How to tie newspaper tubes. Basket made of newspaper tubes

March 8

How to learn to weave from newspaper tubes? Patterns, techniques and master classes for weaving from newspaper tubes. The most beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes.

The talent and skills of some people are sometimes simply amazing. It would seem that what can be made from an ordinary newspaper? Well, a cap, well, an airplane, well, what else? But no, there are masters of their craft who manage to create not just a work of art, but a whole masterpiece from old newspapers.

Ideas for boxes, crafts, vases, baskets, boxes made from newspaper tubes: photos of the most beautiful products

Just look at these wonderful crafts made from ordinary newspaper tubes. Their beauty is simply breathtaking!

Unusual vases made from newspaper tubes

How to make, twist newspaper tubes from newspapers and paint?

We twist tubes from newspapers

For those needlewomen who are taking on the process of twisting newspaper tubes for the first time, this task may seem very difficult and almost impossible. But over time, once you get the hang of it, you can achieve pretty good results when the newspapers seem to roll up into tubes themselves.

So, here is a list of materials needed for rolling newspaper tubes:

  • Newspapers
  • PVA glue or stationery glue stick
  • Knife, stationery knife or scissors (whichever is more convenient)
  • Thin knitting needle 0.5-1 mm or skewer

Algorithm for rolling newspapers into tubes:

  • Take a newspaper or a stack of newspapers.
  • We fold all the pages so that they lie clearly under each other.
  • Fold the newspaper in half.
  • Again, make sure that the edges of the newspaper do not extend beyond each other.
  • Cut the folded newspaper in half.
  • We fold the resulting halves of the newspaper in half again.
  • Cut the newspaper halves along the new fold.
  • We sort the resulting newspaper quarters into two piles.
  • We put strips of newspaper with white edges into one pile - the tubes twisted from them will be pure white.
  • In another pile we put the strips with letters - the tubes twisted from them will be with a seal.
  • We take one of the newspaper strips.
  • We place the knitting needle in its lower right corner.
  • The knitting needle is placed at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • Holding the tip of the newspaper, we begin to twist the knitting needle, winding the paper around it.
  • We try to roll the newspaper as tightly as possible.
  • Having twisted almost the entire tube, coat its edge with glue and glue it to the tube.
  • We take out the knitting needle.
  • Allow the finished tube to dry for 15-20 minutes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the final version of the finished tube will have two ends of different thicknesses - on one side the tube will be thicker and on the other thinner. This structure of the tubes is necessary in order to “build up” them. “Extension” is a procedure based on the creation of long tubes. It consists in the fact that the thinner end of another tube is “screwed” into the thicker end of one tube and “glued” into place. This way you get one long newspaper tube.

Instructions for rolling tubes from newspapers: Video

You can paint the newspaper tubes after the fact - when the product is completely ready. However, this option is only suitable for cases when the craft is done in one color. If the product is designed in different colors, then it is advisable to paint the tubes in advance.
You can paint newspaper tubes with any coloring substances:

  1. watercolor
  2. gouache
  3. acrylic paints
  4. aerosol cans
  5. stain (the letters will show through)
  6. food colorings
  7. eyebrow and hair dye
  8. brilliant green
  9. Basma
  10. wood paint
  11. colorless paint with added color (this way you can do it on
  12. several different shades of paint based on one paint)

How to paint newspaper tubes: Video

  • It’s worth immediately highlighting two types of dyes that are the most popular among newspaper tube weavers: acrylic paints and water-based stain. Both of these water-based dyes produce a thorough, dense coloring of paper. At the same time, during weaving, no paint remains on the hands and surface, which is important in this process.
  • In order to make the product more durable and water-resistant, it is advisable to varnish it at the tube stage. The ideal option is when the varnish is applied in 2 layers.
  • By the way, in the case of varnish, you can save on paint - color can be added directly to the varnish.
  • Painted tubes must be dried thoroughly in the oven, in the sun or in front of the stove.

How and where to start weaving from newspaper tubes?

  • Often the design of newspaper crafts consists of a bottom, guides and woven tubes.
  • Several tubes of the required length are used in the form of guides - the length directly depends on the height of the craft.
  • There can be several tubes for weaving - for beginners it is better to start with one tube.
  • It is advisable to make the bottom of the craft wicker - this way the product will look more attractive. With this type of weaving, the core of the bottom is first made, the ends of which will later become the racks of the craft, and then tubes are braided around it, creating a round (or other shaped) bottom.
  • But you can also make a solid bottom - it is created from two circles cut out of thick cardboard. The vertical posts of the craft are glued to the bottom circle (they need to be slightly flattened at the attachment point), and they are fixed on top with another circle using glue.
  • As the base of the craft, you can use a jar, vase, glass or other container of suitable size. The base is installed on the bottom, and the racks are fixed in its upper part with clothespins to ensure the evenness of the product.
  • When the bottom, base and guides are in place, you can begin to braid them with paper vine.

Methods of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners: step-by-step instructions, master class

For beginning needlewomen, the simplest method of weaving from newspaper wicker is suitable - single with a solid bottom:

  • We take the finished frame of the future craft.
  • We flatten one of the tubes, which will act as a vine, a little at the end.
  • Glue the flattened end of the vine to the bottom of the craft.
  • We lead the vine behind the nearest guide (with this type of weaving there should be an odd number of them) from the outside.
  • We bring the vine inside the craft.
  • We braid the next guide from the inside.
  • We bring the vine outside the craft and wrap it around the next guide from the outside.
  • Thus we continue in a circle along the entire height of the craft.
  • As we work, the vine will run out, so we build it up as we go.
  • We make sure that the vine lies tightly and the racks stand straight.
  • Having filled your hand a little, you can try to weave several vines at once (2-3).

Types of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners - simple, double, rod, complex, braid, lazy, isid, volumetric bending: weaving pattern for beginners, photo

Weaving pattern using the three-rod rod technique

Pattern of weaving from newspaper tubes using the "izida" technique

Weaving pattern from newspaper tubes “double fold”

Complex bending - diagram

Lazy braid braiding pattern

The bottom of newspaper tubes is square, rectangular, round, oval: how to weave for beginners?

How to weave a simple round bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a square bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave an oval bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a rectangular bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave handles for a basket from newspaper tubes: patterns for beginners

Twisted handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

Handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

How to finish weaving from newspaper tubes?

The simplest folds from newspaper tubes: Video

Basket made of newspaper tubes: technique, weaving patterns

Scheme of weaving a box from newspaper tubes

Weaving patterns from newspaper tubes for beginners

To summarize, it’s worth saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to start something new. Even the most famous needlewomen were once beginners. They also didn’t succeed at everything right away, they also got upset and intended to give up their hobby. But nevertheless, over time, everything fell into place - the tubes began to roll up faster, the patterns became more complex and ornate, and the crafts became simply mesmerizing. So, dear readers, go ahead, study, get better, and mastery will definitely overtake you!

How to weave a box from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a lid for a box from newspaper tubes: Video

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Thanks to the patience and perseverance of the craftswomen, old newspaper pages magically turn into completely unique things: unique panels, all kinds of amulets, wall clocks, exquisite baskets and candy bowls, vases and flowerpots, chests and caskets - you can’t list everything. Thanks to social networks and the Internet, interesting ideas instantly fly around the globe, encouraging budding newspaper weaving enthusiasts to take up paperwork and improve their skills.

We advise beginners not to start their creative journey with large products. We understand that you probably have grandiose plans. My hands are itching to weave a large laundry box or an impressively sized basket for a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms. Did we guess right?

You can find in our last article a detailed description of the process, starting with making the tubes and ending with their painting and processing before weaving.

So, the preparatory stage is over: in front of you lie the tubes ready to work, and the outlines of the first basket that you want to weave with your own hands have already emerged in your head. Now you need to find a form for braiding. A plastic bucket, vase, flower pot, or deep plate is suitable for this.

Advice. It is better for beginners to start working by weaving an object. Weaving without a shape can cause difficulties at first; without support, it is easy to skew your product and get it asymmetrical. By using a supporting object, you can easily achieve even rows of tubes and control the quality of the braid.

And now we will tell you in detail how to make a basket from newspaper tubes for beginners, and we will reveal all the secrets of successful weaving and the neat appearance of the finished product.

Master class on a round basket without a handle (weave according to shape)

In order for you to be able to decide on the required number of tubes and know in advance how many you need to prepare, we will give approximate calculations.

For a small basket (about the size of a soup plate) you will need about 100-150 straws; for a medium-sized product, prepare about 200-300 of them. Large baskets can require more than 500-700 straws. It all depends on the type and density of weaving, as well as the length and thickness of the newspaper vine.

In this MK we will weave a medium-sized basket. It will require 200-230 tubes wound onto a 1.5 mm knitting needle, 8 - 10 mm wide.

And we’ll immediately give you one more piece of advice. There's no need to rush. Try to avoid gaps between rows of weaving, placing each row close to the previous one. Don't crush the tubes while working, but don't skimp on them either. If you see that they are wrinkled or disheveled, mercilessly cut them off and grow new ones.

To weave a round bottom, fold 4 tubes in pairs, making a cross. Bend another working one in half.

Start braiding the crosspiece with it, weaving the first row with a rope. In this way, complete two more rows.

On the fourth circle, separate the double posts and continue braiding them separately. Try to weave as tightly as possible to avoid gaps. Make three rows of weaving.

The distance between the posts should have increased by this time and become more than 2 cm - it’s time to introduce additional posts. Make a hole with scissors or an awl and insert an additional stand, dripping a little polymer glue for reliability. Don’t forget to check your steps with the step-by-step photos provided.

Braid the added posts with string until the bottom is the size you need. The bottom of the basket is ready.

Take the shape you have chosen, which will serve as a temporary basis for the future basket. In our case, this is a deep inverted plate. Place the weaving on the form and gradually bend the racks along it to move to the walls. Continue braiding the sides with rope.

Place something heavy on top of your workpiece to securely fix its position.

If it’s uncomfortable for you to work like this, turn the weave over. Weave the basket to the desired height and cut the working tubes.

Next, bend a “rope of 4 tubes” (in the last article we talked in detail about different ones).

Extend the cut working tubes for bending in a different color (in our case, blue), and glue 2 more blue tubes behind the posts.

Take the leftmost blue tube and place it behind the fourth post in the same way as weaving a simple rope. And if you were making a rope of three tubes, you would weave with three blue tubes, winding each of them behind the third stand, and not behind the fourth.

Take the left tube again, count 3 racks and wind it behind the free fourth one. Weave until the last free post. This point is illustrated by the photo below.

Now it's time to complete the craft. Take it now the far right tube. Having counted 3 racks from it, place it behind the fourth and tuck it inside the basket without moving it out. Continue weaving according to this pattern with the remaining working tubes, each time placing the rightmost one behind the 4th post inside the basket.

Tuck the ends into the weave, bring them out and cut them off from the front side.

All that remains is to lay the white posts. Take one of them, count three more from it and after the third stand, thread it under the blue pigtail, leading it out.

Then take the next one and similarly place it under the braid after 3 stands from it.

And so on...

When all the racks are laid, all that remains is to trim and hide their ends.

Completing work on a wicker product involves priming it. To do this, you can use a solution of PVA with water in a 1:1 ratio or a composition of acrylic varnish + water in the same proportion. Carefully coat the basket with primer using a soft brush.

We want to warn you right away: PVA can turn yellow over time. To avoid this, it is better to cover wickerwork with a solution of acrylic varnish. The latter must be water-based; it can be distinguished from alkyd by the absence of odor.

After the basket has completely dried (this will take about a day), varnish it with acrylic varnish and leave it to dry again. Very thick varnish can be pre-diluted with water.

Do not be afraid that after such manipulation the product will turn a little white, this is temporary. After drying, the varnish will become transparent, and the craft will take on a finished look. You can give it a beautiful shine or an elegant matte texture depending on the varnish used. Let us remind you that it can be glossy, semi-gloss, matte or semi-matte - choose to your taste.

At the beginning of your creative journey, be sure to weave such a basket for fruits or sweets. As you can see, it turns out very cute, which means you will not only be able to practice crocheting a paper vine, but will also make an excellent gift for all occasions.

If you still have questions, you should watch a detailed video from Lada Ligai. In it, she tells how she wove a pot-bellied mini-basket.

Oval basket with a simple handle (weave without shape)

Now let's look at how to weave a cute little oval basket. In this case, the bottom is woven in a different way.

You can find step-by-step photos and a clear one in our last article.

We offer to watch the weaving process itself live in a video master class from Alena Bugrova. In his lesson, the author clearly and easily explains all the intricacies of weaving an oval basket from newspaper tubes.

On our own behalf we would like to add:

  • This craft takes about 100 tubes;
  • to obtain a color like in MK, you need to greatly dilute the “walnut” water stain with water;
  • the distance between the posts here is approximately 2 centimeters;
  • It is advisable to insert wire into several tubes for the handle so that it holds its shape.

This cute miniature basket is a great gift idea for any occasion. For example, you can weave it for Easter and, filling it with painted Easter eggs or sweets, present a gift set to people dear to you.

Folds for baskets

If you are a beginner and working on a basket for the first time, we recommend finishing the edge with simple folds. For small and medium-sized products, volumetric bends are suitable, for example, a rod or an isid with 3 or more tubes. We considered the technique of their implementation.

You can also decorate the edge of the basket with a voluminous openwork braid. You can watch its various types and weaving features in the videos we recommend.

The first lesson from Alena Bugrova is devoted to making a spectacular braid from tubes with a plastic cord inside. Be sure to practice braiding it - such a decorative fold turns the basket into a real masterpiece.

The second detailed and understandable video tutorial from Lada Ligai is maximally adapted for beginners. It gradually reveals all the secrets of weaving a voluminous braid and its correct ending.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different folds. They are able to give the simplest product an elegant and festive look.

We design the handle

The simplest pen

In the photo it looks like this:

To make it, you need to take a bunch of 3-4 tubes, form a bend in the handle and attach the workpiece to the basket. Next, carefully wrap the entire handle with a moistened tube, periodically lubricating it with glue so that the winding fits tightly. For this job it is better to use polymer glue than PVA. It dries quickly and fixes, while the paper does not have time to get wet.

Instead of a bundle of tubes, you can take a thick wire (cable) and wrap it around several tubes at once. The process in the photo looks like this:

Handle design using chintz weaving

It looks like this:

To work, take moistened tubes and immediately increase their length. Mark their locations on the basket. Use an awl to make holes and insert tubes into them. Glue the ends while they dry, secure them with clothespins.

Give the tubes the desired bend. To make them better hold their shape, you can insert 1-0.9 mm thick wire into them in advance. Using a working tube, we braid these 3 main tubes with simple calico weaving.

Simple twisted handle

In the photo she looks like this:

It is also quite easy to do for a beginner. For small pens you need to take a bundle of 5-7 tubes, you can insert a wire into one of them. Next, they need to be laid, intertwined with rope and gradually twisted.

We present to you a detailed MK from Lada Ligai, in which each step is accompanied by a photo.

If you still don’t understand how to properly twist and round such a handle, there is only one way out - urgently watch a detailed video from a craftswoman.

Sturdy twisted basket handle

It is better to make it using a thick cable or willow rod.

For ease of perception, we suggest you watch 3 stages of working on the handle.

Part 1: You will learn how to correctly insert a willow rod into the wall of a basket:

Part 2: How to wrap it with paper vine:

Part 3: Features of fastening the handle with a beautiful connecting lock.

Openwork handle

Do you want to surprise everyone with the unusual and elegant look of your basket? Then you urgently need to master openwork knitting handles.

For this method, each paper tube of the handle base must be reinforced with wire. You will learn the specifics of the work from our recommended video from Irina Chirkova.

Braid with 4 tubes

A similar pen looks like this:

It's very easy to do, step by step:

Braid made of 8 tubes

The photo shows what a handle looks like, woven with an ordinary volumetric braid of 8 pipes.

If the thickness of the handle is not enough for you, then you can insert a cable, television wire, thick wire or a bunch of paper tubes inside. The thicker version will look like this:

The process of weaving such a braid is covered in detail in a video from Olga Ryzhkova.

Below are step-by-step photographs of attaching the handle to the basket and neatly decorating the lock:

Wooden handle

You can also use an ordinary thick branch as a handle. Take a walk to the nearest park and get the material absolutely free. The found branch must be sawed off to the desired shape, cleaned by removing the bark, and sanded for smoothness. If desired, you can paint the wood with stain and cover it with acrylic varnish.

Look how beautiful and unusual such handles on baskets look.

Sew a cover for a basket

The last and optional stage of working on the basket is decorating it. You can decorate your wicker craft with a catchy artificial flower, satin ribbons, a bright bow, or sew a cute fabric cover.

Its function is not only to decorate the basket, but also to protect the walls from contamination and make it easier to care for. In addition, you can use it to cover weaving flaws in your first works, giving them an impeccable look.

In this video you will learn how to sew a cover for a round bottom basket.

If you've made a square bottom basket, see how to sew a fabric liner into it. It only requires three measurements and no complex calculations or templates. All the details are in the video.

Ideas for inspiration

Now that you are familiar with the basics of weaving simple products, we would like to offer you a photo selection of the works of different craftswomen. Here you will find not only an Easter basket made from newspaper tubes for beginner newspaper weaving enthusiasts, but also all sorts of options for all occasions.

Round, oval, rectangular, with unusual bends and handles - look at them, get inspired and don’t be afraid to create your own masterpieces.

And even if your first basket does not turn out the same as in the picture, you will make it yourself, with your own hands. And experience, accuracy and speed of weaving will definitely come with practice. The main thing is to always take on work with a good mood and attitude - and you will succeed!

A popular way to decorate the interior is to weave baskets from newspaper tubes: a simple task will allow you to create real works of art.

Basket weaving involves the use of rope techniques, which can be used to create beautiful products for home decor. These baskets are convenient for storing knitting threads, handicrafts and other supplies. The finished basket is not particularly strong, so you should not place heavy objects in it.


A newspaper basket is well suited for storing decorative fruits in the kitchen: it serves more as an interior item than as a means of carrying things.

To make your own basket with your own hands at home, you can take advantage of the master class for beginner needlewomen. All you need is to prepare the necessary materials and follow the suggested step-by-step instructions with photos. The process is so exciting that it will allow even children aged 7 years and older to participate.

To work you will need:

Let's start weaving the handle.

  • To do this, you need to leave 3 tubes on opposite sides of the basket and braid them.
  • Weaving must be done on both sides of the product at once, gradually narrowing it towards the center of the basket.
  • At the top, the ends are connected with tape and disguised as the base of the handle.
  • The final stage is finishing the product: mix a little white acrylic paint, water and glue and brush this mixture around the perimeter of the walls.
  • It is also necessary to paint the bottom of the product. To dry the basket, turn it upside down and leave it for several hours.

The final decoration of the finished product occurs according to your imagination. Do not forget to open the workpiece with varnish to ensure reliable connections. Decorate the basket with ribbons, decorative flowers, rhinestones or using the decoupage technique: a masterpiece will delight the eye and give a great mood.

Handle weaving

One of the main parts of the basket is a high-quality handle, because it is useful for moving items from place to place. The handle should be dense and durable, it can be decorated as desired: braid it with ribbon, stick artificial stones and rhinestones, or simply decorate it with colored acrylic. You can make a handle in several ways:

  • openwork weaving;
  • braid;
  • rope way.

This master class will discuss how to make a reliable and beautiful handle for a basket using the braiding technique. At first glance, it seems that the technique is complex and cannot be explained, but after following the step-by-step steps, after just 1 hour you can enjoy the finished wicker handle.

Weaving a strong handle

Detailed master class

To work, you will need 6 long newspaper tubes along the length of the handle, colored blanks for braiding the frame, as well as twists for weaving the braid itself.

Let's get started step by step:

  • We put 6 newspaper bundles next to each other and wrap them with colored tube blanks. This is easy to do: just start from the edge of the blanks, gradually wrapping them around the entire perimeter into one tight bundle.
  • When the base of the handle is ready, we proceed to attaching additional 4 tubes to decorate the braid. To do this, at the very base of the handle we apply 4 tubes of different or the same color and wrap them a little to the workpiece using a roll.
  • We begin to weave a pigtail: first we bend the two side sticks to the sides, and bend the two middle sticks towards ourselves. After this, we carry out weaving according to the figure in the photo below.
  • When the tube runs out, insert a new one into it, wetting the connection with glue. We continue weaving until the braid covers the entire base of the handle. The finished handle can be attached to the basket in any way: it is best to do this using a rope technique.

How to make a lid?

If the basket is woven open, then it is enough to make handles for it, and it will be ready. When it is intended to make a structure with a lid, the upper part of the product is woven separately. To make your own lid, you can use a simple master class for beginners.


If you want to get a more patterned lid, you should choose those workshops that are based on openwork or checkerboard weaving - then the pattern will be clearly visible on the surface.

For work, prepare 2 circles of cardboard, the diameter corresponding to the finished basket. The circle can be immediately decorated: decoupaged, decorated with acrylic or covered with fabric. You will also need PVA glue, a lot of newspaper tubes of one or more colors and varnish.

Let's begin the process of creating a simple but beautiful lid:

  • Two circles of cardboard must be glued together, after placing rays of rolled newspapers around the circumference.
  • Weaving is done using rope technique or layering. The four main twigs are inserted through one radial twist and the braiding of the cardboard circle begins.
  • All 4 twigs are used at once: first they are placed over a newspaper tube, then passed behind the next tube. The result is a beautiful border along the contour of the cardboard. This way the entire circle is woven around the diameter of the basket.
  • To make the sides of the lid, the workpiece is placed on the basket and the rays of the twists are folded down by bending the rack behind the rack. Weaving continues in the above technique. The ends are cut off and bent inward, gluing.

The finished lid should dry, then you can decorate it in your own way.

Basket weaving methods

The widespread popularity of making beautiful baskets from newspaper tubes has provoked the development of new techniques. If previously it was possible to weave a basket only using the method indicated above, then modern craftswomen do not sit still.

They come up with new ways to weave blanks, as well as various schematic patterns. To learn more about each type of weaving, we suggest looking at a summary table describing the methods.

Technique Description Where is it used?
Spiral twisting The technique is considered one of the simplest; judging by the reviews of needlewomen, even a schoolchild can cope with it. The essence of the method is to gradually increase the height of the product due to the circular interweaving of the tubes. Each new workpiece is superimposed on the previous one in a spiral. Used to create tall baskets for decorative purposes, as well as attractive vases of unusual shape. Using this technique it is easy to make a stylish piece of interior decor.
Layer-by-layer The technique involves making a basket from several tubes at once. To make weaving easier, first perform several rows using the rope technique, insert additional tubes into the support holes and begin to braid the walls in a circle with each tube at the same time. It is used to create baskets of various shapes, as well as to design patterns on the surface of products. It is worth noting that the racks should be an order of magnitude stronger than the braiding blanks themselves.
Rope This weaving method was discussed in the master class above, where a step-by-step guide to creating an original but simple basket for beginners was discussed. The weaving technique is used to create simple round and square products. This method is suitable for training beginning craftswomen.
Spiral weaving The technique should not be confused with spiral twisting - they are fundamentally different. This method involves weaving at an angle Spiral weaving is suitable for making small and tall items, such as narrow baskets, glasses, vases.
Pigtail There are 2 types of this method - edge and overhead. The first option is used to weave the stand counterclockwise, with the tubes leading outwards and inwards. The overhead technique involves the use of several twists at once, braided with the edge. Baskets made with this weaving look more elegant. The texture of the pattern resembles a real willow basket.
Openwork It is not difficult to recognize this weaving - it looks like lace. It consists of holes and patterns. The technique is a synthesis of simple and complex techniques. Original baskets made of openwork weaving can be open or closed. They are well suited for presenting a birthday gift as a packaging box.

The weaving methods discussed will help you better understand how to properly make a basket with your own hands. For beginners, it is better to use the rope technique or spiral twisting; more detailed descriptions of these techniques will be presented as the material progresses.

Laundry baskets

The main advantage of working with this technique is its practical side: having learned to weave baskets from scrap materials, you can easily create household items.

One of these useful devices is a laundry basket - the work is simple, the difficulties lie only in the size of the product itself.

To weave a laundry basket from rolled newspapers yourself, be patient and have the necessary materials.

  • Prepare the following materials and tools:
  • thick cardboard, some needlewomen use corrugated cardboard;
  • wallpaper or colored paper for gluing the bottom;
  • paper tubes, pre-painted in the required color and covered with stain;
  • clear varnish;
  • PVA glue;

fabric for the liner on the base.

To make a beautiful fruit basket yourself, prepare 310 pieces of newspaper tubes - their length is 27 cm. It is recommended to pre-paint the tubes with the following composition: take 2 tbsp for half a liter of water. l. acrylic varnish and mix with the shade color.

Process all the tubes and begin step-by-step work. Description
Stage Bottom formation
The bottom is made using rope technique using a cross for the base. Take 12 tubes, divide them into groups of 3 each and glue the cross. Weaving bottom
Weave 6 rows using this technique, braiding 3 tubes at once, and then begin braiding 1 bundle at a time. So you need to weave until you get a bottom of the desired diameter. Forming the sides
To make rises for weaving the sides of the structure, you need to insert 3 more tubes into each hole with a stick. Weaving of sides
By placing the bottom on a round object, such as a wooden bowl, you can continue working. Here you can already weave boards using the layer-by-layer technique: it is done in 2-4 rods and will be much more reliable than the rope method. Creating openwork
To make the basket elegant, you can create a pattern: in the center of the weaving, simply cross the adjacent rods, imitating rhombuses. Press each connection with a clothespin and weave in new rods for further work. Handle Formation
When the main work is ready, we begin to create a handle: we insert additional rods from the sides of the product and create a handle, according to the master class indicated above. Decor

We finish the structure as we wish: we paint it with multi-colored pigments and make fabric inserts.

Detailed master class

Fruit basket

This basket does not need a lid, because it is intended for storing fruit. The handle of the product can be effectively decorated with a rose made of foamiran.

Detailed master class

Weaving a square basket

  • To make such an auxiliary device, just take a sheet of cardboard, bend it in half lengthwise and use a hole punch to make holes for the tubes 2 cm from the fold. You also need to prepare a large number of paper or newspaper bundles.
  • We insert the sticks for the base into the holes of the cardboard so that most of them are closer to the work.
  • To form and lift the walls, we insert new splinters around the perimeter of the square: bend the twist in half and thread it into the hole, grabbing the nearest tube. We fix the fastening points with tape and clothespins.
  • We begin to braid the walls until we get the height. For ease of work, we put the structure on a square box.

When the work is finished, you can attach a handle to it or weave an additional cover. Such a basket will not only serve as a bread bin, but will also be a good option for a packaging box.

Those who like to make their own crafts should pay attention to weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. This is an entertaining hobby that even beginners can do; it requires minimal costs, and the resulting products have a very attractive appearance and cannot be distinguished from natural ones.

Necessary tools and materials for work

To make a basket from newspaper tubes with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

How to make newspaper tubes

Paper vine can be made as follows:

There is an even simpler option for making newspaper vines without twisting. It is necessary to cut strips, as for forming tubes. And fold them several times lengthwise to form edges of equal width. They can become material for ordinary wicker, which will serve as the bottom of the basket.

Staining the tubes

A basket made of newspaper tubes is easy to paint with your own hands. You can paint both the finished product and paper blanks.

For strength, the created craft must be thoroughly soaked in PVA glue and allowed to dry.

It is better to dilute it with a small amount of water and apply with a brush. Then they paint with acrylic paint or stain in several layers for an even shade. If desired, you can add different dyes or color pastes. To get an even tone, you must first coat it with any product that has a coloring pigment: brilliant green, iodine, food coloring, gouache, tonic.

It is better to paint newspaper blanks before starting work, since unpainted gaps will not be visible. A special fabric dye, water-based acrylic polymers, stain and food coloring agents are used. The stain is suitable for painting white tubes; they look like natural vines. The main shades are oak, coffee, mahogany and walnut.

To paint long workpieces, you need to make a device from a piece of large-diameter polypropylene pipe.

Both ends must be cut off and a plug (plastic jar) glued to one of them with PVA glue, which will prevent liquid from leaking out.

Then you need to pour the coloring agent into the pipe, not reaching the top a little, and place it on a special stand.

Next, you need to take several tubes and lower them into the solution. After impregnation, they should be pulled out and immersed in the coloring liquid with the other side. During the painting process, it is advisable to add emulsion to the container for good coloring of the source material. At the end, all the workpieces are laid out on a level place and dried in the shade in the air.

Short strands are painted in a bottle with a spacious neck. It is necessary not to completely fill the container with dye. Then lower several tubes there and shake them for uniform painting, then turn them over and repeat the maneuver. Place on a smooth surface, dry and paint a second time to achieve a rich color.

To prevent the workpieces from becoming wrinkled, you should lay a piece of thick paper around the circumference of the bottle or pipe.

Methods of weaving from newspaper tubes

A do-it-yourself basket from newspaper tubes can be woven in two ways: solid and openwork.

In addition, there are different types of weaving, the main ones of which are:

Weaving baskets of different shapes

Baskets made from newspaper tubes have different shapes. Even beginners can weave various configurations with their own hands.

Square basket

Sequence of making a square basket:

Rectangular basket

To form the bottom of a rectangular basket, you need to cut out a template of the intended size from cardboard, place it along the edge of a twisted tube, and secure the structure with clothespins. Then lay newspaper blanks across the base so that each bundle in turn goes from below or above the base, and adheres to the desired grouping of weaving.

For some period, the craft should be covered with another paper cord and secured with clips. The bottom will become like a comb, and then you need to weave in new pieces, observing a checkerboard pattern and forming the desired density. If the bottom becomes strong enough, you can remove the clothespins because it can hold its shape on its own.

When the base is woven, ray-like strips remain, which in the future will be used as the basis of the frame, and with their help you can form frame walls. If the tube runs out, you need to add a new one. When decorating the edges, unnecessary ends are cut off and glued inside.


To create a round-shaped product using the rope method, you need to follow the following steps:

Oval basket

An easy way to create a basket:

Corner basket

When weaving corner crafts from newspaper bundles, it is advisable to follow these rules:

Master class: a simple basket made from newspaper tubes

A simple model of a basket made from newspaper tubes is created with your own hands in this way:

A complex basket made of newspapers. Step-by-step instruction

A low, practical basket is made as follows:

  1. For the bottom you will need 13 newspaper tubes. 5 of them need to be placed side by side, and the remaining 8 should be laid out crosswise on top.
  2. Next, we braid the top in the form of a braid with one piece of paper.
  3. When the paper rope runs out, it should be extended.
  4. Weave the bottom in this way to the required size.
  5. Having completed forming the base, you should bend the tubes upward and braid them again.
  6. Having created 4 rows of walls of the future product, fix the main strips on the sides with clothespins and then form the basket. The entire craft is braided in two pieces.
  7. At the end, the edge is made with a figured volumetric weave.
  8. Hide and glue the excess ends.
  9. Pull out the clothespins, paint and varnish the basket.

Edge decoration

When the basket is the desired height, it is advisable to hide the ends of the tubes that form the frame, secure and hide the workpiece. To do this you will need an extended knitting needle. It should be threaded through the hole near the stand in the middle for 3 rows. Repeat the same action in the other direction, then throw the stand over it and thread it down.

This will ensure that all the posts can bend. After finishing the work, you can get the finished edge. Lubricate the places where the racks hit with glue and let dry, then cut off all the excess ends of the workpieces. Carefully hide the sections among newspaper strips.

How to make a pen

The easiest way to make a handle for a basket:

Newspaper basket cover

The lid for the craft is made similar to the bottom, and should be slightly larger than the size of the top of the original.

To make it you need:

  • in the side surface of strong and even cardboard you need to make small indentations with a knife;
  • thread a piece of paper through the holes on each side;
  • wrap around the edges of the product, bending one element after another;
  • Finally, hide the free edges under the lid;
  • for handles, insert 2 pairs of tubes along the two upper edges;
  • stretch them to the middle, bend them and intertwine them with each other;
  • coat the edges with glue and fasten with clothespins;
  • for a neat appearance, they should be lubricated with PVA again and rewound with paper.

Decorating a newspaper basket

You can beautifully decorate a basket of newspaper tubes with your own hands in the following ways::

A DIY basket made from newspaper tubes will be an excellent decor for any room, be it a bathroom, living room or dining room. The main thing is to create with positive thoughts and love. The creative process of making newspaper crafts helps relieve stress after everyday life and redirect attention, and the created models will decorate any interior.

Video on how to make a basket from newspaper tubes with your own hands

How to make a basket from newspaper tubes with your own hands, watch the video:

Weaving from newspaper tubes, see step-by-step instructions in the video:

Reading time: 8 minutes

Do you want to do some handmade art? Do you want to make useful things that will have a special, fresh beauty? Don't know what to give your friends for the holidays? Pay attention to this type of needlework, such as weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. By creating such a basket yourself, you will end up with a product that is visually no different from a basket made of wicker, and they are quite suitable for home use because they have the necessary strength.

Today, when weaving baskets, various varnishes, paints and impregnations are used, which make it possible to obtain a surface of any color. And decorating such baskets offers as many options as your imagination tells you - appliqués, decoupage, flowers, ribbons, beads.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: what do we need?

To create one of these we will need:

Lots and lots of newspaper sheets;
PVA glue;
knitting needle;
stationery knife and scissors;
acrylic paint, finishing varnish, alcohol stain (larch, origon, lemon or any other to your taste);
basket base;
brushes for paint and glue.

Basket weaving: work order

The first step is to determine the direction of the paper fiber - it should be longitudinal. Determining the direction of the fiber is simple - there are several ways to do this. For example, take a sheet of newspaper and stretch its edges between the nails of two fingers. If the sheet has a transverse grain direction, the edge of the newspaper sheet will become wavy. If it is longitudinal, there will be no folds.

At the very initial stages, it will also be necessary to cut all the newspaper sheets into strips, the width of which we determine ourselves. However, you should not make them too wide, then you will get thin and graceful tubes that will be easy to work with with a knitting needle. If you like thick tubes, simply increase the diameter of the selected knitting needle.

Ready-made tubes should be painted on oilcloth prepared in advance. Only alcohol stain should be used. If you use a regular water stain, the finished tubes may come unstuck upon contact with water.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 1 - preparation

We cut the prepared newspaper sheets into strips 7 cm wide. This can be done with scissors, but this is too tedious. It is best to use a utility knife to cut the sheets on the backing board.

Next, take the prepared strips and wrap the strips onto the knitting needle at an angle of about 10-15 degrees. We begin to wind the strip onto the knitting needle very tightly. If you leave the margin of the newspaper strip on the right, then the tubes themselves will turn out white.

Once you have screwed the entire tube onto a knitting needle, fasten the very edge of the newspaper with glue and let it dry thoroughly.

Already at this stage, you can start painting the newspaper tubes in the desired color and give them time to dry thoroughly.

But if you don’t have time for this or you want to quickly finish with the basket, you can paint the finished product and then varnish it. Believe me, it will never occur to anyone that the basket you made with your own hands was made from an ordinary old newspaper.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 2 - weaving

We start the weaving process from the bottom. You need to decide on the size of your basket from the very beginning. If you're doing this for the first time and don't know what size basket you'll like, we suggest you stick to our standards.


So, prepare 30 newspaper tubes, each 50 cm long. We take 10 tubes, each 45-50 cm long. We lay them out in pairs. Select the main tube and fold it in half. We wrap the resulting tube around the first pair of tubes. On the edge of the tube we mark the beginning of work with a marker.

We braid each pair of tubes with rope. We cross the working tubes, after which we cover a pair of tubes with one working tube, and place the other below. When the working tube ends in length, it is necessary to extend it - insert a hole in the ending tube into the end of the new tube.

Thus we weave 2 rows to the place marked with markers, to the marked pair of tubes.

We weave the 3rd and 4th rows into one tube. In this case, the working tubes should be directed to the center of the bottom.

Now we begin to form the bottom edging. We take the first tube, which is marked with a marker, and bend it around the next one, bending it in a circle towards the center of the bottom.

We braid the last tube from below into the loop of the first tube.

We braid each tube from the first to the fourth row with a rope, while the tubes must be slightly bent in the direction from the middle.

If you wish, you can decorate the fifth row with beads - 6 beads will be enough. Next, we also tie the sixth and seventh rows with a rope.

The excess length of the working tubes must be cut off and the edges tucked between the rows - this is easily done using a knitting needle.

Simply cut off the exposed ends of the tubes with scissors.

That's all - all that's left to do is make the handle of the basket!

We leave 3 tubes on each side, connecting them together with clothespins. Drop a little glue onto the base of each tube and cut off the ends.

We connect the ends of the tubes - this is how we get the handle of the basket.

In order for the handle to be firmly attached, it is necessary to fix the place where the tubes are glued with the same clothespin. The entire length of the handle can be covered with one tube or left as is.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: stage 3 - coloring

In order for the basket to have maximum strength, it must be impregnated with PVA glue. This will also help us give it the necessary shape. After this, you need to give the basket time to dry completely.

Want to make your shopping cart even more memorable? Decorate it with technology decoupage! Cut out attractive patterns and motifs from napkins and attach them to the basket, after which you can coat the finished product with finishing varnish. The finished work must be dried for a long time.

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes: video

What is stain and where to find it?

For a huge number of handmade projects, it is necessary to use stain.

Stain is a substance for surface coloring wood that easily dissolves in water.

It is often used when they want to get a certain shade of wood. Unlike paint, this material does not completely color the wood, as paint does, but only gives it the necessary shade, emphasizes the natural beauty of the wood and its structure, penetrating into the very depths of the fiber.

So hand craftsmen discovered the interesting properties of this material and began to successfully use it in their techniques, including for weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. As a result, we get a product that seems to be made from real vine.

The most beautiful and popular material for painting such baskets is considered to be brown stain, which is made from coal and oil.

Depending on the purpose of use, stain can be used for both external and internal painting. This substance contains a special pigment that is highly resistant to color loss due to exposure to sunlight.

Types of stains

  • Today there is a wide variety of stains, not only in color, but also in type. Let's consider the main ones:
    Water stain
    Water stain gives finished products greater resistance to abrasion. However, the colors you can get with it will not be as rich. If you want to give a special tone to products that will subsequently come into contact with food or that will be used by children, try to choose a stain that contains as few chemical additives and various “volatile” substances as possible. Water stain is just that - as safe as possible for health.

If you wet the surface to be stained a little before painting, you will get a more even shade.

    Alcohol stain
  • This substance is a common alcohol solution of aniline dyes. This type of stain is considered more resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays (compared to water stain) and has a very high drying speed. If you cover the finished product with this type of stain, you will definitely have to apply a finishing coat of varnish. Don’t be alarmed when you smell the sharp, unpleasant chemical smell of this stain—manufacturers do this on purpose to discourage hunters from trying this “miracle” for a taste.
    This type of stain is considered innovative and belongs to the latest generation of stains. Acrylic stain is an emulsion based on acrylic resin. This type of dye is less susceptible to fading in the sun; it is most resistant to moisture, so it does not experience discomfort when in a humid environment. In addition, acrylic stains are available in a huge variety of colors. However, a significant disadvantage when using them is the high cost of the material.

  • Oil stain
    As you can already guess from the name, the main component of these stains is oil or drying oil, which does an excellent job of protecting wood, and also has a huge selection of tint palettes. Can be combined with a solvent - together with oil stain, a solvent such as white spirit is most often used. However, this type of stain is not recommended for painting products made from newspaper tubes; it is better to leave it for working with wood.
  • Chemical stain
    Chemical stain does not contain coloring substances. They are replaced by the soluble metal salts included in the composition, which, upon contact with the tannins of wood, color it in different shades. However, we won’t dwell on them in too much detail - like oil stain, this type of dye is not at all suitable for working with baskets made from newspaper tubes.
  • Gel stain
    This type of stain is especially popular among perfectionists who strive for a uniform color throughout the entire perimeter. This stain does not leave stains on the product and distributes the dye evenly.

In addition to these main types of stain, you need to decide on the type in which you can purchase the stain you like. The modern market offers ready-to-use stain in diluted form or powdered form, which is much less common. As a rule, to work with powdered stain, you simply need to dilute it with a certain amount of warm water.

It is recommended to buy stain in large construction stores and hypermarkets. Consultants of such establishments will always help you decide on the choice of a particular material for work, as they should know about all the properties of the product.

Painting tubes with stain

Painting newspaper tubes will be most effective and easy if you have previously rolled them so that the tubes are white (we have already mentioned that this can be achieved by rolling the tubes along the very edge of the newspaper). In this case, you will get the most even color that will easily and evenly fall on a white base.

When painting with stain, prepare a plastic bottle with a wide neck. If you like jewelry work and have a lot of free time, you can paint each individual tube with a brush. If you value your time, simply dip the finished tube in a bottle of diluted stain - this is the fastest way to color newspaper tubes.

In the line of each manufacturer of the presented types of stain there is a wide selection of colors. What color you want your finished basket of ready-made straws to be is up to you to decide. So, just go to a large construction hypermarket, look for stands with stains there, choose the color that suits you.

Don’t rush to throw away the remaining color – sometimes situations happen when, when making exactly the same basket, you didn’t have enough paint of a given color. Then your leftovers from previous jobs will become a real lifesaver. Or the paint has come off in the finished basket and the resulting stain hurts your eyes. Just take out the rest of the paint and touch up the desired area of ​​the finished product!

Often, hand craftswomen use ordinary gouache instead of color. However, the total cost of preparing such paint will be much more expensive.

To give the desired shade, you can also use food coloring (for example, in egg paint). It turns out to be a very safe dye for the product!

You can also use regular water-based paint along with color. To do this, you will have to thoroughly prime the finished product (prepare the primer yourself or buy it ready-made).

You can also combine the various listed dyeing methods with PVA glue - this will make not only the color of the basket more durable, but also its components. For example, water-based paint with water, water-based paint with PVA glue, acrylic enamel with water and PVA glue, and many other methods are often combined.

After painting, the product must be allowed to dry completely and, if necessary, varnished.

Do you believe that you managed to create this beauty with your own hands? And we didn’t even doubt your talent! Or there will be more - on our pages we will collect for you only the best selections and master classes that will help you realize your potential and show your creative abilities!