What to do to quickly sell the car conspiracy. Conspiracy to profitably sell a car: how to quickly sell a car using a strong ritual


Selling a car is not an easy task and is associated with a huge number of nuances and difficulties, in this process you definitely cannot do without conspiracies. Everyone who has come across this action knows - we start by placing ads and then how it goes - it goes, the main thing is to sell at a higher price. However, buyers are often resellers and salons who know much more than you about how to bargain when buying and what points to click on. You need to be one step ahead of them, use conspiracies to sell a car and your car will fly away to the first person who calls!

Be careful in casting spells, there is no need for haste, but accuracy and perseverance are needed.

We have collected in this article the best and most effective methods from all that we have collected all over the Internet, use only proven methods and conduct your transactions correctly. Good luck.

Conspiracies to sell a car - a little theory

Of course, our ancestors did not have cars. Conspiracies to sell cars arose much later than many other magical techniques. But trading magic, or, as it is called now, business magic, has been around for more than a century. Such conspiracies have long helped to conduct business and get the maximum profit for merchants and everyone who had to deal with trade. Such methods were also used in the sale of carts, horses and other modes of transport that were in those days.

Almost nothing has changed over the years. In our time, magic still envelops all areas of our lives and can help in any situation that modern man faces.

What is a strong conspiracy to sell a car capable of?

  • You will be able to conclude the desired deal much faster. There will definitely be a buyer who will agree to your price and who will like your product.
  • You won't have to make a discount, but remember that the price must be fair.
  • Do not call the initially overpriced.
  • In addition, you still have to advertise in newspapers and websites, ask your friends if they need a used car.
  • Magic will not do anything for you, it will only help in your work.

A conspiracy to sell a car quickly is not always aimed specifically at a good deal between you and the buyer. But you can use several conspiracies, both to speed up the process and to get the maximum benefit from selling a car.

Conditions for the ceremony

Before conducting a ritual conspiracy to sell a car, a number of important conditions must be met:

  1. It is best to demonstrate the car to a potential buyer on a waning moon during daylight hours. The lunar phase increases the success of trading magic. Any rituals to get rid of any thing are doubled.
  2. The most profitable deal can be made in the middle of the week. Wednesday is a successful day for magical rites in the field of trade.
  3. Before showing the car to the buyer, you need to sprinkle it with consecrated water.
  4. When reading a conspiracy, the main thing is the confidence that it will work and the sale will take place the way you want. Despair and constant expectation of the action of magic reduces its strength.
  5. You need to read the words of spells clearly, it is desirable to be alone during the ritual. Also, you can not tell anyone about the ceremony.
  6. You need to sell a car in a good mood, as if you are giving a gift.
  7. The most important thing to remember is that the owner of the car must read the words of the conspiracy and carry out the entire ceremony on his own. Do not trust such an important matter to another person, even if it is a friend or relative.
  8. Conspiracies for the successful sale of a car.

Conspiracies to sell a car can be simple or complex

Conspiracies to sell a car can be simple or complex. Complex rituals require preparation and consist of several stages. It is better to use simple ones.

Carrying out rituals for an urgent deal

In all of these rituals, attention is paid to the success of the sale. If you need to sell the car urgently, use the following strong rite.

On Sunday, collect blessed water in the temple, and on the way back, buy simple kitchen salt. Lightly sprinkle the salt with consecrated water. Squeeze the salt with your left hand into a fist. Say the following text:

“Just as everyone needs water, no one can live without it - so there was no life for a buyer without my car. Let him buy it and pay generously with a ringing coin. One came, the other looked, and the third bought. Amen".

Dry the salt, sprinkle the car with it, saying the spell: "Salt for food, merchant for goods." Sprinkle the salt that remains on the dinner.

For the ceremony with sprinkling the car, holy water is also needed. Speak water with words from the previous rite. Then pour the car with this charmed holy water.

If you do everything right, then the conspiracy will bring you good luck. The main thing is not to doubt and believe that the rite will help.


Conspiracy for a quick car sale

This plot will help you quickly sell your car. It will attract buyers to you who will like your product. You may have to haggle a little, lower the price, but there will be no end to buyers. It can be used to sell other vehicles, but then the text of the plot will need to replace the word "car" with the name of what you are going to sell. It is also suitable for selling other things, such as furniture.

  • For this plot you need holy water. She is recruited after the Sunday church service, which is held in the morning. When you leave the service, buy ordinary salt.
  • It is best to choose a small, "Extra". It will have to sprinkle your car, so coarse salt is not a good option.
  • For a conspiracy to salt, you only need a handful, so it is not necessary to purchase a large package. The salt that you have at home is not suitable.
  • You need the one that you take from the new pack. It will not carry any extraneous energies that can interfere with you.

So, pick up salt in your left hand. Right in your hand, pour a little holy water on it so as to moisten it. A lot of water is not required. Clench the fist of the left hand together with the contents and say:

How honest people cannot live without iron keys,
As without iron locks, goodness cannot protect its own,
So they will not be able to live without a car!
Like food and water, let my car be needed for them!

Now the salt soaked in holy water should dry naturally in the sun. You can simply lay it out on a plate or paper on the windowsill. It is not necessary to expose the salt to the sun's rays and open the windows. Wait until it dries, and then sprinkle it on the car with these words:

As salt is suitable for food, so let the merchant come to me for goods.

Do not pour all the salt on the car, leave just a little in order to add it to any dish that you will eat.

We sell profitably

Before selling the car, the owner usually puts it in order. At a minimum, the vehicle needs a wash. If you want this procedure to bring you much more benefit, you should not go to a car wash. Wash the car with your own water. Take a full bucket or any other container that will serve for this purpose, and say to it:

I wash off all the dirt from the horse, and put it up for auction. Whoever gives more money for a horse, I will sell it to him, and let the merchants come every other richer, but they are bargaining for my horse.

If you need to change the water, then drain the dirty one, and read this plot again for a clean one. When washing a car, you can practice visualization. Imagine the benefits you will get from selling your car, how a rich person comes to you and buys it, etc. This conspiracy not only helped sell the car profitably, but sometimes even allowed used vehicles to be sold at a higher price than originally planned.

An old and strong conspiracy to sell a car

This plot appeared much earlier than the first car was created. With its help, our ancestors quickly and profitably sold absolutely everything that was then considered a means of transportation - bullock teams, horses, luxurious carriages and hay carts.

  • Today, with the help of this conspiracy, you can sell not only a car, but also any other type of transport - a bicycle, a motorcycle, or even a riding horse.
  • It aims to sell your vehicle quickly and profitably only if you make sure that buyers know about you.
  • For example, they placed an ad in a popular newspaper or on a special website.
  • The conspiracy forces the buyer to have a good opinion about your product and make a choice in the direction of buying it.

The text of the plot must be memorized in advance. It is read before a meeting with a potential buyer, a product demonstration, a phone call, an advertisement, and any other actions that are related to the sale of your car. If you learn it by heart, then a suddenly appeared buyer will not take you by surprise, and you will not miss your chance to call magic for help.

The full text of this strong conspiracy to sell a car is as follows:

A wagon rushed across the clear sky,
A bird harnessed to her team.
Everyone who saw that chariot,
He wanted to take possession of her immediately.
I searched in my dreams, I did not know peace during the day.
So let the people be honest, no matter what I offer,
He wanted, he wanted, but he bought from me.
For my heavenly bird, for my iron chariot.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Cleaning for a quick sale machine

Each thing carries the energy of the one who owns it - be it a vehicle, clothing or other object. It is not for nothing that many slanders, the purpose of which is to influence a particular person, require the presence of his personal belongings.

  • The presence of your energy in the car that you are going to sell can significantly complicate this process.
  • People feel energy alien to them, even if not everyone is aware of it.
  • Many noticed something similar when there was no desire to purchase a product that was in use, suitable in all respects.
  • Your car stores all the emotions that it evoked in you and that you experienced while on the road. You may have spent a considerable amount of time driving this vehicle.

Before selling, it is desirable to clean the car from the energy of the previous owner. Perhaps then she will find herself a new owner. Things that do not carry the energy of the one to whom they belong cannot remain for sale for a long time. Nature does not tolerate emptiness, so after cleansing your car will quickly attract a new owner.

  • To get started, take everything that is connected with you out of the car.
  • Don't keep anything else in her trunk.
  • Remove the air freshener, rugs, covers and everything else that cannot be in a new car and that is related to you.
  • You also need to carry out wet cleaning inside the cabin, but it is better to wash the outside of the car in advance.

When you clean in the cabin, read continuously, throughout the entire cleaning process, the conspiracy:

Let me shake out the dirt and rubbish from the car, I will drive my spirit and smell out of it. And as soon as the merchant comes to me for it, then immediately the smell and spirit of him will enter the car!

After that, you should not use this machine again. Even approaching her without a reason is now undesirable. No need to regret the sale, miss the transport, if you loved it. Emotions can also get in the way. The better the car is cleaned in terms of energy, the faster it will have a new owner.

Strong car sales spells can help you literally get extra money out of nowhere. You just need to follow all the rules, believe in the result and really make efforts to sell.



From time immemorial, material gain has been considered one of the main goals of the use of magical power. The need to be independent is satisfied, as most of the inhabitants reasonably believe, by the presence of a certain nth amount in a bank account, a country mansion and a luxury car.

The question of selling a four-wheeled friend arises in several ways:

  • the previous car has ceased to satisfy the needs of the owner, and he wants to buy something more expensive;
  • the transport went to a person who was not interested in its possession (by inheritance or in payment of someone's debt), however, the newcomer is not going to sit behind the wheel;
  • the service life of the machine is long enough, and the cost of constant maintenance exceeds the amount of benefit it brings;
  • the owner of the car urgently needs finances in connection with the shaken financial situation (then other money conspiracies will come in handy);
  • the owner of the vehicle has unpleasant and sometimes tragic memories associated with it: a ridiculous accident, the death of a loved one.
  • in the near future, the motorist is planning a full-scale move, and sees an extra burden in the iron horse.

However, despite the various motivating reasons for selling a car, the desire to gain as much money as possible prevails. But sometimes there are many obstacles on the way to the transaction: low purchasing power, falling prices in the secondary market, the risk of becoming a victim of scammers, malfunctions that appear out of nowhere, difficulties in communicating with potential buyers ...

All obstacles, according to practicing magicians, are easily removed by conducting special witchcraft rituals, the simplest of which - conspiracies - can be performed even by a person ignorant of the occult sciences.

Rules of material conspiracies

In order for the plot to quickly sell the car to work as you planned, you only need to adhere to certain magical rules prescribed by the creators of trading magic rituals.

  1. The ceremony is held in the phase of the waning moon, at this time it is desirable to show the car to the declared buyers.
  2. Before demonstrating the car, be sure to sprinkle it with water consecrated the day before in the church.
  3. Ahead of time, everything belonging to the former owner, that is, you, is removed from the passenger compartment and trunk of the car.
  4. Do not tell anyone about the sacrament held over a four-wheeled vehicle, even after the sale - secrecy is one of the main components of a successful completion of the transaction.
  5. The second main condition for a positive outcome is a sincere belief in the power of the conspiracy used. Without observing this rule, higher powers simply will not respond to your requests.

Another, rather than a rule, but a warning: choose a rite that is considered light - refers to white magic.
It is easy to distinguish it from dark rituals by its content: the conspiracy text in it is presented in the form of a request, not an order, and the sacrament itself does not require frightening attributes and actions - trips to the cemetery, sacrifices, summoning demons of spells and other devilry.

Having resorted to the help of black magic, you will undoubtedly sell the car, but whether the proceeds will benefit you, and whether the purchased vehicle will bring happiness to the new owner is a very controversial issue.


How to attract buyers? Naturally, to place an ad, preferably simultaneously in several sources: the media, television, Internet sites. But before setting out your requirements in writing, it is important not only to think over the advertising text, but also to perform a simple ritual-prediction.

To do this, close your eyes and imagine how, after submitting an application, your phone is bursting with calls from potential merchants with the best deals. After visualizing, open your eyes and read the following text:

Let my plans come true, let my wishes come true! My words are filled with truth and immutable! Amen!



If the future owner of your movable property has appeared on the horizon, but is trying to knock down the price, and you don’t want to give in, try to hasten the completion of the sale in the following way before the next meeting with him.

Walking around the cart three times in a circle, say (mentally or in a whisper) the magic words:

Time runs, flies away, slips, expires - my goods are directed into good hands! Goods for you, income for me, I will not lose in price. You have a car on the move - I need some money. Amen.


This ancient method was recommended by local healers to people who were interested in how to sell something of value: a house, a cow, livestock, harvested crops, and so on. The proven method of attracting benefits is also suitable for the successful implementation of your own transport.

Visit a nearby church, consecrate the water you brought in it. On the way home, buy a pack of ordinary table salt. At home, open the package, scoop up a small handful of salt with your left hand, sprinkle it with holy water and squeeze a fist full of crystals. Say like this:

Just as people need a steel lock in their homes, and a hardened strong key to it, so the buyer cannot live without my goods, which I want to sell to him. Yes, a deal will take place and I will sell the car dearly. So be it! Amen!

Put the charmed salt in a secluded, dry place. When the powder dries, sprinkle it on your "bibika", not forgetting to say: Just as food cannot be tasty without salt, so a merchant cannot live in peace without this car! If salt remains, add it to your food and eat it the same day.

How to pronounce words correctly

In order for a conspiracy to sell a car to start working as efficiently as possible, certain conditions must be met. The best time to show a vehicle to a person is during daylight hours and those days when the moon is waning. It is necessary to prepare the blessed water in advance and sprinkle the car before showing it to a potential buyer.

  • The most important thing when reading is complete confidence that the sale will be carried out quickly and profitably.
  • The right mental attitude is an important part of good luck and success.
  • No need to despair and wait impatiently, constantly thinking when this will happen - this will only reduce the power of the magical conspiracy.

Conducting ceremonies

Spells to sell a car can be completely different and carried out using various means: table salt, holy water, money, keys, candles, etc. But in general they are divided into 2 groups. The first includes conspiracies in which attention is focused on a successful, profitable and successful sale, and the second - on a quick deal.

Words needed for pronunciation

A conspiracy to successfully sell a car can be simple and complex. The following spells are simple:


It is necessary to go around your car 3 times clockwise, while pronouncing the following words:

“As I walk around my car, so will buyers walk around it, crowd and buy desire. Attract a new owner with money.”


Before pronouncing the words, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the car, and do not pour out the dirty water, but say the following over it:

“I wash off all the dirt, put the car up for auction. Whoever offers more, I will sell it. Let rich merchants come and want to buy a car.”

This magic spell will help you sell your car very profitably.

In order to profitably carry out a deal with your car, you should use the rite with washing the car. You need to wash the vehicle manually, and read the words of the conspiracy on the dirty water collected in the bucket:

“I put up my car for sale, I wash off the dirt from it!
To sell it to the highest bidder.
To give the most not greedy!
Let the rich merchants come and buy a car soon!
Do not stand for him for a long time, the new owner is already on his way!

This magical rite acts in two directions at once: it affects both the success and profit of the transaction and the speed of the sale. If within two weeks you have not made a deal, then it is recommended to repeat the ceremony again.

For the successful completion of a transaction related to, magical rituals and prayers can be useful. Conspiracies for the sale of a car and other property will help the owner quickly and profitably make a successful deal.

As a rule, such rituals are used when money is needed very urgently and there is absolutely no time to wait, or when a car or something else is not sold for a long period of time.

Turning to magic, it will be possible to speed up this process. It is very important to follow all the recommendations of the ritual exactly and believe in the power of magic.

Car cleaning method

Before you put up a car for sale, you need to free it from traces of the owner's energy.

This is necessary so that she easily accepts a new owner. It is necessary to throw out everything non-native to her from the car - toys, carpets, air fresheners, covers and other things that are part of the owner's energy, while pronouncing the words:

“I shake out the rubbish from the car - I drive my spirit out of it. Let the new owner come and let his spirit enter into it.”

Complex magic spells for the successful sale of a car involve more serious actions.


It is necessary to take the car key, put it in boiling water and boil it for several minutes, while saying the following words:

“Just as no one can live without an iron key and lock, so no one can live without a car. Just as no one can live without water and food, so no one can live without a car. Amen".

After reading the word, turn off the gas, remove the key, and pour the water into another container. On the eve of the sale of the vehicle, wash your hands well with this water.

Direct your thought flow to the situation you need.


On Sunday, you have to go to church and collect holy water, and on the way back buy table salt. Returning home, you need to immediately pour salt into your left hand, pour a little water into it and, clenching your fist, say:

“Just as everyone needs water, there is no life for anyone - so there was no life for the buyer without my car. Let him buy it and pay generously with a ringing coin. One came, the other looked, and the third bought. Amen".

After the spell, it is necessary to dry the salt, sprinkle it on her car and say: "Salt - for food, merchant - for my goods." The rest of the salt should be added to food on the same day. The proposed conspiracy is focused more on speed than on profitability. It is often resorted to in cases where you urgently need to sell your car, for example, in connection with a move, etc.


Magic ritual

Trading rituals and rituals are very different, and a variety of components can be used: from holy water and money to table salt and so on.
Remember that a conspiracy to sell a car will help if it is done by the owner of the property. Therefore, do not trust anyone to carry out such an important and responsible event, on which the outcome of the entire sale may depend.
For a profitable and quick deal, you should go around your car clockwise, saying the words:

“As I walk around the car, so let the buyers walk!
To buy, they wanted the new owner to be attracted with money!

You need to repeat the words of the conspiracy all the time while walking three circles around the car. This ritual is very strong and will help you find a buyer in the shortest possible time and sell your car profitably.

Energy cleansing

  • In order to attract a new owner to your car as soon as possible, you should free the car from your traces and energy.
  • Of course, during this period and until the sale, it is best not to use the machine. After the ritual, the car will be able to accept a new owner.
  • To perform the ceremony, you will need to throw away one non-native item of your car per day: covers, air fresheners, toys, rugs and other items that store your energy.
  • Throwing out any of the things, you need to say the words:

“I shake out the rubbish from the car, but I drive my spirit out.
As the buyer comes, so the new spirit will enter!”

Varieties of conspiracies for the sale of a car

Conspiracies to sell a car can be completely different and carried out using a variety of means: holy water, table salt, candles, keys, money, etc.

  • But in the most general form they can be divided into two large groups.
  • The first includes conspiracies in which the emphasis is on the successful / successful / profitable sale of goods, and the second - conspiracies in which the main goal is a quick sale.
  • Consider conspiracies for each of these groups.
  • We also advise you to learn more about conspiracies for money.

Conspiracies for a successful car sale

A conspiracy to successfully sell a car can be both simple and complex. The simple ones include the following conspiracies:

  • Conspiracy to bypass the car. You need to go around the car clockwise three times, while repeating the following words: “As I walk around the car, so let the buyers walk around it, crowd, want to buy. Attract a new owner to you, but with money. This is a sure plot for a profitable sale of a car.
  • Conspiracy to clean the car. This means that the car must be freed from traces of the owner's energy in order for it to be completely cleared at the mental level and be able to easily accept the new owner. As part of this conspiracy, you need to throw out everything non-native to her from the car: carpets, toys, covers, air fresheners and other things that have part of your energy. In doing so, you need to say the following: “I shake out the rubbish from the car - I drive my spirit out of it. Let the buyer come - a new spirit will enter it!.
  • Car wash conspiracy. First you need to thoroughly wash the car yourself by hand, and do not pour out the water that was used for washing, but read the following over it: “I wash off the dirt, put the car up for auction. Whoever gives more, I will sell. Let the merchants come one richer than the other". Such a conspiracy allows you to sell a car very profitably, mainly because you are investing your energy in a future deal.

Complex conspiracies for a successful car sale usually involve more serious manipulations. An example of such a conspiracy is a conspiracy to sell your car using a car key. As part of this conspiracy, you need to take the key to the car, put it in a pot of boiling water and boil for a while, while reading the following text over the water:

Then the gas is turned off, the key is removed, and the water is poured into another container, and on the eve of the purchase and sale of the car, hands are washed with this water. Such a conspiracy, although not simple, is good for a profitable sale of a vehicle.

A conspiracy that really works

Conspiracies to quickly sell a car are focused more on speed than on the profitability of the transaction. They are most often resorted to in cases where you need to sell something as soon as possible (for example, in connection with a move) or when the car has been sold for a long time, and there are no buyers for it. Like many other conspiracies, a conspiracy to quickly sell a car rarely does without holy water. Here are examples of such conspiracies:

  1. A conspiracy to quickly sell a car using holy water and table salt. You need to go to church on Sunday, collect holy water there, and buy table salt on the way from church. Arriving home, immediately pour salt into your left hand, pour some holy water there, and then, clenching your fist, say the following conspiracy: This, however, is not the end of the conspiracy. Salt must be dried, and then sprinkled on the car (of course, in such a way that it is not conspicuous), saying: "Salt - to food, the merchant - to the goods." ABOUT stats of salt will need to be added to food on the same day. This conspiracy acts very quickly, the main thing is to go through all its stages thoughtfully and consistently.
  2. A conspiracy to quickly sell a car with sprinkling. Carrying out this ritual, you again need to get holy water and say the following text on it:

    After these words, the car must be generously sprinkled with charmed water, then it will be sold quickly and profitably.

Other conspiracies for motorists

In addition to verbal magical constructions aimed at selling or buying a car, there are also a number of accompanying conspiracies, so to speak, of a motorist kind, but for students there are conspiracies for good luck in their studies. Indeed, often a person selling his car also wants to sell a garage or tools, as well as equipment or spare parts for servicing or repairing a car. For these cases, there are also separate variants of conspiracies in trading magic.

For example, a garage sale plot is very similar to any of the real estate sale plots. As an option, we will describe one of these options. It is better to start a plot to sell a garage space on Wednesday, early in the morning, at the very sunrise. It is desirable that on this day there is also a waxing moon.

  • You should find any three nails, drive them into the threshold of the garage (or its likeness) and first say the word “I drive in” three times (each time you drive in one nail), then finish the procedure with the phrase “I invite the buyer”.
  • Having driven in all the nails, you need to light a candle previously purchased at the nearest church, drip wax from it on all three hats of already driven nails and read the following plot:

    “Sealing the garage for a quick sale. Whoever crosses the threshold of the garage will buy it!

  • After that, consider that the plot was carried out successfully, and you can safely hang out the announcement of the sale of the garage directly on the walls of the building. The buyer must report as soon as possible.


Help water

But for a quick sale, you can use a conspiracy to water.

  • It must be pronounced at night, and in the morning it is necessary to wash the car with the received water (it can be symbolic).
  • It is recommended, if there is one nearby, to visit a natural water source.
  • A river or spring is fine. If there is none, or you have no time, then open the tap.
  • Just keep in mind that a powerful natural source has extraordinary power.
  • It is clear that the effect of it will be greater.

Type in a bucket of water and read the plot. If you pour from the tap, then until the words run out, do not close. The plot must be pronounced with flowing water:

“Water is water, everyone strives for it. There is no life without water! So without my car there is no life for someone. Open the way for him water, let Judas get out of the way! Let him carry the money, a whole bag, but take the car, he will experience a shock of joy! Money for me, car for the buyer. Let the road be straight and the tire will not let you down! As I splash water on my car, no one will pass by it!

Now you need to wash the car with this water. As a rule, if you can (according to the Higher Powers) part with this car, then it is sold within a week. Otherwise, think about it, is it worth it to go against the Universe and give what, in her opinion, will serve you importantly? This is a rather serious moment. Quite often we do not listen to the Guardian Angel, which we later regret immensely, but the river has flowed away, nothing can be returned.

ancient ritual

  • There is a very old ritual for sale. A car is a commodity like everything else.
  • It is recommended to try the honey-pepper mixture in order to quickly get money for a car.
  • you will need a jar of natural honey, black and red pepper (a pinch each).
  • In the first half of Monday, it is necessary to add the indicated spices to the honey, stirring, repeat:

“Like a bee to honey, like a sharp fly, like a girl, well done, like a bird to the sun, so the buyer strives for me! As soon as I smear the threshold, as it knocks, with a bag of coins, it asks for my answer. Yes, the second one is already running, he values ​​\u200b\u200bthe goods. Already the third is on the threshold, interrupting the price and the roads. Don't fight, make peace! Who will give a triple price will give, that and the goods! Amen!"

The resulting mixture must be coated with a threshold in front of the driver's door. This is done before the buyer wants to inspect the car. There is no "haze" from this ritual. Just the person who needs your car just comes. The way is open for him. You can not hide the shortcomings of the car, he will buy anyway.

Waxing moon ritual

The ritual is recommended to be done on the growing moon. Buy a new deck of thirty-six cards. In the evening, light candles, sit at a table covered with a red cloth. Shuffle the deck, remembering the good times associated with your car. Now lay the cards out in front of you in a free order. You need to choose a ten of spades and an ace of diamonds. These cards mean receiving money. Pay attention to whether there were pictures next to them. If a lady appears, then focus on the customers. It is highly likely that your car will fall into the hands of a woman. And if the king was nearby, then the man will give you money for the car. But these are particulars.

Place two chosen cards in front of you. Cover them with your hands and read the plot:

“I will cover the goods with my hand so that a tear strikes evil eyes. So that the sun's ray frees the new owner from the clouds. For a merchant to come, well done to the whole bazaar. To leave my goods, I was left with a profit. So that the wheels of the eyelids spin, and money flows to me. I will take in payment a lot, a lot of gold from good hands, so that the circle closes!”

Place the ace of diamonds in the car. You can put it under the rug or in the glove compartment. It is desirable that no one disturb the card. And carry the ten of spades in your purse until you receive the money. When the deal is successfully completed, burn the cards. You shouldn't leave them behind.

An effective conspiracy to buy a car will make a good deal. The correct plot for a successful purchase of a car is used before signing the contract and avoids the dangerous consequences of the transaction or deceit. A conspiracy to buy a car will allow you to make a purchase only on certain days of the month or after careful preparation. How to choose a good magical action, an effective whisper conspiracy on a car?

How does a conspiracy on movable property work?

A conspiracy to buy a car is carried out only before the direct purchase of a vehicle. In order to attract a successful purchase or to conduct a sale and purchase transaction, additional rituals or whispers will be needed. A conspiracy to sell a car has great power, but only before a specific deal.

Car conspiracies work from a charged object - a magical attribute. Properly conducted conspiracy will help protect the car from problems in the future. Enchantment protects the buyer or seller from fraud, all kinds of deception. Saved from the evil eye, which is directed at the vehicle. In order for the acquisition to be successful, it is necessary to conduct an additional protective ritual.

Choice of ritual

To buy or sell a car, you need to clear your own energy and vehicle from all kinds of negativity. Induced damage or evil eye will prevent the sale of movable property. The cause of breakdowns or the return of the car is the negative that the enemy or ill-wisher brought. The simplest conspiracy, whispers or key spells will help you choose the type of witchcraft and prepare for the sale of the car.

The simplest magical actions that will help you sell or purchase a car:

  • conspiracy for keys;
  • a spell on a car with salt;
  • conspiracy on a broom;
  • a rite for a quick sale and a big profit.

With the help of magic, you can learn to drive, avoid breakdowns, prevent an accident or fraud during the conclusion of a sale and purchase transaction. Successfully selling your own car will help a spell with a key that works the next day. After the ceremony, offers of potential buyers will not keep you waiting.

Preparation for the ceremony

After a person selects one or more suitable magical actions, he can safely proceed to prepare the conditions for casting the spell. Rituals are performed one by one or in combination. First you need to clean the energy of the vehicle. So that the car does not break down and does not get into an accident, it is cleaned with salt. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a concentrated saline solution with which the machine is washed. After that, the water merges under a flowering tree.

Whispers are used to prepare magical attributes. A whisper conspiracy on a car to a garage or keys will help sell a car. Pre-cleaning and cleaning of items that are used in the future ceremony. You should not skip this procedure. To sell or buy a car with high mileage, it will not work without a special spell so that the car starts or does not break down. Spells are cast on the road, in a vehicle for safe driving or for the good service of movable property in the future. Preparing before casting a spell helps save money and avoid future breakdowns.

Ritual for a successful purchase

The chosen rite, which will allow you to quickly buy a car, will work even for a beginner if he sincerely believes in magic. Amulets for the vehicle will enhance the work of the universal conspiracy. Such a magical effect is carried out both on the property of the husband and on the car of a close relative. The contract will be signed without complications, if the amulets speak to the growing moon. The sale will take place on the terms of the conspirator, if the movable property is sprinkled with holy water the day before.

What is needed for the ritual

The necessary ceremony is carried out without strangers. Each word of the conspiracy should be pronounced clearly and without hesitation. In advance, a person prepares:

  1. magical attributes. You can buy candles or incense in a specialized store or in a temple.
  2. To sell a car, you should stock up on holy water brought from the church.
  3. Before concluding a deal, you need to buy incense sticks that are used in the ritual.

Coins or paper money will help to sell a new, old car or return money. To purchase a car and for a successful deal, a ceremony with candles is performed. It is not difficult to buy a new car if you use the help of the simplest and safest magic.

How is the ritual performed?

For a good deal, a spell is cast at the crossroads. Several successive steps will help in the acquisition:

  1. The spell is cast at a crossroads. You should go to the road in the evening, avoiding conversations and meetings with people.
  2. The rite will help so that the new car is not stolen, if you strengthen it with charmed amulets. Before whispers, amulets are charged.
  3. You can use a coin or a notebook as magical attributes. Amulets or other charged things are brought to the road and thrown out at the crossroads.
  4. You need to read the plot as soon as the sun sets:

“To buy me - not to drink away, therefore I call for help Syt. You, Syt, fly everywhere, help good people in acquiring. Help me in the future and me this time."

The plot is spoken exactly 7 times. After the ritual, you need to go home, and in the morning the situation with the sale or purchase of a car will improve. Before buying, it is better to pronounce a conspiracy near the vehicle.

Ritual with three candles

Make a ceremony for the acquisition better on the growing moon. It is during this period that you can buy a new car at a good price. Before acquiring, it is worth cleaning your own house in order to attract something new into your life, you must abandon the old, obsolete one.

Preparation for the ceremony

  • three church candles;
  • Red thread;
  • blank paper;
  • a small piece of coal.

A conspiracy for a new car is induced at home without witnesses. Even a beginner who has not used magic before will be able to buy a good car without a ritual. Before purchasing a car, several magical actions are carried out at once.

Conducting the ceremony

After a little preparation, the plot is read. The main action is carried out at night, as soon as the sun sets:

  1. Left alone, a man or woman lights church candles. It is undesirable to use simple candles.
  2. On paper, you need to draw an even circle.
  3. A piece of coal is attached to the thread in the form of a pendulum.
  4. A magic pendulum is set above the drawn circle, and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Your prince rushes from the black-earth distant land. In one hand he carries a golden rod, in the other a glass ball. When the ball falls, then be the iron raised. When the rod descends, the ball will shine with pure light and a bright flame. In the dwelling, the walls are as high as the wand itself, and the windows are simple like a ball. Do not beat them in the dark, do not ring in silence. The rod will show me the wrath of the prince and show me the dark pits. How many times it touches, so many times in refusal to go. Amen".

“I am a young merchant, a merchant to all merchants and the king of my life. I do not buy scrap, but our bargaining wisely. My word is rooster to me, and yours is lousy.

Such simple actions will allow you to tune in to the right energy wave. If the vehicle is not suitable for the future owner, magic will not let you buy a car. For your safety, you should listen to the magical signs. A small ritual performed on the eve of the signing of the contract will help to avoid a threat in the future.

Our world today is so dependent on material wealth that even magical rituals have taken on a new direction called trading magic. Many simply get tired of endless attempts to succeed and resort to higher powers for help, and some do not want to bother themselves with unnecessary efforts at all - their faith in the effectiveness of the word is so strong that it can bring down any obstacles.

Selling something is always a responsible business. Particularly reverent and restless are bidding for such a considerable value as a car. Each owner wants to sell his iron horse at the maximum cost, and buyers, accordingly, are interested in finding as many flaws as possible in order to bring down the price.

Naturally, the negative expressed by potential buyers tends to accumulate - not only in the energy layers, but also in the soul of the owner. Therefore, before reading the plot, be sure to take care of bringing yourself into a benevolent mood. And do not confuse - the plot should be focused on the sale!

Who can read a conspiracy to sell a personal car

The pronunciation of the phrases of the spell is purely a matter for the owner of the car. Neither the buyer nor the relatives of the owner can take part in this serious matter. The one who sells the car is most interested in everything that happens to it. And his energy connection with his vehicle is much stronger than that of others.

If close relatives, especially those who have driven a car more than once, want to help, they can be entrusted with the simplest conspiracy-prayer, which is generally recommended to be said every selling day. This prayer does not have specific words, you just need to turn to the Lord and all the saints with a request to help find a new good owner for the car as quickly as possible.

What can be conspiracies for a quick car sale

Conspiracies fall into several different categories. The two main ones are spells aimed at obtaining the greatest profit from a sale and purchase transaction, and magic words that call for the maximum acceleration of the process.

Within these groups, incantations can be classified according to their main ingredients. The main active elements of rituals for sale are holy water, church candles, salt, money, keys, etc.

Simple conspiracies for successful bidding

There are several standard conspiracies that do not require special preparation and effort from the owner.


Moving in a circle in the direction of the clock, we go around the car three times and say:

“I walk around the car, even if those who want to buy go like that. Let the buyers crowd, raise the price, want to buy. Let the new owner with money be attracted.

Machine cleaning

Negative energy, which was mentioned earlier, needs to get rid of it. The same applies to the previous owner's own aura particles. In order for the machine to "call" the future owner to itself as easily as possible, it must be completely cleansed not only on the external, but also on the energy level.

To do this, be sure to remove from the car all the smallest items that are not related to the original appearance of the car. Do not leave toys, key chains, coins, pens, hairpins, pins, etc., etc., etc. Freeing the cabin and trunk from the traces of your stay, say:

“I shake out unnecessary rubbish, I drive my energies out of the car. The buyer will come, a fresh spirit will bring.

Conspiracy for water from washing a car

Before selling the car, it is advisable not to take it to a car wash, but wash it yourself. And not a modern home mini-sink, but gentle and kind hands. Try not to get all the water on the ground - leave the one in which you rinsed the rag. On this water and slander:

“I put the car up for sale, wash off the dirt and dust. Merchants rich trades are noble. Whoever gives more, he will be the owner. In this case, you put a lot of your energy into the deal, which will definitely help you make a profitable sale.

Conspiracies for which you need to carefully prepare

Some rituals require a more serious approach and thorough action.

Conspiracy with the key to the car for sale

We put the key to the car, which is put up for auction, in an enameled pan with strongly boiled water. We reduce the fire, leaving a slight boil, and pronounce the following words into the water:

“People do not live without a house, a house does not stand without a lock and key. So my car is needed by someone, just like the key is needed by his lock. The buyer needs food, he needs water, and so will my car. Amen".

Turn off the fire, cool the water and take out the key. I put it under my pillow. In the morning, with the water left from boiling the key, I wash my hands and boldly set off to attract buyers.

Quick sale with holy water

If it is not very important for you to get a lot of money, but you need to get rid of the car urgently, salt and holy water will be the best helpers. It doesn’t matter if you resort to a conspiracy due to an urgent move or a car that has been unsellable for too long.

On Sunday we attend the morning service, and after it we collect or buy holy water there. On the way back, we go to the store to buy a new package of regular table salt.

Entering the house, pour salt into the left palm, slightly moisten it with consecrated water and hold it tightly in a fist. At the same time, we say the necessary words:

“Salt absorbs water, takes away from people. As people need water, so my car is important for buyers. As water quickly runs away into salt, the new owner buys my car. Amen".

Pour salt onto a plate to dry, and then quietly sprinkle it on the car (under the rugs, between the seats and backs, etc.). This action is accompanied by the words: "For food - salt, for goods - a merchant."

We leave a little salt, and add it to the food freshly prepared this day. This conspiracy, with its correct and result-focused execution, is one of the most effective and fastest.

Sprinkling machine

This ritual is simpler, but for it you also need to go to church for “miraculous water”. If this is not possible, then draw spring or river water at midnight.

The stored water needs to be spoken. This is done on the same night, preferably in the same place where they were collected (holy water is spoken at home). We need to read the words with water:

“Every creature of God strives for pure water. As we need water, so someone needs a ride. Pure water will open the way for a good buyer to my product. He will come quickly, he will give a lot of money, he will ride and rejoice. So be it. Amen".

They wipe a clean car with charmed water and put it up for sale in the morning.

If you do everything right and read the plot with faith in the result, a successful deal will take place no later than in a week. If during this time there is no progress in the sale of a car, especially if people are generally little interested in the car, despite its good condition and reasonable price, stop. Think carefully about whether it is worth getting rid of your iron horse right now. Perhaps the Universe is hinting that it will still be useful to you. In this case, try again in a month. Another failure will confirm the guess that it is better to keep the car for now.

Selling a car is a common thing these days. Each seller wants to sell his vehicle as profitably and quickly as possible, and the buyer seeks to buy a car that pleases the soul, and is of high quality, does not break, and at an attractive price. It can be seen that the two participants in the transaction pursue completely different goals, which is why the car can be on sale for a long time and remain unclaimed.

Special magical conspiracies for the sale of a car can help significantly speed up the process. They should be read by the owner of the vehicle, who decided to find a new owner for his “swallow”.

Conspiracies to sell cars are considered a relatively young ritual. They began to be used only with the advent of cars and have since helped a considerable number of car owners. However, there are prayers that can be considered a prototype of these conspiracies (some of them will be given below). They were used in antiquity for the purpose of selling any means of transportation (carts, teams, carriages, and even riding horses). Antique prayers are inherently more versatile and are suitable for selling not only a car, but everything that can be considered a vehicle.

Rituals for the sale of a car are a safe form of magical influence. They do not suppress the will of a potential buyer, do not force him to buy the car being sold. The purpose of rituals of this nature is only to attract solvent buyers and thereby speed up the transaction.

In order for the conspiracy to sell the car to work correctly, the seller must read it subject to certain conditions:

  • the ritual is effective if carried out when the moon is waning. The reduction of the moon contributes to the rapid sale of the car being sold;
  • the deal will be profitable for the seller if he reads the plot on Wednesday - this day is considered the most favorable in terms of money;
  • the conspiracy will be powerless if the performer (the seller of the car) doubts the power of the magical effect and does not believe in the successful outcome of the transaction;
  • any ritual is a sacrament, so confidentiality is a must, even with a positive result.

In addition to all of the above, it will be useful to sprinkle the car being sold with consecrated water in advance. When potential buyers show up, the car should only be shown to them in daylight. And even if the first customers refuse to buy, the seller should never lose a positive attitude. The first failure is not a cause for despair. It is imperative to maintain confidence in the success of the transaction, and then everything will certainly work out.

Special conspiracies and prayers for selling a car

Simple conspiracy

Walk around the car for sale 3 times, moving clockwise. At the same time, say the magic words given below, repeating exactly as many times as it takes for 3 complete rounds. Text:

“As I walk around my car, so the buyers will walk around it, crowd and want to buy. Attract a new owner and with money.

Old conspiracy before meeting with the buyer

This conspiracy is one of the most ancient and powerful. With it, you can sell any vehicle, including a car. Magic words must first be memorized and read during any actions that are directly related to the transaction (advertising, telephone conversations with customers, meeting with a potential buyer, etc.). The text is as follows:

“Across the clear sky the wagon rushed, the bird was harnessed to its harness. Anyone who saw that chariot immediately wanted to take possession of it. I searched in my dreams, I didn’t know peace during the day. Let the honest people do everything that I offered, desired, wanted and bought from me. For my heavenly bird, for the iron chariot. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Strong conspiracy on the keys

In this video, you can see another powerful way to conspire with car keys:

Ancient rite for sale

This ancient ritual can. To perform it, you need to prepare in advance a little natural honey, ground red and black pepper. On Monday, before lunch, you need to add a pinch of both types of pepper to honey and mix well, pronouncing the plot:

“Like a bee to honey, like a fly to spicy, like a good fellow to a girl, like a bird to the sun, so the buyer strives for me. As soon as I grease the threshold, it knocks with a bag of coins, asking for my answer. And the second one is already running: he values ​​the goods. Yes, and the third is on the threshold: the price is interrupted by the roads. Make peace, don't fight. Whoever gives a triple price, that and the goods. Amen".

Water is talking, which then you need to wash the car being sold on your own. Text:

“I wash off all the dirt from the horse and put it up for auction. Whoever gives more money for a horse, I will sell it to him. Let every other richer merchants come, they are bargaining for my horse.

If during the process of washing the car it will be necessary to change the water to clean, a new portion of water should also be spoken. It is useful to call visualization as your assistant: to imagine how the car will be sold, how the buyer will like it, what a profitable deal will be for the seller’s wallet.

Often even a good product, for unknown reasons, is not sold for a long time. Magic will help to overcome the black bar. There are many different rituals, most of which are simple to perform and can be done by anyone on their own. Conspiracies to sell cars appeared not so long ago. They are variations of rituals aimed at gaining success in trading affairs. Some of them our ancestors used when they wanted to sell a horse.

Conditions and consequences of conspiracies

Magical intervention in the course of life does not pass without a trace. Regardless of what kind of magic - black or white - a person resorted to, he will still feel the consequences of the ritual. It is believed that dark forces help faster, but at the same time they can bring a lot of harm to the performer and his loved ones in the future.

It is preferable to turn to white conspiracies. They will also affect the life of their initiator, but to a lesser extent. For example, after a black rite, the person who performed it may become very ill or lose a lot of money. With the white version, you will have to pay with poor health or a small amount.

If, despite all the warnings, you are determined to carry out a conspiracy to sell a car, you should remember that the effectiveness of the ritual depends on how correctly it is performed.

Most rituals are performed during the period when the moon is in its waning phase. If the ritual involves other conditions, they will certainly be specified in the instructions. Wednesday is the best day of the week. The effectiveness of the ceremony largely depends on how the person is set up.

The manifestation of skepticism, disbelief, irony in relation to the actions or spells carried out will affect the result. At best, it will not manifest itself in any way, at worst it will negatively affect, extending the sale time. Therefore, one should not turn to the means of magic, not believing that it will work.

All rituals can be performed only with good health. The process requires energy costs. If a person does not have the required amount of resources, they will not be enough to conduct the ceremony. The spell will not work, and its performer will weaken even more. Even with mild symptoms of the disease, the execution should be postponed. The same must be done for women during menstruation.

A conspiracy on a car can only be pronounced by the person to whom it belongs. You can’t talk about plans for turning to magical powers to anyone around you, even close people. The price at which the car is sold must correspond to its quality. White magic will not help in cases where they want to sell property at an inflated cost, they are trying to fraudulently get money.

The thoughts of a person must be pure, and the intentions must be to give a good thing, having received an appropriate price for it.

The basis of any conspiracy is special words. They should be pronounced from memory, concentrating as much as possible on each phrase. The visualization process also plays an important role. It is necessary to visualize as clearly and clearly as possible how the desire is fulfilled. This may be the moment of signing a contract or receiving money. It is necessary to use the largest number of senses, see the buyer, hear his consent, feel the banknotes in his hands, etc.

If the ritual did not work, you can turn to another after a short period of time. You don't need to do multiple ceremonies at the same time. It is better to start with the easiest, for example, by attracting more customers.

Conspiracy to advertise

To find those who want to buy a car, a conspiracy on a car with the help of an ad will help. First you need to write a competent text containing a comprehensive description of the vehicle.

Once the ad is complete, close your eyes and imagine as vividly as possible the large number of calls, messages, and offers that will come in when the text is posted on a website or published in a newspaper. When the image is formed in the head, you need to whisper the following words:

“I see how everything planned is being fulfilled, how the sea is filled with water. The wish comes true, with water my hands are filled with money. Let it be so. Amen".

Repeat the spell three times, after which you should go and thoroughly wash the car for sale. Only after this procedure is published the announcement.

Conspiracy for a clean car

The car is always saturated with the energy of the owner. It is transmitted quickly, even in cases where a person has been driving a car for 2-3 months. It is necessary to clean the space inside and out with the help of simple manipulations. It is required to bring the vehicle into good condition, eliminating even minor breakdowns, correcting existing defects. It will not be possible to sell broken and broken cars with the help of a white conspiracy.

The salon needs to be cleaned. It should not contain any personal items. Even a small piece of paper can become an obstacle when selling a car.

It is required to prepare the car for a future sale. To do this, they sit behind the wheel, lightly stroke it and say the following words: “We were friends, we conquered many roads. We have seen many roads, learned a lot of important things. I give you as a gift, but I keep devotion. Faithfully serve the new owner, show all your might and strength. Let them value and protect you, they won’t give you into the hands of a stranger!

Then you should wash the car. To do this, take a new sponge, a rag and a special shampoo. It is better to use spring water. If this is not possible, you should speak the liquid with a spell:

“Just like water, like a mirror, reflects everything around, so it fulfills my desires. Water pours on the car, washes away all insults, cleanses the soul, leaves no regrets. Let a new person come and the car will be to his liking. Pure water flows, dear to my heart. Washes my friend, removes dirt and insults. Amen".

In the process of washing the car, a successful sale is visualized. Having completed all the affairs, in a clean car you need to stay in silence for a while. You should calm down, tune in to good luck.

There is another ritual for a clean car. It is carried out during the cleaning process. When the owner will launder the salon, he needs to say the following words:

“I clean the rubbish from the car, I deliver it from my spirit. Another person will come, the spirit will bring his own into it. He benefits, but I benefit from money. Let it be so. Amen".

After that, you can not use the car, because there is a possibility that the energy of the seller will re-saturate it.

If it was not possible to avoid the trip, the purification ritual should be performed again.

Conspiracy with walking in a circle

Conspiracies on the car should be carried out alone. It is important that none of the relatives and especially strangers see the manipulations carried out by the owner of the vehicle. If this happens, then the ceremony should be stopped. No need to give any explanation, make fun of your actions, lie or otherwise try to explain what is happening.

The ritual with walking in a circle is carried out immediately before putting the car up for sale. Otherwise, this rite will not help. A clean car must be walked clockwise 3 times. At the same time, the following spell should be whispered:

“I walk around my car, I lead buyers behind me. I will find a new owner among them. Let him want to buy it, give me money. He will give as much money as I ask, he is not greedy. He will take the car - he will find happiness. Let it be so. Amen".

When the deal is done, you should go to church and thank for the good sale.

Conspiracy in the sun

To sell a car in a short time, you can use a plot in the sun. It is allowed to conduct it only at dawn. The day needs to be sunny. Begin the ritual with the first rays. If you manage to choose the right time, the conspiracy will have great power.

You need to get into the car, insert the key into the ignition and start slowly counting up to 100. Then the key is removed and clamped between the palms. He must be warmed by the warmth of his hands. After that, the following words are pronounced:

“I open the lock with keys, I close everything with it. Let this key start serving another owner. Let it start, let it lock, let happiness protect it. I pass it on to the buyer. I'm not selling out of anger, I'm selling - I'm not betraying. I appreciate the service, I keep loyalty. I wish good to others and I attract good to myself. Let it be so. Amen".

During the casting of the spell, you need to look at the rays of the rising sun. Even better if they fall directly on the car. We must try to evoke positive images in the mind associated with a future deal.

Conspiracy for water

There are many conspiracies with the use of water. It is best to take a well or spring. However, if it is not possible to get such a liquid, then you can collect filtered water or purchase mineral water in a store, and then consecrate it in a church.

To perform the ritual, you need to choose the night on which the full moon will fall. They go outside and start sprinkling the car with water. At the same time, you need to read the following conspiracy words:

“Water, endowed with power, blessed in the holy temple, help sell the car, find a new owner for it. Let a man come for my good, come with money. Yes, do not be stingy and give as much as I ask. My faithful words, my strong words, fly through the sky and look for a buyer. As soon as they find it, they will show him the way. Let him go and hurry up. My word is strong. Amen".

With the help of water, you can conduct another ritual with a conspiracy to sell the car. To do this, a container with liquid for several days is placed in a place where the rays of the sun fall during the day, and at night - the moon. Water must absorb the energy of the stars. On the 3rd, 5th or 7th day, they take it and read the words over it:

“Water that has absorbed the power of the sun and moon, water that has seen a lot, help find a buyer, sell a car. May it come soon to my doorstep. He will bring money - he will take the goods. It will be as said. Amen". This water should be sprinkled on the car.

Even if you wash the vehicle with water consecrated in the church without saying any spells or prayers, you can increase the likelihood that the car will soon find a new owner by several times. However, it is necessary to wash both the outside and the inside.

Conspiracy with a candle

To sell a used car, you can use the rite with a candle. Fire has a special energy power, so it will charge words for sale with greater power. This method is also used in cases where they want to speed up the process.

You should buy a green candle in advance, take a piece of a harsh thread and clean water, better consecrated in the church. You can perform the ritual only on the growing moon. The liquid is poured into 3 small containers. At 12 o'clock at night, they light a candle, wrap it in the middle with a thread and say in a whisper:

“Burn bright, fill the world with light, light the way for my customers. The road is smooth, the road is clean to my doorstep. The car that was a true friend, I will give into the hands of a kind person. Let her be to his liking, let him serve a good, necessary and useful one. Amen".

A burning candle is led around containers of water, lingering longer in the lower part. Each should take 3 minutes. Then the headlights, interior and wheels of the car are sprayed with water. In this case, you can not use any means, for example, a sponge or washcloth. You need to sprinkle with your hands. With the proper conduct of the ritual, in a few days you can wait for the buyer.

Conspiracy for the keys

Despite the seeming simplicity of carrying out, this rite has a special power. You need to take the car key, put it in hot water and boil for a few minutes. In the process of this, the following text should be read above the liquid:

“Just as it is impossible to live without a door, just as it is impossible to live without a lock, so it is impossible for a buyer walking to my doorstep to live without a car. Let him like it, let him like it. Give money, take goods. The goods will be taken and rejoiced. Word. Lock. Silence".

The key is carefully removed from the water, placed on a white towel. Water should be poured into a pre-prepared vessel. She needs to wash her hands before the arrival of a potential buyer.

After such a conspiracy to quickly sell a car, it is no longer possible to use it. It should be clean and waiting for a new owner.

Salt Conspiracy

Salt is a powerful tool for attracting the right events in a person's life. The substance has a strong energy, so you can quickly get what you want. For the ritual, you need to take coarse salt and holy water. On Sunday, you should definitely attend the service.

Arriving home, they take a handful of salt in their left hand, add 3 drops of holy water to it. Then the composition is poured onto a towel and waiting for it to dry. The dry matter must be distributed over the floor of the machine, and do it so that the crystals are not visible. In the process of spreading, you should say:

“Just as salt is important for food, so the merchant needs my car. For me, money is a good commodity for him. Amen".

Another one can be held every morning until the car is sold. To do this, fill a wooden container with a substance and put it on the table, after which the following words are pronounced over it:

“I see luck, I see it enters my gates, as I entered the house, I saw salt on the table, but the salt absorbed all the luck. Silushka in salt will help my will. Let the buyer go, carry the money. He sees the car and buys it indestructibly. To each what he wants. Amen".

Salt should be scattered around the car and in front of the door of the person who sells it. However, this must be done so that the crystals of the substance are not visible.

Conspiracy for honey

Car conspiracy. To perform the ritual, you need to take a fresh product, a red thread consecrated in the church, and holy water.

It is better to perform the ceremony in the evening. It is necessary to smear the hood of the car, trunk and bumper with honey. Then a little of the same substance is added to the container with holy water, it is thoroughly stirred and the car is sprayed from all sides. They do it with their hands.

At the same time, they say a spell:

“Sweet honey, spicy honey attracts everyone, promises joy to everyone. So the car will attract buyers. It will become necessary for everyone, everyone will need it. The buyer will come - lay out the money. Will lay out money for a good product. Honey honey, work for my good. My word is strong. Amen".

The thread is folded and hidden under the seat so that it is not visible. After the sale, it must be removed.

poppy conspiracy

You can quickly and profitably sell a car with the help of a conspiracy that is carried out on a poppy. He will immediately attract many customers, among whom will be the one who offers the right price. You must first buy a poppy, and you should not take change. The product is scattered around the car, uttering the following slander:

“I sow poppy seeds, I sow, I invite the buyer. Anyone who steps on my poppy will buy a car at the price of mine. Amen".

If birds fly in and peck at poppy seeds, this will be considered a particularly good sign.

If a person decides to use the help of magical actions for sale, one should visit the church several times before the ceremony. You can cleanse your thoughts with the help of daily prayers. By eliminating the negative energy around you, you will be able to strengthen the positive flows, speeding up the process of getting what you want.

Conspiracy for a coin

A strong conspiracy to sell a car can be done using a coin. Perform such a rite only on the growing moon. It should be carried out in the evening, when the light in the sky is clearly visible. For the ritual, you must choose a coin of the highest denomination. They sit behind the wheel, holding the money in a fist, and whisper this spell:

“I’m sitting behind the wheel, waiting for money. I'm waiting for money for a good product. The merchant will take it - he will not be overjoyed. Let him go faster, he brings money to my purse. Amen".

After that, you need to get out of the car and go around it 7 times clockwise, still holding the coin in your fist. Walking around the car, you need to say the following:

“A clear moon has risen, it has found money for me. Money is going in my direction, in a hurry. I'll give the car, I'll get the money. It will be as it is said!

After completing the ceremony, the coin is hidden in a wallet and kept there until the car can be sold at a bargain price.

Conspiracy on rice

For the ceremony, only polished rice is suitable. They take a handful of grains and begin to pour it from one hand to the other. Do this 9 times. Then they go around the car clockwise and scatter rice, while uttering the following slander:

“How many grains are in my hand, so many people want to buy a car. But the one who will give my price will receive. Let it be so".

At the end of the ceremony, you need to throw the last grains up.

There is another effective way to attract a buyer with the help of rice. To do this, you need to take a container with grains and say the words over it:

“Rice I speak, I invite the buyer. Whoever steps on the rice will come to the car. Whoever comes to the car will want to buy it. I invite many people and choose one. The one who takes at my price will bring money to my purse. Amen".

Rice should be scattered near the car, near the garage, as well as along the road along which people come to look at the car. This must be done so that the grains are not visible.

Conspiracy with ribbons

A ritual with the use of ribbons can be performed by anyone, even without knowledge of magic. The ritual is simple. You don't even need to learn the text of the spell. For such a plot to sell a car, you must first buy 2 ribbons, each of which will be 50 cm long. Choose 2 colors: green and red. When buying material, you do not need to bargain or consider the product for a long time.

The green tape is hidden in the cabin, choosing for this a place where no one can see it even with a thorough examination. The red one is tied on the arm and covered with clothes. In the evening it is removed, and in the morning it is wound again. This must be done in such a way that no one notices the ongoing manipulations. Every day you need to think as much as possible about the upcoming transaction, imagining all its details.

When the car is sold, the tape should be pulled out of the passenger compartment.

Conspiracy with a piece of sugar

Sugar has a strong energy, so it is often used in conspiracies to sell any product. Sugar is not suitable for the ceremony; you must definitely purchase refined sugar. Organize a ceremony at dawn.

The substance is placed on a plate, 3 church candles are lit near it and they whisper such a slander:

“As everyone loves sweet sugar, so luck will love me. Pure sugar, white sugar, these are my thoughts, pure, honest. As the sun rises, so good luck will come to my house. Good luck will come - it will bring money. Amen".

The refined sugar is wrapped in white paper and carried around until a buyer is found for the car. It is important that no one sees this amulet.

waning moon conspiracy

Conspiracies during the period of the waning lunar phase are carried out at night. The most suitable period is the 12th lunar day. There must be no clouds in the sky. The celestial body should be clearly visible, it is desirable that its light falls on the car being sold.

To conspire about the successful sale of the car, they choose the dark time of the day. Late in the evening or at night they go out into the street and begin to go around the car clockwise, saying the following text:

“I am looking for a rich buyer, a generous person. I'll save the goods for him, but I'll take the money. A month will show the buyer the way, tell all the good things about the car. Amen".

Make 7 circles and say the text 7 times. Then they return home and go to bed. It is important not to talk to anyone, not to utter a single word until morning.

Garage sale conspiracy

Often at the same time as the car. There are magic tricks that will help you make 2 transactions. Sometimes it is possible to transfer everything in one hand. But even if this did not work out, then a special ritual will help get rid of the garage as soon as possible.

The ceremony can only be performed on Wednesday. At the threshold of the garage, 3 small carnations are driven in. They make 3 blows with a hammer, and the text of the spell is pronounced three times over each object:

“I drive nails into the ground, I invite the buyer to the threshold. A person who crosses this threshold will certainly buy my garage. It will be as it says."

If in the process of work 1 nail is twisted, this is a bad omen. This ritual should be postponed for a few days or replaced with another rite.

Conspiracy on a pin

To conduct a ceremony for a quick sale of a car, you need to take a safety pin, half a glass of salt, sugar and rice. The product must be purchased specifically for the ritual. The time for holding is special - the last period of the waning of the moon.

All ingredients are mixed and poured in the middle of the room into one neat slide. In the middle, stick the tip of a pin. At the same time, the following words should be said out loud:

“Luckily, I am selling my car. I benefit people, I benefit myself. Let it be so".

Then the slide is poured into a small container, a pin is left there. All this should be hidden in a secluded place, which is closer to the front door. You can put a glass or a jar in the car if there is a suitable space in it. Driving is not recommended. Over the next few days, you need to wait for the arrival of buyers.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova helps people in a variety of life situations. She has conspiracies that allow her to gain success in business.

To sell a car, you need to stand in front of it, cross yourself three times and say the following words:

“Just as people’s eyes light up on bread, so let my desire to buy goods appear. Let them give a good price, do not be greedy. I am an important merchant for them, the one who buys a car is well done. Let him go quickly to my goods, a long ruble carries on the go. He will give the money, take the goods, go home happy. Word. Lock. Silence. Amen".

There is another conspiracy that will help you quickly sell any property, including a car. You need to get up at dawn, take the prosphora bought on any of the holidays in your left hand, cross yourself with your right hand and then say the following words 12 times:

“It is said that King Herod had 12 daughters. There were only 13 of them. I know the truth, and therefore I will quickly sell my goods. I will sell with a profit and at a red price. After that, the prosphora is eaten. In the near future, a buyer will have to appear who will take the car at the seller's price.

Conspiracy to buy a car

There are effective conspiracies to buy a car. Their goal is that a person can choose a quality car at an affordable price. They will help to avoid fraud and unscrupulous sellers.

Rituals of this type are performed only on the growing moon. You need to take a coin, stand at the window in the evening. Looking at the heavenly body, they hold a coin in their left hand and read the following words:

“I am looking for a new car, I am choosing a new assistant. To make a purchase without deception, I ask you, a month, for help. Shine on good goods, show the way, save from dishonest merchants, bless good good. Amen".

They say the text 3 times, after which they hide the coin in their wallet and go to sleep. The product will become a talisman on the car, which will help protect against deception. They wear it until a profitable purchase is made.

To make a successful purchase of a car, the action of the conspiracy should be reinforced by the opinion of a person who understands cars.

Conspiracies for a quick sale of a car should only be used for good purposes. If several rites were performed, but they had no effect, you should seek help from professionals in matters of magic. Sometimes the lack of success in business can be a sign of some big problem. For example, damage or the evil eye is directed at a person. To get rid of the negative, cleansing rituals should be carried out, after which things will get better without the use of any rituals.