specific target, namely speedy recovery or good health, the following conspiracy will suit you:

“Sickness - away, trouble - beyond the threshold, illness - out the window! I drive it away, I sweep it with a broom, I remove it from the patient. As long as the amulet is with him, let him not know aches and colds, let the pain pass by, only peace remains. My words are the law, so be it!”

It is carried out in the same way as the previous one. And for a ritual for good luck, instead of five candles, seven are used, which are a symbol lucky number, and pronounce:

“Fortune I pray and conjure, I ask for good luck! Enclose your exorbitant strength in this amulet with your soul chosen (created)! Let success follow him everywhere and be attracted to his owner, so that every day is full of joys and victories. Hear me and fulfill your desire, as I say, so be it!

Conspiracy to give gifts

Dreaming of a mink coat or a new ring? Then you need to read the plot so that your beloved gives gifts. Moreover, it is not necessary to carry out the ceremony on some thing. You can read the following spell on a glass of water:

“I want, I turn, I torture the water! I want a gift from my husband (boyfriend, beloved)! Let him give me a fur coat, bring a ring, bring a car, pick roses! As I want, so he wants to present a gift and put it at his feet! Said one (stomp your foot), said two (repeat), said three (stomp your foot again). My words are law to him!”

In magic, gifts are used quite often. Together with any object, a person transmits his own energy. It is assimilated by those who are affected, the better, the more pleasant emotions he experiences.

Therefore, the rite must be approached thoughtfully. The gift is chosen carefully so that the victim likes it.

Of course, absolutely any intention can be conveyed with a gift. Often bad people, for example, damage. We will not engage in such black deeds.

Consider the cases when it is necessary to achieve the location of a person. For this, it is especially selected nice gift. It is spoken and handed over to the victim of the ritual.

Conspiracy for a gift to a loved one

Before performing the ritual, it is important to establish your own energy connection with the subject that you are going to present native person. It must be purchased two weeks before the date of delivery. Let it stay in your field.

If the item is small, then carry it with you, placing it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart. So your energy will be absorbed into it.

The plot is read on the growing moon.

  1. Light two candles. Place the gift between them.
  2. While they are flickering merrily, think about what exactly you want from your loved one. Most often, a gift is spoken of for loyalty, affection, well-being.
  3. When you decide, read the formula. Just don't blow out the candles. Let them light up your gift until they go out on their own.
  4. Then wrap this item in red cloth. Until the moment of donation, let it lie like that.

“My love, my destiny! I give myself to you as a gift! Keep fidelity, sing love, don't give me a reason to be jealous! As your hand touches the gift, so together we will fly beyond the clouds! Amen!"

Man, guy

To get attention young man, he is also preparing a pleasant gift. He can be anyone. Most often earlier. But, in principle, any thing can be used to convey your intention.

  • Buy a pack of poppies on Thursday.
  • Go with her to the Temple. There, open it so that it absorbs the prayed air.
  • If you are going to speak a gift during the poppy season, then ask the priest to bless the seeds.

The ceremony is also held on Thursday, men's day.

  1. Place the gift on a wide handkerchief. It must be brand new.
  2. Sprinkle with poppy seeds and say the words of the conspiracy.
  3. Tie a handkerchief and leave it like that until it's time to present it to the guy.
  4. As you begin to get it, make sure that a few poppy seeds stick to the little thing. This will strengthen the effect of the conspiracy.

Formula words:

“The grains filled with the sun, they ripened in the box, they sat down to collect them. As they were recruited by the sun, so the heart of the Lord servant (name) is filled with happiness, ignited with love. He takes a gift, he gives his heart. The grains were poured, they turned into love in the soul. Amen!"

As a gift to mother-in-law

For this relative, a gift is prepared so that she is affectionate and understanding. And sometimes relationships with her are not easy.

A mother sometimes overprotects her offspring. She believes that his wife offends him, does not love him, and so on.

To condemn her and this is most likely not right. She's also worried. She raised her son, loved, cared for, and he got some kind of "flip-tail".

Scandals in this situation will not help. But gifts and treats will help soften the mother's heart.

And besides magical influences, it makes sense. A woman will understand that her son got good girl into a wife. She will calm down and stop pestering you with her nagging.

Choose a gift that is pleasant and not cheap. Even if you don't have money, borrow. Mom needs to be pleased. Otherwise, the magic won't work.

Letters from our readers

Topic: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. Not for children once again toys, new things you can’t buy, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

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But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Find a couple of minutes to this information.

The ceremony is performed on the middle day (Wednesday). You need to speak a thing before sunrise. Say the formula, place the gift at the doorstep and let it lie there until a reason to present it turns up.

“Holy Wednesday, you pass the cities, you looked into the villages, you boldly dived into the pool. You walk all over the earth, there are no barriers for you. In the middle of the day everyone is happy. Look into your mother-in-law's window, fill your heart with her love. Bring peace to the house, so that love flows like a river! Remove quarrels between us, so as not to raise your voice, not to know disagreements. Amen!"


A gift to a person who can influence your destiny is spoken on Monday.

  1. Prepare a gift.
  2. At home, put it in a beautiful box.
  3. Light six candles at night.
  4. Open the box, take out the gift, say the formula to it six times without interruption.
  5. Place back in container and close.

It should already be taken out of the box. Otherwise, the energy will be lost.


“Three merchants rolled down the porch. They ran into the distance, as if they were on fire. They saw the treasure and ran after it. Only gold is hidden from merchants. Closed by a hundred locks. I open it, and send it to a strong merchant. Let him become kinder with joy, he does not dare to look at me fiercely. Let him speak kindly to me, but thank you for the treasure. Amen!"

To get rid of someone else's program passed in, you need to know what it is. She will have to get rid of it.

To do this, the gift is taken out of the house, kindled a fire and thrown into the fire. In this case, you need to say the following formula:

“I cleanse with fire, I protect from evil and anger. I leave my own, I give someone else's fire. I thank you for the good, I don’t scold you for the bad, I send him back. Whoever wanted to harm me, to be in trouble himself. Burn the fire harder, let trouble burn in it. Don't ever come back here! Amen!"

If you don’t know what exactly was the carrier of negativity, then burn any gift from the person who wishes you harm.

Sometimes a person cannot remember how he received this or that thing from an ill-wisher. Then they simply take the object that his hand touched.

But it is still desirable to get rid of the very carrier of the negative, that is, from the gift. If a thing cannot be burned completely, then part of it is set on fire, and everything else is thrown away.

Love magic is able to create a miracle, and make the object of sighing turn its gaze in the direction you need. However, you should not get carried away too much and rush headlong to carry out rituals. Do not forget that even a simple love spell on a gift can bring a lot of problems in the future with mental health. Before you decide on such actions, seriously study the issue and ask yourself: “Do I really need this?” You can make someone fall in love with a gift, but is this the kind of love you want?

In this article:

Everything you need to know about love spells

All spells, on the love spell of a loved one with the help of a forcibly imposed sensation, act in approximately the same way. A love spell gradually replaces real feelings with artificially created ones and a loved one begins to get lost in his actions. He begins an incomprehensible craving and longing, accompanied by an increased heartbeat.

In this case, a love spell for a gift to a loved one becomes ideal remedy. Having an object received from your hands in the house, sooner or later he will stumble upon it and from that moment his condition will begin to improve. The subconscious of a man instantly builds a logical chain: bad, hard - a gift - easy, pleasant. Every time you hold a gift in your hands, your loved one will think of you, and will soon realize that he is in love.

The only drawback of such a tool is the tie to things. If the gift is lost or destroyed, then the effect of the love spell on love will instantly stop. Then a surprised and bewildered person will appear before you, who will not linger near you for a long time. Is there a ritual? Yes, but, unfortunately, not for a present, because things are not eternal.

How to choose a gift for the ritual?

If you decide that you are ready to resort to the help of magic, then adopt a few simple rules.

  1. The present that will become the main link cannot be someone's gift.
  2. The guy should get new thing bought shortly before.
  3. The object must be chosen from unbreakable material. Especially if you want to make a love spell that cannot be removed, because if the thing breaks, the spell will dissipate.
  4. Have no eyes (toys disappear immediately).
  5. Do not emit specific odors (perfume, spices, household chemicals).
  6. Have a small size.
  7. Beloved should not be in another city at this time.

Love spell on candles

This ritual will make you run, but it is considered the most powerful and effective.

You will need:

  • Wax;
  • Thick threads;
  • Earth;
  • Matches;
  • Silver spoon (optional)
  • A piece of red fabric;

The most important element of the conspiracy will be a candle. It must be done by hand. To do this, you need to go to the church and collect the melted wax from the candles. Be careful where you get your material from. Take where they light for health or in a neutral place. If taken from a place where they put to rest, the consequences will be unpredictable. Land must be taken anywhere except the intersection.


No one magical rite does not come without consequences for the one who did it. Instead of the usual sociable and cheerful young man, you can see a dull and boring one. Yes, he will love you, but he will lose interest in life. On your part, love for such a person will also not last long and it will be your turn to pay. It can be mild ailments, and depression, and a breakdown.

What if the man left?

If for some reason the love spell has ceased to work, and your chosen one has left you, then in no case do a new love spell. This can already threaten real serious problems with your health. Go to church and pray to the Holy Virgin Mary. A love spell on a gift is certainly a sin, but not so serious as to wear it in your soul for the rest of your life.

Reverse ritual on matches

If it so happened that you are no longer able to live with a bewitched person, then you can perform a reverse ritual.

You will need:

  • Holy water.
  • New nightgown.
  • Joint photo.
  • Matches.
  • Black marker.

In the photo, cross out your image crosswise. Set fire from the first match (if it doesn’t light up, move it to the next day) and start reading the plot while the fire is burning. At this time, you need to look at the smoke. CONSPIRACY:

Love goes with the smoke
Go away and you are loved
We won't be together anymore
You must love me
How fast the water dries
So quickly your love dies.

After a new shirt, moisten abundantly with holy water and sprinkle with ashes. Be sure to wear until the shirt dries on the body. After that, within a few days, you will part without scandals.

Throughout the history of the world, men and women have learned to understand each other. Many books have been written on this topic, psychologists and magicians are actively working on the topic of male-female relations. Still, questions remain in this area. Women continue to speak in riddles that men cannot guess. But what if it is impossible to talk head-on about the request? If a man reacts inadequately to this? How then to achieve what you want from a man? Magic will help. For example, if a girl wants to receive a gift from her beloved, then there is a conspiracy for a gift.

How does a conspiracy work?

It would seem, how can you inspire a man with the help of a conspiracy so that he gives you what you want. But it's really possible. All because a conspiracy is a specially selected text. But that's only part of the magic. Another part of the magic adds to the ritual the atmosphere in which the conspiracy is carried out. But the most important thing is the mood in which the customer is when he speaks a conspiracy.

Conspiracies for gifts from men are also useful for the men themselves, they develop generosity in them. If a woman wants a man to give her a gift, then you definitely need to be in a special frame of mind. A conspiracy for a loved one, for receiving a gift from him, in this case will absolutely not work if the girl demands something from the man. Even if they have strong love, and the girl’s heart is full of claims against him, then nothing will work.

If you want the gift conspiracy to work, then you need to get rid of, first of all, the claims that you have regarding your beloved man. Then it will be a charmed gift for his love, that is, after him, the man himself will love you more. Only if you read the conspiracy for a gift with with a pure heart, only in this case it will work.

How to get rid of claims before a conspiracy?

There are several ways to help you tune in to receive a gift from your loved one. You can clear your heart of negativity in relation to a man in the following ways:

  • You can use the written method. You need to sit down in a calm environment and remember all the bad things that you experienced in relation to your man. Directly describe on paper these ways that the guy offended you. Let all the feelings about this emerge and come out on paper. A prerequisite is that you need to write only by hand, and not type. And at this moment you should be alone with yourself.
  • Before doing strong conspiracy for a gift that a man will present, it is important to get rid of the anger that has accumulated on him. It may be easier for you to shout this anger. Then find a place in nature where it can be done safely.
  • To receive a gift from a man through a special conspiracy, you can reduce the negative emotional charge on him by pronouncing the negative. A powerful and simple method is simply to sit in front of a mirror and recount the failures in relationships over and over again. You can tell a friend if she is ready to listen to it.

Thus, you will cleanse your heart of negativity. For a few more days, you may be depressed after these practices. At some point, it may even seem that love for a man has passed. But it is not. It's all because you released negative emotions, and for a while they can dominate you. But this state will pass, let yourself be in it.

After your heart has been cleansed, you can start conspiring for a gift from your loved one.

Conspiracy on the desired subject

If there is already a thing or things that you want your beloved guy to give, then you can make a conspiracy directly on them.

You need to go to the store where the desired thing is sold, it must be the day when the moon is in growth. Stand in front of the thing and quietly begin to whisper the following conspiracy:

“Love is in everything, you know, this is my dear. Expensive gifts you buy me, you show love for me strongly and sincerely. You're good, I'm good. I'm good, you're even better. Your love is manifested in things. Now you know about it. Everything that I look at, t gives, my thing, your love.

It is necessary to pronounce this text with coquetry and love for the man himself. This conspiracy is aimed at making a man understand that love for a woman can be shown through gifts as well. By the way, many men have problems with this, they consider women to be mercantile, if they want gifts, especially expensive ones, they want to protect themselves from this. This conspiracy, just to work out such thoughts. If you want a lover to give an apartment with the help of this ritual, then you must sincerely love him very much, you must be sincere a good relationship. Then it will be white magic.

Magic will work to ensure that a man has more money, which he will be happy to spend on you. From this, the couple, in principle, will become happier. it powerful conspiracy, no worse than Stepanov's conspiracy or worn shoes.

Conspiracy for a gift for salt

Buy a new pack of salt. Open it and say the following text on it:

“And he loved so much, and so he couldn’t live without me, and now you can’t live without giving me something. As soon as you feel the taste of this salt, you will love me more, so you will give me gifts. If you try, you will give."

On the same evening, food should be salted. If you really want, then you can also gently ask for a specific gift after that. Then the conspiracy will work as a reinforcing method, which is also not bad.

Unfortunately, in modern world more and more often people use black magic in order to win the favor of the person they like, without thinking that love spells are a terrible thing that will not only not help to get the love of a lover, but also cause irreparable harm to him, the performer and their families. Everyone has long known that the consequences of love spells can be terrible and unpredictable and, often, it is not possible to correct what has been done. Distorted fates - here final result reckless black deeds. Is the game worth the candle? You decide.

A love spell on a gift to a loved one does not affect directly, but through this gift. After donating the spoken thing, the love spell will begin to act only when the person begins to constantly use the donated item. And the more often he uses the item received as a gift, the stronger the magical effect will be on him. And if the thing is not used, then the love spell will not work.

It must be remembered that any love spell is an element black magic, and if you are told that you can do a safe white love ritual, then you are simply being misled. All love spells cause damage to the energy field of a person in one way or another, regardless of whether it is a simple ritual or a complex one. And the rollback will surely overtake the performer - there is no doubt about this, however, this fact stops few people.

Easy love spell

There is no limit to human egoism. If a girl, not caring about the desires and feelings of a young man, goes for a love spell and considers this to be in the order of things, what will happen next in their life? family life if, God forbid, the love spell works? You can imagine.

Option 1. This simple love spell for a gift will make your loved one pay attention to you. At night, on the growing moon, light a church candle, place the icon of the Virgin in front of you, and near it put the gift you bought for the chosen one, on which you say the spell three times:

“As you (name) accept this gift, a fire will flare up in your soul. As a gift, you will accept it - you will entrust your heart to me (name), and you will not receive it back. Mother of God, bless and help! Tie me (name) with (name) forever! May it be so. Amen!"

The gift must be delivered the next day. This light ritual has a short-term effect, and during this time it is worth trying to interest the guy you like.

Option 2. Buy your loved one as a gift such a thing so that you can use it as often as possible. At midnight, light a candle, hold the purchased item in your hands for a longer time to recharge your energy, then draw a lattice on its surface with your saliva, and continuing to hold the item in your hands, say a magic spell three times:

“Let my beloved remember me, let him call me, let him find me. As soon as his hand touches you (the name of the thing), the love in his heart for me will wake up. For me, the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name) will yearn, a bitter tear will drip. I will come, I will wipe that tear away, I will console with my caress. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

It is advisable to give the item prepared as a gift to the chosen one the very next day.

Ritual with salt

This rite is much stronger than the previous ones, since salt has a special meaning in magic. For the ritual, you will need Thursday salt (bought on Thursday). At midnight, put a little of this salt in a pan and heat it with the words:

“Salt does not burn, it does not melt in fire! The soul of the beloved (name) for me, alone, toils, always only agrees with me! The fire will not destroy this salt, it will disturb the heart of my beloved. No one will be able to take it away from me, but no one will dare to turn it away! You take my gift as a gift, you give your heart in return! Not for a day, not for two, but for many centuries. Love is strong, the heat of my fire helps me in business, (name) brings me closer to my beloved (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Such actions must be carried out within five minutes, then the salt is cooled and a gift prepared for the chosen one is placed on it. Let it lie like that until the morning. In the morning, put a few grains of salt into the item prepared as a gift and give the gift to your loved one during the day.