Deep sympathy. What is sympathy


Love. Quite short, but so significant word. How many emotions and feelings it brings. It is different for everyone and carries its own special memories, which may or may not make you happy. Love for mother and family is a familiar feeling to everyone. This is when being close to loved ones makes your soul feel warm and light. It's good when there are loving people around you who can support you in Hard time. It doesn’t matter to them what position you occupy in society or, for example, what your appearance is, because your existence already brings them happiness. They are also happy to be with you for free. And you, in turn, are pleased to know that these people simply exist and are doing well.

With true love, everything is different. You can talk about this topic for hours, or even weeks. No wonder this wonderful feeling pushes people to thoughtless actions, sometimes beautiful and terrifying. Many poets and writers have been singing and exalting love for many centuries. After all, there is not a single person who has not experienced this feeling. Everyone is familiar with it and anyone can give it their own definition.

What could be more beautiful than love? This feeling comes out of nowhere and cannot be suppressed or forced. And that's why it's so hard to bear unrequited love, because you can’t hide it anywhere. Love is unpredictable. It appears unexpectedly, when you are not expecting it at all.

Beloved person, reciprocity, trust, a strong family. For most, these are the main components of successful, established love. Everyone dreams that love will arise once and for a lifetime. But the first experience is not always successful, because people can make mistakes. And you shouldn’t stop, no matter how painful it may be. It is worth falling in love again and again until you find your cherished love. After all, without making any attempts, you will not become happy.

But true love cannot always be called true. Sometimes we very often confuse fleeting infatuation with love, we believe that “here is the person of my whole life.” But we shouldn’t deceive ourselves and create the illusions we need. What is “being in love” anyway? This is exactly the feeling when a person is carried away only by appearance or some other external sign, i.e. just a guise. When you fall in love, you close your eyes to the real qualities of a person, perhaps you are not even attracted to him in general. But, alas, this is not so important for you, because one feature overshadowed the overall impression. To some extent, a person in love behaves like an egoist, seeing only the qualities he needs. Falling in love is not limited to purely physical attraction; it is accompanied by a desire to get closer to the object of love. But at the same time, it does not affect us deeply mentally. Such a quivering light does not light up inside. It's also not very constant feeling, sometimes it covers you completely, and sometimes it practically disappears. Most often, the feeling of falling in love passes as quickly as it flares up. But it may well happen that falling in love will develop into a more valuable, higher feeling, for example, love. The main thing is to remember to take a closer look at the person and understand what he really is like.

In turn, it is necessary not to confuse two feelings such as attraction and sympathy. What is it really? But here the answer is not clear-cut. The interpretations of the meanings are different, but in general they carry the same meaning. Attraction is an unrequited feeling for someone, but unrequitedness does not cause so many negative feelings. emotional experiences, how much, for example, in love. Sympathy is a feeling during which you like someone, like them as a person. This feeling is completely different from falling in love and love. Attraction can be a consequence of love. During it, a person experiences an irresistible need of the subject, a desire to find a loved one nearby.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should love with all your heart and soul, surrender to your feelings completely. Because only true love can become pleasant for both halves. Love and be loved!!!

The emergence of new and strong feelings for opposite sex inspires a person, gives him strength and joy. But at the same time it can bring a lot of pain and suffering. To avoid unnecessary disappointments, you should understand your feelings instead of denying their occurrence.

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True love is not always easy to recognize. To do this, you need to conduct an honest introspection and show diligence in order to understand your feelings and understand the sympathies of your chosen one.

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    Love or infatuation?

    Before you plunge headlong into romantic relationship, you need to understand three main facets:

    • sympathy;
    • love;
    • Love.

    Understanding these points will help you avoid mistakes and eventually find true happiness.

    Falling in love can very often be confused with love. Both of these concepts imply romantic feelings. However, their basis is different. If love turns a blind eye to shortcomings and rests only on an external and superficial foundation, then love knows about strengths and weaknesses partner, she is constantly growing and strengthening, no matter what.

    To decide, you need to study 10 differences between love and infatuation.

    How to distinguish love from affection

    What do you like about a person?

    A passionate person pays most attention to physical characteristics - beautiful figure, cute face, athletic body, etc. Although there is nothing wrong with looking at beautiful people, but appearance is only a beautiful wrapper, in which there is no corresponding filling. Having gotten to know a person more attractive appearance, sympathy can easily pass, and thoughts will already be busy with a new acquaintance.

    • Unlike sympathy, true love is interested in the personality of a loved one. Physical attraction is present, but it only complements personal characteristics And attractive qualities partner.

      How to get rid of being in love

      Evaluation of merits

      When falling in love, a person pays attention only to some of the qualities of the chosen one. He turns a blind eye to shortcomings and exaggerates strengths.

      But when you truly love a person, you know about all his shortcomings, you accept them and try to focus more on his actions, strengths and admire them.

      What is the difference between love and infatuation

      Consistency in feelings

      Falling in love is not characterized by constancy. Therefore, the feelings of a man or woman can either glow or subside for a certain period. The reason is that it is a superficial feeling. It doesn't have deep roots, which constantly fuel interest in a person.

      Men's love does not calm down. Thoughts about your beloved, the desire to constantly see a person, be close and hear her voice do not let go for a single day. If a passionate person can easily endure separation, then with real feelings it becomes unbearable pain.

      How did feelings affect your personality?

      Psychology notes that a fleeting infatuation with another person leads to disorganization. The person becomes distracted, relaxed, and stops thinking sensibly. In addition, falling in love encourages spontaneous and thoughtless actions.

      Deep feelings are always creative. They encourage the lover to develop, improve, work on his qualities, and give a surge of new strength and energy with which one can move mountains.

      Important Elements of Love

      An analysis of the main components of true love will help you distinguish love from infatuation.

      Deep and genuine feelings are based on:

      • frankness, trust and understanding;
      • loyalty;
      • passion.

      In sympathy there is only physical attraction and fidelity, but no open communication and mutual understanding. Falling in love involves passion and frankness, but if partners do not make efforts to overcome difficulties and remain faithful to each other, then over time it will pass.

      Basis of feelings

      To find out whether this is real love, you should think about what purpose is pursued in the desire to have a loved one. If a girl believes that a guy can make her happy, will provide for her and thinks only about his own interests, then this is infatuation, but not love.

      True love is different in that it does not seek its own benefit. Love encourages one to unselfishly, devotedly care for the interests of another and do everything possible for his happiness.

      Opinions of others

      An important check for true feelings is the opinion of close people about the chosen one. An enthusiastic person tends to idealize another, not paying attention to serious shortcomings. Friends or family may not approve of the choice made because they look at things realistically and see dangerous signals.

      When a girl truly loves, then more often her parents and friends do not oppose such a relationship. They will see the same good qualities and the actions for which she fell in love with a man can make sure that she knows about his shortcomings and is ready to put up with them all her life.

      Time is the best indicator of feelings

      Distance is the best opportunity to identify and test your feelings. Liking rests only on physical attractiveness. If people are simply passionate about each other, then under the influence of time and distance, interest in the person disappears and the relationship ends.

      To completely forget a man, a woman in love only needs 1-3 months. Then she is visited by thoughts about the futility of relationships, and she begins to pay attention to cute guys.

      Unlike passion for deep feelings, nothing can interfere. For those who truly love each other, the thread of love only grows stronger, despite thousands of kilometers and years of separation. Lovers will find opportunities to maintain their relationship, since they will no longer be able to exist without each other. No other person of the opposite sex can replace and fill the emptiness in your heart.

      Therefore, you need to treat the upcoming separation calmly and not worry. If the feeling is just a passing fancy and it will not stand the test, then it is better to find out in advance.

      How often do disagreements occur?

      Attraction is characterized by frequent quarrels and romantic reconciliations. They can arise due to any trifles or imaginary insults or jealousy.

      When you love a person, disagreements become less frequent and larger-scale. Everyone learns to resolve conflicts and discuss problems openly and honestly.

      Phases of love

      To sort out your feelings, you need to consider the phases of love that every person goes through:

      • infant phase - focused only on satisfying one’s needs;
      • parental love - feelings for parents;
      • phase of friendly love - the appearance of friends, the desire to communicate with other people, to be a member of society;
      • phase of youthful love - manifestation of interest in the opposite sex, formation of personality and life principles;
      • mature love - a person sees not only the appearance, but also inner world another, stops showing selfish qualities and thinks about the interests of the chosen one.

      True love is a dynamic phenomenon. It requires constant dedication, compromise and effort. Deep feelings originate from the desire to give joy to another and the willingness to sacrifice.

      And a little about secrets...

      The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

      I was especially saddened by my eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

      But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

So, how do you understand 💍 love 💍 or sympathy? Actually, this question is really complicated. It is not easy to understand and accept correct solution. Love does strange things to us sometimes. But sometimes sympathy can be too strong. How to determine whether it is love or not. And if this is sympathy, is it worth allowing it to develop into something more? How to understand exactly what feelings arose and what they will lead to?

In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Love sometimes arises from sympathy, and we don’t even understand when exactly it happened. It happens that a person seems to be just a friend. He is pleasant, sweet, reliable. I want to be close to this person, but there is no connection to him. sexual desire. For the time being, for the time being. And then everything suddenly changes. A man suddenly stops being just for a girl nice friend. He is handsome, interesting, he can help and protect. It feels masculinity. But, if a woman sees all this, can her feelings really be called love?

Of course not. In fact, there is very much between our feelings a fine line. Sometimes, we ourselves do not realize when we cross it. Perhaps we can understand what we are experiencing if we ask such a serious question: can I live without him? Moreover, you don’t need to allow yourself to answer: perhaps. If a woman understands that she can let go of a man, it means that he is a friend, a brother, a person she likes. Love is when there is a feeling that it is truly impossible to live without a person. No matter how much I would like this. Even if you let such a person go, sooner or later you still start thinking about him, dreaming and wanting to meet him. Moreover, these desires are by no means only platonic. And you should not be afraid of such a reaction to your love object. This is absolutely normal, because when we experience strong emotional feelings of love for a person, we begin to desire him and nothing can be done about it.

Probably, sympathy can also be accompanied by similar feelings. But the difference is that with sympathy, these feelings are quite easily suppressed and forgotten. When love comes to a person, no matter how much he wants, he is too for a long time simply cannot forget about someone and desires that person, no matter how much he wants to stop.

What else can you say about sympathy? Sympathy is most likely a more friendly feeling. Testing him for a person, we begin to look for a friend, comrade-in-arms, brother in him. If we see that he does not feel love for us, then we treat this quite calmly. Of course, it can be a little unpleasant, but, in any case, this feeling quickly passes. But when it comes to love, then rejection and rejection of feelings irritates, angers and offends. A person wants his feelings not only to be understood, but also accepted. When this does not happen, he begins to worry, become depressed and withdraw into himself for a long time. There are times when people, on the contrary, begin to splash out their emotions on everyone around them. But, be that as it may, it is worth noting that a person who experiences love will be very worried and nervous if his love is not accepted.

Loving people They differ from those who simply sympathize in that they are really ready to do a lot for the object of their love. This also applies to his personal qualities and character, as well as appearance. If a loving person sees that his loved one does not like something, he will try to change himself in order to be appreciated and understood.

It’s good when these changes lead to a person becoming truly better, more beautiful and smarter. But there are often cases when, for the sake of love, people do completely meaningless things. They change themselves and do not understand that these changes only lead to destruction. Yes, love does not always create. Sometimes it can destroy, and so much so that later it is too difficult to return everything back and remind a person of who he was originally and what he lived for.

But, nevertheless, this is precisely the feeling that is called real. For the sake of someone we sympathize with, a person will never try to radically change himself, to become older, smarter and braver. This situation can be modeled in different ways. But the essence will always remain the same. Love differs from sympathy in that for the sake of love we are ready to go to the end. But with sympathy, everything is a little different. Yes, we can try to do quite a lot for the person we like. But, nevertheless, when we understand that we are doing something wrong or simply cannot cope, then we simply give up our idea and begin to live as we lived. But a loving person may not stop even when everyone says that his behavior is practically inadequate.

Love and sympathy are those feelings that have the same root. But at the same time they develop completely differently. Of course, not all people can quickly and adequately determine what exactly he is feeling. But, often, many people need to understand what he feels and how to live with it further. In fact, no matter how much we talk about theory and talk about logic, everything can only be understood if we dare to listen to our heart and intuition. If we do not forbid ourselves to feel or, on the contrary, do not force ourselves to feel more than what is in our heart, it is easy to determine exactly what emotions we are experiencing. When there is only sympathy, a person will never fall asleep and wake up thinking about this person. He will never cry just from the thought that he hurt a person and does not know how to correct this situation. In fact, love has many different manifestations. But nevertheless, she is real. We all just love differently. And if, looking at someone, we understand that we simply cannot live without this person, no matter what happens, even the end of the world, then this is exactly what love is.

The question of what love is, infatuation or just sympathy, has remained unresolved from time immemorial. Many people have been dating each other for many years, but no one can answer: how to distinguish love from infatuation or sympathy? We will try to understand this issue now.

How to distinguish love from infatuation

First, you should think about whether you want happiness for your loved one, whether you want to do the best for him, but at the same time, as it seems to you, he does not treat you with the same tenderness and does not want the same for you. This is a sign of great sympathy, but perhaps even love.

If your loved one decides to leave you for another person, finds another love, what feeling will you experience? If you also wish him happiness, while suffering from pain, then such a feeling can be called love.

It is important to figure out what you feel, if a person looks at you, if you feel inspired and inspired, then, apparently, this is love.

If you want children from a person and see a future together with him, then this is love.

Many philosophers have interpreted the meaning of love, each giving various definitions.

But in order to distinguish love from falling in love, you need to understand within yourself what love is for you and what sympathy is for you.

When a person is next to you, your heart beats wildly, you want to spend all your time with him, forgetting about everything, you dream about children, about a house together, you feel incredibly happy... This is not necessarily the same love, most likely , this is just one of the factors of falling in love or just passion.

Love is tested by time, when passion passes, a different feeling appears, perhaps this is a simple habit, but some call this feeling love.

When you love, you don't dream of children, you have them, raise them, you find mutual language when choosing a house, you wait for each other from work, despite the fact that no one has earned anything, you help each other if someone is more tired. You and best friends and lovers, have gone through a lot together, both wealth and poverty, and separation and disappointment, but at the same time your feelings have not faded away and you are also ready to support each other, as before, to wish each other happiness and do everything for this. Then this feeling can be called love.

In fact, love is different for everyone. But believe me, that feeling when you can’t sleep or eat is certainly not love, love is when you feel good and cozy. Try not to confuse these two feelings and find your love!

5 ways to distinguish love from infatuation

It is unfortunate that strong love can be confused with ordinary passion or falling in love. Only after a couple of years of relationship, you can already judge whether there is love or not at all. After all, after this period, all passions will simply fade away and then it will be much easier to understand what you feel for each other. After all, you will have to take off your rose-colored glasses and understand how everything really is. Try to name good qualities, not counting external ones. If you cannot do this, then it means there is no love between you.

How to recognize true love? If there is no respect in a relationship, then there can be no talk of love. Think carefully about the actions of your love. Do they show you respect? For example, if you are respected, then without your knowledge, the choice will not be accepted. Pay very close attention to this factor.

If your partner has self-interest, then there is no love between you. After all, if a loved one does everything that benefits only him, then this is very sad. Your loved one will do everything to make you happy. Every time he will talk about his feelings, how he feels for you, how strong his love is.

If you decide to understand love in your relationship, then carefully think about whether you have any motives for being with this person. Also, it is worth noting that love gives a place to freedom, that is, there is a place for jealousy, but here a line is needed that cannot be crossed. If a person really loves, then he will not ask for proof of love, because love does not need reciprocity.

If love is real, then many can do many different things that are very difficult to explain. A loved one will never try to become one with you, he will love you with all his heart, but at the same time, he will give you time for your personal life. Loving people say “we”, but at the same time, they are individuals who are free. But if someone said “I”, then this is no longer love, so you should pay careful attention to this.

How to distinguish love from sympathy

Think about whether you want only the best for this person, despite the fact that perhaps he treats you differently than you treat him, with less warmth. This is probably one of the signs of love. However, this can also be called a sign of sympathy.

If this person rejects you and starts dating someone else, leaving you with no hope of rekindling the relationship, will you continue to have the same feelings for him. If the answer is yes, then this can be considered a sign of love.

How do you react if this person looks at you, smiles at you, does your heart skip a beat? Do you feel like you’re in “seventh heaven” at this moment? If the answer is yes, then most likely you are in love. If the answer is “no,” then it’s probably just sympathy, strong, but sympathy.

Are you ready to do everything possible just to know that the person you care about is alive, happy and healthy, even though he is far from you? If “yes,” then we can certainly say that this is a sign of love.

Do you feel ready to live with that person who is so dear to you together? long life, sharing all the joys and hardships in half, give all your strength, all of yourself in order to make life the happiest for this person. If “yes,” then you have love for that person, all-consuming and very strong feeling, which is not sympathy.

Do you lose interest in being with him, no matter what happens, do you feel the desire to be with this person all your life. If the answer is yes, then this brings you closer to the fact that the feeling you are experiencing is love.

Do you feel simultaneously attracted to this person as a person of the opposite sex and as a person? If so, then this rather love, rather than sympathy.

When deciding what feeling you have for that person, love or sympathy, and how to distinguish love from sympathy, do you want to have children together with him. Will you be happy to find the traits of this person in your children, while experiencing a feeling of joy, tenderness and pride? If this is the case, then you love.

If you have ceased to be interested in representatives of the opposite sex, thereby turning into some kind of “neuter beings,” then, most likely, we are talking about love, not sympathy.

Existence without love is meaningless. Even if people claim that they do not need love at all, the reality is somewhat different. This is simply a defensive reaction of a person who has never encountered a great feeling and does not know what it is like. Every person wants to love and be loved, but the desire to meet a soul mate often leads to disastrous results. Hoping to find happiness, people can confuse ordinary sympathy with true love.

Many films have been made about love, countless books have been written, but no one still knows how to correctly recognize this feeling. Bad experience can lead to disappointment in life. In order to protect yourself from unnecessary shocks, you need to be able to soberly assess the situation.

Main differences

Men and women are so confused all the time important concepts like love and sympathy. At first glance, these feelings are very similar, but in reality they are very different from each other. In order to build a strong and fruitful relationship, you first need to understand your feelings for your partner. Realization may come too late. The main rule in this difficult matter is that love and sympathy are very similar, but they must follow each other, and not exist together.

Relationships between a man and a woman begin with sympathy. She is the natural start of any relationship. It is this spark that makes lovers pay attention to each other, gives the partner ideal qualities, even if they are absent. A woman blinded by feelings may simply not notice the negative qualities of her chosen one. This also applies to men. Euphoria from sympathy is fleeting, sooner or later it will pass. After her disappearance, it becomes clear whether serious feelings have appeared.

How then can we explain love at first sight? Psychologists believe that this is not love at all, but simply a strong sympathy with an obsessive nature. The person strikes you to the core, depriving you of peace and completely occupying your thoughts. But it won’t always be like this, and calling it love is wrong. More time must pass for love to arise.

Unlike sympathy, love is selective. When falling in love, a person evaluates the qualities of a partner and decides whether he can accept his shortcomings as they are. Sympathy does not see negative qualities, completely idealizing shortcomings. She passes, and you are left in slight bewilderment, not understanding how you could like such a person.

Several ways

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, you can use using the following methods to sort out your feelings. Before you take a serious step and open your feelings, you need to look at what is happening from the other side. Do difficult choice A few simple tips will help.

  • Do you want to please someone? It may seem stupid, but in reality, a person always wants to see a smile on the face of a loved one. The desire to please your partner and please him an unexpected surprise, without demanding anything in return, may be one of the main signs serious feelings. If you don’t want to waste time on such nonsense, you should seriously think about it.
  • How do you feel when you see your chosen one? If you are overwhelmed with a feeling of boundless happiness and warmth when you see the object of your sympathy, then perhaps this is true love.
  • Are you considering a future together? Consider whether you can imagine your partner as a husband or wife. Do you see your common children, life and life together? In fact, this is very important, because it is things like these that determine a person’s real feelings. If a man or woman is absolutely not attractive to you as a partner for the future, then you should forget about such a relationship and try to find something else.
  • Are you interested in together? You need to think about what exactly attracts you to your prospective lover. In the case of sympathy, this can only be external data, while love involves more serious reasons.

Happy ending

Correctly assessing the situation, you can avoid dashed hopes and disappointments. Often, supposed love may turn out to be sympathy or develop into strong friendship. However, it should be remembered that excessive caution can also lead to negative consequences. In matters of the heart, you should trust only yourself and not listen to the opinions of others.

Don’t be afraid to make a mistake; the main thing is to always be aware of your own actions. Sympathy is light feeling, which can appear suddenly and disappear in the same way. But love is something else that is not given to every person. Only by listening to your heart can you find out true nature your feelings.