Enthusiastic phrases. Just a delight


Key words: emotions, emotional state, admiration, emotionality, emotive vocabulary, evaluative words.

Emotions are one of the main aspects of human life. “Emotions permeate a person’s life, accompany any of his activities, being the most important aspect of existence. Accompanying almost any manifestation of the body's activity, emotions reflect in the form of experience the significance of phenomena and situations, states of the body and serve as one of the main mechanisms for the internal regulation of mental activity and behavior aimed at meeting the actual needs of the individual.

The lexical means of expressing emotionality in language and speech include: words that call emotions as such; words and expressions containing an emotional element in their structure (swearing and affectionate expressions and words); words containing evaluation suffixes; introductory words and expressions; words and expressions whose semantic structure is completely emotional (interjections, emotional particles, etc.) and other means

Words that express anger:
angry, irritated, bitter, dissatisfied, enraged, angry, furious, hostile, enraged, indignant, enraged.

Words expressing love:
gentle, loving, caring, charming, passionate, kind, delightful, passionate, sensitive, soft.

Surprise words:
amazed, astonished, baffled, bewildered, confused, shocked, puzzled, stunned, bewildered, shocked, stunned.

Words that express confusion:
embarrassed, preoccupied, frustrated, embarrassed, embarrassed, upset, embarrassed, startled, agitated, shy, humiliated, nervous, stunned, timid.

Words expressing fear:
frightened, agitated, alarmed, preoccupied, threatening, frightened, horrified, worried, dumbfounded, panicked, trembling, frightened, anxious, worried.

Disgust words:
defiled, disgusting, hostile, repulsive, nauseating.

Harmful words:
terrible, swindling, oppressive, hopeless, gloomy, terrible, abandoned, annoying, neglected, unjust, rejected, outraged, corrupted, despicable, disrespectful, humiliated, wounded.

Words that express humiliation:
betrayed, afflicted, flattened, humiliated, humiliated, stupid, helpless, inadequate, incapable, worse, offended, annoying, powerless, underestimated, unfit, unworthy, useless.

Words expressing happiness:
blissful, charming, lively, admiring, enthusiastic, jubilant, victorious, fabulous, dizzying, contented, satisfied, exalted, cheerful, joyful, secured, pleasing.

Loneliness words:
abandoned, lonely, bored, orphaned, miserable, dismissed, devastated, excluded, abandoned, abandoned, ignored, abandoned, ignored, isolated, deceived, despondent, lost, rejected, scorned, humiliated.

Words that express sadness:
dull, dejected, depressed, sad, gloomy, severe, oppressed, gloomy, oppressive, joyless, humiliated, sad, sad, pitiful, withdrawn, distressed, mournful, troubled, exhausted.

Useful words:
agreeable, friendly, helpful, caring, cooperative, sympathetic, creative, welcoming, kind, amiable, helpful, supportive, helpful.

Words describing activity:
lively, brave, agile, energetic, active, strong, frisky, courageous, inspired, lively, vigorous, powerful, strong, hot, cheerful, agile, tremulous, determined, lively.

Grammatical construction: a synonym for prepositional-case constructions denoting a reason.

The category of causality, which combines such polar concepts as cause and effect, finds its most complete grammatical expression in the structure of a complex sentence, since it is here that the main property of cause-and-effect relations is realized - poly-eventfulness.

Within the framework of a simple sentence, for cause-and-effect relations, poly-event is not characteristic, since only one proposition finds its expression in a simple sentence, and the designation of cause and effect has its own specific forms.

Practical work.

Task number 1. Read word combinations. From these options for word combinations, first select those that, in your opinion, are phrases, and then those that can be called sentences:

1) the forest is dark; 2) the forest darkened; 3) dark forest; 4) went to the forest; 5) immediately went; 6) decided and went; 7) into the forest; 8) the guys went to the forest; 9) dark and quiet forest.

Explain your choice. Explain the situations in which the selected variants of phrases can act as sentences.

Task number 2. From these sentences write out: a) the grammatical basis; b) phrases.

1. I would like to walk a hundred roads, but I walked fifty; I wanted to cross five seas - only one crossed ... (A. Makarevich.) 2. I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love. (M. Lermontov.) 3. I love a thunderstorm in early May. (F. Tyutchev.) 4. The tornado ruined the crop. Don't let me die, God! (K. Levashov.)

Task No. 3. Translation of the text. "Cable products, permissible current loads of the cable."

What determines the long-term permissible current of the cable? To answer this question, we will have to consider transient thermal processes that occur when an electric current flows through the conductor. Heating and cooling of the conductor, its temperature, connection with resistance and cross section - all this will become the subject of this article. To begin with, consider an ordinary cylindrical conductor with length L, diameter d, cross-sectional area F, resistance R, volume V, obviously equal to F *L, through which the current I flows, the specific heat of the metal from which the conductor is made is C, the mass of the conductor is conductor temperature, T0 - ambient temperature, and, accordingly, T = Tpr - T0 - temperature change. Ktp - heat transfer coefficient, which numerically characterizes the amount of heat transferred from a unit surface of the conductor in 1 second with a temperature difference of 1 degree.

Module number 12.

Topic: Prefixal and suffixal way of forming verbs. Construction of the type "volume + B. case of the numeral". Prepositional-case constructions with the meaning of the mode of action.

Theoretical work.

Prefixed way of forming verbs is the most productive. From any non-prefixed verb, by attaching a prefix to it, it is possible to form a new verb with a different shade in the lexical meaning (cf. run - run in, run out, run up, run away, etc.). In the formation of verbs, three morphological ways of word formation are productive to varying degrees: prefixal, suffixal and suffixal-prefixal.
Prefix way verb formation is the most productive. From any non-prefixed verb, by attaching a prefix to it, it is possible to form a new verb with a different shade in the lexical meaning (cf. run - run in, run out, run up, run away, etc.). The lexical meaning of the prefix is ​​most distinct in verbs of motion.
A characteristic feature of verbal prefixes is the presence of antonym prefixes in their circle, which makes it easier to understand the meaning of the prefix (cf .: glue - unstick, as well as synonymous prefixes that clarify the lexical meaning of verbs (cf .: expel - expel). Some prefixes contribute to the meaning verb expressive shades (cf .: rejoice - rejoice).
Suffix way The formation of verbs is used in the formation of verbs from nouns and adjectives, as well as from pronouns, numerals and interjections. The suffix -nicha- (-icha; -a-) is used in the formation of verbs from the names of persons with the meaning "to do something, act like someone": nothing.

Construction of the type "volume + B. case of the numeral".

Declension of nouns . The declension of numerals does not have a single pattern, it is represented by several types:

1. Numeral one inflected as an adjective in the singular: one - one (new - new).

2. Numerals five to ten and numerals on - twenty And - ten inflected like 3-declension type nouns notebook, mouse and have the forms: nominative and accusative cases - five, ten, fourteen, genitive, dative, prepositional cases - five, ten, fourteen, instrumental cases - five, ten, fourteen. Numerals on -ten two endings, since both parts change: fifty, fifty.

3. Numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half and one and a half hundred, changing by cases, have only two forms: nominative and accusative cases - forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred; genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional - forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred.

4. Numerals fromtwo hundred to four hundredAnd from five hundred to nine hundred are inclined according to a special type (see table).

5. Collective numerals are also inclined according to a special type. Numerals both, both have two different declensions

6. Simple ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives: first (new) - first (new). Complex ordinal numbers have only one ending: seventieth, seventieth, seventieth; forty-eight thousandth, forty-eight thousandth, forty-eight thousandth. For compound ordinal numbers, only the last part changes: one hundred and twenty-eighth, one hundred and twenty-eighth, one hundred and twenty-eighth.

7. For fractional numbers, both parts change during declension: three-fifths, three-fifths, three-fifths, about three-fifths. Fractional numbers one and a half And a hundred and fifty in nominative and accusative forms one and a half, one and a half, in other cases


are common

I really like you
You are the dream guide
The perfect creation
What captivates my mind!

You are insanely good
For love and for the soul!
What to answer you without words?
How to shake off the mirage of shackles?

Or with honor to wear them, -
That's what I want to ask!
You have bewitched me
Didn't know about the consequences.

And now I can't live without you
May I serve you?

I will never tire of admiring you!

Just delight. And admiration and bliss. Statuses, quotes, verses.

I want to compliment
But I can't find the moment.
Hours fly and days go by
They don't wait for me at all.

I have a lot to say
Or maybe even a hug.
I'm busy, then you're on
That's not how dreams come true.

Among employees, loving,
May I single you out.
I'll start talking about the main thing:
Understand one thing - you are the best
Success will find you everywhere!

Next page →

about love | recognition | compliments | girl| wife | girlfriend | good morning | good night | for mood | miss | sad

are common| in verse | in prose | cool

I really like you
You are the dream guide
The perfect creation
What captivates my mind!

You are insanely good
For love and for the soul!
What to answer you without words?
How to shake off the mirage of shackles?

Or with honor to wear them, -
That's what I want to ask!
You have bewitched me
Didn't know about the consequences.

And now I can't live without you
May I serve you?

Women are told very often how charming their appearance is, how deep their eyes are. But today I want to note how sincere and beautiful soul this woman has! It is she who illuminates from the inside, making the appearance simply dazzling. And may it always be so!

I will never tire of admiring you!
Let the sky and words become brighter
I want to play to give a compliment
There is no wiser woman in the world!

Manners, sincerely, admirable!
Ah, this wonderful, wonderful moment,
Look at you! How many pleasures
But this is the main thing I ask God!

You are worthy of beautiful words without exception
You shine with natural beauty.
The look is beautiful, it's true without a doubt
You slay me with a smile.
Gorgeous in appearance and a little careless ...
You admire with your unearthly beauty
Every minute, daily, forever.

Oh, how beautiful you are in the light of day!

Words and phrases expressing surprise and admiration

And in the evening - irresistible! Salute in honor of beauty, and therefore in your honor! Above you, mother nature did her best! Both body and soul, well, everything is great! And how do you manage to look so good in our time of troubles? You are a magician!

I want to compliment
But I can't find the moment.
Hours fly and days go by
They don't wait for me at all.

I have a lot to say
Or maybe even a hug.
I'm busy, then you're on
That's not how dreams come true.

Among employees, loving,
May I single you out.
I won't praise your talent
I'll start talking about the main thing:
Understand one thing - you are the best
Success will find you everywhere!

Next page →

Beautiful words to a beautiful woman, girl

about love | recognition | compliments | girl| wife | girlfriend | good morning | good night | for mood | miss | sad

are common| in verse | in prose | cool

I really like you
You are the dream guide
The perfect creation
What captivates my mind!

You are insanely good
For love and for the soul!
What to answer you without words?
How to shake off the mirage of shackles?

Or with honor to wear them, -
That's what I want to ask!
You have bewitched me
Didn't know about the consequences.

And now I can't live without you
May I serve you?

Women are told very often how charming their appearance is, how deep their eyes are. But today I want to note how sincere and beautiful soul this woman has! It is she who illuminates from the inside, making the appearance simply dazzling. And may it always be so!

I will never tire of admiring you!
Let the sky and words become brighter
I want to play to give a compliment
There is no wiser woman in the world!

Manners, sincerely, admirable!
Ah, this wonderful, wonderful moment,
Look at you! How many pleasures
But this is the main thing I ask God!

You are worthy of beautiful words without exception
You shine with natural beauty.
The look is beautiful, it's true without a doubt
You slay me with a smile.
Gorgeous in appearance and a little careless ...
You admire with your unearthly beauty
Every minute, daily, forever.

Oh, how beautiful you are in the light of day!

Words of admiration. Do you often say them?

And in the evening - irresistible! Salute in honor of beauty, and therefore in your honor! Above you, mother nature did her best! Both body and soul, well, everything is great! And how do you manage to look so good in our time of troubles? You are a magician!

I want to compliment
But I can't find the moment.
Hours fly and days go by
They don't wait for me at all.

I have a lot to say
Or maybe even a hug.
I'm busy, then you're on
That's not how dreams come true.

Among employees, loving,
May I single you out.
I won't praise your talent
I'll start talking about the main thing:
Understand one thing - you are the best
Success will find you everywhere!

Next page →

Words expressing anger:
angry, irritated, bitter, dissatisfied, enraged, angry, furious, hostile, enraged, indignant, enraged.

Words expressing Love:
gentle, loving, caring, charming, passionate, kind, delightful, passionate, sensitive, soft.

Words expressing astonishment:
amazed, astonished, baffled, bewildered, confused, shocked, puzzled, stunned, bewildered, shocked, stunned.

Words expressing confusion:
embarrassed, preoccupied, frustrated, embarrassed, embarrassed, upset, embarrassed, startled, agitated, shy, humiliated, nervous, stunned, timid.

Words expressing fear:
frightened, agitated, alarmed, preoccupied, threatening, frightened, horrified, worried, dumbfounded, panicked, trembling, frightened, anxious, worried.

Words expressing disgust:
defiled, disgusting, hostile, repulsive, nauseating.

Words expressing harm:
terrible, swindling, oppressive, hopeless, gloomy, terrible, abandoned, annoying, neglected, unjust, rejected, outraged, corrupted, despicable, disrespectful, humiliated, wounded.

Words expressing humiliation:
betrayed, afflicted, flattened, humiliated, humiliated, stupid, helpless, inadequate, incapable, worse, offended, annoying, powerless, underestimated, unfit, unworthy, useless.

Words expressing happiness:
blissful, charming, lively, admiring, enthusiastic, jubilant, victorious, fabulous, dizzying, contented, satisfied, exalted, cheerful, joyful, secured, pleasing.

Words expressing loneliness:
abandoned, lonely, bored, orphaned, miserable, dismissed, devastated, excluded, abandoned, abandoned, ignored, abandoned, ignored, isolated, deceived, despondent, lost, rejected, scorned, humiliated.

Words expressing sadness:
dull, dejected, depressed, sad, gloomy, severe, oppressed, gloomy, oppressive, joyless, humiliated, sad, sad, pitiful, withdrawn, distressed, mournful, troubled, exhausted.

Words expressing utility:
agreeable, friendly, helpful, caring, cooperative, sympathetic, creative, welcoming, kind, amiable, helpful, supportive, helpful.

Words that characterize activity:
lively, brave, agile, energetic, active, strong, frisky, courageous, inspired, lively, vigorous, powerful, strong, hot, cheerful, agile, tremulous, determined, lively.

This happiness is to find and return the delight forgotten somewhere in childhood. Vadim Sinyavsky

Delight is the best taste for life. When you get excited, hold on. Harry Simanovich

Every time you make a jump, flip or any other movement in the air..
When it turns out better than last time..
Or any other sense of self-improvement.. that's what gets excited!
If you become even a little higher than yesterday, then you are already infinitely happy. Air Gear

Bliss is when the delight of the soul coincides with the call of nature.

Unlimited delight of the world Given to a melodious heart. Alexander Blok

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the feeling of mystery. It is the source of all true art and science. The one who has never experienced this feeling, who does not know how to stop and think, seized by timid delight, is like the deceased, and his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein

The more a person is able to respond to the historical and universal, the wider his nature, the richer his life and the more capable such a person is of progress and development. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Fills the whole space with music,
Fills my heart with sounds
It flows so easily and unbridled,
No matter how you take a breath, or take a step.
Maybe there, in the whirlpool of Music,
The secrets of life will be revealed to me.
And discarding the superfluous, unnecessary,
My life will sound different!

I feel wings behind me... Who said two brooms! They just haven't matured yet.

Only in the ecstasy of love do they feel the happiness of existence and, pressing lips to lips, exchange souls. Claude Adrian Helvetius

I may be a weakling, but as long as I continue to admire those who are stronger than me, I gradually become stronger myself. Bleach

I admire the work, dedication and skill. Ayrton Senna

I live according to the laws of Perish: I am looking for a drop of delight, a little madness, everything that you cannot live without. Meet Joe Black

There are more reasons to admire people than to despise them. Albert Camus.

We must admire each other, tell a person that he is talented, beautiful. Why skimp on mutual admiration? After all, life is so short. Renata Litvinova

Do you know what excites me the most about you? Your heart. You still let him control you. A rare quality for our kind! We are so fed up with everything that we celebrate our own cynicism. Real blood

The moments you gave me have a name, they are called admiration. They still wear it, they are woven from your eternity. Even without you, I will never be alone again, for somewhere you exist. Mark Levy.

The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward. Emile Zola

Dear Scotty, those moments when despair chokes you, when it seems to you that nothing is working out for you and that it is impossible to do anything, know, dear Scotty: only in such moments do you really move forward. Francis Scott Fitzgerald

After all, if you can blossom, do it in such a way that everyone gasps with delight. Tokyo Alice

Give me a minute - I'm good, give me an hour - I'm great, you gave me half a year - and I'm invincible! A-Team"

I realized that it is impossible to follow a leader without admiring him. Delight is a stronger feeling than a feeling of power. Charisma is more effective than primitive pressure. Augusto Kuri

You never relax!
- I want to be the best.
- Perfection is not only self-control, but also the ability to let go! Black Swan

It doesn't matter if you're better than anyone. What matters is whether you are better than yesterday. Kano Jigoro

The flight of a jubilant soul, let her fly high - will you? Take a look at the sky, the call of the twinkling stars, the call of the universe - let it hear! Viktor Grutsenko

For some, only the sky is the limit. And some of them even the sky will not stop. Terry Pratchett

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around. Albert Einstein

Just delight. Admiration and bliss. Statuses, quotes, verses.

5 Rating 5.00 (5 Votes)

What words can express admiration?

    No one has come up with a better mat! Transfer?! 🙂

    This is where the power of all expressed feelings is. Admiration cannot be expressed more strongly. Mat is just universal. After all, you can admire the beauty of a person, and some abilities, skills, wisdom, his new image, fancy car, Mat is suitable for any occasion!

    But for people who do not swear, like me, for intelligent people, like me, I offer other options.

    But I ask you to note right away that admiration should not hurt either the most praised person or anyone else. Example, You are the best! ... and what, others, are worse?! I didn't expect this from you! … that I'm so bad?! …


    Good girl! Congratulations! Working with you is just a joy!

    WOW!!! Crazy! Stunned! Class! Bravo! Super class!

    Super-duper-ultra-mega-brilliant! Amazing!

    Well done! This is exactly what I've been waiting for. Keep it up!

    I'm proud that you made it! I couldn't do better myself. Wow!!!

    Great! Beauty! It touches me to the core.

    Cool! Already better. It's like a fairytale. Unforgettably!

    Marvelous! Well said - simple and clear. Bravissimo!

    Very clear. Much better than before. Witty.

    Amazing. Bright, figurative. Fine!

    Extra class. Amazing. Very effective.

    Fabulous! Talented. Amazing.

    Great start. Wonderful! You are gifted.

    Inimitable. I knew you could do it. Grandiose!

    You did a lot today. Incomparably. You are on the right track.

    I need you. I am proud of you. I'm just happy.

    You figured it out. Every day you get better. Great!

    Here I can not do without you! Teach me to do the same. You're a miracle! …

    Most often, words of admiration are addressed to children as an incentive for further development and to women, and knowing that ladies love with their ears, one can also admire in poetry. It will be very cool!

    Well, in reality, the main thing is not the words, but the emotional charge that you put into these words.

    stunned, super, I like it, class, drop dead, I'm shocked

    Cool. Wow. Super. Fabulous. Amazing. Unreal. Or an American word: Wow.

    Here's the first thing that came to mind:

    1. Amazing.
    2. I am delighted.
    3. I admire it!
    4. It's indescribable!
    5. Super!
    6. Great.
    7. 1000 likes (modern).
    8. Great!
    9. Amazing.
    10. Amazing.
    11. Gorgeous.
    12. Fantastic.
    13. Luxuriously!
  • The joy that was visited, for example, as a sign of grace, must be sincere, otherwise, the words will be on duty, and this will be noticeable on the face of the interlocutor, it will not express emotions and living delight will not pour from his soul, and then the soul of another will not be filled reciprocal joy. Therefore, if there is no admiration, then it is better not to imitate it, so it will be possible to avoid hypocrisy.

    Usually, when people sincerely admire, their eyes shine, a smile brightens their face, it happens that the voice trembles or disappears altogether, as there are no words left, sometimes tears freeze in the eyes, but, as a rule, they are the outcome of deep delight. Then the words might sound like this:

    How beautiful!

    How wonderful!

    What a joy!

    How touching!

    How amazing!

    How splendid!

    How excellent!

    What a charm!

    How incendiary!

    What irresistibility!

    How sweet!

    How bright!

    We usually show admiration for the sole purpose of showing respect for a person and his actions, deeds, his opinion or his way of thinking. If you feel admiration for someone, the easiest way to convey it is with the following words: great, grandiose, super, brilliant. But these words almost always carry a shade of some kind of sycophancy, so it is better to use them in relation to loved ones.

    It is much more correct to express admiration non-verbally - one smile or an encouraging look can show a person that they are appreciated, admired, they take an example from him. This is exactly the case when actions are not more important than words.

    Delightful, magnificent, stunning, brilliant, amazing, chic, incredible, colossal, enchanting, breathtaking, fabulous, bewitching, deadly, disgusting, impressive, luxurious, delightful, unique

    Admiration is expressed in order to show one's respect for a person or to show one's emotions in relation to some event or to some situation. Admiration can be expressed using the following words and phrases:

    1) It was amazing;

    2) Amazing;

    3) A stunning success;

    4) Grandiose;

    5) Unique;

    6) You were as always on top;

    7) There are no words to express my delight;

    8) You are a role model;

    10) Simply luxurious;

    11) Brilliant;

    13) It doesn't get any better;

    7 September 2011

    Text: Yana Solovieva

    "Expensive Pleasure"

    It is known that relationships are built more successfully in those couples where a man and a woman appreciate each other and know how to admire their half.

    From the lips of modern psychologists, words are regularly heard about the importance of expressing admiration and approval in a relationship. Often this looks like a certain postulate that must be taken into account, otherwise something wrong will start happening to the family sooner or later. Suppose a husband stops doing something for you (his previous efforts were not appreciated); starts drinking (the wife not only does not admire him, but regularly saws); will go to a colleague (after all, she understood what a macho he is), etc. Emphasize the necessary (more precisely, unnecessary)! And how many complaints from the female half about the lack of attention and compliments from her husband! And this, too, eventually leads to unpleasant consequences, up to the refusal of intimacy or something worse (although what could be worse?). Psychologists say that both sexes equally need admiration from the other half.

    All these frightening pictures raise the question - in fact, why is it so important to express your positive emotions in order to maintain a viable union? We decided to ask this burning question to communication expert Valery Bo.

    “You are valuable to me” - that’s what first of all broadcasts the fact of admiration! Valery says. - It is very important for absolutely every person to understand their significance for a partner, including those people who deny it. What’s more, according to research, even something as crude as flattery works. Moreover, in those cases when a person perfectly understands that this is manipulation by a partner. He still hopes that there is at least some truth in these words.

    Take and give

    And everything would be fine, but that's just not typical of the Russian mentality, an open expression of emotions. Let's be honest - we don't really like to praise and encourage. “In our country there was a rather long period of collectivism, the role of individuality was deliberately underestimated,” says Valery Bo. - You were supposed to be part of the team and in no case stand out. Rather, they could praise a group of people than an individual.

    There are simple things that are much less characteristic of our culture than Western ones. For example, a compliment is a basic tool for expressing admiration, an excellent tool for developing and maintaining relationships. However, we often confuse it with flattery, and some people do not say compliments, because they are afraid to make a deceptive impression, while others do not accept them! Both of these are the wrong approach. If you do not accept admiration, you convince your partner that you really do not have the qualities for which he praised you. But he was based on something! So compliments must be accepted, even with the words: “Yes, I’m really cool!”

    Is it possible to learn how to give good and proper compliments? It is possible and even necessary! Here are some simple rules from Valery Bo.

    1 Factuality

    A fine line distinguishes a compliment from flattery, and it lies in the degree of factuality. After all, flattery is either a strong exaggeration, or something that does not correspond to reality. You should not compliment the quality that the partner obviously does not possess, because he knows about it!

    2 Timeliness

    You need to say a compliment at the very moment when you admired your partner, later it may no longer be relevant! Respond to your impulse. You need to express your feeling, not your opinion, because an opinion is an assessment of a person, and a feeling is what you feel.

    3 Sincerity

    Here, as they say, no comment.

    Understand the person

    The question, of course, is not exhausted by the three rules for expressing admiration.

    The thing is that people perceive compliments differently. The main difference is based in the type of personality: there are people who are internally referent and externally referent.

    Internally referential people are those who primarily rely on their thoughts and feelings and make decisions based on them. For externally referent people, the opinions and assessments of others are very important. Of course, both types are combined in us, but one still prevails. And before making compliments, you should figure out what type your addressee belongs to.

    A simple test will help:

    before an important purchase (for example, a car), does your man first interview all his friends and consult with everyone or will he stubbornly figure it out himself?

    Does your wife go to the boutique for a dress and choose what she needs herself, or will she definitely need a friend, or better, a whole support group in stilettos?

    “Outwardly reference people can be complimented on any occasion and in practically unlimited quantities, the form also does not have to be very refined,” notes Valery Bo. - As for internally referent people, everything is more complicated here. They are not inclined to accept direct compliments, as they themselves know that they are good. Moreover, there are even cases of conflicts due to unsuccessful compliments! For example, my client told her mother-in-law that she was an excellent cook, and she answered her: “I already know that. But to you, dear, who gave me the right to evaluate me?


    Do you want examples of successful compliments for internal reference people? Please! Let's say your man is into an extreme sport. If you tell him that he is “so-and-so cool!” It may not make the right impression, since he probably knows about it. Better notice: "This is the sport of real men!" It turns out that you do not say anything directly, but make it quite clear that you consider your partner a real man.

    It is important to give compliments that are not related to the circumstances, but to the person personally. You can say: “What a cool suit you have!” And it turns out that you admire the clothes, not the person. This is a common mistake! It would be more correct to put it like this: “What great taste you still have!” These words already speak about your partner and his abilities.

    You can use compliments with a "decoding", that is, with an explanation ("because ..."). “You know, not every person could handle this business project like you! I saw how others worked, and they had very different results!” In this case, the compliment is accepted more easily and does not look like flattery.

    Of course, all these subtleties can also be used to compliment outwardly reference people. Moreover, remember: the more success you achieve in expressing admiration for the majority of the people around you, the more subtle and effective your compliments will become to those who are truly dear to you!


    Follow the measure

    And yet, in admiration, as in everything, measure and a sense of taste are very important. Like any repetitive action, the expression of the same emotions ceases to have meaning and value over time. The number of laudatory words needs to be dosed: less is better, but better! How to know when to stop? Since the “degree of saturation” is different for each person, you need to monitor your partner’s reaction to your words, his emotional response, and not what he says to you.

    It is useful to remember that admiration is the encouragement of the actions of another person. “The most successful relationships are those in which the emotional and the rational are combined,” says Valery. - You can cheat a little and admire those qualities or skills of a partner that are beneficial to you. More precisely, it would be more correct to strike a balance between enthusiasm for the moments that are beneficial to you and admiration for the disinterested. Then the partner will have a feeling of completeness of his perception by you! After all, if you compliment him only for his skills and abilities, he will think that you appreciate him only for some abilities. If on the contrary, he decides that you don’t care at all what he does in life.

    It is important to look for new forms of strengthening your words. For example, if your partner is a kinesthetic (a person who perceives information through sensations), then, speaking pleasant words, you can touch, stroke, hug him. To reward the visual (the one who gets more information through sight), it is important to pay attention to the environment in which the compliment is given and how you look. As for the auditory (a person who receives information through the auditory canal), it is useful to “push” long and varied speeches about its merits. If you're creative, you can even write poetry!

    Learn to see the good

    You would be happy to admire your partner, but only your half often causes a feeling of irritation. Common situation?

    What to do?

    Psychologist Alexander Kichaev helps to deal with this complex issue. “I often ask my clients: “What can you say about your partner?” And they start trying to remember something bad about their partner. And you need to think differently: “What can I say good about him?” If a person sets himself up in this way, he really begins to see the good in the first place! The more we notice positive traits in a partner, the better we feel ourselves! You need to focus on those qualities that are consonant with you, and encourage what pleases you.

    Admiration is the carrot, and criticism is the stick. As you understand, if you beat with a whip all the time, the partner will at least get angry, and at the maximum - change territory. According to the laws of psychology, the ratio of carrots and sticks should be one to two: one critical remark, two positive ones.

    “A man came to me who was going to get a divorce,” says Kichaev. The wife doesn't want him! In bed, she does him a favor, but in life she criticizes him. When I spoke with the man's wife, it turned out that at one time she could have married Borya, who became an oligarch, but ended up marrying Fedya, and he did not live up to her hopes. Now she has a complex that she bet on the wrong one. I explained to the client that it is not known how everything would work out with Borey, because the oligarch has already changed five wives, now he has girls twenty years younger! Probably, she herself would have been replaced in a year with a younger rival. And Fedya, her husband, has achieved a lot - runs his own business, bought a house, regularly takes his wife to expensive resorts. She realized that she was wrong, stopped nag her husband and began to say nice things to him. As a result, thanks to these changes, Fedya became much more successful in business! So demonstrating the value of a partner for you is a very important thing, and it always works positively for both parties.