Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. "Transport

For children

Lesson notes onspeech development

V preparatory group


Prepared by teacher: Krivoguzova N.I.



    Consolidating children's vocabulary and knowledge on the topic “Transport”.

    Clarify concepts about various types transport (land, water, air), as well as the names of some professions in this field, to consolidate children’s knowledge about the details of transport.

    Continue learning:

Use the comparative degree of adjectives correctly

Form adjectives from nouns,

– use the verb “to go” with different prefixes,

Make up misspelled words

Precise use of prepositions

Write a descriptive story


    Development of visual and auditory attention and memory phonemic processes(syllable structure and syllable analysis)

    Logical thinking.

    Development of constructive praxis.

    Development of tempo-rhythmic components.

    Development of articulation, fine and gross motor skills, directed air jet.


    Formation of cooperation skills, a sense of camaraderie, goodwill, and mutual understanding.

    To develop children’s ability to work independently, negotiating to achieve results.

Progress of the lesson:

    Org moment

“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other"

    Main part

I received a letter today. Do you want to know who it is from?


Hello guys! Vintik and Shpuntik are writing to you - brilliant inventors from Flower City. We had a problem, we designed new transport for travel, but a strong wind came and mixed up all our drawings. We ask you to help us create our transport.

Children, are you ready to help Vintik and Shpuntik? Great, then you are all included in the team of designers and inventors.

Tell me, why do we need transport?

What is convenient for traveling?

What do you think, is it convenient to go on a long journey by trolleybus or tram?

What 3 types can all transport be divided into?

Look at the screen, what do you see? These are parts of what transport?

Game “Which from what?”

If a wheel is made of rubber, what is it?

Metal door (what kind?) -...

Plastic steering wheel (what kind?) -...

Leather seat (what kind?) -...

Glass window (what kind?) -...

Well done, now let's remember the story about the car, which, like the residents of the Flower City, loved to travel.

Be careful and look at the screen.

Fairy tale “The Journey of a Little Car!”

Tell me, who is driving the car? Now come out into the circle, we will be the drivers.


We're going, we're going by car,

We press the pedal.

We change the speed

We look intently into the distance.

The wipers clear away the drips.

Right left. Purity!

The wind ruffles my hair.

We are drivers - no matter where you go!

Children, what are you hearing now? What is this the sound of?

The plane moves on...

So what kind of transport is this? What other air transport do you know? Who flies the plane? What about a rocket?

Let's compare an airplane and a rocket.

Ball game “Finish the sentences”

The plane flies high, and the rocket ... (higher)
The plane flies far, and the rocket...(more)
The plane flies fast, but the rocket...(faster)
The plane is powerful, and the rocket... (more powerful)
The plane is big, and the rocket...(more)
The plane is heavy, and the rocket...(heavier).
The plane is spacious, but the rocket...(more spacious)
The plane is long, but the rocket...(longer)
The plane is fast, but the rocket...(faster)

Breathing exercises

Everyone take the plane, we will now send them flying.

Look at the board, something bad happened - the words fell apart. Think about how to connect these parts to make words.

Read the words, how many syllables are in each word?

Do you think it is possible to travel by ship?

Yes guys, this is very exciting and interesting, you can visit different countries, cities, see a lot of new things.

So let's design a ship for Vintik and Shpuntik, on which they will go on a journey with their friends.

    Independent work(design)

I invite you to the workshop. Sit back comfortably, there are parts of the ship in front of you. I suggest the boys take on the most important work - collecting parts, and the girls will help you and make the ship beautiful.

Let's see what we got. Children, what do you think our ship is missing? That's right, every ship has its own name.

Composing the name of the ship

D – what is the first sound in the word house?

R – what is the last sound in the word ball?

U - name the sound that is located in the middle of the word beetle.

F – what sound does the word giraffe begin with?

B – name the first sound in the word letter

A - name the sound that is located in the middle of the word poppy.

Read the word we got.

What is friendship?

    Lesson summary

Well done, I really liked how you worked today, what masters you were. We worked together, harmoniously and were a team.

Awarding medals.

Lesson notes

in a preparatory group for school on the topic:


Speech therapist of the first category

Orsk, 2014

FULL NAME. teacher:Trapeznikova Yulia Vladimirovna, speech therapist teacher

Development direction: cognitive-speech.

Dominant educational field: cognition.

Lesson topic: "Transport"

Age group: preparatory

Target: Consolidating ideas about transport.


Extension vocabulary on the topic: “Transport”, consolidating the skill of using complex words.

Development of lexical grammatical side speech.

Consolidating knowledge about transport-related professions.

Consolidation of general concepts in speech.

Development of coherent speech: compilation descriptive story about the truck using: "Alarm clock" correct speech».

Formation of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

Consolidating the skill of working in pairs (the ability to ask questions about the composition of a word).

Cultivating interest in the features and types of transport.

Developing the ability to work in pairs.

Methods and techniques:

methods of forming consciousness (frontal conversation);

methods of organizing activities and forming behavioral experience (speech problematic situations, development emotional sphere, work in pairs);

methods of stimulating behavior (encouragement, surprise moment);

methods of control, self-control and self-assessment (survey, analysis of the results of one’s own activities);

health preservation methods (alternating different types of activities).

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development;physical development.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, motor, productive.

Creating an environment for conducting GCD: laptop, video projector; presentation; video recording; cut pictures, colored chips for sound analysis and flannelographs for each child; subject pictures depicting symbols and modes of transport; “An alarm clock for correct speech, a projector, object pictures depicting the actions that vehicles perform.

Time spending: 35 minutes

Planned time of the lesson: the second period of study is the 3rd decade of January.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures about transport, repeating types of transport, professions related to transport; writing a descriptive story about various types of transport.

Lesson notes


I . Introductory part.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys, look we have guests today. Say hello.

2. Motivation.

Guys, our kindergarten received a video letter from the children from Sunny City. Let's listen to him.Presentation. SLIDE No. 2


Hello guys, I'm Vintik, and I'm Shpuntik. We are from a sunny city. We are designers - mechanics. We are working on a project for a new car, but we don’t know what it is because we have lost the instructions for assembling it. Help us remember the types of transport, maybe this will help us in our work. We will communicate with you using the Internet and SKYPE.

Shall we help Vintik and Shpuntik?

II . Main part.

1. Let's remember where transport can move? (motorway, sea, Railway, sky)

2. Game: “Modes of Transport”

So what types of transport are there?

There is air transport.

There is a water mode of transport.

There is a ground mode of transport.

There is a railway mode of transport.

3. Game: “Match the transport”

What kind of transport can we classify as ground transport and why?

A car (bus, dump truck) travels along the road - this is a land form of transport.

To the railway?

A train (tram, electric train) travels by rail - this is a railway mode of transport.

To the water one?

A ship (boat, cutter) floats on water; it is a waterborne form of transport.

To the air?

A rocket (plane, helicopter) flies in the sky - this is an air mode of transport.

4. Game: “Why are they called that?” Presentation. SLIDE No. 3-8

Why was it called that?

The plane flies on its own.

All-terrain vehicle - goes everywhere.

A steam locomotive carries steam (it works with the help of steam).

The dump truck dumps the load itself.

The scooter rolls on its own

These are the guys Difficult words, consist of two words.

5. Development Exercises lexical-grammatical sides of speech. Game: “Who controls what” Presentation. SLIDE No. 9-16

Guys, do you know who drives the transport?

Who drives the bus?

The driver drives the bus.

Who flies the plane?

The plane is controlled by the pilot.

Who controls the train?

The train is driven by the driver.

Who flies the helicopter?

The helicopter is controlled by a helicopter pilot.

Who controls the ship?

The ship is steered by a captain.

Who controls the rocket?

The rocket is controlled by an astronaut.

6. Exercises to develop the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech

Shpuntik and Vintik cannot understand the actions of the modes of transport.

Name the type of transport shown in the picture and its operation.

This is a bus.

The bus pulls into the garage.

This is a bus.

The bus leaves the garage.

This is a dump truck.

A dump truck drives up to the house.

This is a dump truck.

The dump truck drives away from the house.

This is a truck.

The truck drives up the mountain.

This is a truck.

The truck drives down the mountain.

7) Phys. Just a minute.

And now you and I will have a rest and go on a truck, performing the movements.Presentation. SLIDE No. 17-20

(The speech therapist reads a nursery rhyme, accompanying the speech with an animated motorcycle. Children repeat the text after the speech therapist and imitate the movements of the motorcycle.)

We drove, we drove, we reached the hill,
We moved in, moved out and moved on.
We drove, we drove, we reached the pit,
We drove around the pit and continued on.
We drove and drove and reached the bridge,
We crossed the bridge and continued on.
We drove, we drove, we got home,
We drove into the yard, and here we are.”

8. Sound analysis of words.

And now, according to the depicted type of transport, let’s do sound analysis words These words are difficult, be careful.

Ask questions about the composition of sounds in a word.

Say the word. How many sounds of vowels, consonants. How many syllables are in a word.

This is a dump truck. This word has 8 sounds, 3 vowels “a”, 4 consonants: “s, m, v, l”. There are one more consonant sounds. Three syllables 3 syllables sa- ma- dump. Clap.

What is the first sound in this word?

The first sound in this word is “s”, it is consonant, dull, hard. We denote it with a black chip.

What sound comes between the sounds “s” and “m”?

Between the sounds “s” and “m” there is a vowel sound “a”, we denote it with a red chip.

Other words are analyzed by analogy.

8. Riddle. Presentation. SLIDE No. 21

Dasha makes a riddle about transport.


This is a ground mode of transport, like a bus.

It's metal, like a nail.

It transports cargo like a dump truck.

9. Writing a descriptive story. Presentation. SLIDE No. 21

Let's make up a story - a description about the Truck, using the correct speech alarm clock.

This is a truck.

It refers to land transport.

Consists of parts. It has 4 wheels, a cabin, an engine, a body, 2 headlights.

It is made of metal.

This truck is green.

The truck runs on gasoline.

He transports goods. (bricks, sand, vegetables, boards)

The driver drives the truck.

I like this type of transport. My dad works on a truck. And once my dad and I went to a gas station.

It is proposed to compose a story for the 2nd child.

The alarm clock liked your stories. And Vintik and Shpuntik turn to us again.

III . Completion of the lesson, reflection.

The video turns on. Presentation. SLIDE No. 23

Guys, thank you for your help! You helped us assemble a truck from parts. We need it so much for transporting vegetables. This year we harvested a large harvest of cucumbers! And for the fact that you helped us, we treat you.

Here is the treat that the guys from Sunny City gave us.

Guys, what did we do today?

We met Vintik and Shpuntik and helped them assemble a truck, solved a riddle, worked from pictures, identified types of transport, performed sound analysis of words, and wrote a story about the truck.

What did you like most about our work?

Topic: “Choosing transport”
Venue: preparatory group
Date: October 28, 20013
Educator: Zhukova N.V.

1.Summarize and systematize children’s understanding of the methods and features of human movement on different types of transport (air, water, land)

2. Continue to introduce children to symbols indicating types of transport: plane, car, bus, train, ship; (the length of the strips indicating travel time on different modes of transport).

3. Develop feelings of patriotism for your native land, village.

4. Foster the need to observe and comply with the rules of cultural behavior in public transport.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, research, practical, gaming, reproductive, information-receptive.

Equipment: illustrations depicting various types of transport, cards according to the number of children with a schematic representation of types of transport: airplane. boat, train, car, bus, helicopter, bicycle, hang glider, map of the Arkhangelsk region, photograph of the village from a height and from a much higher height, attributes for s.r.i. "Airplane".

Vocabulary work: names of professions: navigator, pilot, flight attendant, types of transport: air, land, water.

Children enter the hall and stop at the table.
Educator: You and I have been preparing for this trip for a long time. And finally we are ready. Everyone is healthy, we are not sick, we can go.

- Do you know who travelers are?
Children: People who travel and want to learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Educator: I suggest you go on a trip using different types of transport.
Educator: Please tell me what is the name of our Motherland?
Children: Russia
Educator: The place where you and I live?
Children: Arhangelsk region, Kotlas district.
Educator: Where were you and I born and growing up?
Children: Udimsky village.
Educator: Today we will go on a journey from our village of Udimsky to the city of Arkhangelsk.
Educator: Name the cities of the Arkhangelsk region.
Children: Kotlas, Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk.
Educator: Great, guys. I think you're ready to travel. The road ahead is long. What transport can we get to Arkhangelsk?

Together with the children we approach the table where there are images of different types of transport.
Educator: How to call in one word what people can move on?
Children: Transport.
Educator: How do you think transport can be divided?

Divide modes of transport into groups. Take any picture, for those with air transport - stand up, for those with land transport - sit down on the floor, for those with water transport - sit at the table.

Children: in unison they specify the type of transport: air, land, water.
Educator: Children approach the table with air transport Guys, what icon can be used to indicate air transport?
Children: cloud, bird, arrow.
Educator: Prove why?
Children: Because planes fly high between the clouds in the sky.
Educator: Children, how can you define ground transport?
Children: Striped, because cars and buses drive on smooth roads.
(leaf, wheel)
Educator: That's right, you think correctly.
Educator: Where can we see water transport? Name the types of water transport.
Children: You can see steamships, ships, boats - at sea; boats -on the river; catamarans - on a pond, lake; cruisers, icebreakers, submarines, motor ships in the ocean.
Educator: Think and tell me, how can water transport be depicted?
Children: A wavy line, a boat, a fish.
Mark the demo mat on the magnetic board, then remove it.
Educator: Now go to the tables, in front of each of you is a card with different types of transport, mark each type of transport with a symbol.

Don't rush, do the task correctly.
Educator: Guys, what type of transport do you think is the fastest?
Children: air.
Educator: If we fly by plane, we will be there in 2 hours.

Educator: What kind of transport will be moving?
slower than a plane? Children: Train, car, bus.
Educator: Yes, if we take a train, car, bus, we will arrive at the place at night, or maybe in the morning of the next day.
Educator: Which one is slower?
Children: Motor ship.

The types of transport that can be used to get to your destination are displayed on a magnetic board. These are: plane, car, bus, train, ship.
We will denote different types of transport with stripes.
Educator: How are the stripes different?
Children: The strips are different in length.
Educator: We will now use these stripes to indicate the time we will spend on our journey.
What length of strip will we use to denote the plane?
Children: Short.
Educator: And why? Explain.

The fastest way to get to Arkhangelsk is by plane, so we’ll choose the short route. It will take us longer to get there by car, train or bus, so we take a longer lane. And, of course, the ship remains. What stripe will we use to mark the ship? For him the most long strip, we’ll get there later than everyone else using this type of transport.

Physical exercise.

Hands to the sides - in flight (running on tiptoes in a circle)
We send the plane (with our arms spread out to the sides)
Right wing forward (turn over right shoulder)
Left wing forward (turn over left shoulder)
Our plane has taken off (they run in a circle with their arms out to the sides)

We will go to Arkhangelsk by plane.
Educator: Who do you think is flying the plane?
Children: Navigator, pilot. (the navigator will be....)
They take their seats in the airplane cabin.
Guys, who meets passengers at the plane?
Children: Stewardess.

The flight attendants will be Sofia and Polina.

In order to be allowed on the plane, we need to purchase tickets at the ticket office. The cashier will be... Don't forget to thank the cashier. Anyone who has purchased a ticket boards the plane. Flight attendants check tickets and help passengers seat themselves.

Educator: Our plane is rising higher and higher. look down through the portholes. Our village is visible (showing a photograph of our village). How big and beautiful he is! And the higher we rise, the village becomes smaller and smaller. Why is this happening? How do you think?

Children: Because the plane gains altitude and everything below becomes small.

Educator: That's right, guys! Here's how it is on this map. Photo of our Kotlas district from above. Arkhangelsk region from a flight altitude. We see here thin tapes roads and rivers, houses are completely invisible.

Guys, how do you think we should behave on public transport?

Educator: Flight attendant Julia has prepared a wonderful poem for you, let's listen to it. G. Sapgir “Liner”

The airliner takes off
Liner - passenger aircraft
With a three-story house
You will fly on it too
Even though you haven't grown up yet
To his huge wheels.

Educator: Flight attendant Polina hands out coloring books with images of airplanes as souvenirs of the flight. The children thank her.

Educator: So that you don’t get bored on the way, I’ll tell you riddles about transport.

Flight attendant: Dear passengers! Our plane successfully landed in the city of Arkhangelsk. We ask you to unfasten your seat belts and get off the plane. Goodbye!

Educator: We landed. We are in Arkhangelsk. But they are waiting for us in kindergarten. If we fly by plane, it will take time. How can we get back quickly? Since this is a game and we will return on a rocket, its speed is faster than that of an airplane. Close your eyes. Let's count back from 10-0. Get ready. Let's start. We open our eyes.

We are at home, in kindergarten. What new did you learn? What did you like?
We found out which type of transport is the fastest.

Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves
Title: Abstract of GCD in the preparatory group for cognitive development“Choosing transport”

Position: teacher
Place of work: JV "Kindergarten No. 35" Municipal Educational Institution "Udimskaya No. 2 Secondary School"
Location: Udimsky village, Kotlas district, Arkhangelsk region

GCD in preparatory preschool educational institution group. Preparatory group

Software tasks:
1. Build knowledge about transport and its types
2. Develop children’s ability to distinguish between land, air and water transport.
3. Develop mental activity and attention.
5. Cultivate cognitive interest Organizing time.
Guys, before we start our lesson, I want to invite you to guess puzzles.
1. This horse doesn’t eat oats,
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just drive better.

2. Wonderful long house,
There are a lot of passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline...

3. Doesn't fly, but buzzes
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes,
Two shiny lights.

4. Amazing carriage!
Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air, and he
He holds them with his hands.

5. Well, my friend, guess
Only this is not a tram.
It rushes quickly along the rails into the distance
A line of huts.

6. Lifted by a giant
A lot of cargo to the clouds.
Where he stands, then
Grows up new house.

7. It takes off high without acceleration,
Reminds me of a dragonfly
A high-speed jet is taking off...

8. Here is a steel bird,
Aspires to heaven
And it is driven by a pilot.
What kind of bird?

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Now call it all in one word / Transport
That's right, the topic of our lesson today is “Transport”

Conversation “Modes of Transport”
Transport varies not only according to appearance, but also by purpose, and also by place of movement.
What kind of transport do you think is called air transport? / Children's answers
Air transport is transport that moves through the air. Name the air transport / Airplane, helicopter, parachute, airship, airplane, hot air balloon.

Air transport is the most quick view transport. Air transport is mainly used for passenger transportation over distances of over a thousand kilometers. Freight transport is also carried out, but their share is very low. Most often, perishable products and especially valuable cargo, as well as mail, are transported by air.
What kind of transport is called water transport? / Children's answers
Water transport is transport that moves on water. Name water transport. / Submarine, ship, kayak, boat, raft

Water transport is distinguished by its ability to transport very large loads. Water transport is vital where land transportation is impossible: between continents, islands, and in poorly developed areas. The speed of water transport is relatively low, so at present it is almost never used for passenger transport.
What kind of transport is called ground transport? / Children's answers
Ground transport is transport that moves on land. Name ground transport / Children's answers
Ground transport is divided into different types of transport: trackless, road, rail

This is the most common type of transport. They use ground transport for various needs. For example, a passenger car for traveling short distances. Trains, trams, trolleybuses, electric trains are needed to transport passengers and are called public transport. Various dump trucks, trucks and Kamaz trucks are called freight transport, as they are used to transport goods. Motorcycles and bicycles are called two-wheelers and are used to travel around the area. There is also special transport, it is used by people of different professions. Such transport includes ambulance, police car, tractor, fire engine, garbage truck, combine harvester, etc.

We met with you different types transport. Now let’s see how well you can distinguish between air, water, and land transport.

Didactic game "Fourth odd"

Great! Well done! And now I want to give you homework. The teacher distributes road signs to the children.

For your next lesson, be prepared to talk about these road signs. The topic of our next lesson is “Road Safety”.


"Speech development":

Strengthen reading skills.

"Physical development":



Summary of educational activities in the compensatory preparatory group for children with special needs “Transport”

Goal: to generalize children’s knowledge about transport (types of transport depending on the environment of movement and destination)


“Social and communicative development”:

Form the concepts: ground, air, water; freight, passenger, special transport;

Show children the importance of using transport to make human life easier;

Introduce children to the emergence of various types of transport.

Strengthen your knowledge of the rules safe traffic as a pedestrian and vehicle passenger.

"Speech development":

Activate children's vocabulary with words - names Vehicle, professions of people driving these vehicles;

Improve speech as a means of communication;

Improve monologue and dialogic forms of speech;

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills;

Strengthen reading skills.

“Artistic and aesthetic development”:

Develop skills in creative interpretation of music by different means artistic expression;

Promote development artistic perception text in the unity of its content and form, semantic and emotional subtext; - teach expressively, perform a literary work;

Improve visual activities children: stimulate and support self-determination concept, choose the most appropriate visual techniques and materials for the image, and create a holistic composition from the elements.

"Physical development":

Develop the ability to save correct posture in various activities

To foster a value-based attitude towards health in children; develop motivation to preserve your health and the health of those around you; using the health-saving technologies of V.F. Bazarny (dynamic poses mode; salt bags; handiwork; “flashing lights”).

Methods and techniques:

Visual (looking at pictures, illustrations)

Verbal (questions, teacher’s story, reading works of fiction, conversation)


Preliminary work:

D/i “Why do we need special transport”, “What is superfluous here”, “The ABC of the golden roads”, “ Road signs", "Pedestrians and transport"

Reading fiction: S. Marshak “From Coach to Rocket”, N. Nosov “Car”, G. Yurmin “Curious Mouse”

Competition for the best car design of the future;

Exhibition “Cars on our street” (joint handiwork of parents and children,

Role-playing games: “Car Workshop”, “Car Showroom”, “City Trip”.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, didactic game“Reading words”, massage mats, sets for children's creativity.

Progress of direct educational activities:

D/i “Reading words” (children read the words: car, plane, rocket, steamship)

What can you call these items? (transport). Today we will talk about transport.

D/i “Find out the sound” (the audio recording contains the sounds of wheels passenger car, truck, motorcycle, ambulance siren, train whistle, ship whistle at sea, etc.)

Practicing a step-by-step algorithm when reciting the poem “We were traveling” on massage mats (health-saving technique by V. F. Bazarny):

We drove and drove and arrived at a hill,

We drove and drove and arrived at a pit.

We drove and drove and came to a river,

We drove and drove and arrived at the kindergarten.

Guys, why did we get to this place so quickly? kindergarten? (We observed and followed traffic rules).

Remember and tell us what traffic rules you know - Today we will remember everything we know about transport. Working with the transport algorithm:

How can you name a vehicle based on its location?

What is the name of a vehicle that carries passengers and cargo?

Listen to the poem “Transport” by E. Alyabyev

Various vehicles transport people and goods every hour,

And in the mountains, and in villages, and underground, and on the seas.

In the desert, even in the skies. Air transport serves in the sky like birds are friends with the sky.

Airplanes fly fast and helicopters fly like dragonflies,

And even into space people are carried away from the earth by ships. In deep waters, water transport transports people and goods,

He travels far across seas and oceans along rivers.

Large steamships are sailing and barges are pulling tons of cargo,

On snow-white ships, tourists go wherever they need to go. Underground transport operates underground in large tunnels.

The metro transports people there so they can get to their destination faster. And on earth people and goods are carried along train rails,

And on endless roads in a car everyone goes where,

Buses, taxis, minibuses, huge trucks - you won’t see anything here, they all go so fast.

All means of transportation are so important for humans.

People will be delivered to the place, cargo will be delivered. They are always, everywhere needed. -In every locality there are operational services that provide peace of mind to its residents. These are the police, gas service, ambulance, fire service. These services have company cars.

Name these machines. (Children's answers: - There are special telephone numbers by which you can call these cars if someone is sick, or a fire has started, or there is a smell of gas, or public order has been disturbed somewhere. Everyone should know these telephone numbers.

Call 01 (children's answers)

Call 02 (children's answers)

Call 03 (children's answers)

Call 04 (children's answers)

Call 112 (children's answers)

But you should never call these machines as a joke, for fun. Why do you think? (Children's answers)

Construction and cleaning machines are special mechanisms to perform various actions to help a person (- There are also machines for transporting products - Guys, explain why they say that - a snow blower, a milk tanker, a concrete mixer, a truck crane? (children's answers).

Physical education lesson “Transport”

We stood up and stretched. (Hands up, raise your head - bend over - take a deep breath).

We start the engine. (Turn the torso left - right with rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest.)

Checking the seat belts. (Tilts left - right, arms slide along the body.)

Checking the brakes. (Hands behind your back, rotational movements of the foot of the left and right leg alternately.)

Go. (Walking in place, turning into running.)

The game “Allowed - prohibited” (use of health-saving technologies by V. F. Bazarny “Flashing lights”). Children take on the role of pedestrians and, in accordance with traffic light signals (“Flashing lights”), perform movements: red - stand, yellow - clap, green - stomp.

Guys, do you think transport has always existed in the form to which we are accustomed? (children's answers).

Just a hundred years ago there was no car. Strong, but unsafe for human life, animals were used to transport goods. Elephants, camels, donkeys, horses, buffalos, dogs. However, pack animals were not always at hand, and it was a pity to overwork them. Later, people invented a carriage with a motor - a locomobile. The locomobile was heated with coal, and it barely dragged along the road,

Guys, this is a portrait of Henry Ford. At the age of fifteen, Henry began to design and assemble his first car, then his second, his third. And each subsequent car became more convenient and beautiful

Henry named cars by his last name. His son and grandson also became the inventors of Fords. Today, these comfortable cars drive on all roads in the world.

Guys, you know a lot about transport, correlate it by place of movement, distinguish between freight and passenger transport, and know a lot about emergency services. But the children junior group Just started studying transport. I suggest our kids make and give an album about transport.

Productive activity of children in making vehicles from pre-cut shapes.

Guys, let's look at all your work and tell you what type of transport it is based on the location of movement; who controls it.