Crafts from newspaper tubes for beginners. Weaving from newspaper tubes: the best ideas with detailed photos

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The history of paper goes back more than 3.5 thousand years. Initially it was papyrus, then parchment. However, China is considered to be the birthplace of paper. Technologies changed, years flew by. Paper was improved, and finally, in the recent past, a new, old type of needlework arose.

Since ancient times, everyone has known this type of needlework as “wicker weaving”. On its basis, the idea arose to create beautiful and high-quality weaving from newspaper tubes. This type of needlework incurs virtually no costs. There are a lot of newspapers in our lives; almost every day we find tons of waste paper in mailboxes. Dare and try. Very exciting.

Anything can be woven from paper, toys, chests and baskets, boxes for bed linen and jewelry boxes, flower vases and coasters, rugs and napkins. It all depends only on you and your desire to create. Every beginner can learn how to make beautiful and original braids; all you have to do is want to, but we will help you in weaving from newspaper tubes by showing you step-by-step the tutorials that we have prepared for beginners.

Braids from newspaper are a great gift, they are original and exclusive. They can be decorated with rhinestones and stones, painted in any color, or given a shade of noble wood. The tools you will need for this exciting process are very simple. These are scissors, glue, unnecessary newspapers, a ruler and thin knitting needle, paints for coloring and special varnish, which fixes the finished product.

A couple of video lessons to warm up

First of all, let's move on to the simplest thing, to understanding how newspaper tubes are woven in general, for this we suggest watching the following training videos.

So, if you carefully watched the video, let’s move on to the most important thing, that is, to the beginning of the painstaking work. Be patient, be diligent and the result will please you. I hope in the future this type of hobby will become yours.

Lessons on weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners step by step with photos

Today in the master class for beginners there will be a box of newspaper tubes. In this master class, Natalya Soboleva will tell you and show you, using her example, how to make the most ordinary, but very original box so that you can put children's toys in it. After reading the article, you will learn how to make a box from newspaper tubes

- Master class for beginners - a box of newspaper tubes.

To make a box from newspaper tubes, you will need diligence, but the result is worth it - the thing will last for many years and will give the interior a special charm.

For the base, I take an unnecessary cardboard box, medium size, you can take any one, the procedure does not depend on it.

Let's prepare materials:

  • Box.
  • Newspapers, magazines (distributed for free in various shopping centers).
  • PVA glue.
  • Water (or alcohol) stain.
  • Adhesive tape.
  • Ruler.
  • Wallpaper trims.
  • Stationery knife or scissors.
  • Along the way, we added fabric for finishing, but you can do without it.

Also in the process we will learn how to make a simple bend.

#1. Step one: make tubes from newspapers

Old newspapers became the main material for a box of newspaper tubes; magazines can be used to make racks.

I cut it with scissors or a knife, there is no fundamental difference, a knife is a little faster.

It needs to be allowed to dry thoroughly; mine sat overnight.

We glue the lid to the bottom, which was previously cut off from the box. Now the racks are securely hidden, they are not in danger. You can start weaving.

#4. Weaving.

In order for the weaving of a box made of newspaper tubes to look beautiful, the racks must be constantly adjusted: pulled up and leveled.

On the corners I do regular weaving, the double turn around the racks seems ugly to me.

You just need to move the corners down a little so that they are flush with the rest of the weaving.

The weaving of the box from newspaper tubes should be tight so that the base does not show through.

We continue to work until we reach the top.

It's time to make a bend, it doesn't need long racks, I then had to trim off the excess.

Then we pass each free tube in front of the adjacent one and place it under the next one.

All the tubes are inside.

We hide them between the weaving and the walls of the box.

The weaving of the box from newspaper tubes is finished, all that remains is the finishing.

#5. Box finishing.

Water stain gives the paper a wood-like color.

To achieve a darker color, you need to dye several times.

I glue a piece of unnecessary wallpaper to the bottom of the box, let it dry, then cover it with varnish.

Since the racks went inside, the box noticeably moved away from the weaving, so I additionally glued the base and outer walls.

And since there was finishing at the bottom, I decided to put it on the top as well.

I sewed it by hand, I didn’t have a machine, but it took a little time. I planted it on glue.

#6. Step six. Final stage- varnish coating. Ordinary construction in glass bottles I like it better, it gives good strength and shine, but it is impossible to work with it in a residential area. Therefore, if there is no workshop, the only option is acrylic varnish.

This box holds not only toys, but also books, it is very convenient, the child really likes the fact that the thing was made especially for him.

How to learn to weave from newspaper tubes? Patterns, techniques and master classes for weaving from newspaper tubes. The most beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes.

The talent and skills of some people are sometimes simply amazing. It would seem that what can be made from an ordinary newspaper? Well, a cap, well, an airplane, well, what else? But no, there are masters of their craft who manage to create not just a work of art, but a whole masterpiece from old newspapers.

Ideas for boxes, crafts, vases, baskets, boxes made from newspaper tubes: photos of the most beautiful products

Just look at these wonderful crafts made from ordinary newspaper tubes. Their beauty is simply breathtaking!

Unusual vases made from newspaper tubes

How to make, twist newspaper tubes from newspapers and paint?

We twist tubes from newspapers

For those needlewomen who are taking on the process of twisting newspaper tubes for the first time, this task may seem very difficult and almost impossible. But over time, having trained your hand, you can achieve quite good results, when the newspapers seem to roll up into tubes themselves.

So, here is a list of materials needed for rolling newspaper tubes:

  • Newspapers
  • PVA glue or stationery glue stick
  • Knife, stationery knife or scissors (whichever is more convenient)
  • Thin knitting needle 0.5-1 mm or skewer

Algorithm for rolling newspapers into tubes:

  • Take a newspaper or a stack of newspapers.
  • We fold all the pages so that they lie clearly under each other.
  • Fold the newspaper in half.
  • Again, make sure that the edges of the newspaper do not extend beyond each other.
  • Cut the folded newspaper in half.
  • We fold the resulting halves of the newspaper in half again.
  • Cut the newspaper halves along the new fold.
  • We sort the resulting newspaper quarters into two piles.
  • We put strips of newspaper with white edges into one pile - the tubes twisted from them will be pure white.
  • In another pile we put the strips with letters - the tubes twisted from them will be with a seal.
  • We take one of the newspaper strips.
  • We place the knitting needle in its lower right corner.
  • The knitting needle is placed at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • Holding the tip of the newspaper, we begin to twist the knitting needle, winding the paper around it.
  • We try to roll the newspaper as tightly as possible.
  • Having twisted almost the entire tube, coat its edge with glue and glue it to the tube.
  • We take out the knitting needle.
  • Allow the finished tube to dry for 15-20 minutes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the final version of the finished tube will have two ends of different thicknesses - on one side the tube will be thicker and on the other thinner. This structure of the tubes is necessary in order to “build up” them. “Extension” is a procedure based on the creation of long tubes. It consists in the fact that the thinner end of another tube is “screwed” into the thicker end of one tube and “glued” into place. This way you get one long newspaper tube.

Instructions for rolling tubes from newspapers: Video

You can paint the newspaper tubes after the fact - when the product is completely ready. However, this option is only suitable for cases when the craft is done in one color. If the product is conceived in different color solutions, then it is advisable to paint the tubes in advance.
You can paint newspaper tubes with any coloring substances:

  1. watercolor
  2. gouache
  3. acrylic paints
  4. aerosol cans
  5. stain (the letters will show through)
  6. food colorings
  7. eyebrow and hair dye
  8. brilliant green
  9. Basma
  10. wood paint
  11. colorless paint with added color (this way you can do it on
  12. several colors based on one paint different shades paints)

How to paint newspaper tubes: Video

  • It is immediately worth highlighting two types of dyes, which are the most popular among masters of weaving from newspaper tubes - these are acrylic paints and stain on water based. Both of these water-based dyes produce a thorough, dense coloring of paper. At the same time, during weaving, no paint remains on the hands and surface, which is important in this process.
  • In order to make the product more durable and water-resistant, it is advisable to varnish it at the tube stage. The ideal option is when the varnish is applied in 2 layers.
  • By the way, in the case of varnish, you can save on paint - color can be added directly to the varnish.
  • Painted tubes must be dried thoroughly in the oven, in the sun or in front of the stove.

How and where to start weaving from newspaper tubes?

  • Often the design of newspaper crafts consists of a bottom, guides and woven tubes.
  • Several tubes of the required length are used in the form of guides - the length directly depends on the height of the craft.
  • There can be several tubes for weaving - for beginners it is better to start with one tube.
  • It is advisable to make the bottom of the craft wicker - this way the product will look more attractive. With this type of weaving, the core of the bottom is first made, the ends of which will later become the racks of the craft, and then tubes are braided around it, creating a round (or other shaped) bottom.
  • But you can also make a solid bottom - it is created from two circles cut from thick cardboard. The vertical posts of the craft are glued to the bottom circle (they need to be slightly flattened at the attachment point), and they are fixed on top with another circle using glue.
  • As the base of the craft, you can use a jar, vase, glass or other container of suitable size. The base is installed on the bottom, and the racks are fixed in its upper part with clothespins to ensure the evenness of the product.
  • When the bottom, base and guides are in place, you can begin to braid them with paper vine.

Methods of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners: step-by-step instructions, master class

For beginning needlewomen, the simplest method of weaving from newspaper wicker is suitable - single with a solid bottom:

  • We take the finished frame of the future craft.
  • We flatten one of the tubes, which will act as a vine, a little at the end.
  • Glue the flattened end of the vine to the bottom of the craft.
  • We lead the vine behind the nearest guide (with this type of weaving there should be an odd number of them) from the outside.
  • We bring the vine inside the craft.
  • We braid the next guide from the inside.
  • We bring the vine outside the craft and wrap it around the next guide from the outside.
  • Thus we continue in a circle along the entire height of the craft.
  • As we work, the vine will run out, so we build it up as we go.
  • We make sure that the vine lies tightly and the racks stand straight.
  • Having filled your hand a little, you can try to weave several vines at once (2-3).

Types of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners - simple, double, rod, complex, braid, lazy, isid, volumetric bending: weaving pattern for beginners, photo

Weaving pattern using the three-rod rod technique

Pattern of weaving from newspaper tubes using the "izida" technique

Weaving pattern from newspaper tubes “double fold”

Complex bending - diagram

Lazy braid braiding pattern

The bottom of newspaper tubes is square, rectangular, round, oval: how to weave for beginners?

How to weave a simple round bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a square bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave an oval bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a rectangular bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave handles for a basket from newspaper tubes: patterns for beginners

Twisted handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

Handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

How to finish weaving from newspaper tubes?

The simplest folds from newspaper tubes: Video

Basket made of newspaper tubes: technique, weaving patterns

Scheme of weaving a box from newspaper tubes

Weaving patterns from newspaper tubes for beginners

To summarize, it’s worth saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to start something new. Even the most famous needlewomen were once beginners. They also didn’t succeed at everything right away, they also got upset and intended to give up their hobby. But nevertheless, over time, everything fell into place - the tubes began to roll up faster, the patterns became more complex and ornate, and the crafts became simply mesmerizing. So, dear readers, go ahead, study, get better, and mastery will definitely overtake you!

How to weave a box from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a lid for a box from newspaper tubes: Video

You can create unique things without spending a lot of money. A striking example of this is weaving from newspaper tubes. Of course, it will take a lot of time. But, in addition to the satisfaction and joy of creativity, you will become the owner of original and beautiful crafts. The problem with gifts will be solved - you can make them with your own hands.

Preparation of tubes

Before you start weaving, you need to prepare the starting material - wind tubes from newspapers or magazines. You will need the paper itself, PVA glue in a bottle with a dispenser, a long pushing knitting needle or a piece of stiff wire. The diameter of the knitting needle/wire is 1.5-2 mm. These are all tools at the preparatory stage.

Lots of ideas - lots of material!

Let's spin

To make straws, you must first cut the paper into pieces. the right size. Newspaper strips or magazine spreads are cut into several parts. Aspect ratio - 1:3 or 1:4 (for example, 27 * 9 cm, 35 * 10 cm). The exact dimensions are not important. Divide the page into several parts so that they are approximately the same aspect ratio as above.

We take a knitting needle and paper strip. We twist the corner of the paper around the knitting needle, and gradually, layer by layer, roll it into a tube. Secure the edge of the strip with a drop of glue. To make a tube required density, we place the paper at 45° relative to the knitting needle. Then it will be quite dense, but at the same time it will bend well.

We take out the knitting needle. The tube is not too long; to work, you will have to splice them together. If everything is done correctly, one edge will be thin, the other will be thick and hollow from the inside. To connect two newspaper tubes, drop a few drops of PVA glue into the thick part and insert the second tube with a thin edge. Now we wait until it dries.

Painting and other processing methods

Sometimes, for more simple weaving, the tubes are rolled using a regular rolling pin. They become flatter. In this form it is easier to work with them - stretch them between the rows. But this is an optional step. Try “rolling”, maybe you will like weaving from newspaper tubes more this way.

Not everyone likes " natural look» weaving from newsprint. To improve the appearance, the wound tubes are painted. Acrylic paint is best suited for this. It fits tightly, works well with any type of paper, does not flow, dries quickly and has no odor. A water-based, moisture-resistant stain will also work. Covered paper tubes look good acrylic varnish, to which a coloring pigment is immediately added. Simultaneously with painting, they become less sensitive to moisture.

Painting each tube with a brush is long and tedious, so they look for a long tray into which the tubes are placed. Paint is poured into it, and ready-made newspaper tubes are lowered into it. Then they are laid out on a layer of polyethylene to dry.

Before starting weaving, so that the “newspaper vine” bends well, you can moisten it. It is better and easier to do this from a spray bottle, simply spraying water.

Beginning of weaving - forming the bottom

In most products, you first need to form the bottom. There are two options: make it out of cardboard, gluing stands to the edges. The option is simple and clear. Perhaps it is better for beginners - weaving the walls is a little easier than shaping the bottom. And so that the ends of the glued posts do not “scratch” the eyes, they are covered with a second similar piece of cardboard.

Among the features: in the corners you need to glue a double number of tubes. One will be on one side, the other on the other. In addition to the above option, there is another way - to stick them not on the corner, but on both sides. In this case, the racks are placed from the corner at a distance of no more than half a step (this is the distance at which you placed the other racks).

The second option is to weave the bottom from newspaper tubes. You will need long tubes - spliced ​​from two or three. There are many methods, they are mainly taken from wicker weaving. The principle is the same - the tubes, one at a time or in groups, are intertwined with each other, forming a center. Then, using some of the "lozins", they braid the warp, adding dimension or giving it more rounded shape, if necessary.

Round bottom for large items

It will be a little easier if you cross several tubes laid one next to the other. In the photo (see below) we took five tubes and intertwined them relative to each other. To make the bottom less voluminous, it must be flattened. The easiest way to do this is with a rolling pin or a bottle - rolling it several times. To make it easier to work further, coat the intersections with PVA glue.

Next, we take the straw and begin to tie the bottom, passing the straw through three tubes (the rope method). So - through three tubes - we make two rows. Then - several rows - after two. A few is to ensure that the dimensions of the bottom are almost “right” - in shape.

We weave the last two or three rows through one tube. During weaving, the warp tubes must be spaced at the same distance. This is actually how it works, you just need to make sure that the distance is the same.

When switching to weaving the walls, we cross the base tubes one with the other. This makes the product more stable and the transition more reliable. To weave the walls, you can use the working tubes that were used to weave the bottom.

A simple version of the bottom made of newspaper tubes

Weaving from bottom tubes round shape You can start even simpler. Such a bottom will not look so elegant, but for beginners we recommend trying this method.

For product small size take eight long tubes. Four at a time we fold them crosswise. You can also roll them with a rolling pin and glue the joint - there will be fewer problems at the start.

In the described embodiment, 15 racks are obtained (16-1). If you need more, either add as you weave the bottom, or take a larger number from the source.

Photos and patterns of weaving bottoms of different shapes

As you gain experience, you will want to make products of other shapes - oval, rectangular, multi-faceted. The section contains several diagrams showing how to make forms more elegant and complex.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for walls

As soon as you start weaving products, the patterns will become clear to you. Having gained a little experience, you will learn how to reconstruct the weaving method by looking at the photo. For beginners, we recommend starting with the most simple patterns. This is a rope, and then a pigtail. It won't take much time to master them.


To master the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes, you will need about five to seven stands. To begin with, you can attach several pieces of thick wire to some kind of stand (a piece of dense foam plastic, for example).

This is what weaving looks like live on a “simulator”

  1. We take two tubes and place them crosswise between the two outer posts. It turns out that one tube is in front of the work, the other is behind.
  2. Holding the tubes at the intersection with one hand, bend them with the other, going around the next stand. As a result, the tube that was in front turns out to be behind, the one that was behind turns out to be in front.
  3. We bend it again, going around the next rack and so on until the end of the row.

That's all - this is a method of weaving a “rope” from newspaper tubes. Already using this technique you can do the simplest things. The product is dense and durable. One important point: for this pattern to look normal, there must be an odd number of racks.

By changing the “starting” location of the tube, we get a different one appearance pattern

If you want to make it a little more complicated, you can take two tubes and go around two posts at a time. But then you need to calculate the number of racks so that the second row is offset - then the pattern will turn out to be interesting. No less interesting are two ropes directed towards each other, and not woven in one direction.


Checkerboard is another simple weaving method. To do this, you need to take two tubes, placing them one above the other.

This way you can weave a basket, tray and many other products. In terms of density, the product is not as strong as with the previous weave.

If you combine the two methods described, you get quite interesting product. And if the transition is also decorated in a different color, it will be even prettier.


In order for the product to look neat, it is necessary, firstly, to remove the working tubes, and secondly, to somehow form the edge and do something with the stands.

We fix the working tubes

First you need to secure the working tubes. Usually they are hidden in the weave - in the nearest binding. For this operation you will need a knitting needle or a long wooden skewer.

It's simple and reliable way secure the working tubes. Their ends are hidden in the weaving, but are securely fixed and clamped. For those who are just starting to master paper weaving, this is perhaps the best option.

Weaving the edge - the main technique

Next, you can begin to close the edge. There are many different ways- more or less complex. The simplest one is to do the same as with the workers, but bend them inside the product. But then the edge is not very beautiful. If you want to make it more aesthetically pleasing, you can try the “rod” edge. It is not too difficult for beginners to master, and it looks interesting.

To close the edge with a “rod”, you need an auxiliary tube or you can take a skewer or knitting needle. With its help, we bend the first post to the right, bring it behind the next post and bring it forward. We bend it to the right in the same way, hook it behind the next one and bring two more posts forward. In total, we have three bent.

We cut it with pliers so that 8-9 mm of tube remains behind the stand. To fix this trim, we bend the first of the standing posts to the right, pressing the trimmed edge. Again we have three tubes at work (bent). Again we take the left one and repeat everything again.

A side is gradually formed that covers the top of the weave. We repeat all these steps until three posts remain: two bent and one standing. It’s easy to track this moment, it’s important not to miss it. This is where you need to be careful. If everything is done correctly, it will be impossible to find the place where the work begins/ends.

Final chords

When three racks remain uncovered, you need to make sure that the newspaper tubes are laid in the same sequence and in the same direction, so that they lie the same way as before. We take out the auxiliary tube or skewer with which we began to close the edge.

Again we take the leftmost tube, in front we go around the last standing post and then, according to the previous weaving algorithm, we need to lead it behind the next post. This stand is already bent and secured. This is the one with which they began to close the edge. We insert the tube from the back, slip it under the first curved post (it’s more convenient with a skewer) and pull it forward, laying the tube like the rest. We cut it off.

Now there are no standing racks, only three working ones remain. They must be laid in the same way as those that are already fixed. We take the far left one, it must be pulled under the third post. Look carefully. This is the first stand that does not have a cut tube near it. Stretch, lay, cut.

We stretch it under the third rack. If you look closely, this is the first one, under which there is no cut tube

We lay the left tube along the top, covering the tubes we just laid. We start it from the back, pull it under the counter, in front of the laid tube.

Here we extend...

We repeat the same operations with the next leftmost one. It must be placed behind an “empty” stand, near which there is no cut tube. This stand is located to the right of the one we just worked with. Here you can’t do without a skewer - you need to slip a newspaper tube under the two already laid (look at the photo).

We lay the tube on top, hiding the cut one above. We start it from the back, put it on a skewer and pull it out. Holding it with your fingers, we rock it from side to side so that there is a place for it and it “lies down.” We cut it off.

You also need to lay it out correctly - repeating the same pattern as before

All that was left was a newspaper tube sticking out. We start it behind the third rack. It’s not difficult to find your way: under the first two there are already scraps of the ones that were just laid. We insert the skewer under the laid turns and bring it out near the bent post.

Using a skewer, we bring the last rack out and lay it out so that it lies the same way as the others. Now it can be trimmed. The edge of the basket is ready and it is impossible to find where the row begins and ends.

Photo ideas for weaving tubes

Beginning craftsmen master weaving from newspaper tubes on simple crafts. As you gain experience, you want to diversify your products and use more complex patterns. In some cases, interesting-looking weaving is not necessarily complex. Such an example is in the following photo gallery. It contains step by step photos creating chess weaving.

Beginning - we braid two posts The number of turns is at your discretion It is more convenient if the tube “looks” to the right We finish the second row of checkerboard weaving, cut off the extra working tubes and secure their ends Leave as many working tubes as needed

If you have ever dreamed of trying the technique of wicker weaving, but were stopped by difficulties in obtaining material, then you can rejoice, because weaving from newspaper tubes will allow you to realize all your dreams. Be sure to master this exciting creativity, and you will be able to make many practical and decorative things! By the way, recycling newspapers will help you acquire not only beautiful frame for a picture or a pencil holder, a container for bulk goods or a stand for hot items, you can also weave bags and even clothes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Have you decided to master this type of handmade? Then the first thing you should start with is the manufacture of those elements from which any craft will be made - these are paper tubes.

It should be noted that the material for them can be not only newspaper pages, but also glossy magazine pages, A4 office paper and even old wallpaper. It all depends on how tough and durable your “homemade” product should be.

First of all, using a knife (it must be well sharpened), cut a newspaper page into strips, the optimal width of each is considered to be 7-12 cm. The longer the strip, the longer, respectively, you will get a tube, which means that it less often it will be necessary to build up. However, it is better not to overdo it with the length - it may be inconvenient for you to twist it.

Take the knitting needle, attach it to the lower left corner and begin to twist; the strip must be wound tightly and neatly. Coat the remaining small corner with glue and glue it to the tube (for this purpose you can use office glue or a glue stick). Remove the knitting needle from the paper element. Congratulations - you have taken the first step towards tube weaving for beginners!

New weaving from tubes – Easter

Holy holiday We associate Easter with such attributes as multi-colored eggs, wicker baskets, and various products with images of chickens. All this can be done using newspaper weave.

If you are just taking your first steps in this technique, then practice making multi-colored Easter eggs. We bring to your attention an elementary master class on spiral weaving. Woven eggs can be painted in all the colors of the rainbow and placed in a wicker basket - it will turn out extraordinarily beautiful. And if your soul craves something more original Easter decoration, then you can attach pendants to the eggs, decorate the place of attachment and hang such a composition on the wall.

Very interesting newspaper craft you can call it a tray. The photographs below illustrate the creation process step by step. It is noteworthy that in this master class, newspaper tubes of two colors are used: “wood-like” and reddish-orange. The combination of these shades will allow you to get a tray that is very attractive in appearance, on which you can place colored eggs on a holiday.

Well, if you have already become proficient in this type of handmade, you have mastered tube basket weaving, then quickly get to work creating a very practical Easter basket. The master class offered on our website describes step by step all the stages of weaving such a product. An ordinary egg tray will act as the bottom, and the result of your work will be great craft with a reliable handle that will definitely not damage Easter eggs.

And, of course, you cannot pass by such a luxurious craft as a basket made in the shape of a chicken. Such a wicker craft will surely attract many admiring glances; no one else will have one like it.

We suggest starting work with the “Chicken” master class. Of course, you will have to work hard, but the result is worth it. At the end of the work, you will have an interesting container with a lid, which, when closed, will look like a chicken. Such an interesting “tinkerer” can even be placed on festive table by placing eggs or sweets inside. We are sure that such a handmade product will delight both children and adults.

And below is another option Easter basket chicken. This is already a vessel more traditional form, which will also fit perfectly into the Easter interior. By the way, making it will be quite easy if you are already skilled in weaving baskets, you just need to follow all the instructions from the photo and you will get a delightful craft! However, you can always look tube weaving video, if any stage causes you difficulties.

Consider others can be done very quickly.

Weaving from tubes – master classes “Flowers”


We invite you to adequately prepare for such a holiday as Christmas, and indeed for all winter holidays. Let your home be decorated in an extraordinary way attractive craft"Poinsettia". This flower is also known as the “Christmas Star” and it is the star-shaped shape that the man-made flower will have.

The collage below shows the stages of creating a craft. The first step is to assemble from the tubes required amount petals and leaves, then paint them with acrylic paint, respectively, in red and green color. Yellow corrugated paper will be needed to create round stamens. Now all that remains is to assemble the “layer cake” of parts.


The next “craft” will be of equal complexity, however, more parts will be needed for the flower. It will be made according to the same principle: first of all, braiding the frame, make yellow petals and green leaves.

Using all the parts, assemble the sunflower flower. Make the middle from coffee beans planted on glue (you can use any other suitable material).

Be sure to use all the tips in the photo collage below.

This sunflower craft can serve not only as a decoration, but also as a stand for hot food.

Weaving from newspaper tubes - hat making master class

Newspaper strips are also useful for making a headdress - a cute summer wide-brimmed hat.

Use the tips from the master class below - first you need to start weaving the crown in the same way as you weave the most ordinary vases. Use a mold of a suitable diameter so that the weaving takes on the desired shape.

Then, having straightened the paper sticks, you should proceed to making the fields. When the required width is reached, complete the weaving in the usual way.

The resulting summer hat decorate artificial flowers and satin ribbons.

Original weaving from newspaper tubes step by step

It must be quite boring to weave useful and practical things all the time - that’s why we invite you to have some fun and make from “ paper vine» exclusive and interesting “homemade products”.

To decorate your home, you can weave a funny mushroom. Our photo collage will tell you exactly what sequence of actions you should follow. As for the features of the process, it can be noted that the stem of the mushroom is woven like a vase. You can check out our website to learn some of the subtleties of needlework. The mushroom cap is made similar to the brim of the hat in the master class discussed above. In general, it should be noted that the level of complexity of this craft will not be high and you will be able to please yourself with such creativity.

A newspaper piano? It sounds unrealistic, but the master class described below will prove to you that anything is possible! Of course, this will be a very small copy musical instrument, which, nevertheless, will become a real highlight of your home and will cause genuine delight among guests. In addition, it can be used as a flower pot.

Follow all the steps that are illustrated in the photographs and then you will certainly succeed funny craft. At the end of the work, be sure to paint the piano in a suitable color.

And here's another one original version For home decor – .

The original tree with curlicue branches will become your favorite home decor, it looks so attractive and cozy.

First of all, guided by the following photo instructions, you need to make a barrel by connecting several newspaper tubes into one. Then divide the trunk into its components at the top - these will be the branches. Each of them should be braided with “paper vine” and given a curved shape. To make the craft look even more attractive, you need to cover it with several layers. brown paint, waiting for each layer to dry.

Newspaper weaving is exciting hobby, which will provide you with worthy products at minimal cost.

The article will tell you how to create beautiful crafts from scrap materials - newspaper tubes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners step by step: weaving technique, master class, photo

Weaving from newspaper tubes has almost completely replaced weaving from wicker in Lately. The fact is that it is much easier to get this material than breaking willow branches or looking for a vine for weaving. In addition, you don’t have to spend money, because even if you don’t have a stack of TV programs or advertising publications lying around your house, you can always ask your loved ones for them.

IMPORTANT: A thin long tube spins from a sheet of newspaper, which is the main material. The tube is held together with regular PVA or dry pencil glue. Moreover, it is not necessary to lubricate the entire sheet. This can only be done on the corner of the newspaper.

In the case when you need to lengthen your newspaper tube, you simply insert the blanks one into the other and place them on the glue, continuing the weaving. You can glue tubes in this way almost endlessly, creating both small boxes and large vases the size of a person.

There are several weaving techniques, which depend on what kind of product you are creating and what kind of pattern you want to make. When weaving, it is important to use patterns and patterns so that the design is beautiful and neat. In cases where the “sucker” cannot be inserted with your finger, you should use with a regular metal knitting needle or crochet hook.

When finishing the weaving (for example, at the edge of the product), you should tuck the rods so that they bend inward. There you can place them on glue or wrap them so that the end is not visible. The finished product is usually coated with paint. To do this, it is advisable to use acrylic or spray paint; it is resistant to moisture. After drying, it is advisable to open the product with one or two layers of varnish.

Weaving techniques, patterns:

Types and techniques of weaving

Patterns and techniques of weaving from newspaper tubes

Video: “Seven types of weaving”

How to make tubes from newspapers for weaving?

Any weaving begins with preparing the material, which means you should prepare a lot of newspaper tubes in advance. To twist a beautiful and even tube, you should use a long wooden skewer (for kebab) or a thin metal knitting needle.

It is this item that you will lay the base of a sheet of newspaper and twist the tube. Due to several layers of paper, it will be quite dense and suitable for creating wickerwork. Carefully coat the corner of the newspaper with glue so that it can stick securely and the tube is strong.

Video: “Twisting tubes from newspapers: nuances and secrets”

Where to start weaving a basket from newspapers?

After you have prepared sufficient quantity tubes, you should start choosing the shape of the product: square, round, rectangular, heart, and so on.

You should decide what kind of bottom the product will have. There are two options:

  • Cardboard bottom
  • Bottom knitted from tubes

The cardboard bottom is suitable for small products (boxes and boxes). Large ones (trays, boxes, drawers) should be woven yourself. Any weaving should be done in strict accordance with the pattern. To make the weaving neat, you should fasten the ends of the tubes with clothespins, pinching them to the form.

Box with cardboard bottom

Weaving the bottom for products from newspaper tubes

Step by step weaving products from newspaper tubes

Description of weaving the bottom:

  • Cross 8 tubes together (photo 1)
  • Start weaving in a circle, bending each tube clockwise (photos 2 and 3).
  • Weaving should continue until you reach the required bottom diameter.
  • Extend the tubes by inserting a new one each time (photo 4)
  • Prepare the form for tying
  • Lift the tubes and secure them with clothespins to the edge of the mold (photos 5 and 6).
  • Extend the tubes and continue weaving in a circle

Video: “Candy bowl made from newspaper tubes: master class”

What and how to paint newspaper tubes for weaving a basket?

It is better to paint newspaper tubes after the product is completely completed. If you dye them in advance, you risk ruining their good flexibility, making them unyielding, which will completely ruin the weave.

The finished product should be coated with acrylic or machine paints. Such paints are moisture resistant and do not flow when in contact with water. The paint can be applied in any way: with a brush, sponge, spray gun, spray gun, airbrush. Acrylic paints mix well and you can always choose the desired shade and color from them.

IMPORTANT: After the paint has dried, the product should be opened with a layer (or two layers) of varnish. This will allow the product to find glossy shine and become much stronger.

Photo finished products:

Bright baskets for storing things

Products painted in natural color vines

Product painted with paint and decorated with ribbon

Multi-colored storage box

Bright bread box made from newspaper tubes

Simple folding of the edge when weaving from newspapers: diagram, photo

Simple folding is an easy way to weave items from newspaper tubes. Any beginner in this business will master this weaving. Weaving is based on bending twigs intertwined with each other in one direction (see diagram).

Simple bend: diagram Step-by-step weaving: simple bend

Video: “The simplest bends”

Weaving from newspaper tubes - bending a rod: diagram, photo

The bends of the “rod” should be woven on vertical columns of newspaper tubes. The bend is made according to the principle of weaving baskets from wicker.

Bend weaving technology

Weaving from newspapers: volumetric bending

Weaving " volumetric bending"is necessary for the beautiful completion of the weaving of the product, to make it curly and volumetric edge in the form of a braid. This weaving is suitable for knitting vases, flower pots, drawers and boxes. Every needlewoman can make such weaving using step by step work in photos and diagrams.

Weaving a volumetric bend: step by step

Volume bend: diagram

Weaving from newspapers: folding lazy braid

The lazy braid is an easy way to complete any knitted product. All weaving is based on the principle of weaving twigs into one braid and running it along the entire edge of the product.

Lazy braid curl

Weaving from newspapers: “isis” bend

This bending is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of weaving. The edge is not voluminous and narrow. Weaving is suitable for completing knitting boxes.

Isis bend: diagram

Weaving a product with an “isid” bend

Weaving from newspapers: double bending

Double folding is suitable for weaving baskets to create a beautiful and voluminous edge. This bending is also similar to the principle of braiding.

Double bending: diagram

Weaving from newspapers: complex bending

A complex fold will definitely decorate baskets and boxes, boxes and vases woven from newspaper tubes. Weaving it is much more difficult, since it requires precise adherence to the pattern.

Complex bending: diagram

Complex bending: weaving

Complex bending: step-by-step work

Weaving from newspapers: folding the edge, finishing the product

Beautiful completion of the weaving (that is, “bending”) will make the product very neat and aesthetically beautiful. You can use any patterns to weave a beautiful edge.

The simplest bending: diagram

Bend the tubes to complete the weaving

Video: “Bending the rod”

How to weave the bottom of a basket, box, box?

Miniature products (boxes and caskets) should be weaved by forming the product according to a given shape. To do this, use any sign of your preferred size. As with any product, prepare a sufficient number of tubes and decide what kind of bottom it will be: wicker or cardboard. After this, fix the tubes and begin weaving, focusing on the diagram and pattern.

Step by step creation lids and bottom for the box

Casket from cardboard box tied with newspaper tubes

Weaving an oval box step by step in photos

Finished heart-shaped box: bottom made of cardboard

How to weave basket handles?

Creating a basket from newspaper tubes begins with weaving the main part and only then you separately make a handle that is woven into the product. You should mark two symmetrically opposite edges baskets and insert several twigs of newspaper tubes into them (about 8 pieces). The twigs are bent and the handle is woven like a braid (or look at weaving patterns). There should be absolutely identical parts of the handles on both sides, which are connected together and tied. Braiding a braid on a handle made of twigs
Easter crafts made from newspaper tubes Interior items made from newspaper tubes

Video: “Crafts from newspaper tubes for beginners”