How to use cream of tartar. What is cream of tartar and how can it be replaced?

To mom

» How to use cream of tartar

Natural cream of tartar is formed in the form of sediment during the fermentation of natural grape wine. Probably since the advent of winemaking, people have used this product not only as food, but also to treat various diseases. The ability of cream of tartar to clear nicotine from the lungs is now recognized, but this is not the only option for using the product to improve health.

Cream of tartar is not just a natural product for traditional medicine, it is used in the production of cream of tartar, which is available in the form of a light powder and is used as a fruit leavening agent in cooking.
Cream of tartar has antibacterial properties, helps fight urinary tract infections and stabilizes the pH level in the urine. To prepare the composition, mix a few drops of fresh lemon juice and 2 small spoons of stone in a glass of warm water. If you feel unwell, drink the mixture several times during the day.

For severe pain associated with arthritis, add two tablespoons of cream of tartar and three tablespoons of epson salt to a warm bath. This therapeutic bath is used every other day, leaving it for half an hour. It is necessary to completely immerse yourself in water only when absolutely necessary; it is better to soak only the most painful area of ​​the body.

One hundred grams of Tartar cream contains 17 ml of potassium

A lack of potassium can lead to high blood pressure. Therefore, if pressure drops are associated specifically with a lack of potassium, then cream of tartar can help stabilize well-being. For treatment, a small spoonful of the stone is diluted in a cup of water and drunk before sleep every day.

When quitting smoking, cream of tartar helps cleanse the body of nicotine. In addition, in some people, regular use of the composition with this product causes an aversion to tobacco. A more pronounced effect will be if, at the same time as the stone, you also take vitamins that were lost due to a bad habit. The most convenient way to cleanse the lungs and entire body of nicotine is to use a mixture of one small spoon of cream of tartar per mug of orange juice. This healthy drink is prepared every day and taken at night.

Cream of tartar is also useful for treating acne. Thanks to its acidity, cream of tartar helps cleanse the body, helps destroy pathogenic bacteria and opens pores on the skin. Using cream of tartar as a rich solution to cleanse your skin may not be enough. Therefore, at the same time you need to take a mixture of a small spoon of tartar and orange juice diluted with water.

What is cream of tartar?

Tartar is tiny crystals, sometimes slightly fused together or lying in separate “grains of sand” at the bottom of a bottle of wine. If the bottle has been stored horizontally long enough, the cream of tartar will happily settle on the cork. In white wine the crystals are transparent, in red they have a pinkish tint of varying intensity. That is, in general, tartar is almost colorless, but in red wines, during crystallization, it captures coloring substances from the wine.

From a chemistry point of view, cream of tartar is a mixture of potassium salts: potassium tartrate and potassium hydrogen tartrate (we will do without formulas - chemists know, the rest will look at Wikipedia themselves).

Where does tartar come from in wine?

Here it is necessary to note that tartaric acid, which is the starting material in the formation of tartar, this is the most important acid in wine (its content exceeds other acids, for example, malic acid, which is also there). That is, there is a lot of material for the formation of tartar in wine, but why then is it not found in all bottles?

Activation of the formation of tartar is associated with three factors: low temperature, time and mechanical stress (shaking). Wine is not shaken very much (unless it is often transported along rural roads), but it is regularly sent for long-term storage. And inquisitive experimenters may notice that in bottles, the shelf life of which in any, even the most correct conditions, has gone off scale for at least 5-7 years, there is always cream of tartar.

On the contrary, there is almost no tartar in newly produced wine, and if there is, then this is a reason to wonder whether this wine is worth buying. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are extremely rare - I will write about this below.

Are they freezing? Everyone who is interested in wine will say: “Negative temperatures are not good for wine!” They are actually even harmful to the finished wine, and yet today the vast majority of wines undergo a “tartrate stabilization” procedure before bottling. It consists in the fact that almost finished wine is placed in steel containers and frozen to a temperature of approximately minus 4˚C. And then the tartar begins to crystallize and precipitate in huge quantities. “Stop, stop, stop!,” my skeptical reader will say, “what about the three musketeers, and the ancient Greeks - what did they do with tartrate stabilization? They couldn’t even utter such a word!” Of course, the technology for getting rid of excess cream of tartar is an achievement of recent decades. Therefore, in wines produced before the technical revolution that occurred in winemaking approximately after the Second World War, there is indeed a lot of tartar. By the way, one of the reasons that ancient bottles usually had a hefty recess at the bottom is precisely the large amount of cream of tartar: in order to drain the wine without sediment that would accumulate around this element of the vessel.

And what from this?

From this we must draw the following conclusions:

  1. Cream of tartar These are harmless crystals of natural origin that form in a bottle of any natural wine from substances originally contained in grape juice.
  2. The presence of tartar in wines that have survived 5–7 years of storage is almost inevitable.
  3. The presence of cream of tartar in newly produced wines is undesirable.
  4. Excessive amounts of cream of tartar are also undesirable, even in aged wines produced after the 1960s.
  5. It is not worth judging the quality of wine only by the presence or absence of cream of tartar in it with a lack of knowledge about other quality parameters, as well as without information about the production process and its storage conditions.

P.S. Exceptions to the rules

Rarely, but it happens that a winemaker is extremely concerned about the presence of some specific, particularly subtle nuances of aroma in his wines. As a rule, such wines are not cheap at all. Then the winemaker decides not to subject his fragile treasure to such a stressful procedure as tartrate stabilization. The wine is bottled without her. Most often, the wine filtration procedure is also not carried out, and in addition to tartar, the wine may contain, for example, the remains of yeast sediment (cloudy sediment). So, if you see an expensive wine with a lot of sediment on a shelf in a boutique, before you buy it, ask on the manufacturer’s website how it was made. As a rule, information about the lack of stabilization and filtration is provided there, even if something else may not be indicated, since sediment frightens an inexperienced consumer (however, an inexperienced consumer usually does not view the websites of wine producers).

The editors of Porusski would like to thank the 750 Milliliters wine tasting club for their assistance in preparing the material.

Derivatives from various fruits have been successfully used in cooking for a long time. This statement is especially applicable to sweet dishes and baked goods. For example, few people know that the usual soda and baking powder (aka baking powder) are sometimes replaced with cream of tartar. Its other name is cream of tartar. Because of this, the stone is often confused with the sauce and they have no idea what we are talking about. But in reality it is a white powder used as a leavening agent and protein structure stabilizer.

It must be said that it is much more effective than the notorious soda and vinegar, and therefore is added in relatively small quantities. In turn, this approach helps to preserve the full flavor of the final product without spoiling it with excessive baking powder or the unpleasant aftertaste that it can impart in some cases. Where does cream of tartar come from? No wonder it has such a telling name. This substance, useful for cooking, is actually obtained in wineries.

Tartar - what is it?

Tartar is a chemical compound of two main elements. These are fruit acid (in our case, tartaric acid) and caustic potassium. This combination partially neutralizes potassium and gives the substance the same crystalline structure in which it is mined. Typically, such crystals can be found on the inside of old wooden barrels and corks. But only if we are talking about seasoned quality. It takes a very long time to form and in small quantities, which is the main reason for its high cost. The substance is then ground into powder and sold in this form.

Cream of tartar is especially effective when added to cake mousses. It greatly facilitates the whipping process, and also allows the mass to retain its volume for a long period of time. But you need to add the tartar towards the end of cooking. In old cookbooks, written at a time when no one had ever heard of soda, it is recommended to add cream of tartar. And so far, despite the abundance of different products on store shelves, chefs have not come up with anything better - cream of tartar can be safely put in first place among other stabilizers.

and grape juice

It is because of the large amount of potassium contained in grape fruits that the substance cream tartar is formed. But grape juice isn't just rich in potassium; it also contains a large number of other substances beneficial to the human body. Moreover, knowledge about the benefits of these berries has been passed down from generation to generation since the times of Ancient Rome. Even then, grapes were used to treat sick livers and lungs, kidneys and colds, and they were used to generally strengthen all body systems.

Modern research has successfully confirmed the ideas of the ancient Romans and Greeks. It turned out that grape fruits contain vitamins B, PP, P, vitamin C, useful for strengthening blood vessels and activating the immune system, beta-carotene and several organic acids. In addition, it contains proteins, carbohydrates and organic fibers. Grapes are not deprived of minerals important for humans: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, cobalt!

Grape juice is especially useful for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. It also tones and gives vigor, therefore it is recommended for use during periods of especially intense mental and physical activity. The juice is absorbed into the blood very quickly due to its high sugar content, so you can drink it at any time of the day. Within half an hour you will be able to feel the invigorating effect. It is noteworthy that all grape varieties have different effects on us.

Thus, light juice has a high iron content and therefore quickly restores strength. And the dark one is most useful for women: the anthocyanin pigment, which gives such juice a rich color, can prevent breast cancer.

How much does cream of tartar cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Cream of tartar can be called an auxiliary product that is actively used in various branches of the food industry. Cream of tartar is most often used as a natural leavening agent in baking. At its core, cream of tartar is nothing more than a crystalline precipitate or wine-potassium and calcium salts, which are released during alcoholic fermentation.

Based on the name, cream of tartar is obtained during the wine production process, namely at the stage of processing and aging of the drink. What is noteworthy is that the salts indicated above are contained in the composition of grapes, i.e. natural raw materials from which wine is made. Tartar accumulates at the bottom of the fermentation vessel.

The salts contained in the grapes do not completely pass into the composition of the wine during the fermentation of natural raw materials and settle to the bottom of the fermentation tank under the influence of alcohol. Tartar also forms at the bottom of the barrel in which new wine is stored and subjected to a second fermentation. After the wine is decanted in barrels, the tartar remains in the form of sediment. Cream of tartar is considered an important technical raw material.

The substance is actively used in the chemical industry to produce tartaric acid. At the same time, cream of tartar is a raw material of natural origin and a by-product of winemaking. Tartar can be safely called a gift from nature and an almost free raw material. It is worth noting that cream of tartar is used not only in the food industry, but also in electroplating, as well as in the chemical, paint and varnish and heavy industries.

It is noteworthy that many modern housewives often use cream of tartar in the process of preparing culinary products, but they simply do not realize it. The compound is included in various baking mixtures. In addition, cream of tartar itself can be used to strengthen whipped egg whites when making pastries. Cream of tartar is also used instead of baking powder. It is believed that cream of tartar is best suited as a replacement for baking powder.

The compound tastes superior to any other substitute and does not form sediment. In the confectionery industry, cream of tartar is used as a food additive that helps give the icing or filling of candies a bright white color. Most often, cream of tartar is used to make meringue cakes and cupcakes. In winemaking, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of cream of tartar, which is used to stabilize wines and also maintain a certain pH. Cream of tartar has a number of useful properties that are used in pharmacological production.

Calorie content of cream of tartar 0.1 kcal

Energy value of cream of tartar (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).


Cream of tartar is one of the mysterious and incomprehensible ingredients whose name you may have come across, but did not know what it is and what it is used for. In the end, its name does not even hint at its use in cooking. On the site you will learn everything about what cream of tartar is and where to buy it, as well as how and why to use it in recipes and what it can be replaced with.

What is cream of tartar?

Cream of tartar is a powdered form of tartaric acid that forms at the bottom of barrels when making wine, used as a raising agent in baking, to stabilize beaten egg whites, and to prevent sugaring in syrups and preserves.

In cooking, this substance is used for three reasons:

  1. To stabilize egg whites by beating them for meringue. This ingredient maintains fluffiness even after baking in the oven.
  2. Acts as a leavening agent in cookies, pancakes and other baked goods without yeast. Cream of tartar is mixed with baking soda and the resulting chemical reaction produces carbon dioxide, which will make the baked goods fluffy.
  3. To prevent sugar crystallization in jams, glazes and syrups. Gives the glaze a creamy texture.

What does tartar look like - photo

Cream of tartar appears as a white, fine powder. Without packaging, it can easily be confused with baking powder.

general description

In fact, cream of tartar is an acidic byproduct from the wine production process. It is found in the lees left in barrels after the wine has been fermented.

This is a mixture of two simultaneously falling salts:

  1. Potassium hydrogen tartrate – KC4H5O6 acidic potassium salt of tartaric acid (food additive E336ii).
  2. Potassium tartrate – K2C4H4O6 average (normal) tartaric acid salt, also food additive E336i.

The purified, powdery white substance is used in cooking. For a long time, cream of tartar was an ingredient in baking powder, but in recent decades it has been replaced by various phosphates.

Other names: cream of tartar, cream of tartar, cream of tartar, potassium bitartrate, cremortartar, potassium alkarrate, sour tartrate, potassium tartrate.

Where to buy cream of tartar

It can sometimes be found in large supermarkets in the spice aisle, under any of the designations above. It is often found among baking powder, baking soda, and baking powder.

The easiest way to buy cream of tartar is in the online organic food store IHerb.

What does cream of tartar smell and taste like?

Cream of tartar is odorless but has a strong acidic taste. It can also have a metallic taste that will be noticeable in dishes if you add more of it than needed.

How to store cream of tartar

If you keep cream of tartar in an airtight container, away from heat, it can keep for a very long time.

So don't worry if you find that you don't even remember when you bought it, but feel free to use it. If stored properly, cream of tartar has an almost unlimited shelf life. When in doubt, examine it and smell it.

Useful properties of cream of tartar

Cream of tartar is not rich in nutrients and only contains potassium. Even though it only contains one mineral, this supplement has some health benefits.

1 teaspoon of cream of tartar provides more than 5% of your daily recommended potassium intake of 495 mg. This is quite a lot for such a small portion size. Our daily requirement for potassium is 3500 mg.

Potassium helps strengthen bones, which helps reduce the risk of stroke.

Many of the beneficial properties of cream of tartar are related to its potassium content. Here are some of them:

  • Treats constipation. Cream of tartar has long been considered an effective laxative. Please note that this will require a fairly high dosage. Since the amount used in cooking is usually very small, you are unlikely to feel this effect.
  • Helps quit smoking. Many people find cream of tartar helpful in breaking this bad habit. Not only is it designed to cleanse the body of nicotine, but it is also said to help curb nicotine addiction. To quit smoking, it is consumed mixed with orange juice. The juice will increase the level of vitamin C, which smokers always lack.
  • Reduces blood pressure. Potassium deficiency leads to high blood pressure, so cream of tartar can reduce it due to its high content of this element. Make sure your high blood pressure is actually caused by a potassium deficiency before taking it for treatment.
  • Treats urinary tract infections. Cream of tartar can affect the pH value of urine, creating an environment unfavorable for bacteria that cause infections.
  • Clears the skin of acne. Cream of tartar removes toxins that cause acne. It is not applied topically but consumed in food and it eliminates the bacteria and toxins that cause acne.
  • Acts as a diuretic. Cream of tartar has long been used by traditional medicine practitioners as a diuretic. It is considered effective for treating edema.

Contraindications (harm) of cream of tartar

Consuming cream of tartar in small quantities does not cause any problems.

High doses are contraindicated in patients with diabetes, acute renal failure, or those taking medications that reduce the kidneys' ability to excrete potassium.

Consuming large amounts of this compound can cause nausea, diarrhea, and digestive system upset.

Use of cream of tartar in cooking

  • One of cream of tartar's most well-known uses in cooking is to stabilize egg whites when whipping them. A pinch of powder added while whipping will increase the formation of bubbles and help quickly create a strong foam. It will also increase the volume of the foam and keep it bright and white. Typically put 1/8 teaspoon per egg white.
  • Cream of tartar is often added to baked goods to help activate the alkaline baking soda.
  • Another way to use cream of tartar in the kitchen is to work with sugar. A pinch of powder added to boiling jam or syrup inhibits the natural tendency of sugar to bind and form crystals (sugarification).
  • Add a pinch of cream of tartar when sautéing vegetables to help them retain their bright, fresh color. The pigments found in red cabbage, potatoes and cauliflower leach and become discolored at high pH. Adding ½ teaspoon of this powder to your cooking water will increase the acidity and prevent color fading.

Cream of tartar is used in the production of sweets, soft drinks, gelatin desserts, and baked goods.

Additionally, this compound acts as a preservative for wine and also helps control the pH of grape juice fermentation.

How to replace cream of tartar in recipes

If a recipe calls for cream of tartar and you don't have it, there are always plenty of alternatives to substitute it.

Use one of these ingredients, each for a different purpose.

For beating egg whites

For recipes that use cream of tartar to stabilize egg whites or prevent crystallization, use an equal amount of white vinegar or lemon juice instead.

In baking

If you're looking for a substitute for cream of tartar in baking, simply use one teaspoon of baking powder instead of 1/3 teaspoon baking soda and 2/3 teaspoon cream of tartar.

For glazes and syrups

No replacement required. If you make jam or syrup that you plan to store for a long time, it may eventually crystallize, but this can be easily remedied by reheating in the microwave or on the stove.

So now you have a complete understanding of what cream of tartar is and how to use it, the biggest surprise about this culinary ingredient is that it has many health benefits.