Wishing your loved one a speedy recovery. Wishes for a speedy recovery in prose

Church holidays

Today the weather seems cloudy, and I walk around sad because you are not nearby, my dear. Don’t be upset, you will definitely recover, just follow the doctor’s instructions. After all, a cold is not such a serious illness, but it must be cured. I will visit you every day, I will look after you like a little child, because I love you more life. Get well soon, my sunshine.

Yesterday you and I had such a good time. And today you have a fever and a cough, you probably froze a little, yesterday, that’s the problem for you. But don't be upset, my love. Like a real doctor, I will treat you myself. Best for colds folk remedy. How capricious you are when you are sick, but I am patient and will persistently look after you. I really want to see you cheerful, happy and healthy. Let this cold be a little trouble for you. May the angel always protect you from failures.

Today you didn’t come to work, and I realized that you were in some kind of trouble. That's right, you're sick. After all, how many times have I told you how to a small child to dress warmer, but you didn’t listen, and this is the result. But don’t be upset, you will soon recover, and we will be together again, my love. I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, as long as you get well soon. I'm so sad without you, without your ringing laughter and without your kind words. My gentle, kind and most beautiful girl, get well soon

You’ve been sick for a whole week now, my love. At your place colds, you can’t leave the house, the doctor prescribed bed rest. I'm so worried about you. If you knew, dear, how sad I am about you. Even the sun, for several days now, has hidden behind a cloud, he is also sad without you. I am ready to look after you, fulfill all your whims and desires, if only you get well soon. You are my most beautiful, kindest and most gentle. I love you, please get well soon.

My beloved, my light in the window, my most tender, kind and affectionate. You are my soulmate, without whom I cannot imagine life. I feel so good with you. But today I am very concerned that you are sick. Your throat is so weak, there’s that sore throat again. Get well soon, my kitten. I will buy all your prescription medications and make sure you take your pills. I know that what you dislike most is medicine. But for the sake of recovery, you must drink them. Honey, get well soon, I’m sad without you. I love you, and I will ask the Lord for your recovery.

Such wonderful weather outside. It’s already spring, the sun is shining brightly, everything around is blooming. And you, my beloved, got sick again. And where did the temperature come from? You are so weak to me. But I promise now to always take care of your health. I will look after you like a capricious child. I will do everything so that you get better as quickly as possible. I'm so sad without you, my love, I miss you very much. Get well soon, my beloved and unique. May luck be sure to smile on you and give you bright hope.

What a good time we had yesterday, and why did I even buy this ice cream? Now I feel guilty before you. I completely forgot that you have such a weak throat. Another sore throat. But I will correct my guilt. I will buy you all the vitamins in the world, I will make the sweetest mixture, because I know that you do not like medicine. And you, my love, will definitely recover. My sunshine, get well soon. When you're sick, I don't feel like myself either. May the disease disappear like melt water, may your health be as strong as steel. Be healthy, my beloved.

Today I am very sad, everything around me seems gray and uninteresting because you are sick, my beloved and most beautiful girl in the world. I'm so worried, I miss you so much. I will get any medicine if only you get well soon, my only one. I will take care of you myself, I will make you tea with linden and raspberries, and you will definitely get better soon. I'm so looking forward to this, my love. I miss your smile and your jokes so much. May the angel bring you health on his wings. I love you, my beloved, and I look forward to your recovery.

My beautiful, gentle, kind and beloved girl. How are you The Scarlet Flower beautiful and sweet. But today you don’t want to joke or even talk. She looks very pale, probably has another cold. But as soon as possible, as soon as it gets a little colder, the disease immediately clings to you. You probably have a weakened immune system. I will buy you all the vitamins that I can, so that you get well soon, my joy. Get well soon, my sunshine, I’m so sad without you. I love you and will protect you so that you never get sick again.

How are you gentle sunshine, My lovely. Always kind, gentle, affectionate. But today my sun is somehow depressed, I’m not in the mood at all. Yes, and watery eyes, cough and fever. Come on, get treatment quickly, my beloved. I know that you don’t like to take medicine, but you have to, my kitten, I will personally see to it. I will look after you like a little child, I will fulfill your every wish, just get well soon. I so want to see you cheerful, joyful and healthy.

My beloved, beautiful girl, you are like a greenhouse plant to me. It just gets a little colder and you already have a sore throat. Get well soon, my sunshine. May this nasty disease leave you forever. It hurts me so much to watch you suffer. To cheer you up at least a little, I will fulfill your every wish. After all, laughter is the key to health. Well, smile and forget about this illness. Together we will cure her forever, and for this, drink more tea with raspberries and viburnum. These healing berries will help you get better quickly. Get better, my joy, I’m so bored without you. Now I will look after you like a little one. So that you always dress warmly and never get sick again.

At first glance, the common cold seems simple. And how many negative symptoms does it bring with it? This includes fever, cough, and sore throat. All of this together needs to be treated immediately. I'm so worried about you, my love. I will do everything to make you recover faster. I will look after you like a small, capricious child. I know that more than anything in the world you don’t like to take medicine, but I will definitely persuade you to do it. Dear, beloved and the most beautiful in the world, get well soon and never get sick again. May the Lord keep you from troubles. I love you, my only one.

How we were looking forward to this weekend, and how we wanted to spend it together. But, as they say, nothing can be planned in advance. Just on Friday evening you developed a fever. It’s okay, we’ll have to postpone all plans until you recover. But please get well soon. Let me take care of you. I will try to cure you very quickly. I will control everything that the doctor prescribed for you myself. I love you so much, my precious, and I want you to get well soon. I will fulfill all your wishes, if only you get well soon, my dear. May the Lord protect you.

I am so sad today because my beloved is sick. I understand how bad you feel right now, my dear. After all, when you have a headache and fever, you don’t want anything. Lie down, rest, take a pill and get better quickly. I'm very sad without you. I miss you so much, my sunshine. I won't bother you with my calls anymore. Calm down and rest, and tomorrow we will meet with you again, my beloved. I look forward to meeting you and your recovery, my fairy princess.

You haven’t seen me for several days now because you’re sick. You have that nasty sore throat again. And again you need to take medicine, pills, and the most unpleasant procedure is gargling. But you need to endure all this, my beloved, in order to get well soon. I want this so much, my sunshine. You are sick and it hurts me too. I am so worried about you that I am ready to take your illness upon myself, just so that you feel good, my dear. May your guardian angel protect you and help you recover faster. I wait and miss you, my unique one.

For a whole week, I have not been in any mood because my beloved girl is sick. I know how sad it is to look through the window onto the street, because the doctor has forbidden me to go outside for now. But you don’t need to be so discouraged, you will definitely recover, be optimistic, and the illness will quickly disappear from you. My soul is so anxious and empty, get well soon, my most beautiful girl in the world. Get well, my joy, because I am so sad without you. May the Lord protect you, and may my love warm you and give you hope for a quick recovery. I love you very much, my sunshine.

Darling, every moment is wonderful with you. I am so grateful to fate for such a royal gift to me. You are the most precious thing in my life. I'm ready to do anything for you. And today, when you are sick, I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, if only you get well soon. I will do my best for this. I'll buy the most best medicines, I’ll get all the overseas vitamins, if only it helps you, my dear. May your guardian angel help you and get better soon. I will always be by your side, my sunshine.

For a whole week we were preparing to go on vacation outside the city, to the country. But at the last minute the plans disappeared like fog. You've caught a cold again, and you're on bed rest for a few days. But don’t be sad, my dear, because all this can be easily fixed when you recover. And to do this, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and most importantly, take medications that you don’t like so much on time. Get well soon, my darling, I miss you very much. I, as a good wizard, will fulfill any wish of my princess, if only she gets better soon.

The third day you are on sick leave and do not go to work. I'm so bored without you. The fact that we are talking on the phone is very little for me. I really want to look into yours tender eyes. Get well soon, my sunshine, and when you get better, I will tell you the most important words. I’m even ready to write a poem or compose a song, just so that you get well soon. I miss your gentle smile, your warmth and affection so much. Remember, I am always with you, and I am ready to fulfill your wish at any moment, get well soon, my princess.

My beloved girl, my angel. You, always so cheerful and cheerful, today, for some reason, are not in the mood. That's right, that nasty cold again. You urgently need to recover, because next week It is your birthday. After all, at your holiday you should be the most beautiful. I will see to it that you drink these bitter pills conscientiously. Get well soon, my sunshine, and make me happy again. I adore you, my dear, and look forward to your recovery.

My beauty got sick and stopped making me happy with her laughter, her jokes and gags. My dear, I’m already starting to get unaccustomed to all this, so it’s time for you to get better soon. You need to get better as soon as possible because I have a lot of plans for the coming week. We have been sitting at home for several days now because you are sick, so we will have enough strength to implement all this. Also, as soon as you get better, we’ll go to your favorite restaurant. I know you've been wanting this for a long time, so it will be a great motivator for your recovery. Let's get better soon, and I'll help you regain your strength. You're great, so you'll quickly get in shape. I don't even doubt you.

My baby has been sick for several days now, and I am worried along with her. My beloved, at such moments I understand how small and defenseless you are. Although in common days you seem completely different. I want to take care of you even more, to help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible. I really don’t want you to get sick, because I myself feel very bad at this time. It would be better if I got sick than my beauty. Darling, I promise you that as soon as you recover, we will go shopping with you. So you simply have no choice, I know how much you love shopping. Let's get well soon, otherwise all your sizes will be sold out, and I don't want you to be upset again. I will do everything so that you never get sick again in your life.

Darling, when will you get better sooner? I can no longer wake up without your kisses, without hugs, without your ringing laughter. Our apartment seems to be empty because you are sick. My beloved, let's get well soon, because you and I still have many plans for the next few days. You remember about movies, shopping and preparing for the holiday, right? Well, how did you manage to get sick? You were so looking forward to all this. So I simply order you to get better as quickly as possible and I undertake, on my part, to do everything so that this day comes as quickly as possible. Now you must take a few more medicines, which I have previously filled with my love. Such drugs give even greater effect.

My little sun It hasn't illuminated me with bright light in the morning for several days now. Darling, I worry so much when you are sick because I don’t want you to feel any sadness or sadness. But you are so strong that you are not afraid of anything. I wish you to get well as soon as possible, so that you and I can start preparing for the upcoming vacation. Palm trees, the sea and the beach are waiting for us very soon, so let's get better. You are a smart girl, you take all your medications on time, you keep yourself warm. Now I’ll tell you some funny story so that you get better quickly, okay? You can’t even imagine how sad and offended I am that you got sick at such an inopportune moment. But we will still make up for everything.

You are my nicest, most tender and most desirable. I love you, breathe you and live by you. I am ready to do anything for you, just to make you happy. How I love your ringing, cheerful laughter, your cheerful jokes. But today you are sad, your eyes are watery, your head hurts, you have no time for jokes. You have a cold again. You are like a greenhouse plant, the slightest breeze, and your throat already hurts. The doctor prescribed you medications that you absolutely must take. I will prepare you the most healing herbal tea. You will definitely get better, my love.

Get well soon, may illnesses and illnesses go far from you and forever, may strength and vigor return to you, fill your soul with hope and optimism, may the energy of the sun, the power of the earth, and the support of loved ones help you recover, return to the mainstream of life events and again Have fun creating, dreaming and loving!

Get well soon, let the illness become only a short-term test that you can quickly overcome. I wish you to gain courage, follow the doctors’ recommendations, and tune in for the fastest possible healing. Think about the good, then all ailments will recede!

My sunshine, get better, such a kind and good person shouldn’t get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover quickly and be in great shape again, fully armed and with full readiness to achieve great goals and conquer peaks.

My dear little man, let your illness leave you, get well soon. Stop being sick, let's conquer this world and enjoy life, strive for dreams and realize your ideas. Sunny, get better and don’t get sick anymore.

My soul can't find a place, my bunny is sick. My beloved little man, get well soon, honey, let’s get well and boldly go into battle, go ahead - conquer this world and fly towards bright happiness!
8 Illness is always untimely, They won’t invite her to visit... I want to wish you a speedy recovery! Let your strength quickly return to your weakened body, and quickly appear beautiful, so that nothing hurts in the future!

The most important thing for a person in life is his health. It’s not without reason that the phrase “In healthy body- healthy spirit! And this is really so, because if you are healthy, it means you have - great mood and any matter is argued. Therefore, with all my heart I wish you the very best health!

I wish you to quickly win the fight for your health. Measure degrees only in a glass, glow only with love, feel dizzy only with happiness. Get back into action as soon as possible, keep pace with everyone and never leave our friendly ranks again.

I wish you recovery! And instead of a spray, I want to sprinkle my throat with joyful exclamations; instead of medicinal syrup - take a sip of the most delicious, tender happiness; instead of pills - take dosed success (so as not to completely turn your head); and instead of linden tea, drink a strong drink of love, which gives you the strength to recover and be happy!

Although being sick is not very good, it is an opportunity to feel how much everyone needs you! The sun is sad without you and every morning, looking into your room, it wishes you a speedy recovery. I miss you too, because my favorite sun is you! Get well!

Let today bring you health on a sunny saucer, so that all viruses evaporate from this radiant gift, so that the disease goes away without leaving any memories of itself, and so that you again burst into a healthy life overflowing with events.

For a speedy recovery, positive emotions are needed, so carry out the prescribed procedures with a smile and don’t lose heart! Let all the pills prescribed by the doctor be sweet, the compresses be gentle, and the temperature does not jump up and down and return to normal. We wish your immunity to get stronger and win an unconditional victory!

Health is the most important thing in life. I wish you to recover quickly and return to the active implementation of your plans. Be patient, diligently follow the advice of doctors, and the disease will quickly pass. The main thing is to smile more and believe in a miraculous recovery!

Get well soon and become vigorous and strong again! Let your immunity not allow any diseases into your body, and healthy image life will help you to always be in good shape. I wish you to forget about drugs and doctors, but always remember proper nutrition and sports!

Wishes to the patient for a speedy recovery in prose

Get well soon! I wish to mobilize my will and give such a rebuff to my malaise that it will forever forget the way to you. Let the best incentive for this be the anticipation of your triumphant return to the usual rhythm of life, seething with joy.

Everything in the world can be successfully corrected, but you must first recover and take care of strengthening your immune system. The doctor and I, your friend, will definitely try to provide maximum help, protect against possible deterioration of health. Believe in your quick recovery, because a good mood and optimism can play a role important role. Smile as often as possible and know that you will definitely take a step towards your excellent future. Fate may show favor if fortitude is demonstrated. The disease can go away and take the existing pain with it. I want to wish you health and energy, a dawn after a dark period. Remember that every person needs health, because it is what gives them the chance to successfully move forward. I wish you activity and health, because I want to see you truly happy man!

Get ready quickly! Pack pills and medicines in your suitcase, put prescriptions and doctor’s orders in your pocket, be sure to take a couple of ampoules with you positive attitude and, of course, don’t forget about the bottle with a sense of humor. That's it, now you're fully armed! Forward to recovery!

May the evil disease immediately recede before your incredible optimism, strong will, strong character, cheerful attitude and the desire to strictly follow all medical recommendations! It's very sad to be sick, and I don't want to see your sadness, so get well soon!

Let this wonderful day be another step towards your recovery! Remember exactly what positive emotions will help you heal, that’s why it’s so important to smile and keep your nose up. I know for sure that in the coming days the illness will go away and you will again receive a surge of strength and energy, so I wish you to get better as soon as possible!

As you know, you need to take great care of yourself from unpleasant diseases, because they tend to burst into life and spoil it. I would like to wish you active recovery, pleasant and useful thoughts, and a strong spirit. I believe that the disease will definitely remain a thing of the past. Please do your best to maintain your optimism and the ability to fully enjoy the world around you. Of course, for this you need to recover promptly, and then take care of yourself and your energy, strengthen your immune system. In addition, walking and an active lifestyle help maintain good health. Try to move more to prevent recurrent diseases, because life is given for happiness and activity, and not for lying in bed and suffering from sores. I wish you a quick recovery!

No one is immune from finding yourself exhausted under a blanket and with a thermometer under your armpit. At this hour I would like to wish you get well soon And Have a good mood! Let potions and pills, view best films and TV series will have their effect magical action, and you will be on your feet again in excellent health and a wonderful mood!

I wish your body to stop everything in itself inflammatory processes, normalize the temperature to 36.6 and raise the recovery flag as high as possible!

My sunshine, get well soon, such a good and kind person should not get sick. I am very worried about you and sincerely hope that you will recover quickly and will again be in excellent shape, fully armed and in full combat readiness to achieve new heights.

Even if you are sick, it doesn’t matter! The main thing is not to get discouraged and the disease will go away on its own. After all, the main cure for all diseases is a smile and a good mood! So don’t be sad and get well soon, we will be waiting!

Health is God's most valuable gift to man. Only healthy man has the opportunity to actively create and enjoy life. An illness can undermine the morale of any person. I wish you a speedy recovery and a return to your favorite job. Let vitality never leave you, and health overflows the vessel of your life. We all need you and are waiting for your recovery.

Wishes for a speedy recovery in your own words

Let the illness go out of the window as soon as possible, let a cheerful and bright day come, get well soon, because such an excellent person should not get sick. He must do this world It’s better to create, dream, strive for goals and enjoy life. Get better.

Dear little man, why didn’t you take care of your health and managed to catch a cold? I am so sad that you are sick, forced to endure serious hardships now when you are lying in bed, wanting to be active, but cannot find the strength for it. I wish you the active recovery that you so dream of. Call a doctor, and then follow his instructions. Let health care will definitely give you an additional foundation that will contribute to successful progress in your chosen direction to normalize your health. Accept my wishes with the acquisition of energy, because they come from the soul and, most likely, should find implementation in reality. Dear person, you must be active, so make every effort for your recovery. Use every opportunity for a successful recovery, and I will help you with this.

As they say, the main thing is health, and the rest will follow. And in connection with your illness, I really want to wish you more health and a speedy recovery. So that you are full of strength, and your immunity rises to unprecedented heights and no infection can take you anymore!

I wish you to quickly win the fight for your health. Although being sick is not very good, it is an opportunity to feel how much everyone needs you! The sun is sad without you and every morning, looking into your room, it wishes you a speedy recovery. I miss you too, because my favorite sun is you! Get well! Health is the most important thing in life. I wish you to recover quickly and return to the active implementation of your plans.

Illness is a serious challenge that must be successfully dealt with. Despite the fact that pain and weakness attack, you need to make every effort for an active recovery. Let life in the very near future begin to give positive emotions again and allow you to reveal bright colors. I want you to enjoy the sun's rays and fresh wind, sunrises and sunsets. Joy will come only after the illness remains in the past. Of course, today I will come to you after work, I will try to provide decent support and help with everyday life, so that you have the opportunity to relax and unwind. Believe that our common efforts will definitely give extra energy you, will increase the chances of returning good health. Friend, I am confident that in the very near future we will embark on a journey that will be successful. Please accept my wishes for recovery!

“Our dear little man! They say that if you strive for something with all your heart, then it will undoubtedly come true. You will definitely be cured! Nowadays medicine is progressing very much. We are your family, together with the doctors, we will try to do everything possible to restore your health.”

I wish that every cell of your body works for recovery and overall improvement, and the sweet sunshine will not be out of place in this Orange juice, which I left for you on the nightstand!

I wish you brave, powerful immune cells this night, so that the pill sends fever, illnesses and ailments away!

I want to wish you a speedy recovery. Let the bitter medicine cease to be needed as quickly as possible. I hope that your health will definitely become strong, and your immunity will be perfect. Illnesses can recede for a long time, but you must first take care of eliminating the existing illness. Dear little man, you can take care of yourself and take a step towards your healthy future. I beg you to get better as quickly as possible. Health is the most important value that ensures a happy future. We will definitely try to do everything possible to restore your health and, of course, maintain it for a long time. I will try to make sure that everything gets better for you as quickly as possible. After that, take care of yourself, because next illness must be prevented. Have you agreed on such a miraculous interaction?

Swallow your medications patiently - this will help you quickly overcome the influence of evil viruses! Don’t make a face when eating lemons – they will perfectly boost your immunity!

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When your friend or relative is sick, special words are needed to give him hope for recovery and maintain the same warmth of the relationship. Otherwise, a person can be seriously injured. Most often this does not happen because we are cruel, we just don’t know what to say. It is especially important to be able to choose the right words when you have to support with the help of messages. This is exactly what our article is about.

Dedicated to everyone who wants to support the sick

Letty Cottin Pogrebin in her book “The Test of Illness – How to Communicate, Maintain Relationships and Help a Loved One” proposed 7 rules for showing sincere support for a patient:

  • You can’t ask “How are you?” This will upset the patient. You can ask a question when you are ready to hear the answer and not be afraid of the details.

It’s better to say: “I’m glad to see you,” “How are you feeling?”, “How are you feeling?”

  • A terminally ill person cannot be told: “Get well!”, because he will not recover. And he understands this.
  • Each patient requires an individual amount of attention, some need to be led by the hand to the doctor, while for others it is enough to send an SMS once a week.
  • Avoid platitudes and empty consolations: “We are all in the same boat.” “Yeah, only for some people this boat leaked,” the patient will note.
  • Do not interrupt the patient when he talks about himself. It is important for him to be listened to.
  • Do not interrupt the conversation with phrases like: “My cat also had a tumor removed.” It's tactless and rude.
  • Did you promise help? Do it! Or don't promise at all.

Short SMS in prose

* * *
May today bring you health on a sunny saucer, so that all viruses evaporate from this radiant gift.

* * *
For a speedy recovery, positive emotions are needed, so carry out the prescribed procedures with a smile and don’t lose heart!

* * *
I wish that your body, like a fairy-tale giant, stands firmly on its feet and with the mighty hand of health breaks the shackles that bind you to the illness.

* * *
Let the gray bird of illness, which covered your joy with its wing, fly away under pressure good wishes and the tender care of your loved ones.

* * *
Let the disease immediately recede before your incredible optimism, strong will, strong character and cheerful attitude.

* * *
God does not send difficult trials weak people who cannot withstand them. You are strong, which means you can handle it. Remember this, and never, you hear, never give up.

In verse

* * *
I don't allow you to get sick
Come to your senses quickly!
Health is the main thing, I know:
It won't let you down!

* * *
I'll go to the pond and catch a fish
I’ll quietly whisper a wish to her,
So that a tear is replaced by a smile,
I want your pain to go away.
One day, another - you will forget about illnesses,
Get some treatment and you'll be back in action again.
Lying down for a little while is not grief at all,
I'm telling you seriously!

* * *
Let the wind sing a joyful song
It's pouring out for you outside the window.
I wish to cope with the disease
And no longer get sick later!

* * *
The weather is beautiful,
Let's go for a walk with you
Don't be sick, please
After all, tomorrow is a day off!

* * *
Without drugs and doctors
I will say that you are healthy!
You are healthy in soul and body
Heal up and jump boldly!

Good morning to the sick person

* * *
With the first sun rays I am sending you an air kiss with a high content of vitamin C and a gentle relaxing, antipyretic effect! Get well!

* * *
Let the flag of your recovery rise along with the sun and let your day be painted with the bright colors of good health!

* * *
Good morning! I want to brighten your day with flowers of cheerfulness, relief and recovery!

* * *
Sun is up! Raise the sails, start the engine, let's sail to the shores of recovery!

Good night to the patient

* * *
There are only a few steps left on this ladder of illness... Tomorrow it will be much easier for you! Good night!

* * *
The most delicious and sweet dreams to you with powerful immunity and good health!

* * *
Go to sleep, let the night take away your illness, and in the morning you will put the thermometer in its case, and the pills and medicines in the far corner of the medicine cabinet! Good night!

* * *
May every breath you take this night become a sip of healing nectar for you and tomorrow You are completely recovered!

* * *
Knock out your cold by tomorrow morning! I'll give you one night for this! Because next time I want you to be in bed with me, and not with a thermometer :)


    In prose

    * * *
    I just want to remind you how strong you are. We will always support you.
    * * *
    Your illness is just one chapter, but not the whole story.
    * * *
    Now you are going through a difficult period, you are tense, tired, all this affects your health. Rest more and gain strength, follow all the doctor’s instructions and think less about the bad. You are the best and kindest among us, everything will pass soon.
    * * *
    Believe in your recovery, because a good mood and optimism can play an important role. Everything will be fine! It cannot be otherwise.
    * * *
    Our dear man! They say that if you strive for something with all your heart, then it will undoubtedly come true. You will definitely be cured! We, your family, together with the doctors, will try to do everything possible to restore your health.
    * * *
    The main thing is to think about the good, believe in recovery, don’t give in to the disease, fight! It's difficult, but you have to stick with it! We love you and believe that together we will definitely overcome the disease.

    In verse

    * * *
    Wishing you a speedy recovery,
    Stop treatment soon
    Put aside the pills and potions,
    Others awaiting the procedure:
    Injections of health and fun,
    And also happiness, faith, inspiration,
    Injections of kindness, good luck, laughter,
    Love, warmth, luck, success!
    * * *
    It's so cozy under a soft blanket
    Because of illness, I lie down day after day,
    Having wrapped the scarf, drinking raspberries along the way
    An entertaining novel to read.
    But stop coughing, put the thermometer in the first aid kit.
    At all healthy shine in your eyes.
    The illness will leave you quickly,
    Gain strength, everything is in your hands.
    * * *
    Let ailments and illnesses all rush far away,
    Let your soul and body be simple and easy,
    And in your beautiful eyes the light will light up again,
    May this new day bring hope and smiles.
    * * *
    Get well soon, successes lie ahead,
    Peaks and victories are waiting, joy is waiting, you go to it,
    May there be no problems or troubles in your life,
    There will be good health and many happy years!


It is better to address the sick guy or sick girl by name. This creates a feeling of personal contact.

    In prose

    * * *
    How I just want to turn the clock hands to the day of your recovery! Kiss!
    * * *
    Sunshine, get well soon! Create good news for me!
    * * *
    Bunny, this SMS contains the magic kiss of immunity, press the green button and press the phone to your ear.
    * * *
    I wish that in the next few days, the strings of life will give you exclusively notes with a high content of vitamin “C”, on the ringing chords of recovery!
    * * *
    I am sending you an air kiss, with a high content of vitamin C and a gentle relaxing, antipyretic effect! Get well soon, sunshine!
    * * *
    Let's work on your immunity and finish this unnecessary cold waltz as soon as possible!

    In verse

    * * *
    Come on, darling, get better!
    Get out of bed, get dressed!
    We'll go on a date
    We will get rid of all diseases!
    * * *
    Come on, stop being sick!
    And just hang on the phone!
    Adventure awaits us
    Our love and fun!
    * * *
    Get well soon, it's winter
    I want to sit at home!
    But why do you need it, my love?
    Be sick for a long time!
    * * *
    Sunshine, get well soon!
    Let's go feed the pigeons together!
    I miss our dates
    Behind you and your dreams!
    * * *
    I'm sad that you're sick
    I want to hug you tighter
    To make you softer and warmer
    Come on! Get well soon!

To a friend

    In prose

    * * *
    My dearest friend, quickly drive away this pain from yourself! Gain strength and be like a tough nut to crack. Be healthy! May your health always be good.
    * * *
    You and I haven’t been through anything like this, well, just think, I got a little sick, but you’re strong, so get well soon.
    * * *
    Buddy, you'll get better soon and we'll go for a walk. We miss your fun.
    * * *
    Get well soon, and all your friends will be more cheerful. We will chat, joke and laugh again.
    * * *
    Friend, it's a pity that you are sick. Get better! You can do it!

    In verse

To a sick child

    In prose

    * * *
    My beloved son/daughter, get well soon, we already miss you.
    * * *
    Everything will be fine, baby. You will soon recover, gain strength, and we will go cheer you up with some treats.
    * * *
    Our dear sunshine, get well soon. We love you very much and are waiting for you at home.

    In verse

    * * *
    Get well soon baby
    Get well soon, dear,
    Let's read books together
    And we'll run with you.
    Let's throw out all the pillows,
    Then we'll go to the store,
    Let's buy books and toys,
    And a huge orange.
    * * *
    Get well soon, baby!
    Get well soon my dear!
    The most necessary thing in life,
    Even if he’s a little sick!
    * * *
    Gain strength, dear, get well baby,
    Be my rosy-cheeked strong man again,
    Find out, why, smart guy, playful, fidgety,
    You dealt with millions of questions and tasks before lunch,
    At healthy baby Mom doesn't have to yawn
    Just try to keep up with the little one,
    Mom misses the noise from all corners,
    Get better, forget about the disease and be healthy!
    * * *
    My dear baby, you sleep so poorly,
    You eat poorly and are not naughty at all,
    Without your pranks the house is so quiet,
    Get well! You're already sick!
    Mom and Dad are so worried about you,
    Our whole family is concerned about the situation,
    We wish you the best health,
    And real happiness and fun.
    * * *
    Difficult little man lie in bed,
    If I was healthy, I could run around the apartment five times in a minute,
    I would scatter all the toys and not only them,
    I would consume both sweets and marmalades for three,
    What can you do when your mother doesn’t protect you?
    From hour to hour, any baby is unwell,
    Here's some cough syrup for you, I'll read it while you sleep,
    Quiet, boring, get well soon baby!

To the boss

    In your own words

    * * *
    When the boss misses work due to illness, the entire team is in a bad mood. You don’t want us to be upset for a long time, do you? So get well soon!
    * * *
    Get well soon, boss! Are you tired of being sick yet? We as a team are waiting for your return.
    * * *
    Everything is fine at work today. But without superiors it is more difficult to serve. We need your support and advice. Get well soon!

    In verse

    * * *
    You, boss, heal yourself,
    Rise up and be strong,
    We always have order everywhere,
    No problems or problems.
    Rest, gain strength,
    And fight the disease
    After all, you are healthy, strong,
    We are waiting together as a team.

    * * *
    Today everything is fine on the robot,
    But we are bored without your attention,
    And without your support and advice,
    AND smart advice, understanding.
    Chief, we wish them to leave
    Diseases will forever leave the house,
    And let all the problems disappear, disappear,
    We at work are all looking forward to seeing you.

    * * *
    Let all illnesses go away forever,
    Boss, at work without you,
    Can't get everything done
    We need support and advice now.
    We wish you recovery,
    And the joy that will bring strength,
    Give yourself some rest so you can get started sooner,
    To the work that is really, really waiting for you.

    * * *
    You are everyone's favorite boss,
    And on a robot, a person is irreplaceable,
    You're sick, we miss you,
    We wish you a quick recovery.
    May the sun give you light, warmth,
    And may your health be very strong,
    And every day brings you goodness,
    Let illnesses forget their way into the house.


    In prose

    * * *
    How are you feeling now? Don't worry about work, we can get everything done. I miss your presence, smile and encouragement. But most importantly, get well soon. And come back to us!
    * * *
    Decided to take a break from us, hiding behind illness? It won't work out! If you're not better by Monday, we'll come to your house!
    * * *
    How are you feeling? You now have the opportunity to think about your future life. What there is not enough time for, usually. I hope you get better soon and come back to us with new strength and energy. And give us your motivation!

    And verses

    * * *
    Our colleague, look, don’t be discouraged,
    Drive away diseases quickly
    After all, on a robot you know,
    A collapse without your help.
    After all, without you we are all sad,
    There's no one to cheer us up
    So let's quickly get up,
    Hurry to create, love and live.

    * * *
    Why are you so sick, colleague?
    After all, more than a week has passed,
    We can't cope without you at all,
    Problems have come our way.
    We really want you to quickly
    Became happier and more fun,
    We wish you good health,
    We value you, love you, respect you.

    * * *
    You're sick, dear colleague,
    The temperature has risen somewhat,
    You lie down, warm yourself and don’t run,
    And then I completely lost track of work.
    After all, you need to rest at least sometimes.
    Health is more important than anything.
    And everything else is trifle, nonsense,
    Diseases go away, everything will be fine.

    * * *
    It's so gloomy at work without you,
    We climb here like sleepy cripples,
    Get well and come back to us,
    We miss our beloved colleague.
    Stop having fun and being sick,
    Production stopped without a colleague,
    We don't want to work and sweat.
    And the management was very bored.

    * * *
    Anything can happen and a person gets sick,
    Weakness and despondency will run through the body,
    Everyone runs after him, like they feel sorry for a girl,
    But my colleague is not like that at all.
    I wish you to be treated now,
    And I have never been sick forever,
    We should always strive for recovery,
    After all, there is a lot to do at work.

To the teacher

    In prose

    * * *
    Dear teacher, get well soon, gain strength and come to your favorite school. We miss you very much.
    * * *
    We are waiting for you in our favorite subject, and we really hope that you will soon recover and come to class with a smile.
    * * *
    We wish you good health, so that you get back on your feet as soon as possible and never get sick again.

    In verse

    * * *
    We wish you to get better quickly!
    Gain great health!
    To become stronger and healthier for everyone in the world,
    Go to class again and smile!
    * * *
    We wish your body to recover as soon as possible
    I overcame all the pain that had accumulated,
    So that everything is fine around,
    And so that the disease does not happen again.
    * * *
    Get well soon, get better!
    If you want, drink hot tea and eat honey,

Cancer patient

* * *
I want you to know that I care about you. I want to be next to you.

* * *
I know that you are going through a difficult period in your life right now, but I will be with you and together we will cope.

* * *
You are the most bright man of everyone I know. I will always be there, protecting you under my wing.

* * *
You have the most beautiful and sweet smile, I don’t want it to never leave your face. I will do everything to give you only happiness.

* * *
I admire your courage, firmness and courage. Every day I learn these qualities from you. God sends such trials only to those who can withstand it. Now I truly believe this is true. You will survive!

* * *
I understand how you feel now! But remember, you have me, and there are already two of us, and twice as much strength. I'm with you! Remember this!


    In prose

    * * *
    Get better, don't be so kind and to a good person get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover quickly and be in great shape again, fully armed and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer peaks.
    * * *
    Get rid of this pain quickly! Gain strength and be like a tough nut to crack. Be healthy! May your health always be good.
    * * *
    Let the illness go away quickly, let a joyful and bright day come, get well soon, because such a wonderful person should not get sick. He must make this world a better place, create, dream, strive for goals and enjoy life. Get better.
    * * *
    My dear man, let your illness leave you, get well soon. Stop being sick, let's conquer this world and enjoy life, strive for dreams and realize your ideas. Get well soon.

    In verse

    * * *
    We have to try really hard
    Get rid of the disease.
    Get better come on
    And get back on your feet quickly.
    I wish you: henceforth
    Never get sick.
    * * *
    Get well, don't get sick,
    There is so much news in the world,
    We have to do everything in time,
    So there is no time to get sick.
    Get well soon
    I'll be there, believe me,
    Together we can do everything with you
    And we will overcome the disease.
    * * *
    It's time to get well
    Decorate the world with a smile!
    Let the doctors help
    Get rid of this disease quickly!
    I love, tender caress
    I'll help you heal everything
    So that your eyes again
    They could radiate happiness!
    * * *
    Let's get better soon!
    And promise that you won't get sick.
    And with a positive mood,
    You will recover faster.


* * *
Let every minute, every hour be a sip of healing nectar for you and by tomorrow you will be completely recovered!

* * *
How you want to set all the clocks in the world to the moment when your illness rises White flag and capitulates in disgrace!

* * *
Let's get out of bed quickly, stop being sick. Important things await us, my captain.

* * *
I would like to see a smile on your face as soon as possible, so smile with all 32 teeth to spite all diseases.


Get well soon

    In prose

    * * *
    I wish you to quickly regain your strength and good spirits. So that the immunity you receive in the fight against this insidious disease is enough to long years and even decades. So that other diseases, knowing your tough disposition and fighting character, bypass you.
    * * *
    Even if the illness overtakes you, don’t be discouraged, take this as an opportunity to relax, be in a calm environment and collect your thoughts. And I wish you a good rest, and with new thoughts, strength and good health, quickly enter your usual rhythm of life.
    * * *
    I wish you strong, powerful health, the kind that can carry you over a wave of weakness, dive into the abyss of life like a surfer, and emerge on the crest of success and strength.

    In verse

    * * *
    I wish that clouds of illness
    Golden rays pierced
    And in the beautiful and bright sky,
    May the birds of health soar.
    I want to forget about pills,
    Elevated temperature
    About a runny nose and sore throat
    And a bitter, tasteless mixture.
    * * *
    Get well soon, get better!
    If you want, drink hot tea and eat honey,
    To get out of the disease without loss,
    Gain strength and good health ahead!
    * * *
    Get well! Fast, stable.
    And with a very necessary, plentiful drink,
    I wish you to gain strength,
    To cope with the disease as quickly as possible!
    And even though in this epic struggle
    Everyone runs away chaotically:
    And germs, bacteria, virus,
    Let them not go to zero, even to minus!
    Well, you, the winner, of course,
    You will burst back into life flawlessly,
    To make up for everything with interest,
    And become stronger and more resilient!
    * * *
    Get well soon
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
    Everything will be colorful, bright,
    In your life, I know for sure.
    Let the disease recede soon,
    Your immunity will become stronger.
    Let the sun warm you
    And gives rays of bright light!

With recovery

    In prose

    * * *
    It’s so good to see you cheerful and cheerful. I am very glad that you have recovered!
    * * *
    Congratulations on your recovery! Now I smile when I see you happy and with new strength. Take care of your health and don’t get sick anymore.
    * * *
    Hooray! You've finally recovered. I take the yummy and rush to you, it must be noted.
    * * *
    It’s so good that you recovered so quickly and got back on your feet. We are very glad that you are already smiling.

    In verse

    * * *
    The whole family is very happy,
    That everything has passed by,
    All diseases have flown away
    You're really healthy
    The fire is burning in the eyes
    And blush on your cheeks!
    Wave your hand to the hospital,
    Where did you have to get treatment?
    And of course never
    Don't go there!

In the hospital

    Before surgery

    * * *
    I wish you a successful operation and a speedy recovery!
    * * *
    Dear, I have always admired your courage, and I know you are strong! It's normal to feel anxious before an upcoming surgery, just don't think you can't handle it. Think of this operation as a simple procedure. You won't fall asleep for long, and when you open your eyes from the haze of anesthesia, I want to be the first one you see. I believe that everything will be fine!
    * * *
    I wish everything goes smoothly. I sincerely worry about you and hope that you can cope. I expect great things from you in the future. Everything will be fine!
    * * *
    I am sure that you will cope, that everything will be fine. In turn, I express my own support to you and will try to help in any way I can. Therefore, I ask you to inform me in advance about your needs that may arise during the treatment process. I will definitely try to resolve them.
    * * *
    I am sure that the surgeons will do everything to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible. I believe in the best and in the success of the operation. I will certainly do everything that depends on me and will always be with you in my thoughts. I hope you will always feel my support.

    After operation

    * * *
    Well done! You successfully passed the difficult test and persevered through the operation. I'm sure you'll be fine now! Get well soon! Gain new strength and move forward to success and new achievements! After all, life is wonderful, especially when you have excellent health! And may it always be so!
    * * *
    With all my heart I wish you to recover quickly from all post-operative consequences and return to the ranks of healthy people as soon as possible.
    * * *
    I wish you recovery. I am very happy that the operation was successful. Gain strength faster and smile more often!

Video for the material

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1. Get well soon, may illnesses and illnesses go far away from you forever, may strength and vigor return to you, fill your soul with hope and optimism, may the energy of the sun, the power of the earth, and the support of loved ones help you recover and get back on track with life’s events and again have the pleasure of creating, dreaming and loving!

2. Get well soon, let the illness become only a short-term test that you can quickly overcome. I wish you to gain courage, follow the doctors’ recommendations, and tune in for the fastest possible healing. Think about the good, then all ailments will recede!

3. Illness can never be an obstacle to the feelings of loved ones, right? That’s why I continue to think and worry about you, about how you feel on the spiritual and physical plane, in your emotional world. Dear little man, I want to wish you an active recovery, because you should once again enjoy the world around you and successful life. We will definitely make every effort to successfully eliminate the disease, which can knock you off your feet and bedridden. Very soon you will go outside again and be able to smile at the sun and think: “I’m healthy, finally!” Don’t waste a single day to successfully fight your illness, but take action. My support and care, I hope, will be useful. I believe that we will go to active walk, enjoying life to the fullest. Get well soon, please, dear.

4. Any illness can pass, and your illness will definitely be eliminated in minimum terms. Try to follow all the advice of experienced doctors who know how and what to treat existing disease. Follow the regime for your quick recovery, give preference nutritious foods. Do you need to do something around the house or cook healthy meals? Just tell me and I will definitely come. Now I am sending you impulses of goodness and happiness, wishing you good health and strong immunity. Let health return and allow you to look at the world differently. Life is given so that you find bright colors in it every day and use the chances to make your dreams come true. Close people and Good friends should always be together, that's why I'm next to you now. Get well, please, because you will make yourself and me happy by fulfilling this wish!

Wishes for recovery in your own words

5. My sunshine, get better, such a kind and good person shouldn’t get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover quickly and be in great shape again, fully armed and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer peaks.

6. My dear little man, let your illness leave you, get well soon. Stop being sick, let's conquer this world and enjoy life, strive for dreams and realize your ideas. Sunny, get better and don’t get sick anymore.

7. My soul can’t find a place, my bunny is sick. My beloved little man, get well soon, honey, let’s get well and boldly go into battle, go ahead - conquer this world and fly towards bright happiness!
8 Illness is always untimely, They won’t invite her to visit... I want to wish you a speedy recovery! Let your strength quickly return to your weakened body, and quickly appear beautiful, so that nothing hurts in the future!

9. The most important thing for a person in life is his health. It’s not without reason that the phrase “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” has been known since time immemorial! And this is really true, because if you are healthy, it means you are in a great mood and any task is going well. Therefore, with all my heart I wish you the very best health!

10. Beloved, I wish you to move towards recovery in step with your immunity. But first, let's start preparing for the fight raspberry jam, honey and linden tea.

Wishes for recovery in prose

11. I wish you to spin in a dynamic waltz as soon as possible with correction, relief and complete recovery!

12. I wish that every cell of your body works for recovery and overall improvement, and the sweet, sunny orange juice that I left on your nightstand will not go amiss!

13. Let every link of your immunity be strong, strong, heat-resistant... Which is not afraid of any viruses, illnesses and temperature changes! Let's get well soon my dear!

14. I will rise with the sun, walk through forests and roads, and collect the dew of health in my palm. And you, having washed yourself with happiness, will forget about your worries, you will be able to completely beat your illness! Let the disease run shamefully into its den, slam the doors behind it and don’t open it again. And courage, feel free to call for help, about laughter and good mood, look, don’t forget!

15. I wish you to become healthy as soon as possible, forget all medications and bitter mixtures, have fun again and play football in the morning, completely forgetting that you have a temperature.
I want my body to quickly overcome all the pain that has accumulated, so that everything around me will be fine, and so that the disease will not happen again.

Get well wishes pictures

Any time can take us and our soulmate by surprise. Those. get sick and subsequently experience all the bitterness of cough, fever and runny nose...

And if this has already happened, then you must agree that it would be nice to receive messages from social network or directly in SMS mobile phone a little warmth... But it would be better to say a little warm in person beautiful phrases from the SMS section to your beloved man or woman.

So let's get started...

The sun has already missed your smile, (name). It sent thousands of golden rays to you so that they would drive the disease away from your cozy home.

Get well soon, (name), the rainbow has already stretched its colorful path to your doorstep and invites you to set off towards new achievements.

Hurry up, drive illnesses away, (name), because the flow of time stopped when it did not see your important and good deeds on the planet. Get well soon, little one!

The illness has shackled your good mood, and the whole blooming world seems to have frozen without the positive that you, (name), give to others. Get well as soon as possible!

The flowers have sadly lowered their colorful faces and are sad without your greeting in the morning. Hurry up to get well so that the Earth will once again be decorated with bright flowers!

A shift in the planetary structure began when you became ill. They have lost their natural orbits and are spinning at random. Get well and save the Cosmos from chaos!

Get well soon, (name)! Let it come like a gentle sunbeam, let it inspire you like a feather from the heavenly birds, and delight you with a fairy tale!

You got sick, and the radiant body hid its warmth behind the horizon. The whole world will freeze while you are sick, so get well soon (name).

While you are sick, world scientists have already discovered dozens of new stars! Get well soon, my friend, so you don’t miss another discovery!

Pour yourself some hot, fragrant tea with honey, make warm compresses and wrap yourself in a blanket. In general, do everything to get better quickly, (name)!

Swallow your medications patiently - this will help you quickly overcome the influence of evil viruses! Don’t make a face when eating lemons – they will perfectly boost your immunity!

Since you have been sick, days without you, (name), have become black and white. Their brightness seems to have been stolen by the nasty microbes of your illness... Now go to bed, I wish you good night to your beloved, in your own words from the bottom of my heart!

Maybe you should warm yourself up with mustard plasters? Their burning breath will instantly defeat the evils of the disease that does not let you come to me, dear! Get well!

I want to give you billions of kisses, my beloved! But your cold doesn’t allow you to fulfill your wish... Get well soon, and I’ll come like a meteor!

Tell me, what unknown paths should I follow to find the source of eternal health? I will take a life-giving drink for you, and you will recover!

Collect hot sparks of positivity and direct them towards an uninvited cold. She will not be able to fight such a flow of goodness, and you will recover instantly, (name)!

The diamond of your health may have dimmed a little, but I will carefully warm it in my palms, and the stone will sparkle magnificently again. Get well soon, dear!

This message contains unlimited support for your health! I put into it a great desire for your recovery, and this will add strength to you!

I miss you, bunny... I angrily scold the gloomy weather that infected you with germs. Get well soon, baby, and I will try to protect you more in the future!

Cold winds brought viruses to our region, and one of them reached you, (name)... I will wrap you in the warmth of my heart, and you will soon recover.

I'll come to give you some flower tea. I will come to wrap you in a woolen blanket. I'll come to help you overcome that nasty cold!

Let the radiant heavenly stars share their healing brilliance with you, (name). He is able to blind the evil disease, and it will instantly run away!

Every spoonful of delicious honey, small piece a little sour lemon, every sip of herbal tea speeds up your recovery, dear.

I mentally send a piece own energy to you, sunshine, so that by merging with yours, it will contribute to your return to brighter days!

The gold of our health sometimes loses its shine. But its sparkle brings back Love and correct treatment. You have my Love and you will get better soon! Good morning darling, I want to hug you soon!

Bad weather outside brought dampness and colds. They, unfortunately, put you to bed. I will come, bringing the sun in a warm heart, and drive away the disease!

I will become, for a while, a powerful sorcerer who, with the help of smiles, good mood and Love, will help you, (name), overcome the vagaries of a cold.

Butterflies, like weightless lights, swirl around your window. Listen, beloved, in the flutter of their wings you can hear a whisper: “Get well soon.”

A bright comet with its sparkling tail will catch your harmful disease, kitten, taking it beyond the boundaries of the cosmic fields along which the stars are scattered.

Get well soon, dear! Then we will walk together under the waterfalls of the sun, together we will admire the perfection, looking beyond the edge of the Milky Way.

From the site editor ljubovnyesms.ru

Wishes for recovery, in your own words, to your beloved and beloved - prose

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon