Clay types, properties and uses. Polymer clay for beginners: basic information and simple techniques

For children

It is easier to choose clay for the face among all the variety of types when you know about the healing properties of each of them. White, blue, green, yellow, pink, red - each variety affects the skin in its own way.

Choose natural natural remedy follows based on the problems that concern you. Facial care requires individual approach. After consulting with a cosmetologist, you can accurately determine your skin type and choose suitable look clay.

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    Useful properties and applications

    Clay is a universal element that is used not only in construction, but also in cosmetology. It is the main ingredient that is often included in face masks and compresses.

    Cosmetic clay is widely used in both salon and home care. There are many types of it (each of them has its own application features):

    • gray;
    • white;
    • blue;
    • yellow;
    • red;
    • pink;
    • green;
    • black.

    Each variety affects the skin differently. Clay contains useful elements such as iron, magnesium, calcium, copper. Its use significantly improves appearance epidermis. This makes it a product that can be used by people with any skin type.

    Red clay is ideal for people with sensitive epidermis, while green clay combats increased fat content. White clay deeply cleanses of impurities. Thanks to its ability to remove dead cells, it leaves your facial skin looking rejuvenated and radiant.

    Green clay

    It is able to penetrate deeply into the cells of the epidermis, making the skin look fresh and elastic. The antiseptic properties of green clay help cope with oily shine and inflammation. It not only prevents the appearance of acne, but also removes its consequences. Often used to treat dermatitis and eczema.

    Of the varieties that are offered to the consumer, green clay best for acne treatment and skin care oily skin y in general. She is capable of:

    • deep cleanse (due to antibacterial properties);
    • good to absorb excess sebum;
    • eliminate acne and blackheads;
    • tonify;
    • tighten pores;
    • remove traces of scars left after acne;
    • have an antiseptic and calming effect.

    Face masks – The best way use natural product to achieve a healthy appearance and radiance of the dermis. Clay in powder form is used to prepare them. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store.

    Masks should be prepared only in a plastic or wooden container, since the rock loses its beneficial properties in iron containers.

    The clay mask tends to harden. It is not recommended to keep clay on your face until completely dry. You can't remove it in pieces. To completely rinse off the composition, use warm water.

    The universal composition of the mask, which is suitable for any skin type, includes 1 tbsp. l. green clay and a small amount of water. The ingredients must be mixed until a sour cream consistency is obtained, and applied for 10–15 minutes.

    To treat inflammation and rashes, you can add 2-3 drops of jojoba oil to the mask, and use mineral water instead of regular water. Jojoba oil effectively fights germs, and clay moisturizes and softens.

    Red and pink

    Red (or pink) clay is ideal for sensitive and dry skin. Useful components have a calming and antiseptic effect, combat peeling and irritation on the face.

    Contains red and pink clay is responsible for a number of important functions:

    • cell nutrition;
    • oxygen saturation;
    • elimination of burning and itching sensations;
    • maintaining the level of elastin proteins.

    Pink clay is not found in pure form. This is a mixture of red and white breed. Cosmetologists use pink clay for sensitive skin. It has a soft and delicate effect on the dermis. Effectively fights irritation, enlarged pores and fine wrinkles. The product is often used for rejuvenation purposes.

    Red clay is of volcanic origin. It is rich in magnesium, copper, silicon and iron. Has a beneficial effect on problem skin. Effectively fights oily shine and comedones.


    The face is the most vulnerable place for pollution. From exposure environment, daily makeup and the habit of touching with your hands, the pores quickly become clogged, inflammation and peeling appear. White clay deeply cleanses the skin, prevents the growth of bacteria, and makes the dermis firm and elastic. It is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. Effectively fights pigment spots, evens out complexion, smoothes out fine wrinkles.

    Masks containing White clay, apply 1-2 times a week. They are applied for prevention, maintaining the health and cleanliness of the epidermis.

    For the nutrition that sensitive skin especially needs, a mask with the addition of honey is excellent. It is prepared as follows:

    • for 1 tbsp. l. clay put 1 tsp. liquid honey;
    • add boiled water;
    • mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    The mask is kept on the face for 30 minutes. Then they wash it off warm water. The treatment is completed by applying face cream.


    Thanks to its absorbents, the yellow variety is widely used to cleanse the skin of harmful toxins. It has a tightening effect and nourishes dermal cells well. Yellow clay contains useful elements: iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, sodium and chromium.

    For effective leveling To improve facial contours and maintain a healthy appearance of the skin, it is recommended to use a cucumber-clay mask. It includes:

    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • 1 yolk;
    • 2–3 tbsp. l. milk;
    • 2 tbsp. l. clay.

    Make a puree from the cucumber, add the yolk and milk to it. The composition is mixed until smooth, clay is added.

    The mask is applied to the face. Leave for 10 minutes. After this, wash off with warm water. Moisturizer is applied to the face.

    The mask effectively nourishes and cleanses the skin, and the cream gives it the necessary amount of hydration. It is recommended to apply the composition 2-3 times a week. With this frequency, the result will be even color face, clean and elastic skin.


    Designed to solve problems that arise in people with oily and combination epidermis. It has an absorbent effect, cleanses impurities, mattifies, makes the skin smoother and more elastic.

    Blue clay the most effective of all types. It has a unique chemical composition and contains mineral salts and trace elements. Due to its absorbent properties, it can often be found in cosmetic products. Such care products smooth out wrinkles, cleanse and soften dead skin cells.

    After exposure to formulations containing blue clay, the skin may turn slightly red. This is a normal reaction. The exception is individual intolerance to the product. With a sharp deterioration in health, burning and other unpleasant sensations the clay must be washed off immediately. This allergic reaction requires medical evaluation.


    It is not widely used in home care due to the fact that it is extracted from the depths of the sea. More suitable for mature skin, helps cope with aging and deep wrinkles. For supporting optimal quantity moisture and smoothing out wrinkles will do simple mask with dairy products. It includes:

    • 1 tbsp. l. clay;
    • 4–5 tbsp. l. milk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

    Clay should be mixed with milk to a thick consistency, add sour cream. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes. It is advisable to wash your face with warm boiled water.

    Sea clay is suitable for any type of dermis, despite the fact that it is used more often for aging skin. She doesn't call allergic reactions, effectively fights impurities and age spots, tightens pores, and relieves inflammation.


    Magnesium and potassium contained in black clay have a good effect on blood circulation, improve metabolism, and cleanse harmful toxins. Cosmetic compositions containing it are suitable for dry and oily skin.

    For problematic epidermis, it is recommended to use a clay mask with the addition of aloe juice. Black rock tightens enlarged pores, prevents the appearance of acne, and absorbs excess sebum. Aloe relieves inflammation, reduces scars and acne scars. For deeper penetration of beneficial substances, it is advisable to steam your face before applying the mask.

    A mask containing rosehip decoction and avocado or jojoba oil is effective against acne. Pour 6–7 tbsp into 100 grams of black clay. l. broth (to get the consistency of sour cream). Add 5-6 drops of oil to the mask. Keep on face for 15–20 minutes.

    After the procedure, it is advisable to wipe your face with lavender or cucumber lotion. The result of such a mask is immediately visible: redness becomes less noticeable.

    Features of using clay for oily and combination skin

    Oily skin needs care all year round. A face with this type of epidermis always has a shine due to excessive sebum production.

    Increased oily skin is a consequence of hormonal or hereditary factors. Such dermis constantly needs cleansing. Impurities can become clogged in the pores and cause acne.

    Clay has a drying property, so it is the best way to combat oily shine. In addition to the matting effect, clay has other advantages:

    • cleanses of impurities;
    • exfoliates dead cells;
    • regulates work sebaceous glands;
    • prevents the appearance of rashes and redness;
    • tightens pores;
    • saturates skin cells with beneficial substances.

    The use of a particular type of clay depends on the problem that needs to be solved. White, green and pink varieties have a drying effect. Yellow, red and blue clay will help to cope with inflammation and rashes on the face.

    A feature of combination skin type is the appearance of oily shine in the T-zone and dryness in the cheek area. Caring for mixed dermis requires a specific approach; not all cosmetics can be used.

    Girls with combination skin often encounter problems such as:

    • peeling and dryness in the cheek area;
    • greasy shine in the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin);
    • pore contamination;
    • laxity of the skin.

    Clay is natural product, it is able to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and moisturize the epidermis.

    Cosmetologists recommend using white, blue and green clay. Each variety contains valuable microelements that draw out harmful toxins from the skin, deeply cleanse, relieve inflammation and dry out oily areas.

    Clay for dry skin - which is better?

    Girls with dry skin know what aging, lack of moisture and increased sensitivity. To solve these problems, cosmetologists advise using pink, red and gray clay. It is these 3 varieties that contain elements that protect the skin from environmental influences and whiten dark spots, moisturize, nourish, restore elasticity and healthy appearance.

    Dry skin is susceptible premature aging, so clay masks are very important to include in facial care. The pink variety smoothes wrinkles well, tones and increases elasticity.

    To prepare a rejuvenating mask you will need:

    • 5 drops of the drug Aevit;
    • pink clay;
    • water.

    First, mix the clay with water, and then add vitamin complex. The resulting mask is kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes. After the first use, the skin receives a portion useful vitamins and microelements. With constant care, fine wrinkles become less noticeable and the color evens out.

    Clay can be used for the face either in its pure form or as part of cosmetic products. In the first case, the epidermis receives more beneficial microelements. Homemade masks are the most affordable and effective method tidy up your facial skin.

Cosmetic clay- one of the most effective means For home care behind the face. But there are several types of cosmetic clay that you need to choose depending on your skin type. Which clay to choose? White, black, yellow, red, blue? The Land of Soviets will help you figure it out.

Cosmetic clay - excellent skin cleanser. It helps remove excess sebum and effectively combats redness, irritation and flaking. It contains mineral salts and beneficial microelements(potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.). It is sold in powder - before use, the clay must be diluted with water to a creamy consistency.

But cosmetic clay comes in different types, and its effect on your facial skin depends on the type of clay and the ingredients you mix it with. Some types of clay are better for oily skin, some for dry skin. The Land of Soviets will briefly talk about the main types of cosmetic clay.

White clay

White cosmetic clay, or kaolin, is most often used for care for oily and combination skin. It cleanses and dries the skin, absorbing toxins and excess oil and tightening pores. Thanks to its tightening effect, kaolin will help even out the oval of the face. White clay is also used in whitening masks. It also has antiseptic properties.

Blue clay

Like kaolin, blue cosmetic clay has a bactericidal effect and helps fight inflammation. It is used to prevent rashes and heal small wounds on the face. It cleanses the skin and helps improve complexion. Blue clay has a rejuvenating effect: it makes the skin more elastic and firm, smoothes expression lines. It can also be used to whiten skin. Blue clay is more suitable for normal to oily skin.

Red clay

To you red will do cosmetic clay, if your skin is sensitive, prone to allergic reactions. Red clay masks relieve redness and irritation, help fight flaking and itching. Red clay can also improve the condition of dry and aging skin by stimulating blood circulation and oxygenation of the skin.

Yellow clay

Yellow clay, like white clay, is used for care for oily or combination skin. It will also help dull, aging facial skin. It helps fight acne by removing toxins. Thanks to its tonic effect, yellow cosmetic clay helps to saturate the skin with oxygen and improve complexion.

Green clay

In my own way cosmetic effect green clay is similar to white and blue. It helps cleanse and tighten pores, eliminate oily shine, improve blood circulation in the skin and water balance. Green clay has a bactericidal, drying and tightening effect, helping to preserve the beauty and youth of facial skin.

Black clay

Black clay, like yellow clay, removes toxins, cleanses the skin of impurities and tightens pores, helps get rid of blackheads and acne. Black cosmetic clay is the most versatile, it can be used to care for different types skin. Here you need to look at the individual reaction to clay masks (it’s better to first try applying a little clay to a small area of ​​skin and see what happens). Depending on your skin type, black clay can be diluted with dairy products (for dry skin), acidic natural juices(for oily skin) or herbal infusions(for normal, combination and oily skin).

Pink clay

Pink cosmetic clay is made by mixing red and white. It is suitable for all skin types. Pink cosmetic clay boasts a cleansing and nourishing effect: it will make your skin more elastic and velvety. It softens and rejuvenates the skin, improving facial contour and smoothing fine wrinkles.

Whatever type of cosmetic clay you use, you must follow basic rules for skin care using clay masks. To make a mask, clay is usually diluted with water (or other liquid) in a 1:1 ratio. The mass must be thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency.

The mask is applied to the facial skin in a thick, even layer. Clay should not be applied to the area around the eyes.. Keep the mask on for 10-15 minutes; if you leave it too long, it will begin to draw moisture from the skin and eventually dry it out. The clay mask is washed off with warm water, then a suitable nourishing cream is applied to the face.

If you have oily skin, the mask should be done twice a week, and if dry or normal- One mask per week is quite enough.

Do you use cosmetic clay for facial skin care? What type of clay do you prefer? What masks do you make with it?

Clay is an ancient cosmetic product. Its different types differ not only in color, but also in properties. This product contains minerals that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Facial clay is very popular because it deeply cleanses, moisturizes, restores the structure of the dermis, and smoothes out wrinkles. To her best properties fully manifested, it is necessary to choose the right variety and combine it with other components.

Types of clay

To know exactly which clay to choose, you need to have information about its mineral composition. Visually, the powders differ in color, this is due to their origin.

Types of cosmetic clay:

  1. White (kaolin). Composition: kaolinite, silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium. This is the most popular variety, it cleanses and whitens perfectly. Gentle, non-scratching skin covering, so the powder is often added to children's cosmetics. Kaolin is used as a basis in the manufacture of masks for cleansing, whitening, drying and nourishing the skin. They create from it medicinal ointments and pastes, add it to dry deodorants and powders.
  2. Blue. The main components are cobalt and cadmium. The powder is also rich in silicon, calcium, nitrogen, phosphate, magnesium, and potassium. pH value - 7.2. Main purpose in cosmetology: cleansing, disinfection, stimulation of local blood flow.

    disinfection, stimulation of blood flow
    bleaching and drying
    cleansing, normalization of metabolic processes
    cleansing and whitening

  3. Green (glauconite). The main component is iron oxide. In addition, the powder is rich in silver, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper phosphorus, molybdenum and cobalt. Properties: cleansing, normalization of metabolic processes.
  4. Gray. This is a very rare variety that has a unique mineral composition. The main functions are cleansing and whitening.
  5. Black. This clay contains a lot of magnesium, iron, strontium, and potassium. The main purpose is to establish fat metabolism and cleanse.
  6. Red. This variety is rich in iron oxide and copper. Gently acts, relieves irritation, restores.
  7. Pink. The main substance is silicon. Perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, disinfects.
  8. Yellow (bentonite). Composition - iron oxide, potassium, magnesium, etc. Tones, evens out color.

    promoting fat metabolism, cleansing
    tones, evens out color
    relieves irritation, restores
    moisturizes, disinfects

Indications and contraindications

Cosmetic clay has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves its appearance. Clay treatment, problems and types of minerals used:

  • Acne (kaolin, blue, yellow).
  • Pigment spots (blue).
  • Oily skin, wide pores (kaolin, blue).
  • Dry skin (glauconitic, gray, red).
  • Sensitive type (red).
  • Mimic and deep wrinkles(kaolin, blue, glauconite or red clay).

blackheads: blue or yellow clay
enlarged pores, oily skin: blue
dry skin: red or gray
wrinkles: green or red

In order for the product to have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, select clay taking into account your skin type and the problems present.

Clay is natural natural substance, which in itself does not cause an allergic reaction. Contraindications, rather, relate to the additional components that are included in the composition. cosmetic product. Therefore, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the powder, and if there are components that cause allergies, do not use the product. Before use, perform a sensitivity test.

Useful properties of clay

To determine which clay is best for the face, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties. Minerals have different effects on the epidermis, depending on their composition.

Kaolin (white powder) has the following properties:

Blue powder is rich mineral salts and valuable elements thanks to which it:

So, if the question arises, which clay is suitable for oily skin, then it is better to opt for blue.

Properties of green mineral powder:

  • restores the hydrobalance of dry and tight skin;
  • tightens the facial contour;
  • softens and smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves local blood flow;
  • evens out the color of the epidermis.

Green clay can be mixed with blue clay. In addition, they can be mutually replaced, since their properties are very similar.

green clay
for dry skin
and even out complexion

Red powder is indispensable for owners sensitive type skin:

  • relieves inflammation when the skin peels, turns red and itches;
  • softens, tones;
  • saturates with useful substances;
  • regulates hydrobalance;
  • smoothes, tightens;
  • removes excess fluid from the intercellular space;
  • improves blood circulation and cellular metabolism;
  • the facial contour becomes clearer.

if the skin is peeling
and blushes

Properties of pink mineral powder:

  • smoothes, rejuvenates, tightens;
  • softens, nourishes;
  • moisturizes.

Yellow clay - the best option for combination or oily dermis:

  • removes toxic substances from the intercellular space;
  • deeply cleanses;
  • eliminates inflammation (acne);
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • tones, refreshes;
  • rejuvenates.

moisturizes the skin
for acne

Functions of black clay:

  • absorbs toxic substances and pollution;
  • reduces pores;
  • absorbs excess fat;
  • eliminates acne.

Black - nourishes dry skin, dries oily skin.

If your skin is dry, then you should give preference to gray clay. Its main properties are hydration, enrichment, nutrition.

Terms of use

If you have oily, normal or sensitive skin, then repeat the procedure every 7 days, and if dry - once every 2 weeks.

Applications of kaolin

This white mineral is often used for oily epidermis.

  • To prepare a classic mask, take 20 g of clay and boiled water, stir the powder until sour cream thickens. If your pores are wide, use tomato juice instead of water.
  • To remove acne, use aloe juice as a liquid component and mineral water(in half).
  • To whiten the skin, dilute 20 g of clay in cucumber or parsley juice. The mask can be enriched with lemon juice.
  • If you have fat type epidermis, take 20 g of clay, 50 ml of curdled milk, a couple of sprigs of parsley, 5 ml of lemon juice. Chop the parsley, mix the ingredients to the consistency of sour cream, apply to the skin. Make sure the layer is loose.

    20 g white clay
    50 ml curdled milk

    a couple of sprigs of parsley
    5 ml lemon juice

  • For acne, dilute 20 g of kaolin in 30 ml of vodka and 5 ml of aloe extract.
  • Mask for dry skin: take 20 g of clay, the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, 45 ml of milk. Mix the ingredients until creamy.
  • Firming mask: dilute 20 g of powder in milk, add 5 g of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly and apply to skin.
  • For nutrition and hydration normal type epidermis you need to prepare the following mixture. Ingredients: 120 g banana puree, 20 g clay, a little sour cream and any vegetable oil. Mix until the cream becomes thick; if the mixture is too thick, add a little water.

    20 g clay
    20 g banana puree

Blue Clay Recipes

Using Green Mineral Powder

  • Rejuvenating mask. Mix 5 g clay, 40 g starch, yolk, 20 ml sour cream, 10 ml olive or almond oil, 5 drops of vitamin A. Treat the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Red clay recipes

  • You can soothe and soften your skin with the following mask. Dilute the clay in milk until the cream becomes thick, add 5 ml of aloe juice.

    5 ml aloe juice

  • You can whiten your skin using clay and strawberries. Mash a couple of medium berries, add 40 g of clay and 5 ml of sour cream. Mix thoroughly and apply to face.
  • The vitamin mixture will help eliminate rashes, brighten and tighten the skin, and make it more radiant. Mash a handful of berries, add 20 g of clay and a little sour cream. The proportions can be slightly adjusted so that the mass has the consistency of sour cream.
  • The apricot mask softens, tones and smoothes the skin. Peel and chop a couple of apricots, add clay. Treat your face.
  • Exfoliating mask. Mix 20 g of clay with the same amount of flour, dilute the dry ingredients with milk. Apply to face massage movements, continue massaging for 3-5 minutes.
  • Nutrition, whitening, rejuvenation are possible with next mask. Dilute 20 g of clay in cold carrot juice, add 17 g of cottage cheese, 5 ml of honey. Stir thoroughly and apply to skin.

    red clay, 20 g

    cottage cheese, 17 g
    honey, 5 ml

  • Tomato and red clay for the face against acne are very effective. Take one medium tomato, peel it, grind it in a blender, add clay to make a creamy mixture. The mask can be enriched with sour cream. Apply a thick layer to your face.

Application of pink clay

Yellow clay recipes

Black clay in home cosmetology

Applications of Gray Mineral Powder

Now you know what properties different cosmetic clays have depending on, and you can choose a product for your skin type. Follow the rules for preparing masks, and your skin will be attractive, healthy and well-groomed!

Clay is truly one of nature's best gifts. It is universal in its properties and is used for the production of bricks, ceramics, porcelain, and waterproofing devices. However, clay has long been used for medicinal, cosmetic, and health purposes. This is a 100% natural substance that is not capable of causing harm. In cosmetology, it is most often used to create masks and all kinds of body wraps. What kind of clay is suitable for the face? As you know, there are several main types of it. Therefore, it is worth understanding the beneficial properties and scope of application of this or that product.

Types of clay for face and body. Their use and properties. Bentonite clay

This type is universal, suitable for all skin types, and an excellent cleanser. Bentonite has a high content of elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and others. Thanks to this rich composition, when clay swells in water, it is able to absorb impurities, toxins and various types of bacteria from the surface of the skin. Plus, she has medicinal properties. For example, it is used for psoriasis, eczema, acne, and dermatitis. It removes blackheads, redness, and reduces the severity of allergic reactions. Thus, from all of the above, it is clear that bentonite clay is suitable for different types of facial skin (dry, oily or combination).

White clay

Its other name is kaolin. It is used not only in cosmetology, but also in dermatology. It has a cleansing and drying effect, which is extremely effective in caring for oily skin. It has a mattifying effect, treats and prevents acne. Due to its properties, white clay attracts, like a magnet, excess subcutaneous fat and secretions. sweat glands, removes impurities from the upper layer of the epidermis. It is recommended for use on very oily skin. In what cases is white clay used for the face? For acne that appears as a result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, this is an excellent remedy.

Blue clay

Perhaps the most common and known species clay. I must say, absolutely deservedly so. After all, it is used for lotions, rubbing, and various procedures. It is even used for treatment various diseases. Blue clay contains potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, and iron oxides. It has everything your skin needs minerals and microelements.

Cosmetologists recommend using it for anti-cellulite wraps. Blue tightens the skin, smoothes and reduces stagnant fat layers. The procedure with clay can be carried out even at home. But one session will not be enough; a course of ten wraps is required (every other day). Blue clay for the face is also suitable. Reviews of masks with this component are amazing, since it is impossible to meet a person who would not see positive effect. The mask tightens the contour of the face, removes signs of fatigue, gives the skin a healthy, fresh look and velvety texture.

Blue-white Cambrian clay

This type of mineral is difficult to access for ordinary residents, since it is most often mined in the mountains, which explains its purity and unique irreplaceable properties for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Blue-white clay acts as an absorbent and removes everything harmful from the body. Its huge advantage is that it suits everyone. And, perhaps, this proves that this is best clay for the face, as it has universal properties: tones, tightens the skin, removes excess fat and removes fluid that accumulates in the form of swelling and bruises under the eyes; accelerates the healing of abrasions and scratches; activates blood circulation in the capillaries, which gives the face a healthy color.

Green clay

This species is rich in minerals such as copper and iron oxide, due to which it is colored green color. In addition, it contains a high content of calcium, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, aluminum, molybdenum, selenium, manganese, silver and other microelements beneficial to the body. Thanks to this multi-component mineral composition clay helps eliminate toxins, increase blood flow, overall tone of skin cells, and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It also makes the skin soft and velvety. Due to its wide range of actions, it is most often used to create clay masks for the face. Reviews from people who have tried the effect of masks on themselves are encouraging, since 90% of users note the result after the first use.

Red clay

It owes its luxurious color to the magnesium and aluminum contained in it. chemical composition in the most optimal doses. It is better if this type of clay was mined in Morocco. Because Moroccan has a delicate soft consistency without solid inclusions. Red clay is known for its beneficial properties mainly in cosmetology. But it is also used in medicine. The red mass perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses the skin. People (both men and women) widely use clay face masks. Reviews about the red type, as well as about other types, are usually positive. This is probably why, despite its low prevalence, red clay is not inferior in effectiveness to other types of clay.


Due to the content of many salts, chemical compounds, microelements in this form, it is used in folk medicine and for preparing various cosmetic masks. This type of clay is famous for having large quantity substances - absorbents that help remove toxins from the body. In addition, it contains minerals such as potassium, chromium, silicon, iron, manganese and others.

Yellow clay has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, and promotes retention in cells required quantity moisture and slows down the aging process. Among other things, the product has preventive effect for obesity, joint diseases, diabetes mellitus, strengthens immune system. Yellow clay is widely used in cosmetology for the face. People leave positive reviews of masks with its addition. They also advise using yellow clay for dry, dehydrated and sensitive facial skin. This mask can even smooth out wrinkles and remove redness.

Pink clay

This type of clay is rich in calcium, potassium, aluminum, silicon, zinc, iron and others beneficial to the skin minerals. It can tighten the skin, restore facial contour, deeply moisturize and nourish. Therefore, it received the greatest success in cosmetology. Pink clay is used for dry and normal skin, gently removes impurities and gives the face healthy looking and velvety, relieves signs of fatigue and redness during irritation. For example, it is used to create all kinds of masks for dry, flaky, chapped skin after frost.

Black clay

Another one of the most common types of clay. It has a drying effect. Its use is quite widespread. But mainly used for oily and problem skin, effectively helps fight pimples and acne, removes impurities from the skin and tightens cleansed pores.

So, now that all types of clay have been sorted out, we need to summarize all of the above and find out how clay for the face is selected according to skin types. You just need not to make a mistake with your appearance.

Facial clay by skin type:

Masks containing: bentonite, blue, white-blue, green clay are suitable for everyone;
. for normal and most sensitive the best option there will be pink and yellow;
. for dry skin faces will suit red clay.
. For oily and problematic skin, masks with the addition of black and white will be effective.

When the choice is made, and a person already knows for sure which facial clay (according to skin type) is suitable for him, he needs to decide on the purpose of using the mask. Can also be used diluted in water pure remedy. This composition will also serve as a mask.

We create good skin products

How to use facial clay at home? Let's figure it out now.

In a medium-sized glass bowl, mix clay powder and warm plain water in 1:1 proportions (it is better if it is boiled, mineral or purified through a filter). Then stir with a wooden or plastic spoon until smooth. You should get a so-called clay slurry. It will have a consistency similar to thick sour cream. Do not leave it in this form for a long time, as the mixture dries very quickly. When applying, do not touch the mouth and eye areas. If you cover the top with a plastic mask with slits for the mouth and eyes, then you can keep the clay on your face without any time limit. But when it starts to dry, you need to wash it off, since it will no longer be useful.

As mentioned above, the most common masks contain blue. They are versatile and effective. about which, as a rule, positive, is used as a component for most mask recipes. So, for example, for best result When smoothing the face, you need to mix milk and honey in equal proportions with clay. And for a brightening effect for problem and oily skin, you need to add to one tablespoon of clay egg white and half a teaspoon of salt.

And it is not at all necessary to use blue clay. You can experiment with different types. There is no single type that is most suitable yet.

For dry and irritated skin, a mask with the addition of dry clay, honey, cottage cheese, sour cream and milk in equal proportions is suitable. It is important not to use metal utensils when mixing, as its surface may oxidize and react with the components of the mask, and the result from such a product may not be very pleasantly surprising.

When fighting acne, the following “extreme” mask is suitable: vodka, clay, aloe extract in proportions 2: 1: 0.5.

All products should be kept on the face until completely dry, then washed off with warm water without soap, this is important. And it is advisable not to wipe the skin after this, but to remove the droplets with a towel using patting movements. The result will not keep you waiting long.

A little conclusion

Now you know how cosmetic clay for the face is selected according to skin type. There are several types of remedy. Therefore, carefully choose clay based not only on its color, but also on the characteristics of your skin.

For white, blue, green and other clays, the following qualities are the unifying factor:
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • gentle cleansing upper stratum corneum of the skin;
  • absorbent function;
  • nutrition;
  • improvement of skin metabolism.
It follows from this that choosing which clay is best to make a face mask should not take too long - all types have an excellent effect on the skin, improving its tone, color and texture. However, there are certain nuances

White clay for facial cleansing and sebum removal

White clay brightens the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, tightens pores and prevents the appearance of blackheads and pimples. However, it cannot be used if there is inflammation. It is ideal for treating, cleansing, nourishing, rejuvenating and restoring the skin.

This is one of the most best scrubs, which is able to gently exfoliate dead epidermal cells.

This clay is great for caring for oily, combination or inflamed facial skin.

It perfectly dries, cleanses, tightens the skin, eliminates excess fat, tightens pores well and gives a slight whitening effect.

White clay on iherb:
Bentonite clay powder 100% pure product

Blue clay for acne

If you can’t decide which clay is better for acne on your face, choose blue. This type of clay has strong antiseptic properties.

It also has a slight whitening effect that can lighten freckles and age spots.

Great for oily and problematic skin.

Red clay for aging skin

It tightens aging and flabby skin well, improves blood circulation, and helps to increase the saturation of the facial skin with oxygen.

It is great for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions (irritation, itching, peeling).

Yellow to improve complexion

Yellow clay contains a lot of potassium and iron. It saturates the skin with oxygen. Used to remove toxins for various inflammatory processes. Has a tonic effect. This clay is most suitable for caring for oily, combination, aging and dull skin faces. Perfectly improves complexion.

It is very rich in iron and potassium and is ideal for caring for oily, combination, aging and dull skin.

Green clay for dull and dehydrated skin

Green clay is rich in iron, which is why it smoothes the skin texture and makes it more elastic. This clay has powerful cleansing properties, increases blood circulation in the skin, thereby increasing its elasticity (turgor).

Perfectly restores skin hydrobalance, absorbs harmful components, and also perfectly softens and cleanses facial pores, eliminating oily shine.

Black clay cleanses and removes toxins

Black clay, like yellow clay, removes toxins, cleanses the skin of impurities and tightens pores, helps get rid of blackheads and acne. Black cosmetic clay is the most versatile, it can be used to care for different skin types.

Pink cosmetic clay - rejuvenates

Pink clay is the result of mixing white and red clay. It is perfect for caring for any skin type.

Smoothes out small wrinkles, softens the skin, tightens the facial contour. This clay has a rejuvenating effect. Nourishes and cleanses the skin, makes it softer and gives elasticity.

Gray cosmetic clay for dry skin

Due to its moisturizing and toning properties, it is used for dehydrated, dry skin of the face and body. It can provide deep detoxification of the skin and the entire body.

Moroccan clay - the queen among clays

Clay from Morocco is especially valued. Moroccan clay is also called Rhassoul/Ghassoul. Ghassoul is considered unique clay for face. Translated it means to wash, wash. Gassul clay can be used to wash your hair, wash your face, and use it as a shower gel. It has soapiness, that is, upon contact with water it begins to foam, which gives it such unusual properties. This clay is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, allergy-prone skin, as it provides very gentle wash without surfactants. Clay properties:
  1. Anti-aging
  2. Increased skin turgor
  3. Increased tone and elasticity
  4. Narrowing, cleansing pores
  5. Normalization of lipid metabolism
  6. Removing dead cells
  7. Detoxification
  8. Toning
  9. Mineralization
  10. Removing fluid stagnation
  11. Restoration of connective tissue structure
  12. Improving microcirculation
  13. Anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory

Rhassoul clay protects natural protective layer skin and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

According to research conducted in the USA, this clay:
- reduces skin dryness by 80%
- reduces peeling by 40%
- increases skin elasticity by 24%
- improves skin texture by 100%.

Cosmetic clay for the face - basic rules of use

The mask is applied to cleansed, steamed facial skin for 10-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes after application, the mask begins to dry on the face, so that the skin does not tighten, you need to moisturize the mask with a spray bottle

Rules for using cosmetic clay:
  1. Regularity of use (2-3 times a week).

  2. Clay must be applied to a clean, steamed face or body.

  3. It is recommended to wash off the clay by taking a contrast shower.

  4. The first few procedures may be accompanied by a deterioration in the condition of the body’s skin and hair, due to the release of harmful components from the body.
Preparing a clay mask
All types of clay perform their main function perfectly - they gently cleanse the top layer of skin from impurities and dead cells, and cleanse pores of dirt and oil. And most importantly, clay draws out all toxins and impurities from the skin. Considering that the action of clay is aimed at cleansing the skin, pulling out any “garbage” from it, you should not add nutritional actives to the clay. It is better to make a clay mask first, then you can apply a nourishing mask.
If you still think that clay mask If the skin is too dry, then add to the clay base in equal proportions: sour cream, milk, heavy cream, fruit pulp (watermelon, grapes, peach), vegetable oils (grape seed, jojoba, aloe juice, egg yolk
Ready effective masks, verified by thousands of iherb customers