Compliment from a sweet girl. Nice compliments to a girl


Every person needs certain substances to exist: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins. But to maintain normal life, girls also need one more matter - more subtle and elusive. It cannot be packaged in bottles or boxes and sold in a store. You can’t buy it anywhere or prepare it yourself, you can only give it as a gift. These are compliments.

Wikipedia says that a compliment is a special type of praise, approval or admiration that contains a slight exaggeration of existing qualities or merits. Therefore, first of all, they must be distinguished from flattery, where exaggeration goes beyond all permitted norms.

The difference can be difficult to notice or analyze logically, but girls perceive it very subtly with some sixth, seventh or tenth sense. Therefore, giving compliments may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. This art must be learned, as gallant knights or wise and cunning diplomats did.

Therefore, if you want to be able to give the best compliments to a girl, you should not rely on natural eloquence. It is better to take time to improve and develop your own skills.

What should a compliment be?

The question is quite complicated, considering that girls are not computers, they do not have standardized connectors, so you need to select your own key for each one. And a compliment that made one cry with happiness will only cause bewilderment, irritation or resentment in another. So, a couple of simple rules:

  1. You need to praise those qualities that you really have. Telling a girl with size 48-50 how graceful and weightless she is is somehow ridiculous and stupid. She has eyes, she is well aware of her figure, and such rude flattery will only anger or offend her. Instead, you can say that she is full of life and energy, she has an incredibly attractive body, similar to the statues of Roman goddesses (and they were not skinny at all), that she is like the Venus de Milo come to life, only with sensual and tender hands, and so on. .
  2. The compliment should be subtle, slightly exaggerating what it really is. If you go too far, they will forever write you down as a flatterer and will never believe a single word you say. Of course, there are people who like it, but not that many of them.
  3. The compliment must be sincere. If you want to give a compliment, do it, but don’t squeeze out the standard “Your eyes are like turquoise”, “I’m ready to sell my soul for one look from you”, “There is no one more beautiful than you in the world” and other banal nonsense. The best compliment to a girl is the one that comes from the depths of her soul.
  4. Neutral complements are the best choice if you don't know what to say. “This dress suits you very well, it emphasizes your skin tone and the depth of your eyes,” “You look great today,” “You have unusual, but very attractive eyes/lips/hands/.”
  5. Feel what the girl would like to hear and say it. If she got a new hairstyle, bought a skirt or dress, then she needs confirmation that the choice was successful. It’s not difficult, suffice it to say how this new thing suits her. This way you show that you are paying attention to it and immediately see changes that make you personally very happy.

A few examples of successful compliments

The main thing to remember is that you cannot type “the most beautiful compliments” into Google and learn websites from the first two pages. Pick-up artists don’t work well for modern girls; they have the same access to information and personally encounter pick-up artists. And if a girl hears from you and recognizes a standard preparation, you can delete her number from your address book.

Therefore, learn to come up with and give compliments yourself. But to push your imagination a little, we will offer several options:

  • I used to think that all girls are the same, but after meeting you, I realized that this is not so. You are unique, there is no one like you and there never will be. Therefore, I only need you, and no one can replace you.. A strong option, but you need to say it only when you are sure that you want to stay with her for a long time.
  • I have never felt as easy and interesting with anyone as with you. When we are together, I can take off all my masks and just be who I really am, without lies, falsehood and pretense. Similar to the first one.
  • You have so much life, energy and joy that all the other girls next to you seem gray, apathetic and inarticulate mice. A softer option, suitable for less serious dating or its first stages.
  • This skirt/dress/blouse/glasses/jacket suits you very well. It highlights your skin/eyes/lips/tan/hair color. You need to have good taste to choose clothes like that. These are far from original compliments, but they work great on any girl.
  • The more I communicate with you, the more surprised I am: where does such a beautiful body contain so much intelligence/kindness/fun/cheerfulness/affability.

In any case, you shouldn’t get hung up on standard phrases and templates. As practice shows, the best compliments to girls are spoken spontaneously, easily and sincerely. In this case, they achieve their goal much more often.

Complimenting girls is a very subtle and effective tool with which you can make them very happy. The ability to use this is not given to everyone, and it is very easy to cross the line between mild admiration and rude flattery. Moreover, it is an important tool in.

We present 40 original compliments to girls. We also recommend that you find out some.

But first, let us recall what the original meaning of this French word is.

A “compliment” is a slight exaggeration of the dignity that one would like to see in oneself.

Comparing the phrases “this dress really suits the color of your eyes” and “you are the most beautiful,” the second statement clearly does not refer to compliments, but will pass for ordinary flattery. Because it is easy to challenge, and most likely your praise will not be taken seriously.

Of course, there is no panacea compliment in the form of any universal statement that is suitable for any girl, at any time and in any place. You will have to rack your brain or open your heart for your words to evoke truly pleasant emotions. The compliment is exclusive.

But, nevertheless, we can highlight the basic requirements for a beautiful compliment:

  • focus on the girl’s internal, rather than external, advantages,
  • be sincere, or at least try to give that impression,
  • speaking about the external beauty or qualities of a girl, focus on comparison,
  • pay attention to the nuances that indicate the girl’s impeccable taste,
  • praise what she is proud of,
  • avoid ambiguity,
  • personalize and specify your words,
  • build your speech based on facts known to both of you,
  • do not exaggerate the positive quality you have chosen, otherwise it will be perceived as bullying,
  • keep the thought simple, don’t pile up the structure of your statement,
  • do not include any teachings, just characterize.

40 compliments to a girl

So, we offer you 40 beautiful and original compliments for your (or not your) girlfriend:

“You are so beautiful and attractive that I forgot why and where I was going as soon as I saw you...”

“You are like a ringing spring stream on a quiet steppe night, when everything around shimmers with the shine of the stars. And you make me freeze..."

“The subtle scent of your hair will drive me crazy, I’m not kidding.”

“But do you know what a captivating, charming smile you have? Well, no, really, you have such a beautiful, most radiant smile. Only very good and happy people smile like that.”

“Girl, I admired you all the way. I saw it and forgot about all my problems, I want to thank you for that.”

“Compared to you, the current Miss World is ugly!”

“How do you manage to stay so young among these pensioners!”

“Who said that Masha (any other long-legged Tanka, Anka, Olka) has long legs? Have they seen yours?

“Even the petals of the May rose cannot compare with the tenderness of your skin!”

“Have you decided that you are better than everyone?.. in fact, everyone is just really worse than you...”

“It’s such a time that no matter how a girl is, she’s a star. By the way, you too, only you are a guiding, polar star for me...”

“It’s simply impossible, but you cook even better than my mother!”

“These new earrings match your ring very well!”

“Excuse me, but what modeling agency do you represent?”

“Oh, with this magazine in your hands you look like a real business lady!”

“Mademoiselle, there is something so mysteriously beautiful about you that I cannot take my eyes off you...”

“Looking at you, I began to understand why your husband is always in a hurry to go home (a pretty girl will think about beauty, a housewife will think about comfort).”

“I like your suit, very good cut!”

“You have an aristocratic profile, you need to pose for sculptors.”

“If nature ever created ideal forms, it was yours!”

“You are a very confident girl - that’s understandable, you are beautiful, energetic, sensitive, cheerful, smart, kind...”

“You really are special - you have your own opinion on everything, and I like it!”

“Lidiya Ivanovna, you are an excellent doctor because you pay so much attention to each patient. How do you manage to do this?

“I’ll make an analogy with cars... so here you are – this is the latest model of Ford Mondeo!”

“Yesterday I bought your favorite perfume and sprayed it all over the apartment so that I could smell you... (in separation)”

“You do this romance much better than this singer.”

“You look as charming as you did on our wedding day.”

“I’m so hungry that I would give my life right now for your pickled squash! (specialty of the house)"

“I saw you before... and it seems to me that it was in a dream...”

“Happiness?.. it’s you!”

“I love you the way you are...”

“Now, if I was born a girl, I would want to be like you!”

“Which dragon do I need to kill to become worthy of such a princess?”

“I fell in love with your sunshine: your smile and freckles.”

“You look especially good today, something has changed in you... but you didn’t put on makeup!”

“This is unbearable, I can’t be near you! I’m simply blinded by your beauty!”

You have an amazing tan, like the dark flame of a sunset!

The corners of your lips are full of joy!

Every evening spent with you is amazing. You know how to surprise!

This incomparable smile suits you very well!

Seconds without you last for hours, but hours with you last only moments!

When the wind blows your hair, it looks like a beautiful waterfall!

You have indescribable eyes the color of a cornflower blue field!

You are my sweet unforgettable morning!

You smell like the most beautiful fresh rose!

Your blue eyes are like the sky, your golden hair is like the sun! You are more beautiful than all the women living on earth!

Extraordinary compliments to a girl

You often make me happy! Just like a laugh!

The latest extraordinary compliments to a girl

You look great!

Your eyes are the color of emerald! Only goddesses deserve such eyes!

You have excellent hearing and sense of rhythm!

I love running my hands through your soft, exciting hair!

How interesting it is for me to be with you!

Your kind word is like a life preserver for a drowning man. Thank you for this!

I have never met a more hospitable hostess than you!

You are an amazing person: you taught me to be gentle, affectionate, and not lose my masculinity and toughness!

You have an unusually attractive look!

Your radiant smile is more dazzling than the brightest sunny day!

Your hands are made to be kissed by men!

When you're angry, I see a summer storm in your eyes!

You are the most ordinary girl. And that's why I like you!

You are my fragrant flower. I recognize your scent from millions of others!

High heels make you look even slimmer!

I would consider it an honor to kiss your delightful hand, young lady!

The insinuating look in your eyes says a lot!

New extraordinary compliments to a girl

You need to carry a travel iron with you to smooth out the lasting impression you make on others!

This color suits you very well!

Magical dreams lurk in the corners of your expressive eyes!

You are a real angel! I can even hear the rustling of your beautiful wings!

Thanks to your short stature, you look like the lovely Thumbelina from a fairy tale!

In the old days, men fought duels over girls like you!

If you print out all the compliments and beautiful words that you deserve, then the world will be left without a forest!

I can listen to your gentle and sweet voice for hours!

You are a diva of rare beauty!

You look gorgeous! Five and a half million dollars!

There is no limit to your love!

Have you ever been told that you have the posture of a queen?!

Your incomparable gaze captivates me every time I see you!

People stopped believing in miracles, but I didn’t. And here is one of the miracles in front of me. You are a real miracle!

With your flexibility of mind you can solve the most complex problems!

I melt in your eyes like a piece of ice in a warm lake!

You are like a good fairy - you turn my life into complete happiness!

You look stylish! How do you manage to choose such original jewelry for your daily look?!

You have a smile like the Mona Lisa - light and relaxed!

Tight clothes suit you! There is something to show!

You have such sweet honey lips!

You have charming skin - soft, velvety, like that of a small child!

So I look at you and understand that it is not gravity that keeps me on earth, but you, mine!

Your outfit and gait can be combined into one slogan: “Tremble, men!”!

You are an amazing goddess! Just a gift from above!

Silky, shiny strands of your hair flutter beautifully in the spring breeze!

Optimistic extraordinary compliments to a girl

A charming dance of passion is visible in your eyes!

When you pout at me, you have a sweet and touching look!

Your insight is amazing! You always know what I want even before I want it!

Sometimes such a crazy spark lights up in your eyes!

You have an incredible way of dressing!

As long as I have known you, you have always been impeccable in matters of clothing and fashion!

You have brilliant erudition!

I don’t know anyone more talented than you!

Where do you get so much grace, elegance and sophistication?!

Your bright temperament drives me crazy!

Your justice is admirable!

You give me confidence in the future, confidence that I will succeed!

Your lips are lovely! And the cheeks, what cheeks - a natural blush!

You have very nice skin. You probably swim every day in a lake filled with lunar silver!

You have amazingly pleasant features!

You have such cool dimples when you smile. Give this smile to the world more often, please!

You're like Kinder Surprise - you'll never guess what's on your mind!

You are very flexible, just like a young fluffy and playful cat!

Original extraordinary compliments to a girl

Your charm overshadows a beautiful spring morning!

Time without you is just a ticking clock! Only you fill it with meaning!

Yes, you are slimmer than a birch tree!

You fill my heart with immeasurable happiness!

From morning to evening you flutter like a butterfly. How do you manage to be so energetic?!

You are the most charming person I have ever met in my life!

Your childishly pure and naive eyes are incomparable!

In this dress you are like a spring spirit come to life!

It was a pleasure to spend the evening with you, maybe we can do it again sometime?!

It seems like nothing changes much about you, but you always manage to look different! How do you do it?!

The waves of the silk scarf around your swan neck are enchanting!

The movements of your hands are graceful and unique, full of femininity!

You're great at public speaking! A real speaker!

Yours is catchy! Once you see this, you won’t forget it for a long time!

A compliment is a unique way to remind your loved one of your feelings, thank her and, thereby, lift her spirits.

But when speaking beautiful words, it is important not to cross the line between admiration and banal boasting or flattery.

We invite you to learn how to give compliments to girls correctly in order to attract her attention and earn a few coveted points in her eyes!


Praise is a good thing and inspires women, but you should not say things that are not true. For example, if you tell a girl that she is smart, but in fact she is not smart, or you praise the slenderness of an appetizing chubby, then you risk ruining the relationship, or even getting a slap in the face for such a blatant lie, which she may regard as bullying.

It’s better to find the zest in your chosen one and be sure to tell her about it. It may be a small detail in her appearance that makes her unique and makes her stand out from the crowd. You can say that her dimples on her cheeks or the mole above her lip are driving her crazy and, thereby, will cause a storm of pleasant feelings. And the response will not take long to arrive!


In modern times, men are stingy with pleasant words addressed to the fair sex, so any girl will be glad to receive a compliment. But don't be corny. Hear: “You are beautiful today!” possible from every second. So let her hear: “Today you shine like a gentle sun!”

This kind of compliment is especially good at the beginning of a relationship. The girl will definitely remember him and make you stand out among the huge crowd of identical men.

If you are embarrassed to give a compliment in person, then send her an SMS. She will be very pleased.

Facial expressions and emotions

She won't be sure of his sincerity and will think that you don't really care about her. Girls are very emotional and expect the same from guys. Therefore, you need to give compliments with a gentle smile and be sure to look into the eyes of your chosen one.

Quality of compliments

There shouldn't be too many compliments! This is paradoxical, but an excess of them bores a woman, and she can write you down as an annoying admirer who usually has no chance.

Therefore, give out pleasant words in doses and focus on quality and originality, as mentioned above, and not on their quantity!

But don’t forget that the desire to be liked and receive your dose of pleasant words is genetically inherent in a woman, so the lack of compliments can also harm the relationship.

Examples of compliments (list)

  • Happiness? It's before my eyes!
  • If you compare the current Miss World with you, she definitely loses!
  • What kind of dragon do I need to fight to win such a fairytale princess?
  • If I was born a girl, I would want to look just like you!
  • With such an aristocratic profile, one should pose for an artist!
  • Even a May rose petal is not as soft and velvety as your skin!
  • I am delighted with your suit, very good cut!
  • Excuse me, but what modeling agency are you a representative of?
  • I can drown in your eyes!
  • It's so nice to spend time with you!
  • You laugh so beautifully!
  • Your beautiful eyes drive me crazy!
  • I dream about you very often!
  • Your smile is unforgettable!
  • You have amazingly beautiful eyes!
  • Your look always fascinates me!
  • Your beauty drives me crazy!
  • You have such a pleasant voice!
  • I'm crazy about your charm!
  • You have a dazzling smile!
  • I'm blown away by your voice!
  • The mystery of your gaze is mesmerizing!
  • Your ringing laughter is unforgettable!
  • Your wit is admirable!
  • You are more than a dream!
  • Your beauty knows no bounds!
  • The sophistication and sophistication of your taste speaks volumes!

A girl is always looking for someone who will provide her with the desired portion of affectionate words that raise her self-esteem and inspire her to be even more beautiful.

Therefore, do not forget to sometimes find a couple of affectionate words for your girl, and she will never look at anyone else!

The art of giving compliments is a way to win over a person and make him like you. To get a girl to like you, you also need to be attractive in appearance and interest her as a person; a compliment will help build trust. How not to make mistakes when complimenting a girl about her beauty. It is important to consider that words are perceived depending on the distance at which you communicate.

To a girl I don't know

It is better to say a short compliment to an unfamiliar girl, emphasizing her beauty, so as not to overload her attention, for example:

  • "You are beautiful!";
  • “You look stylish, I couldn’t pass by”;
  • “Girl, can I go away, your beauty hypnotizes me”;
  • “I love your dress so much, it looks incredible, you are so slim in it!”;
  • “You look like a person who is very beautiful, but doesn’t know it”;
  • “Are you, by any chance, a fashion model?”;
  • “In the event of a solar eclipse, only you can illuminate the Earth!”

Funny compliments to a stranger can make the first impression unforgettable:

  • “Can you tell me where heaven is? You look very much like an angel”;
  • “Isn’t it because of you that Miss World is hysterical?”;
  • “Girl, can you tell me where I am, I was staring at you so much that I passed the right stop.”
  • “The news said that because of your beauty, several traffic accidents happened today.”

A compliment is a great start to a dialogue.

new friend

To properly compliment a girl about her beauty, be concise. Remind her of what happened at your last meeting.

Successful examples:

  • “I feel a surge of feelings remembering your smile”;
  • “I remember your graceful silhouette”;
  • “Your gaze still doesn’t let me go”;
  • “You are the most beautiful woman I know”;
  • “Your charming smile melted my heart”;
  • “You know what I like most about you? All!";
  • "I'm fascinated by you";
  • “You are divine!”;
  • “There is a tenderness and purity in your appearance that attracted me when I first met.”

To a friend

Girls love to hear compliments about their beauty, but it’s better for your friends to tell the truth, so don’t invent something that doesn’t exist. For example:

  • “You have a new dress (hairstyle, manicure), it suits you”;
  • “Your hair is so soft and beautiful. How do you do it?”;
  • “Your figure is stunning”;
  • “You are my most beautiful friend!”;
  • “Don't wear this dress! Give other women a chance to attract attention!”;
  • “I’m pleased if they think that such a beautiful girl came with me”;
  • "You simply charm!";
  • “You’re a girl, just what you need!”;
  • “You are the perfect woman! But I control myself";
  • “You are so sincere, open and also beautiful! I'm happy to be your friend!"

To my beloved girl

It is better to say pleasant words to your beloved girl in an intimate atmosphere when you are sitting next to her. You can pay tribute to the beauty of your beloved by noting how you like her figure, face, and how you love the sparkle of her eyes. Don't hold back! To avoid looking too sentimental, consider the rules:

  • Say a short compliment in the morning, for example, “I love your eyes”;
  • Start a telephone conversation with the epithet “beauty”, “my beautiful” - this will immediately improve your mood for the whole day;
  • “I am a happy man, because I have such a luxurious girl next to me”;
  • “You and I will have beautiful children”;
  • “It’s scary to enter a room with such a luxurious companion; someone will immediately try to take you away”;
  • “I feel that when we walk side by side, all men envy me”;
  • “I could admire you for hours”;
  • "I adore your smile";
  • "You are my Goddess!"
  • “I forget about everything when I look into your eyes”;
  • “For me, you are beautiful in any clothes!”;
  • "Your beauty inspires me."


In a compliment addressed to a lover, overt sexual overtones are appropriate, and this will not cause indignation:

  • “I dream of stroking the curves of your beautiful body”;
  • “I can’t take my eyes off your lips after the kiss”;
  • “Your naked back is like a violin, I want to play it”;
  • “In this dress you turn me on so much that I immediately want to take it off”;
  • “Don't look at me like that... It excites me too much”;
  • “When I imagine you, I get so excited that I can’t work”;
  • “Your naked body looks magnificent in the moonlight”;
  • “You look like a queen, I want to do something nice for you”;
  • “I think you would look better than that model in this lingerie ad!”;
  • “I enjoy looking at your photos.”

Basic mistakes

Let's list what you shouldn't do so as not to push a girl away:

  • Compliments about beauty can be funny, but not ironic or ambiguous, otherwise they will be perceived as ridicule.
  • You should not use pompous words such as “most beautiful”, “wonderful”.
  • Don't send long poems via SMS, it looks boring and old-fashioned.
  • Don't write poetry if you don't know how to do it.
  • Do not copy poems from the Internet.
  • Don't write too many compliments in a row.

Remember: it is better to give one sincere compliment than 10 template ones.