How to weave a spikelet of 6 strands. Weaving complex braids and dreadlocks

February 23

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will again learn how to weave beautiful braids, namely, we will analyze in detail how to weave a braid of 6 strands based on the diagrams and photos I offer.

First of all, I would like to note that this weaving is quite complex, but very beautiful. And if you are just starting to learn how to weave braids, then I recommend that you first take a look at the lessons on weaving and French braids. If you can achieve these hairstyles with ease, then you can safely start learning a new technique.

How to braid a wide 6-strand braid

For convenience, I recommend first gathering your hair into a ponytail, and then weaving a braid from it. Of course, you can do without a tail; moreover, a six-strand braid can be woven like a spikelet. But for beginners it is still better to simplify the task as much as possible.

So, let's get to work creating a small masterpiece. Apply a little spray or a little mousse to your hair gathered into a bun, then divide it into six equal parts. Start weaving with the first three strands (leave the second three strands for now). As shown in scheme 1, cross the first and second strands so that the second lies on top of the first, then lay the first strand on top of the third.

We shift according to scheme 1 (in the photo it starts from the opposite side)

Then take the second three strands in your hands. Following scheme 2, place the outermost bun of hair (6th) on top of the adjacent one (5th), and then under the bottom of the next bun (4).

Now you need to cross the first and sixth strands, which, as a result of the above-described manipulations, ended up next to each other (see diagram 3). Repeating the algorithm described above in the same way, continue weaving a braid of 6 strands.

If you look closely at the diagrams, you will notice that a braid consists of strands woven in a checkerboard pattern, that is, if a strand lay on top of another strand, then it lies under the bottom of the next one. This rule is also observed when crossing the 1st and 6th bundles of hair (see diagram 3). However, you will understand this principle yourself if you practice a little. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work out the first time (I only succeeded on the 3rd try), practice, try again and again, sooner or later the hairstyle will succeed.

Finally, secure your hair with a bobby pin and stretch the braid out a little. It should turn out wide and flat. A 6-strand braid lasts quite well throughout the day and does not lose its shape. But if you wish, you can still fix it a little with varnish.

I hope I explained it more or less clearly, if I didn’t take something into account, I suggest you ask a question in the comments, I’ll be happy to answer everyone!

A six-strand braid looks stylish and very original; it is used to create incredibly beautiful airy hairstyles, and this braid itself will suit almost any look you create.

The 6-strand braid is a traditional Russian hairstyle. Our great-great-grandmothers easily and simply braided six, eight and even twelve strands. They learned this from a very young age, because in those days the braid was the pride of every girl and all the headdresses of young women since the 17th century were adapted to it.

You can make a 6-strand braid yourself at home. Of course, it’s harder to do this with your own hands, but by following our instructions step by step and practicing a little time, you can easily and quickly braid a six-strand braid yourself.

It’s better to train first, for example, on a girlfriend. When you have a perfect six-strand braid, you can even braid it yourself easily and freely.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at weaving a 6-strand braid. To make it easier for you to assimilate the information, we will number each strand from one to six. In fact, the weaving pattern is quite simple, as you will now see for yourself.

  1. Six-strand braid pattern
  2. Then we divide the entire mass of hair into six equal parts. For convenience, we assign a serial number to each beam from left to right. (1,2,3,4,5,6)

Let's start weaving. Instructions

  1. We place strand No. 1 on 2; We put 1 under 3; 1 to 4; No. 1 under 5; No. 6 under 1;
  2. No. 2 we lay 3; 2 under 4; 2 by 5; 2 under 6; No. 1 under 2;
  3. No. 3 is placed on 4; 3 under 5; 3 to 6; 3 under 1; No. 2 under 3.
  4. In this way, we continue to weave for the entire length of hair or the length you need. We fasten the braid at the bottom with a regular elastic band.

Well, our six-strand braid is ready. With your own hands, you easily and quickly created an unusual weave that can be combined in different hairstyles.

Let's look at a hairstyle option that is based on a six-strand braid.

Mesh over hair

This is a very easy hairstyle for which you only need to know the 6-strand braiding technique described above. The execution scheme is as follows.

  1. We divide all the hair horizontally from the right to the left ear, as for everyone known from childhood.
  2. We collect the lower part of the curls in a ponytail so as not to interfere.
  3. The upper part of the hair, in turn, is divided into three bundles. We temporarily hold two of them with an elastic band.
  4. We divide the first bundle into 6 parts and weave it according to a braid pattern of 6 strands along the entire length of the hair. When you reach the end, grab your hair with a regular elastic band.
  5. Using the same principle, braid the remaining two braids.
  6. You've got three beautiful braids. To make them look like a solid mesh, lace up their edges with a thin satin ribbon, like a corset.
  7. Unravel the lower large ponytail and comb it carefully.

The hairstyle is ready. It looks as if there is a beautiful thin mesh lying on the surface of your hair, laced with a satin ribbon. In order to give this hairstyle an even more original look, you can decorate it with various jewelry and accessories. For example, the material for decoration can be satin ribbons of different widths. You can also not only weave your hair with them, but also tie large and small bows, both simple and complex. You can also use pins with rhinestones to decorate the mesh, which are secured at the intersection of the strands.

Video: master class on braiding 6-strand braids

Long hair has always been considered the pride and main adornment of a lady. Especially if they are styled in a stylish, exciting hairstyle. One of the most common and widespread styling methods is braiding. There are a huge number of different types of it, one of which is 6-strand weaving.

You will find it useful

  • – hair washing and care products;
  • – hair dryer, comb;
  • - hairpins, hair ties.

Wash and dry your hair. Comb them from the roots down, combing the entire hairstyle back in this way. On the back of the head, divide the hair into 6 equal strands and number them conditionally: from the first to the 6th, from left to right. First, you can practice weaving on a mannequin’s head. For convenience, use 6 different colored strands.

Make all the strands of the same thickness, then the braid will be even and neat. Braiding 6-strand braids requires several steps, the main of which is braiding the first, 2nd and third strands.

Place the first strand of hair over the second. Place the same first strand under the third, then on top of the fourth, then lower it down again under the fifth, then place the sixth strand under the first. Placing hair in a 6-strand braid is reminiscent of the process of weaving a basket from rods.

The next step begins with laying the second strand according to the pattern described a little higher. Alternately intertwine the second strand with the third, on top of it, then lay the second strand of hair under the fourth, over the fifth, further under the sixth and, finally, lay the first strand under the second.

Next, work with the third strand. Place it on top of the fourth, pass under the fifth strand and place it on the sixth, lay under the first, and then over the 2nd. At the end of the second and third steps, if you did everything correctly, the weave will look like this: the ends of the strands spread out in three pieces to the left and right sides.

Continue weaving the strands, alternating stages 1 through 3 until the end. Secure the resulting braid with a beautiful hairpin or elastic band. If you want contrast, you can weave colored threads into your hair, add artificial strands, or dye part of your hair with a fast-washing tonic - a good solution for a costume party.

A 6-strand braid can be used as decoration for a smooth hairstyle. Braid it on the side of your head. To get a tight braid, make thin strands and pull them down as you braid. Try to maintain uniform tension along the entire length of your hair. A loosely braided braid will simply look ugly, especially if it is made from wide strands.

We women are constantly trying to find new ways to become more beautiful and happy, and fortunately, today there are millions of ways to achieve perfection. Appearance does not play the main role in the race for happiness, but it is quite significant, because a beautiful person is happily accepted by society. If you meet strangers, then everything they can think about you in the first minutes of communication comes from your image - clothes, facial expression, intentions.

Hairstyle is part of style, and a very important one at that. She is able to change the appearance of a girl in one direction or another. The same thing happens with outfits. Have you noticed that most successful ladies look great? This is not only due to having a lot of money, but also due to their personality, which is harmoniously adorned with good taste in fashion. By constantly reading useful information, looking at photos, discussing all this with friends, any lady will improve her skills, which will certainly lead to positive results.

In the hairdressing theme, one can single out one direction that, without a doubt, has been decorating the world for several thousand years -. Braids have never gone out of fashion, and thanks to the combination of simplicity and originality, they have gained incredible popularity among both women and men. We should note the unbridled love of the male part of the planet for braided hair - in our country this is especially noticeable.

The more complex the headdress, the better - this is the rule that fits our theme perfectly. Indeed, the more sophisticated the weaving, the more interesting the hairstyle becomes, creating a desire to understand how it works there.

This is the secret of the success of the style we are discussing - men love riddles, this is their whole essence, but to our joy, most of them do not understand hairdressing at all, which will help a smart fashionista set a net for a potential lover, offering herself as secrets.

We didn't want to deal with too complicated options, and that's why we chose a six-strand braid that any representative of the fair sex can do, even with no experience in this matter.

What’s good about this hairstyle is that it looks unusual, because unlike the hairstyle, which everyone has already become pretty tired of, today’s hair shows that its owner is trying to be more perfect.

All you need to make a six-strand braid is patience - take the instructions, of which there are many today, and just follow them. Previously, it was difficult to do any thing, because there was no information, but now you can move mountains and this is in almost any business.

Let's consider the classic example with a straight braid - there is nothing superfluous, no bells and whistles or innovations. It seems that such a simple thing should look uninspiring, but that’s not the case - it’s magnificent, but imagine how good the more complex varieties are!

The second option for weaving a braid of 6 strands:

The 6-strand braid is a truly special hairstyle. It is delightful and unique, although not easy, especially for beginners. She collects her hair in a kind of flat spikelet, similar to basket weaving. The hair in this hairstyle shimmers beautifully in the light, it is neat, stylish and suitable for both a business meeting and every day.

You will need:

  • comb
  • small hair ties
  • curling iron with a large attachment (optional)
  • cream wax for hair
  • Polish for hair

Laying process

1. Gather your hair on one side.

2. Remove all jewelry if you are wearing it to prevent your hair from getting tangled in it.

3. Comb your hair thoroughly.

4. Divide your hair into two equal parts.

5. Divide the left side into three more parts.

6. Place the 1st left strand on top of the 2nd strand and pull it under the 3rd strand.

7. Divide the right side of your hair into three equal sections.

8. Pull the rightmost strand (6th) under the next (5th) strand, over the 4th strand and under the 1st strand.

9. Repeat steps 6 and 8 until the end of the hair.

10. Secure the braid with an elastic band.

The braid may turn out a little disheveled, especially if you are braiding it for the first time. But that's just part of the process. At the end it can be carefully corrected.
If you have bangs, you can curl them with a curling iron and cover them with wax or varnish to fix them.

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