What to write to your loved one at night. Romantic SMS to your loved one


Almost always, harmonious relationships between people of the opposite sex depend on the words that were spoken or written to each other. It's not just women who love to receive compliments and praise. It is also important for men to know that their labors are not in vain and that they are not indifferent to their beloved. Pleasant, affectionate words can help establish contact during a period of strained relationships, remove an unpleasant aftertaste after a quarrel or disagreement, and add romance and good mood to a couple’s everyday life.

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Who are the messages addressed to?

All girls have faced doubts and hesitations when writing a letter to a man or boyfriend. It is necessary to choose pleasant words by determining the status of the relationship:love, friendship or business. This division will help you choose appropriate words, For example:

To whom For what Example phrases
To my beloved guyIt is very important to let your beloved guy know that he is the best and most desirable. This will quickly warm up his feelings and give him confidence in his abilities. He will know for sure that all his attempts to win the heart of his chosen one are going in the right direction. Also in this way you can suggest what you would like from communication
  • “You know, when we are together, I feel very calm! I feel so protected. Thank you, dear".
  • “My dear, I always miss you, I want to hug and kiss you. I am waiting new meeting with you".
  • “It’s so good that I have you. My life started to sparkle with new things bright colors thanks to my talented artist (It is advisable to write the name in a diminutive form).”
  • “Sunny, I really don’t want to let you go on business even for a minute. I begin to think about your beautiful eyes and feel the lack of oxygen without your passionate kisses.”
  • “When you are near, I simply glow from the fire of our passion. You are my courageous Prometheus"
To my husbandWrite to my husband nice compliments preferably regularly. This way you can constantly maintain interest and remain a desirable wife, who with her wisdom ensures harmony and stability in the family. The relationship between spouses who have been married for several years and are too immersed in everyday worries, compliments and romantic messages is especially refreshing. You should always leave room and time for flirting with your beloved, so as not to get bored of each other. The woman herself will be pleased when her inspired lover reciprocates
  • “I have the most beloved husband. Mine is the bravest and strongest, only mine. Gently kiss. Until the evening".
  • “When you came into my life, it was as if I came to life. I want to breathe the same air with you and feel the warmth of your gentle and strong hands always.”
  • “You take care of me so much that I don’t even know what I would do without you. I hug you warmly, my beloved sun.”
  • “You are my happiness and my joy. I always want to see your sweet, beloved smile on your face.”
  • “I have everything you can dream of - my only soulmate, who is always desired and dearly loved”
To a friendA reliable friend will be cheered up by positive compliments from a girl he has feelings for friendly feelings. He will see that he cares and will value friendship more. He will understand that they communicate with him not because of self-interest, but because they understand him inner world. SMS of an intimate nature would be inappropriate here. You should choose a light, humorous writing style
  • “(Name), you are my favorite best friend in the world! Someone will be lucky to have you! »
  • « Have a good day, buddy! You a true friend“I’m very lucky to have you.”
  • “Thank God that I have a friend like you! Without our communication, I would be lonely.”
  • “There are many friends and acquaintances, but we still need to look for real and true friends. Good luck with everything! »
  • “My friend is dear to me, his smile and his nice words. So may everything be wonderful for you today! »
To an ex-manIt is better for an ex-man not to write, not to attract the past into his new life. But there are rare cases when couples break up without negativity and remain in good relations. IN similar situation you need to clearly indicate that the relationship is over, write messages without unnecessary words and flirting, but with humor
  • "You a handsome boy, I wish you to find a good girl."
  • “I know that you will succeed, I remember that you are purposeful.”
  • “Always be as energetic as you are, it suits you! »
  • “Success and recognition among girls is yours. I wish you happiness"
To a strangerThe hardest thing is to find words to write to a stranger, which I really liked. It is still unknown what his character is, how he reacts to flirting and jokes, so it is better to start with compliments. Before writing anything, it is worth looking through his page on the Internet with photographs in order to roughly draw up a portrait of his personality. The comments to the photos will help you figure it out (compliments written by other girls)
  • "Hello! You are a very impressive and charismatic man. Keep it up! »
  • "You have very beautiful eyes, and the smile is simply charming! »
  • “Probably only you have such biceps. Great form, well done! »
  • “And how can I get past such a cute guy? You look good! »
  • “You impress with your courageous and strong look in this photo! You probably have the same beautiful soul."

You need to write in your own words, sincerely from the bottom of your heart. You can use funny or cute pictures and emoticons. There are many options, but you should avoid pretentious, twisted expressions. Men don’t like very sweet words, it annoys them.

Why do you need to write kind words?

The purpose for which a woman is going to write to a guy is important. But in every specific case the character of the person must be taken into account. The style of writing phrases must be chosen taking into account the result you want to achieve.

There are several areas of emphasis:

Target Example phrases
To make a guy laugh, you don't have to use only jokes. He will definitely break into a smile if he receives praise and kind words addressed to him. In the text you can laugh at some ridiculous situation you’ve experienced together, attach a funny animation, etc.
  • “My only one, I’m like a raisin in longing for you. Don't think that I have turned black and wrinkled. I just want to get into the sweet cake of your love! »
  • "I brave woman, I will disperse your entire army of fans. Only such a beautiful and gentle princess like me is suitable for such a prince.”
You always want your chosen one to love you even more. To do this, it is better to use gentle, romantic messages.
  • "You are my affectionate kitten, I miss you so much.”
  • “You are special to me. I know for sure that I have found my diamond.”
  • “My dear little man, when you appeared, the sun shone and beautiful rainbow in the sky of my life."
  • “I’m so pleased to be with you, spoil you with goodies and look into your bottomless eyes.”
  • “Remember, you are the most desirable for me. I really miss you when you're not around."
If you need to write so that the guy answers immediately, then you should ask a question at the end of the sentence or provoke action
  • “I recently realized that I couldn’t live a day without you. This is probably love. Do you feel the same way as me? »
  • “I really want to be on desert island with you, so that there is no one around. Only the azure ocean coast, warm sun and beautiful jungle. How do you like this proposal? »
  • “I miss you madly, I remember with a smile every minute we spent together. And you? »
  • “When we met our eyes, I was simply lost in the maze of your charming gaze. Can you help me find a way out? »
  • “I really like your care and protection. Don't you want to come? »
Saying certain phrases to a guy to make him smile and melt won’t be difficult if the relationship continues long time. Emphasis should be placed on how good he is, so that a man understands that he is the best for his soul mate.
  • “I believe in you, my beloved, you never let me down. I don’t know how I would cope without you.”
  • “You're so good at calming me down when I'm not feeling well. Thanks for taking care of me".
  • “You are so talented, because you know how to do... (nailing shelves, cooking dinner, walking with children, etc.) no one can.”
  • “Such a wonderful husband should be cherished like the apple of his eye! »
  • “You understand and feel me so much even without words. How do you do it? I am so pleased"

The best way to convey that you love a guy is to be open and honest about your feelings.

It is well known that a woman loves with her ears - each of us absolutely loves to hear warm, gentle, affectionate words addressed to us. But for some reason, not all women realize that men, in turn, love such words no less and really need such speeches. We will tell you in this article how to express pleasant words to your beloved man.

It is clear that every woman needs a man, but very often they forget to talk and remind their loved ones about this. Maybe this is due to the fact that in the minds of the fair sex a stereotype is firmly held that men do not need this, because they are not romantics, and generally do not like all these cutesy words.

In fact, men can show their indifference to such words, but in their hearts they are very pleased and flattered to hear positive reviews, tender words to your address and praise.

Not all women are eloquent, this is not a vice, but you need to know those standard words and expressions that will once again emphasize that you need this man and that you really need him. We will help you formulate the thoughts that are hidden in your soul and put them into the form of pleasant words.

Kind words to your beloved man

How many kind words can you remember? Probably a lot, remembering how you like to be addressed and called. You see, there is nothing difficult in remembering those same kind words and applying them to your man.

Every woman knows her soulmate very well, and understands perfectly what genre of pleasant words is suitable to a specific man. Some people like to be called a bunny, and others like to be called “oh, my tiger.”

  • All men need to be found individual approach, as well as to us women. Therefore, before you name your loved one with a kind word, make sure that it matches his style and lifestyle, and will not offend him or undermine his authority.
  • Favorite words to your beloved man can be very different: beloved, dear, baby, sunshine, kitten - the main thing is that the man likes it and does not hurt his ears.
  • Tender words to your beloved man may be in the form of a softened name, for example - Denisochka, Temochka, Igoryusha, Tolyasik, etc.

  • Try to be varied - the Russian language is rich in word forms and you should not get hung up on any one endearment. Add a variety of words to your vocabulary, and your betrothed will help you choose them. Just pay attention to his habits, appearance, hobbies and even favorite foods.
  • Don't be afraid of any intimate nicknames that will be used face to face within the confines of your bedroom. At the same time, it is important to consider whether the specifics of your relationship require such appeals, because if your man is the last snob who communicates with you on “You” and adheres to platonic relationships, then it’s better to avoid intimate nicknames.

You should not be afraid to experiment in choosing gentle words. If your betrothed doesn't like any of them, he will let you know about it, directly or indirectly.

Words to a beloved man in prose

You don’t need to be a poet to express your feelings beautifully to your loved one. The words just have to be from the heart. The person to whom you will say them must believe you and understand that this is sincere and not a prepared staged speech. Words of love to a beloved man in prose can also sound beautiful, it will all depend only on you, on what exactly and how you say it.

It wouldn’t hurt to tell your loved one:

  • “You are so courageous and strong - I can’t imagine what I would do without you.”
  • “How great it is to feel weak and tender next to such courageous man, How are you!".
  • “Life becomes brighter and more interesting when I realize that you are nearby - courageous, smart, cheerful and such a dear person to me!”
  • “You and I are like two halves of one whole. You harmoniously complement me and know about all my desires and dreams. When my hand is in your hand, I understand that like this, hand in hand, we can walk our whole lives and never regret our choice.”
  • “I’m just crazy about your slight unshavenness and tousled hair, your serious look when you’re busy with work and the playful sparkles in your eyes when you’re planning some kind of prank. You just occupy all my thoughts and don’t let me focus on anything else.”

It is unlikely that a man will appreciate the phrase: “I am drowning in the depths of your eyes, your lips are like a peach on a sunny day, I just want to eat it, etc.” But, for example, these words: “Are you really important to me or - I can’t imagine myself without you; you are my support and my fortress; Only with you do I feel safe, etc.” will be appreciated and will make you believe in your sincere emotions.

SMS to your beloved man in your own words

Words of love to a beloved man You can not only speak them, but also write them. It is very pleasant to hear tender words of love, and even more pleasant to read them. Today, everyone has a mobile phone, and the “send sms” feature is included with any model, so you can send sweet words to your loved one at any time.

No need to look for special poems, just write what you feel in this moment. Any guy will be pleased, while at work or on a business trip, to receive an SMS with the text “I really miss you, I want to see you, hug you tightly and kiss you.”

Yours confession to your beloved man in your own words will make him once again convinced that you need him and love him. When the words come from pure heart, they always bring positive emotions and awaken tender feelings inside.

Any relationship needs development, and even if you have been together for a very long time, words for a beloved man should sound constantly. You can create correspondence in the form of a game and intrigue. For example: “I missed you. Come quickly, a surprise awaits you." All day a person will think about these pleasant words, and the intrigue in SMS will make the passion flare up with renewed vigor.

In addition, you can write to your loved one:

  • “You are far away and the sun doesn’t shine for me, the birds don’t sing and even bright flowers fade and do not please with their beauty. Come back soon!”
  • “I have long wanted to tell you that you are dear to me. This is just in case you have lost faith in my feelings.”
  • “Today my heart is jumping out of my chest with the desire to see you. If you feel this way, then quickly hurry to me - let’s calm your heartbeat with a strong and long kiss.”
  • “It’s so nice to know that even though you’re far away, you’re thinking about me and looking forward to meeting me - it just gives me goosebumps!”
  • “My beloved, dear little man, never doubt my love for you. Even though we parted for only a short time and you will soon return home, remember that my love can warm you even from a distance.”

Kind words to your beloved man should be said every day, and not just on holidays. This will make the relationship stronger and the connection between you closer. Surprise your soulmate, say nice words, and then your relationship will always bring only joy and positivity.

SMS to your beloved man maybe just a couple of words: “I love you”, “I miss you”, “I want you”, “Darling, I’m waiting for you at home”, etc. If your husband or loved one is far from you, then sms Good night in your own words to your beloved man will please him and remind him once again that somewhere far away his beloved and most caring person in the world is waiting for him.

A wish for the night could be:

  • “Let the light of my love warm you far away, and let the cold nights become warm thanks to the fact that I wait for you and think about you endlessly.”
  • “Sweet dreams, my kitten! Go to sleep and imagine that I am next to you, gently hugging and kissing you, protecting your sleep.”
  • “Let this night be the last night of your life when I am not around. Sweet dreams."

Words to a beloved man in verse

You should not think that men do not perceive well the poems that their beloved women dedicate to them. Yes, they really don’t like to learn poetry, but hearing pleasant words in poetic form is what they like, you can be sure of that.

You can write a poem yourself, describe in it your loved one and the qualities for which you love and appreciate him. If poetic talent is not observed, then you can learn a ready-made verse written by someone else.

Believe me tender pleasant words to your beloved man, will always touch him to the quick. He may not start jumping with joy and delight, because such behavior is mostly characteristic of women, but his sincere smile and tenderness on his face will make it clear that he is very pleased to hear such words.

Choose the most best words to the man I love, and then he will always know that you need him and that you value him. It is very important that your loved one truly feels like your soulmate, so in addition to some actions, you must constantly remind him of this with words.

Good morning wishes to your beloved man in your own words

Wishing good morning is an excellent tradition that should not be broken even if your significant other is somewhere far away. Say every morning to your beloved man about love in an SMS message, just on the phone, wishing him good morning.

Believe me, his morning, even if it didn’t start out well, will become like that if you wish it for him from the bottom of your heart.

  • « Good morning, my Sunshine! You’re always reluctant to wake up, but when a delicious breakfast and your beloved woman are waiting for you in the kitchen, the morning becomes truly good.”
  • “Open your eyes and quickly run to me, I already miss you madly and I can’t stand a single minute without my dear man.”
  • “Wake up, my dear, a new day of our love has begun. Let's fill it with kisses romantic emotions and fun."

Any wish, SMS and prose for a beloved man must come from a pure heart. Say only what you feel. These are the words that are valued, correctly perceived and remembered for a long time.

Confession to your beloved man in your own words should not sound pretentious or somehow arrogant, everything should be simple, understandable and pleasant. Never cease to amaze your loved ones with warm, gentle, affectionate and kind words, and then you will see and feel reciprocity.

Video: Beautiful words to your beloved man

When a person is nice, you want to please him much more often, even constantly. This can be done both in person and by correspondence, for example, write in a message the following words: “The morning has come and a new day has come, I hope it brings me a meeting with you.” Girls especially love to straighten nice sms guy, they are the ones who manage to find the most Right words who are able to please young man. In many ways, the relationship between two people in love will depend on the kind words addressed to the chosen one. Therefore, you need to learn how to write them.

Psychologists say that every girl can write the right mobile message, you just have to follow the rules. But how to write a message is NOT necessary, is described below.

No misspelled words. When a girl likes you to a young guy, her words flow like a river. But this does not mean that each word should contain several errors, even if the chosen one is not particularly literate. More enjoyable to read correct speeches, rather than figuring out what you wanted to write and counting misspelled words in sentences.

"No" increased attention to your person! If after your SMS the guy does not respond for a long time, then there may be 2 options: either he is busy, or he is completely uninterested in you. You shouldn’t bombard him with questions like “Where are you?”, “Why are you silent?”, “I’m waiting for an answer from you.” This can only push a person away, but in no way make him interested in himself. Believe me, a young man who is interested in a girl will find a couple of minutes to text her back. It's better to wait; patience will most likely be justified over time.

No to blackmail! If after several messages the young man has not responded, you should not use blackmail like: “If you don’t write to me, then my life will end” and the like. So you can only call negative attitude to himself, but not to the guy’s disposition.

Jokes in moderation. Girls have a tendency to tease guys. It is not forbidden to do this, but every action must have boundaries. Do not forget that deep down, every person is an egoist, and the wrong joke on a young guy can spoil the pleasant impressions of you that he initially had.

“No” to too quick answers! Pretend that you have other things to do. A guy who received a response to his message within a minute may become arrogant, mistaking an instant SMS for strong attachment. It will seem that you were waiting and even prepared the text in advance. Make him nervous, moreover, during this time you can come up with an original message, for example, “I want you to turn into the sun and kiss my nose just as tenderly.” Peculiar and pleasant, without any serious hints, because you didn’t ask to kiss you on the lips?

Don't put too many emoticons. Among young people this point is special place. Smileys are everywhere. But if you want a guy to show interest in you, it’s better to express the meaning of the pictures in words. If you wish good morning to a young man and want to wink at him with an emoticon, it’s better to write something like “I can’t remain indifferent and not wink at such a nice guy.” And the face with a smile can be changed to the words “As soon as I remember spending time together, a happy smile immediately appears on my face.”

Don't bombard your guy with messages. Even if you really want to write, you don’t need to overdo it. You can send several messages throughout the day, for example, “I’m waiting for the evening to open my soul to you.” This SMS is a riddle, and does not mean at all that you will reveal your most cherished secrets; perhaps you mean something else, for example, more close acquaintance or a story from your childhood.

How to write

In any case, the girl should be friendly, sweet, and open in communication. No matter how harsh it may sound, you should not get hung up on one person, because this leads to the disintegration of your personality. After several attempts to attract a guy with your messages, you need to stop communication if it does not bear fruit, and transfer your attention to another young man.

It happens that when you like a guy, writing a seemingly simple message can be very difficult. It is important to understand that SMS is a flirting technique, quite piquant, which will help not only, but also learn more about it. But on the other hand, a young man may perceive this as a hint of a non-binding relationship. Maintain that line that will not allow the guy to take you lightly, make him with your words become attached to you and understand that an easy romance is not your option.

Before sending a message, re-read and delete unnecessary text. Don’t try to write more, it’s better to compose concise phrases. If we talk about the psychology of guys, they perceive long SMS messages as a very strong interest in themselves. This means that they will simply lose interest in correspondence and in you, believing that they have already achieved what they wanted.

Praise. Any representative of the strong half of humanity wants to be touched. If you want your guy to feel good, write a message: “I can’t forget your broad shoulders, behind them any girl will be like behind a stone wall" or "Your Strong arms captivated my gaze, and I imagined how they carried me with the ease of a feather” (a little unmodern, but poetic, would you agree?).

Before you write a message, it is important to be clear about why you are doing it. This point cannot be missed, because any written word can be an impetus for a new stage in the relationship or cause a breakup. For example, poetic form messages are irrelevant if you have just stopped being friends. Confessions of feelings will be inappropriate when you have just met. And the dry “Hello, how are you?” will be the wrong expression if your relationship has already crossed the bar of simple meetings. In addition, a guy will find SMS in his own words the most pleasant and understandable, especially if he needs to say a laconic “I miss you” or “I’m sorry.”

If you are already dating a young man, it is important to find out each other’s tastes and habits. For example, your chosen one may be a fan of Shakespeare, then you can send him an SMS in the form of lines from a sonnet, but not rewritten from the Internet, but rewritten in your own words. Believe me, the guy will receive incredible pleasure from such a message.

Do not write too much about feelings so as not to bore the young man. It is better to send a concise letter like:

  • “I dream about you from morning to evening”
  • "Yours gentle lips I'm dreaming"
  • “I won’t forget the taste of your kiss”
  • “My lips feel your touch.”

You can’t shout about love, especially if it doesn’t exist. Don’t use pathos, set yourself boundaries so that SMS messages are unobtrusive but pleasant.

Very interesting option messages to a person dear to your heart will be letters similar to those that were written previous generations. There is no need to think that this is old-fashioned; on the contrary, in the old days, women knew how to write beautifully, the words flowed in a harmonious flow. For example, you can write to a young guy a revised Tolstoy’s saying: “Love is considered a gift that has no price. This is the value that we can give, but at the same time keep for ourselves” or Albert Camus, who spoke about the greatness of love: “In life there can be only one love - great and for life, only it can justify that despair which visits us."

Reasons to write

When should you write messages? We will tell you about this so that you do not become intrusive and have a small “cheat sheet” of pleasant words at hand.

So, write in the morning. Believe me, it’s nice for a guy to wake up and read the words “Good morning, happy man! And you are happy because you are able to give the same feeling to others.” It would be relevant to send an SMS with the words “Early morning brought me thoughts about you and with this good mood. I wish you to experience the same.”

Write about his appearance. Although they say that appearance is not important for a guy, believe me, the words “Your dimples make you a charming man” or “The clear eyes of a nice guy have captivated me for centuries” will come in handy in the midst of a working day.

Remind him of his talents by writing the message “You did what no one else could do” if he complied with your request of strength or intelligence. You can also point to his courageous hands, with which the young man simply carried a bag from the supermarket. Compose according to the situation.

Write if you are grateful. Even the smallest little thing can be marked by your “thank you.” The more often you say words of gratitude, the more often the young man will try. Write to him the following words: “My gratitude knows no bounds - the bouquet you gave illuminated my day.”

Say good night with the words “I miss you and dream of falling asleep on your strong shoulder"or "Let you see me in your dreams, and I will definitely dream about you."

Nice and warm words are easy to find if the person is truly pleasant and dear. Trust your feelings and emotions, they will help you choose those lines that will strike you to the core and make you think about you from dawn to dusk. And besides, with pleasant content - this is a chance to give your neighbor a drop of unexpected joy.

Did you like some guy? Try to find him on VKontakte or other social networks or find his mobile number. Your ideal is before your eyes, and what should you write to him so that he doesn’t ignore the message, much less blacklist it? We tried to consider this issue in as much detail as possible and gave all the necessary answers. You will learn what content you can send a message to the man you like, taking into account different nuances. Our advice will help you hear from him. We will also tell you what you should absolutely not send and what can put an end to the relationship.

  • To make the message casual, use different emoticons, but you shouldn’t put them every time and everywhere. A young man may think that you are not serious.
  • Be sure to write without errors: check punctuation, follow the presentation style, and grammar. Even a not very literate person will appreciate this.
  • Do not rush to respond to the message, wait 1-3 minutes. This way he won't think that you are very interested in him.
  • Do not send long messages, it is better to divide them into 1-2 and send one after the other.
  • If we're talking about about SMS, it will be very intriguing to send 1-3 messages in a row. Here's an example: in the first, you can say hello, in the second, without waiting for an answer, you can say that you are his secret admirer, and in the third, you can invite him on a date.
  • Your SMS or message should be a little shorter than his.

Follow all these rules and communication will go like clockwork.

What to send to a young man: examples

When planning to correspond with a guy, you need to take into account the situation: do you know him, do he like you, are you in a good relationship or have you quarreled?

First of all, look at the user’s page for information about his interests and hobbies. After exploring your favorite music, movies, and communities, write to him, for example, “I like this book too, I wonder what you think about the ending.”

A winning move is sharing music, photos, cool posts and videos. Rating of posts and photos is welcome.

Options for phrases for a stranger

You can send an SMS to an unfamiliar guy, which will indicate the place and time of the meeting. If he answers and asks who is writing to him, it is enough to refer to the error when dialing the number and smoothly continue the conversation.

The second option for starting a correspondence on VK is a regular emoticon (no kisses or hugs). If the guy answers, it means he is ready for new acquaintances and communication.

Third example: “Hello! My friend said that she knows a nice guy who would like to chat.” In this case, you need to immediately change the topic of conversation so that the guy doesn’t start asking who this girlfriend is. Such a message can be sent both on VKontakte and on a mobile phone.

You can use this technique with a compliment: “I want to prove that nice guys are interesting conversationalists. Can you help? :)".

No one has canceled the classic: “Hello! How are you?". Simple, but not always effective.

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We are looking for words for someone who doesn’t like us

In this case, you need to act delicately. One of the most effective ways- find out what his hobbies are and write a message suggesting that we go together to an exhibition of his favorite artist, a football match of his favorite team, a horror movie night, cool party. You can say, for example, that you already have tickets, but your friend (brother, sister) last moment I can't go.

Another example is to ask for help with something, for example, if the guy is a fan computer games: "Hello! They gave me (the name of the game), but I just can’t pass level 8: (You’re a great gamer, aren’t you? Help me out!”

It’s good if there is an opportunity to find out what exactly the guy is not happy with. If he thinks the girl is too rude, then he should write in a soft, feminine manner. If the MC is sure that the girl is boring, he should choose a more playful manner of communication and joke more often.

Before radically changing your character, habits, lifestyle and behavior, it is advisable to think carefully about whether it is worth it.

If you are in a quarrel with him

It is advisable for a guy who likes you, but you are in a quarrel with him, to write on some holiday. Congratulations combined with the offer to “live amicably and consolidate reconciliation in a cafe over a cup of coffee (at the cinema, while walking the dogs, etc.)” in most cases guarantee success.

If there is no desire to wait for the next major holiday, it is better to use the tactics of simplicity and tenderness. In a calm manner, without sarcasm or irony, you can write: “Hello! I miss you. Let's make peace?)". Despite the simplicity of the phrase, it is one of the most effective.

Men are quite straightforward creatures; in most cases they do not understand hints, and if they are offended, they do not perceive high-flown speeches and ornate turns of phrase.

What if a man has a girlfriend?

Before writing to a guy you like but is busy, it is advisable to think carefully about whether this is necessary. Attempts to upset other people's relationships can end in failure. The result is wasted time and damaged nerves of several people at once.

It is advisable to start communicating with a constrained young man with the standard phrase: “Hello! How are you?" or from a smiley. If the guy answers, you can ask him what his hobbies are.

If the correspondence continues and communication will gain momentum, you need to ask if the guy is free and draw conclusions based on his answer. Some men may lie that they are absolutely free, others may begin to wobble like a Markitan boat, telling stories about freedom in relationships. But there are also those who tell the truth.

If the guy who has serious relationship with another girl, agrees to continue communicating and dating, it is advisable to think about whether you need such a flighty specimen.

Tips on how to charm your interlocutor will help you. You will be able to put your social network page in order, learn how to behave and what to write.

After all the preparations, check out the list of questions that you can ask. They will help you get to know him better.

For everything to work out, it is important to correctly start correspondence on VK or another social network. Here .

Communication has been going on for so long that there aren’t enough topics to talk about? Here's another .

And this. You will need them if you want to seduce and make a guy fall in love with you.

What you should absolutely not write

Psychologists advise refraining from messages from:

  • complaints;
  • aggression;
  • vulgarity;
  • manifestation of jealousy;
  • denial of sympathy.

It is advisable to act according to the principle - one message from you, one from him. If a person has read a message but does not respond for a long time, there is no need to bombard him with questions. If he wants to continue communicating, the girl may put herself in an awkward position.

No need to write:

  • I miss;
  • how I miss you;
  • you are so beautiful;
  • when will we meet?;
  • where did you go?;
  • I want to see you;
  • I can’t go a day without thinking about you;
  • are you bored?;
  • I miss you too?;
  • I constantly think about you;
  • I’m going crazy at the thought that I won’t see you again;
  • how I would like to hug you now;
  • I kiss you and hug you tightly;
  • please don't forget about me.

Vulgarity repels most guys, and even if it attracts some of them, they won’t risk starting a serious relationship with such a girl. Therefore, obscene jokes and eloquent hints must be excluded. Do not write:

  • I miss warmth;
  • I really want you to touch me;
  • I dream of hugging you tightly;
  • how I want you to kiss me now;
  • I melt just thinking about you and others.

Men do not like manifestations of jealousy even from girls with whom they have known for a long time. The need to report every step to an unfamiliar person will definitely not contribute to rapprochement. Avoid messages with detailed questions about where, with whom and why he met. Let your communication be easy and relaxed.

It is wrong to say that you are absolutely indifferent to a guy. This may make him stop thinking about a romantic relationship with you. At the same time, there is no need to bombard MCH with messages with declarations of love. Such speeches at the correspondence stage will scare off most guys. Do not write:

  • I know that fate brought us together;
  • it had to happen;
  • we are together for a reason;
  • I fall in love with you more and more every day;
  • you are the best.

The golden mean is to periodically unobtrusively demonstrate your sympathy during communication, but do not write directly about the desire to grow old together. Here are examples: you know how to give compliments, it’s nice to know that you understand me, you reason interestingly, it’s somehow easy for me to communicate with you, there is no discomfort.

This is what a typical girl looks like when she wants to write to the guy she likes, the video is very funny:

Our simple phrases and the rules of correspondence will help you find mutual language with anyone! You just need to know who to send them to.

Girls quite often wonder what to write to a guy to make him feel good. The reason for this concern may be sympathy for this person, which has not yet developed into a relationship, or more serious feelings.

Men are incredibly sensitive to pleasant words addressed to them. With a few lines you can ensure that he, feeling most loved, respected and dear, will not delay reciprocity and surround his soul mate with attention, care and courtship.

What should you write to a guy to make him feel good?

If you write to your loved one something that will make him very happy, undoubtedly, it will be extremely pleasant for both of you. Few people don’t like bringing joy to loved ones, seeing smiles on their faces, making them feel adored.

By writing nice words to your boyfriend, you will give both him and yourself a little happiness.

Exchanging messages between you can become a game that is interesting to both. Even if you have been together for several years, flirting via SMS will not be superfluous; it will only add passion to your relationship. If you suddenly feel that the ardor of your love has begun to fade, do not miss the opportunity to start a romantic correspondence before it is too late.

Usually, what was said out loud cannot be reproduced unless the words were recorded on a voice recorder or video camera. What is written is very easy to save, which is important for many. If you suddenly feel sad, you can re-read these words at any time and remember how dear your existence is to someone, how much someone cares about your happiness, how deeply they love you.

Some girls are convinced that men should show more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they do not particularly pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a completely wrong opinion, after all stronger sex it is very important to feel like someone whom his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly increase his self-esteem through pleasant words spoken to her. Many girls don’t even know what to write to a guy to make him feel good. You can send a message to your loved one different ways, some of them are given below.

  • Burning flames of love both must support, which means that girls also need to please their men not only with cooking, but also romantic surprises. A small but very pleasant surprise can be a letter sent on the same social network, even if you live together. You should not write for everyone to see, this can embarrass him, it is better to write in a private message. In this case, you have the opportunity not only to write a few fiery lines, but also to send a photograph, picture, song or video that matches the text. You can also draw some original graffiti yourself, and you don’t have to have talent for this, because it will be enough to simple hearts pierced by arrows.
  • If one or both of you are not lovers social networks, you can write him an email. The only thing is that in this case a couple of lines will not be enough; you will need to prepare a rather long text in which you will tell the guy in detail about your feelings. Be sure to assure him that he is your most beloved and dear man, which you want to take care of throughout your life. Let him know how much you miss him, how bad you feel when he is not around, and that you are looking forward to seeing him when you are apart from him. The guy will be very pleased to know that you dreamed about him, so be sure to tell him about it if this is really the case. IN in this case intimate details will not hurt at all, because they will add piquancy to your frank letter!
  • When there was no modern technologies, very developed these days, all people used exclusively by regular mail by sending each other handwritten letters. Nowadays everyone mostly uses a keyboard, but not pens. The most ordinary letter can become quite an original surprise , so don’t immediately rule out this option, but be sure to take a closer look at it.

    You can write in it everything the same as in email, but the guy will be doubly pleased to read the words, written by your own hands.

What to write to a guy to make him feel good at night

If you and your loved one do not live together yet, then most likely you really want to write pleasant words to him every day before going to bed. It is undoubtedly very important for you that he falls asleep and wakes up every day with a smile, thinking about you. Below are some letter options, based on which you can send a guy a message or SMS with a very nice words for the night.

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  • My most adored, dearest and most affectionate man! Now you go to bed after a hard day, letting go of all the heavy thoughts. I hope that, lying in bed, you will forget about all possible failures and fall asleep smiling. I really want you to have a wonderful rest and enjoy a wonderful sleep. It’s very sad that I’m not with you now, otherwise this moment would be even more beautiful.
  • My beloved, I know that now you are getting ready for bed. I miss you so much that I can only cherish dreams about us. Come to me in a dream, we will enjoy each other’s company there together. I will gently take your hand, cuddle up to you and we will watch the beautiful sunset, dreaming of our wonderful future. Maybe you will dream something completely different, I just hope that your dreams will be the most wonderful. May you get in your dreams what you have long dreamed of.
  • Darling, I know that you dream of going on vacation to some wonderful place, for example, to a fabulous island, where it will be just the two of us. In such a place, we could perfectly enjoy each other, splashing in the sea or ocean, swinging in a hammock on the beach, eating palm fruits from each other's hands and marveling at the stunning beauty of nature. I wish you to see this fairy tale only in a dream for now. Let all your heavy thoughts evaporate, your body relax, and your dreams fulfill all your desires, bringing you joy and inspiration.
  • My dear, I wish you to see in your dreams your most Nice memories. Let them save you from sad thoughts, if any, and give warmth to your soul. I hope that I will be in your dreams, delighting you with our memories together. My one and only and the best of all men, relax peacefully and sleep sweetly. I will come into your dream and give you boundless affection and magical tenderness.
  • Baby, I miss you terribly and look forward to our meeting. I'm sure you miss me too, so go to bed soon, then we'll see each other in your dreams. My dear, good night and the best dreams to you. I am crazy about you!

What to write to a guy in SMS to make him happy

Probably the most common way of remote communication between lovers is writing SMS. IN short message, sent to mobile phone a loved one, a lot can be said. If you really want the guy to smile as soon as he wakes up, wake him up with an SMS with a text like “Good morning, darling! Wake up quickly, my baby.” If you quarreled the day before, it’s better to send an SMS in the morning like “My dear, I love you so much, let’s not quarrel and make up as soon as possible!”

It turns out that writing something to a guy to make him feel good is not at all difficult and you can do it in many ways. It is very important for a man to feel loved and dear person, even no less important than for a girl. Appreciate, respect your guys and please them more often with pleasant messages.

Video: Natalya Tolstaya. What does a man want?

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