Concussion in children under one year of age. The main signs of a concussion in a child

March 8

It is important to know what the symptoms of a concussion are in children, because children are in constant motion, playing all kinds of outdoor games. It also happens that entertainment becomes unsafe and threatens to cause some kind of injury. Physical activity goes hand in hand with this injury and therefore every parent must know how to recognize them in a timely manner.

Causes of concussion

The reason for the high percentage of concussions among children is the fact that a child's skull weighs more than an adult's skull. That's why children fall headfirst more often. The reason for this is the weight ratio between the head and torso. Another cause of concussion in children can be the inattention of young parents.

The percentage of concussions in children under one year of age is 2%. Infants fall more often and statistics show that they account for 20-25%. Common causes include falling from a crib, stroller, or even parental hands, in particular .

If the baby has “grown out of diapers,” then this is not a reason to loosen control. Preschool and school age are the most dangerous for children. It is dangerous, first of all, because parents are the last to know about poor health, and the symptoms of a concussion in children are not immediately noticeable. Sometimes children hide the fact of falling or hitting their head.

There is a definition for concussion in children - shaken baby syndrome. Unsuccessful acceleration or braking is enough to injure the brain. For newborns, severe motion sickness is sufficient.

3 degrees of concussion

First degree

Trauma to the brain structure or light form, which is characterized by confusion of consciousness without loss of consciousness. Brief vomiting is possible.

Second degree

At average shape Damage may include fractures and bruises of the skull. They are accompanied by a prolonged disturbance of consciousness lasting up to several hours, inhibition, agitation, and disorientation.

Third degree

Brain contusions with hematoma formation and skull fracture. The third degree is characterized by loss of consciousness. Loss of consciousness can last from several minutes to half an hour to 6 hours. Additionally, there is increased drowsiness, alternating with agitation, stupor and disorientation.

All the symptoms of a concussion in children

The main symptoms of a concussion are headaches, confusion and disorientation.

In newborn babies, symptoms appear immediately. The same cannot be said about preschoolers and schoolchildren. Their symptoms may only become apparent 3-4 days after the head hit.

The first signs of a concussion

Concussion in children has different symptoms and their treatment, if not timely, can lead to serious complications.

Symptoms are similar to many other diseases:

  • pale skin,
  • constant crying
  • restless sleep,
  • vomit,
  • after feeding.

Late concussion symptoms

The symptoms of concussion in children are slightly delayed. Signs of brain injury may not appear immediately after the injury. Symptoms appear later and develop at breakneck speed in terms of deteriorating the child’s well-being.

If a child gets up after a fall and runs to continue playing, this does not mean that the threat has passed.

For some time after a fall sufficient to cause a bruise, it is worth observing his condition. Regarding behavior, there are a couple of signs of a concussion::

  • poor appetite,
  • lethargy,
  • mood swings,
  • whims,
  • touchiness,
  • tearfulness.

When to sound the alarm

Parents should be alert to vomiting, nausea and increased drowsiness

At any age, when the brain is damaged, orientation in space and the ability to concentrate are lost. At such moments the eyes move involuntarily. The patient wants to sleep all the time, no matter what time of day.

When a child has a concussion, symptoms can vary. Children mostly experience:

  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • dizziness and vomiting.

Rapid pulse, high pressure And increased sweating also signs of a head injury.

A violation in which a call to ambulance immediate – loss of vision. Blindness can occur either immediately or after some time.

Vision will return over time. The duration of post-traumatic blindness varies from 10 minutes to 3-4 hours.

How to help your child while waiting for a doctor

The first action will be to call an ambulance. The specialist will give an accurate assessment of the patient’s health status.

As first aid In case of a concussion, care should be taken to:

  1. the child was in a stable position,
  2. apply to the site of injury soaked in cold water textile,
  3. don't leave the baby's side
  4. It is not recommended to sleep for at least an hour after receiving a bruise,
  5. If the child has lost consciousness or is vomiting, then you need to put him on his side.

Diagnosis of concussion

Many parents whose children were hospitalized with a similar diagnosis complain that doctors are sometimes negligent.

To prevent such treatment of a sick child parents should know the procedure for standard examination in the clinic:

  • Upon admission to the hospital, the patient is interviewed by 2 specialists - a neurologist and a traumatologist. The child is asked what he is complaining about. Parents are asked how the child was injured;
  • After completing the survey, the specialist examines the patient. Using an ophthalmoscope, the doctor determines the pressure inside the skull. Along with this procedure, it is prescribed CT scan and radiography of the brain;
  • At the end of the general examination and history taking, the specialist doctor conducts the following studies: neurosonography, echo-encephalography, MRI or electroencephalography.

Used as a diagnostic method to identify pathology in children under two years of age. It is used to determine the presence or absence of swelling, hemorrhages, bruises and hematomas in the brain. The procedure is painless and has no contraindications.

Ultrasound examination is carried out in any children's clinic. Electroencephalography will allow specialists to determine the focus of pathology based on readings of bioelectrical activity nerve cells brain.

The presence of a hematoma or other formation in the brain is determined using echo-encephalography. MRI is a long-term method of studying the child’s health status relative to the length of the procedure. This makes it more difficult if the patient is a child. In this case, the little patient is given anesthesia.

Treatment of a concussion involves the child being in the clinic

Correct treatment concussion in children is prescribed only by a specialist. An exception is made when there is bleeding.

In this matter, parents will have to take the initiative into their own hands, without waiting for the doctor to arrive. The wound is treated, after which a sterile bandage is applied.

Depending on the severity of the injury, the question of whether the child should be hospitalized will be decided. The duration of hospitalization is 7 days.

This period is reduced to 4 days if a computed tomography scan was performed, the results of which did not reveal serious damage.

Timely detection of symptoms of concussion in children will significantly reduce negative impact injuries on the child's body.

Treatment in a hospital setting

A week in hospital will suit the child for good. The consequences of a concussion are treated exclusively with medication.

The child is prescribed diuretics:

  • Furasemite,
  • Diacarb.

These drugs wash potassium out of the body. Drugs that replenish potassium levels - Panangin or Asparkarm. Treatment with these drugs will remove the symptoms of concussion in children, in particular its swelling.

To control motor activity, a sedative group of drugs is prescribed:

  • Phenozepam,
  • Infusion of valerian root.

Antihistamines, an alternative to sedatives:

  • Suprastin,
  • Diazolin.

If signs of a concussion the child manifests itself in the form of headaches and nausea:

  • painkillers - Sedalgin or Baralgin.
  • for nausea - Cerucal.

Treatment at home

Having received appropriate treatment, the child is removed from inpatient observation. Residual concussion - treatment at home involves taking vitamin complexes and nootropic drugs prescribed upon discharge from the hospital.

After a concussion for a long time You can’t overexert yourself. Familiar image life will have to change - reduce the duration of walks and watching TV.

Bed rest remains prerequisite within 14 days, even after discharge from the hospital. If symptoms recur, you should see a doctor. Weakness, drowsiness and headaches should not appear after treatment in the hospital.

Consequences of concussion in children

Identify the consequences that arise as a result improper treatment. They are characterized by the same symptoms as those that occur in the case of a concussion.

If your child is worried about insomnia, poor appetite, headaches, or nausea, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main consequences include:

  • weather dependence,
  • impaired concentration,
  • constant headaches,
  • epilepsy,
  • brain tumors.

If you notice unusual symptoms after your baby falls, or changes in his behavior, do not let it get away with it. Symptoms of a concussion that are not detected in time can lead to extremely negative consequences. Starting from long-term treatment, ending with the child’s incomplete recovery.

Excessive activity and mobility, lack of fear and sense of self-preservation often lead to injury and become the reason why a concussion can occur in children, regardless of age. Sometimes, to keep track of a baby who is trying to learn the world, even the most vigilant and attentive parents fail. Often a concussion occurs in a schoolchild who has no idea about the consequences and complications of craniocerebral disorders. Get by a simple bruise, lump or hematoma, in in this case, it won’t work out, and treatment will require mandatory hospitalization.

Severity of concussion

But it's not that dangerous external manifestation skin damage, such as closed craniocerebral injury or concussion in children with subsequent disruption of the central nervous system and organs at the internal cellular level. Even a severe head injury requires immediate examination by a doctor to rule out intracranial changes.

The child who received slight concussion degree I, weakness, slight dizziness, and possible vomiting are observed. Consciousness is present. After 20-30 minutes, children return to normal activities and games.

II degree or moderate concussion in children. At this stage, there are minor damage to the structure of the skull, hematomas and soft tissue bruises. The victim may lose consciousness in the first minutes, be disoriented in space, and feel nausea and bouts of repeated vomiting for several more hours.

Severe or III degree. Accompanied by injuries, fractures, severe bruises, hemorrhages, prolonged and frequent loss of consciousness. Hospitalization, rest, round-the-clock medical supervision and intensive treatment for more than 2 weeks are required.

Over 1,230 young patients in Russia are diagnosed annually in neurosurgical departments with serious head injuries. If we rely on statistical data, the braincase and skull are most often affected in children under one year and 4-6 years old - more than 21%; among schoolchildren, these data exceed 45% of the total number of all cases. In infants and newborns, rates reach 2%, and in toddlers — 8%.

Parents try to protect their children from all kinds of injuries, but there are times when this does happen. One of the most common injuries is concussion in young children. What is it and what is the treatment for the injury?


A concussion is a type of closed head injury. In this case, a short-term loss of consciousness is possible. Damaged due to concussion small vessels brain, which can lead to headaches, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms. In most cases, the injury is not dangerous to the life and health of the child, and the symptoms of concussion in children quickly disappear.


Absolutely all children are susceptible to concussions, even babies under one year of age. From the moment a child begins to independently attempt to roll over or crawl, he requires increased attention, since a concussion can result from falling from a sofa or bed. An accident can happen in a matter of seconds, so babies should not be left unattended even for a short period of time. It is a misconception that children are injured only by irresponsible parents. Unfortunately, even an attentive mother can encounter this.

In older children, other causes of concussion include:

Concussions in newborns in the first few days of life are considered the most dangerous, as they can lead to long-term disruption of brain function.

Severity of injury

Concussion may be different levels difficulties:

  1. A mild degree occurs after a mild blow. With such an injury, the child complains of headaches and dizziness, which pass rather quickly. However, you still need to show the baby to the doctor.
  2. Average degree is expressed in disorientation in space, as well as symptoms that persist for a longer time.
  3. Severe degrees can be complicated by loss of consciousness and amnesia. Poor health persists for several days.

Depending on the severity of the injury, the treatment strategy for a concussion is determined.

Signs of injury

How do you know if your child has a concussion? First of all, you need to pay attention to these first signs of a concussion in a child:

  1. The skin suddenly becomes pale, and after some time its shade changes to red.
  2. Temporary disturbances in vision or motor function of the eyes. A squint may form and one pupil may become larger than the other. In addition, there is gaze paralysis and involuntary eye movements.
  3. Single or repeated vomiting.
  4. Acute headache that is difficult to tolerate without taking painkillers. At this time, children cannot hold back their tears and moans.
  5. Brief loss of consciousness (fainting). Most often, the duration of this state varies from several seconds to several minutes. Longer loss of consciousness is a reason for hospitalization of the baby.
  6. Change in heart rate. At the same time, it is not necessary that it will become more frequent; a slowdown in the heart rate may also be observed.
  7. Respiratory dysfunction. As a result, breathing becomes uneven, intermittent and shallow.
  8. Bleeding from the nose, in in rare cases from the ears, is a symptom of severe concussion in children.
  9. Dizziness, which in case of severe concussion is accompanied by loss of coordination (drunken gait).
  10. A fall blood pressure.
  11. Increased sleepiness. The child tends to put his head on the table or throw it back. Also, children who, according to their age, are already able to speak clearly, complain of weakness in the body.
  12. Memory impairment. For example, a child may not remember what happened some time ago. In rare cases, severe amnesia has occurred.

Depending on the severity of the injury, concussion symptoms in children may vary slightly. Sometimes there are disturbances in hearing, vision or speech.

Symptoms of a concussion in children under one year of age differ from signs of injury in older children. For example, they experience:

Recognize a concussion in a person infants It can be very difficult, since symptoms may not always be observed. However, in any case, it is necessary to provide the victim with peace and show him to the pediatrician.

How long does it take for a child to develop a concussion? Symptoms are not always determined immediately after injury; sometimes manifestations can occur within 24 hours after the incident or even later. It is important not to hesitate, but to immediately contact medical institution.

First aid

If the child is left without proper attention immediately after the injury, the symptoms may worsen, which will lead to Negative consequences. What to do if a child has a concussion? It is necessary to provide first aid to the victim:

  1. If a concussion occurs as a result of a blow to the head, then it is necessary to examine it for scratches or abrasions. They must be treated with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. It is not recommended to use alcohol-containing solutions for these purposes, especially if the victim is infant.
  2. After this, it is necessary to call an ambulance so that doctors can assess the child’s condition. In some cases, hospitalization is indicated.
  3. You need to lay the child on a horizontal surface and turn his head to the side. It is also recommended to cover him with a warm blanket if the concussion occurs during the cold season.
  4. In the room where the victim is located, it is necessary to create calm atmosphere, you can close the curtains on the windows.
  5. It is important to keep your child awake until the medical team arrives, as this may worsen the symptoms of the concussion.
  6. During this period, children are prohibited from any activity, even if their health is acceptable.

If there is a loss of consciousness, then the following first aid is required for a concussion in a child:

  • it is necessary to help the victim take a position lying on the right side;
  • legs must be bent at the knees;
  • right hand should be placed under the head, and the left one extended along the body.

It is important to monitor the condition of the victim, since a child with a concussion may vomit at any time. Therefore, if his head is not turned to the side, then there is a possibility that the baby will choke on vomit.

If you suspect a concussion in a child, but have mild symptoms, you can take him to the clinic yourself. However, it is important that it is in a lying position and that the ride is comfortable.

Diagnosis of injury

Upon arrival at the hospital or the arrival of the medical team, parents must accurately describe the symptoms that they observed in the baby. It is also necessary to report the first aid they provided in case of a child’s concussion.

It is important that after the incident the victim is examined by specialists such as a traumatologist and a neurologist. They should test the sensitivity motor activity, reflexes, measure intracranial pressure, look at the pupils (if a child has a concussion, their size changes). Even if the symptoms are not too pronounced, and the baby feels fine, this does not mean that the injury can pass without a trace.

How is a child’s concussion diagnosed using medical equipment? The following studies are prescribed:

  1. An X-ray is necessary to rule out the possibility of a fracture or crack in the bones of the skull.
  2. Neurosonography determines the presence of internal edema, hemorrhages or hematomas in the brain.
  3. Ultrasound of the head evaluates general state the affected organ.

In rare cases, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is used.

Therapy for trauma

Having received the research results, parents have a question: “How to treat a concussion in a child?” Therapy can be carried out both at home and in a hospital setting. The choice of techniques depends on the severity of the injury.

Primary school children and before school age necessarily placed in a hospital, since in this way it is much more convenient to monitor the child’s condition and assess the consequences. If no concomitant pathologies are detected, the length of stay in the clinic is several days. Also, being in a hospital has a positive effect on the child’s health, since noisy noise is not allowed there. active games, which are contraindicated in the post-traumatic period.

As part of treatment, the following medications are prescribed:

With such therapy and the absence of serious damage to the skull and brain, the child is discharged from the hospital on the 7th day of treatment. After which, for 2-3 weeks he should be at home under parental control. It is important to minimize vigorous activity. It is not recommended to run and play, watch TV, as it is annoying nervous system and brain.

Nutritional Features

After the child is prescribed treatment, you need to take care correct mode day and adequate nutrition for the injured. Since during this period the victim feels tired and weak, his appetite decreases significantly.

During the period of treatment and recovery of the body after an injury, it is recommended to eat more foods that contain vitamins B, C, magnesium, calcium, lecithin, fatty acid Omega-3:

  • meat and offal (liver, heart);
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat);
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts);
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • any types of fish;
  • fruits vegetables.

What not to do

Some parents do not attach much importance to the bruises their children receive, but this should not be done. You should also know that you cannot:

  • leaving the injured child unattended, as important symptoms that indicate a concussion may be missed;
  • shake a baby who has lost consciousness to bring him to his senses (for this it is better to use ammonia, which must be brought to the victim’s nose);
  • lay the child on his back, as there is a chance of choking when vomiting;
  • self-medicate without consulting specialists;
  • make noise near the victim, as this may worsen his well-being.

If you comply simple rules behavior when a concussion is detected in a child, recovery will proceed noticeably faster and without complications.


Most often, after the symptoms of injury disappear, parents do not continue the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, and the child no longer observes the silence regime for the prescribed time. If treatment is not completed, a concussion may appear much later, for example, in adolescence as the following symptoms:

Unfortunately, these consequences can last a lifetime, so it is very important to complete the course of treatment for a concussion.


Of course, it is impossible to completely protect a child from receiving any injuries, even with tireless monitoring. However, you can minimize the risk by following these recommendations:

All children fall and hit their heads sooner or later. Therefore, it is important to monitor the subsequent condition of the baby and look closely at the symptoms that may appear after injury.

It is important for adults to understand how to recognize a concussion in a child, especially at the age of 2-3 and up to 5-6 years, when the child is not able to describe all the symptoms himself. How quickly you diagnose traumatic abnormalities and signs of concussion in infants or school-age children may determine the future of a full life in society.

Children suffer various types of head injuries so often that a concussion often goes away “on their feet,” on its own. You may never even know that your child had this injury in the 1st degree of severity.

Risk of Concussion in Toddlers

What's the worst thing about this situation, kids? infancy They don’t even realize what happened to them. Slightly older children at the age of 2-3 years may experience discomfort, but they also cannot describe them, since they cannot find words. And at 5 years old, when the baby babbles at the top of his lungs, he will either be afraid to tell adults about his injury so as not to be punished, or he will not attach importance to dizziness, for example. And a child of any age will whine from a severe headache or nausea.

By the way, a child can get a concussion without a bruise: all the organs are not yet sufficiently formed, and a strong shake or dad’s “throw to the ceiling” is enough to get an injury, even of the first degree.

Often at the age of 2-3 years or older, at 5-7, a child gets a concussion either when jumping from a great height or when suddenly braking while running, due to excessive activity and curiosity. That is why it is not recommended to send children to hyperactive and extreme sports; it is also recommended to watch games with obstacles. Finally, the first symptoms of motion sickness - vomiting and nausea - may also indicate a concussion if the motion lasted for a long time.

Signs of a concussion in children

Contrary to popular belief, this disease manifests itself differently at 2 and 3 years of age than in adults. Even at 5 years old, with a severe brain injury, the child will not receive retrograde amnesia, as in adulthood.

Here's typical behavior infant after injury:

  1. Severe pallor skin faces.
  2. Speaker cold sweat, heat.
  3. Irritability, loud crying.
  4. After all of the above - sudden calming down, sleep.

Following similar signs of a concussion in children, children may also experience blurred vision, bad dream, lack of appetite. But if the injury is minor, the symptoms go away one after another, and adults may not even realize that the child had a concussion.

In 99% of cases, infants and children aged 2-3 years do not lose consciousness during a concussion. Whereas from 5 years and older similar symptoms are present, and the baby may switch off for a minute.

It is very rare for a patient to fall into a coma at an early age; this must actually be preceded by a serious accident or accident. To determine how the disease progresses in this condition, the child is connected to a system of life support devices.

Blindness and ringing in the ears often occur after a concussion. Children at 2-3 years old do not realize this, but from the age of 5, adults already listen to the “fantasies” and capricious complaints of a child. You should ask directly whether the child sees stars, stripes, spots in his eyes after the blow, and whether he can hear the adult well. If symptoms persist for several hours, hospitalization will be required.

What other signs do children show after a concussion?

  • Disorientation in space.
  • Problems with coordination.
  • Absence or decline of skin reflexes, activity of facial muscles.
  • Intense sweating elevated temperature.
  • Lethargic, lethargic state.

Especially the last points will help to identify a concussion in children aged 2-3 years, when it is impossible to find out about the symptoms in a conversation. Watch the movements of the eyeballs and pupils; by their chaotic behavior, you can determine deviations in the functioning of the brain.

To confirm the signs, ask your child to read a sentence - difficulty focusing and thinking will indicate symptoms of a concussion.

Nausea and vomiting, severe thirst, as consequences of brain injury, torment not only adults, but especially intensely children aged 5-10 years and earlier. Infants may regurgitate more often than usual.

Also, their fontanel may swell, which indicates more dangerous consequences for the brain. An MRI or other examination prescribed by a doctor will help determine exactly what threats stand in the way of the child.

Our readers write

Subject: Got rid of headaches!

From: Olga M. ( [email protected])

To: Site Administration/

Hello! My name is
Olga, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to overcome my headache and hypertension. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

When I turned 30, I first felt such unpleasant symptoms as headache, dizziness, periodic “compression” of the heart, and sometimes there was simply not enough air. I chalked it all up to a sedentary lifestyle. irregular schedule, poor nutrition and smoking.

Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of the other world. Over the last 2 years I have started to move more, in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day, I got a job Good work.

Who wants to live a long and energetic life without headaches, strokes, heart attacks and blood pressure surges, take 5 minutes and read this article.

First steps when identifying a concussion

It is quite natural that you should not wait until all the symptoms manifest themselves: as soon as 2-3 of them make themselves known, and especially if the condition lasts longer than 4-5 hours, children need to be hospitalized.

mild traumatic brain injury

A concussion is classified as the mildest type of traumatic brain injury. Its characteristic symptom immediately after a blow or fall is a disturbance of consciousness and disorientation in space. A little later, symptoms such as lethargy and drowsiness, headache, nausea, and vomiting appear. In such cases, consultation with a doctor is required, so it is extremely important for parents to know the symptoms of a concussion in a child in order to recognize it in time. In addition, this will help eliminate more serious pathology, and if present, carry out timely therapeutic or surgical treatment.

Concussion is common cause contacting a traumatologist or neurologist. This type of injury accounts for about 90% of all head injury cases. According to statistics, every year more than 30 thousand young patients are treated with this diagnosis. Most often, mild TBI is diagnosed in age group from five to fifteen years.

Mechanism and causes of injury

The brain is a vital and very sensitive organ to various damages. Therefore, it is reliably protected by the bones of the skull. In addition, the brain substance is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which, among other things, acts as a shock absorber.

During a concussion, a strong mechanical impact on the head area, vibration, shaking can lead to displacement of the anatomical structures of the brain and their injury to the walls of the skull. In this case, the meningeal membranes and bones of the brain part of the skull often do not have any damage.

The circumstances that cause traumatic brain injury vary among different age groups.

  • Concussion in a child under one year of age. Occurs in cases of insufficient adult control. Injury occurs when falling from a table, high bed, or carelessly descending stairs.
  • Skull injuries in preschool age. Occurs when falling from a swing, riding a bicycle without a helmet, or while playing with other children. In teenagers, the most common causes of concussion are climbing trees or garages, aggressive behavior, classes dangerous species sports

In addition, the mechanism of injury itself is important. If a child trips and falls on his face or hits his forehead on a hard-carpeted floor, it rarely results in any serious injury. The most dangerous are falls from a height of more than two meters or injuries sustained while moving at a speed of more than 30 km/h. Falls on a hard surface (ceramic tile floor or concrete) can also cause concussion.

Concussion in a child: characteristic symptoms

The most clear criterion and the first sign of a concussion is loss of consciousness during a blow to the skull or a fall from a height. The unconscious state can last for seconds or 10-15 minutes. However, in infants, disturbances of consciousness do not occur so often, even despite severe head damage. Older children sometimes do not realize the moment of loss of consciousness, especially if no adult was nearby at the time of the injury.

The fact of injury can be determined by examining the child. In most cases, it is possible to identify a mark from a blow, abrasion or bruising on the scalp or face.
At the time of TBI, autonomic disorders are often observed: severe pallor, marbling of the face, increased sweating. A rapid or, conversely, slow heartbeat and changes in blood pressure are objectively determined.

It is extremely important for parents to know how to identify a concussion in a child so that they can seek timely treatment. medical care. Mild TBI has five typical signs that can appear both in the first hours after injury and in the long-term period (within a day or two).

  1. Nausea and/or vomiting. Very often they occur half an hour or several hours after hitting the head. Children under three years of age sometimes do not want to eat, and infants do not latch on to the breast.
  2. Severe and persistent headache. In preschoolers, this can be expressed by causeless anxiety and crying.
  3. Loss of some events from memory. Amnesia occurs for events before the injury or at the time of the TBI. Some patients confuse time and date and may have poorer orientation in their surroundings.
  4. Lethargy, slow reactions, drowsiness. The child reacts differently to external stimuli, refuses to play, and gets tired quickly. If he has a concussion, he may fall asleep at an unusual time.
  5. Increased sensitivity. Trembling, squinting, crying in response to sound and light stimuli.

Sometimes in children early age there is an increase in temperature to 37.5 °C, frequent regurgitation. Concussions are also characterized by dizziness and tinnitus.

The above signs of a concussion in a child should force parents to call an ambulance. The doctor will check and evaluate the symptoms and treat your child's concussion appropriately. This will avoid life-threatening complications and consequences in the future.


Any head injury should be the basis for consultation with a neurologist, traumatologist or neurosurgeon. Already during the initial examination, the specialist will be able to recognize the neurological signs of a concussion and, if necessary, prescribe additional research methods.

If a concussion is present, neurological tests reveal the following signs:

  • involuntary horizontal eye twitching;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • coordination problems.

The main goal of instrumental diagnostics is to exclude or identify more severe damage to the brain substance.

  • Neurosonography. Performed on children under two years of age: using ultrasound through large fontanel the doctor evaluates the structures of the brain, the presence or absence of pathological signals. Also, this method can identify signs of increased intracranial pressure during a concussion.
  • Echoencephalography. It is a less informative diagnostic method. It is used to determine the displacement of the midline formations of the brain, which indirectly confirms the presence of a hematoma. Electroencephalography is used to determine the severity of head injury.
  • Radiography.
  • Recommended in all cases to avoid damage to the cranial bones and cervical vertebrae. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

They are the most accurate research methods. They are justified if more severe damage to the brain is suspected and in clinically unclear situations. Thus, the presence of a head injury in a child and objective signs

Concussions require mandatory medical examination. Also, to exclude complications of TBI, additional instrumental diagnostics are necessary.

Immediately after an injury, the child should be kept at rest and seek medical help as quickly as possible. If the baby is unconscious, he should be turned on his side. It is not recommended to self-administer any painkillers.

After examination by specialists and diagnostic measures, the issue of hospitalization in a neurological or neurosurgical department is decided. Treatment of a concussion in a preschool child is usually carried out inpatiently. This is necessary for the purpose of round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of a small patient and prevention possible complications. In addition, being in the department guarantees psycho-emotional and physical peace, which is very important in the first days after an injury.

For therapeutic purposes the following are prescribed:

  • analgesics;
  • potassium salts;
  • diuretics (“Diacarb”, “Furosemide”);
  • medications that have a sedative effect;
  • drugs that improve metabolic processes (“Actovegin”, “Solcoseryl”);
  • medications that affect microcirculation;
  • antihistamines.

Typically, the duration of hospital treatment does not exceed seven to ten days. After discharge from the hospital, nootropics (Encephabol) and multivitamin complexes are prescribed.

At home, you should definitely limit physical activity child, exclude sports, as well as games with jumping, running and falling on the floor. It is also recommended to reduce TV and computer viewing as much as possible. An outpatient treatment regimen is recommended for two weeks. Physical exercise contraindicated for at least a month after discharge from the hospital.

What to do if your baby gets a TBI and stays home

The best option, of course, is hospitalization in a neurosurgical or trauma department. However, quite often situations arise when a child is at home after an injury. This happens when parents do not know how a concussion manifests itself or refuse hospitalization.

In addition, not all cases of TBI symptoms can be identified immediately after the injury. In some situations, dynamic monitoring of the child is required to exclude or confirm the diagnosis. Monitoring the baby’s well-being is necessary for at least 12-24 hours.

In such cases, a number of indicators of the child’s condition should be checked.

  • The child's reaction to external stimuli. With a traumatic brain injury, the reaction is slow and sluggish.
  • If the child falls asleep immediately after the injury. He should be awakened (even at night) every two hours to assess his consciousness.
  • How it reacts to light. In the absence of a TBI, the baby actively opens his eyes, the pupils are the same size and narrow when exposed to bright light. If one pupil is larger, this may indicate the presence of intracranial hemorrhage.
  • Having a headache. Evidence in favor of a concussion.
  • Nausea or vomiting. Symptoms may occur several hours after the injury occurs. Characteristic of concussion or more severe TBI.
  • Feeling of "crawling" or numbness. The baby may complain about the appearance of such discomfort in one or more limbs. This symptom may also be indirect sign TBI.

A characteristic sign of concussion in young children is an increase in the severity of symptoms. If in the first hours after hitting the head the child’s condition remains satisfactory, then it may subsequently worsen, which is an ominous sign and requires an immediate call to the doctor.

What could be the consequences?

The prognosis for mild TBI is favorable. Sometimes trauma becomes cause of lung asthenic condition, attention deficit disorder, vegetative-vascular disorders. Headache after an injury, it can bother the child for six months. In such cases, observation is indicated pediatric neurologist with the appointment of appropriate treatment.

Very rarely, epileptic syndrome develops after TBI. Such consequences of a concussion in a child often occur when the severity of the injury is underestimated, as well as the lack of adequate therapy and non-compliance with bed rest in the first three to four days after the injury.

Prevention of concussion in children involves constant monitoring by adults. Older children need to be explained the rules of behavior on the road, during play and sports training. If a child receives a head injury, they must inform their parents.
