How to surprise a girl on VKontakte - ideas and suggestions. How and how to surprise your girlfriend: romantic surprises

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Most guys make significant efforts to win and keep the young lady they like. They use various techniques, but not all of them work. Girls are individual, so the resulting effect does not always meet expectations. What makes an impression on one person may cause negativity on the part of another. However, there is a sure-fire way to achieve what you want, which works for absolutely everyone. To do this, you need to think about how to surprise a girl. An unexpected action or situation will reveal her emotions and allow her to take a closer look at the person nearby.

How to surprise a girl without money?

A pressing question for guys who have not yet reached school or college age, or are experiencing temporary financial difficulties, is how to surprise a girl without money. By using imagination and a sense of humor, you can do without material costs. At least they will be minor. Let's consider several options from an endless number of ideas.

Create a gift with your own hands. It could be anything: a toy, a painting, an application, a poem of your own composition or a recording of a song. The main thing is that you can surprise a girl with a gift only if a piece of spiritual warmth is invested in it.
Visit a beautiful or original place. In every locality there are romantic parks, roofs of abandoned buildings, the shore of a reservoir and other wonderful sites that the beloved has not yet visited. It is worth getting her there in a mysterious way, for example, blindfolded.
Surprise a girl in correspondence. Young people constantly use gadgets while communicating in social networks, on forums and through mobile applications. The epistolary genre helps to express your feelings more deeply and vividly, as well as to provide words with drawings, emoticons, music and clips. Therefore, you should take advantage of this opportunity and surprise a girl on VKontakte or via SMS.
Arrange romantic dinner Houses. This method requires some expense, but you can always get by with a light snack and fruit. You just need to carefully arrange the dishes and cutlery on the table, turn on pleasant music, light the candles and turn off the lights.

Taking into account the characteristics of the girl’s character, you can come up with others original surprises, which do not require large quantity money. Your loved one will definitely appreciate the desire to please her even in financially difficult times.

How to surprise a girl from a distance?

Another difficult situation is when you have to spend some time at a distance from each other. This could be study, vacation, business trip or any other occasion. Communication via the Internet and telephone does not replace live communication, and everyday calls cease to be surprises. How to surprise a girl from a distance? This is possible, whether lovers are hundreds of kilometers away or on another continent - it doesn’t matter!

Prepare a surprise in advance. If known exact date departure, you can hide a nice gift, card or love note in the girl’s apartment. You just need to find out which places she won’t look at before leaving, but will definitely discover a surprise a little later. If your beloved leaves, the same trifle should be put in her suitcase, pocket or bag.
Order delivery by courier. In every city there are delivery services for flowers, toys, jewelry and exotic food. Most of them accept payment bank card and does not require the personal presence of the customer. Why not spoil the girl? It’s just better to clarify in advance whether it’s convenient for her to be at home during this period.
Order a banner on a billboard. Advertising agencies know which places in the city are recruiting the largest number views. And here you can successfully place not only an advertisement, but also a confession to your beloved girl or a wish addressed to her. It is better to choose a billboard that she walks past or drives by every day. Payment is made electronically, and the agency staff will take care of the sketch and placement.
Write a letter. Yes, yes, classic paper letter describing thoughts, feelings and emotions. You need to pack it in an envelope and send it by mail. The only caveat is that you should take into account that letters take a long time to reach the addressee, so this method is suitable for separations lasting longer than a couple of weeks. Expedited option - registered mail.

Even at a distance, feelings remain fresh if you show a little creativity and find a way to please your beloved. And on the way back, it’s worth thinking about how to surprise a girl when you meet.

How to surprise a girl on holiday?

Holidays are always present in the lives of lovers. Each of them becomes a reason to please each other and spend this day together. Over time, identical gifts for the holidays cease to be surprises, although they evoke pleasant emotions. Even luxurious bouquets Flowers ordered from the best boutiques no longer bring the same sparkle to the eyes of your beloved. And just the day before have a joyful day there are no thoughts left except to surprise the girl for the holiday. If you approach the issue with all responsibility, then this is possible. You should take into account not only the tastes and preferences of the young lady, but also the calendar date to which the surprise is dedicated.

Couples in love celebrate the day they met, first date, kiss or confession. Turn this intimate holiday for two into an exciting day if you try to accurately reproduce the significant event. Make an appointment in a memorable place where it happened several years ago, watch the same movie or enjoy a similar dessert. This is where memories of how to surprise a girl come in handy. Some creative personalities They put on performances on a given topic: they “forget” about close relationships and get to know each other again. They ask questions, recognize their usual partner from the other side, are afraid to touch and hold hands reverently. This approach can refresh the relationship of even a long-established couple.

Other generally accepted dates also require attention. How can you surprise a girl on February 14 or March 8? Merry Christmas or the first day of spring? Even if nothing remarkable was planned for this day, it’s worth starting it with a cup of coffee in bed, a lovingly prepared breakfast and, albeit one, a luxurious rose. You can hide cute gifts in the house and organize exciting game in the style of "quest". Or do something that you don’t have the energy or time to do on a weekday. Go to a museum or zoo, visit a fashion exhibition, have a picnic in nature.

How to surprise a girl on her birthday?

Most of all, you want to surprise a girl on her birthday, especially if you plan to spend the holiday with just the two of you. You can make a positive impression by booking a table at her favorite cafe or restaurant. In the presence of enough money, you should think about an original and high-status establishment: on the roof of a skyscraper, in a swimming pool, and so on. Romantic continuation have a nice evening will become a luxurious hotel room. Also for this day short will do travel to nearby cities, historical places or sanatoriums. The trip can be long - it depends on the free time of both lovers.

A great idea is to book a ride around the city in a limousine or carriage, especially in evening time days. Bright lights, festive mood and your favorite dessert, which is easy to take with you, will provide Nice memories. If a girl loves extreme sports, you can go even further. How about skydiving, flying on hot-air balloon or helicopter, motorcycle rides, zorbing or slalom on snowboards? To surprise your friend, a trip to an amusement park is also suitable. You just need to buy tickets in advance and not tell the girl what exactly she is about to experience.

If the girl is sociable, she will probably like the idea of ​​gathering friends and relatives for the celebration. This is done secretly from her, and on the appointed day, when, under a good pretext, the hero of the occasion appears in the right place, she is greeted by her loved ones with posters, balloons and flowers. A storm of emotions will be guaranteed, and the evening will be bright and unforgettable. It is worth preparing and unusual gift, which the beloved has long dreamed of. For example, a kitten or puppy, a fashionable gadget, photography courses, a trip to a resort or a massage course.

How to surprise your girlfriend in everyday life?

Stable, established couples recall the candy-bouquet period with slight sadness. Unfortunately, over time, awe and enthusiasm go away, although love and respect remain. To get rid of routine and brighten up boring, gray everyday life, sometimes you should think about how to surprise your beloved girl. After all, nothing brings variety to a measured life more than actions that cause sincere amazement and an influx of positive emotions.

Take on household chores. If lovers live together - and this happens everywhere - then the girl is probably already tired of the chores around the house. Arranging in her absence, ironing a pile of laundry or throwing out accumulated trash can cause sincere surprise.

Prepare dinner for her arrival. As an option - breakfast before she wakes up. There is nothing more romantic than a man at the stove. And let the dish turn out a little different from the picture on the Internet, because the main thing is the desire to please. To do this, you need to buy food in advance and study recipes, and after cooking, set the table beautifully.
A gift especially for her. Every person wants to have their own intimate area in which he feels comfortable and protected. The creation of such a space is facilitated by objects that are exclusively for personal use. For a girl who likes to read in solitude, a cushion chair or cozy plaid with sleeves. If she prefers to play or work on the computer, then a personalized mouse or cool headphones will be a themed surprise. Even a tea cup decorated with a design created especially for your loved one will become the most adored item in the house.
Have a romantic spa experience. Fill the bath warm water with foam or rose petals, pour a glass of champagne, and then give a pleasant massage. This alone can please you, and if you go further... However, every guy knows how to surprise a girl in bed.

Home, family, work... Such a model of life is not at all a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of seeing the amazed and enthusiastic eyes of a surprised girl. Giving a holiday, if not every day, then at least a couple of times a month, is the direct responsibility of every man who wants to make his girlfriend happy.

At the end of the conversation, I would like to say that this is far from full list reasons for surprise and ways to surprise. The more individual, freshly invented, created only for one specific couple, the happier the lovers are and the brighter their eyes shine. Surprise! Please! Give happiness!

February 12, 2014

Sometimes couples get so caught up in the routine of life that they even forget to say “I love you” to each other. If you feel that Lately were not the best best partner, try to surprise your beloved. There are many classical methods, but try to come up with something new. Let it be personal non-standard gift, unforgettable evening together or even a dinner prepared by you yourself.


Make a special surprise

  1. Treat her

      Take on the role of a chef. Few things are as romantic as cooking dinner, especially if she's usually the one doing the cooking. If you're confident in your cooking skills, cook something fancy. If not, make do with something simpler, like spaghetti or an omelet. You can cook breakfast, lunch or dinner. The food doesn't have to be complicated or fancy, but try to make something that your girlfriend will enjoy.

      • If you doubt your culinary talents, invite her to cook lunch or dinner together. You'll have fun and it's romantic too!
      • Remove everything unnecessary from the table and wipe it down, take out the festive dishes and light the candles. This will turn an ordinary dinner into a special one.
      • If you live with neighbors or parents, choose an evening when everyone is out of the house for at least an hour or two so it can be just the two of you.
    1. Give her and yourself a box of chocolates. Even if you don't feel the need for grand romantic gestures, a box of good chocolate never hurts. Go to a chocolate store and choose chocolates together. Place the box on the kitchen counter and enjoy all the candy next week. Discuss flavors and different toppings.

Any girl expects attention from her beloved, and especially surprises that bring positive emotions and leaving unforgettable experience. To surprise your chosen one, there is no need to master the profession of a magician. You just need to turn on your imagination, after which everything will work out by itself. If your imagination is tight and you can’t come up with options for how to surprise a girl, use the methods listed below, which have already been tested in practice more than once.

Rose from nowhere

To implement this idea you will need a partner. Tell him about the place where you will go for a walk with your chosen one. While walking, distract her attention with a kiss. At this moment, your partner will quietly hand you the rose. She will be very surprised by your gift after the kiss.

Order a song

This method is suitable if your chosen one listens to the radio. Order her favorite song or melody about love.

A nice place

If you don’t know how to surprise a girl on the first date, then invite her to the most beautiful place in your city. For example, this could be a gazebo on the river bank, where you will admire the sunset together.

Romantic gift

Give a romantic gift to your girlfriend. It's better to find out what she likes in advance. A candlelight dinner or a bouquet of flowers is too banal. If she loves animals, then you can give her a horse ride. The more original the gift, the better.

Roses on balloons

Of course, this is expensive, but her surprise is guaranteed. The room is filling balloons with helium. Several of them have roses attached to them. When you enter the room, it looks like roses are floating in the air.


How to surprise a girl? Try inviting her to go shopping for household items. Be sure to buy something for her. This could be a treat, a flower, or just a small gift.

Weekend at the hotel

If you don't live together, rent a hotel room for the weekend. Before doing this, make sure that your chosen one has no other plans. Decorate the room with candles, flowers, etc. Having picked up your beloved from the institute (from work) on Friday evening, take her with a mysterious look to her destination.

Dinner under the stars

Organize a romantic dinner right on the roof of your house. Just a little effort to decorate the terrace - and this evening will be unforgettable.


If you have been dating for several months, then remember one of your trips together or one of the holidays you spent together. Remember the day you met, look at the photos you took on vacation. This will dispel the myth that nostalgic feelings are alien to men.

SMS message

It doesn't matter if it's morning or evening. If it is successful, it will be stored in her phone for a very long time. The most important thing is that the message is beautiful and sincere.

If you have tried all of the above methods, but you are again faced with the question of how to surprise a girl, then read thematic articles and literature. And if there is no shortage of finances, seek help from professionals. They certainly know how to surprise a girl.

In my book “3 SMS that will charm your girlfriend,” I wrote about how important romance is for girls. It often happens that after an eventful and romantic candy-bouquet period Routine awaits your relationship, and there is no longer the former agility to surprise your beloved girl. Typically, it takes about three years for the craving for romance to subside. Chances are, you're less than three years into your relationship and you want to surprise your friend so she can feel how much you love her. It is very important that you are in a relationship with the girl, otherwise all attempts to impress her will have the opposite effect. The girl will think that you are just another suitor, and this is far from being a winning position in seduction.

The first thing to understand is that you don’t have to wait to give your loved one an unusual act or gift. This typical mistake most guys - we all wait:

  • Valentine's Day,
  • March 8,
  • birthday,

to do something romantic gift. Think more creatively. Surprise is what will really surprise your girlfriend. Not because she won't expect it, but because you will show her that you think about her and are ready to do romantic things to make her feel good. This will signal to her that your couple is strong and you are reliable. Unfortunately, not every man can boast of this trait.

Banal ways to surprise

Flowers and chocolate for no reason. For example, you think that you haven’t brought romance into your relationship with your beloved for a long time. Just plan to buy flowers on the way home after school or work. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this; a simple bouquet will do. The point of this gift is not the beauty of the flowers, but to show that you care about your other half. Any woman will confirm this: “The main thing is not a gift, the main thing is attention!” When she opens the door, she will be pleasantly surprised. Tell her:

“Darling, I’ve decided to give you a small gift!”

If she is not at home, then put flowers in a vase near the bed and act as if nothing had happened. She'll be surprised tonight! Sweets and chocolate can also be small confirmations of your care. If you go for a walk, buy a bar of chocolate with you or unexpectedly get some sweets when you drink tea in the evening.

Reminders. This various kinds cards and notes that you can give her unexpectedly. For example, you could write a love note and stick it on the refrigerator in the morning. They also now sell special boards that are mounted on the wall and on which you can write with chalk. By unexpectedly giving your beloved girl such a board, you will also make her romantic gift, thereby you. You can put notes in her bag, closet, car. For one girl, I placed an origami crane, symbolizing our friendship, in the glove compartment of her car. Many men do not remember how long they have been dating a girl. Take a notepad and write down the date you met. Do the math, maybe tomorrow you have exactly 20 months? Buy any postcard, sign it with sincere and gentle words. Your girlfriend will be surprised.

Understanders. Try to unexpectedly help your girlfriend by demonstrating your involvement in her life. For example, she gets very tired after work. So why don’t you cook dinner for the whole family yourself at least once a month. I'm not even talking about a romantic dinner. Do you need to clean the house? Hire a babysitter for the kids and buy movie tickets for a movie night? Or it could be that she once mentioned that she wanted to go to a concert of her favorite band. So why not buy tickets and give her unexpected surprise? Also, your girlfriend probably has various interests and hobbies, and you can surprise her by giving her the opportunity to devote more time to what she loves.

Present. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when you want to surprise your girlfriend is to give her nice gift. For example, jewelry and something else useful. Many guys make the mistake of giving gifts head on. I suggest you use more advanced techniques, for example, you can ask your beloved to dress in a special way because you have a surprise for her. Then in the evening you can go to a restaurant, where you will give her these earrings that she has been missing. By the way, think about what your loved one is missing from clothes, jewelry, sports equipment. After all, you can give not only earrings, but also gift Certificate to the store underwear, and snowboard bindings. Nowadays there are a lot of different sites that sell emotions. You can order:

  • helicopter ride (we cost 22,000 rubles),
  • Spa,
  • massage at home

If your loved one is on VKontakte, then give her a gift with warm words or just post a declaration of love and your photo on her wall!

Social activity. A good substitute for gifts is various kinds social activity. Going to the cinema to all premieres that are significant to you (not only for you, but also for her!), parties, nightclubs, exhibitions, city events. Plan for this and you can do it during a joint hike. In 2 days it’s City Day in my city of Novosibirsk, we’ll definitely go with our beloved. And last weekend we visited Galileo, a scientific and educational exhibition with labyrinths and wonders of physics. It's much better than just sitting at home on the weekend. If it’s summer outside, you can plan a vacation on the beach; if it’s winter, then skiing, trips to ski resorts.

Roof Blowers

You can, of course, plan more serious gifts and roof-raisers. For example, you can unexpectedly give your loved one a trip, a car, or keys to an apartment. If you live together and are planning to buy a car, then, of course, give it as a gift. Those. she should know that you are going to buy a car, that this is in your plans. It’s not like you just decided to give her a car and went and bought it. If you are not yet in strong relationship with her, it could be a huge mistake. I had a client who gave ex-wife such gifts, in the hope of returning her. Unfortunately, it was already irretrievably lost.

Regarding the mind blowers, I will only say that they should be done only on a special occasion. For example, for your anniversary you can do a ride in a limousine, a quest game with a search for treasure using notes, or a beautiful romantic dinner by candlelight. That is, something that requires large investments cannot be done constantly. These should be bright moments that you value precisely for their rarity, and not for their price.

So, don't wait until Valentine's Day comes. Every day, even today, you can surprise and show her your care, attention and love for no reason.

Be sure to keep the romance alive!

Egor Sheremetiev

Any couple may face a situation where they have to separate for a while. If you want to save the relationship, then there are many details to consider.

For example, do you know how to calm a girl down with words from a distance? Or how to surprise your boyfriend? Let's sort it out in order.

How can you communicate?

Now communication at a distance is much easier than a couple of decades ago.

Communication can be maintained at a distance in the following way:

But remember: you need to know a sense of proportion! Even if you are incredibly bored, you should not go beyond what is reasonable.

How to recognize a person's mood?

One of the main problems of long-distance relationships is that using the Internet or phone It is not always possible to convey facial expressions, posture, and gestures. Because of this, sometimes it is not possible to catch fleeting changes in mood.

If you notice that your partner is writing differently than usual or feel a change in his intonation, this could be a good sign.

Don't be afraid to ask clarifying questions:"Everything is fine? Nothing happened? How are you?".

It's better to clarify than to appear disinterested.

Relations at a distance. Are they possible? Find out from the video:

How to remind yourself?

If you want to remind yourself a little, try the following methods:

  • call, for example, in the morning with wishes Have a good day or in the evening to ask how things are going;
  • write a message to your partner, in which you share how much you would like to see him now and what you could do together;
  • send a small but nice one present via postal or courier service;
  • implement surprise visit, spend the weekend together.

Things to do?

When you're in a relationship, you spend a lot of time together, doing things together.

In order for long-distance relationships to proceed harmoniously, you must also remember to do something together.

For example:

How to make a man fall in love with you from a distance? If you decide to fall in love with yourself from a distance, then the advice will not differ much from the usual situation. First of all, you need to be yourself. Take an interest in his affairs, tell him interesting stories, share music or videos.

Under no circumstances should you complain, swear or be offended, otherwise your communication will quickly come to naught.

How to surprise a guy from a distance using SMS? SMS is an excellent remedy for communication at a distance. If you want to surprise your young man, then with the help of messages you can flirt, give compliments and intrigue your partner.

Here it is important to turn on your imagination and not spare pleasant words.

You can wish good morning and tell me that you dreamed about him today.

During the day, you can send some tenderness, tell how you miss you.

But your message must be sincere. There is no need to pull out standard phrases from yourself or copy them from some site.

How to support a man from a distance? A man should feel supported by you in any situation, even if he is far away. If you feel that your partner is preoccupied with something, check if he needs your help and if he wants to talk it out.

He denies everything, but your intuition tells you that the young man simply doesn’t want to hang his problems on you? Then tell him that no matter what happened, he is doing well and has the strength to handle any situation. After this, add that he can turn to you for advice or help at any time.

If a man does open up and share with you what worries him, then listen carefully and be sure to say at the end that you believe in him.

Beautiful words to a loved one at a distance. Talking is important to maintain relationships. beautiful words to your man. This way he will be sure that you still remember him no matter what. You can choose the words yourself, but Here are examples for inspiration:

Prose to a beloved man when he is far away:

  • being with you is real happiness, I really miss you;
  • you are my sun, my joy and my happiness;
  • I often think about you and rejoice that fate gave you to me;
  • men like you come along once in a billion, and I am incredibly glad that I had the chance to be with you;
  • I miss your kisses and your caresses;
  • I look forward to the day when I can hug you again.

How to make a man miss you from a distance? Men are much less emotional and less likely to express their feelings. But girls can make their partner bored. What can be done for this?

  • send your boyfriend your photo: let it be intriguing, but not too revealing;
  • write something insightful email or message;
  • take a short break: sometimes there are so many women that a man simply doesn’t have time to get bored.

What to give a guy at a distance? If a holiday is approaching soon or you just want to please your loved one, then use the following tips:

How to tease a guy from a distance? At a distance, you must always maintain the spark that exists between you. To do this, you can write piquant messages and send intriguing photos. You can tease a young man simply with words during telephone conversation! It all depends on your imagination.

How to entertain a man from a distance? A young man went on a business trip and doesn’t know what to do in his free time?

Try to entertain him: have a virtual date, play games, watch a movie together. Or organize a quest around the city using SMS.

How to communicate with a man at a distance? How to flirt? Answers on questions:

How to court a girl from a distance? Even at a distance, it is important for girls to feel attention and care from a man. How to do this:

Gift for a girl at a distance. Even from a distance, making gifts is not at all difficult now. For this, there are even various services that will deliver anything to your girlfriend. Or you can use mail. But what exactly to give:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • sweet gift (cake, set of pastries, box of kinder surprises, chocolate sets);
  • soft toy;
  • a bunch of balloons;
  • dinner from your favorite restaurant delivered to your home;
  • a banner near her home or place of work/study with a design you’ve thought through (specialists will help you design everything beautifully);
  • your sudden arrival with gifts;
  • jewelry;
  • certificate to your favorite store.

In any case, attention from a distance is even more valuable, so your girlfriend will definitely be delighted with any gift.

How to surprise a girl from a distance without money? It happens that you don’t have the finances, but you can do it something nice for a girl I want to. What you can do:

It all depends only on your desire and imagination!

How to calm and warm a girl with words from a distance? If your girlfriend is upset or even crying, then she simply needs your support.

Don't try to figure out the cause right away. bad mood, first just try to calm her down. Talk to her, write an approving message, show her that you are “there” and will always come to her aid.

Be gentle and patient, the girl may not immediately accept your support. She may even reject your call or express her aggression in other ways. You should be careful to persevere and wait for it to cool down a bit.

Under no circumstances should you laugh at her tears, make fun of her problems, or be ironic! Otherwise, your chosen one will close herself off from you.

It is very important for her to feel your “presence” even from a distance. Call, write, say that you are worried about her. Try to set her up in a positive way.

How to cheer up a girl from a distance? Your girlfriend is sad, but you are now separated by kilometers? You can still cheer her up:

  • call and tell her how you feel about her;
  • talk to her, maybe she just needs to talk it out;
  • arrange for her little surprise or a gift, you can choose from those that we described above;
  • .

    And it torments you revenge. We would advise letting it go, but if you can't, there are ways to hurt someone from a distance.

    Here are a couple of tips:

  1. Write sincerely, preferably without malice, what you think about him. Tell me how this situation hurt you. You can mention that you were very happy with this person and that is why his action stung you so much. At the end, be sure to say that you do not intend to continue communicating with this person in the future and do not even want to remember him.
  2. Use social networks. Just don’t write angry statuses and put heartbreaking pictures on your avatar.

    Most The best way to hurt a person from a distance is to show how wonderful your life is without him. So more carefree and smiling photos!

  3. Ignore. This method is even better than the previous one. And together they work flawlessly. This person can write to you as much as he wants, call you, leave comments and like. Your indifference towards him will definitely hurt this person.

Distance - not a hindrance to relationships if you really want to be together. There are many ways to please, reassure or support each other. All you need is your desire and a little imagination.

How to build happy relationship on distance? Tips in this video: