Summary of an open lesson on experimenting with air in the preparatory group Topic: “The wealth of our planet Earth. Lesson in the preparatory group on experimenting “letter from a desert island”


Lesson in preparatory group on experimentation "Letter from a Desert Island"

Goal: develop cognitive activity children in the process of experimentation.

Objectives: * develop children’s search activities

  • learn to identify existing problems and develop the ability to find innovative solutions
  • improve the level of accumulated practical skills
  • experimenting with inanimate objects

Equipment: bottle with a note; water filtration equipment (per child); diagrams for creating a “survival tape”; Balloons.

Progress of the lesson

The children sit on the carpet.

V. - Guys, an old acquaintance came to visit me and brought a souvenir. Look, this is a bottle. And you know, I found a letter in a bottle, it turned out to be encrypted, let's try to read it.

Together with the children we decipher the letter.

Sample text of the letter: “I found a seven-flowered flower and made various wishes and did not notice how with the last petal I wished to be on a desert island. There are no more petals! Save! Help! Valerik!”

V. - Guys, what is an island?

Children's answers.

V. - If there are no people around, then what island do you think our Valerik ended up on?

Children's answers. (uninhabited)

V. - What do you think a desert island is?

Children's answers.

V. - Since there are no people, it will not be easy for him on the island. What should the boy do first to survive and wait for rescuers?

Children's answers. (water, food, shelter)

V. - What can we do to ensure that everyone who ends up in similar situation, didn’t get confused, but survived and waited for help? It’s not for nothing that they say, “Tears can’t help your grief.”

Discuss options. Select solutions and diagrammatically depict actions in the form of a “survival tape”.

V.- You will offer your options, and I will write them down on tape.

1 hour tapes. Find food.

a) search for familiar plants.

b) fishing.

c) collecting bird eggs.

2h. tapes. Build housing.

a) a hut made of branches

b) cave

3h. tape. Find water.

a) spring

b) rain

c) mountain snow

Q. - You can’t drink right away, what needs to be done to make the water suitable?

Children's answers. (purify water)

Physical education minute.

We went down to the fast river, (We walk in place.)

They bent down and washed. (Bend forward, hands on waist.)

One two three four, (Clap our hands.)

That's how nicely refreshed we were. (Shake our hands.)

You need to do this with your hands: Together - once, this is breaststroke. (Circles with both hands forward.)

One, the other is a rabbit. (Circles with arms forward alternately.)

All of us, as one, swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place.)

Went ashore steep (We walk in place.) But we won't go home.

V.- I will show you one of the ways to filter water.

Start of the experiment:

First I show, then the children conduct an experiment.

V. - Take a bottle, it needs to be cut approximately in half (children should prepare equipment in advance), the top of the bottle will serve as a funnel for the filter, and Bottom part a glass into which the filtered water will drain.

Fill the funnel in successive layers: a layer of cotton wool, then crushed activated carbon wrapped in a cloth, a layer of pebbles, and a paper napkin on top.

Slowly pour water. Compare how much cleaner the water has become.

Children conduct an experiment.

Conclusion: What is the conclusion? (listen to the children’s conclusions) We guys can make pebbles, pressing tightly against each other, to form a sieve that does not allow large particles of dirt to pass through. The thicker the layer of such a filter, the better it will separate water and insoluble particles. Smaller impurities and partially dissolved substances in water are retained in the layer activated carbon, which is capable of absorbing not only impurities, but even gases.

Q. - Why does water need to be boiled after filtration?

V. - Look carefully at our “survival tape” diagram. Let's try to read "If I found myself on a desert island, then in order to survive and wait for help, I would........."

Children "read" the tape.

V. - We will fasten our ribbon on three threads balloons and on a walk we will release you into the sky. The tape will definitely reach Valerik. Let us be glad that we tried together to help Valerik.

Prepared by teacher Chegodaru Gabriela.

"Letter from a Desert Island"

lesson in the preparatory group on experimentation

GBOU secondary school 1985 DO "Solovushka"

Abstract open class on experimenting with air in the preparatory group

Topic: “The Wealth of Our Planet Earth”

Teacher Vlasova Alla Viktorova Group No. 4

Moscow 2014

Goal: formation of a holistic perception of the surrounding world, development of interest in research and cognitive activity children.

Program content: help enrich and consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of air; develop in children the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on a basic experiment and draw conclusions; cultivate interest in research activities. Introduce children to unconventional technology drawing with air - blotography.

Preliminary work: Conversation: “Living and inanimate nature”, looking at illustrations in the encyclopedia; observing the wind while walking.

Material: balloons different colors and sizes, plastic bags for each child, straws, plastic cups, 2 jars with tight lids, paints, paper, rubber toy, hot water in a thermos, 2 empty bottles, technical means training (computer, cartoon “Fixies”).

Vocabulary work: blotography.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's say hello. (Greeting children)

Q: Now let’s go to the carpet and stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

(communication GAME) communication

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say “Hello! " each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello:

Hi all! " and "Good afternoon! ";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


Look what beautiful balls I brought: red, green, oh, what happened to the blue ball? He became kind of sad, small (answers).

What needs to be done to make the ball round and elastic?

D: - We need to inflate him harder.

Q: - Really? Now I'm inflating it (inflating it). That's how beautiful he turned out! I wonder what’s inside, look?

D: - Air.

Q: Today we will talk about air like real research scientists. Scientists work in a room where there are many instruments for experiments, but what is this room called? Laboratory.

Q: In the laboratory you must follow certain rules: maintain silence, do not interrupt each other. do not interfere with each other, work quietly, carefully, carefully. Today I organized a small laboratory for you in the group.

Q: Let's go to our laboratory to conduct experiments (they walk in a circle, then go to the tables)

To become nature's friend,

Find out all her secrets,

Solve all the riddles

Learn to observe

Together we will develop quality - attentiveness,

And it will help you find out everything

Our powers of observation.

Q: Now we find ourselves in the real scientific laboratory. Sit down at the tables. (children sit down)

Q: So, let's begin our experiments:

Experiment No. 1 “How to catch air? »

Q: - Guys, to see the air, you need to catch it. I figured out how we could catch the air and see what it was like.

Q: Take it plastic bag. Look what's in it? (it is empty).

Q: Yes, it is empty, it can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we fill the bag with air and twist the bag. What happened to the package? Indeed, the package has changed shape, it is full of air. (answers).

Guys, do you think you can feel the air? (Answers)

B: Okay! Let's check. Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. What do you feel?

Conclusion: you can feel the air.

Q: Do you know how you can see air? (children's answers)

Experiment No. 2 “We see air using a tube and a container of water”

Q: - Yes, guys, you are right, the air is transparent, and in order to see it, you need to catch it. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag, and then released it. This means there is air around us. But I wonder if there is air inside us, what do you think? (answers).

B: - Let's check!

Q: - Guys, let's blow into a tube lowered into a glass of water, quietly, quietly. And let's see what happens.

Q: - Oh, guys, what is happening to the water?

D: Bubbles come out.

Q: - Bubbles? How did they get there? There was only water in the glass (answers).

Q: - I understand that bubbles are the air that is inside us. We blow into the tube and it comes out in the form of bubbles. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through the tube and we get bubbles.

Conclusion: when we exhale a lot of air, there are a lot of bubbles, when we exhale less air, there are few bubbles. Using a straw and a container of water, they saw air.

Why do bubbles rise to the surface?

Because air is lighter than water.

Experiment No. 3 “Does air have weight? »

Q: We will check this now.

Q: Objects are laid out on the table: a rubber toy, a piece of rubber

Q: Let's take a piece of rubber and put it in water. He drowned. Now let's put it in the water rubber toy. She doesn't drown.

Why? After all, a toy is heavier than a piece of rubber? What's inside the toy?


Conclusion: Correct. Because air is lighter than water.

Physical exercise. "Soap Bubbles". I have it for you little surprise. (I get it bubble). What is this? What do you think is inside the bubbles? Let's play a little. I'll blow bubbles, and you catch them.

Now let's go to our laboratory. New discoveries await us.

Q: Can you hear the air? How can you hear it? (children's answers)

Experiment No. 4 “We hear the air”

Q: If you blow into a jar or bottle, caps from a felt-tip pen, from under jars, or blow off a balloon.

Q: Take the bottle, the cap and blow from the edge. What do you hear? Sound, air.

Q: We also have an inflated balloon on the table, what do you think can be done with this balloon to hear the air? We need to stretch the hole of the ball and slowly release the air, what do we hear? Squeak, air.

How did we hear air? (Jars, bottles and a ball helped us).

Conclusion: air can be heard different ways. And when the wind blows, it moves the air, and so you can hear various air sounds (whistle, howl)

Q: Can you smell the air? How? (children's answers)

Experiment No. 5 “KNOW BY SMELL”

What is this? These are probably magic jars.

Q: - Look, is there anything in them? (answers).

Q: - That’s right, the air, how delicious it smells, smell what it smells like?

Q: - Indeed, it smells like orange.

Q: - Guys, let's check what's in the second jar.

Q: - What does the air in this jar smell like? (answers).

Q: Why do you think both jars are empty but smell different (answers).

Q: - It turns out that the air does not have its own smell. Fresh air it doesn't smell like anything. The smell is given to it by other substances that come into contact with it.

Q: The air itself has no odor, but it can carry odors. By the smell transferred from the kitchen, we guess what dish was prepared there.

Conclusion: Air has no odor.

Q: Guys, do you know that you can draw with air? (children's answers) This technique is called blotography.

Q: Would you like to try it?

Q: Now we will try to draw using air, paints and a tube. (shows the blotography technique: drop a drop of watercolor onto paper and blow it out using cocktail straw V different sides. (children try to draw)

Q: So, we did a lot of experiments today. Tell me, did you like doing the experiments (children’s answers)

Q: - And now I propose to play a game called “Magic Ball”. We will all stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other and tell everything we learned about air today.

Q: What experience did you find most interesting?

Q: What did you learn new today? What is the air painting technique called?

Our lesson has come to an end, you were all attentive and active.

Akishina Olesya Nikolaevna
Lesson notes on experimental - experimental activities in the preparatory group.

Lesson summary on experimental activities in the preparatory group“What are air and water?”


Educational: 1. Expand children’s understanding of air. By using experiments demonstrate its properties such as lack of color and shape, lightness, ability to move, fill empty spaces and create the wind.

2. To promote the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the properties, forms and types of water;

Developmental: Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, logical thinking, attention, memory, ability to draw conclusions. Activate children's speech.

Educational: Cultivate a positive attitude towards inanimate nature. The desire to explore it in every available way.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: We sit down quietly. To us at guests came to class. Look at them and don't be distracted anymore. Focus the lesson will be interesting.

Educator: Children, you are in a science laboratory. Let's remember what they do in laboratories. (answers children: experimenting, carry out various experiments)

Educator: Do you know what they call people who do experiments? They are called researchers. Do you want to feel like an explorer? (answers children: Yes)

Educator: Dear researchers! I invite you on a journey along the road that leads to discovery. Our laboratory has everything necessary for this.

Educator: Guys, guess riddle:

Passes through the nose into the chest

And he's on his way back.

He's invisible, but still

We cannot live without him. (Air)

Educator: What is air? (children's answers)

Air is what we breathe. Without air, life on our planet would be impossible. If we can survive without water for several days, then we cannot live without air for 10 minutes, because you cannot not breathe for 10 minutes! You and I breathe constantly, even in our sleep, without noticing it. Who else breathes besides humans? (children's answers). That’s right, plants and animals also breathe, they need air, just like people. Let's put our hand on our chest and take a breath. What's happening? (chest rises). What happens to the lungs at this time? (they fill with air). And when you exhale, what happens to chest? (she goes down). What happens to our lungs? (air comes out of them).

We draw a conclusion: When you inhale, the lungs expand, filling with air, and when you exhale, they contract. And we may not breathe at all (children's answers)

Educator: How do we know if there is air around us? (answers children: we have to feel it) Educator: Let's blow on our palm, how do we feel? (cold) Wave a piece of paper at yourself? How did we feel now? (wind) Educator: So, in order to feel the air, you need to set it in motion. So what happens in nature when air moves? (answers children: wind).

Educator: can we see air? (answers children: no, he is invisible).

Educator: Let's check it out with you.

Experience No. 1"Air whirlwinds"

For experience we will need a glass, small balls of paper napkin and a cocktail straw. To create "storm", put the balls in a glass, lower the tube into it, cover the surface of the glass with your palms and blow. Paper balls spinning in a whirlwind of air.

We draw a conclusion: Experience shows that air, when moving, forms wind, which can move objects.

Educator: Guys, do you think the air has a smell?

Experience No. 2"Know by smell"

Children are asked to guess the smell with their eyes closed. (lemon, garlic, bar of soap)- how did you feel?

Educator: you smelled the substance that I gave you to smell. Does the air have its own smell? (No)

Educator: Does air have color? (answers children: air has no color - it is colorless)

Educator: What's another word for air? (answers children: it is transparent, everything around us is visible through it).

Educator: Why do we need air? (answers children: for breathing).

Educator: And now I propose to make sure that we really breathe air.

Experience No. 3"Breath"

Let's take balloon. If we inflate it, it fills with air. When does this happen to our lungs? (When inhaling). We release the air from the ball, it shrinks. When does this happen to the lungs? (When exhaling).

Educator: Can we not breathe? (No).

We draw a conclusion: Without breath there is no life.

Educator: But a person’s health depends not only on how he breathes, but also on what he breathes. What causes air pollution? (Children's answers).

Educator: We must take care of our health. What can we do to keep the air clean? That's right, plant more flowers and trees.

Educator: Guys, where do you think we can find air? (children's answers) Let's check it out.

Experience No. 4"Dry out of the water"

Educator: Look, what's inside this glass? (answers children: the glass is empty). Are you sure there's nothing in it? Look carefully! The teacher smoothly and evenly lowers the glass upside down into a container of water. Educator: Guys, what's going on? Does water fit into the glass? (children's answers)

Educator: What’s stopping her from filling the glass, since it’s empty?

Maybe there's an invisible man hiding in the glass? Let's lower it deeper and slowly tilt it to the side (the air gurgles and rushes to the top in the form of bubbles that disappear on the surface).

Educator: What is this? Who was hiding in the glass? (children's answers)

Educator: It turns out that it was filled with air, it prevented the water from entering the glass, and when it was tilted, the air easily came out and rose up in bubbles. The air came out and the glass filled with water.

Educator: Do you think air is hidden only in one glass or is it in other vessels too? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's check. Let's take vessels of a different shape and size and do the same with them. Educator: It turns out that air fills all the voids! This means that it does not have its own form. Air surrounds us everywhere. Educator: Let's draw a conclusion. Air is what we breathe. It has no color or shape. Educator: How can we detect it? (children's answers). Air is everywhere. Let's check it out, let's check it out experience:

Experience No. 5. "Air"

Educator: Let's take two glasses, throw a pebble into the first, and chalk into the second. What's happening? (answers children: the pebble and chalk sink, and small bubbles come out of it and rise up).

Educator: Bubbles are air, it was in the stone and chalk and came out of them when the stone and chalk fell into the water.

Educator: You and I held a series experiments, figuring out where there is air. What conclusion have we reached? (answers children: there is air everywhere: in a ball, glass, stone, and chalk).

Educator: Do scientific discoveries This is not an easy task, so there are breaks in laboratories to rest. It would be nice for us to rest a little. What do our scientists think? Let's leave our laboratory tables and go get some exercise.

Physical education lesson White cloud (rounded arms in front of you, fingers locked)

Rising above the roof (without releasing your arms, raise them above your head)

The cloud rushed (straighten arms)

Higher, higher, higher (stretch your arms up)

The wind is a cloud (smoothly swing your arms above your head from side to side)

Caught on a cliff (clasp hands with fingertips above head)

Turned into a cloud (use your hands to describe a large circle downwards from the sides)

Into the rain cloud (sit down).

Abstract directly - educational activities By cognitive development in the preparatory school group “Save water”.

Program tasks: To improve children’s knowledge about the importance of water in people’s lives: water is the source of life, necessary to maintain human life and health; about the properties of water: transparent, colorless and odorless, solvent, has three states of aggregation - solid (snow, ice), liquid, gaseous (steam).
Give children an idea that water sometimes needs to be cleaned (filtration process).
Develop cognitive interest, the desire to experiment, the ability to analyze, compare facts, and draw conclusions.
Bring up careful attitude to the water.
Preliminary work: examining the globe, pictures depicting rivers, lakes, seas, deserts, diagrams of the water cycle in nature, with scenes of water use, reading the story “What is acid rain”, A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, G.Kh. .Andersen “Thumbelina”, acquaintance with aquatic animals and plants, drawing competition “Save water”.
Vocabulary work: world ocean, blue planet, physical state of water, laboratory, filtration, research.
Material for GCD: drawings on the theme “Water”, “Water in the human body”, diagram of the water cycle in nature, wide and long strip blue fabric, a lot of narrow blue ribbons, crossword puzzle, disposable cups, funnels, cotton pads for filtration, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, milk, sand, gouache, a piece of ice, teaspoons, thermos with hot water, poster “When you wash your hands, don’t forget to close the tap tightly.”

Guys, I want to invite you to the laboratory, today we will be young scientists. But first, let's solve this crossword puzzle, which will suggest the topic of our research.
1. In the first cell there lives a letter that is hidden in the word scoop and is in third place in it (B).
2. In the second cell there lives a letter that is hidden in the word thunder and is in third place in it (O).
3. The third cell contains the letter with which the word road begins (D).
4. In the fourth cell is the second letter from the word frame (A).
What word did we get? That's right, WATER. Today we will talk about water, its importance in human life, and learn some secrets associated with water.
Why does a person need water? (Drink, wash, cook your own food, wash your clothes, water your plants, water your animals).
Guys, what else do you know about water? (A person can live up to 50 days without food, and 4 days without water, after which death occurs). Look at this diagram, a person is 80% water.
Now imagine that suddenly there is not a single drop of water left on the planet, what will happen then? Why? (All life on Earth will die, the planet will be left without living beings).
Game "Spell".
Close your eyes and imagine that you and I have reached a wonderful forest clearing. Tired? Look, someone took care of us, prepared water for us. Let's sit down and relax. Close your eyes and imagine what you would do if you became a good wizard. Now open your eyes and imagine that you are wizards. Let's turn our water into magic so that it relieves our fatigue and adds health to us.

Children make passes over the water and say “spell”:

The water is tasty and pleasant, I will never get sick, I will be cheerful and strong

Here magic water
IN sun rays sparkles,

She's sweet like honey
Health and strength brings us

Educator: What did the water become? (magical, tasty, healthy).

Educator: Now drink this water so you never get sick.
(Children drink water).

Yes, guys, there is a lot of water on earth, it is everywhere.
Poem by N. Ryzhova:
Have you heard about water?
They say she's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap,
Like an icicle freezing.
Fog creeps into the forest,
It's boiling on the stove,
The kettle steam hisses.
We can't wash ourselves without it,
Don't eat, don't get drunk!
I dare to report to you:
We can't live without her!
Tell me, what model of the Earth does our group have? (Globe).
How do astronauts see our Earth from space? (The seas and oceans color our planet blue, which is why it is also called the Blue Planet; all the seas and oceans on Earth make up a single World Ocean).
What kind of water does a person need? (A person needs only fresh water, which flows in streams, rivers, lakes).
How is a river born? Do you want to know? (Invites the children to come up, places a wide and long strip of blue fabric in front of them). There are many different rivers on Earth - large and small, they all run somewhere. A big river is formed from many small rivers and streams. Do you want to make your own big river? This wide and long strip of fabric is the main river, and the narrow blue ribbons are the streams. Arrange them so that the streams flow into a large river. I wonder how water gets into the river? Let's look at the diagram of the water cycle in nature, how water droplets in nature “walk” and move in a circle.
Outdoor game “Droplets go around in circles.”
The teacher says that she is Tuchka’s mother, and the guys are her children Droplets, and it’s time for them to hit the road. (Music sounds like the sounds of rain.) The droplets jump, run, and dance. Mama Tuchka tells them what to do. The droplets flew to the ground... Let's jump and play. It became boring for them to jump one by one. They gathered together and flowed in cheerful little streams. (Droplets form streams holding hands). Streams met and became a big river (the streams are connected into one chain). Droplets are floating in a big river, traveling. Tekla - a river flowed and ended up in a large ocean (children form a round dance and move in a circle). The Droplets swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mother Cloud told them to return home. And then the sun just warmed up. The Droplets became light and stretched upward (crouched Droplets rise, then stretch their arms upward). They evaporated under the rays of the sun and returned to mother Tuchka. Well done, Droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t get into passers-by’s collars or splash themselves. Now stay with your mom, she misses you.
And now we will go to the laboratory to continue the conversation about water, and with the help of experiments, find out what kind of water there is.
Experiment No. 1. The water is clear.
There are two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Place spoons in both glasses. In which of the cups are they visible and in which are they not? Why? (Visible in the water).
Conclusion: the water is clear, but the milk is not.
Experiment No. 2. Water has no odor.
Children sniff the water. What does she smell like? (Doesn't smell at all). Water has no odor if it is clean. Tap water may have an odor (chlorine) because... it is cleaned with special substances to make it safe.
Conclusion: pure water has no odor.
Experiment No. 3. Water is a solvent.
Invite the children to put a spoonful of sugar in one glass of water and salt in the other, stir well and taste. (In one glass the water became sweet, and in the other glass it became salty. Sugar and salt dissolved in the water, but it remained clear).
Children add a drop of gouache of any color to a glass of water and stir. Gouache dissolves in water and changes its color.
Next, children pour river sand into one of the glasses of water and stir thoroughly with a spoon. (The water becomes slightly cloudy, and sand settles to the bottom of the glass).
Children add a few drops to a glass of water vegetable oil and again mix well with a spoon. (Oil floats on the surface of the water in the form of yellow droplets or spreads as a film).
Conclusion: water is a solvent, but not all substances dissolve in it.
Experiment No. 4. Physical state of water.
Children place a piece of ice on a saucer and place it on a smaller bowl of hot water. Ice melts, turning into water. Watch the steam rising above the hot water.
Conclusion: ice (snow) is a solid state of aggregation of water; when warm, it turns into a liquid state; if heated, it becomes steam.
Experiment No. 5. Water filtration.
Children pass water with gouache, oil, and muddy water through cotton pads. Gouache, oil, dirt, grains of sand remain on the filter.
Conclusion: after filtration, the water becomes clean and transparent.
Guys, how should we treat water? (Be careful, save water, do not pollute rivers and lakes).
There is a lot of water, but for washing and cooking you only need purified water. And to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort. That’s why you need to save water and close the tap tightly. Let’s hang up a reminder like this in our washroom (look at the poster “When you wash your hands, don’t forget to close the tap tightly.”

Abstract of educational activities for experimentation in the older preparatory group.

Goals and objectives:
To attract children's attention to such activities as experimentation; Introduce children to some properties of water, teach them how to conduct simple experiments using simple means and objects;
Learn to reason, analyze, draw conclusions and explain “miracles” with scientific point vision; Learn to negotiate with each other;Let children feel the joy of discovery, develop curiosity, thinking, and cognitive interest.
Equipment and materials:
tables covered with oilcloth, salt, soda, potassium permanganate, disposable transparent cups, 2 jars of yellow and blue colors, 2 raw eggs, measuring spoons, pipettes, a speaker with calm music.
Recommendations for carrying out : before starting experimentation, it is necessary to conduct safety instructions; it is necessary to involve in carrying out experiments and experiments as much as possible large quantity children, therefore, at each stage of the experiment, an assistant who has not previously participated is called from among those willing; It is necessary to try to get children to answer independently by giving hints and asking suggestive questions, it is important to avoid long delays.

GCD move:

Educator: Hello guys. Today we will work with you in the laboratory, conduct experiments. And with what, we will now find out. Close your eyes and listen...What's that noise? (the sound of a stream sounds, when the children guess, a picture appears on the board). Right. It is about water that we will talk to you today.
Educator: Water is one of the most amazing substances on the planet.
Tell me, why does a person need water? (children's answers.) Do you think animals need water? (children's answers). Without water, a living organism cannot live for long, because more than half of us consist of water. You can only drink clean water Always wash vegetables and fruits before eating. Water needs to be conserved, but how can we conserve water? (children's answers) Water can bring us both benefit and harm. You can't drink cold water, in the rain you can get wet and get sick. When swimming in the water, we must not forget about safety. Guys, you already know a lot about water, and today we will get acquainted with its states and some properties. Go to the laboratory.
A laboratory is a place where scientists conduct experiments and conduct experiments. Let me be a scientist today, and you are my laboratory assistants, and we will conduct experiments on water research.
(The teacher puts on a robe)
But before we begin the experiments, I will tell you the safety rules in the laboratory:
You need to strictly follow my instructions, listen carefully and remember. We take only those items that I name.
Experiment No. 1 “Water is a liquid that has no taste, color, or smell”
Educator: Water is a liquid. A liquid is a substance that has mobility and fluidity. How to prove that water is a liquid? (children's answers) Take an empty glass and a glass of water. Now try pouring from one glass to another glass. What kind of water? (liquid). Now take a sip. Is the water sweet? Is the water bitter? Is the water acidic? Is the water salty? (no) Does water have a taste? (meaning the water is tasteless). Now smell it. Does the water have a smell? This means that the water has no odor. Let's now drop the bead into our glass of water. Do we see this bead? (yes) So what kind of water is it? (transparent, colorless) Well done, now put the glass back in place.
Children's conclusion:Water is liquid, transparent, odorless and tasteless.

Experiment No. 2 “Water has a solid property”
Educator: Guys, now take a small glass. What's in there? (ice) Take it in your hand, what is it like? (children's answers) Look, he's melting. What does ice turn into? (into the water) So ice is water. Water can be in a solid state. Place ice in a glass and wipe your hands with a napkin.
Withdrawal of children: Water has a solid property.

Educator: Making scientific discoveries is not an easy task, so there are rest breaks in laboratories. It would be nice for us to rest a little. Let's leave the laboratory for a moment and stand in a circle.
Physical education minute: The teacher asks questions, and the children answer - if “Yes” they clap their hands, if “NO” they shake their heads.
The game "It happens - it doesn't happen."
.Is the air warm? (Happens).
. Is the air clean? (Happens).
. Is the air fluffy? (Can not be).
. Is the air light? (Happens).
. Is the air dirty? (Happens).
. Is the air angry? (Can not be).
. Is the air cold? (Happens).
. Is the air streaky? (Can not be).

Experiment No. 3 “Water is buoyant”
- I know another very interesting experience for buoyancy. Raise your hands how many of you like to swim?(Children raise their hands). Tell me where are you swimming?(Children: in the pool, on the river, in the sea, in the lake, on the pond). Where is it easiest to swim?(Children: at sea) . And why?(Children: the water in the sea is salty, it holds better), absolutely true, my friends, and we will confirm this with you with the next experiment.

In one bank - plain water, and salt is added to the other. In fresh water the egg sinks, but in salt water it floats. By adding either salted or fresh water to the jar, it forces the egg to float up and then sink to the bottom of the jar, and ensures that the egg hangs in the middle. Conclusion: buoyancy is easier in salt water.

Experience No. 4 “Palette of colors”
- And now we begin experiments on coloring water. In ART classes you learned how to mix paints and create new colors. Which paint loves water and dissolves well in it?( Children: watercolor) . I have two jars of yellow and blue paint here. What color will you get if you mix them?(Children: blue). Let's check!(Two children go on stage and, using a pipette in transparent cups, make a solution of yellow and of blue color; simultaneously pour their solutions into the third glass, and instantly it turns out green).

Experiment No. 5 “Water coloring”

But the color in water is not always the one we expect to see. Some substances, when combined in water, react in a special way.
(I dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in water, the children admire, mesmerized by this spectacle).
What color is the solution?(Children: raspberry). What happens if you add a clear liquid there?(Children: nothing, the color will fade slightly. I add a little hydrogen peroxide to the solution with a pipette and the liquid becomes clear).

And now we need to rest again. (stand in a circle)

Physical education lesson “Stream”.
Once upon a time there was a stream,
(wave-like movements of the hands.)
It gurgled and flowed.
(Walking in circles)
turned into a cloud
(Draw a circle in the air)
Dropped down
(Sit down.)
Here's the circuit
(Spun around yourself)
The observant will understand
(Hands to the side) .

Educator: Well done! Have you rested? We return to our laboratory again.
Experiment No. 6 “Vapor water - steam”
Educator: And now I will show you the most amazing trick! (water is poured into the flask, then it is added a large number of manganese and soda, and steam is obtained). Guys, what is this? (couples) Where have you met couples in your life? (children's answers)
Conclusion: water can be in a vapor state.

Educator: Guys, I would like to tell you one more thing, one very interesting story about the “Water cycle in nature”. Take a pan with hot water and cover with a lid. When it opens, droplets appear and the water cycle in nature is explained to the children.

The result of GCD.
Educator: You and I learned that water is one of the most amazing substances. Water can be in three states: liquid, solid, vapor. It has many properties: transparent, odorless, tasteless. Water is in constant movement.
For human life, water has a very important. Water gives us life. Guys, did you enjoy working in the laboratory? Let's talk about amazing properties water.

Educator : Water good friend and human assistant. I suggest listening to a poem by Natalia Ryzhova"Magic Water".

Have you heard about water? They say she is everywhere! You will find it in a pond, and in a damp forest swamp. In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean, and inwater tap. Like an icicle it freezes, it creeps into the forest like fog, it’s boiling on your stove, the steam of the kettle hisses, without it we can’t wash ourselves, we can’t eat, we can’t get drunk!I dare to report to you: We can’t live without her!

Educator : Indeed, without water, it is impossible to live on earth, so water must be preserved and protected. Turn off the tap on time, do not waste too much, do not throw garbage into the river yourself, or forbid others.

Educator : Well done boys! Our experiments are finished.Thank you for your work, you were real laboratory assistants.