Prayers or conspiracies are strong. Effective spells and prayers for all occasions

Other reasons

There comes a time in almost everyone's life when nothing can help. The disease cannot be cured, money does not appear, love is destroyed, and there is nowhere to wait for help. In this case, you can turn to higher powers with a request. If you do everything according to the rules, you can get what you want. Salvation will be conspiracies and prayers for all occasions.

What spells can you do at home?

At home, it is possible to perform completely different rituals. To do this, it is enough to acquire the necessary paraphernalia and spells. It is worth considering that the house is also spiritually connected with us and natural forces, so it is recommended to practice white magic.

Unlike dark magic, it does not entail undesirable consequences, but ennobles and protects. The magic of good focuses on the divine spirit and nature. With its help, you can change your life without harming your family or others. Bright conspiracies and prayers help:

  • Find love.
  • Get rich.
  • Restore .
  • Bring good luck.
  • Protect yourself from enemies.
  • Protect your home and family.
  • Get rid of problems at work.
  • Avert trouble.

White magic comes to the aid of those who really need it and believe in it with all their soul and heart. Without true sincere faith, rituals will not work. Before you begin the ritual, you need to make sure that you really need it.

What do people talk about most often?

Since time immemorial, conspiracies and prayers have been considered a powerful force. They save you from failures and problems. The power of the human word, like the power of thought, is practically limitless. We have all encountered cases when it was enough to think about something and it came true. But the magic of rituals only works if all instructions are strictly followed. It is important not to confuse or change anything, especially if this is not specified in the description of the ritual itself.

Prayers also need to be performed as directed. Heaven will not accept a prayer uttered in haste without proper address. You should definitely thank us for your help. The prayer carries purification and liberation, so most often it is read at night for peace of mind. In addition, it can influence other points:

  • For fear and anxiety;
  • In difficult life situations;
  • From diseases;
  • To heal the soul;
  • Against dark forces.

Among the objects that most often cast spells are amulets. Most often, it is recommended to throw away, burn or hide the enchanted things, less often - to keep them. The essence is the same - this object influences the ritual and the person conducting it. The following are mainly subject to conspiracies:

  • Pins,
  • Shawls,
  • Threads and laces,
  • Decorations,
  • Coins,
  • Sometimes personal things
  • Water.

The most popular conspiracies and prayers

Particularly popular are conspiracies and prayers that relate to the material and love spheres. Also, many people turn to higher powers for healing and good luck. Many people ask for protection and salvation from troubles. People strive to achieve well-being and happiness through rituals and charm objects into:

At the same time, special amulets and amulets are created that protect from troubles and attract positive energy.

For money

The most powerful and effective conspiracy for wealth should be read at home on the waxing moon. During this period, the necessary ways for cash flow open. Choose an even day of the month and prepare three candles for the ritual. The color of the candles should be symbolic:

  • Green is a symbol of money;
  • White is light magic;
  • Brown or dark yellow - natural forces.

Position yourself by the window so that the light of the moon covers you entirely. Place a small table in front of you or spread a blanket and place candles on it in a triangle. Candles must be lit one at a time and with the obligatory right hand, saying:

“I begin the ritual with a yellow flame. Let the money come.
Green fire attracts wealth. Let the money come.
I drive away the forces of darkness with white light. Let the money come"

Slowly and smoothly move the candles to the center so that their flames connect, and say:

“Let this flame attract wealth to my home and good luck to my business!”

Put out the candles and leave them in this position until the morning; the next day they should be removed and left in the northern part of the home. It is from the northern side that the most powerful financial flow comes.

The second most effective is the water spell. It will quickly improve your financial situation and keep the money in the house for a long time. Fill any vessel with running water, put a few coins on the bottom, and at night, while the moon is waxing, repeat the words 3 times:

“Water flows, it will bring money and wealth to me. I collected the water and acquired a fortune. As long as this vessel is full, my income will only increase.”

Then leave the water on the windowsill for 9 days and make sure that no one drinks from it. After the specified period, it is recommended to water home flowers or a tree near the house with it to consolidate the ritual. This universal ritual will awaken the hidden monetary potential of your environment. As a result, you can get:

  • New job;
  • Improving sales;
  • Promotion;
  • Winning the lottery;
  • An unexpected inheritance.

The possibility of finding money right on the street cannot be ruled out. Any profit obtained through the spell will remain with the caster.


Magic rituals with church candles for fortune can be safely performed in any lunar cycle. Especially popular is a strong conspiracy to attract good luck and money, read in the first half of the day on the water.

For the ritual you will need 3 candles, blessed in the church, and two buckets. Fill the first one half with soil, and the second one third with water. Before the ritual, you need to cleanse yourself of negative energy and, with the help of the Lord’s Prayer, charge the water and earth with positive power.

First of all, we charm water:

“Sister driver, help! Cleanse from troubles, protect from the harm of others. Wash me and remove the crown of failure. May your waters bring me peace, happiness and good luck. Amen"

We whisper to the earth:

“Mother Earth, fertile! Bring wealth and success to your daughter, just as you bestow harvests and prosperity on others. I conjure your soil and bow in gratitude. Amen!"

Pour water into the ground, wait until it is soaked, and stick candles. They should be lit with the right hand, reading the magic words:

“Holy fire, burn out my enemies, my failures, get rid of bad luck and problems. Stand up for the protection of the Servant of God (name) and save her from everything dark and evil. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!"

When the candles have completely burned out and melted, the bucket should be hidden in a dark corner of the house, covered with a white cloth. Wait 9 days and throw away the earth, as during this time it will absorb all the negativity from the house, which will open the flow of light magic.

A special talisman spell will allow you to attract good luck to your home. In order for the amulet to have the greatest effect and strength, it is best to cast a spell on a horseshoe. For the ritual, you need to purchase a brand new horseshoe and go outside on the night of the full moon, preferably closer to a water source. Hold the horseshoe in your hand and, looking at the water, repeat three times:

“A horseshoe, a horseshoe, hardened in fire, forged with iron, created with labor and sweat, I conjure you for good luck and success. Let everything that’s difficult remain with you, but I’ll get the good stuff.”

The horseshoe should be hung under the top door frame on the outside of the house. In this way, it will prevent difficulties from entering the home, protecting against difficulties and letting in positive vibrations.

The listed ritual options relate to white magic and conspiracies. They do not carry negative energy and you should not be afraid of undesirable consequences. It is important to follow all the rules and sincerely believe in the power of conspiracies, then the result will not only meet expectations, but also exceed them.


The word “love spell” scares many. Therefore, to save yourself from unrequited love, you should turn to white conspiracies. Unlike a love spell, a conspiracy does not have negative consequences and does not cause an insane craving for the object of admiration in the person charmed. Light conspiracies awaken feelings in a natural way, without torturing the victim, but gently and persistently pushing towards love.

White magic conspiracies are the safest and most successful. It is precisely because they do not provoke uncontrollable passion that relationships built with their help are the strongest and most durable. The most popular and effective love spells at home can be made for the following items:

  • Water;
  • Candles;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Pupa;
  • Photo.

Harmless white conspiracies can be carried out on any day of the week and regardless of the phase of the moon. The most famous needle and thread ritual is called “tying.” For the ritual you will need a new needle and red thread, which symbolizes the strength of future feelings. You need to read the words of the conspiracy at dawn, repeating three times:

“The sun rises and love in the soul of the Servant of God (name) awakens. As long as the sun shines in the sky, let him continue to love me. I tie you with a needle and new clean thread, I command you to love yourself until the end of time.”

The thread is threaded into a needle, sewn to white fabric and hidden until the wedding with the beloved. A simpler, but no less effective, would be a conspiracy carried out at night on a doll. For it, you need to collect straw or dry herbs in advance and weave them together. Exactly at midnight, light the candles and take the doll in your hands, imagining that this is your beloved, and say the words:

“Hear me (name of the victim), I conjure you. Look for me alone, desire, take care and love. Be faithful to me and don’t hear or see anyone else. I attract you to me so that you are happy. Just as I gave you my heart, so give me yours. Amen"

Take the candle in your right hand and drop wax three times onto the doll in the area of ​​the heart. The created amulet must be hidden in a secluded place and forgotten about it. Do not throw it away under any circumstances and do not tell anyone about the ritual, otherwise the plot will be destroyed.

Perhaps there is no need to attract love, but there is a feeling that feelings have cooled down. In this case, it is better to resort to a conspiracy so that your loved one will be inflamed with the same feelings and love stronger. This plot is simple and can be easily read at home. Before going to bed, take a photo of your husband or boyfriend, in which only he is present or with you. Looking at the photo say:

“In the same bed we are together with (name), and just as it is soft and even, so our life together is bright. Let there be only love and peace in life, let us be happy forever with you!”

This conspiracy will have particular power if, during its implementation, your loved one lies nearby and sleeps soundly. Among other things, the ceremony in the photo allows you not only to refresh your feelings, but also to get rid of a possible rival.


Health conspiracies are carried out more often on the waning moon. The ritual with a tree is considered the most universal. To do this, the patient needs to go outside, put both hands on the trunk and read the words memorized:

“As fingers touch the bark, health increases. Take away my illnesses, nourish me with the power of the earth. Give health and happiness, and in return take away all misfortunes.”

Magic words must sound clearly, loudly and distinctly so that the forces of nature will heed them. Thus, through the tree, the sick person transmits the disease to the ground, and from the tree he feeds on power and health.

A ritual with water is available at home. To do this, you need to prepare and speak the water, reading the “Our Father” over it three times. A person suffering from pain or illness needs to sit in a bathtub and pour water over his right shoulder, saying:

“Holy water removes illness from me, with its wave it cleanses me”

Repeat the spell until the charmed water runs out. The water must be warm; it can only be heated before prayer. It is recommended to repeat the ritual at least three times a week until complete recovery. The power of the ritual depends almost entirely on the person reading the text. The ability to abstract from other thoughts and things will enhance the effect of the ritual.

When treating with conspiracies, you can also use prayers that will contribute to a speedy recovery and relief from the disease. For example, at night you can wet your fingers in holy water and, stroking the sore spot clockwise, read the “Our Father” to soothe the pain before going to bed. You can also ask the Guardian Angel and the Mother of God for help.

Regardless of how serious the disease is and what additional treatment a person undergoes, the conspiracy will help to heal faster and drive the disease out of the body, cleanse and give strength to fight the disease.

In cowardice, you seem to be paralyzed, because you are unable to repel either attacks or conflicts. This is where cowardice is born, in which you stop doing kindness.

Remember the moments when you backed down and got scared. God forbid, because no one calls you to fight. Courage often helps people get rich, find a new job and move up the career ladder.

5 prayers that I discovered in manuscripts will instill in you strength of spirit and sinless confidence in your own abilities. And when you become timid again, something invisible will prompt you to act, and not hesitate in indecision.

My dears, our resource will never harm you. And if prayer or a spell doesn’t help you, it’s worth trying again. And then, you see, the problems will recede.

Author : Site administrator | 08.10.2019

To ensure that your child eats well from a bottle and, subsequently, in kindergarten, read the Orthodox prayer addressed to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

Let me first of all warn you against low-grade feeding. If the baby constantly regurgitates food, then cries incessantly, rule out not only an upset stomach, but also a poor diet, in which food simply is not digested.

On the other hand, your child, especially in kindergarten, may demonstrate food selectivity. It seems like a delicious lunch, but he doesn’t want to touch it.

Birth injuries, as well as psychological and purely medical reasons, cannot be ruled out. If the appetite is not restored, you are kindly requested to show the baby to the local therapist.

Author : Site administrator | 18.09.2019

To protect your unruly son from bad friends and bad company, you should read an Orthodox prayer addressed to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, I’m not a seer, but I dare to suggest that it’s all about the girls. Your little son has fallen in love, and now he strives to get to where there is noise, fun and dancing.

Divided into pairs, in the company of friends, young people behave freely. Everyone wants to show themselves as inimitable, cool, and for the most part this ends badly.

Booze, freedom, adrenaline. I want to throw out my energy and fight with someone. My dears, right now we will build a reliable barrier between your child and street children.

Author : Site administrator | 18.09.2019

I bring to your attention an Orthodox prayer before a serious and important conversation with your boss, addressed to the Archangel Gabriel. They will meet you halfway.

It's no secret that within the team, each of us survives individually. Someone knows how to ingratiate himself, and such an employee manages to get himself not only vacation pay, but also all sorts of concessions.

And if you work excellently, but do not have the proper negotiation skills, then most likely you will be refused even a respectful request.

Before you go “on the carpet”, with an important statement, with a report, with an excuse, do not skimp on reading a prayer, thanks to which all conflicts will be resolved.

Author : Site administrator | 17.09.2019

The girl is rosy and red, but the crown of celibacy is being worn out, as is the seal of loneliness. She is not destined to become a bride and mother before her time. But the fate of fate can be redeemed.

Recent sins of generations are passed down through genealogy. And if someone has sinned by desecration, abortion and witchcraft, then your karma, as it were, is tied to a dead knot.

All attempts to improve personal life end in differences of opinion. No one pleases your heart, and ultimately you give up trying to fall in love.

By the way, you can get married. But the crown of celibacy will again doom you to inevitable loneliness. My dear reader, allow me to help you resolve this issue this time.

Author : Site administrator | 17.09.2019

I bring to your attention Orthodox prayers for migraines, addressed to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow and to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

Despite the fact that our resource is not purely medical, I try to make your treatment easier by involving you in reading prayers. My dears, migraine headaches can last from 3 hours to 3 days.

According to intensity, they are classified into pronounced and dull. As a rule, you are worried about one side. Analgesics do not relieve pain. And in this case, it is necessary to make a medical diagnosis by performing an MRI with contrast.

I beg you very much, do not start the disease. And you shouldn’t condemn yourself to a serious illness. I sincerely believe that you will be able not only to be healed, but also to become related to religious Orthodoxy.

Author : Site administrator | 15.09.2019

You have a unique opportunity to turn an intractable neighbor towards you with the help of a prayer addressed to the Holy Archangel Michael. You will get along with your neighbor.

It is better to quarrel with someone at work than with someone who lives behind the wall. Surely you have special reasons for this. The neighbor behaves inappropriately; something is constantly falling on top.

He does not respond to your cautious remarks. A dog barks at night. And God forbid you live with a drunkard or drug addict. It is impossible to have a dialogue with such people.

To turn a neighbor towards you, in this case, means to win his favor, to resolve an urgent conflict. My dears, let's not quarrel over trifles.

Author : Site administrator | 15.09.2019

To prevent a nasty husband from raising his hand against his wife, read Orthodox prayers addressed to the saints. By the will of the Lord God, the beatings will soon stop.

Any tyranny of a loved one needs immediate comprehension. And if your spouse beats you today, then tomorrow he will cause you more severe harm.

My dears, I ask you very much, think about what to do. Prayers require regular reading, but even they are unable to pacify someone who has lost control of his actions.

And if you were hit once, it will be repeated three times. I am deeply worried about you and want you to finally begin to live together.

Author : Site administrator | 11.09.2019

My dear and unforgettable reader. In the hour of cancer suffering, tenderly read the Orthodox prayer against oncology addressed to your sister. Be strong, brother!

Let me loudly remind you that you should not refuse the treatment prescribed by doctors. The disease that nests wants to break your immunity and force you to let everything take its course.

In one book I read that a cancerous formation is an alien organism, akin to an evil mutant. It eats healthy cells. So let's make him choke!

Prayer that comes from the heart, anchored in unshakable faith in the Lord God, is truly capable of not only healing, but also changing a person’s attitude in general and towards our life.

Author : Site administrator | 11.09.2019

In order for children to receive their sight and stop drinking, one should regularly read Orthodox prayers addressed to God’s saints. Their craving for alcohol will noticeably decrease.

Now I’ll tell you briefly where it all begins. A child, at a certain moment, finds himself at a dead end in life. For what he strived for became indifferent.

There is unhappy love and unfulfilled hopes. Underestimation of oneself and the hurt caused. A blow to the psyche, as a result of which children are looking for a way to forget themselves, be distracted, or escape somewhere.

First a glass, and then a bottle. A stable dependence is formed on alcohol, as if on a potent medicine. Drinking leads to personality degradation, spiritual, and then physical death.

For centuries, people have believed in the support of otherworldly forces, and use conspiracies and prayers for all occasions. Treatment of certain diseases, giving strength and self-confidence, finding your other half, attracting luck and luck - this is not the whole list, but the most important points for a person.

Grandmothers pass on their knowledge to their grandchildren, but much is considered fiction, and young people forget these simple but effective words. When trying to remember, only fragments of sentences come to mind, but for correct perception, whole sentences are needed, it is words composed in the right order that work wonders.

Prayers and conspiracies for the success of the business started

It could be:

  • start of a working project;
  • start of renovation
  • first day in a new team;
  • starting a business or just a work project.

Important: the thing you ask for in a conspiracy or prayer must be truly good.

Prayer for all business endeavors

Most Holy Theotokos, most pure, blessed, overshadow my deeds with your gaze, give me strength and patience. Forgive me my thoughts, and forgive the thoughts of my enemies, guide me along the path of the Lord, and do not leave me on the way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to start work

The bird has business, the spider has business. For every beast and reptile, the work is built and sculpted, and put together from beginning to end. Let the work I have conceived be woven and glued together, so that it does not tear apart or be disturbed by evil hands and tongues. Century by century, from now to century. Amen.

A conspiracy for a business in which a large sum of money is invested

Seven mountains have seven winds, seven seas have seven deserts, seven mothers have seven sons. The sons begin their journey through the desert and through the mountains. The winds blow favorable to them, the mountains stand high. All forty-nine sons return, and each has seven sons, up to forty-nine grandchildren. So I, the Servant of God (name), will go up the mountain and return with abundance. My word is strong and molding. Amen.

Spell for the beginning of the day

The morning sun, the dew of God - light and warm, dry and windless. May God grant me the whole day smoothly and with an increase. Amen.

Spells and prayers for a loved one

These can be prayers for health and conspiracies to attract attention, to let the person know that he is important to you, dear. You will understand that the conspiracy and prayer for love has begun to work if:

  • the person you love will start calling, writing, or coming to you without your request;
  • will offer help that you did not ask for;
  • will ask mutual friends about you.

Important: if a person is happy with another woman or man, you should not turn him towards you especially vehemently, since his true feelings will still remain unchanged, even if he begins to be drawn to you.

Prayer for a husband

Most Holy Theotokos, protect my husband with your grace, give him a smooth path and a sharp look. Guide him along the right path, do not let him stray from the spiritual. I pray to you, Most Holy Mother of God, protect and show the way home, even in the light or at night. Amen.

Love spell

I go out into an open field, there is a white stone in an open field, and on the stone there is a white falcon. The falcon misses its falcon; the white falcon cannot fly, eat or drink without its falcon. I will ask the white falcon to fly to the good fellow, the servant of God (name) and put my ardent love and longing into his heart, put into his head bright thoughts about me, the servant of God (name). No matter what you eat, don’t sleep, don’t see the white light without me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To please the opposite sex

Just as the white day is dear and beloved to everyone, so I, the servant of God (name), will be dear and beloved to everyone, just as they wait for rain in a drought, so they will wait for me, the servant of God (name), as the hungry listen to the crackling of fire, yes frozen, they will listen to and honor me. My word is strong and molding. Amen.

Powerful prayers and effective spells for health

  • These words need to be spoken about yourself, or people who are sick, tired, or afraid of getting sick. Because fear of illness can be the cause of other illnesses.
  • In the old days, grandmothers read these prayers and conspiracies over their sick grandchildren, over relatives and friends, the nature of whose diseases was unknown.
  • Important: conspiracies and prayers should not be the only remedy against the disease. The word only helps the cause, and therefore, these words should be read only in conjunction with treatment.

Prayer for the sick

Our Heavenly Father, who exists in all living things in heaven, earth and water, bless your servant (name of the sick person). Give him the strength to cope with the illness, cover him with your grace, restore his health, put strength in his legs, strengthen his head with faith and love for You. Amen.

Conspiracy over a sick child

Wide rivers, but not deep, high mountains, but not sharp, warm seas, but cooling. So the servant of God (the name of the child), is sick, but not broken, weak, but stubborn. The wind blows, the trees rustle, our mother Earth hears my words. Send a messenger to us early in the morning - the son of your wind and the son of your rain and snow. Rain and snow will wash away diseases, and the wind will carry them away and drown them in the warm sea. My word is strong and molded, no one will break it or change it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy against female diseases

There is a tree in the forest, and under the tree there is a dog, and the dog has a white bone in its teeth, and a cup of water from a stream. The dog is gnawing on a bone and lapping up water from the stream. I’ll go into the forest, find the dog, bring her a new bone - the disease of God’s servant (name), and milk from a cow with one horn. I will take a white bone from a dog, bury it by the road, just as a dog gnaws a new bone, so the disease will disappear from God’s servant (name). (you need to take out a large beef bone and give it to a stray dog).

Conspiracy against male diseases

I will go beyond the blue sea, beyond the high mountains, beyond the dark forests, beyond the wide rivers, I will find an open field, in it stands a white flammable stone - Alatyr. There is a hole on that stone, and in the hole there is an oak tree, it is a hundred years old. Grew through the stone, strong and straight, nothing can break it - not a thunderstorm, not a wind, not a person. So the servant of God (name) cannot be broken by illness or mutilated by a word. Strong and healthy, fast and straight, strong and firm. Amen.

Conspiracies for human honesty

Strong conspiracies for all occasions can help people who hope for the honesty of those people with whom they have to deal. These could be officials, business partners, judges and juries. Before starting any business where sincerity and honesty are needed, strong conspiracies will help. A person will not be able to lie to you and against you.

Prayer against liars and slanderers

Our Father, hallowed be your name, may your honesty and wisdom be an example for me and my friends, as well as my relatives and my enemies. Put shame on them for lying and slandering me, let them speak only the truth, in Your Name. Amen.

So that they don’t lie to you and about you

The magpie has a white wing, a loud tongue, a quick foot, and a cat is faster. The magpie tickled and tickled, but didn’t do it, promised, promised, but forgot. And the cat came, and the dog came. The cat tore it up, and the dog said: don’t lie, magpie, keep quiet magpie, your tongue will burn with fire when you lay false accusations against God’s servant (name). Amen.

Conspiracies and prayers for leaving the house, the road

  1. For all occasions, when a person leaves the house, prayers and conspiracies for the road will help.
  2. If you get into a car, bus, plane or train, prayer for the road will also be effective.
  3. As soon as you have closed the door behind you, read the prayer three times.

Prayer for the road

We are on the way, the Mother of God is ahead, Jesus is with us, and the Apostles are behind us. Amen.

Conspiracy for a safe road

Snow blows across the earth, covering God's earth with a blanket, or rain from heaven waters the earth. So you, Lord, look after me with your gaze, do not let me turn onto a dashing road and get run over by dashing people. Put your light, warmth and wisdom into my eyes and feet, take away misfortunes and sorrows from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Effective prayers and strong protective spells for all occasions can be stored in memory, or kept in a notebook. Before starting any business, you can quickly use them. But the most important thing is that you personally must believe in what you say, since words are a kind of chain that must be intact from the beginning of the prayer to the end. And then the power of your word will be complete.


Let us turn to the meaning of the word “prayer.” This is a person’s spoken or mental appeal to God or gods. Prayer includes: confession of sins, requests, gratitude, vows. Prayer is an attempt by a person who feels weak to call upon or tune in to higher powers and receive help from them. Therefore, I sincerely hope that this book will help you in difficult times.

Here are collected powerful conspiracies, prayers, amulets for all occasions. They will help you protect you and your family from misfortunes and enemies, maintain respect at work and mutual understanding in the family. Here are also collected conspiracies that will help improve your health and protect your family and friends from diseases. You will learn what damage can be and how to remove it; how to increase your fortune and protect it from envious people.

If you go at night, you will be invisibly protected by a shield of amulets; If you give birth, pain will not torment you; and old age will not disfigure your face, for God’s prayer will adorn you with beautiful features.

Having learned my teachings, you will receive rare, invaluable knowledge. If you are patient and don’t give up on the job, you will be rewarded: you will be able to speak with spirits, master hypnosis and read the thoughts of others. And this will help you get out of any seemingly hopeless situation. Let this book become your friend and assistant for many years to come.

If any of you don't quite understand what I'm talking about right now, please be patient. Study my works, and have no doubt, I will keep my word and reveal to you all the knowledge that I possess. All those of you who will reach the last stage of training with me will learn truly incredible things. You will live a long time, having learned from my books how shortevity is accounted for. And when the angel of death comes for you, he will carry you in his arms and will pray for you before God.

The book is divided into four sections, which represent the four most exciting topics for everyone: “Luck and success”, “For health, against illnesses”, “Love and family” and “From damage, from the evil eye”.

I share with you the knowledge, experience and skills accumulated by many generations and passed on from mouth to mouth.

I am often asked why I reveal my secrets, because it would be much more profitable to organize courses or a health department.

The whole point, my dears, is that the Lord God has endowed me with sincere love for people. My grandmother taught me this too. To put it very briefly, I will say this: I really want you and your loved ones to live happily ever after, and this is exactly what my books should help you with.

By collecting all my books, you will build a protective wall for yourself that no enemy will be able to break through. You will always be able to protect yourself and your children with the great power of holy life-giving prayer, which means your days will multiply, because protected people live much longer!

My dear readers, followers and students, write to me, I will answer all your questions, I will be very happy to help you and give advice. Everything you learn from this book will bring you luck, success and prosperity.

I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. This always worries me a lot. I sincerely pray for those who respond to someone else's distress. It is gratifying to read letters from people who ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers. After all, the Lord himself said: a merciful heart will be received with mercy.

I bow to everyone and say thank you for your support in my work.

I wish you health and long life.

With respect to you, Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Luck and success

Plot for happiness

It has been verified many times that those people who came to me in tears, complaining that there was not a single happy day in their lives, having done everything as I told them with this conspiracy, seemed to be born again. Happiness turned its face to them, and life changed for the better.

So, read this plot three times: once before you go to church, once near the church and the third time when returning from church.

Upon entering the church, they light twelve candles in honor of those who walked with Christ. They put it next to any icons where the soul desires. And forty days - fasting, after you read it for the last time.

The church is golden,
There is a silver throne in it,
Above it is an icon speaking and looking at me.
I will stand in the golden church
Before the silver throne,
Under the icon speaking, the Mother of God looking.
Give me, Mother of God,
From this day on you will be happy.
I take happiness with my hands and go out with my feet.

Plot for luck

Luck in life is also important. Now I will tell you in detail how to improve life not only for your children and yourself, but also for those whom compassion points you to. This plot is read on the full moon on Sunday. They read while looking at themselves in the mirror. The mirror should hang on the wall or at least lean against the wall. Under no circumstances should a mirror be placed on the table!

Baba the sorceress
The one who lies in the coffin and guards her coffin.
You walked the earth boldly,
You did your magic work.
I collected happiness and took it away from people,
I stole luck and gave it to myself.
Give me, dead thing, good luck.
Give me, sorceress, happiness in addition.
I command you the fortieth psalm
And Psalm forty-one
And from Black Magic the first.
I’m taking away your luck and happiness to boot.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
How to get your luck back

Read on black bread and morning water. They eat the bread and drink the water.

How true it is
That the Lord gave five loaves
And that Jesus Christ is God's son,
It is so true that the Lord is merciful.
Turn, Lord, my luck
From west to east,
From North to South,
Give her more than three roads,
And one road
To my doorstep.
And you, woe-misfortune,
Find your way
Into the womb of the snake.
There's a place for you there
That's where you live,
There is your being.
And I’ll put on a talisman,
I'll tie myself in gold and silver.
I can't count the money,
Do not know grief and misfortune.
I close the lock with the key.
I throw the key into the sea.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for well-being

When you wash your face, you need to say the following conspiracy:

Christ is Risen!
I am baptized with the cross, I fast during fasts.
Mother of God, cover me with the Holy Cross,
With Your Most Pure Finger.
And how smooth an egg is,
So that everything would go smoothly in my life.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to get rid of unhappiness

At midnight they boil the millet and, as soon as it is ready, they go with it to the river. There they take a handful of millet with their left hand and throw it over their shoulder into the river with the words:

Misfortune, misfortune,
There are seventy-seven of you, here you all, eat, swallow,
And don't pester me anymore.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

You need to leave without looking back at the river, so as not to take misfortune as your fellow traveler again.

A conspiracy against all sorts of dirty tricks

They slander the water with which they wash their faces at midnight.

God's water, wash away, rinse
The affairs of sorcerers, enemies, adversaries, heretics,
Cunning healers, drooling horses, evil people.
Be a talisman against all dirty tricks.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
If you are being bullied

If someone torments you with nagging, there is no need to shed tears. Take a piece of lard, stick a rusty nail into it and say:

Get away, devil, from my house,
Get away, evil, from my corners.
How did this nail freeze in the fat?
So the slave (name) will freeze,
Won't scream
Grow angrily at me (name).
Plot for a Truce

Turn the pectoral cross onto your back. They read while looking at the table where they usually eat.

Mother of the morning
Zarya Maria,
Evening dawn Maremyan,
The mother of cheese is the earth Ulyana.
Have you seen the Queen of Heaven?
Did they light the paths for her?
How She carried Him in her arms,
I kept it more than anything in the world,
She didn’t let it go, she took care of it,
And the hour came, I gave it to the world.
May you, world, be a truce
For servants of God (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amulet from troubles

Read on Wednesday mornings, before washing.

Wednesday, middle, let's talk about some water.
I am baptized by Christ, I am covered with faith.
I am protected by a guardian angel.
My guardian angel, have mercy,
Sit on your right shoulder
Guard me from morning to evening
From the beast and the wolf,
of a spoken needle,
From evil people
And forest animals,
From trial and punishment,
From the knife and poison,
From the witch's pinches,
From gossipy whispers.
Lord, add more age to me,
And when you die, save you from pain.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To tame evil hearts

They talk about poppy seeds and scatter them into the pockets of a child or a loved one.

I sit in a sleigh covered with beavers,
Both sables and martens.
Like foxes and martens, beavers and sables
Honest and dignified between lords and priests,
Between the world and the village, so is my born son
I would be honest and dignified between lords and priests,
Between the world and the village.
I’m riding on a reptile, he’s already driving, but he’s hefty.
The lords and judges have a yard full of pigs,
And I will eat those pigs.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!
I sow poppy.
All the judges will disperse, and they will sit and eat me.
They won't eat me, I have a bear's mouth,
Wolf lips, pig teeth.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!
Who will pick my poppy,
He will bring judgment against me.
I'll hide my poppy in an iron tub,
I'll throw the tub into the ocean-sea.
The ocean-sea does not dry up,
Nobody takes out my cadi,
And no one picks up my poppy seed.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!
I close my teeth and lips to evil hearts,
And I throw the keys into the ocean-sea,
In your iron tub.
When the sea dries up, when the poppies from the kadi are eaten,
Then I won't be there.
Judgment - judgment, century - century!
Shield from slanderer

At your request, we are returning to this topic again. And indeed, how easy it is to slander a person, to bring false accusations against him. And the rumor will bring everything to its black end. But there are amulets against such people, against their dirty tongues. Think about how many people have died in the world who could not cope with the despair to which the slander of evil-pagans led them.

It is necessary that you and even your grandchildren know these amulets in order to protect yourself from slander.

Every person in his home has a first aid kit in which pills are stored in case of colds. Let all the prayers and spells that my grandmother taught me, and her ancestors taught her, be your shield in the house.

Read at midnight:

Get out of your black tongue, arrow.
Walk past me, past my horse,
Walk past my table
My oak table, my stone house,
Icons of my righteous one,
Past mortal bodies, Past imperishable souls.
My shield is strong
The plot is my sculpt.
Go, arrow, from the black tongue:
On a swamp hummock,
To the devil's daughter
To a dry forest.
There you fall,
There you will be lost.
I bite with my teeth,
In a word, I lock it.
Go, don't look.
My kind of vegetable garden.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy for the favor of ill-wishers

The minute thunder roars, you need to cross yourself and shout loudly:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Always and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
How can all people hear you, thunder?
How do all people see you, lightning,
So that they respect me
They held for their relatives
All my enemies, all offenders.
We honor Elijah the prophet,
And I respect any threshold.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages.

This conspiracy is really strong. Personally, I have observed that those people who arouse antipathy in those around them, after this conspiracy, easily establish good relationships with those around them, even with their long-time enemies. This should be done without witnesses, or, as a last resort, only in the presence of a master. Time, moon, date do not matter, the main thing is that thunder roars and lightning flashes at this time.

Safe words in any dangerous situation

Angel the Baptist, savior of my soul,
You save my soul
You close the doors to the enemy,
You come to the bed, you guard,
You drive away the adversary enemy.
Have mercy, save, save and preserve.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
To protect yourself from harm

The plot is read once out loud, once in a whisper, once to oneself:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I'm standing at the Cross.
The cross is church beauty.
Cross - praise to the martyrs,
And help the guards.
I’ll come closer to the Cross and bow to it lower.
Protect and defend from enemies and foes,
From their tongues, their batogs,
From their fire and sword, from their infliction.
Lord, send blessings
So that I stand unshakable and indestructible,
Like the Holy Cross.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Protection from the enemy

They take a worm from the stem of a mushroom, drip wax from a candle bought on Friday onto it, and so, having sealed the worm, place it in a dug hole, pour a mound on top, like on a grave. Crossing themselves, they leave. As you drip wax onto the worm, whisper:

I put the enemy to sleep,
Not for a feather bed, but for unction.
You, enemy (enemy's name), do no harm,
And, like a worm, sit in the ground.
While my seal is intact,
I will not have an enemy.
Key, lock, tongue.
So that your enemy is afraid of his own thoughts

If you know that evil is being planned against you, you need to read the water spell nine times and pour the water on the threshold.

The mother river runs, erodes the banks,
It takes out the roots and exposes the sands.
Likewise, the thoughts of slaves (name of enemies) become blurred,
Be afraid of your thoughts,
Don’t come back to me, slave (name),
Think about yourself, not me,
God's servant (name).
How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies

You have probably heard people say about some people: “Nothing ever happens to him: he is under a spell.” We will teach you this conspiracy. He will protect you from all evil and vain death.

You need to collect water under the bridge and go with it to the cemetery. Wait for the dead man to be brought and buried. When they leave, cast a spell on this water and wash yourself over the fresh grave with this water. Leave the remaining water there.

Lucifer, Astaroth, Satan,
I call everyone, I call out, I reprimand,
I ask everyone: “Take me between two pillars
To the side of life where there is the mystery of the sleep of the dead,
The secret of a living dream, in the secret there is the visible and the invisible.
Where black crows peck dead eyes,
They drink cold blood,
There is a hut-monastery where death, melancholy, sadness live.
There is a secret cell there,
In it sits the fate of the baptized slave (name),
A candle is burning in front of her.
She will call to herself three at once: death, melancholy, sadness -
And he will order them from this moment,
To preserve the Lord's hour,
Keep the “cup of salvation” of God’s servant (name).
She will not burn between twelve fires,
One cannot die from the great number of swords,
Don't drown in the water, be bypassed by an arrow,
The thief will not notice her, the villain will greet her with kindness,
The enemy's arms and legs will be taken away,
The night will be like the clear sun,
Illness will not take her, melancholy will not crush her,
Damage will pass by, the beast will not touch, the snake will not bite,
He won’t fall from a height, he won’t falter on the ground,
The blood will not leak out, the eye will be saved,
Your hands will forever have dexterity, your legs will forever have agility,
There is joy in her soul, peace in her heart.
From now on she will sit on the Sovereign Throne forever.
Spellbound by the hand of fate
With three witnesses: death, melancholy, sadness;
With three guards: Lucifer, Astaroth, Satan.

If you want to cast this spell on your child, do it in the presence of the godmother.

From evil tongues

I'm not going on my own
I'm flying like a black raven,
I swing the ring, I drive the fire,
I step on the threshold with my right foot,
I take away the tongue of my enemies.
So that they clap their lips and remain silent,
There was no grinding or chattering of teeth.
Lie around my body, circle.
From the tongued, toothy,
Envious neighbors in the yard,
In the field, in the service.
Don't let them, circle, let their tongues run wild.
Like fish in water they are silent,
That's how people don't talk about me.
Conspiracy against harm and violence

Read after three o'clock in the morning on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday). You have to read it in one sitting. On the ninth day after reading the spell, no one is allowed into the house so as not to interrupt the spell.

Three nails after the enemy,
I can't remove the spell.
Not even two or three can take it off,
Not seven and not twelve.
My word is strong: don’t knock it down,
Do not interrupt if on the ninth day
The door can't be opened.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy from a grumpy neighbor

Go to your neighbor’s door, clasp your hands and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I will get up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself.
From wall to door, from door to gate.
I will go out of the gate into a field, into a wide expanse.
A fast river flows in that field,
That river has paper banks.
I'll bend over and rinse off,
I will wipe myself with the heavenly heights.
I will become a ridge to the west,
I will face the east.
How can you not get sand from a deep river,
You can’t chew all the paper shores,
So no one could say a bad word
About me, God's servant (name).
Paper shores, bake yourself,
Evil lips, shut up.
It would seem to everyone more than the world,
Everyone would look for my words and greetings.
Luck and success

I tie my tongue, I roll my eyes.
Alien, evil eyes, look past me.
And I'm going Basque,
People treat me kindly.
How can people not love themselves?
So they won’t be able to blaspheme me.
Dear God, Lord, I wish you peace with Easter -
And so that all people would treat me with affection.
Be strong, my words.
Be, my works, modeling.
The key to the word
Word to God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Conspiracy for peace and good agreement

Heat the bathhouse. When you see that the water in the tank has boiled, say three times:

Water-water, river-river,
You came to me from seventy streams,
You wash all the yellow sands, steep banks,
You roll it up and remove all human dirt.
Take it off, take it off, roll it off me (name)
And from my daughter-in-law (name)
Everything is evil, abusive, obnoxious, kitschy.
Wash away, rinse off all the squabbles,
All the gossip, nagging, biting,
Screams, evil silence, resentment, jealousy,
Longing, sadness, contempt, heartache.
Water is water, sister of mother earth,
Wash me and God’s servant (name) with your water.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy for the current day

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is a holy ocean-sea,
In that ocean-sea the cradle rocks.
A maiden bird sleeps in that cradle.
Get up, bird-maiden, wake up, rise up,
Cover me with your wings from the haze,
From frying, from vileness and bite,
Diseases, gossip, the enemy's envious eyes,
From fire, water, from a flying arrow,
From horror in the night, from ruts and illnesses,
Trouble and witchcraft,
From demonic pampering.
Cover me, maiden bird, with your wings
Before all existing enemies.
My work is strong, my word is molded.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for a good life

They buy twelve apples, every second apple will need to be given to a beggar, and six will need to be taken to the house. Then, the next day, every second apple from the remaining ones is given to a beggar at the church, and three are left at home. Let these apples lie at home overnight, and then they are taken to church and placed on the funeral table, saying to themselves:

Remember my poverty for peace,
And wealth and health are with me.
Spell for a joyful life

If you take a black hen's egg on Wednesday, roll it in the dust of a road intersection, then give it to a male dog to eat, then there will be more bright days in your life. You will feel stronger, younger and luckier.

Words to say when giving an egg to a dog:

Egg for a male dog,
Help to my Guardian Angel.
Shopping for a happy life

Place a piece of pie in the cemetery, on someone's grave, place a jug of milk and scatter coins.

Bow three times and say:

Remember, dead man,
Everything is bad from me, everything is bad
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Leave without looking back.

For those whom fate does not favor with luck

If you realize that luck has not begun to look into your house, if everything is very bad for you, do this: buy eight eggs from five sellers. There is an icon of forty saints. These forty purchased eggs are spoken in front of this icon, and then the eggs are given as alms. If you do not have this icon or are not confident in your abilities, contact a strong, knowledgeable healer. They speak like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Forty holy men walked
They carried forty eggs for Easter.
They carried them and dropped them,
The testicles were broken.
So would my troubles and misfortunes
They were shattered into pieces,
They wrapped themselves in a ball around me.
Oh, you holy hands,
Take my torment.
How are these eggs broken before eating?
So my torments and misfortunes will leave me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for a happy destiny

Word for word, deed for deed.
I will pray to the holy forefathers:
Jacob, Joseph the Beautiful.
How are you, Jacob and Joseph the Beautiful,
Passed before Pharaoh the king of Egypt
And how he couldn't sit still
And I gave you honor above all,
So that me, the servant of God (name),
All ranks, all princes, boyars and all earthly sovereigns
We met and saw off affectionately,
They gave me honor and glory.
Their hearts would be tamed,
The authorities would always forgive me everything.
They would value me as a soul in a body,
Eye in the forehead
On all days, at all hours of the day,
For months born, months shortened,
Damaged and full.
Shine everywhere and always, my God-given star.
Key, lock, tongue.
Conspiracy for good luck in all matters

My angel, my archangel, my patron,
Lead me, help me.
I'll go on the bright path.
Doors would all open for me,
People would all smile at me,
All my deeds, all my dreams came true.
There are three fish in the blue sea,
Those fish have three crowns on them.
Who can count the teeth on those three crowns?
Only he will interrupt my luck.
My first word, second deed,
And my enemies don’t care.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
To always be held in high esteem by people

When they go to meet people, they say poppy and hide it in their bosom.

They speak like this:

Poppy is small, but God gave it to people.
Who takes poppy with him,
Not a single bad rumor will accept that.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
To achieve your plans

Pick a twig from three different trees, then add a twig from three different brooms and add a bush from three brooms. Throw the resulting “bouquet” at a crossroads. Before you take it, say to him:

How Solomon achieved his goal,
So I, the servant of God (name), will achieve my goal.
Morning dawn with the sun, sun with the evening dawn,
And the evening dawn with God's moon,
And God's moon with the first star.
And I, the servant of God (name), am fulfilling my desire.

Read three times.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

There are many amulets, but among them the so-called dreams of the Virgin Mary stand out. My grandmother knew seventy-seven dreams. The dreams of the Mother of God not only heal and save, but also protect you from going to places where something could happen to you.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the Temple of Jerusalem of Judea
Tired, slept and dozed
Blessed Virgin Mary.
Our Lord came to her
Jesus Christ speaks to Her:
- Mother, my beloved, are you dozing?
Are you sleeping or are you seeing Me?
She answered Him:
- My child,
I didn't sleep, but dozed off.
I was dozing, but I had a prophetic dream.
In the month of March I saw seventeen days,
You are covered in blood, the Jews handed you over for execution,
You were crucified on the cross with the thieves,
Crucified by Pontic Pilate.
You endured all kinds of abuse,
They spat on Your holy face,
You were crowned with a thorny crown,
They gave you vinegar to drink, they burned your body with fire.
The warrior broke your rib with a spear,
I saw how you suffered and suffered.
Your blood flowed from huge wounds,
And I cried and suffered at Your cross.
Then thunder and lightning rumbled,
Stones fell from high mountains,
Those who died from this thunder rose from their coffins,
Around the cross, crowds of people began to tremble.
The sun and moon have lost their light,
And there was darkness all around from six o'clock to nine.
Joseph and Nicodemus removed Your most pure body,
Covered with a clean shroud,
They closed it in a new coffin and laid it,
Your pierced hands are folded on your chest.
“Lord, God, My Jesus,” cried the Mother, “
I am afraid to tell and remember this dream.
Her Son Jesus Christ said:
- Oh, my dear Mother, this dream is true,
And who will read it,
Who will have it in their house,
My angels will not allow him to die an early death.
The one who has this dream will be saved,
Protected from fire and flood water.
Who will take this dream with them on their journey?
The beast will not touch him, the enemy will not kill him,
Evil spirits will not take his soul,
My angels will carry him to Me and save him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Prayer before leaving home to St. John Chrysostom

I deny you, Satan,
Your pride and service to you
And I unite with You, Christ,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer if all is well

Psalm of David 121

We rejoiced because they said to me: Let us go to the house of the Lord. Our feet are standing in Your courts, Jerusalem. Jerusalem was built like a city, and its communion is together. There the tribes went up, the tribes of the Lord, the testimony of Israel, to confess to the name of the Lord, for there they sat on the thrones of judgment, the thrones in the house of David. Ask about the peace of Jerusalem: and abundance for those who love Thee. May there be peace in your strength and abundance in your pillars. For the sake of my brothers and my neighbors, peace be upon you. To the house for the sake of the Lord our God I seek good for you.

Prayer when things go wrong

Psalm 37

Lord, do not reprove me with Your wrath; do not punish me with Your wrath. As Thy arrows have struck me, and Thou hast strengthened Thy hand upon me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of Your wrath, there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sin. For my iniquity has exceeded my head, for a heavy burden has weighed down upon me. My wounds have grown stale and rotten because of my madness. I suffered and sloshed to the end, walking around complaining all day. For my body is filled with reproach and there is no healing in my flesh. I would become embittered and humbled to death, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, before You all my desire and my sighing are not hidden from You. My heart is confused, my strength has left me, and the light of my eyes has left me, and that one is not with me. My friends and my sincere ones have come close to me and stasha, and my neighbors are far away from me, stasha and needy, seeking my soul, and seeking evil for me, a vain verb and a flatterer, I have been learning all day long. As if I were deaf and did not hear, and because I was dumb and did not open my mouth. And as a man he would not hear, nor would he have reproach in his mouth. For in You, O Lord, I have trusted; You will hear, O Lord my God. As if he said: Yes, not when will my enemies please me; and my feet can never move, you speak to me. As if I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me. For I will proclaim my iniquity and take care of my sin. My enemies live and have become stronger than me, and have multiplied, hating me without truth. Those who repay me evil with a cart of good have slandered me, driving away goodness. Do not forsake me, O Lord my God, in persecuting goodness. Do not forsake me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me. Come to my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Prayers for when you lose courage in trouble

Psalm 126

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord preserves the city in vain, it will be strict. It is in vain for you to wake up; you will rise gray, eating the bread of sickness, when He gives sleep to His beloved. This is the son's property of the Lord, the reward of the fruit of the womb. Like arrows in the hand of the strong, like the sons of the shaken. Blessed is he who gets his desire from them. They will not be ashamed when they speak against their enemy in the gates.

Psalm 139

Deliver me, O Lord, from the wicked man, deliver me from the unrighteous man, who, having thought unrighteousness in my heart, will fight with the army all day long, having sharpened my tongue, like the serpent’s venom of asps under their lips. Save me, O Lord, from the hand of sinners, take me away from the unrighteous people, who thought the heels of my feet. Pride has hidden the net for me, and has already tied the net for my feet. Place temptations along the path. Reh of the Lord: Thou art my God, inspire, O Lord, the voice of my prayer! Lord, Lord, the power of my salvation, you have overshadowed my head on the day of battle. Do not betray me, O Lord, from my desire as a sinner: having thought on me, do not forsake me, lest they be exalted. The head of their surroundings, the labor of their lips will cover I. Coals of fire will fall on them, cast me down in passion, and they will not stand. A pagan man will not be corrected on earth: an unrighteous and evil man will be caught into corruption. I knew that the Lord would bring judgment to the poor and vengeance to the needy. Both the righteous will confess to Your name and the righteous will dwell with Your face.

Prayer for every infirmity

Master Almighty, Physician of souls and bodies, humble and exalt, punish and again heal, visit our infirm brother (name) with Thy mercy, stretch out Thy arm to the one full of healing and healing: and heal him, restore him from his bed and infirmity, rebuke the spirit of infirmity, leave from it every ulcer, every disease, every wound, every fire and tremors: and if there is sin or iniquity in it, weaken it, leave it, forgive Your love for mankind. To her, Lord, have mercy on Thy creation in Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom art thou blessed, and with Thy Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for entering a new home

Our God the Savior, who deigned to bring salvation into the shadow of Zacchaeus and to that and to all that house, Who Himself now desired to live here, and who are unworthy of us to pray to You and bring supplications, keep them unharmed from all harm, blessing those who dwell here, and preserving their life from hatred. . Amen.

Prayer for the foundation of the house

God Almighty, who created the heavens with reason, and founded the earth on its firmament, the Creator and Creator of all, look upon Thy servant (name), who deigned in the power of Thy fortress to build a house into a dwelling, and to build it with a building: establish it on solid stone, and establish it according to Your Divine Gospel voice, which neither wind, nor water, nor anything else can damage: deign to bring it to an end, and in it to live for those who want to live from any slander that opposes freedom. For Yours is the power, and Yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for living in a new house

God our Savior, who deigned to bring salvation into the shadow of Zacchaeus, and bring salvation to that and to every house of that house: You yourself, even now, have desired to live here, and by us, and by those unworthy of your prayers and supplications, keep them unharmed from all harm, blessing those who live here, and are not hated save your belly. For all glory, honor and worship is due to You, with Your beginningless Father, and with Your Most Holy and good, life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer during the attack of robbers to the righteous Joseph the Betrothed

Joseph was attacked by robbers during his flight with the Virgin Mary and the Divine Child to Egypt.


O holy righteous Joseph! While you were still on earth, you had great boldness towards the Son of God, who had the good will to call you His Father, as the betrothed to His Mother, and to listen to you: we believe that now, from the faces of the righteous in the abodes of heaven, you will be heard in every your petition to God and our Savior. Moreover, resorting to your protection and intercession, we humbly pray to you: just as you yourself were delivered from the storm of doubtful thoughts, so deliver us too, overwhelmed by waves of confusion and passions: just as you protected the All-Immaculate Virgin from human slander, protect us in the same way from all slander in vain: just as you preserved the incarnate Lord from all harm and bitterness, so through your intercession preserve His Orthodox Church and all of us from all bitterness and harm. Weigh, O Holy One of God, as the Son of God, in the days of His flesh you had need for bodily needs, and you served them: for this reason we pray to you, and help our temporary needs through your intercession, giving us all the good things we need in this life. We most earnestly ask you to intercede for us to forgive our sins by receiving from the Son you are named, the Only Begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and make us worthy of inheriting the Kingdom of Heaven through your intercession, so that we, who dwell with you in the high villages, will glorify the One Trihypostatic God , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer from the fire to Saint Nikita of Novgorod

With one prayer, Saint Nikita extinguished the fire in Novgorod. They pray to Saint Nikita, the recluse of Pechersk, Bishop of Novgorod, in case of danger of being killed or struck by lightning, in case of fire, in the absence of rain or drought.

Conspiracies are a special type of oral magic, the purpose of which is to help a person achieve well-being in various areas of life. There are a huge variety of rituals, they can relate to both black and white magic. Let's look at the most popular and safe conspiracies and prayers for all occasions!

However, they are all united by the same rules that must be followed by the performer when pronouncing the cherished words:

  • any conspiracy must be read quietly, in a whisper or in a low voice;
  • you cannot read the ritual in the presence of strangers, otherwise they will lose their power and turn out to be useless;
  • the performer must have a strong will, not smoke, not drink alcohol;
  • conspiracies aimed at good and benefit are read on bright days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday), negative ones - on dark days (Monday, Friday). This rule may not apply to all rituals: often the day suitable for performance is specified in the ritual instructions.

For effectiveness, it is useful (but not necessary) for the ritual to begin with a foreword and end with an afterword. They sound like this:

  • words before pronouncing the spell: “Nikolai, God's saint! You are in the house and in the field, on the road and on the road, on earth and in heaven. Intercede and save from all evil!”;
  • spell after reading: “Whoever eats the white, flammable Alatyr-stone will overcome my conspiracy.”

Perhaps the most important condition for the success of any magical ritual is faith in its power. Such rituals help only those who believe in them. If you are very skeptical about magic, you don’t even have to try to read conspiracies yourself. At best, you won’t succeed, at worst, you will get the completely opposite result.

There are a myriad of different conspiracies and prayers. Even if we wanted to, it is impossible to cover all of them in this article. Therefore, I will present to your attention several proven rituals. The rituals described below, in my opinion, are relevant for every person. Get acquainted and use it for good.

For luck (for any thing)

Just imagine that almost any thing can become a talisman that brings happiness. To do this, you just need to speak to her using the words below and keep her with you at all times. The text needs to be read 12 times, the text reads as follows:

“Just as a squirrel wore a fur coat and couldn’t bear it, so would this (-t, -a) (name of item) brought me good luck. Today, tomorrow and always! Let it be so! Amen!"

A ritual that restores strength and protects against illness

Pour water into a bucket and heat it to a comfortable temperature. Say the prayer “” to it 3 times, any 1 time. Go to the bathhouse or bathroom, take a ladle and pour water from the bucket on yourself, saying:

“Water is the nurse, flowing from above to below. Wash the body of God's servant(s) (your name), take away accursed diseases, sickness and aches. Give me strength and health in return. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Repeat the cleaning session once every month.

Giving harmony and consent to the house

The conspiracy will help you if quarrels and scandals have become more frequent in your family. Prepare 3 white candles And 1 carrot.

  1. Rinse the vegetable well, peel, grate and place in a plate.
  2. Place 2 candles on the sides of the front door, the third - 2 steps from the threshold, in the center. Light them up.
  3. Stand facing the threshold and say the text 7 times: “Roll, O mountain, across wide expanses, across fields, across meadows, beyond forests, beyond seas. Happiness, come into the house, bring joy!” . After each time, throw a handful of carrots into the candle triangle. After 7 times, all the carrots should be on the floor.
  4. Put out the candles and put them away. Carefully collect the carrots in a piece, put them on a clean piece of paper, take them outside, leave them in a deserted place, saying: “Hello, happiness! Hello, joy!

Conspiracy-prayer for an apple against childhood illnesses

There is nothing more painful and terrible for a mother’s heart than a child’s illness. If your child is sick, read this plot - recovery will come very soon.

For the ritual, prepare a large apple, press it a little from the sides and say:

“I will ask the Lord for a fruit that has grown, saturated with the power of His grace, to help the troubles of my child’s body and to give him a blessing to get rid of bodily illness. The Lord will hear my request through the power of the great Plant Spirit and will help so that the child’s body will no longer experience unnecessary suffering, and the fruit eaten by it will bring new strength for healing and great changes. The disease will leave the body, and the Lord will give strength to withstand, for the Plant Spirit will give support to my request and with the power of the Lord will satisfy the fruit for my child. Amen".