A new type of crafts for the home: weaving from newspaper tubes. Crafts from cocktail straws

To mom

Children and adults who have extraordinary imagination can create bright, interesting and original crafts from the most unpredictable materials. In particular, today it is very popular among those who like to create. This activity is quite complex, but at the same time extremely exciting, so it attracts a huge number of children different ages, as well as their parents.

This type of weaving is especially popular among high school students. Guys who master the skill of creating crafts from newspaper tubes, can easily be made with your own hands original gift for your loved ones, and also take part in school competition children's creativity. Step-by-step instructions outlined in our article will help boys and girls figure out how to make newspaper tubes themselves and use them in their work.

How to make newspaper tubes with your own hands to create crafts from them?

First of all, you need to figure out exactly how you can make tubes from old newspapers, which are sure to be found in every family. You can make them as follows:

Master class on creating crafts from newspaper tubes

If desired, you can make an incredibly beautiful and unique vase from this material, original napkins on the table and much more. In this article we bring to your attention detailed instructions with a photo for beginners, demonstrating how to create crafts from newspaper tubes step by step using an example decorative decoration boxes.

To complete this simple, but interesting and painstaking work, follow the suggested instructions:

  1. Take the box you plan to cover with newspaper tubes and cut off the top lids.
  2. At the bottom of the box, first mark where the tubes will be located. The distance between them should be exactly 3 centimeters, however, it should be taken into account that stand tubes must be installed at each corner of the box. Otherwise, the manufactured structure will not hold. When the markings are ready, use instant glue to glue the tubes in the indicated places.
  3. Carefully turn the box, lift all the tubes up and secure them with an elastic band.
  4. Start weaving from the bottom, wrapping the tube around each post.
  5. Next, glue an additional tube to the bottom of the box, which will have to be gradually expanded in the future.
  6. Start braiding the racks, alternating turns from the outside and from the inside.
  7. When the tube runs out, it will need to be extended. To do this, insert the other narrower side into the wide end of this tube and fix it with glue.
  8. Approximately in the middle of the weaving, stop, finish the row, carefully glue the tube that was used to weave to the stand and cut it.
  9. Attach the ribbon that will serve as the decoration for the box and measure the distance required for it. Remove the ribbon and continue weaving, allowing this distance along the stand.
  10. Weave this way to the very top and finish the row, fixing the tube with glue.
  11. You should end up with such an unusual box.
  12. Finish the weaving as shown in the picture.
  13. Add a satin ribbon and, if desired, other decorative elements.

Articles on this topic:

Every housewife tries to make her home cozy and beautiful. For this purpose, you can use various decorative elements, or you can turn to the advice of our grandparents and decorate the house with wickerwork. Of course, the most amazing ones will be those made from pre-harvested tree vines. To do this, you will have to wander through the forest in the spring in search of a suitable tree, cut branches, and then prepare them by soaking and drying them properly. But there is more easy way– replace tree branches with newspaper. Step-by-step master class“Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners” can be mastered by anyone and after a couple of tries they can create their first product.

Preparing the paper vine

First you need to prepare the material. It can be pure paper, but practice shows that weaving from it is quite difficult due to its density. Of course, if there is newsprint which is used in printing houses, then it will be perfect option, since the absence of printed text on it greatly facilitates painting of the product. But more on that later. So, prepare newspapers in large quantities. By using sharp knife cut strips no more than 10 centimeters wide. To begin with, you can practice on shorter strips and only after gaining some experience move on to longer ones. At the same time, it is much easier to make a product from long strips than from short ones.

Place a strip of paper in front of you. We apply a knitting needle to it at an acute angle. Next, we tuck a corner of the newspaper under the knitting needle and begin to twist the sheet as tightly as possible.

Don't be alarmed if one end ends up a little thicker than the other. It's ok though big difference there shouldn't be. To prevent our tube from unraveling, you should use glue and secure the corner of the sheet. Thus, you need to twist at least 50 tubes. The quantity depends on the size and complexity of the product.

Further actions depend on how exactly you are going to paint the finished product. You can paint the sticks before weaving. But there are some nuances here. The wrong varnish will make them hard and brittle, resulting in a rough looking vase or box. It is recommended to use acrylic varnish for artwork.

The box or on which the text is clearly visible, multi-colored or two-color coloring also looks beautiful. The floor box for items, a shoe, a photo frame, and a chest for small items look original and unusual. You can paint the product after manufacturing, especially if it is not of a particularly complex shape.

Making the bottom

The base of the product can be absolutely anything: round, square, rectangular. First, let's try with a solid bottom. To do this, it is enough to select dense material, for example, cardboard, and cut out two circles from it. Why two? And in order to hide the ends of the tubes in the bottom, which will be the stands. Next, we place one circle and, using a pencil, make marks where the posts will be fixed. If this is a future vase, then you can make the stands at a wide distance from each other. Some types of weaving, for example, oblique, allow you to weave on 5-6 stands. Glue the ends of the sticks and immediately apply the second circle. A solid square bottom is made in the same way. But still, the wicker bottom looks especially attractive. This is where the weaving of a basket or box most often begins. In this case, you need to cross several tubes, for example 5-7. Weaving technology - one tube is braided from the center in a circle, alternating the position of the main sticks either above or below the working one. We extend the tube as necessary. How to do this will be described in the next section. Thus, we create a circle of the required diameter. In order to understand how to weave a round bottom using other techniques, it is enough to watch the video lesson once, following the recommendations step by step.

Rarely, but still sometimes a square bottom is woven. This is a rather complicated process and you need to master it only after you have made a couple of products in more light equipment.

Tube extensions and weaving

Some crafts, such as a vase, may be quite tall, which requires frequent extensions paper vine. To facilitate this process and to ensure that the finished product has the most attractive appearance, you should learn how to connect the tubes correctly. As already mentioned, the paper vine blank has ends of different thicknesses. This is what allows you to seamlessly connect them. We take a stick with a thin end and a second one with a thick one. Now we simply insert one into the other with gentle movements and scroll a little. To secure the joint, you can lubricate the thin end with glue. It is often recommended to cut off the thick end before connecting the vine. But at the same time, you will get a sharper transition, since the thickness of the wall of the stick will be much greater than if it was not cut. That is, in our case the transition will be smoother, and after painting it will become completely invisible.

Next, let's try to weave the most simple weaving, that is, one strip. To do this, take our bottom and attach a stick near one of the posts. Before this, you need to choose the shape that you will braid. This can be a can, bottle or box, if the basket is being woven. We lift each end of the racks up and, if possible, secure them with clothespins. Next, we begin to braid our racks with a free vine. Alternatively, a basket is woven in the same way using two sticks. In the future, you can experiment and alternate weaving with one or two tubes.

The rope is more difficult to weave. In this case, two tubes are used. They are located according to different sides from the rack and at the same time intertwine with each other in the space between the racks. But in the photo this weaving looks especially interesting, and a basket made using this technique is durable and holds its shape perfectly.

A variation of linear weaving is oblique or spiral weaving. The spiral weaving method is great for vases, and various crafts, for example, Christmas trees and glasses.

In this case, only racks are used, which are intertwined with each other with a slight offset. This technique making braids will help you better master through training in an online master class with video lessons.

Almost all types of weaving are continuous, that is, each previous row flows into the next.

Some products have a lid. It weaves in exactly the same way, only with a lower height.

After the product is ready, you need to paint it with a brush or spray can and, if desired, apply a pattern. It could be a painting satin ribbons, decoupage, beads, embroidery. For every technique there is step by step process creation, detailed guide, which will allow you to master it. And finally the product is varnished.

What can be made from paper vine

At first glance, it seems that a limited number of products can be made from newspaper tubes. But once you master this technique, learn detailed description, and during work you will no longer need instructions; you will be able to create your own weaving methods and, accordingly, new crafts. We can only give advice on how to weave this or that product. To create a basket, just weave a shape classic weaving. Next, a pair of tubes are woven on both sides, on the basis of which a handle is woven. For practice, you can weave something simple - a shoe, a glass, a stand, a flower, a candy bowl, and then move on to making more complex structures, for example, furniture - a laundry basket or a chest for sewing supplies.

First bigger size and to create it you need to weave a strong frame, but the second one can have internal partitions. It weaves especially often. For creating unique image you can make an openwork edge. To do this, you can simply weave a braid or master a more complex method of weaving an openwork, but for this you will need a diagram.

Having looked once at an example of products made from newspaper tubes, simple technique the weaving of which even a beginner can master, you simply cannot ignore this technique and will definitely master it, creating many useful and beautiful things. After the first time of creating a craft, as soon as you manage to make it and finish it, you will no longer be able to stop, because it is a very exciting process. Let needlework become a new, exciting hobby for you!

Wicker items have been popular at all times. Only earlier they used birch bark, wicker, and willow twigs, but now they are replaced with ordinary newspaper, magazine and office sheets. Such products are coated with stain and varnish, thereby creating an imitation of the structure of wood.

This is the popular Master class for beginners will be devoted to the basics of this craft, since the information on it is scattered in pieces from various sources, and all the available lessons on weaving crafts are designed for people with basic knowledge.


For weaving you will need paper, knitting needles, paint, stain, varnish, cardboard, glue. Newspapers, magazines, office and fax paper are suitable for the work. Softer tubes are made from newspaper, and thinner, elastic tubes are made from magazines and office paper.

Please note: from one newspaper spread you should get four tubes (the width of the segment is no more than 7-12 centimeters). Cut narrow strips 2-3 centimeters wide from office paper.

Experiment with different types material, then you will get an extraordinary paper weave. You can create a wide variety of crafts using this technique - from trays and panels to animal figurines and dishes.

Craftsmen use knitting needles of different thicknesses. The selection depends on the craft: for example, for a newspaper you need a knitting needle No. 2-3, and for office paper - a stocking needle. For the base of the craft, twist thick tubes, and for the braid - soft ones.

Choose a water-based paint or stain (alcohol-based product dries quickly, but makes the tube brittle). Thin the paint with PVA glue (2:1 or 3:1). They paint either the product after work, or the workpiece before starting creative process. But ready-made craft always lubricate with glue and leave to dry. Only at the last stage is it coated with varnish. Cardboard is used to create a finished bottom or container the desired shape.

Paper weaving: master class for beginners

How to prepare the tubes:

The tubes should not be soft or hard; ideally, a “medium” paper weave is obtained. There are a lot of video tutorials on twisting for beginners, but without practice they are useless. For example, for blinds and panels, craftsmen specially twist hard sticks; for decorative miniature objects, they prepare thin tubes, where the width of the strip can be less than the traditional seven centimeters. You need to experiment to find your own tube thickness.

Please note that when cutting with a knife, nicks are formed that interfere with proper twisting. Therefore, before work, carry out research work: try cutting two sheets of newspaper into cross sections and longitudinal stripes, determining which method produces fewer nicks. It is from the segment with smaller notches that the tube rolls without problems.

Paper weaving: step-by-step instructions for twisting and painting

When twisting sticks, one end should be wider and the other narrower. So, when weaving crafts, a build-up occurs due to insertion, that is, a narrow corner is inserted into a wide one. If the ends are the same, then one edge is flattened, compressed and inserted.

Many artists do without glue when doing extensions; they simply insert a stick three centimeters deep into another. Other pros drop a drop of glue into a tube with a wide end, and push it three centimeters with a narrow stick.

There is also a secret how to make the twisting go faster and the weaving to be soft. Before work, newspaper tubes are laid out in a row and rolled over them with a rolling pin. It turns out that each craftsman has his own paper weaving.

Master class for beginners on painting tubes

  • First way. Paint the sheets before work, then dry them, cut them into strips and roll them into tubes.
  • Second way. Twist the sticks, then paint each one individually with a brush. Suitable for products that require an unusual pattern.
  • Third way. You make a craft, then decorate it using weaving or randomly with a brush.

Mass painting methods

For paint you can use water emulsion, pigments, for eggs. If it works bad color, still continue weaving from paper. A basket, for example, can have any color, just complicate the weaving or resort to decoupage.

Secrets for working with straws

Please note that the color becomes lighter as it dries. By combining with other sticks, you create the desired pattern or draw the finished product the right shade. No need to dry completely dry. Wrap the slightly damp sticks in a bag so that both ends are outside. In winter they can be stored in the cold.

When working, the sticks must be flexible, but after painting they become hard and brittle. Ideally, paper weaving should begin immediately after painting the tubes. A basket, boxes, and dishes can be made from dry painted tubes if, before work, you spray the middle of the sticks with plain water using a sprayer on all sides.

Wrap them in a wet cloth (ends outside) or put them in a bag. Prepare immediately a large number of tubes so as not to be distracted by twisting during work.

When weaving, an even and odd number of tubes are taken. It is in the side where the odd number of sticks is where the work begins. The “odd” tube entwines all the others. As soon as its length ends, grow a new stick.

Types of weaving

We've finished with the material preparations, now let's look at paper weaving. A master class for beginners on its technique is given below.

  • Simple ordinary weaving. With a braiding tube, like a snake, go around each base stick. That is, it either covers the base or hides behind it. If you need to go back, the weaving goes the same way, but in the opposite direction.
  • Simple weaving in rows. The pattern changes after several rows. That is, take one stick and go through a simple weave. The next tube is laid in the same way as the first. Continue this way several times. Then you shift the pattern, that is, where the base was braided, it remains free, and the next one is braided the same number of times as in the first pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weave. Each tube starts with a new base stick diagonally. The result is an oblique (oblique) pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weaving in rows. Just as in a horizontal pattern, you weave with several sticks, and new circle move according to the drawing.

Types of weaving

We continue to look at paper weaving (master class on creating patterns):

Weaving techniques and secrets

To keep any pattern, it is braided with a rope or a braid. Let's take a closer look at the “protective” paper weaving (we will describe it step by step using the example of a basket).

Please note that weaving the tubes starts from the thick ends from left to right. To get the desired shape, the stands are pinched to the desired object (vase, bucket, box, etc.). Ready product generously smear with PVA glue (with or without paint), “put it on” the object of the desired shape, and dry it. Then, when painted and varnished, the product made from tubes will be beautiful and durable.

Making a basket

For beginners, it’s better to start with something simple (for example, blinds, frames, panels) to train your hand in twisting the tubes and weaving them together. Then you can go to complex weaving made of paper (horseshoe, heart, box, bell). Consider a master class on weaving a simple basket without a lid or handle.

To save labor on weaving the basket, use a cardboard bottom. To do this, take an object of the desired shape, circle the bottom on thick cardboard. Cut out two pieces. Decorate them right away (cover them with wallpaper, paint them or use decoupage).

Attach the bottom half along the edge. Now glue the newspaper tubes onto it. The distance between them should not be more than 2-3 centimeters. This is the basic rule of such needlework (meaning paper weaving).

A stand for pens, a photo frame, a hat - any craft should have a distance between the posts of no more than three centimeters. The fact is that a larger gap between them leads to looseness and fragility of the product.

Continuation of basket weaving

Next, apply PVA glue to the bottom with the tubes, cover it with the second bottom, place a weight on top and leave it overnight. Now go through two rows with a “rope” simple weave racks After this, place the form on the bottom along which you will weave, with a weight (the weight is needed to fix the bottom when weaving). If you immediately start weaving the walls from the cardboard bottom, you will end up with holes in the basket that will need to be decorated.

Raise the tubes up and continue working until you reach the desired height. Next, braid it up or braid it separately, gluing it to the base. The same principle is used to weave paper boxes with lids.

There is another way to weave a rectangular bottom using ribbons and newspaper tubes. This look is reminiscent of working with a rug made of paper strips. Only in in this case take not one tube, but two or three for one unit. For example, there are four groups of sticks below. Then place three sticks crosswise on them.

Place four groups of tubes on top so that their ends are between the bottom ones. Now you braid all the rows with ribbon or a soft stick. Then again lay a transverse group of sticks, braiding them with tape. Using colored tubes, you can get an original pattern.

The bottom in this case turns out to be voluminous, as if double. Then you lift all the joints and braid them with a “rope”, smoothly moving onto the walls of the product. For trays, this is the optimal paper weave. Step by step photo on weaving square basket clearly shows the essence of the work. Prepare some straws and get creative.

If you have never worked with newspaper tubes, start with simple types. For example, blinds. To do this, simply twist the thick sticks along the length of one half of the window. Tying double knot on both sides of each stick, retreating 3-4 centimeters from the edges. While working, coat the “seams” with glue.

At the top you attach a curtain ring (the blinds will be attached to them) and a loop where you can put a rolled roll if necessary. Paint the finished product and varnish it. Now you can try simple weaving on small souvenirs and move on to baskets.

There are many techniques for making DIY crafts for the home. One of them is weaving from newspaper tubes. Newspapers turned out to be a suitable material that could replace the well-known wicker in wickerwork deciduous trees.

There are many techniques for making DIY home crafts.

This is the most accessible type of needlework, allowing you to create beautiful and practical things for the home. To start weaving beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes, you need to spend a minimum of money. Experienced craftswomen made from this available material different types baskets and baskets (3 types), trays and pencil holders, containers for bulk substances, candy bowls and even furniture, bags and clothes.

Scroll necessary materials and tools are small. Almost every home has everything you need, especially where there are schoolchildren:

  • newspapers and other paper products;
  • PVA glue or other types of glue that quickly glue paper;
  • knitting needle;
  • scissors or a knife for cutting paper;
  • ruler;
  • clothespins or big size paper clips;
  • paints;
  • three-layer napkins for decoupage.

Wickerwork is made not only from newspapers; you can use pages of glossy magazines, A4 sheets, and paper wallpaper.

Newspapers turned out to be a suitable material that could replace the well-known vine of deciduous trees in wickerwork

Below is a step-by-step description of the process of making wicker paper crafts with your own hands.

Weaving from newspaper tubes begins by watching videos that explain the rules and process of making various products. Having received initial information about the new weaving material, any beginner can begin making his first craft. So, we weave a basket from newspaper tubes.

Many users often need to read the job description in addition to the video. Below is a step-by-step description of the process of making wicker paper crafts with your own hands.

Rolling tubes from newspapers (video)

Main stages of weaving

The first stage is the preparation of the newspaper “vine”. Newspapers prepared in advance should be cut with a paper knife into strips 5-10 cm wide. To keep them even and neat, you can use a ruler. Instead of stationery knife You can cut paper for blanks using a breadboard knife with a replaceable blade. This type of knife is used in scrapbooking.

After familiarizing yourself with the process of how to make a weaving tube, you can practice making this material on short strips of paper. It is better to weave a basket from newspaper tubes from long pieces.

It is recommended to roll the cut pieces into a tube on a flat surface. The cut paper blank is placed on the table. A knitting needle is applied to one of its corners at an acute angle. Having tucked a corner of the newspaper under the knitting needle, they begin to twist the strip into a tube. The paper is rolled tightly to make the tube tight. As a result, one edge of the workpiece may turn out to be slightly thicker than the other. This normal result, but this difference in thickness should not be large.

To prevent the workpiece from unwinding, a corner of the sheet is glued to the surface of the tube. The glue is selected to such a thickness and consistency that the sheets immediately set and stick together.

The correct determination of the grain direction on a sheet of paper is as follows. You need to run your nails along its edge. If waviness appears along the cut line, then this is the transverse direction of the fibers. No irregularities are formed in the longitudinal direction. In order for the tubes to keep their shape well, they need to be twisted in the longitudinal direction of the paper fibers.

Before weaving, you can paint the blanks. The tubes are painted onto baskets made from newspaper sheets, which will not be decorated with decoupage napkins. Can be done beautiful basket, but poorly painted sides of the tubes will negate the work done. For coloring paper “vine” it is better to use acrylic paints. They do not affect the flexibility of the material prepared for weaving. Products made from paper tubes are given a finished look by coating their surface with acrylic varnish.

The next stage is weaving the bottom. A round basket made of newspaper tubes is best example, from which beginners can begin training. It can be made for the upcoming Easter holiday. Many craftswomen are already preparing decorations for this day. More often it is a round basket or tray made of paper tubes, multi-colored Easter eggs made using technology spiral weave. They are painted in different colors. Place them in a basket or attach original pendants to the eggs and hang the decoration on the wall or doors.

Weaving a round basket or vase from newspaper tubes consists of several not too difficult steps. To begin with, you can make the bottom solid by cutting it out of thick cardboard.

To hide the ends of the tubes glued to the base, cut out 2 cardboard circles of the required diameter. The stand sticks are glued to the bottom circle and then covered with the top of the bottom. In the lower part, you can make holes with a hole punch and insert the base sticks into them. Basket weaving is well described step by step in many articles by hand made craftswomen.

For a small basket you need 30-50 ready-made sticks. It will not be difficult to make its bottom weave. For the bottom you will need 8 paper sticks. They are laid out in pairs and intertwined.

Gallery: weaving from newspaper tubes (25 photos)

Execution of the bottom part

One working tube is bent in half and wrapped around the first 4 rays. The beginning of weaving is marked with a marker along the edge of the first ray. To prevent the structure from falling apart, they are fixed with clothespins. The ends of the tube intertwine and cover the next 4 rays.

After the end of the row, weaving from newspaper tubes is continued, covering not 4 rays, but only 2. This is how the bottom of the product of the required diameter is woven. The same algorithm is used to weave furniture from newspaper tubes. For furniture, it is better to use wallpaper instead of newspaper. Tubes glued together from wallpaper are more rigid and resistant to damage. The furniture frame is made of wood or aluminum profile.

You can weave baskets from newspaper tubes using the pattern for making wicker products. The base sticks are bent towards the middle. To make weaving easier, place a container of suitable diameter on the bottom. The base beams are attached to the top of the container with clothespins so that they do not fall apart. This is how the first 3 side rows are woven, then the clothespins and container are removed. A paper stick is placed over one beam of the base, then under the 2nd, over the 3rd, under the 4th, and so on alternately until the desired height of the product.

If the paper blank runs out, the wider part of the next tube is placed on its thin end, thereby lengthening it.

All subsequent rows must be pressed tightly against each other so that the work does not fall apart. Each craft has its own flavor. One of the methods is openwork weaving. It is obtained by adding beads or ribbons to the racks of the lid or sides.

If the paper sticks prepared in advance for weaving were not painted, then this can be done on at this stage. In addition to varnishes and paints, you can use acrylic-based alcohol stain. The same material on water based It’s better not to use it, because newspaper base When exposed to water, it becomes wet and deformed.

The next stage is weaving handles for a basket from newspaper tubes or a lid for a box, then at the end of the weaving you will get a decorative chest for small items.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners (video)

How to weave a handle for crafts?

How to weave a handle for products from newspaper tubes for beginners is well described on the forums of needlewomen. To make a handle for a basket or candy bowl on both sides of the craft, 3 rays of the base are left opposite each other. The remaining sticks are bent inside the product and secured in its walls with glue and paper clips. Long ends the bases are trimmed.

3 beams glued together a small amount glue and secure with a clothespin. They are laid overlapping in the center of the handle and carefully braided with paper. After the weaving process is completed, the tube is glued, inserted between the rays of the base and fixed with a clothespin until it dries. Strength is imparted to the product by coating its entire surface with PVA glue. This stage is especially necessary if a laundry basket is made from paper blanks.

Weaving from newspaper tubes allows you to complement the interior of your home with exclusive accessories. Many needlewomen are interested in how to weave a basket or box with a lid. After all, crafts using this technique look no worse than rattan products. Decorated with pictures from decoupage napkins, they become works of art. Such crafts are very much appreciated by amateurs. self made. Weaving the lid for the basket is done according to the pattern for making the bottom. Only it should be slightly larger than the diameter of the box itself.

As the level of skill increases, weaving from newspaper tubes can become a source of cash income for the family budget.

Attention, TODAY only!

Often parents do not know what to do with their baby in free time. After all, you want the child not only to play, but also to develop at the same time. One interesting activity will help mothers with this - crafts from juice or cocktail straws. The material will have to be collected for some time, which is also interesting activity. Below is a master class of such crafts.

Vase with flower

This vase is quick and easy to make; your child will love this activity. The craft itself can be used as decor and not necessarily in a child’s room; it will look interesting, for example, in the living room. Also the vase will become a great gift to relatives and friends, grandmother, sister or mother on March 8th.

First, you need to cut the tubes into two parts and join them together with a regular rubber band in two places for strength. To make the structure stable, a base in the form of thick cardboard or postcard is glued to the bottom of the vase. To hide the elastic bands and decorate the vase, you need to make a decor from ribbon, lace or old beads.

Now it's the flower's turn. To do this, you need to cut tubes up to three centimeters long. This will be the basis for the inflorescences. They, in turn, are made from halves of tubes, which are cut into fringes, but not to the end, so that they can be inserted into the base of the inflorescences. Make a small ball from any plasticine - this will be the middle of the flower. The inflorescences are stuck into it over the entire area as tightly as possible, so it will be more voluminous. Make a flower stick from one tube and place it in a vase. Flowers from juice tubes are ready.

Photo frame

This craft in the form of a photo frame made from multi-colored cocktail tubes is quite practical and original. It will harmoniously fit into the interior of any children's room.

A craft made from straws for juice or a cocktail in the form of a frame under a photo is simple to do and even a novice designer can do it. This decor will look great at home. For this craft you will need a cardboard base for a frame. Its size is determined based on the photo. The tubes are cut into equal pieces diagonally, depending on the angle of the cardboard base. The tubes are glued using regular office glue or double-sided tape. All that's left to do is attach a photo!

Crafts from juice straws are an activity that requires supervision from elders. The child may have to deal with scissors or a needle for the first time. Therefore, it is necessary to be as careful as possible so that the child does not get hurt and follow all safety rules.

New Year's toy

Long winter evenings often there is nothing to do. In your free time, you can prepare for the New Year and do Christmas decorations. Of course, such a craft will look more modest compared to one bought in a store, but it will keep the baby busy for a long time.

For such a New Year's craft, you need eight pieces of 3 cm each and four pieces of 4 cm each. Next, using a thread with a needle and threading 4 pieces of 3 cm each, we make a square, fasten the knot, but do not cut the thread, but put a couple of pieces of tubes on it 4 cm each and stretch it through one of the sides of the square. We design the other three sides of the square in the same way. When this stage is completed, it is necessary to connect the two free vertices of opposite triangles. To one of the resulting tops we tie a rope, with which the decoration will be hung from the tree, and to the other - a funny bead.

To begin, cut the tubes into 8 parts of 4 cm each and 4 parts of 5 cm each. We connect 4 parts of 4 cm each with a thread and a needle, secure with a knot, but do not break the thread. We put 2 more pieces of 5 cm on the thread and stretch the thread to one side of the square. We make similar triangles on all sides of the square, attaching 2 sides of the triangle to one of the sides of the square. We take two vertices of the triangle and connect them together. We attach a rope to one top, by which the toy will be hung on the Christmas tree, to the other - a bell or bead.


You will like this activity more for girls, although the young stronger sex can be attracted to this venture under the guise homemade gift for the female part of the family.

For beads you will need multi-colored straws, needle and thread, beads. The tubes are cut into any segments, which, alternating with beads, are put on a thread. In a word, the master’s imagination works to its fullest here! The main thing is to be careful when working with a needle.

This kind of activity is great occasion bring the whole family together. Fathers should also pay attention to the development of the baby, and crafts made from juice straws will help teach the child new things interesting designs, developing a three-dimensional view of objects.

You don’t have to go through the entire Internet looking for what you can do with juice straws. It is enough to connect the imagination of the whole family. If you don’t have time to collect material, then ordinary cocktail straws can be used. They have the same design as juice straws, only larger, and you can buy a whole package of them for little money.