Big gorgeous figures. The most beautiful female figure

February 23

The most beautiful female figures of all time

Disputes about female beauty have always walked in the world - and will continue to walk as long as people are interested in life itself. Ideal Standards of its time is largely determined by society itself. The pre-war period dictated the same conditions: curvier girls who were able to cope with difficulties came into fashion. The period of calm is characterized by the exaltation of harmony and flexibility, which the fashion industry elevates to an unattainable absolute. Only a very few can remain outside the rules of this game.

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren became the only winner of all the main awards at the world's major film festivals. A collection of her aphorisms was republished in several languages: Sophie, like other participants in our chart, was distinguished by an extremely sharp mind. To describe the appearance of this beauty, one can cite the statement of the Archbishop of Genoa (sic!) - he joked that although the Vatican, in principle, does not approve of human cloning, it could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

Brigitte Bardot

And another icon that has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. For ten whole years, in the post-war 50s and roaring 60s, Brigitte remained the main sex symbol of Europe - apparently in order to create some kind of counterbalance to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who at the same time reigned supreme in North America.

Marilyn Monroe

The death of the first beauty of the world (and this title is well deserved) was discussed almost more than about her life. Bright appearance, coupled with a sharp mind and lively character, made Marilyn a real queen of any male society. The girlish figure, as if woven by the standards of that time, still remains an unattainable ideal for many beauties.

Dita Von Teese

Almost no one knows the name Heather Renee Sweet, but everyone knows Dita Von Teese. The girl chose a sonorous pseudonym almost at random, taking her surname from phone book so that Playboy editors would have something to sign her candid photographs. Dita cultivated her sophisticated beauty through strict discipline and training, as a result of which she rightfully won her place among the most beautiful women of the last century.

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek became the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for best female role. The girl’s exotic appearance attracted viewers, critics praised her talent with might and main, and directors used Salma’s beauty with caution - she easily drew all the attention from the filming and the plot to herself. Woody Harrelson said that when the gods decided to bring down to earth a copy of their divine splendor, they named her Salma Hayek—and damn, we totally agree.

Beyoncé took her first steps on stage in the company of charming friends: Destiny’s Child was considered one of the best R&B groups of that time. The girl’s solo career went even better - a few years ago, Forbes placed her name in second place in the top 100 most influential celebrities in the world. To the delight of millions of fans, Beyoncé prefers to perform in rather revealing outfits- and, believe me, there really is something to see here.

Jennifer Lopez

One of the first significant singers of the early 2000s, one of the first beauties of the generation, the owner of a strong character and a huge fortune: Jennifer Lopez’s flattering epithets can be lavished for hours without fear of sinning even a word against the harsh reality. External data and undoubted talent allowed the girl to rise to the very top of the stellar Olympus - but it seems to us that only her figure would be enough for this.

Nicki Minaj

The first album of the talented performer blew up the American charts: Pink Friday topped the famous Billboard for nine weeks, something that many more experienced musicians could not achieve. Only after people appreciated her work did Nikki decide to show herself to the public - and the public was amazed. The girl's figure fits the requirements perfectly modern world: Even the wax statue of the singer, kept in Madame Tussauds, had to be protected from fans.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett spent her tender years on the stage, which smoothly transformed into Hollywood sets. Good parenting gave the girl the opportunity to shine not only with her body, but also with her mind: in addition to filming blockbusters, Scarlett records quite successful CDs and even participates in the political life of the country. However, for most men, her luxurious figure will always remain in the foreground.

Kim Kardashian

Gorgeous Kim has made herself - this applies to both her popularity and the girl’s absolutely gorgeous figure. Contrary to popular belief, Kim is distinguished not only by her beauty, but also by her extraordinary intelligence: skillful work with famous brands, the launch of several popular products and even a mobile game brought the Kardashian family a lot of money.

Many women are very critical of their figure and dream of ideal model parameters. As it turned out, in vain. Model thinness is often associated with many diseases, and most men don’t like it. Now let’s figure out what parameters you need to strive for so that your appearance can be called ideal.

Tara Lynn is the owner of curvy figures, but this does not prevent her from being one of the most sought-after models in the world. She attracts the gaze of men, and it is impossible to stop looking at her. What's the secret?

In fact, there is no secret. Men really like Tara's figure, or any similar figure, because the woman has a toned beautiful skin, feels confident and knows his worth. This is what makes her successful, not her skinny body.

Female body types

The best figure is not only the ratio of body fat and body weight. There are many congenital female characteristics. Women's figures are not the same, so they need to be assessed based on their individual characteristics.

For example, the “triangle” type - this figure resembles a pear, but many men find it attractive. It is very strange that most women with this type consider themselves fat. The advantages of such a figure include elegant light top, but there are also disadvantages - heavy bottom. If you don’t watch your figure and don’t go to the gym, then full legs will stand out strongly against the background of narrow shoulders. But with proper care, those with a triangle figure approach the ideal parameters, attracting men.

Figure " hourglass" is the envy of many women, since the owners of such forms inherited an ideal figure from birth. Women have the same size shoulders and hips, and the waist is harmoniously distinguished by its miniature volume. If a woman with such a figure starts playing sports, all parts of her body will lose weight at the same time.

The “rectangle” figure is not the most perfect option female figure, but it also has its merits. Such young ladies have a proportional body. Disadvantages include the lack of a waist and, in the case of systematic overeating, the deposition of fat on the abdomen. But if you exercise regularly, you can bring a rectangular figure into ideal condition. The main thing is to focus on training the abdominal muscles.

The “inverted triangle” figure gives its owners a lot of problems, since there is a noticeable difference between wide shoulders and narrow hips. This figure is more typical of men, but women also have it. The advantages of this type are great. In addition, you will not gain weight in your thighs, even if you do not eat right. Disadvantages include a lack of femininity, but this can be easily corrected with the help of other aspects of appearance.

The best body type

Any figure can be made beautiful, but representatives of the stronger sex were still able to highlight their ideal. In their opinion, the title of the most beautiful type The figures are divided between the hourglass figure and the triangle figure. Both of these figures are distinguished by femininity, elegance, and sexuality.

It is worth noting that even the most beautiful curves can be ruined if you don’t watch your diet and don’t go to the gym. It is extremely rare to find figures who, from birth, remain attractive without due effort.

Even if your figure is not the most beautiful type, this is not a reason to be upset. In fact, everything can be corrected with the help of sports and proper nutrition. Consult a trainer to advise you on exercises that will help you burn fat in problem areas and build muscles where you need them.

Remember about your choice of clothing. Your body type, even if you don't like it, can be made perfect by simply choosing the right outfit.

Not a single figure, even the most ideal one, will attract the views of others if you do not follow appearance hair and facial skin. Therefore, you need to be beautiful as a whole, and not just focus on your figure.

Remember to be confident. Surely you have an overweight friend who is constantly running away from the attention of annoying gentlemen. She just knows her worth, she is confident in her beauty and knows that she deserves all the best.

Instead of output

Thus, best figure- this is not a photograph on the cover of a magazine. Your body can also become perfect if you put in the appropriate effort. Yes, sometimes you are too lazy to go to the gym, sometimes you want to eat a forbidden product, especially at night. But admit that it is much more pleasant to know that you are the most beautiful, feminine and attractive.

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It is very difficult to find a woman completely satisfied with her figure. Usually, they come up with various complexes for themselves, which they then try to fight. And in most cases it turns out in vain! As surveys among men have shown, few of them like very thin female models. So what does it look like beautiful figure in the world? And is there such a thing?

The most beautiful figures of girls

Most men call a figure with curves beautiful. Psychologists have found an explanation for this in that this is how men subconsciously choose a partner with good health and the ability to reproduce offspring. Therefore, it is not surprising that the hourglass figure is considered the most attractive.

They follow the hourglass petite girls short. They attract men with their sophistication and touching nature. I want to protect them on a subconscious level.

But the well-known parameters 90-60-90 were only in 3rd place among male preferences. Of course, such a figure is harmonious. These girls have a slender figure, slightly protruding hips and medium breasts.

Changing beauty standards

If you delve into the history of the last century, you can see how changing beauty standards are. Remember how all women strived to be like the favorite of men - Marilyn Monroe. And her proportions were 92-60-86. And this with a height of only 158 cm.

A little later, Leslie Hornby and her parameters 80-53-80 with a height of 170 cm were considered the ideal of beauty. She is the one who is closest to the modern standard of beauty.

In the 80s of the last century, the singer Madonna became the idol of millions with parameters 90-60-86 with average height.

Today, beauty standards have changed and everyone wants to be like Angelina Jolie - tall girl with a “carrot” figure, which broad shoulders and at the same time quite narrow hips. Today women with this type of figure are usually called the most beautiful.

As the men themselves say, female figure They are attracted not by volumes, but by proportionality and aesthetics. Thus, researchers have determined that the majority of representatives of the stronger sex consider a waist of 75 cm and hips of about 100 cm to be the most beautiful. At the same time, everyone has their own preferred breast volume, but for the majority, size 3 is ideal.

The most beautiful star figures

As you can see, at any time they were role models famous people. Among modern stars ideal figures have:

The 36-year-old beauty, with a height of 165 cm, weighs 52 kg and measures 89-61-90 cm. For this reason, Nicole adheres to healthy image life and proper nutrition. She works out with a personal fitness trainer 3 times a week.

The 30-year-old American actress is called by many as the owner of an ideal figure. With a height of 164 cm, she weighs 54 kg. Her measurements are 94-63-95 cm. To achieve them, the actress adheres to a balanced diet and does not bother herself with grueling workouts in the gym.

With a height of 169 cm, the beauty weighs 55 kg and boasts parameters of 90-62-91 cm. To keep herself in shape, Jessica trains gruelingly 4 times a week in the fitness center, and during lunch she eats only half a serving.

At 50 years old, the actress boasts measurements of 92-65-97 cm, with a height of 176 cm and a weight of 65 kg. Monica claims that this is a consequence of her active lifestyle. To get in shape before filming, she refuses sweets and starchy foods.

The 46-year-old beauty has not left the pedestal for several decades now. beautiful woman peace. With a height of 177 cm, her weight is 55 kg, and her parameters are 90-59-91 cm. Holly monitors her nutrition not only for these parameters, but also because she suffers from diabetes.

Emphasizing the beauty of the figure

Often, under the influence of glossy magazines and pictures from television screens, women underestimate their figure. And they hide the advantages of their figure, underestimating its advantages. But to highlight them and hide what is imperfect, you just need to choose the right wardrobe.

Draw attention to beautiful breasts Corsets and V-neck shirts will help.

Thongs and belts, high-waisted skirts and trousers help to emphasize a wasp waist.

Emphasize beautiful hips Skirts with a low waist and bright decor help.

Owners of long and slender legs you need to choose tight dresses or skirts and short shorts.

Experiment with your clothes and remember - each of us is ideal and unique!

It is very difficult to find a woman completely satisfied with her figure. Usually, they come up with various complexes for themselves, which they then try to fight. And in most cases it turns out in vain! As surveys among men have shown, few of them like very thin female models. So what does the most beautiful female figure in the world look like? And is there such a thing?

The most beautiful figures of girls

Most men call a figure with curves beautiful. Psychologists have found an explanation for this in that this is how men subconsciously choose a partner with good health and the ability to reproduce. Therefore, it is not surprising that the hourglass figure is considered the most attractive.

Following the “hourglass” are miniature girls of short stature. They attract men with their sophistication and touching nature. I want to protect them on a subconscious level.

But the well-known parameters 90-60-90 were only in 3rd place among men’s preferences. Of course, such a figure is harmonious. These girls have a slender figure, slightly protruding hips and medium breasts.

Changing beauty standards

If you delve into the history of the last century, you can see how changing beauty standards are. Remember how all women strived to be like the favorite of men - Marilyn Monroe. And her proportions were 92-60-86. And this with a height of only 158 cm.

A little later, Leslie Hornby and her parameters 80-53-80 with a height of 170 cm were considered the ideal of beauty. She is the one who is closest to the modern standard of beauty.

In the 80s of the last century, the singer Madonna became the idol of millions with parameters 90-60-86 with average height.

Today, beauty standards have changed and everyone wants to be like Angelina Jolie - a tall girl with a “carrot” figure, who has wide shoulders and at the same time quite narrow hips. Today women with this type of figure are usually called the most beautiful.

As men themselves say, what attracts them to a woman’s figure is not its volume, but its proportionality and aesthetics. Thus, researchers have determined that the majority of representatives of the stronger sex consider a waist of 75 cm and hips of about 100 cm to be the most beautiful. At the same time, everyone has their own preferred breast volume, but for the majority, size 3 is ideal.

The most beautiful star figures

As you can see, famous people acted as role models at any time. Among modern stars, the ideal figures are:

Nicole Scherzinger

The 36-year-old beauty, with a height of 165 cm, weighs 52 kg and measures 89-61-90 cm. For this reason, Nicole adheres to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. She works out with a personal fitness trainer 3 times a week.

Scarlett Johansson

The 30-year-old American actress is called by many as the owner of an ideal figure. With a height of 164 cm, she weighs 54 kg. Her measurements are 94-63-95 cm. To achieve them, the actress adheres to a balanced diet and does not bother herself with grueling workouts in the gym.

Jessica Alba

With a height of 169 cm, the beauty weighs 55 kg and boasts parameters of 90-62-91 cm. To keep herself in shape, Jessica trains gruelingly 4 times a week in the fitness center, and during lunch she eats only half a serving.

Monica Bellucci

At 50 years old, the actress boasts measurements of 92-65-97 cm, with a height of 176 cm and a weight of 65 kg. Monica claims that this is a consequence of her active lifestyle. To get in shape before filming, she refuses sweets and starchy foods.

Halle Berry

The 46-year-old beauty has not left the pedestal of the most beautiful woman in the world for several decades. With a height of 177 cm, her weight is 55 kg, and her parameters are 90-59-91 cm. Holly monitors her nutrition not only for these parameters, but also because she suffers from diabetes.

Emphasizing the beauty of the figure

Often, under the influence of glossy magazines and pictures from television screens, women underestimate their figure. And they hide the advantages of their figure, underestimating its advantages. But to highlight them and hide what is imperfect, you just need to choose the right wardrobe.

Corsets and shirts with a V-neck will help draw attention to beautiful breasts.

Thongs and belts, high-waisted skirts and trousers help to emphasize a wasp waist.

Skirts with a low waist and bright decor help to emphasize beautiful hips.

Those with long and slender legs should choose tight dresses or skirts and short shorts.

Experiment with your clothes and remember - each of us is ideal and unique!

On TV screens we see actresses, singers and models with perfect figures every day. Achieving an enviable ideal is not easy for many of them. Diets, long hours of training, sometimes even operations... And all this to possess ideal parameters. We conducted a sociological survey to find out which of the modern foreign stars, in the opinion of our readers, has the most perfect figure. We bring to your attention the top 15 most beautiful star figures.

In 15th place is an American singer, actress, dancer

  • Age: 35 years
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 64 kg
  • Parameters: 90-64-102

To maintain a beautiful figure, Beyoncé regularly diets, eats right and does fitness and dancing every day.

In 14th place is an American actress, fashion model, socialite

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Parameters: 92-68-102

Kim is naturally endowed with very curvaceous, so she has to try to keep her body in good shape. She exercises daily, sticks to a diet and limits herself to sweets.

13th place is occupied by the South African supermodel, one of Victoria's Secret angels.

  • Age: 28 years old
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 54 kg
  • Parameters: 84-59-88

Ideal slim figure the girl supports with training in the gym, yoga and boxing. Thanks to her excellent genetics, she does not have to adhere to strict diets.

In 12th place is the American actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer and producer Jennifer Lopez.

  • Age: 48 years old
  • Height: 164 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 88-69-100

In order to maintain her appetizing shape, but not gain “excess,” Jennifer works intensively with a personal trainer, dances, and eats fractional meals.

In 11th place is the Mexican-American actress, director, producer and singer.

  • Age: 50 years
  • Height: 157 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Parameters: 95-63-94

To maintain a beautiful figure, Salma periodically follows a special diet, drinks a lot of water and plays sports (strength training, dancing, swimming).

The American actress took 10th place.

  • Age: 50 years
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Parameters: 91-64-92

To have the figure of a young girl at the age of 50 and with two children, good genetics alone are not enough. Holly regularly works out in the gym and strictly monitors her nutrition.

The 9th place on the podium belongs to the singer and actress Rihanna.

  • Age: 29 years old
  • Height: 173 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Parameters: 90-62-92

Rihanna helps keep herself in shape by regular Pilates, dancing, karate and strength training with a personal trainer. In addition, the star periodically goes on diets.

Our readers awarded 8th place to the American actress and fashion model.

  • Age: 31 years old
  • Height: 163 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Parameters: 86-56-86

Megan admits that she owes much of her beautiful figure to Pilates, and she doesn’t starve herself.

In 7th place - American film actress and singer Scarlett Johansson.

  • Age: 32 years
  • Height: 162 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 94-63-93

Scarlett doesn't really like cardio exercise, so she runs and works out at the fitness club only when necessary. But she tries to eat a balanced diet. There are always vegetables, fruits and lean meat on her table. Although sometimes she can afford a cheeseburger or ice cream.

6th place for American actress, singer, model Ciara.

  • Age: 31 years old
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Parameters: 92-66-96

To maintain good shape, Ciara eats right and follows strict diet, works with a personal trainer and choreographer.

5th place is taken by the Colombian singer, model and choreographer.

  • Age: 40 years
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 48 kg
  • Parameters: 91-60-89

Keep good figure Shakira is helped by a healthy diet and constant varied training ( Gym, dancing, tennis, swimming, basketball).

In 4th place is an American actress.

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 88-60-88

Jessica eats healthily and eats often in small portions. In addition, he works out in the gym.

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 86-61-89

Having two children, Adriana is in great shape all the time. The supermodel admits that she tries to "eat foods in pure form", follows a special diet and drinks a lot of water. In addition, she dances salsa, does Pilates and strength training.

On 2nd place Nicole Scherzinger- American singer, dancer, actress, model.

  • Age: 39 years old
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 89-61-91

The beauty Nicole's nutritional motto is “Everything in moderation.” She prefers healthy food and regularly practices yoga and strength training.

And finally, the 1st place in our rating, according to readers, should be occupied by the English actress and fashion model.

  • Age: 37 years old
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 57 kg
  • Parameters: 98-64-92

Kelly ranks second only to Marilyn Monroe among the sexiest women in film history. She maintains her figure healthy eating and an active lifestyle (gardening, swimming, cycling).

All the girls in our top, of course, have beautiful figures and deserve first place. Despite the different parameters of their figures, they are all recognized beauties.

If your opinion differs from the results of our survey or, in your opinion, our top does not have enough other beauties with perfect proportions, share your thoughts in the comments.