Trim your hair at home. How to cut the ends of long hair yourself


Frequently and efficiently carry out moisturizing hair procedures. Don't forget to apply conditioner after shampooing your hair. Hair can start to split for a variety of reasons, but the most common cause is a lack of moisture.

  • Use a conditioner that suits your hair type. For dry hair, it should contain natural oils (shea butter, coconut oil, etc.). Apply conditioner to the ends of your hair, not your scalp. For oily or fine hair, use a light conditioner and apply it very gently near the scalp.
  • Moisturize your hair at least every time you shampoo. Hair is made up of protein and needs nutrients just like any other part of the body. Shampoo every other day and be sure to use conditioner afterwards.

Lock the moisture of the water and conditioner into your hair. You've tried to moisturize your hair, so don't let the moisture go to waste. Use products like shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil to keep moisture in your hair.

Protect the ends of your hair when styling your hair. Keep your hair up when you style your hair in a bun to protect it from drying out and damage. After showering, some prefer to let their hair dry naturally by twisting it into a bun overnight.

Carry out deeper moisturizing of hair. This should be done at least once a week or so. Deep moisturizing treatments will give your hair more moisture and protection, so if you don't shampoo and condition your hair for 2-3 days afterwards, your hair will probably retain enough moisture.

  • Avoid excessive hair damage when styling your hair. Usually in those people who have healthy hair, the habit is to avoid an excessive number of procedures when shaping the hairstyle.

    • Beware of burning your hair. Damage from hot hair straighteners, for example, results in split ends. Set the hair dryer to the lowest temperature when drying your hair. If possible, let your hair dry on its own after showering: lightly pat it dry with a towel, apply a detangling product, comb through lightly, and let dry.
    • Do not comb your hair when wet. Hair has a very high chance of breaking when wet, so be careful. Use a wide-toothed flat comb on wet hair to reduce the chance of split ends and other damage.
  • Well-groomed hair folded into a neat hairstyle is one of the main conditions for the beautiful appearance of a woman of any age. Straight or curly hair should always be washed and kept in shape.

    At home, it is also possible to learn how to give full-fledged care, cut hair beautifully - fashionable and unusual. But before you cut your own hair, you should purchase the necessary tools and cosmetics, read the recommendations of stylists and masters of hairdressing.

    To get a good haircut result, you must adhere to the following recommendations of hairdressers and stylists:

    Workplace organization

    Prepare your workspace as follows:

    1. In the chosen place, the tools should be laid out. You need to clearly know the location of each tool in order to facilitate the haircut and reduce the duration of this process.
    2. Scissors, a comb and clips must be at hand.
    3. The mirror must be placed so as to provide a good overview. If there are several mirrors, they must be placed so as to see the head from all sides.
    4. For convenience, a chair should be prepared in front of the mirror, since a haircut, especially for the first time, can take a long time.
    5. Among the means for performing a haircut, there must be a spray gun, because if you start cutting hair that is already wet, in the process they can dry out and you will need to re-wet them for a haircut.

    Instrument preparation

    At home, before cutting your hair, you need to prepare tools for work:

    How to trim your hair

    At home, you first need to decide on the concept of a haircut (how the hair should be cut as a result): you need to cut only the ends, trim the bangs, or remove the length of the hair.

    Before starting work, be sure to sterilize all tools.


    The split ends of the hair need to be trimmed to improve the hair. Be sure to go through the procedure of trimming them in the salon or on your own at home once a month.

    It is possible to do this at home as follows:

    1. Wet hair (slightly towel-dried after washing or moistened with a spray bottle) should be thoroughly combed.
    2. Separate strands from the parietal part of the head, stab the rest of the hair with hairpins or clips.
    3. Using a thin comb, select 1 strand from the selected ones, and remove the rest of the curls on the face.
    4. Cut a little above the split ends, holding the strand between your index and middle fingers. If you trim your hair about 1 time per month, then it is enough to cut off 1-2 cm.
    5. Next, you should move along the entire length of the hair from right to left or vice versa. The length of all other strands will be equal to the length of the first cut strand. Therefore, be sure to grab some of the already cut hair along with the next long strand.

    After finishing the haircut, you need to dry the hair, look at the result and, if errors are visible, trim the already dry strands.


    If everything is in order with the shape of the hairstyle and you only need to remove the length of the bangs, then you should:

    Haircut Techniques

    At home, in order to understand how to competently and beautifully cut hair, you should study the basic techniques (methods) that masters use when performing haircuts.

    The techniques are as follows:

    1. thinning- This is hair thinning. The strands become different lengths due to the use of special scissors, while they seem more voluminous.
    2. Tushevka- the implementation of a smooth transition from long hair to short hair. It can be done with both machine and scissors. Used on short hair.
    3. edging- a technique in which hair lines become clearer and more even, have strict boundaries.
    4. Reducing "to nothing"- a technique close to shading, in which hair is shortened from the center to the temples.
    5. Haircut "on the fingers"- a technique when strands stand out one by one and are cut above the fingers. The easiest haircut ever.
    6. graduation- a haircut in which the hair needs to be cut at a certain angle. There may be several options. The most common is the "ladder".
    7. smoky transition- a method based on the "shading" technique. It is carried out very carefully, creating a smooth line from the back of the head to the ends of the hair.
    8. "Site" ("platform")- a technique in which a certain area is formed on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair in the crown area - a “brush”.
    9. Grinding- the final stage of the haircut, when unwanted hairs are cut off.
    10. "Hot" haircut- haircut with hot tools, which is effective due to the fact that under the influence of high temperature (80-150 degrees) the ends of the hair are soldered and become stronger, split ends appear much less. But this method has a drawback - the procedure for cutting with hot scissors takes a very long time (the duration depends on the length of the hair and is 1-4 hours).
    11. curly haircut- one of the original haircut options, extravagant and unusual, in which a certain pattern or pattern is shaved on the head. As the hair grows, the drawing needs to be updated.

    How to cut hair at home

    How to cut hair at home and choose the right technique depends on the desired result: trim the ends, create a new haircut, trim the bangs.

    The split ends of the hair need to be trimmed to improve the hair.

    After a professional haircut

    If the hairstyle was originally done by a professional, then it is possible to correct the shape after hair regrowth on your own.

    1. Rinse off the previously applied products from the hair. If the hair is already clean, you should moisten it with a spray bottle.
    2. Comb your hair thoroughly.
    3. Divide all hair into 3 zones: parietal, occipital and temporal. A haircut should start with the hair on the crown, then on the temples, and end with the occipital area.
    4. From the first zone, select one strand, hold it between two fingers and cut off the desired length. When cutting, be sure to pull the strand.
    5. Next, you should process the following strands. You need to remember the number of cut centimeters of the first strand and then cut off the same amount. The second option - when cutting the next strands, you need to grab a part of the previous one and equal it.
    6. For a finished look, you should use thinning scissors and trim the curls along the entire length with them.

    For bangs

    The bangs need to be cut more often than the main part of the hair.

    Therefore, if you want to save time and money, it is easy to trim it at home:

    1. Wash the bangs and dry a little or moisten the clean bangs with a spray bottle.
    2. From any edge of the bangs, select a wide strand (approximately 3 cm). Pull it on, holding it between your fingers.
    3. Cut off the overgrown ends.
    4. Select the next strand. Stretch it along with the part already cut off and trim further.
    5. Process the entire bang.
    6. Finally, the strands should be thinned. But keep in mind that this technique is not suitable for all types of hairstyles. For example, it is not recommended to use it for thick straight bangs.


    This haircut has been relevant for a long time, it is suitable for women with any type of face and hair and is performed using the graduation technique.

    The instruction is as follows:

    1. Divide hair into zones, secure with clips.
    2. In the parietal part of the head, select one strand, along which the entire haircut will be equal. This part must be pulled straight up and cut off the excess length.
    3. Treat the hair at the back of the head. Strands must be separated by horizontal partings. It must be taken into account that each layer between the partings must be the same in width (several centimeters). Pulling up to the first (control) strand, you need to cut off the desired length so that the top of the cut is shorter than the bottom. You need to move in the direction from the bottom up.
    4. Then the parietal and temporal zones should be treated similarly to the occipital. Each top layer should be slightly shorter than the bottom.
      At the end of this haircut technique, experts recommend thinning, which gives additional volume to the hairstyle.

    Under the caret

    How to easily and correctly cut hair under a caret at home, the following instructions describe:


    Haircut "Bob" in another way, experts call a graduated caret. It is performed in several layers. This is what distinguishes it from the classic square.

    Making yourself a bob hairstyle is not difficult:

    1. Divide well-washed and dried hair with a straight parting from the middle of the forehead to the neck into 2 parts.
    2. Secure hair with clips (hairpins).
    3. It is necessary to start the haircut from the lowest strand in the back of the head, cutting off 1 cm from it.
    4. It is necessary to cut off strand by strand, moving up and not pulling the strands much. Separate curls only horizontally. Their width should be approximately 1 cm. In this way, a haircut is obtained using the graduation technique.
    5. Having processed one side of the head, it is worth proceeding to the other. Compare two sides.
    6. The lower strands from the temple area should be leveled with the lowest strands at the back of the head.

    From the tail


    1. Comb damp hair thoroughly.
    2. Tie a tight ponytail at the crown.
    3. Comb the hair from the tail forward to the face and cut off at eye level or below.
    4. Profiling with special scissors.

    If the tail is made on the side, the cascade will turn out to be asymmetrical. And if you cut not with scissors, but cut off the length of the hair with a razor, the haircut will be voluminous.

    Haircut instructions from the tail, located at the back at the base of the head:

    1. Divide wet hair in the center with a straight parting using a comb with fine teeth.
    2. Collect a smooth and tight tail from the bottom of the hair as low as possible on the back of the head, strictly in the middle.
    3. Using a second rubber band, collect another ponytail over the future hair cut line from the top of them.
    4. Carefully pull the tail up.
    5. Cut off the hair below the second elastic band. Trim in small pieces.
    6. Remove the elastic and check the evenness of the line. If necessary, collect the ponytail again and trim the hair.
    7. At the end of the haircut, thinning is recommended.

    The next method is to cut from 4 tails, so you need to prepare 4 elastic bands. This method is suitable for those who wish to increase the volume of their hair.

    You need to do the following:

    1. Divide wet and combed hair into a straight parting. If there is a bang, it must be separated.
    2. Then, from the top of the head, you need to make 2 more partings down (in each direction) to the ear.
    3. As a result, the hair will be divided into 4 parts, which must be fixed into tight tails. Each tail should be located in the middle of its zone.
    4. Each tail needs to be combed and, holding them alternately between the fingers, cut to the desired length. In the process of cutting, the tails must be kept strictly perpendicular to the floor, directed straight up.
    5. After removing the rubber bands, the haircut will turn out to be multi-layered and voluminous.

    Upside down

    There is another easy way to make your own haircut - upside down.

    You can cut your hair in a cascade at home both in separate strands and from a regular tail.

    It is suitable for medium length and more and is carried out as follows:

    As a result, you should get a haircut with a minimum graduation.

    Before you start creating a haircut at home, the masters of their craft recommend that you familiarize yourself with some tips that will help simplify the task.


    It is not difficult to make a hairstyle on your own or cut your hair at home if you follow the technology and step-by-step instructions for styling a haircut, as recommended by stylists and hairdressers.

    The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, while observing safety precautions.

    How to cut the ends of your hair yourself:

    How to cut hair at home:

    But sometimes, due to a number of circumstances, such as saving time, money, and sometimes nerves, girls and women decide to take the initiative and cut their own hair at home. In most cases, they resort to independent when they just need to trim long strands, eliminate split ends and shorten bangs. How to cut your hair evenly at home so that you do not need the help of a hairdresser to correct your haircut?

    How to cut your hair straight: workplace organization

    Do-it-yourself haircut at home is not only a way to save time and money, it is an opportunity to try yourself as a stylist. If you are interested in how to cut your hair evenly on your own, then the first thing to do to get the desired result is the proper organization of the workplace and the preparation of all the necessary tools.

    For a haircut, you need to choose a bright and fairly spacious room, preferably with a smooth floor covering, so as not to worry about the subsequent cleaning of the sheared strands. It is advisable to cut in front of a large dressing table or wall mirror, this will be enough to shorten the bangs and eliminate split ends. However, cutting long hair evenly is usually more difficult for beginners, in which case it is advisable to organize a circular view of the head using a second large mirror.

    You will also need a basic set of tools, which includes:

    • sharp scissors;
    • clips for fixing strands that do not cling to hair;
    • combs of various types - with thick and sparse teeth, even and round, etc .;
    • styling gel.

    At the same time, it is not at all necessary to purchase a professional set of tools, it is enough to acquire ordinary sharp scissors that will fit comfortably in your hand.

    How to cut your hair evenly: preparation

    How to cut your hair evenly at home? At the preparation stage, for starters, you need to thoroughly wet them. The thing is that dry strands in the process of work can begin to become electrified from contact with combs or clothes.

    Because of this, they begin to stick out, rise and curl, which greatly complicates the work and increases the likelihood of getting an unsightly haircut of different lengths.

    To properly cut your hair exactly, you need to comb it properly. This must be done while still damp. First you need to comb them with a comb with rare teeth, and then with small ones. This will help make them as smooth as possible and guarantee the quality of the haircut.

    In addition, in order to cut your hair evenly like in a hairdresser, you can apply a special gel for them. The strands will stick together a little, and will not bulge in different directions.

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    To understand how to cut long hair evenly, the video below will help:

    How to cut the ends of long hair evenly (with video)

    Most often, the owners of long curls below the shoulders are interested in the question of how to cut the ends of the hair evenly. The thing is that long curls need correction more than others because of the long length and poor delivery of nutrients from the roots to the tips.

    Well-combed strands must be collected in a low. Along the length of the entire tail, you need to put on thin elastic bands every two centimeters. The free tip of the tail should be as many centimeters as you need to shorten it. Holding the lower part of the ponytail, you need to cut off the ends of the strands under the last elastic band.

    Now you need to dissolve them and comb them well. On each side, you need to collect the side strands from the hairline to the end of the ear. Pin up the rest of the hair or with an elastic band. It is good to comb each strand separately and round off the corner of the strand from the side of the face, holding it between two fingers.

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    To understand how to cut your hair straight, the video below will help:

    Elimination of split ends of hair

    Often only the elimination of split ends is required, and not shortening of the entire length. In this case, the haircut method will be slightly different from the method described above.

    Cut split ends only on dry hair. They need to be carefully combed and divided into thin strands around the entire circumference of the head and fixed with thin elastic bands. There should be at least fifteen of them.

    Now you need to alternately twist one strand into a tight flagellum. After it is twisted, you need to run your finger over its surface so that the tips “look out”. Trim these ends with scissors and move on to the next strand.

    It is clear to all ladies: if you want to look really fashionable, you need to get a haircut from a good one, and it’s better than “your” master, who is well acquainted with your tastes, preferences, hair type, etc. But from time to time there is no trip to him at all, and it is urgent to trim the bangs or the length of the hair. Is it possible to do it yourself? Naturally.

    Even long hair needs repetitive trimming

    Rules for self-cutting

    In order not to harm your hair, you need to know the basics of hairdressing, choose the right tool and accessories, and cut your hair at regular intervals.


    You will need:

    • Scissors. Better professional, not the ones you use in the kitchen or cut paper. Their cost is higher than ordinary ones, but you do not risk destroying the tips.

    Advice. It would be nice to have thinning scissors - with the help of them you can level out some errors of self-cutting.

    Professional scissors

    • Combs. Brushes are suitable only for preparatory combing of hair, and for the process itself, combs with frequent and rarest teeth are needed, as well as a comb with a long tip for parting.
    • Hairpins. They should be comfortable to hold interfering strands. The best option is hairdressing clothespins.
    • Mirrors. At least two, so you can look at yourself from behind and from the side. This is important when an even haircut is made for medium hair, which is unrealistic to throw over the chest.
    • Spray. Wet hair is easier to cut than dry hair. Naturally, you can simply wet them, but in this case there is a risk of cutting off the excess, because wet hair is stretched in length.

    In addition to all this, you need to take care of good lighting.

    If you learn how to cut the ends of your hair or trim your bangs with your own hands, you can save not only money, but also time, which takes a lot to go to the hairdresser. Especially if there is always a queue or an appointment for your master.

    But amateur performance without sufficient knowledge and experience from time to time leads to disastrous results, and you still have to sail to the salon for correction.

    To avoid this, consider the following tips:

    • If you have curly or curly hair, it is better to cut it without wetting it in order to create the remaining length. This is especially true of the bangs: it may turn out to be very short after the hair straightened with water dries and returns to its previous shape.
    • Smooth haircuts for long hair look great only if they are completely straight and smooth. If they are curly, and you do not straighten them once a day with an iron, trim them not in a straight strip, but in a semicircle.
    • The frequency of the haircut depends on the hairstyle and the rate of hair growth. In general, the shorter the haircut, the more often it needs to be adjusted.
    • Just because you're growing your hair out doesn't mean you shouldn't cut it completely. By all means, at least once every 2-2.5 months, it is necessary to cut the tips by a few mm. This will prevent them from delamination, keep them healthy, and ultimately allow you to grow a huge length in the same time than if you did not.

    Advice. If the hair is very split, and the haircut is not yet in your plans, divide it into strands, twist each into a flagellum and carefully cut off those hairs that are knocked out of it. In this way, you will get rid of dry, broken or split ends without harming the shape of the hairstyle.

    In the photo - removal of split ends

    How it's done

    There are several methods on how to evenly cut long hair or bangs without the help of others, and not 1 - how to make yourself a small haircut. In this case, one cannot do without a master or at least an assistant.

    Options for long hair

    The easiest way to trim the ends is by dividing the hairstyle over the entire head with a straight parting and throwing each part over the shoulder to the chest. After that, the hair needs to be slightly moistened with a spray bottle and combed again, walking over it with a rare comb.

    Then, trying to keep your head straight, you can gradually start to cut the tips on one side and the other. So that the length of the right and left halves does not differ, bring symmetrical strands together right in front of you for control.

    Any subsequent strand is aligned with the previous one.

    Unfortunately, this method can only shorten long, straight and not very thick hair.

    Here's a little annotation for other options:

    • Hardest with curly hair. They do this with them: moisturize, comb and stab, leaving only a small strand on the side. It is cut to a suitable length, after which the next one is released from the general shock and trimmed along the first one. This is done until all the hair is shortened, pinning the already cut strands that interfere with the head.

    For reference. With this method, it is difficult to maintain exactly the same length, but for wavy curls this is not critical.

    • If the hair is very thick or not long enough, comb it smoothly and collect it in a ponytail on the crown.. Lower your head down or just throw it over your face. Hold the ends firmly with your left hand or gather with another rubber band, then cut them off, holding the scissors horizontally.

    Get straight cut hair of medium length

    How to cut bangs

    Everything is easier here. The bangs must be moistened, combed and evenly cut off in front of the mirror, alternately holding the strands between the fingers. It is better to start from the central part, and level the side ones along it.

    The 2nd method is even easier. Instead of its description, let's add a picture:

    The hair is twisted into a flagellum in the center, the ends are cut off

    But remember that after drying, the bangs will become a little shorter. Consider this. It is best to make a small cut, let the hair dry and repeat the operation as necessary - you can always shorten the length, but you can’t fix a small bang.


    Without the help of others, cutting hair is not as difficult as it seems. Watch the video in this article and you will better understand how it is done. But it is still better to resort to such a method in the last circumstances, when to help you quite a bit (see also the article “You don’t understand what to do - so that your hair does not become electrified: solutions to this problem”).

    Split ends are a problem for many women. There are several ways to restore damaged curls with a haircut or other wellness treatments. Even at home, you can beautifully cut and heal the split ends of your hair, properly care for your hair to avoid this problem.

    Beautiful and healthy hair is the pride of any woman. However, split strands significantly worsen even the most chic hairstyle. To restore the structure and prevent the occurrence of split strands, it is necessary to cut the ends of the hair, but this must be done beautifully.

    Tip cutting options: their essence and purpose

    Even if you intend to grow long curls, you cannot do without a haircut. The main reason for cutting the ends is to get rid of split ends., which give the hairstyle an untidy look, prevent their appearance and improve the hair in general.

    How often to cut the ends of the hair and how to care for the curls depends on their health and attractive appearance.
    Your curls will always look healthy and well-groomed if you cut them every two to three months by 1-2 cm, and regularly use masks and other products to strengthen the strands between trips to the hairdresser.

    Shearing technology

    Split ends should be removed in a timely manner, regardless of the hairstyle and features of the hair.

    This procedure can be done at home using a professional hairdresser's tool. The easiest option is to remove the split ends above the delamination level.

    To cut the ends yourself, study the following recommendations:

    • Pinch a small section between your index and middle fingers and cut off the ends, holding the scissors strictly perpendicular.
    • Cut your hair 5mm above the cut to make sure there are no split ends left after cutting.
    • To see exactly where the cut hair ends, choose the right background for the haircut: for the light ends of the hair - dark and vice versa. If it is difficult to determine the length of the cut curls, twist a small strand into a tourniquet in one direction, then in the other direction. Hairs that are knocked out of the tourniquet and stick out to the side, and there are those very damaged tips
    • Owners of not very thick strands need to part the hair into two parts, then throw them in front and trim first one part, then the other
    • To cut thick and long curls, you need to tie a ponytail at the crown, then throw it over your face and cut the ends in several steps
    • It is harder to work with curly curls - they need to be divided into strands, fixed with hairpins and cut off each strand in turn.

    Thinning and its features

    After cutting the ends of the strands, hairdressers, as a rule, offer thinning. This is an artificial thinning of the volume of curls, which makes the hairstyle more natural and complete.

    Depending on the structure of the strands, thinning can correct their visual volume, smooth out sharp transitions between layers of cut hair and improve texture.

    Another purpose of thinning is to create spectacular “torn” tips., which will complement the original and bold image.

    Thinning: types and subtleties of the procedure

    Thinning is a popular procedure that can be done both at the hairdresser’s and on your own at home. There are several types of thinning of long or other hair, depending on its purpose:

    • Thinning bangs, which softens its contours and gives a more complete look
    • Basal thinning, which is done in order to reduce the volume of thick curls
    • Thinning the hair along the entire length, which allows you to create a “torn” haircut with an emphasis on strands of different lengths
    • Thinning of the ends of the hair, so that the lower part of the curls does not weigh down the hairstyle, has smooth contours.

    Depending on the angle of the cut of the curls, thinning of their ends is carried out by several methods:

    • Horizontal
      the fixed strand is cut by 4-5 mm, holding the scissors perpendicularly; This technique gives the hairstyle splendor and volume.
    • Vertical
      the strand is pulled to the side, and the scissors, cutting off the hair, go down; the ends of the strands become smoother and rounded.
    • Thinning with “teeth”
      the ends of the curls are cut at an angle of 45 degrees at a distance of about 5 mm.

    In order for thinning to bring the expected effect, listen to some secrets of professional hairdressers:

    • Thinning hair can both add volume and reduce hair volume. In the first case, you need to work with scissors from the bottom up, in the second - vice versa.
    • Partial thinning (thinning of the tips) is performed with an indent of ⅔ of the length of the strands, for thinning along the full length of the hair, ⅓ part is indented
    • In some cases, you need to do a haircut without thinning. It is not recommended to thin out thin and weakened curls that have a rough structure, as well as curly strands with curls that are uneven in length.

    Secrets of a quality haircut

    Choosing scissors

    The first step in trimming hair ends at home is choosing the right tool. In no case should you cut your hair with ordinary scissors - they can severely damage their structure, which will take a lot of expensive money and a lot of time to restore.

    Purchase special hairdressing scissors from a specialized store. For thinning, you will also need thinning scissors or the so-called “razor”.

    Among the whole variety of models of professional hairdressing tools, choose those that will be most convenient for you to work with. For example, some models are equipped with a special support for the little finger in order to apply a minimum of effort during operation.

    Scissors with asymmetrical rings allow the hand to assume a more natural position, which reduces muscle tension. A quality product that opens and closes softly and smoothly. During the “idle” operation of the scissors, a slight friction between the blades should be felt.

    flagella haircut

    Many modern hairstyles involve strands of various lengths, so cutting the ends does not solve the problem of split strands. In this case, you need to use another technique for getting rid of split ends without changing the length of the curls - with the help of flagella.

    This technique is convenient to cut the ends of long hair, even at home:

    • Hair is clipped with a hairpin or collected in a strand so that it does not interfere with work.
    • A small strand is separated from the bundle and twisted in one direction until a tight bundle is formed. The split ends in this case will stick out in different directions.
    • Knocked out hairs should be carefully trimmed along the entire length of the curl, after which the tip of the strand is trimmed by 1-2 cm.
    • The same strand is twisted with a flagellum in the other direction, and the procedure is repeated with the removal of the split ends along the entire length.

    Before the procedure for cutting curls with flagella, it is recommended to wash your hair and dry it.

    Treatments for split ends

    Professional hairdressers can offer a range of services to help get rid of split ends. A similar procedure to a home haircut with flagella is a haircut with hot scissors.
    The salon master, cutting the dry split ends of the hair, will use a special tool that seals the cut of each hair along the entire length.

    Thus, the hair does not lose moisture, which makes it healthier and more attractive. In this case, you can forget about delamination of hairs for a long time.


    Another popular hair care procedure that hairdressers can offer is lamination. It is a sealing of each hair with a special protective film that protects the curls from the effects of negative factors and sections.
    This method helps to restore the hair and keep it healthy, shiny and well-groomed for a long time, prevents the paint from washing out.

    The lamination procedure should be repeated on average every one and a half to two months - after this time, the cellulose protective film begins to lose its properties. Experts agree that this method of hair care is absolutely harmless.

    In order not only to protect the curls, but also to improve them, a special procedure called phytolamination should be used. In this case, the film not only glues split ends, but also has a caring effect due to the vitamins and nutrients it contains.


    Similar salon procedure - strand shielding. Also, as with lamination, a protective film is applied to the curls, however, unlike the first procedure, shielding has a pronounced healing effect. Hair not only becomes smooth, shiny and lush, but also healthy, with a restored structure.

    Nutrients based on natural oils and plant extracts envelop each hair, penetrating deep into its layers and filling the damage. With the help of shielding, you can also change the color of your hair without harming it.

    Having made shielding, one should remember about the fragility of its effect. To maintain beautiful tips in long hair and a chic hairstyle in general, you need to repeat this procedure once every one and a half months.

    Split ends of the strands spoil any, even the most sophisticated hairstyle. To get around this problem, you need to follow the rules for caring for the tips of the hair, presented below:

    • Use special shampoos with a healing effect (wheat germ, vitamin B5, lecithin, lactic acid, linden or chamomile extract have a good effect on damaged tips)
    • Do not rub wet hair with a towel, otherwise it will be injured not only at the ends, but also along the entire length.
    • Try to dry your hair naturally. Using a blow dryer, curling iron, or other heating device on damp hair weakens and separates curls.
    • Avoid styling products containing alcohol
    • After each shampooing, additionally moisturize the ends of the strands, for this, apply a special conditioner to them.
    • Intensive moisturizing will be provided by special products for hair ends containing coconut, olive, burdock, almond and other cosmetic oils.
    • Once a week, apply nourishing and moisturizing masks for the ends of the hair to your hair, this can be done at home (masks based on various oils, kefir, yeast, gelatin, honey, cabbage juice, lemon, spinach and parsley have proven themselves best)
    • Refuse to use metal combs and jewelry - strands are damaged from contact with metal
    • Tight elastic bands and hairpins also harm curls, try to use them as little as possible
    • Try not to comb wet hair - it breaks easily and exfoliates. In extreme cases, use only flat combs with sparsely set teeth.
    • Refuse perm or dyeing curls; if you want to change the color of your hair, use only natural pigments. After chemical exposure to the hair, carry out restorative procedures for hair
    • Use hats during extreme heat, wind and frost
    • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals. In the spring-winter period, take special complexes to maintain the health of the hair and the whole body.

    Beautiful and healthy curls from root to tip are the pride of any woman. Finishing the ends will help to make the hairstyle more accurate and complete, giving it the necessary volume. So that the main problem of the strands - their cross section - does not overtake you, follow the elementary rules of daily hair care.

    Video: do-it-yourself hair cutting technology

    It is quite possible to cut your hair yourself, you just need to know the right technology. In today's video, we offer to see how girls cut the ends of their hair at home.