Ingrown hair is a change in the direction of hair growth, leading to the formation of bumps. Ingrown hair on legs - need proper treatment

For a wedding

If strange bumps or bumps appear on your legs after another hair removal procedure, then it may be ingrown hairs. Although the skin on the legs is not as sensitive as or, in any case, ingrown hairs cause psychological discomfort due to the unpleasant appearance and are accompanied by pain and irritation. The severity of the problem may vary depending on the presence of infection.


Ingrown hair is a condition where hair curls back into the skin or grows to the side without coming out due to the follicles becoming clogged with dead skin cells or sebum. According to , “Ingrown hairs are hairs that curl up and grow back into the skin.”

Dirt and skin waste products are known to clog the hair follicle, increasing the risk of ingrown hairs.

If you shave naturally curly hair too close to your body, it can also cause ingrown hairs, as they curl up and the sharp tip easily penetrates the skin. This may be accompanied by slight swelling and suppuration.



Ingrown hairs can occur in anyone. However, this condition is more common among people who have naturally coarse and curly hair. Here are the main factors that increase the likelihood of ingrown hairs on your legs:

Tilted or clogged hair follicle

The likelihood of ingrown hair directly depends on the structure and direction of its growth. A curved hair follicle usually grows a tightly curled hair that can easily grow into the skin.

When dead skin cells, sebum, and dirt clog and block the hair follicle, it can cause hair to grow under the skin.

Coarse and curly hair

Ingrown hairs are a common problem among African Americans and other people who have naturally coarse and curly hair. During shaving, such hairs are cut at an acute angle, which makes it easier for them to grow through the skin.

This results in the formation of so-called razor burns, a condition characterized by a collection of small, inflamed, red bumps that occur in the pubic and beard area after shaving or waxing.

Sex hormones

With hormonal imbalance, when the level of some hormones significantly exceeds the amount of others, it is possible to develop such a problem as ingrown hair on the legs, face, and other parts of the body.

Thick clothes

Clothing that is too tight can potentially suppress hair growth, so looking for free space the hair is wrapped back into the skin. Tight pants made of nylon or synthetics can also irritate the hair follicle, leading to ingrown hairs.

It should also be noted that thick clothes restricts free air circulation, which causes ingrown hairs to appear.

Incorrect hair removal technique

Ingrown hairs on your legs will appear every time you remove hair using a razor, wax or sugaring if you do these procedures incorrectly. Using a dull razor, shaving in the wrong direction, improperly preparing the area, or poor skin care after the procedure are the main factors that cause ingrown hairs.

Be responsible when choosing equipment and tools for removal unwanted hair. Don't forget to take care of your skin before and after waxing. All this will help to avoid the problem of ingrown hairs.

No exfoliation after hair removal

Dead cells on the skin is one of the main causes for many people. If you don't regularly scrub your skin after removing body hair, it can lead to ingrown hairs. Remember that exfoliating your skin keeps it hydrated and soft enough to facilitate proper hair growth. It is best to make a scrub 48 hours after hair removal.

Other reasons

Factors such as bacterial and fungal infections, cosmetics, sebum, skin care products that clog pores and irritate chemical substances, can contribute to the formation of ingrown hairs on the legs.


Some of the symptoms that may indicate ingrown hairs on your legs include itching, painful sensations, accumulation of pus. The severity of symptoms ranges from mild to severe.

Again, on the affected skin, you may notice a reddish swelling similar to a pimple. Ingrown hairs are also accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Inflammation, redness and sensitivity of the skin
  • Cyst development, especially when ingrown hairs become infected
  • Skin darkening or hyperpigmentation
  • Small purulent blisters
  • Small, hard, round papules
  • Scar formation
  • Painful, inflamed wound

If you respond to the first symptoms in time and begin to treat them, you can avoid more serious consequences.

Joining the infection

“Infection of an ingrown hair means that it is associated with a bacterial or fungal infection. This may include barbe pseudo-folliculitis, inflammation due to shaving, and others."

Under normal conditions, a small, red swelling will form at the site of the ingrown hair, but if an infection occurs, it will be filled with pus and very painful.

Additional symptoms that indicate infection are redness, tenderness, and inflammation of the skin. Pustules, cysts, and abscesses may also develop, especially if the infection is severe.


Usually, most ingrown hairs go away on their own. If an infection is still present, it is best to see a doctor. Below are some medications that a specialist may recommend.


Antibiotics are one of best practices treatment of ingrown hair on legs, especially when infected with bacteria. They effectively fight various bacterial infections that can affect ingrown hairs. Most often these are ointments that are applied directly to the skin. For severe cases of ingrown hairs, oral antibiotics may be prescribed.

Antibiotics in injections

Antibiotic injections are prescribed in case of infection bacterial infection ingrown hair cysts, which leads to serious inflammation. It is also effective in eliminating pus-filled bumps and painful boils caused by ingrown hairs.


These external and internal preparations are made from vitamin A, which helps get rid of the layer dead skin and reduce pigmentation. Dead skin cells mix with sebum and block hair follicles, causing hair to grow sideways.


This is an excellent solution for treating ingrown hairs and helps reduce swelling and irritation, as well as control cysts and keep skin supple. In many countries, such drugs are available only with a doctor's prescription.

Folk and home remedies

Bread in hot milk helps hair move closer to the surface of the skin

In many cases, it can speed up the approach of an ingrown hair to the surface of the skin. warm compress. Soak a towel in hot (but gentle) water and apply to the problem area for a few minutes. But it is believed that this helps even better folk remedy, How bread dipped in heated milk. There are other options, such as an inner egg wrap applied to the affected area, but this is more suitable for more delicate areas of the skin, such as the neck and face.

Home remedies for prevention

Below are tips to help you prevent ingrown hairs:

Timely peeling

This is a procedure for removing the top layer of skin. This method helps prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs and effectively gets rid of dead cells and sebum, which can block pores, causing hair to grow under the skin. Therefore, exfoliation should always be done after waxing, shaving or electrolysis. The procedure should also be carried out three times a week for two weeks after hair removal. Below are three types of exfoliation:

Peeling gloves

This is an affordable and skin-friendly method of removing dead cells on the legs. It can be done daily because peeling gloves do not damage the skin, but gently cleanse it. After washing the skin warm water You can apply body lotion.

One of the most simple ways- add salt to the shower gel, and then rub it on the affected skin. This shower gel will be a great scrub.

You can also purchase sea salt or Epsom salt for making homemade scrubs. Although a sugar or salt scrub is very beneficial, there are other recipes that you can try at home.

Chemical peel

This procedure is performed using products that contain salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acids, to effective removal layer of dead skin. People who have this procedure should be especially careful because such chemicals cause irritation, especially on sensitive skin.

Proper Hair Removal Procedures

The procedures used in hair removal usually determine the formation of ingrown hairs and razor burns. Therefore, consider the methods described below.

Before shaving, waxing or other hair removal, it is advisable to take sterile tweezers and pull out the ingrown hairs, if possible, to the surface and leave them (it is better not to pull them out). You will then remove them along with the rest during shaving or hair removal.
  • Hair should always be shaved in the direction of hair growth to avoid ingrown hairs into the skin.
  • You only need to shave with a sharp blade. Replace the cartridge in your razor in a timely manner.
  • Shave with short, stroking strokes, rinsing the razor after each use.
  • You should not shave hairs as close to the body as possible. If possible, leave some stubble.
  • Under no circumstances should you shave dry skin. Use special shaving gels/foams and warm water.
  • After removing hair, apply a soothing aftershave to avoid irritation. Don't forget to scrub your skin.
  • Maintain at least a few weeks between treatments, this will also help prevent ingrown hairs.

The right choice of depilation or hair removal method

Choice good tool– the first step towards smooth skin without ingrown hairs. Choose ceramic tweezers, they are more gentle and do not damage sensitive skin as much. Before using any hair removal method, it is necessary to conduct a test on a small area of ​​skin to determine the skin reaction. Perhaps this method is not suitable for you.

Hair removal using laser or electrolysis

The easiest way to avoid ingrown hairs is to completely stop shaving and switch to a more gentle method of removing unwanted hair.

Alternatively, you can try laser hair removal or electrolysis, which not only removes hair but also prevents it from growing back permanently.

Proper foot skin care

If you think your feet are prone to ingrown hairs, there are a few tips to help reduce your chances of developing this condition. Below are ways to care for feet that are prone to ingrown hairs.

  • Stop using products that clog pores or contain alcohol.
  • Try using depilatory creams as an alternative to shaving.
  • Wear loose clothing.
  • Avoid shaving or epilating for a while.

In pursuit of perfectly smooth skin girls go to many tricks, undergo various procedures and look for the perfect, painless and comfortable way depilation. However, after the session, the legs may please not with a smooth and velvety surface, but with the presence of unattractive tubercles. Their occurrence brings with it noticeable discomfort: areas that darken over time itch, itch and may hurt. Finding signs of ingrowth, women try to solve the problem on their own. How to get rid of ingrown hair on legs? First, you will have to find out the reason for their appearance, and then begin treatment.

What causes hair to grow ingrown?

Improper removal of vegetation or genetic or physiological factors can lead to ingrowth. Troubles can begin both after a home session and after a trip to a beauty salon. If the direction of growth has changed or a thin new hair is not able to grow vertically, going beyond the epidermis layer, it remains under the skin, located horizontally.

Problems are caused by the following reasons:

  • dense and thick upper skin;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper hair removal or depilation;
  • lack of care for the epidermis before and after removal;
  • tight clothing made from synthetic fabrics.

Attention! People with dark curls are more likely than others to suffer from ingrown hair. They owe this to the special structure of their curls.

The dense layer of the epidermis is the main reason that causes ingrowth. The horny scales, closely adjacent to each other, do not allow the new hair to pass through, bending it and leaving it inside. In this case, density can be either a genetic factor or artificially caused by the girl herself. Complete absence or too frequent use scrubs and peelings lead to thickening of the skin.

The hormone estrogen, which affects hair growth, can also cause areas of ingrown hairs. Its production changes under the influence of diseases endocrine system And thyroid gland, monthly menstruation or during puberty.

Refusal to prepare the skin for depilation can turn out quite sadly. Unsteamed epidermis with dead cells will certainly lead to the appearance of problem areas. Absence disinfection treatment after a session it can trigger the process of inflammation and cause a serious infection.

Tight clothing made from materials that do not allow air to pass through and natural release liquids, causes a “greenhouse effect” and does not allow the skin to breathe. It exerts pressure and additionally injures the epidermis, which has not yet had time to heal after the vegetation removal session. If you put on the wrong thing immediately after depilation, you can artificially cause the skin to thicken and clog the hair follicles, preventing them from developing naturally, and as a result you will get unsightly bumps and troubles.

Causes of ingrown hairs after hair removal, sugaring, shaving

In addition to physiological factors and lack of proper care, the removal procedure itself, if carried out incorrectly, can result in unpleasant consequences.

Depilation should be performed strictly in the direction of growth. The razor is handled carefully, without pressure, using foam, cream or shaving lotion to glide.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you use shower gel or regular soap. They won't give desired effect and can lead to microtraumas.

The tool must be individual, with a sharp blade. After each use on the skin, it must be washed. The session should be completed by treating the hands first with an antiseptic, and then the places where depilation was performed, then it is recommended to apply a soothing agent that slows down hair growth.

Epilation with wax or an epilator, like sugaring, are equally dangerous: if the hair is captured incorrectly, then only part of it protruding to the surface is pulled out, and the canal and mouth are injured. After this, the follicle becomes inflamed and ingrowth begins: the new hair grows horizontally, in a spiral, or curls up into a knot under the skin.

Epilation is carried out on dry skin, pre-cooled. The strips are attached in the direction of growth and removed against one sharp and quick movement. Skin covering treated with a disinfectant and additionally with a cream or lotion that slows down the rate of vegetation growth. To prevent ingrowth, you should use an antiseptic every day and additionally use an ointment with antibiotic properties.

First symptoms

The first signs of ingrowth are pain and itching, but the skin can react to depilation in the same way. In this case, irritation and redness will quickly subside, but if the sensations do not go away, this is a sign of an ingrowth.
An accurate symptom will be to trace the connection between the appearance of ingrown hairs and the depilation session: problem areas appear only during the period of epilation or disappear when it stops or is interrupted.

Externally, areas with emerging problems are quite easy to notice: they are distinguished by the appearance of bumps and tubercles. As inflammation progresses, the bumps may become filled with pus or remain red and hard, resembling acne.

Attention! You cannot open abscesses with pus yourself. An incorrect procedure can result in blood poisoning and serious infection.

Ingrown hairs cause hyperpigmentation: near the ingrown hairs, the epidermis will noticeably darken. Worsening of the stage of the disease can spread the process of changing the color of the skin to neighboring areas. The consequences will have to be eliminated long and painstakingly.

If left untreated, bumps will not go away over time, but may wax and wane in size, giving hope. Without intervention in the course of the disease, the tubercles will spread over a large area and start the process of inflammation, moving to tissue without ingrowth. In this case, after removing the infected areas, scars and darkened areas will remain on the skin.

What to do at the first sign

If itching or redness occurs that causes discomfort and does not go away within two to three days, you should avoid hair removal completely. The break should continue until the irritation disappears. After this, the method of removing vegetation should be changed.

Eliminating ingrowth areas will take quite a lot a large number of time, but in no case should you rush the process, you can only make it easier. Methods vary from light and preventative to mechanical intervention, which is best avoided and used only if other methods do not help.

If the inflammation does not cover a large area, regular steaming will help. Taking a hot bath is enough to help the stuck elements come out. tributary hot water will accelerate blood circulation and open the pores, pushing apart the tightly lying scales of the epidermis. For additional effect a hard washcloth is used: massage is carried out without strong pressure, in order to only remove dead cells, but not to injure the skin.

Attention! Steaming is only suitable for the initial stage. Under no circumstances should this method be used in the presence of abscesses and pustules: prolonged water treatments can provoke their opening and subsequent infection.

If the hair is deep enough, steaming may not work. To ease the way up, a scrub is used: after massaging, the problem can be solved on its own. The rod will change direction of growth and come out. More strong impact and at the same time, peeling can have an antiseptic effect: unlike a scrub, it affects not only the upper layers of the epithelium.

The mechanical method is used only as a last resort when there are up to two problem areas.

Mechanical removal:

  1. The epidermis is first steamed by taking a hot bath or shower. Can be used as a compress soaked in warm water towel.
  2. The surface is massaged with scrub or peeling.
  3. Hands and the area with inflammation are treated with a disinfectant. You can use regular alcohol, spray or ointment with antiseptic properties.
  4. Tweezers are additionally processed. With its sharp end you need to pick up the hair and gently pull it to the surface of the skin. The area is immediately disinfected. Tweezers and hands must be as sterile as possible during the procedure.
  5. Disinfection continues for 5 days after removal. Additionally, an antibiotic-based ointment is used to prevent the risk of infection.

If purulent tubercles or lumps develop, it is better to entrust treatment to a professional. First, you will have to go to a cosmetologist for an examination and an accurate diagnosis. Ingrowth can be confused with various forms dermatitis. After this, a referral to a surgeon is issued.

Attention! Abscesses can open on their own: in addition to pus, one or two hairs come out of them. In this case, the wound should definitely be disinfected and treated with antibiotic ointment.

What you should never do

Fighting at home is quite a risky business. If the wrong means are used or an error is made during the procedure, it is easy to cause infection in the internal tissues. In addition, there is a certain danger if no measures are taken and irritation is left unattended.

However, even good intentions can lead to the development of infection. Under no circumstances should you pick at the inflamed area or try to squeeze out hair. This can only disturb the wound, enlarge it and seriously injure the epidermis. After squeezing, a scar and scar may well appear.

When using scrubbing or peeling products, do not forget about moisturizing. Without it, the skin will dry out and the next depilation procedure will cause severe irritation. Also, too frequent scrubbing can cause thickening of the epidermis: cells can begin to divide too intensively and block the follicle channels.

In no case should you open abscesses with pus yourself, even when using ointments and compresses to draw out dead blood cells. The risk of infection is too great. Also, when papules—red, hard bumps—appear, you should not squeeze them out. As with acne on the face, excess pressure can injure the skin, increase inflammation and the area where it spreads. Squeezing also leads to the formation of scars and scars.

Attention! If none of the methods work, you should consult a dermatologist for professional help.

Salon methods for removing ingrown hairs on legs

When ingrownness goes from a rare occurrence to an ongoing trend, and home treatments don't work, it makes sense to fix the problem for good. Epilation carried out in beauty salons or medical centers, has a constant or long lasting effect. For several procedures, unwanted vegetation can be completely eliminated or the time between hair removal sessions can be significantly increased.


Regardless of the depth of the hair, the method works flawlessly. The needle electrode is inserted under the skin, a current is passed through it and the follicle is destroyed. The hair comes out naturally. Also electrolysis - good way to remove unwanted vegetation permanently, although the full course will take a long time.


Destruction is carried out under the influence of a light pulse with high temperature. The method is quite effective and can get rid of ingrowth in 5-10 sessions.

Laser hair removal

Laser removal is popular because the procedure helps to forget about depilation for a long time. The laser effectively copes with troubles, however, it is not able to remove light or gray hair.

Attention! In the presence of purulent abscesses There are no salon treatments available.

How to get rid of leg hair at home after epilation, shugaring recipes

Before prescribing quite expensive salon procedures you can try to cope on your own. If your skin is highly sensitive, home care will become ideal option. The risk of allergies is significantly reduced: the components are controlled and, in case of individual intolerance, can be replaced with a suitable analogue.

Bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide

The product has an excellent exfoliating effect and is used in a course of 5-7 sessions. Bodyaga powder is mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of sour cream and applied as a compress to the area for 10-15 minutes.

Salicylic acid

The product, familiar to all acne sufferers, also works great on ingrown hairs. The lotion also fights scarring and eliminates inflammation. It is applied locally: the solution is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the problem area. After a week's course, the path for the follicle will be cleared. To eliminate dry skin, you should simultaneously use moisturizers with a gel texture and soothing properties.


  • crush 2 tablets with a spoon. Dissolve them in 30 ml of water;
  • Apply the resulting paste to the desired area. Glycerin can be added to the mixture;
  • after 30 minutes, carefully remove with a damp cotton swab.

Saline solution for removing ingrown hairs

Sea salt has anti-inflammatory properties and at the same time is able to remove a layer of dead cells that make it difficult for the rod to come to the surface. Saline procedure:

  1. Mix 100 grams of coarse sea salt with aromatic oil lavender (20 ml) and orange (20 ml). If desired, you can add an additional component for scent.
  2. Add 30 ml of moisturizer.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to your feet and massage for 5 minutes. Leave on skin for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Wash off cold water and dry the scrubbed area with a towel.
  5. Treat area cotton pad, moistened with salicylic solution.
  6. Wait for absorption. Moisturize with baby cream or a light product with a soothing effect.

Attention! You should not use components with comedogenic properties. This will clog your pores and make the situation worse.

Scrubs to get rid of ingrown hairs recipes

Scrubbing is ideal for prevention. The procedure can be carried out using your favorite ingredients, turning the fight against an unpleasant event into a session of aromatherapy and relaxation.

Rice scrub

  • Dilute 30 grams of rice flour or rice crushed in a coffee grinder with 40 ml of water.
  • add 15 ml aloe juice.
  • Apply the mixture to your feet and massage.

Coffee scrub

Mix 30 grams of ground coffee with 30 grams of sugar. Add peach, coconut, lemon or orange oil in an amount of 40-50 ml. You can use a little cinnamon for flavor.

Oatmeal scrub

  • Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder: you will need 30 g;
  • add mashed grapes: from 7 to 10 berries;
  • pour in 50 ml of milk. Stir until creamy consistency.

Aloe scrub

The composition has a gentle and delicate effect, suitable for sensitive skin. 40-60 g corn flour mixed in a 1:1 ratio with aloe juice. The mixture should be as homogeneous as possible.

Attention! The use of scrubs on open wounds or the presence of purulent inflammation is prohibited.

Lotions and creams against ingrown hairs

In addition to using home remedies, you should pay attention to pharmacy products. Creams and lotions with emollient properties and anti-inflammatory effects are suitable for combating ingrowth and will not harm the skin.

Popular creams:

  1. "Follivit." Helps eliminate itching and inflammation, sets the right direction for vegetation growth. Prevents re-ingrowth.
  2. Tretinoin cream. They have the ability to reduce inflammation and accelerate their healing. In addition, they affect the upper layer of the epidermis, reducing it.
  3. Cream "Foli-End" from Beauty Image. Relieves irritation and heals wounds. Contains AHAs: should not be used if the treated area is directly exposed sun rays. After application, the stuck elements themselves appear on the surface. The risk of re-ingrowth is reduced to zero.
  4. Ingrow go lotion from Skin Doctors. Also contains AHA acids. Copes with initial stage, and with consequences in the form of red tubercles. Removes irritation. Apply only to spots.
  5. Lotion "Gloria Sugaring". Spray directly immediately after hair removal. Effectively fights ingrowth. Thanks to the acids included in the composition, it accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis and removes dead cells. Slows down vegetation growth.

Attention! Before use, a test for the absence of allergic reaction. To do this, apply the product to the bend of the elbow and leave for 30 minutes.

Prevention methods

After a grueling struggle with the problem and getting smooth skin, the last thing you want is to repeat the unpleasant experience. The solution is quite simple: if you introduce the arch into the depilation procedure simple rules, you can reduce the risk of ingrowth to a minimum. Prevention:

  • on the eve of the planned hair removal session, it is worth doing a scrub or peeling;
  • Before epilation, you should definitely steam the skin to open the pores;
  • Depilation is carried out on damp skin following hair growth. Epilation on dry hair – against;
  • after finishing, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, and then with a product that slows down the rate of hair growth;
  • You should not depilate more than 2-3 times a month;
  • for prevention, you should wipe the skin with a solution of salicylic acid every day;
  • 3 days after hair removal, the use of scrub or peeling is allowed.

There is no doubt that any girl wants to look perfect and makes every possible and impossible effort to achieve this. One of mandatory conditions grooming is beautiful skin: smooth and without a single hair. Many methods have been invented to get rid of unnecessary vegetation. However, no one knows exactly what to do if hair grows on the legs. We will give some tips on how to avoid this scourge or speed up the healing process of the skin.

Why on your feet?

First of all, it is worth saying that even in this issue there is such an aspect as predisposition. Many girls have no problems with this. However, some still have to endure this by-effect. And, as a rule, it occurs in cases where a girl does waxing. This process involves removing hairs directly from the root. Due to constant procedures, they become thinner. It is already more difficult for them to break out. Even just from this I am on my feet. However, the situation gets worse if the girl does not cleanse the skin of dead cells well enough. The dermis becomes coarser, the exit for hairs to the outside is closed.

But the reason may not only be improper care. The fact is that a hair can, for unknown reasons (although the main one is its thinning), change the direction of growth, curve right under the skin and grow in reverse side. This is accompanied by a slight inflammatory process. It can be identified by some similarity to a subcutaneous pimple. This small bump can also be painful.

As you can see, hair grows on your legs when different conditions. Even those girls who prefer to shave are susceptible to this. excess vegetation. What to do with it? What to do?

Ingrown hairs: what to do?

Some cosmetologists advise leaving everything as it is: after a while the inflammation will go away. You can carefully handle them at this time. salicylic acid or calendula tincture. It is quite possible, however, to remove ingrown hairs. But under no circumstances should you do it on your own! To do this, you need to visit a cosmetologist. Only a professional knows how to carry out this procedure safely. The only thing you can do is mix a small amount of bodyagi with salicylic acid and gently wipe the areas where there are ingrown hairs with this mixture. They can break out on their own, and then the only thing you need to do is treat the tweezers with an alcohol solution and pull out the hair. If you see that you can’t do without a needle, also go to a cosmetologist, don’t experiment with your health!

Is it possible to prevent ingrown hairs?

Of course yes. The whole question is how carefully you will monitor this. What should be done? First, use a scrub. Immediately before depilation or once every 2-3 days. Secondly, use a washcloth along with the scrub. Thirdly, moisturize your skin daily and apply. You can try using it. The result will be much better than after shaving. But the hair will not grow in. We can also recommend getting rid of hairs forever. This could be a photograph or laser hair removal. If nothing grows, then nothing grows, agree. True, the device is only available in beauty salons. You can use it only by paying a fairly large amount. Choose the method that suits you!

A change in hair growth in which the hair shaft remains under the skin and grows in the opposite direction. Ingrown hairs appear in places where unwanted hair is frequently removed (on the face, legs, neck, armpits, pubic area) and are defined as an area of ​​swelling, inflammation, redness and itching of the skin. The problem of ingrown hairs dictates the need to abandon the usual home method hair removal (shaving, depilation with cream, etc.) and choosing professional methods hair removal, use of special cosmetics that prevent ingrown hairs.

    Ingrown hair is a hair that cannot penetrate the skin barrier and begins to grow intradermally. In dermatology and cosmetology, the problem of ingrown hairs is also referred to as “pseudofolliculitis”. Both men and women who regularly remove unwanted hair from various areas of the face and body can experience ingrown hairs. More often, representatives of the Negroid race, as well as people with coarse, curly hair, suffer from pseudofolliculitis. The appearance of ingrown hairs, first of all, indicates that hair removal was carried out incorrectly and it is time to seek professional help at a beauty salon or cosmetology center.

    Causes of ingrown hairs

    As a rule, ingrown hairs appear after depilation at home, mainly using a razor, electric epilator, cream or wax strips. Such methods remove only the cutaneous part of the hairs; while the hair follicles remain intact. With each subsequent depilation procedure, the hairs become weaker and thinner. The keratinized scales of the epidermis do not peel off, closing the mouths of the hair follicles and making the skin rougher. Under such conditions, weak hairs cannot break through, and therefore begin to grow intradermally. During the process of improper growth, the ingrown hair acquires a spiral shape (the so-called curled hair).

    In addition, the frequency of ingrown hairs is influenced by the condition of the skin, the correctness of depilation, hair stiffness, depth and angle of location. hair follicles in the skin, etc. Violation normal growth the hair shaft is facilitated by the lack of preliminary preparation of the skin for hair removal and proper care after her after hair removal, i.e. neglect by special means– foams, lotions, disinfectant wipes etc. Other errors may be associated with a violation of shaving technique: shaving hair against its growth, using a machine with a dull blade, repeated shaving movements on the same area of ​​skin, shaving too often, etc. It has also been noted that with the problem of ingrown hair loss is experienced by people with dry skin, naturally curly hair, and an acute angle of inclination of the hair follicles to the surface of the skin.

    Regarding the role of the degree of hair hardness, various, directly opposite points of view are expressed. Some dermatologists are inclined to believe that the pointed tip of a coarse hair is easier to overcome the dense epidermis and continue growing in the right direction; others believe that it is easier for the hard hair shaft to change its direction, making its way through the intradermal space. Ingrown hair into the skin is accompanied by the development of a reaction such as foreign body– redness and inflammation of the skin area, so ingrown hairs are not only a cosmetic drawback, but also a medical problem.

    Signs of ingrown hairs

    Ingrown hairs can appear on any part of the body that is periodically exposed to unwanted hair removal. Favorite places for ingrown hairs are the legs, pubic area, armpits, submental area and neck (in men), i.e. those areas where the hair has a hard or curly structure.

    Early signs of ingrown hair are local hyperemia and swelling of the area of ​​the skin where depilation was performed. After a few days or weeks, an inflammatory process develops in this area - dense, painful and itchy papules (nodules) appear. Sometimes you can see the dark tip of an ingrown hair showing through the skin. Attempts to independently remove an ingrown hair using a needle or tweezers can provoke infection to penetrate into the follicle and turn the nodules into purulent pustules (microabscesses). After subsiding inflammatory process post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation of the skin or unaesthetic scars may remain in this area. In some cases, ingrown hairs can unfold on their own and, breaking the skin barrier, come out.

    Ingrown hairs require treatment differential diagnosis with folliculitis, ostiophylliculitis, follicular hyperkeratosis, acne vulgaris, pyoderma. Pseudofolliculitis is characterized by the appearance of skin problems in connection with the beginning of regular depilation and disappearance after changing the method or stopping hair removal.

    Ways to eliminate ingrown hairs

    If you are practicing home depilation, the following tips will help you minimize the likelihood of ingrown hairs. To begin with, you can try to abandon the usual method of hair removal in favor of another, alternative method hair removal. For example, replace a razor or electric epilator with wax or depilatory cream. Some time after the disappearance of ingrown hairs, you can try to return to the usual method of removing unwanted hair.

    In addition, regardless of the method of hair removal practiced, the skin needs preliminary preparation to the procedure. Before removing hair, you need to steam the skin: this is suitable for hot bath, perhaps with sea ​​salt, herbal decoctions or a few drops essential oil; warm shower or compress on the area of ​​intended epilation. Then you need to do a mechanical scrub-peeling, gommage or delicate massage of the skin with a washcloth. This exfoliating procedure will remove the stratum corneum of the skin, reduce the severity of hyperkeratosis and slightly lift the hairs above the surface of the skin, which will make shaving or hair removal better.

    When shaving with a razor, you must first apply special gel or foam, which moisturize the skin and make it easier for the razor to glide over the body. The razor blade should be sharp, ideally disposable. To avoid injury to the hair follicles, shaving should be done in the direction of hair growth. When shaving, you should avoid stretching the skin, and you should not run the razor twice over the same area. It is necessary to finish the shaving procedure by treating the skin with special moisturizers. Hair removal using an electric epilator should be carried out on clean and perfectly dry skin.

    In all cases, to prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs after hair removal, the skin needs treatment antiseptic and subsequent application of a special lotion (spray, gel, cosmetic milk etc.), slowing down hair growth. The skin subjected to regular hair removal must be moisturized and softened using creams, balms, and oils to prevent roughness and dryness of the skin. Avoiding wearing synthetic underwear and clothes with a stiff collar will help reduce the number of ingrown hairs.

    A radical way to solve the problem of ingrown hairs is professional removal unwanted hair: waxing, sugaring, electrolysis, laser or photoepilation. Most suitable way Hair removal can be recommended by a cosmetologist, taking into account your skin type, the characteristics of the hair structure and the area of ​​ingrowth. Laser hair removal, ELOS hair removal and photoepilation have proven to be the best options for preventing the appearance of ingrown hairs. These methods are non-contact, atraumatic and allow you to act directly on the hair follicles. By absorbing heat, the hair shafts become, in fact, conductors that deliver light energy to the growth zone of the follicle and cause its destruction. This epilation mechanism leads to the loss of already grown unwanted hair and the cessation of the appearance of new ones. In addition, laser and photoepilation eliminate the very fact of the appearance of ingrown hairs. An additional pleasant bonus is rejuvenation and improvement general condition skin.

    In addition to light hair removal methods, electrolysis and professionally performed bioepilation can solve the problem of ingrown hairs ( waxing, sugaring).

    How to remove ingrown hair yourself

    In the event that hairs have nevertheless grown under the skin and an inflammatory reaction has developed, to prevent impetigo, you can resort to the local use of steroid or antibacterial ointments, creams with tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide, and AHA acids. After stopping the inflammation, you should steam the skin and exfoliate the epidermis with a scrub, thus freeing the ingrown hair from the subcutaneous “traps”.

    If, as a result of the measures taken, the hairs remain under the skin, you can try to remove them yourself mechanically. To do this, you need to prepare a thin sterile needle and tweezers. The problem area of ​​the skin must be treated with medical alcohol, carefully pry the ingrown hair with a needle and pull it out with tweezers. Then treat the wound again with a disinfectant solution and apply antibacterial ointment. Until the skin is completely regenerated, you should avoid epilating this area of ​​the body. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pustules, try to pick out ingrown hairs with nails or untreated instruments, or remove them by repeated shaving or depilation.

    The ideal option would be to contact a dermatocosmetologist to remove ingrown hairs, since independent actions can lead to further damage to the skin. Women suffering from hirsutism may need to consult an endocrinologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist to rule out hormonal disorders.

A problem that is more likely to be a cosmetic problem. If you don't help the ingrown hair to get free, then this phenomenon can cause quite a lot of anxiety.

Problem Features

A hair, if it is shaved off and the hair follicle remains intact, is capable of growing again. If during shaving it turns and becomes significantly inclined to the surface of the skin or breaks, then the hair may change the direction of growth.

So, the hair begins to grow into the skin and, at the same time, create a problem area. This phenomenon, for the most part, does not pose a serious threat to human health. But such a case cannot be left unattended; it must be treated at home or contact a specialist.

An ingrown hair on your leg has become a lump; the video below will tell you what to do about it:


Ingrown hair can appear as:

  • swelling accompanying this area.

A bump resulting from an ingrown hair problem is distinguished by how deep the hair is located. There are cases:

  • the location of the ingrown hair is close to the surface of the skin,
  • deeper hair growth.

What do ingrown hairs look like?

Localization of ingrown hairs

Localization of ingrown hairs - places where hair grows and is removed, or the skin surface gets abrasions from contact with tight or rough clothing. Ingrown hairs most often occur in the area:

  • faces,
  • on foot,
  • in infants it happens on the back,
  • in the armpit area,
  • on bikini areas.


Ingrown hair can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • skin injury during hair removal,
  • unprofessional hair removal procedure:
    • by sugaring method,
    • using a razor,
    • wax strips,
    • electric shavers;
  • genetic predisposition to the appearance of ingrown hairs,
  • excessively,
  • insufficient care of skin areas subject to depilation.


Signs of a problem:

  • After the hair removal procedure, redness occurred in a certain area, and then appeared.
  • Around the third day after shaving, nodules appear on the surface of the skin, which cause painful.
  • That the tubercle is exactly an ingrown hair may be indicated by the fact that a soldered hair will be visible inside the formation (this happens in some cases).
  • It is observed (ingrown hair) when the infection gets inside the tubercle and the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Ingrown hair in children looks the same as in adults: hidden hair, disturbing and itching.


Ingrown hair is determined visually by the symptoms that accompany this phenomenon. Obviously, when an inflamed tubercle appears, a few days after the hair is removed from the surface of the skin, especially if the hair is visible inside, this indicates that an ingrown hair has occurred.

Mechanism of explosive formation


Helping a patient with an ingrown hair problem is to free this hair from hiding and remove the inflammatory process, if it has already begun. IN best case, the hair itself overcomes the barrier and appears on the surface. If this happens, the inflammation subsides.

In a therapeutic way

  • When releasing hairs on the back of infants– use methods that warm the skin and dilate pores. Warm milk is often applied to the back. After that, rolling out the crumbs of bread sometimes helps so that the hairs appear on the surface.
  • In adults The principle of assistance is the same. It is necessary to soften the skin, to achieve expansion of the pores, so that it is as easy as possible to free the inner core of the tubercle and free the hair from the shelter.

By medication

In order to soften the skin and help the hair break through to the surface, a variety of products are used.

It can be:

  • salicylic acid,
  • herbal lotions:
    • daisies,
    • calendula;
  • lotion: glycerin (teaspoon), two aspirin tablets, boiled water - a quarter cup;
  • cream from the company Folisan,
  • scrub - mixed for these purposes coffee grounds With a small amount gel (shower) and olive oil(a tablespoon).

Removal of ingrown hairs is shown in the video below:

Other methods

To avoid infection in the wound during independent actions aimed at releasing the hair, it is recommended to consult a specialist in beauty salon. There the tubercle will be opened.

At home

When the tubercle that appears as a result of an ingrown hair reaches a certain stage of maturation, it can be squeezed out. Typically the lump at this stage is filled with yellow pus and can be seen inside the hair. It is necessary to intervene in a situation using radical actions carefully so as not to introduce an infection. The surface of the skin around the tubercle is disinfected and with clean fingers, press on the pimple from the sides.

Opening with a sterile needle or scalpel is allowed. After cleaning the cavity from pus, the hair is taken out and the wound is disinfected. The following products are suitable for surface treatment:

  • chlorhexidine,
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Disease prevention

To prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs, it is necessary to take preventive actions.

  • Follow the rules for caring for skin that is undergoing hair removal: use scrubs, moisturize, apply care products before and after shaving.
  • Start depilation when the hairs have already reached at least 2 mm.
  • During depilation, do not allow movement against hair growth. During the procedure, you should not stretch the skin too much or move the razor for a long time within one area.
  • If there is a tendency for ingrown hairs to appear, then it is necessary to change the depilation method.
  • Use scrubs after 4 days have passed after hair removal.


If the hair has grown into the deeper layers of the skin, then it will not be visually visible in the tubercle. Such a case will require the same actions described above, but more effort.