Prayer for rain. Prayers to Stop Rains for Good Weather Prayer to Cause Intermittent Heavy Rain


Conspiracies and rituals for converting cloudy and rainy weather, on the contrary, into sunny and cloudless weather, are used in many cases, for example, when the weather threatens to spoil the harvest, or harm the human economy and the person himself.

Conspiracies that correct bad weather are an appeal to an already concentrated egregor of weather control. If a magician or a simple person conducting a ceremony to correct the weather has enough personal strength and energy, then the weather will improve.

As a rule, conspiracies to correct bad weather are accompanied by certain rituals.

This plot is designed to stop heavy rain or heavy rain. The stronger the raging element, the more water you will need. It is very good if you have the opportunity to conduct a ritual in a natural reservoir.

You close your eyes and imagine, as in a weather forecast, a map, your city on it, and further, depending on what you need - either the sun over it, or rain.

If you need the sun, you read the plot;

“The sun, the sun, appear Smile to the whole world Give us warmth so that it blooms in the heart so that it sings in the head, spreads throughout the body into the hands, creativity gave the winter cold drove away”

However, when performing any ritual from bad weather, think about the fact that nature also needs rain, and sometimes you have to endure it so that the earth is saturated with moisture and gives a better harvest.

In the past, sorcerers, shamans, witches, magi were able to pronounce the necessary conspiracy from bad weather in order to stop storms, calm the winds, disperse the clouds, and cause sunny warm weather. For many centuries, many techniques have been lost, and people had to re-learn, create new ways to control the weather.

Come to the river, find a good fat frog in the reeds, or maybe a couple, take it by the paws and rotate with it in a circle until you fall with it from dizziness. As soon as you fall, immediately read the plot.

“Queen of the rain frog, order the drops from the sky not to pour anymore. As it stops pouring, so you will have more friends. And with friends you can sit in a hole without melancholy and sadness, let your skin let the rain go"

Release the animal and let it jump wherever it wants! If she jumps to the side, take a long willow rod, start vigorously lashing it over the surface of the water, while reading a plot to pacify the rain:

“Rain is pouring on the ground, beating on the ground. You, earthen water, forbid the sky to flow, take away the clouds, dry the steep. Let it all get better. The sky is dry, the sun is golden. Amen!".

Round dance with a conspiracy from the rain

If you want the weather you need to set, use a good weather spell. Follow the rules: you can not perform the ceremony in a clouded mind (alcohol, smoking), on a full stomach. It is better if several people participate, then this ritual will be much stronger. Usually such rituals are used by people involved in agriculture to grow a rich harvest.

Hold hands and start moving clockwise (round dance), saying a conspiracy for good weather:

“Svarog, master of the sky, Dazhdbog, master of the sun, Veles, divine shepherd, Stribog, conqueror of winds and storms, calm down the forces of nature, protect our economy from mother nature. Yarilo, save our bread, Kupala, collect fruits in the fall. Morena, bury the household under good snow for the winter, Lel, wake up the earth in spring. Let it be so. So".

Having agreed on the plot, stick the rod into the shore of the reservoir and go home.

If the frog remains sitting, then the rain god Ilya the Thunderer is against good weather, then do the ritual described below.

On bare ground, draw a circle and divide it into four parts so that each sector faces one of the four cardinal points.

Himself, reading the plot, the person must stand in the center of this circle.

“Vladyka Almighty, Lord our God, pacify the zealot in the rain, ask the mercy of Elijah the Prophet, obedient to Your holy will, to keep the power of the abundance of rain from Heaven for a while, and give us a bucket, and shine a clear sun. Do not allow famine and death of the fields in the field, the belly of pestilence in cattle and any other beast and all animals. You yourself give food, you yourself cut off the sea from Heaven according to the multitude of your mercy. Save us from the rain quickly and soon. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

“Shine the sun on the evil and the good, and giving a bucket, and fruitful dew, and grateful air for the benefit of Your creation, do not punish us with Your fury: but mercifully multiply the seeds of the earth and its fruits, we pray in repentance, philanthropic Lord, hear and how generous , have mercy. Do not remember our iniquities, Master, if you see iniquity, no one will stand before You: but soon, may Your bounties, O Lord, come before us, as if impoverished vehemently: may the lack of buckets not corrupt us, and may not destroy us to the end, we pray: soon hear and have mercy . Amen"

The most detailed description: a prayer for rain to pour - for our readers and subscribers.

The popularity of conspiracies from the rain

Various conspiracies and rituals that can correct bad weather are now very popular. They are used when bad weather threatens to destroy the crop or can harm the person himself. Before deciding to carry out such a conspiracy, you should think carefully. After all, the weather may not always be sunny and clear. The planet also needs rain and thunderstorms. This is necessary, first of all, in order to saturate the earth with life-giving moisture. Rain conspiracies have been very popular since ancient times. Often they were used by our ancestors in order to disperse the clouds, calm the wind, call the sun. Usually they were performed by sorcerers, shamans. Now a conspiracy from the rain can be carried out by any person.

Rain conspiracy words

As a rule, conspiracies from the rain are a kind of appeal to the egregor of weather control. And if the person who reads the plot has enough personal strength and energy, then the weather can change. If you want to influence the weather with the help of conspiracies, then you must develop your will, strength, and imagination.

If there are prolonged showers and rains, then you can use an interesting conspiracy. First, you will need to catch a large lake frog, take it with your right hand, raise it to the sky and read the words of the conspiracy: “Frog, water queen, order the rain to stop. The rain will stop, you will become warmer! They say that if the frog itself jumps from the palm, then you need to carefully look where exactly it jumped. If the jump was to the left, then the rain will go on. If to the right, then stop. If she jumped straight ahead, then the rain would decrease a little. A bad sign is if the frog continues to sit on the palm of your hand.

Rain conspiracy for summer residents

There is another very interesting rain conspiracy that summer residents can use. It will help stop the rain. This is very important if it rains for a very long time and it can ruin the crop. In this case, you can use this conspiracy. It should not be used for joke or fun. Also, when doing it, you must believe in it.

The words of the conspiracy are:

Now, forever, forever and ever.

Video about a conspiracy from the rain

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prayer for rain

Sukkot is over and it's pouring rain outside.)

The Torah says: "Live in huts for seven days ... so that your generations will know that I settled the children of Israel in huts when I brought them out of the land of Egypt."

The Torah says: “And take for yourself on the first day the fruit of an etrog (citrus tree), palm branches, shoots of myrtle and willows of the river, and rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.” On the seventh day of the feast, the synagogue is circled seven times.

During the festive tour of the synagogue, everyone carries their own set of “arbaa minim” (four types of plants). During prayer in the synagogue, blessings are said over the etrog, lulav (palm branch). Words of gratitude to the Lord God are heard for strength, health, the opportunity to work on their land, creating material conditions for prosperity. But the material should not overshadow the spiritual. To emphasize the futility of accumulating wealth, the Torah tells a Jew to move to a sukkah - a hut, just when it gets cold and it starts to rain.

Sukkot lasts seven days (Tishrei 15-21). Shemini Aceres, which is directly adjacent to Sukkot, adds another day to the holiday. In Shemini Aceres, they begin to pray for rain in the Land of Israel.

Prayer for rain (medieval drink)

1. I will start with a song and thanksgiving words

2. We will sing choirs to You,

3. Praising the greatness of the Lord;

4. We offer you outpourings of the soul

5. Oh, great and eternal God!

6. Answer us, Lord, with refreshing rain!

7. Accept my prayer whisper

8. Listen, Almighty, I call to my

9 And remember the love you have shown.

10. As whitened with gray hair, I stand before You

11. Answer us, Lord, with blessed rain!

12. Remember us for good

13 And show us your generosity

14 Give us mercy

15. And save us from misfortune.

16 Teach us the truthful word.

17 And lead away from trouble

18 Answer us, O Lord, with welcome rain!

19 Command us salvation from above, Lord.

20. When we stand bowed in prayer.

21. Fulfill our request and bless generously.

22. Answer us, Lord, with blessed rain!

23. Listen to my hymns,

24. Let the outpouring of the soul come to you as a sacrificial offering,

25. Raise our eyes from the oppressive depths

26. Answer us, Lord, with joyful rain!

27. Raise and save from death and grief,

28. Let truth lead and joy save

29. Hear our prayers and do not let us weaken

30. Answer us, Lord, with blessed rain!

31. Let our feelings and songs reach you,

32. Instill calm and peace in our souls

33. Answer us, Lord, with life-giving rain!

34. Let our prayers reach you

35. Show us the way of life-

36. The path of joy and happiness.

37. Let us stand before You with a hallelujah song

38. Answer us, Lord, with happy rain!

39. Let the words of my mouth be welcome

40. Accept them today as a pure gift.

41. Don't return our prayers unanswered

42. For You created the heavens and the earth

43. Answer us, Lord, with a rain of goodwill!

44. Give wisdom and rank and give us reason,

35. To comprehend and glorify Your eternity.

46. ​​Today we ask for a rainy year

47. Answer us, Lord, from the vault of heaven!

Conspiracies for good weather for harvest and hunting

For the rain to come

If there is no rain for a long time, then many plants, crops suffer, they can be helped. Read a weather plot late at night over a jar of spring water so that no one sees or hears:

Bring, O Lord, a dark cloud, a cloud of water, a fruitful cloud from behind a dense forest, from behind a high mountain, from behind a wide river, from behind an okian sea, from the island of Buyan, where she sits, they grow their own cloud. So let it be. Amen.

For the bucket to be

If it rains for a long time, then the conspiracy saves from this. Read late at night over a jar of spring water so that no one can see or hear:

Take away, Lord, a dark cloud beyond a dense forest, beyond a high mountain, beyond a wide river, beyond the sea-Okiyan, to the island of Buyan, so that there, with her clouds, with her children and grandchildren, she would not dare to obscure the light of God. So it will be. Amen.

So say twelve times. Then immediately throw all the water out the window.

So that there is no frost, trees and bushes in the garden do not freeze

Frost, frost! Frost, frost! From us those scumbags. Do not beat our oats, but drive flax into the ground until hemp.

Then go out into the yard and pour all the water under a living tree.

For plants to grow well

I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, praying, from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, to the open field, to the eastern country. I will go out and say: goy, you, morning dawn, and you, evening dawn, fall on my rye, and away, so that it grows like a forest, high as an oak tree, thick. Goy thou, hot sun, do not fall and do not burn my vegetable and bread, the servant of God (name), but burn and fall the cockle and wormwood grass. Ripe vegetables, burn weeds. Amen.

Then go out into the yard and throw out all the water under a living tree.

For the hunter to be lucky

They read on the threshold of the house over a jar of running water, before going into the forest to hunt and so that no one sees, seven times:

I, the servant of God (name), into the forest, and the beast came to me: elk, hare, bear meat and the whole forest army, so that I, the slave (name), take home. Amen.

Then drink three sips of water, and sprinkle yourself with the rest.

So that the medicinal herbs that you collect give strength

Before going to the forest for medicinal herbs, you need to take a cup of spring water and read over it so that no one sees or hears, three times:

Mother Earth, help tear up grass for the sake of

every favor, for the sake of every health.

The sky is the father, the earth is the uterus, wherever it suits, there

From the ground, grass is a root. What is she good for?

that's the benefit. Amen.

And then spray all over yourself and also that basket where you will put the grass.

Prayer for the cessation of rain

“Two years ago we got into debt by buying a farm. We pay terrible interest, the whole family works without rest, and as a result, a good harvest died due to heavy rains. Please write a prayer for heavy rains.

With respect and hope, the Kurkin family.

Lord Almighty, Lord our God, pacify the zealot in the rain, ask the mercy of Elijah the Prophet, obedient to Your holy will, to keep the power of the abundance of rain from Heaven for a while longer, and give us a bucket, and shine a clear sun. Do not allow famine and death of the fields in the field, the belly of pestilence in cattle and any other beast and all animals. You yourself give food, you yourself cut off the sea from Heaven according to the multitude of your mercy. Save us from the rain quickly and soon. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Read this and then maybe it will rain;))

Prayer during rainlessness (drought)

(creation of Callistus, Patriarch of Constantinople)

Master Lord our God, listening to Elijah the Thesbite, for the sake of jealousy for You, and during the time of the rain sent to the earth, refrain from commanding, even more, with his prayer, fruitful rain bestowing on her: Himself, Lord of all, from Your very goodness we diminish, rain is free to give to Your inheritance, and having sinned against us, send down your rains on those who demand and ask for a place: rejoice on the face of the earth, the poor for the sake of your people, and babies and cattle, and all others, they look forward to you, and give food to them at a good time. You are our God, the God of mercy and siasati, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

For the rain to come

If there is no rain for a long time, then many plants, crops suffer, they can be helped. Read late at night over a jar of spring water so that no one can see or hear:

Bring, Lord, a dark cloud, a cloud of water, a fruitful cloud because of the dense forest, because of the high mountain, because of the wide river, because of the sea-okiyana, from the island of Buyan, where she sits, they grow their clouds. So let it be. Amen.

So to speak twelve times, but the main thing is not to stumble, otherwise there will be no sense. And then throw all the water out the window.


We came to you, Mother Water,

With a hanging and with a guilty head.

Forgive us too

Water grandfathers and great-grandfathers!


God forbid, I will rain in thick reins!

Water all day

On a man's oats

On girlish buckwheat

On baby millet!

Rain, rain, more

Rainbow arc, bring us rain!

185. Conspiracy from drought

You, Perun, spread across the sky like lightning!

You, Mother of Cheese-Earth, part!

How the evil sorcerer sprawled under the ground,

His tongue stretched out to the crown of his head.

5. Heavenly clouds pass by,

On the sorcerer's evil

It does not rain on seven fields.

How do I take, the grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name],

From an aspen tree a branchy branch,

15. Filthy lips do not speak,

Droughts are not suggestive! Goy!

186. Conspiracy-call of rain

1. Rain, rain, water

And glorify Dazhdbog!

3. It will be empty in the sky,

And the field is thick! Goy!

187. Conspiracy to rain (1)

1. Fat beef walking across the sky,

Walking in the sky, and the milk,

3. Rain milk -

On a living on gold,

5. To live, to be kind! Goy!

188. Conspiracy to rain (2)

Give me, God, I'll rain

In thick reins!

Water all day

5. On the woman's rye,

On a man's oats

On girlish buckwheat

On baby millet!

Rain, rain, more

10. Give the bread thicker! Goy!

189. Conspiracy to rain (3)

On Makoshina rye,

3. On Veles wheat,

5. Water with a bucket! Goy!

192. Conspiracy to rain (6)

To make it rain, they pour water on a stone, say the words:

1. Water on a stone,

And the rain on the field!

3. From an unknown mountain, a stone,

With invisible steep rain! Goy!

193. Conspiracy to rain (7)

To make it rain, they catch a ladybug, throw it up to the sky, say the words:

Fly to Heaven

Svarog is looking for you

5. Ask God

On mother's rye

On grandfathers barley -

10. Top up all day! Goy!

194. Plot for rain (8)

1. Rain, rain, more!

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A conspiracy from the rain, a conspiracy to calm the rain - stop

A conspiracy from the rain to calm the rain - stop, a conspiracy for summer residents.

This conspiracy is for summer residents to stop the rain from falling.

If it rains for too long and can ruin your harvest, you can read this plot. You can’t indulge in this conspiracy, stop the rain for the sake of laughter.

Plots only work if there can be a real threat to the crop.

Well, and, of course, you must believe in him, and say the words of the conspiracy on the machine - so you will not succeed.

Conspiracies work only for those who believe in them, and not for skeptics. Read all the conspiracies in secret from everyone.

“Ilya the Prophet, God is waiting for you - go to Him and take the rain with you.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

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Prayer for rain

In the days of a sultry drought, Orthodox Christians pray to the Lord God for rain to fall. The crop is dying, the native land is cracking. It is especially difficult for the elderly.

Many of us live off the garden.

In the outback, wages are low, so the garden is almost the last hope.

I endlessly hope that this summer will not become dry.

If you live in a village where there is no Orthodox Church, there is no way to light candles.

Looking at the sky, mentally ask Jesus Christ to let the blessed rain come and sprinkle all life on the sinful Earth.

Being in the hut (in the house), again, if available, put the icon of the Lord God.

Light any number of candles.

Read the following prayer over and over again.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Do not destroy our souls with trial, put an end to sinful punishments. Make it so that the rain falls drop by drop, the harvest rises and the hunger is satisfied. We turn our eyes to you in hope, we forgive all our helpless enemies. Do not leave the slaves who are desperately scurrying about, completely crying out to you about the rain. May your will be done now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Baptize diligently. You blow out the candles.

Pray until the Lord hears you.

The rain will fall like a grace-filled absolution.

Live in joy!

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Prayers in the rain

Editorial . These prayers came to us with the following cover letter: “Brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers! I am sending you a selection of prayers for the drought, which was made and made available to us by a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and just a wonderful person Olga Anatolyevna Zheglova, God bless her.

Let us pray collectively, like our ancestors, Orthodox Christians, for the sending of rain on the Russian Land, languishing from drought. Sincerely, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Omofor Foundation, Major General Alexander Vladimirovich Cherkasov.

Creation of Calliast, Patriarch of Constantinople

Master, Lord, our God, having listened to Elijah the Thysvitian for the sake of jealousy for You, and during the time of the rain sent to the earth, hold on to the commanding, even more, with his prayer, bestow fruitful rain on her: we implore the Lord of all from Your very goodness, the rain is free to give to Your inheritance: and despising us who have sinned Send down Thy rains on the one who demands and asks for a place: rejoice on the face of the earth, the poor for the sake of Thy people, and babies, and cattle, and all others; You are our God, God, to have mercy and save, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord God the Almighty, raise clouds from the last of the earth, creating lightning in the rain, bring forth winds from Your treasures, call on the water of the sea, and shed it on the face of the whole earth: We pray to You, and have mercy on You, confessing our sins, and from You rich mercy asking: commandment with a cloud to rain rain, have mercy on all your earthly things, have mercy on the elders, and youths, and babies, suckling breasts, on the servants of the earth, let us bring bread into food, and cereal to cattle, accept the prayer of all your people, and do not reject sighing the poor, rebuke us below with Your wrath, punish us below with Your anger, let Your people corrupt with hunger and thirst: for all eyes trust in you, take food from you at a good time. We hope for you, and unless we know otherwise from You, we expect rich mercy from You. For God is good and philanthropist, and we send glory to You, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Thou art commanding the earth to produce various fruits; to our delight, for the sins of the people who lived under Noah, you opened the sources of the abyss and the abyss of heaven, flooded the face of the earth to the destruction of all flesh. Thou art covering Thy most exalted with waters. You raise the clouds, and command the raindrops to emit drops. You raise up the water of the sea, and pour it out on the face of the earth. You determine the rains, and send plentiful rains, and fill the rivers of water, and water the earth, and drink its reins, for the multiplication of its beautiful fruits, you divide the sea and the river, making it passable, and making water from a stone, and water sorrow into sweetness preposable. The watery nature knows its Creator, knows its Lord, but does not know its proper service. As soon as he sees Thee, Lord, angry at us, or immeasurably movable, he does death, or is kept hidden, and dryness and fiery air happens, and earthly vegetation fades, and we fall into the hand of trouble. But if he still sees you, the Lover of God, he is benevolent and benevolent, he prepares the rains, and the clouds descend on the earth, and the air is pleasing, and the earth, having heard your command, vegetates abundant fruits from its bowels. We pray to you, the Creator and Creator of all, saying: have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: remember, as the works of your hands, we are; See the groaning of the birds, the crying of cattle, the crying of babies, the cry of youths, the distress of old, the deprivation of orphans, the solitude of widows, the wretched lack, and all Your people a voice of prayer, and visit the earth, and intoxicate it with fat rains: sputum is more depriving, withering with its squalid vegetation , but to men it abhors destruction to cattle. Bringing destruction with water sometimes, you remembered Noah, who was carried in the ark, from these immeasurable waters: you remembered him, and birds and cattle, and animals, and crawling ones, and you brought the wind on the earth, and the water stopped: and Noah, and animals with him as if you had kept the seed, into the existence of the second world; and now the air containing dryness threatens us with death. Remember the people who trust in You: remember the birds, remember the cattle, and bring the spirit of dew, and let the dryness cease, and create the seeds of the earth to feed people and animals: and all packs of Your care. Thou art vegetating grass for cattle, cereal for the service of men: and thou bring forth bread from the earth and exude wine, and anoint the human face with oil: as if the good things given from Thee partake in abundance, in gladness of the heart we glorify Thy goodness, the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever, amen.

Master Lord Jesus Christ our God, bringing everything from non-existence into existence with His verb, taking dust from the earth, and creating a man, and with a soul of words and in Your image, respect him, and river: grow and multiply, and fill the earth; give food to cattle and chicks of crows. You, in the days of Your great and saving coming in the flesh, first of all seven, then with five loaves, thou satiated many with thousands: Himself, the all-good Lord, and Your people who call on Your Most Holy Name, richly nourish Your all-powerful and great-giving right hand. Look, O Lord, on Thy wretched people, opening Thy hand, and satisfying every animal of goodwill, have mercy on all of us mercifully. You are more, Lord, Lover of mankind, you alone are the Father of all of us, and we raise our eyes to You alone, like babies to their mother. Yours is the word, Most Good Lord: ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find. Give to those who ask now, Lord, with spiritual food and necessary for the flesh, and nourish your hungry people, rains are timely and the goodness of the air, and various fruits, grant the abundance of the earth: in weakness and destruction, and ogevitz, and in the ailments of various distressed visit. Deliver, Lord, Thy name calling every city and country from famine, destruction, earthquake, flood, fire, sword and murder, grant us Thy mercy, the grace of Your Father without beginning and consubstantial and Your Most Holy and One and Only Spirit: prayers and prayers of the Most Blessed Mother of God, Thy divine-speaking apostles, and all Thy saints, amen.

Lord Jesus Christ our God, for the sake of our salvation, wear the willful flesh, may you glorify the wonderfully verbal nature, with Your inexpressible goodness and goodness, and in true knowledge of those who turn from the depths of sinfulness, forgive me: when they look to You with humility, like a slave, fulfilling Your divine commandments then with boldness they will be able to have Thee, the God of Merciful and Merciful. Now, therefore, leave all our iniquities, and incline Your ear to us, and hear us humble and sinners, as sometimes Thou didst hear the Thesbite Elijah, as if with a single verb bind heaven to the chastity of these rebellious people: even so, the usual philanthropy, using the clouds commanded, the earth Thou didst drink all the good water: now and now pack with prayers and warm prayers of that Thy saint, despise our iniquities and sins, and accept our prayers, and hear us in this hour of warmth praying to You and resolve this earthly dryness, for the sake of confession and the cry of Your people , and send down on us good rain, as if we were satisfied with water and our land will give fruit at the right time for our food, and dumb animals. Hey, Lord our God, hear us sinners; and your unworthy servants, and do not despise our prayer, and let not our iniquity be conquered by your mercy, but incline, Lord, your ear, and hear us. See contrition and have mercy, see from Thy holy dwelling, see the sigh of the poor; see the immature age of babies, exhausted with the greatest thirst. See the angerless babies, see the wombs of the mother, see the dried-out breasts of the slaughtered babies, see the aged and young men, and despise our sins, even in knowledge and not in knowledge, even in the mind and thought, and do not reject us to the end. We do not thirst for water alone, but also for the darkness of other evils, for our sins: and we see to You, let the rain fall on us the most ripe and abundant, and Your righteous anger will set this fierce captivity. We ask both of you, and we pray to You, Humane, that fill our wells and fields with water, fill our spiritual fields with satiety, and fulfill Your goodness: and wells, that is, our hearts, with joy and unspeakable joy and joy, intoxicate and set the unbearable that is upon us the desire of evil adversaries. Thou art the Liberator of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Good, Lover of mankind, Lord, who made the earth with a single word, and from it created a man, follow this fallen man with inexpressible love for mankind, and was perceived and sanctified as a slave to sin, as if the work of Your hands will not perish until the end, giving to this and His commandments in memory of Your coming and Your commands, and Divine incarnation. Thou didst work the same, and labored, and hungered and thirsted, fulfilling all for us: he entered the ship, and walked on the sea, and curbed the waves of divia and the greenness of the winds, and endured all the suffering, even to the Cross and death: yes in Thou didst not suffer, and Thou hast been tempted, help us who are weak. Even now, the Holy King, our impotence humanely perceived, have mercy on us who are overwhelmed zealously, and who are exhausted by poverty: grant us Thy goodness, intoxicate our land with pure water, to its fruitfulness, grant useful air to us. And as sometimes Thou didst save Thy immersed disciples from the sea, and the greenness of the winds: so now save us from the situation that contains us. Satisfy now the ferocity of the sea, tame the opposing spirits by Your divine command: give us peace and repose from the mournful. Her Lord Jesus Christ our God, see and look from Your holy dwelling on this vine, and complete it, plant it with Your right hand, and give the right Spirit to deliverance from the misfortunes that come upon us, by the prayers of Mother who gave birth to You, and all Your saints, amen .

Prayers in a drought for the gift of rain

It is said about this saint: "pray, and the sky will give rain." The feast of Elijah the prophet itself at such a time of the year when rain is especially needed. They pray to him for the gift of rain.

O laudable and marvelous prophet of God Elijah, shining on the earth with your life equal to the angels, with the most ardent zeal for the Lord Bose the Almighty, and also glorious signs and wonders, the same, by the extreme goodwill of God to you, supernaturally raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh to Heaven, worthy of to talk with the Savior of the world who was transfigured on Tabor, and now in the heavenly villages abide unceasingly and stand before the Throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinners and indecent ones, at this hour standing before your holy icon and diligently resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Lover of God, may he give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with his all-powerful grace, may he help us to leave the path of wickedness, and prosper in every good deed; may it strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts; May the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the Glory of God and the salvation of others, plant in our hearts. Abolish with your prayers, prophet, the evil customs of the world, moreover, the pernicious and corrupting spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox Faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and for the commandments of the Lord, disrespect for the parent and those in power, and overthrowing people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and destruction. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous wrath of God and deliver all the cities and villages of our Fatherland from lack of rain and famine, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine strife. Strengthen with your prayers, most glorious, our powers that be in the great and difficult feat of government, prosper them in all good deeds and undertakings to establish peace and truth in our country. Assist the Christ-loving army in the war with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our shepherd, holy zeal for God, heartfelt care for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength, in temptations, ask the judges impartiality and selflessness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, all those in command, care for subordinates , mercy and justice, but humility and obedience to the authorities and diligent performance of their duties; yes, having lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He is worthy of honor and worship with His Father without beginning and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

In the flesh, an angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, glorious Elijah, from above sending Eliseev grace, driving away illnesses and cleansing lepers; the same and honoring him sharpens healing.

We magnify you, holy glorious prophet of God Elijah, and honor your glorious ascent on a chariot of fire.

Saint Nikita of Novgorod

Novgorod owes him its miraculous salvation from two disasters - from a long drought and from a terrible fire.

Oh, the bishop of God, Saint Nikito! Hear us sinners, today flocking to this sacred temple, and worshiping your honest image, and falling down to your sacred race, and crying out with tenderness: as if sitting on the throne of hierarchship in this Great Newgrad, and with a single lack of rain, prayer brought down the rain, and packs I’ll obsessed this city with a fiery flame, gave you a prayer of deliverance, so now we pray to you, O saint of Christ Nikito: pray to the Lord, to save the reigning cities, this Great Novgorod and all cities and Christian countries from coward, flood, gladness, fire, hail , the sword and from all the enemies visible to the invisible, as if we were saving for the sake of your prayers, we glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Martyr Paraskeva, called Pyatnitsa

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in Rus' is revered as a patroness and assistant in agricultural affairs, in family needs, they also pray to her for the gift of rain when there is a thunderstorm or hail.

O holy and blessed Paraskevo, the martyr of Christ, beautifully virginal, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirror, wise surprise, Christian guardian of faith, accuser of idol flattery, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the commandments of the Lord, worthy to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the devil of your Bridegroom Christ God lightly rejoicing, adorned with the crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, be sorrowful for us to Christ God, and with His most blessed sight, be glad; pray to the All-Merciful, even with a word, open the eyes of the blind, may he save us from the disease of our eyes, both bodily and spiritual; kindle with your holy prayers the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace with our spiritual and bodily eyes; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God's grace, so that for the sake of your holy prayers, sweet sight will be given to the innocent. O great saint of God! O most courageous girl! O strong martyr Saint Paraskevo! With your holy prayers, be our sinful helper, intercede and pray for the accursed and negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for we are very weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, and help with your prayers, the darkness of sin is gone, in the light of true faith and deeds of the Divine, we will enter into the light of the eternal day of the never-ending, into the city of joy forever, into now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorify and sing with all the Heavenly Forces the Trisagionary One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

All about religion and faith - "prayer for the rain to stop" with a detailed description and photos.

Prayer for the cessation of rain

“Natalya Ivanovna, two years ago we got into debt by buying a farm. We pay terrible interest, the whole family works without rest, and as a result, a good harvest died due to heavy rains. Please write in your book a prayer for heavy rains.

Prayer for the cessation of rain

“Two years ago we got into debt by buying a farm. We pay terrible interest, the whole family works without rest, and as a result, a good harvest died due to heavy rains. Please write a prayer for heavy rains.

With respect and hope, the Kurkin family.

Lord Almighty, Lord our God, pacify the zealot in the rain, ask the mercy of Elijah the Prophet, obedient to Your holy will, to keep the power of the abundance of rain from Heaven for a while longer, and give us a bucket, and shine a clear sun. Do not allow famine and death of the fields in the field, the belly of pestilence in cattle and any other beast and all animals. You yourself give food, you yourself cut off the sea from Heaven according to the multitude of your mercy. Save us from the rain quickly and soon. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayers



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Prayer during many days of heavy rains

Lord have mercy (3 times)

Prayers for good weather

Prayer in the dark

Master, Lord, our God, listening to Elijah the Thesvitian for the sake of his zeal for Your glory, and during the time of the rain sent to the earth, hold on to the commanding, even more fruitful rain bestowed by his prayer: Himself, Lord of all, from Your very mercy, we implore, the rain is free to give to Your inheritance, and having sinned by us, despised, Thy rains are sent down on the one demanding and asking for a place; rejoice on the face of the earth, the poor for the sake of Your people, babies, and cattle and others of all Your creations, since everyone expects to receive food from You at a good time. Thou art our God, a God who is merciful and saving, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

In addition, the peasants always prayed for rain to the holy prophet of God Elijah (Comm. 2 August)

Prayer to the prophet Elijah

O laudable and marvelous prophet of God Elijah, shining on the earth with your life equal to the angels, with the most ardent zeal for the Lord God Almighty, and also glorious signs and wonders, even by the extreme goodwill of God to you, transcendently raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh to heaven, worthy of conversing with transformed on Tabor by the Savior of the world, and now in the heavenly villages unceasingly abide and stand before the throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinners and indecent ones, at this hour standing before your holy icon and diligently resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Lover of God, may He give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins and with His all-powerful grace, may He help us leave the paths of wickedness, prosper in every good deed, may He strengthen us in the fight against our passions and lusts, may we plant in our hearts the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and one's neighbors. Abolish with your prayers, prophet, the evil customs of the world, moreover the pernicious and corrupting spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and for the commandments of the Lord, disrespect for the parent and those in power, and overthrowing people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and destruction. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous wrath of God and deliver all the cities and villages of our fatherland from lack of rain and famine, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine strife. Strengthen with your prayers, most glorious, our powers that be in the great and difficult feat of government, prosper them in all good deeds and undertakings to establish peace and truth in our country. Assist the Christ-loving army in the war with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our shepherd, holy zeal for God, heartfelt care for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength in temptations, ask judges for impartiality and selflessness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, for all those in charge, care for subordinates, mercy and justice, but obedience to subordinates and zeal for their obedience. Yes, having lived in peace and piety in this age, let us be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves honor and worship with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion of the Prophet Elijah, voice 4

In the flesh, the Angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second Forerunner of the coming of Christ, the glorious Elijah, who sent from above to Eliseus, and the grace to drive away ailments and purify lepers, the same and honors him with healing.

Prayer for an end to rainy weather

Prayer during many days of heavy rains

With compunction, bow our knees, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord have mercy (3 times)

Master, Lord, our God, listened to the plea of ​​your prophet Elijah in ancient times, and hedgehog hold back the rain for a while: and now the philanthropic Creator, and the merciful Lord, look upon us as humble and unworthy servants of Your humble prayers, and as if generously despise our sins, and having been implored by Your samago of philanthropy, give a bucket to Your possessions, and the sun shine on those who demand and ask for mercy from You: rejoice on the face of the land of the poor for the sake of Your people, the baby and cattle and other all animals, you saturate them with Your good pleasure, and give food to them in good time. Hey, Lord our God, do not reject our prayer in vain, shame us from our aspirations below, but spare us according to Thy mercy, and visit us with Thy bounties: for our days disappear in vain, and our stomach becomes impoverished in sickness: do not destroy us for the sake of iniquities ours, in the image of indignation into Thy wrath, we have attracted on ourselves: but do with us according to Thy quietness, and according to the multitude of Thy mercy, with a contrite soul, and in a humble spirit before You, we bow down, and as if a servant is indecent, moreover, worthy of a greater punishment, in repentance with tenderness We cry to you: we have sinned and lawless, and have sinned in everything, transgressing Your commandments, and for this sake of everything, even lead us, lead with truth and judgment: but not to the end of corruption, betray us to smoothness and perdition, let a water storm drown us below : but in the wrath of mercy remember, and for the sake of Thy bounty for the sake of mercy, and your creation and the work of Thy hands, as if good, have mercy, and soon deliver from all evil.

Yours is there, to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Have mercy on us, God, according to Thy great mercy: Gather water in clouds from the end of the earth, hold me by Thy behavior, and let the bucket on the earth, we pray with tenderness, the all-merciful Master, hear and mercifully have mercy. Calling on the water of the sea, and keep this pack with your almighty power, and enlighten the heavenly, in repentance we pray mercifully, Lord, hear and have mercy on humanity. Let the bucket free, Lord, on the earth, and soon deliver us from decay, we pray with a painful heart, hear and have mercy generously. Visit the earth, and multiply its life: vegetate to pasture cattle, and grass to serve man: have mercy on men and cattle, and forbid the useless rainfall, the sun will rise in time on the earth, and multiply its fruits, commanded: we pray to the merciful Lord, hear and like have mercy. As the eyes of a servant are in the hand of their masters, so our eyes look at you, our God, by faith, until you have mercy on us: the same do not destroy us with immeasurable sputum: but mercifully look at us with a bucket, and generously have mercy.

Shine the sun on the evil and the good, and giving a bucket, and fruitful dew, and grateful air for the benefit of Your creation, do not punish us with Your fury: but mercifully multiply the seeds of the earth and its fruits, we pray in repentance, philanthropic Lord, hear and have mercy as if generously . Do not remember our iniquities, Master, if you see iniquity, no one will stand before You: but soon may Your bounties, Lord, come before us, as if impoverished: let not the lack of water corrupt us, and let us not destroy us to the end, we pray: hear soon and have merciful mercy . Amen.


Brothers and sisters! December 25 - the glorification of the lamp of Orthodoxy of St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky. The prayerful help of the saint was felt by millions of believers around the world. Submit a note for a prayer service for the holiday of Spyridon Trimifuntsky for yourself, your family, relatives and friends.

Prayer for the rains to stop

Brothers and sisters! Understand correctly, if the rain does not stop, then this will be the hungriest year in history without war and revolutions. In the city, this is practically not noticeable, because. it’s just that the bad weather dragged on, drainage systems were made everywhere, plums from the roofs and asphalt everywhere, the result will be clear only in October. At the moment, the countryside of the middle lane is experiencing great difficulties - water is just everywhere, nothing grows in flooded gardens and fields, even hay for cattle cannot be prepared, cars get stuck on dirt roads, roads are washed away no worse than spring floods. If we do not start praying now, then in October we will eat, only everything is imported - you can imagine the prices.

During the prayer service in our church, the sun came out and a ray of sun fell on the worshipers (see photo).

Naturally, such a prayer is not limited to one day, but ends according to the result of the end!

I invite everyone to a common prayer for an end to heavy rains!

Master, Lord, our God, of old, the zealot Elijah the prophet, listened to your prayer, and hedgehog for a while hold back the rain of good will: and now the human-loving Creator and merciful Lord, look upon us as Your humble and unworthy servants, accept our humble prayers, and as generously despise our sins and having begged from the samago of Your philanthropy, give a bucket to Your inheritance, and shine the sun on those who demand and ask for mercy from You, rejoice on the face of the land of the poor for the sake of Your people, the baby and cattle and other all animals, they also saturate with Your good will and give food to them in good time. Hey, Lord our God, do not reject our prayer in vain, shame us from our hope, but spare us according to Your mercy, and visit us with Your bounties, for our vain days disappear, and our stomach becomes impoverished in sickness: do not destroy us, the iniquities for our sakes, in the image of your indignation and rage, you attracted on yourself: but do with us according to your quietness, and according to the multitude of your mercy, we bow down before you with a contrite soul and a humble spirit, and as if a servant of indecency, or more worthy of a great execution, in repentance with tenderness we cry out to you: we have sinned and transgressed, and transgressed in everything, and your commandments are transgressing, and for this sake everything, even if you lead us, guide us with truth and judgment: but not to the end of corruption, betray us to smoothness and destruction, let him drown us below a storm of water: but in the anger of mercy remember, and for the sake of Thy bounty for the sake of mercy, and Thy creation and the work of Thy hands, as Good, have mercy, and soon deliver from all evil. Amen.


Prayer during rainlessness (drought) (creation of Callistus, Patriarch of Constantinople)

Master, Lord, our God, listening to Elijah the Thesbite for the sake of jealousy for You,

and in the time of the rain that is sent to the earth, command to be restrained,

even with his prayer, fruitful rain bestowed on her:

Himself, the Lord of all, we diminish from Your very goodness, the rain is free to give to Your inheritance,

and having sinned against us, send down your rains on the one who demands and asks for a place: rejoice on the face of the earth, the poor for the sake of your people,

and babies and cattle, and all others, they look forward to you, every time you give them food at a good time.

You are our God, the God of mercy and siasati, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

During a lack of water (continuous rains)

Master, Lord, our God, of old the zealot Elijah, Thy prophet, who listened to prayer,

and hedgehog for a time hold back the deceitful rain: and now the philanthropic creator, and the merciful Lord,

look down on us, your humble and unworthy servants, humble prayers, and as if generously despise our sins,

and having been begged from Your philanthropy Samago, give a bucket to Your property,

and shine the sun on those who demand and ask for mercy from You:

gladden the face of the land of the poor for the sake of your people, but the baby and the cattle and other all animals, which you satisfy with your good pleasure, and give food to them at a good time.

Yes, Lord our God, do not reject our prayer in vain, lower our despair to shame, but spare us according to Thy mercy,

and visit with Thy bounties, for the vain days of napsh disappear, and our stomach becomes impoverished in sickness.

Do not destroy us, therefore, for our iniquities, in the image of Your indignation and anger on ourselves attracted: but deal with us according to Your quietness, and according to the multitude of Your mercy.

Behold, with a contrite soul, and in a humble spirit we fall down before You,

and as if a servant of indecency, more than a great execution worthy of repentance, tenderly crying out to you: you have sinned and lawless and sinned in everything, and transgressing your commandments, and for this all, even if you direct us, direct with truth and judgment: but not to the end of corruption, smooth betray us to perdition, let a water storm drown us below: but remember mercy in anger, and for the sake of Thy mercies have mercy,

and your creation and the work of your hands, as good, have mercy,

and deliver from all evil soon.

Yours is a hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the cessation (of calming down) of thunder and lightning

Again from You, Lord, Lover of mankind, Lord, teaching,

again the prayers of the unworthy servants, who know that no matter how great (there were) many sins, but (as much) they are exceeded by Your unmemorable mercy!

Therefore, we pray to Thee: turn away from us Thy mighty nay, so that You will not be angry with us forever, but by Thy mercy, revive us with Thy bounties.

Lord our God, who sends thunder and stops lightning and does everything for the preservation of Your creations!

Look after Your love for mankind and deliver us from all sorrow, anger and need and real fear, for You, Lord, have warmed from heaven and multiplied lightning, and frightened us.

Merciful Lord! we run to you

put a stop to Thy hai and send down the rich of Thy mercy upon us and have mercy on Thy servants, as a good and philanthropist, may not the fire of Thy anger burn us

and let not the power of Thy lightning and thunder destroy us, but according to Your characteristic mercy, Thy hai, calm down and place silence in the air and dissect the surrounding darkness with the rays of the sun and make the clouds calm.

For You are a merciful, generous and loving God

and to you we offer praise to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the cessation of strong winds, sea storms and waves of water

Master Lord our God!

By Thy hypostatic and eternal Word and Thy Life-Giving and equally honorable Spirit Thou hast created everything that exists out of nothing:

he laid the sand as the boundary of the sea, he put mountains and valleys in order, he measured the sky with a span, he put the dust of the earth in measure, he gave all visible and invisible and sensible creation a measure and order, boundaries and connections and organization.

With Your wave, You inexpressibly determine the change of times,

the rotation of the sun and the mixing of the elements, all leading to the spiritual and unshakable.

Himself, the all-good King, applying Your usual love of mankind and goodness to us,

visit the works of Thy hands, and take not Thy mercies and Thy bounties away from us, and,

You who Himself created us inexpressibly in Your image, do not destroy Your covenant.

You gave Your Only Begotten Son for our salvation and sent down the Spirit through the inexpressible unity of Your Divine Being,

Forgive, we beseech Thee, the multitude of sins according to the exceeding multitude of Thy mercies.

You washed the sin of our kind with the Cross and Blood of Your Son,

return to its normal state and see Your creation, which has come down to unnatural humiliation, due to the unnatural recklessness and ugliness of our lawless and evil life.

Show us the usual silence of this great sea and calm the current storm and the excitement of the air;

commanded the winds to blow in time and calmly;

calm the waves of the sea and the unnatural movement of the winds,

- may the stormy wind stop and all the agitation come to silence, so that again the sailors (sailors) can see Your deeds and miracles.

Calm the sea, Lord of mankind, according to Your unparalleled love for mankind.

At Your command, Your Only Begotten Son and our Lord Jesus Christ deigned to be a man and accompany His Holy disciples and Apostles in navigation, calming the stormy wind and sea waves.

Himself, Lord, and now calm every contrary wind, calm the excitement,

stop the storm and the necessary and useful winds and times have gone again, the Ruler and Helper, being everywhere Your servants, guiding them to the harbor of salvation, for they only know Your name and do not know any other God besides You, and they always resort to Your help, through prayers and supplications Blessed Mother of God, God-like Angels and all Saints, and the goodwill and mercy of Your Only Begotten Son, with whom You are blessed and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for safe well digging

Lord our God, Almighty and Omnipotent, do everything and transform, just like you want:

Even in the impassable passage find, inexpressible and incomprehensible wisdom:

Even from a dry stone to water giving mother-in-law streams, and your thirsty people are satiating:

Thyself and now, Lord of all, hear the prayer of us, Thy unworthy servants,

and grant us water in this place, sweet and tasty,

rather poor for consumption, harmless for acceptance:

as if in this we glorify your most holy and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before planting trees

Lord our God, who in the beginning created heaven and earth

and he adorned the sky with great luminaries to illuminate the earth and greatness, but he bestowed on the earth an adornment of cereals and herbs and various seeds sown (each) according to its kind, and planting flowering trees, and blessed them!

Thyself and now, Master, look from Thy holy habitation to the garden of this possession and to the trees planted in it, and with Thy blessing bless them and keep them completely intact from all charm, cunning, malice of evil people and all evil, and let him safely grow up to bring in a timely manner fruit;

drive away from him by the power of Your blessing every beast, reptile, worms, flies, aphids, locusts, drought, burning and timeless winds that bring harm.

For You alone are the God of mercy and bounty, and to You we offer praise to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the consecration of seeds at the beginning of sowing

Lord our God, from the most pure and richest of Your hand,

the seed alms presented before your eyes, Lord,

and to this we entrust ourselves to you, we pray: do not close this with laughers in the soulless bowels of the earth, otherwise we will not look at the commandment of Your majesty, commanding the birth and vegetation of the earth, and the date of seeds to the sower and bread for food.

And now we pray to You, our God, hear us who pray to You, and open to us Your great treasure, and good, and heavenly, and pour out Your blessing, until we are satisfied with Your unfalse promise,

and banish from us all that devours our earthly fruit, and every punishment that is righteously inflicted on us, sin for our sakes:

and Thy rich bounty sent down on all Thy people, by the grace and love of Thy only-begotten Son, blessed be Thou with Him,

and with your most holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer while walking around the sown field

Almighty and eternal God, who created the world out of nothing, (by His power) holding it in space and commanded to cultivate the earth for the existence of the human race!

We earnestly resort to Your mercy:

bless with your merciful eye all the healthy seeds sown and planted in these fields and vegetable gardens (vineyards);

Grant calmness of the air and make the seeds fruitful, saving them from overgrowth with thorns and tops (wild herbs)

and let them come in full force at the appointed time, so that we, Your servants, being satisfied with Your ripe fruits,

Worthy glorification could always be brought to you, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the preservation of crops from worms and birds

To you, Lord, we pray: hear our prayers,

and let us be delivered by Thy mercy, for the glory of Thy name,

now it is just for our sins that have been destroyed and suffering real distress from birds, worms, mice, moles and other animals, from all of them,

– and driven far from this place by Your power, let them not harm anyone,

- these fields and waters and gardens will be left in complete peace, so that everything that grows and is born in them will serve to Your glory.

and helped our needs,

for all the angels praise you and we bring glory to you to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before planting a swarm of bees in a new hive

Almighty and eternal God, containing all creation in His right hand, possessing heaven and earth and all that is in them, and generously giving to the created everything useful to him!

We fervently pray to you, O All-good One: as you once deigned to give the Israelites a land rich in honey and milk, and to feed your John the Baptist with wild honey in the wilderness,

- so now, with Your merciful eye, bless this bee-keeper and its hives for the food of life, multiply bees in it and, preserving them by Your grace, grant us an abundance of honey, may this bee-keeper not be deprived of Your bee creations, but always full of honeycombs, and by Your great mercy and irresistible power, let it not be overcome by many misfortunes and shaken by sinful conspiracies, but surrounded by Your all-powerful fortress and host (angelic), be safe from all evil magic and always unharmed in Your, Christ, power.

For it is Your nature to have mercy and save us, Christ our God, and to You we offer praise with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

Prayer for the multiplication of bees

God, You render help to human labors through dumb animals, and by Your inexpressible mercy You taught us to use the fruits and deeds of the bees for our needs,

We humbly pray to you Almighty:

bless these bees and multiply them for the benefit of people, preserving and nourishing them, so that everyone who hopes with hope in Your greatness and Your innumerable mercies and works in the protection of these (creatures) animals will be honored to receive the abundant fruits of their labors and be filled with heavenly blessings through Christ Jesus our Lord, to whom belongs honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer after cutting new honey from the hive

Immeasurable in mercy and inexpressible in bounty, Lord Jesus, marvelous in glorious deeds (His) and alone working miracles!

You once blessed Israel through the Holy Spirit and sated honey from a stone,

- Now yourself look from above on this creation of Yours and bless with Your heavenly blessing and sanctify these honeycombs of bees and honey from them and grant him everything surpassing true grace, so that everyone who eats from him will receive full health, and will be satisfied with the taste of this food and be filled with all good .

Prophet Elijah

It is said about this saint: "pray, and the sky will give rain." The feast of Elijah the prophet itself at such a time of the year when rain is especially needed. They pray to him for the gift of rain.

Prayer one

O great and glorious prophet of God, Elijah, for the sake of your zeal, according to the glory of the Lord God Almighty, did not endure the sight of idolatry and wickedness of the sons of Israel, denouncing the lawless king Ahab, and as a punishment for those three years of gladness on the land of Israel with your prayer from the Lord, yes, rejecting vile idols and departed from unrighteousness and iniquity, he will turn to the one true God and the fulfillment of His holy commandments, miraculously nourishing the widow of Sarepta in gladness and resurrecting her son by dying with your prayer, after the lapse of the proclaimed time of gladness, the people of Israel gathered on Mount Carmel in apostasy and wickedness reproached , asking for fire from heaven with a prayer for your sacrifice, and miraculously turning Israel to the Lord, shaming and killing the student prophets of Baal-lov, by the same prayer he cleared the sky and asked for abundant rain on the earth, and rejoiced the people of Israel! We diligently resort to you, the faithful servant of God, sinning and humility, tormented by lack of rain and heat; We confess that we are not worthy of the mercy and blessings of God, worthy more than the fierce rebukes of His wrath, sorrow and need, and all kinds of evils and diseases. We did not walk in the fear of God and in the fetters of His commandments, but in the lusts of our corrupted hearts, and every kind of sin was done without number; our iniquities have surpassed our head, and we are not worthy to appear before the face of God and look into heaven. We confess, as we, like ancient Israel, have departed from the Lord our God, if not by faith, then by our iniquities, and if we do not worship Baal and other vile idols, then we servility with passion and our lust, serving the idol of gluttony and voluptuousness, the idol of covetousness and ambition, the idol of pride and vanity, and we follow the ungodly foreign custom and the pernicious spirit of the times. We confess that for the sake of this the sky was closed and created like copper, as if our heart was closed from mercy and true love for our neighbor; for this reason, the earth was hardened and became barren, as we do not bring to our Lord the fruits of good deeds; for this sake, there is no rain and dew, as if not the imams of tears of tenderness and the life-giving dew of Divine Thought; for this sake, every cereal and grass of the countryside withered, as if every good feeling was gone from us; for this reason, the air is darkened, as if our mind was darkened by cold thoughts and our heart was defiled by lawless lusts. We confess, as if you, prophet of God, ask we are unworthy of Esma. You are more, being an obsequious person to us, You became like an angel in your life and, as if incorporeal, you were taken up to heaven; but we become like our dumb cattle with studish thoughts and deeds, and made our soul like flesh. You surprised the angels and people with fasting and vigil, but we, indulging in intemperance and voluptuousness, are like unthinking cattle. Thou didst burn with zealous zeal for the glory of God, but we neglect the glory of our Creator and Lord, and are ashamed to confess His venerable name. You uprooted ungodliness and evil customs, but we are slaves to the spirit of this age, setting the ungodly customs of the world more than the commandments of God and the ordinances of the holy Church. And what sin and untruth shall we not do in repentance? We exhaust the longsuffering of God by our iniquities. The same righteous Lord was angry with us, and in His anger punished us. Both leading your great boldness before the Lord and hoping for your love for the human race, we dare to pray to you, most praiseworthy prophesy: ​​be merciful to us, unworthy and indecent, implore the great-gifted and all-merciful God, but not be completely angry with us and destroy us with our iniquities, but let abundant and peaceful rain fall on the thirsty and withered earth, give it fruitfulness and good air; bow with your effective intercession to the mercy of the King of Heaven, if not for the sake of us sinful and filthy, but for the sake of His chosen servants, who did not bow their knees before the Baal of this world, for the sake of mild and senseless babies, for the sake of dumb cattle and birds of heaven, suffering for our iniquity and melting from hunger, heat and thirst. Ask us with your favorable prayers from the Lord for the spirit of repentance and tenderness of the heart, the spirit of meekness and abstinence, the spirit of love and patience, the spirit of God's fear and piety, and so, having returned from the paths of wickedness to the right path of virtue, we walk in the light of God's commandments and achieve the promises to us good, by the good will of the beginningless God the Father, by the love of mankind of His Only Begotten Son, and by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O laudable and marvelous prophet of God Elijah, shining on the earth with your life equal to the angels, with the most ardent zeal for the Lord Bose the Almighty, and also glorious signs and wonders, the same, by the extreme goodwill of God to you, supernaturally raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh to Heaven, worthy of to talk with the Savior of the world who was transfigured on Tabor, and now in the heavenly villages abide unceasingly and stand before the Throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinners and indecent ones, at this hour standing before your holy icon and diligently resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Lover of God, may he give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with his all-powerful grace, may he help us to leave the path of wickedness, and prosper in every good deed; may it strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts; May the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the Glory of God and the salvation of others, plant in our hearts. Abolish with your prayers, prophet, the evil customs of the world, moreover, the pernicious and corrupting spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox Faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and for the commandments of the Lord, disrespect for the parent and those in power, and overthrowing people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and destruction. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous wrath of God and deliver all the cities and villages of our Fatherland from lack of rain and famine, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine strife. Strengthen with your prayers, most glorious, our powers that be in the great and difficult feat of government, prosper them in all good deeds and undertakings to establish peace and truth in our country. Assist the Christ-loving army in the war with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our shepherd, holy zeal for God, heartfelt care for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength, in temptations, ask the judges impartiality and selflessness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, all those in command, care for subordinates , mercy and justice, but humility and obedience to the authorities and diligent performance of their duties; yes, having lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He is worthy of honor and worship with His Father without beginning and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

In the flesh, an angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, glorious Elijah, from above sending Eliseev grace, driving away illnesses and cleansing lepers; the same and honoring him sharpens healing.


We magnify thee, holy glorious prophet of God Elijah, and honor the hedgehog on the fiery chariot ascending your day.

Saint Nikita of Novgorod

Novgorod owes him its miraculous salvation from two disasters - from a long drought and from a terrible fire.


Oh, the bishop of God, Saint Nikito! Hear us sinners, today flocking to this sacred temple, and worshiping your honest image, and falling down to your sacred race, and crying out with tenderness: as if sitting on the throne of hierarchship in this Great Newgrad, and with a single lack of rain, prayer brought down the rain, and packs I’ll obsessed this city with a fiery flame, gave you a prayer of deliverance, so now we pray to you, O saint of Christ Nikito: pray to the Lord, to save the reigning cities, this Great Novgorod and all cities and Christian countries from coward, flood, gladness, fire, hail , the sword and from all the enemies visible to the invisible, as if we were saving for the sake of your prayers, we glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Martyr Paraskeva, called Pyatnitsa

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in Rus' is revered as a patroness and assistant in agricultural affairs, in family needs, they also pray to her for the gift of rain when there is a thunderstorm or hail.

Prayer one

O holy and blessed Paraskevo, the martyr of Christ, beautifully virginal, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirror, wise surprise, Christian guardian of faith, accuser of idol flattery, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the commandments of the Lord, worthy to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the devil of your Bridegroom Christ God lightly rejoicing, adorned with the crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, be sad for us to Christ God. With His most blessed vision, it is always rejoicing; pray to the All-Merciful, even with a word, open the eyes of the blind, may he save us from the disease of our eyes, both bodily and spiritual; kindle with your holy prayers the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace with our spiritual and bodily eyes; enlighten us, darkened by sins; the light of God's grace, but for the sake of your holy prayers, sweet sight will be given to the innocent. O great saint of God! O most courageous girl! O strong martyr Saint Paraskevo! With your holy prayers, be our sinful helper, intercede and pray for the accursed and viciously negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for these are very weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, and help with your prayers, the darkness of sin is gone, in the light of true faith and deeds of the Divine, we will enter into the light of the eternal day of the never-ending, into the city of joy forever, into now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorify and sing with all the Heavenly Forces the Trisagionary One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

Holy bride of Christ, long-suffering martyr Paraskevo! Vemy, as from your youth, with all your soul and with all your heart, you loved the King of glory, Christ the Savior, and you alone did not get away, distributing your property to the poor and the poor. You shone with the power of your piety, your chastity and righteousness, like the rays of the sun, living holy among the infidels and fearlessly preaching to them Christ God. You, from the days of your youth. taught by your parents, always reverently honored the days of the redemptive passions of our Lord Jesus Christ, for His sake you yourself voluntarily suffered. You, miraculously healed from incurable wounds by the right hand of an angel of God and perceived inexpressible lordship, amazed the unfaithful tormentors. You. in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of your prayer in the temple of the pagans, having thrown all the idols to the bottom, I crushed them into dust. You, scorched by the candles, with your single prayer to the almighty Lord, extinguished the natural fire, and with the same flame miraculously kindled through the angel of God, burning the violent lawless, you led many people to the knowledge of the true God. You, to the glory of the Lord, accepting the beheading of your sword head from the tormentors, valiantly died of your suffering feat, having ascended with your soul to heaven, to the chamber of your longed-for Bridegroom Christ the King of Glory, joyfully meeting you with this heavenly voice: “Rejoice, righteous ones, like the martyr Paraskeva crowned!” Even so, today we greet you, long-suffering, and, looking at your holy icon, cry with tenderness to you: all-honorable Paraskeva! Vema, as a great imashi boldness to the Lord: pray for His Lover of mankind and for us from the upcoming and praying ty. May He give us, like you, patience and complacency in troubles and mournful circumstances; may He grant, by your intercession and intercession, a joyful, prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, and in all good haste to our beloved fatherland, may His holy blessing and peace come down, and may all Orthodox Christians give with your holy prayers affirmation in the faith , piety and holiness, and prosperity in Christian love and all virtue: may He cleanse us sinners from all filth and vice: may He protect us with His holy angels, may He intercede, preserve and have mercy on all with His holy grace and make us heirs and partakers of His Kingdom of Heaven. And thus, having improved salvation with your holy prayers, intercession and intercession, the all-glorious bride of Christ Paraskeva, let us glorify all the most pure and magnificent name of the marvelous in His saints the true God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Always. now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
(Based on materials from the website of the Saratov diocese. Parish of St. John the Baptist)

Still from fires they pray to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos:
"Burning bush":
Oh, Most Holy and Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! We bow down and worship Thee before Thy holy and most honorable icon, by which miracles are wondrous and glorious, from the fiery incendiary and lightning-fast thunder of our dwelling we saved, heal the sick and fulfill all our good petitions for the good. We humbly pray to Thee, the all-powerful Intercessor of our kind, vouchsafe to the weak and sinful of Your Motherly participation and well-being. Save and save, Mistress, under the shelter of Your mercy, the Holy Church, this monastery, our entire Orthodox country, and all of us who fall to You with faith and love, and tenderly asking with tears of Your intercession. Hey, Madame All-Merciful, have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins and not having boldness towards Christ the Lord, ask Him for mercy and forgiveness, but we offer You to Him for supplication His Mother in the flesh: You, All-good, stretch out Your God-receiving hands to Him and intercede for us before His Goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, a pious peaceful life, a good Christian death, and a good answer at His terrible Judgment. At the hour of the formidable visitation of God, when our houses are set on fire, or we will be frightened by lightning thunder, show us Your merciful intercession and sovereign help: let us save by Your all-powerful prayers to the Lord the temporary punishment of God here, and we will inherit the eternal bliss of paradise there: and with all let us sing with the saints the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the worshiped Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us, forever and ever. Amen.

The most complete description in all details is a strong love spell for rain with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Water is an excellent conductor of human energy. And the water that falls from heaven is charged with the energy of higher powers. When a conspiracy to rain is carried out, these two energies combine and as a result a strong action arises. With the help of such power, you can find your love or return your loved one.

A conspiracy to love should be carried out only in heavy rain

We charge with positive energy

When conducting any conspiracy, a person must first prepare:

  • You need to set yourself up for a positive outcome. It is worth mentally imagining all the most pleasant moments that were spent together with your loved one. It is also desirable to experience reciprocal feelings.
  • Before starting the ceremony, you need to go out into the rain and tell him in great detail about your feelings, worries and lonely state. As soon as the story is completed, it is worth watching the rain. If his direction has changed, the strength of the fall has increased or decreased, then this means that the elements have heard everything and are ready to help.
  • A conspiracy to love should be carried out only in heavy rain. Weak sediment has weak energy. It may not be enough to break through the protective field of the beloved.
  • If suddenly during the ritual thunder peals or lightning strikes are heard, then all actions must be stopped immediately. This means that nature refuses to help. In this case, you should definitely ask for forgiveness from the rain for the desire to use its forces.

We return the departed feelings of a loved one

Any conspiracy to rain is a very strong love spell. Therefore, before using it, you must definitely think about whether all this is necessary. If, nevertheless, it is impossible to do without it, then you can proceed to the ceremony.

For a conspiracy, you will need to wait for heavy rain. Preferably no thunderstorms. The window opens and hands are exposed to the rain. After that, the following words are read:

“As it rains from the sky, so you (name) will cry and toil for me. As a droplet to a droplet flows down the glass, so my dear does not forget me, he only hurries to me, runs to me. Just as the rain cannot be put in a sieve and not stopped, so I cannot be separated from my darling. Amen".

Repeat this spell three times. It is important to pronounce each word loudly and clearly. In the end, it is recommended to wash with rainwater and close the window. To enhance the effect, you can stand near the window for a few more minutes and imagine your lover.

If a conspiracy is made to return a loved one, then to enhance the effect, you need to collect rainwater

If a conspiracy to rain is done to return the former feelings of your own spouse, then to enhance the effect, collect rainwater. It must be collected during the ritual. The best time for this is in the morning from 9 am to 10 am or in the evening from 5 pm to 6 pm. Water is collected in any non-metallic container. After that, it is gradually added to her husband in tea, coffee, soup and other hot dishes.

Strong love spell

A fairly strong rite of passage for love, so you should not perform it without exact confidence in your feelings.

Write both names on a blank piece of paper. We extend this leaflet to the rain and begin to pronounce the spell:

“Let the rain wash away our separation with its droplets, bring strong sadness and boredom to my beloved (name)! As our names on the sheet merge with rainwater into one whole, so let our lives be connected into one! May my beloved (name) not be able to live without my name, and this rain will unite us forever! Amen!".

The plot is read until the entire leaf is wet. After the ceremony, the paper is dried and well hidden.

This love spell is the strongest and most effective. He is able to provide long-term prosperous relationships that will be protected by nature from any negative external influences.

A rain conspiracy can ensure a long, prosperous relationship.

love ritual

You can bewitch your loved one very simply. To do this, we are waiting for a good downpour, but without thunder and lightning. We get up to the open window and begin to whisper three times in the rain:

“As the slave (name) is washed with water from heaven, so his heart will be opened to me, the slave (name). As the water will douse him from head to toe, so his heart will take love for me, the slave (name). As the water touches his crown, so the longing for me, the slave (name), will wake up. The word is strong and the deed is true. Amen".

If even a drop of this rain falls on a lover, then soon he will come and talk about his feelings. If this water passes him, then the next rain starts talking and love will surely overtake him.

We complete the ceremony correctly

Any conspiracies have a magical power that calls for help from the other world. So that the spirits are not offended, they must be thanked. Such an action is also called a ransom for the ritual performed. Without it, any magic is incomplete.

There are various buyouts, but the simplest are the following:

  • It is required to go to church and light three candles for health. After that, it is necessary to give nine nickels to the beggars near the church.
  • You can just come with nine nickels to the crossroads and lay them on top of each other in the very center. As soon as they are picked up, the ransom will be considered fulfilled.

There are stronger buyouts, but for these love conspiracies it will be enough to conduct one of these rites.

If a person has never encountered love rituals before, then you should not invent them yourself. After all, any incorrectly conducted magical process can lead to unexpected and even disastrous consequences.

Love spell on the rain. Spell for love in the rain

At the moment when it rains, it's time to read a love spell that causes strong love in another person. Even in the old days it was noticed that spells in the rain have great power and if read the love spell of a loved one in the rain, he will instantly fall in love with the one who read raindrop love spell. If you need to bewitch your beloved boyfriend or man on your own, perform the following rite. In rainy weather, go to the window in your house or apartment and open the window wide open, say spell words :

Just like it rains from the sky

So the servant of God (name) will suffer for me.

Like a droplet running on glass

So my dear, let him not forget about me.

How not to collect the rain in a sieve,

So I can’t be separated from my sweetheart and not separated.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Cross yourself three times and close the window, read the Our Father prayer. Once the rain is over spell cast on the rain will start working immediately.

A love spell plot for the love of a man or a guy can be read on any day of the Holy Week before Easter. This ancient love spell, a prayer with a strong effect, is used only if you need to strongly and forever bewitch the person you love. Before performing a love spell on Holy Week, at least a day of strict fasting is required, and you also need to fast on the day of the love spell. If you are ready to do a love spell on your own with reading a prayer for love conspiracy, buy a church candle of any size and color and a nominal icon of your patron saint and an icon of the person being bewitched (this can be a calendar).

All rituals for Palm Sunday: conspiracies and love spells have great power and can, with the help of palm magic, change the fate of any person. If you need to marry your beloved man or boyfriend, read the love spell plot after which you can start a strong family. A conspiracy prayer on Palm Sunday read for love will help you quickly and strongly fall in love with the person you love and make him quickly marry you. Before the onset of Palm Sunday, break the willow branches that have already fluffed up and bringing them to your house, read a love spell over them, and on Palm Sunday give the charmed willow to a person

A strong love spell conspiracy independently made on an apple saved will quickly and forever bind the right person to you with strong bonds of love. This is a very simple and quick love spell done at home on an apple under the Transfiguration of the Lord. With the help of an apple, a variety of magical rites and rituals are made. In many fairy tales, the magical power of apples is mentioned, these are rejuvenating apples and an apple that takes away beauty, even in the bible, Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden for an apple. There are many love spells and love spells with the help of this fruit, but a ritual with the help of an apple on the day of the apple savior can bewitch a person in 1 day. If you need to quickly and permanently bewitch to

A conspiracy to your salty tear is the most powerful love spell that will instantly and forever bewitch a loved one who has caused a strong feeling and tears in your heart. At the moment of a strong experience, when “the soul is torn to pieces” and bitter and salty tears flow, the energy of a person is the strongest and a special spell has tremendous power. The love spell prayer that is given below is just read at the moment when you, experiencing a feeling of love for a person, cried. Love spell words to say in your tears

The most powerful and popular conspiracy to call a person for a quick meeting will quickly make your loved one meet you. This magical challenge is read only on the street and only in summer. To carry it out, you need to go outside early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises and there is still dew on the grass. Take off your shoes and, walking barefoot in the dew, read a conspiracy call that can call your loved one to yourself by letting him feel longing and

In order for the husband to hate the rival, a conspiracy is read to quarrel the lapel of the husband from his mistress into thirteen new needles. The rite is very strong and is capable of quarreling the husband and rival once and for all, returning the unfaithful to his wife in the family. Read a powerful plot over each needle once a day and take the needle to the opponent’s door, throwing it under the threshold. The conspiracy is done for 13 days, and if the husband quarrels with his mistress before the end of the ceremony, be sure to complete the conspiracy of the fight to the last needle. A lapel to forever quarrel a husband with his mistress and make the husband hate his mistress is read independently on any day of the week and at any time convenient for you

A love spell will help to return the husband to the family - a prayer independently read in the church on a candle. Immediately after reading the plot to return the husband, he will return to his wife becoming a loving and caring man. The conspiracy allows you to forget your mistress and even return the husband to his wife after a divorce. If you decide to return your husband to the family on your own with the help of magic, this method of returning your loved one is the most suitable. Memorize the words of a love spell that will return feelings and love to your husband and make him return to

A strong conspiracy love spell on the wind made on your own once and for all will bewitch your loved one and quickly instill a strong feeling of love in his heart. Immediately after the love spell and reading the conspiracy, the person on whom the love spell was made will begin to care for himself and will make sure that they pay attention to him and reciprocate. Despite the fact that this conspiracy to love is a strong action, its implementation is quite simple. The ritual does not need magical objects, photos and candles, for a love spell you only need to wait for windy weather and go outside and stand facing the wind to read the words of a magic spell on

A good love spell should be read on Monday night. From Monday to Tuesday from 20 pm until the day is reset (24 hours), take a glass of living water (from a stream, well or lake, river, pond.) and read a strong love plot on it that will quickly fall in love with a man or a guy in you:

For the kindness and obedience of her husband, the wife needs to read a conspiracy of humility that will make her husband an obedient person who cannot say a word to his wife across. After this conspiracy against the scandalous husband, the husband will stop beating and yelling at his wife, raising his voice in conversation. A conspiracy to humility must be read on 3 church candles of any color. For the ritual, you can buy the cheapest candles that are only in the church and when you come home when your husband is not at home, light all the candles at the same time and holding them in your right hand while the candles are burning, walk around your home and read the words of the conspiracy that will make your husband you

If you want to come to your loved one in a dream and dream about him this night, this is very easy to do with the help of magic. If you read the magic words of the spell conspiracy before going to bed, then on the same night your loved one, who is at a distance from you, will see you in a dream and you will dream of him throughout the night. It was this magical ritual that was used by girls who wanted to see their lover as soon as possible, who, for a number of reasons, had not seen you for a long time. After reading the following conspiracy, a beloved man who sees you in a dream will want to see you in reality as soon as possible. Managing other people's dreams is a magical act of esotericism built mostly on visualization with

An old conspiracy will help to repel a rival and make your lover fall out of love with your husband and quarrel with him. You can make this simple rite of passage for a quarrel between a husband and a mistress on your own with the help of love magic and reading a strong conspiracy to cool the love feelings of a rival and husband. When your husband is not present at home, go around your house (apartment) from the front door in a clockwise direction, completing a full circle and 1 time reading this

A good conspiracy to quickly meet your love and successfully marry a rich groom can be done by any unmarried girl or woman, a widow or after a divorce. In order to meet your soul mate, you need to go to the gates of the church without going inside and wait for the moment when the wedding couple leaves the church on the day off when they are getting married in the church. At this very moment, cross yourself three times and bow down, say a love love spell prayer for a quick meeting of the future

If the husband was bewitched by a rival or he just had a mistress, the wife can independently make the lapel of her beloved husband forever from another woman who appeared with him. You can make a strong lapel of a husband from a rival who will once and for all drive him away from his mistress and tie him to his wife on your own, and now conspiracies will not tell you how it is done. Go to the cemetery during the day and break any dry branch on the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and put it under the threshold or rug (outside). When the husband returns from his mistress, he will step over this branch. Now you need to leave the house and take this branch and take it back to the cemetery, reading a strong lapel on it

You can bewitch your husband to yourself forever on your own. After this love spell, the husband will not go out with friends and women, but will always rush home to his wife. Wherever he is and whatever he does, in his head there will be longing for his wife and a constant desire to see each other as soon as possible. This love spell on your beloved man with whom you are related or in love will help you to bewitch your husband to yourself. On any Wednesday, in each corner of the room where you sleep with your husband, cross each corner three times and in each corner read the text of the love spell for eternal love once aloud

Conspiracies for the rain: attract love and good luck

Rain is a conductor of energy of a higher order. Together with him, a stream of love and abundance descends to the earth. With the help of conspiracies, you can use the powerful power of heavenly water for your own benefit.

It is known that water is an ideal conductor of any energy. And the one that falls from heaven to earth is distinguished by especially powerful energy. Therefore, it is safe to say that rain conspiracies are the most powerful catalyst for the fulfillment of your desires. Heavenly water will help you attract love, luck and happiness.

The positive energy of rain

Before carrying out any strong conspiracy, you need to tune in to a positive wave, imagine the best result in great detail. Smile with your heart, preparing it for the acceptance of new feelings, which will certainly become reciprocal.

Step out into the rain, rejoice in the heavenly water, and tell her your desires. Share what is bothering you at the moment. Bad luck and loneliness must leave you and, together with raindrops, will dissolve into the ground. As soon as the rain changes its direction or becomes even stronger, be sure that you have been heard.

A conspiracy to heavenly water is carried out only in heavy rain. At this time, the energy flows are so strong that they break through any blocks that prevent the fulfillment of your desires.

Be careful if the weather suddenly worsens even more. Thunder, lightning and strong winds are signs that the Universe and nature are not ready to help you at the moment.

Strong conspiracy for rain: attract love

This conspiracy will help you get rid of loneliness, find the love of a person for whom you have warm feelings, and even return your beloved / beloved.

Write your name on a piece of paper and on the back the name of the beloved / lover. You need to substitute a leaf under the raindrops. While water will wash him, read aloud the words of the conspiracy:

“Rain is a powerful weapon with our separation and dislike, drops of it wash away our parting and loneliness. Beloved / beloved (name) learns about me, let her / his heart be enveloped in mortal longing. Heavenly water merges us, our destiny and further life into a single whole. May my beloved not be able to live a day without me, may he be tormented every day without me. May the Higher powers and mighty rain help me. Let it be so!"

Love spell for rain

Love magic intensifies when it rains. Thanks to the water element, you can bewitch any person. If you are still looking for your soulmate, then this ritual will help you find your personal happiness. It is enough to stand at the window during heavy rain and utter powerful words:

“As soon as the water hits the person who is destined for me by fate, then immediately I will get his love. The rain will wash him from head to toe with all-consuming love for me. As soon as he touches the water, he will immediately find out about me and go looking for me. My word is strong, my intentions are correct. Let it be as I said / said.

Conspiracy for good luck in the downpour

Luck is a capricious lady, but thanks to the element of Water, you will be able to attract her to you. As a result of the ritual, luck will accompany you in everything. During a heavy rain or downpour, go outside, spread your arms to the sides and say the words to yourself:

“Water is a powerful force that helps me today. Heavenly water, underground water, sea water and the holy one gather into one, rain water, which charges me. How many drops fell on my body - let so much luck break into my life. The word is strong, but the deed is true.

After that, go home. Do not forget to change into dry clothes and drink a hot decoction of medicinal herbs. Do not wash wet clothes for several days - they are saturated with heavenly water, through which good luck will come to you.

These conspiracies have powerful energy that can open the door to happiness for you. During fine weather, special techniques will be an effective way to attract love. Don't wait for luck to meet you, rush to it yourself. We wish you happiness, mutual feelings, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Conspiracy for the rain

Magic offers various conspiracies to attract the attention of a person. And very often natural forces are used for this. But like any other conspiracies, they should be used very carefully, preferably only after various everyday methods have been tried.

The simplest answer to the question of how to attract a loved one is, in principle, simple. You need to become the kind of person that the chosen subject of love has dreamed of all his life. You can, of course, strive for this, but should you break yourself just to please another person. Hardly.

It would be much better not to create a new image, but to interest the partner with your individuality. It is very good if you are not only interested in the hobby of the person you like, but also if you manage to attract him to your hobbies. After all, as you know, common activities bring together.

Remember that the external attractiveness of a woman is very important for any man, as well as vice versa. Therefore, you always need to not only look elegant and stylish, but also be able to present yourself.

But if all attempts are not successful, then you can use magical means. There are many conspiracies using various natural forces. But one of the most popular is the rain plot. To enhance the impact, it is better to choose a strong natural element, such as rain with a thunderstorm. Remember that the ritual should only be performed if you are confident in the strength of your own feelings.

The sequence of actions when conspiring to rain

It is very important to first tune into a magical rite, this guarantees its success. To do this, you need to open the window and, looking at the drops falling from the sky and sparkling lightning, tell about your own strong feelings for the chosen person and ask the natural forces to help you. Carefully monitor the flow of water, if any changes take place in them, then this means that nature is ready to help you. But if, after your request, the frequency of lightning increases and the peals of thunder intensify, then you should not read the conspiracy.

The plot is read on a piece of paper on which the names are written. It must be held in such a way that raindrops fall on it and say the following:

will cast a strong sadness and boredom on my beloved (name)!

How our names on the sheet merge with rainwater into one whole,

so let our lives be connected into one!

May my beloved (name of the chosen one) not be able to live without my name,

and this rain will unite us forever! Amen!"

The plot is repeated until the sheet is completely wet. After that, the leaf is dried and hidden in a secluded place forever.

Such a conspiracy is very strong and effective. It guarantees long-term prosperous relationships, protected by nature itself from negative external influences.

strong rain spell

Only black magic!

I conjure you by the creation of heaven,

stars, planets, luminaries,

hours, half hours, minutes,

moments, beginning and end,

with the blood of a virgin and the blood of a woman in childbirth,

first breath and last breath,

first heartbeat and last heartbeat.

May the demon of rage, the demon of love, the demon of jealousy,

the demon of patience, the demon of forgiveness will be brought to their knees (name).

Fever, let fear come to the body (name),

if I don't stand by, dress (name) with a look,

I will not joke, talk, love.

How angels cry for a sinful soul

so let (name) cry for me.

And I will be with him, only with him,

Everywhere and always! Amen.

Damage of any complexity. Love witchcraft. Working with thieves. I don’t work with sub-settles, I don’t drive demons.

Love spell during rain and thunderstorms

To attract the attention of an unrequited (yet) loved one, you can use the elements that nature itself provides to help you. If rain and a thunderstorm outside the window make you sad and increase suffering, then you need to use them, and not shed tears.

Warning! A love spell is a magical effect that can lead to irreversible adverse effects. If your feelings are so great that you cannot live without your beloved, then, of course, no one can dissuade you. But, when performing a magical ritual involving natural elements (they also include a love spell on the wind), do it carefully. You need to ask the rain for help. It is to ask for a response. Then, perhaps, there will be no undesirable consequences.

How to ask rain for a love spell?

Looking at a thunderstorm and water pouring from the sky, in your own words, tell about your feelings, ask for help. If there are changes in the flow of water, then you are being answered. The rain may come down harder or stop. This will be the answer. If the request is followed by thunder, lightning, and the thunderstorm intensifies, then you should not cast a love spell. You are warned that magic is not for you. Or, in any case, today it is not worth doing it. But if the blind sun comes out, this is the most desired answer. Nature tells you that she is fully prepared to take your side.

How to cast a love spell for rain and thunder

Take a sheet of paper. Write on it the names of your loved one and yours. The sheet must be taken in such a way that raindrops fall on it. While the rain will water your names, you need to imagine the face of a loved one and pronounce the following words of a love spell for a thunderstorm:

“Rain, drop by drop, wash away our separation, bring boredom to your beloved (name). As our names merge in heavenly water into one spot, so let thoughts and lives unite so true! May my beloved (name) not be able to live without the name, may this rain forever unite us in an instant! Amen!"

Speak these words until the written words merge into one spot from the raindrops. Now the sheet needs to be dried and hidden. Do not under any circumstances throw it away! It must be kept in a secluded place. Then your relationship can become strong and will be protected by the power of nature and a love spell for rain!

Conspiracy for the rain

Since ancient times, people have used the power of the elements in various rituals. It was believed that the effectiveness of conspiracies due to this energy is greatly increased. The power of rain can be used for love, money and other rituals.

A conspiracy for rain to dream of a loved one

If a man is not around and you want to remind yourself once again, then you can perform a simple ceremony to dream about him. When it rains, you need to go outside or at least stretch your palms out the window so that the drops fall on your hands. At this moment, you need to think about your loved one and say a conspiracy:

“Drip - drip rain, lull the sweetheart (darling). Let him (her) dream, let us meet. Let him look at me - he will not see enough. Let him love me - do not fall in love. As you are strong, rain, yes powerful, so my word is strong. Amen".

The stronger the rain, the faster and better the ritual will work.

A conspiracy to longing for the rain

A simple ritual will make a loved one yearn and yearn for a meeting. He will help when the partner is not around or when there was a quarrel or parting. It is important to be confident not only in your feelings, but also in the action of magic. To begin with, you should open the window and look at the rain and lightning for a while. At the same time, you need to think about feelings and about the chosen one. Mentally ask the forces of nature to help in the implementation of the plan. Take a sheet of paper, write your name and your lover's name, and then put it out the window so that drops fall. Read this rain spell:

“Let the rain wash away our separation with its droplets,

will cast a strong sadness and boredom on my beloved (name)!

How our names on the sheet merge with rainwater into one whole,

so let our lives be connected into one!

May my beloved (name of the chosen one) not be able to live without my name,

and this rain will unite us forever! Amen!"

Repeat the words until the sheet is completely wet. Then dry it, and hide it in a secret place forever.