Detailed instructions on how to assemble a machine on the control panel: many assembly options, valuable tips and tricks, practical guidance. Making a car using a remote control at home - accessories, tools, instructions How to make

Church holidays

It’s not just children who are interested in toys these days. Many adults purchase exact copies of cars from famous brands or look for radio-controlled car models. Among the offered assortment of toy stores, it is not always possible to find an option that will completely satisfy the client. In some cases, it is much better to make a radio-controlled car model yourself; your child will appreciate your efforts. A gift made with your own hands from available materials is much more valuable than a bright car bought in an expensive toy store.

You can make your own radio-controlled car using our sequential algorithm. Modeling from one finished model of a car to another is very similar to the actions of craftsmen in a car repair shop.

To create a controllable machine with your own hands, you need to have the following elements:

  • Electric motor;
  • Body of a small car;
  • Durable chassis;
  • Removable wheels;
  • Mini screwdriver set;
  • Detailed instructions for components.

Undoubtedly, assembling the machine yourself on the remote control has a lot of advantageous advantages, namely:

  • Saving money, while you will have the model of machine you wanted;
  • You can choose the right model from the offered range of spare parts and body types;
  • You decide whether to make a mini-car with a wired remote control, or use radio control, which will cost you a lot of money.

After you decide on the model, perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • We select a chassis for your model, pay attention to the quality of all small parts. No inclusions or nicks on the surface of the plastic should be visible, the front wheels should move smoothly;
  • When selecting wheels, pay special attention to models with rubber, since all-plastic models have a low-quality grip surface;
  • Approach the choice of motor with all seriousness, since this is the main heart of the mini-car. There are 2 types of mini motors for cars - electric and gasoline. Electric motors are accessible and easy to use, they are powered by a battery, and it is very easy to give it a new charge. Gasoline options have more power, but they are more expensive and require delicate care. They need special fuel. For those new to toy car modeling, electric motors are the way to go;
  • You need to decide on the type of control - wired or wireless. Wired controls are cheaper, but the car will only move within a limited radius, while an RC model will only move within range of the antenna. The radio unit is much more effective for mini cars;
  • The body of the future car also deserves special attention. You can choose a ready-made case or make it according to your personal sketch.

After all the parts have been purchased, you can begin assembly.

We attach the motor and radio unit to the chassis. We mount the antenna. Along with the components, there should be detailed instructions for assembling the entire machine. Getting the engine working. Once everything is functioning properly, secure the durable body of the mini-car to the chassis. Now you can decorate the created model as you wish. Let's make a machine with a powerful motor.

Many will find the idea of ​​assembling a car with a motor for their child very strange, since there are many ready-made options on store shelves. But if you strive to show individuality and earn authority in the eyes of your child, then you can take on assembling a car with a motor, although this is not easy to do, but the result will justify all the efforts.

The best option is to start assembling a radio-controlled model. This will require certain skills and knowledge of small electrical engineering, because this mini-machine is a rather complex mechanism, despite its compact size. All important parts must be purchased.

Let's start studying the control panel. The movement of the car, the ability to overcome obstacles, and make beautiful maneuvers directly depend on proper assembly. Many car modelers use a three-channel pistol-style remote control, which you can assemble yourself.

You can take the simple route - get a special construction kit, which contains all the necessary parts, their detailed diagrams and final drawings of the finished models.

Engines for future radio-controlled models can be electric or internal combustion. Internal combustion engines produce gasoline or glow engines, operating on a composition of methanol, oil and nitromethane, a special gas-alcohol mixture. The approximate volumes of such engines range from 15 to 35 cm3.

The approximate volume of the fuel tank for such cars is 700 cm3. It ensures uninterrupted operation of the engine for 45 minutes. Many gasoline models have rear-wheel drive and are equipped with independent suspension.

Today there are many disassembled models on sale, designed for car modelers. Among the leading manufacturers of mini cars, it is worth highlighting ABC, Protech, FG Modelsport (Germany), HPI, HIMOTO (USA). Their main feature is the similarity of mini-models with real prototypes. After completing the assembly, according to the attached instructions, install a charged on-board battery, a battery in the transmitter, and pour a small amount of gasoline into the tank. You can safely launch your iron horse on the road.

Modeling cars at will is an exciting hobby, especially when the result exceeds all expectations. First, you need to purchase a bench model of Range Rover, from which we will make a jeep that can freely traverse off-road terrain. We also need to take working electronics from the old jeep, we will fix it in the SUV.

We use a soldering iron to make bridges and differentials from copper pipes. We attach it to the powerful wheels of an SUV. It is necessary to ensure that all connections are tightly sealed. We covered the sharpening differentials with tablet caps. On top we cover the entire differential joint with regular auto enamel. We put the axles on the frame and make steering rods. Steering rods can be taken from an old disassembled car. After installing the plastic bottom, we cut out the hole necessary for installing the gearbox and cardan shafts. The gearbox contains an engine from an airplane, which is also quite powerful. The model does not move jerkily, but smoothly, this is the most important condition for such models. Making a gearbox is quite difficult, but here you can show all your ingenuity. We fix the gearbox tightly to the bottom, fasten the bottom to the frame. Now the installation of electronics, shock absorbers, and battery is underway. At the end there is painting of the car body, installation of main components, headlights and much more. We apply paint in 4 layers for ordinary plastic. The author found the original photo of the car and made a mini-copy of it in a toy version. So that the model is not afraid of moisture, he coated the electronics with a special compound. To give it an antique effect, I sanded the outer surface of the car after painting. The battery in this model lasts for 25 minutes of continuous riding.

To create such a simple model, we will need the following list of small parts:

  • Microcircuit for a radio-controlled car;
  • Remote Control;
  • Steering element;
  • Soldering iron with solder;
  • Compact electrical device;
  • Battery with charger.

The procedure for this is as follows:

  • We assemble the lower part of the car, that is, the suspension;
  • For this purpose, a durable plastic plate is required; it will be the base for this model;
  • A microcircuit for a radio-controlled car is attached to it; we solder a wire to it, which serves as an antenna;
  • Solder the wires from the electric motor;
  • We fix the battery wires to the correct points on the microcircuit;
  • We fix the wheels taken from a simple children's car;
  • All parts can be secured so as not to fall off during use.

We attach the steering elements; this cannot be done with glue alone. The front axle needs to be wrapped with electrical tape for a stronger fixation. We attach the battery to the microcircuit. Now the machine is ready for testing. It must be functional. This machine is controlled using a remote control. By following these instructions, you can easily make a new control car. If you want to design with your own hands, then this guide is more than ever useful. A toy you make with your own hands is much more satisfying than a model you bought with your own hands.

To assemble this model, we need the following components:

  • A simple model of a machine of any manufacture;
  • VAZ parts for opening doors, 12-volt battery;
  • Equipment for organizing radio control;
  • Durable batteries with chargers;
  • Radiator;
  • Electronic measuring equipment;
  • Small soldering iron with solder;
  • Locksmith equipment;
  • A piece of rubber to provide reinforcement to the bumper.

An approximate diagram of assembling a radio-controlled model is shown in the figure.

Let's move on to reading and assembling the diagram, to the exciting process of creating a unique mini-car. First we assemble the suspension. We take VAZ connections and gears to assemble the gearbox. Threads need to be cut on the studs and housing to attach gears and solenoids. We connect the gearbox to the power supply, check it, and then fix it on the machine. To effectively protect the system from overheating, we install a radiator. The plate from it can be firmly fixed using ordinary bolts. Next comes the installation of power driver and radio control chips. We completely install the car body. Our mini-car is ready for real tests.

You have a radio-controlled car. Do you want to make it more maneuverable, but don't know how to do it?

Do not overload the model with additional systems and unnecessary small parts. Sound signals, glowing headlights are all conveniences, they look great, but the independent process of assembling a radio-controlled car has certain difficulties even without this. Complicating parts can negatively affect important vehicle chassis. The main point that you need to focus on is creating a high-quality suspension and ensuring reliable signal transmission.

To improve maneuverability and optimize speed parameters, fine-tuning the system during test runs is suitable. These recommendations will help you understand the business of auto modeling. You can create a machine yourself that will be a real copy of a large model. All the details will be similar, only your version will have everything in a mini format.

Make your little son happy - make a remote control car with him

You can start with something simple - assemble a construction machine on the remote control. First, you need to come up with a project: what your car will look like, how it will move, and look at other details. To begin immediate assembly, you need to prepare not only all the important components of the future iron horse, but also the necessary accessories. To start an exciting joint activity with your son, we take the following things:

  • A small motor, you can borrow from an old fan or household fan;
  • Durable frame;
  • Mini tire set;
  • High-quality suspension for a small chassis;
  • 2 strong axles for fixing the wheels;
  • Wireless antenna;
  • Thin wires for connections;
  • High-quality batteries for the battery or special gasoline;
  • Assembled signal receiver;
  • An old control panel, a simple transmitter or an outdated radio unit will do.

Equipment you will need are pliers, a small soldering iron, and screwdrivers of various diameters.

Assembly order

During the collection process, it may turn out that some missing parts will have to be purchased or borrowed from my son’s old, broken cars. After all, he will sacrifice them for the sake of a cool new product, won’t he?! We take the frame and body from our son’s old toys. The selected motor is tested in advance for maneuverability and performance. The power of the engine should not be at odds with the weight of the machine, because a weak motor will not pull a heavy structure. Batteries must be unused. The step-by-step assembly steps are as follows:

  • First we assemble the mini-frame;
  • Then we fix and adjust the working motor;
  • We introduce batteries or a compact battery;
  • Next, the antenna is fixed;
  • The wheels are mounted so that they can turn freely, spinning along with the axle. If this condition is not met, the machine will only move forward and backward.

For the future iron horse, it is better to take rubber tires, since they perform best on open ground. If the assembly process was easy enough, you were able to understand all the intricacies of the initial car modeling, then you can make several samples, or you can give another copy to the neighbor boy. They will be doing outdoor races on the street.

Assembling a new unique car is an exciting process that dad and son can spend more than one evening doing. To turn it into a productive business, you can follow the following recommendations; they should be taken into account when assembling a modern toy:

  • Make a sketch of the future model that you want to assemble or use ready-made assembly instructions;
  • Purchase all high-quality machine parts;
  • Additional parts can be taken from old machines or purchased new ones;
  • Before installation, carefully test the selected motor, this is the heart of the machine;
  • Don't skimp on batteries for a new model, keep them new and unused;
  • Firmly fix all parts according to their sequence;
  • Study the diagrams for creating similar machines in advance to facilitate the assembly process;
  • Choose a ready-made model or come up with something unique.

By following these recommendations, you and your child can easily make the chosen model of machine. You can make and collect exact replicas of original cars once you reach a certain level of skill. Putting the car together as a family is the best way to effectively organize leisure time for yourself and your child.

A car assembled with your own hands will be a valuable present for your children, because real fatherly feelings are invested in it. When assembled, the model will travel in the chosen direction and be easy to maneuver. You can learn how to make a simple version of the machine by following the recommendations from the proposed video. Start your journey in the world of car modeling!

Not only small children play with cars - these days, when everyone has stores of radio-controlled models and their assortment at their disposal, playing with cars has become a hobby and passion for many adults. Radio-controlled cars are quite expensive, and the question arises - what should those who want to have a simple radio-controlled model, or at least a model with an attached control panel, do, but do not have enough money to buy it? You can try to make a basic machine using a remote control with your own hands.


  • To assemble the model, take a simple small electric motor with an axle, which you then put wheels on; two copies of a computer mouse button; long enough wire and housing for a car that can be anything you want it to be.
  • Take two small wires and solder them to the button with a soldering iron. Solder the opposite end of one of the wires to the electric motor, and the other to the positive pole. The third contact will already be on the motor - the negative pole.
  • To make the machine reverse, and not limited to forward only, repeat the same steps with the wiring on the second button from the mouse.
  • On a pre-prepared battery, connect the plus and minus. Take two batteries - one for each button. Make a remote control - a base for batteries and buttons.
  • When everything is ready, make a body for the car, put wheels on the axles of the electric motor and check whether the assembled structure works. When you press one button, the car should go forward, and when you press the other, it should go backward.
  • Based on this simple diagram, you can make a more complex car using a remote control - use your imagination and invent new interesting solutions.
  • Tip added on September 3, 2011 Tip 2: How to make a remote control TVs with remote control have long taken root in our homes. But sometimes you don’t want to part with an old device that doesn’t have such a function. A home DIYer with the necessary skills can add a remote control to it.


  • Many later unified black-and-white tube TVs allow the connection of standard wired remote controls to control volume and brightness. In order to do this, it is necessary, first of all, with the device turned off, to remove the closing plug from the socket marked “remote control”. It can be located either on the back or on the side wall of the TV. Be sure to save this plug, since the device will not work if neither it nor the remote control is in the slot.
  • Take three insulated shielded cables up to five meters long. Connect their screens together both at the beginning and at the end. On the plug plugged into the remote control connector on the TV, bridge pins 3 and 5 with each other. Connect the braids of all cables to pin 1, the central core to pins 4, 6 and 7.
  • Assemble the remote control in a housing made of non-flammable insulating material. Install two 470 kOhm variable resistors in it. Place wide insulating handles on their shafts.
  • For one resistor, bridge one of the outer terminals with the middle one. Connect their connection point to the cable braiding. Connect the remaining pin to the central core of the cable going to the sixth pin of the connector.
  • For another resistor, connect one of the outer terminals to the braids, the central terminal to the central core of the cable going to pin 4, and the remaining outer terminal to the central core of the cable going to pin 7.
  • Connect the remote control to the TV. Turn it on, and without touching any live contacts of the remote control, after it warms up, try turning the controls. The brightness and volume should start to change. If one of the parameters increases when turning the knob clockwise and counterclockwise, turn off the TV, disconnect the remote control from it, swap the extreme terminals of the corresponding variable resistor, then reconnect the remote control to the TV, and check whether the parameter is adjusted correctly.
  • When the TV is turned off, carefully insulate all connections and close the remote control.
  • So that the TV can be turned on and off remotely, make a special extension cord in which an ordinary switch for open wiring, well secured on an insulating base, is connected to the break in the circuit between the plug and the socket. In this extension cord, also carefully insulate all connections. Connect the TV to the network through it by placing the switch near the sofa.
  • If the TV does not have a UHF channel selector, install it, or, if you do not know how to do this, entrust this work to an experienced technician. At the same time, ask him to carry out maintenance on the TV and clean it of dust.
  • Connect a VCR with a tuner to the UHF channel selector, and connect the antenna to the VCR. Having turned on both devices, tune the TV to the VCR modulator frequency, and configure the channels on the VCR itself. Now you can switch them from the remote control. Thus, you have three remote controls in total: for adjusting the volume and brightness, for controlling the TV’s power, and for changing channels.
  • Please note: Do not leave your tube TV on unattended. Keep a working carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher nearby. Recharge it in time. How to make a remote control - printable version

    Hi all. I present for general viewing a homemade radio control panel for controlling various objects from a distance. It could be a car, a tank, a boat, etc. made by me for a “children’s” radio circle. Using the NRF24L01 radio module and ATMEGA16 microcontroller.

    For a long time I had a box of identical broken game joysticks from consoles. Got it from a gaming establishment. I haven’t seen any particular use for faulty game joysticks, and it’s a shame to throw them away or disassemble them. So the box stood like a dead weight collecting dust. The idea of ​​using gaming joysticks came as soon as I talked to my friend. A friend ran a club for young radio amateurs at a boarding school, free of charge on weekends, and introduced inquisitive children to the world of radio electronics. Children are like sponges, absorbing information. Since I myself really welcome such circles for children, and here also in such a place. So he suggested an idea on how to use non-working joysticks. The idea was the following: to create a homemade radio remote control for models assembled with your own hands, which I would like to offer to children to study the project. He really liked the idea, considering that funding for children's institutions is, to put it mildly, not very good, and I was also interested in this project. Let me also make my contribution to the development of the radio circle.
    The goal of the project is to create a complete device not only as a radio remote control, but also as a response to a radio-controlled object. Considering that the remote control is for children, connecting the receiving part to the model should also be as simple as possible.

    Assembly and components:

    Having disassembled the game joystick into its components, it immediately became clear that we needed to make a new printed circuit board, and of a very unusual shape. At first, I wanted to connect the printed circuit board to the ATMEGA48 microcontroller, but as it turned out, there simply weren’t enough microcontroller ports for all the buttons. Of course, in principle, such a number of buttons is not needed and it was possible to limit ourselves to only four ADC microcontroller ports for two joysticks and two ports for clock buttons located on the joysticks. But I wanted to use as many buttons as possible, who knows what else the kids will want to add. This is how the printed circuit board for the ATMEGA16 microcontroller was born. I had the microcontrollers themselves, left over from some project.

    The rubber bands on the buttons were very worn out and could not be restored. But this is not surprising considering where joysticks were used. For this reason, I used tact buttons. Perhaps the disadvantages of tact buttons include the strong clicking sound that occurs as a result of pressing the button. But for this project it is very tolerable.
    There was no need to redo the board with joysticks; I left it as is, which saved a lot of time. The end buttons were also kept in their original form.
    I chose the NRF24L01 radio module as the transceiver, since the price is very low in China at $0.60 per piece. bought. Despite its low cost, the radio module has quite a lot of capabilities and of course suited me. The next problem I encountered was where to place the radio module. There is not enough free space in the case, for this reason the radio module was placed in one of the handles of the joystick case. There was no need to even fix it; the module was pressed tightly when the entire body was assembled.

    Perhaps the biggest problem was the issue of power supply for the radio remote control. The purchase of some specialized batteries, say lithium ones, cost a pretty penny, since it was decided to assemble seven sets. And the remaining free space in the case did not really allow the use of standard AA batteries. Although the consumption is not significant, various suitable power sources can be used. As always, friendship came to the rescue; a colleague at work fitted lithium flat batteries from mobile phones and charged them with a bonus. Still, I had to redo them a little, but this is insignificant and much better than making battery charging from scratch. That's where I settled on flat lithium batteries.

    During testing, the radio module justified its declared range and worked confidently in line of sight at a distance of 50 meters; through walls, the range decreased significantly. There were also plans to install a vibration motor that would react, say, to some collisions or other actions in a radio-controlled model. In this regard, I provided a transistor switch for control on the printed circuit board. But I left additional complications for later. First, I need to test the program, since it is still raw. And the design, considering that this is a prototype requires minor modifications. That’s how they say, “one by one,” a radio control panel was created with almost minimal investment.

    Many people, even as adults, continue to get involved in various games. And really, what could be more fun than playing with a radio-controlled car?

    Some people love this business so much that they even collect entire collections of cars. But sometimes, ordinary machines are not enough and you want to make a machine with your own hands.

    Quick navigation through the article


    To make a remote control car at home, you will need the following parts:

    • Wheels;
    • Chassis;
    • Electric motor;
    • Set of small screwdrivers;
    • Frame;
    • Instructions for components.

    Assembly at home

    By assembling the machine yourself, a person gains a fairly large number of advantages. After all, by controlling the entire process, he can not only achieve the necessary results, but also save money.

    The first thing you need to do is decide on the amount you are willing to spend on purchasing parts for a homemade machine. Today, on store shelves there is a huge assortment of different kinds of parts (and their prices are also very varied).

    Having decided on the possible amount of costs, plan what capabilities of the machine you want to get in the end. Decide what it will be: with a wired remote control or radio control? Please note that radio control is more expensive than a wired remote control.

    Wheels and chassis

    The next step is to select a chassis for our machine. When buying parts, try to pay attention to their quality. For example, the front wheels should turn well (jags and inclusions on the plastic are not desirable). Wheels are usually sold together with the chassis - buy tires with rubber (after all, they will provide the car with better grip on the surface than plastic ones).


    Choosing the motor is the most important step because it is the heart of the entire machine. The more powerful and better quality this part is, the better its technical characteristics and dynamics will be. You can choose either a gasoline engine or an electric one. Moreover, the electric one is characterized by its low price and ease of maintenance. Gasoline is more powerful and requires proper care and cleaning (at the same time, its cost is high). Fuel will also cost you a pretty penny. Beginners should choose the electric version of the motor - this way they can save both time and money.


    Finally decide whether the control will be wired or wireless. The disadvantage of wired control is that the car will only roll within the radius of the length of the wire. If you choose radio control, you will need to purchase a radio unit. It is a little expensive, but it is worth it, since the machine will travel the entire distance that the antenna coverage provides.

    Housing and assembly

    The case can be either purchased or created according to a sketch drawn by yourself.

    The final stage is the assembly of all components. They usually come with assembly instructions. Following the instructions in this document, connect all purchased parts. Adjust the motor and install batteries with antenna. When the machine is in working order and configured, attach the body to the chassis.

    Psychologists say that doing something interesting together brings children and parents closer together. A boy's father is always an example in everything. Unfortunately, fathers do not always understand what to do with their child, besides watching TV. We invite you to find out how to do this activity that both “boys” will enjoy: both the son and the father. Mom most likely will not be able to intervene in this process. Simply because of my ignorance in the radio business.

    Lesson for dad and son only

    Sometimes it seems that only mothers take care of raising a child, and fathers only earn money. However, the role of the father in developing the character of the baby, especially the son, is no less than the mother’s. It happens that a tired father does not have time to play noisy and fun games with his child. However, you need to remember that there may come a time when the son simply stops looking for opportunities to communicate with his dad if he constantly does not find time for this. In the end, misunderstandings arise between father and son, which in adolescence are already quite difficult to overcome. A ready-made kit or an independent attempt to figure out how to make a car on a remote control will help father and child strengthen their relationship and mutual understanding.

    What is the reason for a father's distance from his son? Sometimes this is simple inexperience, a certain fear that appears in young fathers, especially if the mother practically does not allow the father near the baby.

    Where can you start co-creation?

    The simplest option (if you do not take into account the usual purchase of a ready-made model) is a construction machine assembled according to the instructions. The kit contains all the necessary parts, you just need time and effort. A couple of evenings after work - and the radio-controlled toy is ready. And how much joy both son and dad will get when the model goes!

    Another, more complex option is to invent and assemble a machine from scratch. In this case, it will take more time, and you will have to look for details, and common work, a joint venture, will bring more emotions.

    What to choose: a copy or just a car without a brand

    Some advanced craftsmen create and collect exact mini-copies of real cars. It happens like this:

    • firstly, the remote control machine is carefully assembled with your own hands, and through family efforts;
    • secondly, the model may not be made from the same materials as the original;
    • thirdly, some minor minor details may be omitted.

    Everything else, right down to the engine and fuel, is done with meticulous precision. Some craftsmen are engaged in assembling collectible models that are exact copies of real, real cars.

    On the control panel? You can assemble a semi-copy, that is, a copy that resembles the selected original in appearance. Or you can come up with a model “on a free theme”, without focusing on any particular form. The size of the machine, in principle, does not matter. They make small home models, jeeps or cars, and real radio-controlled mini-cars. It all depends on desire, allocated time and finances. Any activity that the son and dad are engaged in together will strengthen the father’s authority in the eyes of the child.

    What spare parts should I prepare for the model to move?

    How to make a car using a remote control? It all starts with a project. To work, you need to prepare not only a list of various parts and components, but also all the necessary tools. This will make the process more fun and organized. So, what is needed to assemble the machine:

    • a motor (from a hair dryer, from a small fan) or a mini-gasoline engine;
    • frame;
    • body;
    • set of rubber wheels;
    • what is called a “shaft” in real cars;
    • suspension or chassis;
    • 2 axles for installing wheels;
    • antenna;
    • thin connecting wires;
    • rechargeable batteries to power the electric motor or gasoline (if the engine is an internal combustion engine);
    • signal receiver;
    • control panel (transmitter or radio unit).

    The tools you will need are pliers, a soldering iron, various screwdrivers and small wrenches, electrical tape, superglue, bolts, washers, nuts and other fasteners. All missing tools, parts and components are either made independently or purchased in specialized stores.

    How is all this done and what will happen in the end?

    As you prepare the parts according to the plan for how to make a remote control car, you may find that some of them need to be purchased. The frame and body can be adapted from an old toy. Surely there are several tired or broken children's cars at home from which you can take some missing parts.

    The motor must be checked in advance for performance. Its power must correspond to the weight of the future car. A weak engine will not pull a heavy model. All work can come to nothing. The batteries must be fresh or rechargeable. The assembly sequence is as follows:

    • First the frame is assembled.
    • The motor is secured and adjusted.
    • Batteries or accumulator are installed.
    • The next step is to secure the antenna.
    • The wheels are installed so that they can easily rotate with the axle. If this is not done, the car will not be able to turn, it will only drive straight: forward and backward.

    It is preferable to take rubber tires, as they move better not only on the floor of the apartment, but also on open ground. If you like the process and manage to understand well how to make a car using a remote control, you can build several different copies, teach it to the neighbor’s dads and boys, and organize mini cross-country races right in the yard.