DIY eyes for toys: interesting ideas and manufacturing features. Do-it-yourself eyes for toys from various materials: detailed master classes with photos and job descriptions What to make eyes for toys from

To mom

Dear lovers of nylon dolls, once upon a time I was asked to do a master class on how I draw eyes for dolls. I finally got it together) I hope you find my method of creating button eyes useful.

I use the following materials and tools:

  • buttons
  • acrylic paints
  • toothpicks
  • nail polish (white and clear)
  • tassels
  • pencil
  • stencil ruler

These are the buttons I use for doll eyes. If the button has a protruding leg, then you can bite it off with wire cutters.

Cover the buttons with white nail polish. For 2-3 layers. Dry it well.

Using a stencil ruler, draw a circle with a simple pencil, which we will then paint.

We take acrylic paints. Use the main color (green, blue, brown) to paint the circle...

...without allowing the main color to dry, we take white paint and, starting from the center, highlight our iris. Due to the fact that the main color has not yet dried, it mixes with white.

The upper left part of the iris can be made a little darker, and the lower right part a little lighter. In the process, you have to work alternately with dark and white paint to achieve the desired effect.

Dry the paint and draw rays on the iris.

On blue eyes it will be blue and white, on brown eyes it will be yellow and brown.

Draw a pupil in the center with black paint. Since the white base is varnish, we can easily correct the contour of the iris by carefully wiping off the excess with a wet cotton swab wrapped around a toothpick.

Use a thin brush or toothpick to add white highlights.

Small eyes for dolls are drawn in the same way. Only the squirrel can be left out. Draw an iris over the entire surface of the button.

Dry the paint well and cover the eyes with clear varnish. At least 3-4 layers. Dry each layer well.

Glue the eyelids and eyelashes onto the finished eyes. E. Lavrentieva and other masters have a detailed MK by century. I see no point in repeating myself.

Here are other eyes for example.

Handmade toys are in great demand among both children and adults. Craftsmen and craftswomen put their souls into the characters they create, so every detail is important. They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. This true remark can equally well be applied to dolls or toys. This article will help you figure out how to make eyes with your own hands. Correctly selected eyes will give the product the right mood and character. Therefore, considerable time is devoted to their selection.

The benefits of making eyes yourself

The world of accessories is rich in its variety of ready-made elements for new creations: noses, eyes, eyelashes, mustaches. But all these products are aimed at mass factory production. Undoubtedly, in such an assortment you can select the necessary parts. But do-it-yourself toy eyes are radically unique.

The important advantages of your self-production will be the following:

  • any material. You don’t need to get attached to finished products; imagination and creativity will help make the toy unforgettable;
  • the desired shape, because in stores the eyes are usually round or oval. But no one forbids a doll to make heart-shaped eyes;
  • suitable color, which is also presented in a rather meager assortment (yellow, blue, green, brown or black). It is rare to find iris colors that differ from the standard ones.

Choosing the material for future eyes

In fact, in this matter the main assistant is your unlimited imagination. After all, the material can be anything (or something that can be glued well). The main nuance is that the eyes should be durable and not tear after a day. More stringent quality requirements apply to children's toys: well glued or sewn, safe, not fragile. If you are considering a doll or toy that will stand on a shelf for beauty, then the choice will be wider.

To give your thoughts a boost, we can list the most popular and used materials for toy eyes (it’s not at all difficult to make them with your own hands):

  • glass (transparent cabochons as a base);
  • cabochons made of epoxy resin as an alternative to glass;
  • wooden elements (buttons, blanks of the desired shape and size);
  • eyes felted from wool;
  • leather or felt patterns;
  • connected eyes;
  • beads;
  • nuts (great option for steampunk or robot style);
  • plastic or polymer clay.

Classics of the genre

The most common and common ones are for toys. You can create them with your own hands in a matter of minutes.

For manufacturing you will need three types of components:

  • glass cabochons of the desired size and shape,
  • base for attaching to the toy,
  • materials for adding color to the eyes.

To connect the eye together you will need glue. Typically, experienced needlewomen recommend “Crystal,” superglue for shoes, and a glue gun. This depends on personal preferences. The set of other tools will depend on the selected materials.

It is convenient to make the fastening from the base of stud earrings. It is easy to stick to the eye on one side and it is not difficult to make a convenient loop on the other side. As another option, you can suggest gluing the finished eye to a toy or sewing it on.

And finally, there was the choice of material or materials to add color to the eyes. In this case, the uncontrollable imagination of the creator comes into play again. The easiest way is to print the picture and cut it out. Please note that the paper may be damaged when washed. The second option is to draw the iris and pupil on the flat side of the cabochon. To do this, you can use paints (acrylic, oil, you can try gouache or any fairly thick paint), nail polishes (according to reviews, you get rich colors), markers, felt-tip pens. In general, everything you can draw with.

Having prepared all the necessary tools, we begin to assemble glass eyes for toys with our own hands using glue. As you can see, there are a great many ways to create them.

Similarly, instead of glass cabochons, you can use their epoxy resin version. One of the advantages of this material is that you can make the mold yourself. That is, you will no longer be tied to size, shape or convexity.

A distinctive feature of this type of peephole (made of glass or resin) is the volume of the part and natural reflections. The doll or toy will seem to have a lively look.

For those who are for the environment

In an era of desire for natural materials, wooden buttons or wooden blanks of the desired shape and size (found in arts and crafts stores) would be an excellent option for eyes. Add painting with paints, felt-tip pens (again at your discretion, use whatever you draw). For better protection from external factors, coat with protective varnish. And the new toy looks at the world around him with wooden eyes. You can make many details for wooden toys with your own hands: nose, brooches, buttons. When two or more elements are combined, your creation will look harmonious and complete.

Required tools:

  • buttons or wooden blanks,
  • paints or markers,
  • varnish to fix the design,
  • needle and thread (if the eyes will be sewn on),
  • glue (if the eyes will stick).

Felt, leather. What else will you add?

To make eyes for toys with your own hands from similar materials you will need:

  • scissors, preferably manicure ones, since the parts must be made carefully and usually of small size,
  • glue,
  • pieces of leather or felt of the desired colors (if multi-colored ones are not available, you can use paints).

You need to cut out three parts for each eye: the sclera (the largest circle or oval, this is the white of the eye), the iris (a medium-sized part), the pupil (the smallest circle, usually black, but this is your unique toy, so you can experiment).

The next step is to glue your blanks layer by layer into a single structure. Then you connect it with the toy.

It is worth noting that you need to glue very carefully, especially the edges of the patterns. To prevent the eyes from becoming disheveled in the future, carefully glue the circles around the perimeter.

In addition to leather or felt, you can use any thick fabric. The patterns, connected in three layers, give the eyes a convex shape, which looks voluminous and quite natural.

Button eyes

After all, that’s what they are often called. And for good reason. After all, a variety of decorated buttons, snaps, and beads act as eyes.

For example, beads pair well with round head pins. The metal needle at the end is rounded, holding the two parts together. At first it may seem absurd to connect two balls together, but in practice it looks very original.

To make the buttons look like an eye, you can paint them and glue rhinestones on them.

Such ideas are also relevant, so you shouldn’t refuse to make eyes for toys with your own hands.

Get hooks, knitting needles, threads

Knitted toys deserve special attention. Eyes for them can be made in several ways.

First, knit voluminous balls to fit, glue pupils from a different material onto them or embroider them in a contrasting color.

Secondly, flat eye patterns are crocheted separately and then attached to the toy (again, either glued or sewn on). This option is convenient because the eye is immediately made from multi-colored threads. If you use a ready-made diagram, then the main thing is not to forget to make the parts symmetrical.

Thirdly, you can use the technique of cross stitch or satin stitch. You can achieve amazing results if you use multi-colored threads.

This is how you create your own eyes for knitted toys. A good option is that the same material is involved in the work - threads. Therefore, the creation will look holistic.

They are alive

We are talking about the pupils, which can move if the toy is shaken. There are ways to make them yourself so as not to have to search in stores.

To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • empty blister packs from tablets (don’t forget to wash them from medicines),
  • as a pupil of a bead, half a pea (everything will depend on the desired size),
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • paper or cardboard for the main background of the eye (optional white),
  • paints.

The first step is to paint the pupil black (or the color you need) and give it time to dry.

From the empty package of tablets we cut off two sections into which we place the colored pupils.

Carefully glue cardboard or paper onto the background.

Now all that remains is to carefully trim the finished eyes with scissors and glue them to the toy.

Everything is ready, you can shake your doll, her pupils will mischievously jump at the same pace.

Making toys with your own hands is becoming an increasingly popular creativity. Moreover, all the necessary materials for sewing or knitting are easy to find in regular stores. But with such a seemingly trifle as eyes, difficulties often arise. After all, finding something similar to them in the store is not easy. In this case, it is useful to learn how to make eyes for toys with your own hands. This will solve the problem perfectly and won't take much time.

We sew beautiful eyes for toys from plastic spoons

Plastic spoon eyes are perfect for large soft toys and dolls. They can be made very simply and quickly.

To work you will need two plastic spoons, acrylic paints, double-sided tape and sandpaper.

You will only need oval spoon scoops, so these need to be carefully cut from the handles. You need to lightly sand the convex surfaces so that the paint sticks to them well.

We attach the future eyes to the cardboard with double-sided tape and apply white paint. On top we draw the contours of the irises - green (blue or brown) ovals.

Draw black pupils and a black outline of the iris. Apply small highlights with white paint. We draw the eyelids with flesh color. The eyes are ready!

How can you crochet eyes correctly?

Knitted eyes are perfect for knitted toys, but they can also be used for other soft toys.

To work you will need:
  • Yarn in three colors - white, green and black.
  • Hook
  • Sewing needle
Description of knitting work.

Our master class begins with knitting with black yarn: you need to cast on 3 air loops, close them in a ring and knit 9 half stitches with nikadas from them. Then we attach the green thread and knit in the next row 2 half double crochets in each of the previous rows.

Then we knit with white thread according to the following pattern: chain stitch, 2 single crochets, half double crochet, half double crochet and double crochet, double crochet, double crochet and half double crochet, half double crochet, 2 single crochets, connecting post, fasten and cut the thread long enough to form a highlight on the pupil.

Using small lines we embroider highlights on the pupils. The eyes are ready!

How to quickly and easily make eyes for felt toys with your own hands

These eyes are perfect for handmade dolls. To work you will need sheet felt, artificial eyelashes, moment glue, scissors, a sheet of cardboard, and a pencil.

First you need to draw the eyes. Their shape can be different, depending on the type of toy.

The drawn eyes need to be cut out and tried on the toy, and if necessary, adjust the size or shape. We cut out the pupil of one of the eyes so that the cardboard patterns become templates. We cut out blanks from white felt along the outer contour. According to a small template - the internal parts are made of blue or green.

Glue the pieces together. Cut and glue highlights from white felt. The outlines should be outlined with a thin black felt-tip pen. Glue the eyelashes. The eyes for the dolls are ready!

Made of plastic and epoxy resin.

Black blanks of pupils with white dots-highlights need to be molded from plastic and baked.

We dilute the epoxy resin according to the instructions in the package. To give your eyes a beautiful shade, add a little ink from a gel rod to the solution; you can take any suitable color.

Then we take empty blisters from tablets. We place the pupils in the recesses and fill them with epoxy resin. It is very convenient to do this with a syringe. A toothpick will help move the pupil slightly. It is necessary that there are no bubbles in the resin.

Leave the eyes to dry for about a day. We cut out the cells from under the tablets so as not to capture anything unnecessary.

If desired, you can make eyelashes. Ready-made ones can be found in stores, or you can make them yourself using fishing line, thread, yarn, etc.

Create black eyes from yarn and glue for dolls

This is another simple and straightforward way to make eyes for a toy from scrap materials. Yarn is needed in two colors - black and a color suitable for the iris (green, blue, brown, etc.). It only takes a little. Therefore, you can take any leftover thread from knitting or ask someone who knits.

You need to choose transparent “moment” glue. We lay out the main yarn in the form of a circle, with a small black circle on top. Squeeze the glue onto the yarn in a drop of a suitable size and let it dry. Excess yarn must be cut off with scissors.

In addition, eyes can be made from round or oval buttons of suitable size. You can paint the buttons with acrylic paints. Instead of buttons, you can also use beads.

On some toys, eyes made of fabric or leather will look good, which can be made like eyes made of felt in the master class given above.

Video on the topic of the article

For those who want to examine the topic in more detail and gain new interesting ideas, we have prepared a selection of video master classes:

On the forums of needlewomen you can find descriptions and master classes on how to make and sew eyes for toys with your own hands from various available materials. We'll tell you about some simple options.

It is more convenient to crochet eyes for toys with your own hands. This option is best suited for sewn and knitted toys and dolls. Of the advantages of this method, needlewomen note:

Crochet mugs with black cotton thread required size, then tie them with blue or green thread, imitating an iris. At the final stage, embroider highlights of white color and sew the eyes in place. You can watch a master class on making knitted eyes on YouTube.

Drawn eyes

This option is suitable for dolls made of fabric. To work you will need:

  • A template cut from fabric that you can print from the Internet.
  • Sewing pins.
  • Fabric paints in different white, black, blue, green, purple colors.
  • Felt pens for fabric.
  • Thin brush for painting.
  • A glass of water.
  • A napkin for wiping the brush.

In order not to spoil the doll, it is best to draw the eyes according to a template. Select the shape and size of the eyes you need and draw them on a piece of white cloth. You can draw just one eye, and cut out a second one according to its size. Further templates are attached to the right place and attached with pins. You can try several different location options and settle on the most suitable one from your point of view.

At the second stage, the templates are outlined with a felt-tip pen, after which they can be removed. Markings are applied inside the eye, dividing the white, pupil and iris with arcuate lines. After this, the brush is dipped in water and then in white paint and draw at the bottom eyes a concave strip of white paint. After this, the brush is wiped and colored paint for the iris is applied to it. The color can be blue or green. Use paint to draw a colored arc of the required width.

At the border of white and blue colors, draw a thin purple stripe and shade it with light strokes until the paint has had time to be absorbed. The next step is to draw black pupil. Let the paint dry. A few highlights are applied over a dry layer of white paint to “revive” the artificial eyes. At the final stage, use a fabric marker to outline the outline of the eyes, draw eyelashes and eyebrows.

Embroidered eyes

They are also called “rococo eyes”. Before starting work, you need to prepare 2 black beads, a needle with a narrow eye, floss threads in black, white and blue. Beads are sewn to the location of the eyes. Around each of them form a rococo roller by wrapping the thread around a needle up to 15 times (the number of turns depends on the size of the bead and is selected experimentally).

Then the outline of the eye and eyelashes are embroidered with black thread using a stem stitch. It's easy and doesn't take much time. When the eyes are ready, embroider small highlights in several places with white thread. The result is quite realistic eyes that will suit a doll or a soft toy.

Plastic eyes

This is a somewhat more labor-intensive manufacturing method, but plastic eyes are suitable for any kind of toys and dolls; they look very naturalistic. To make them you need to prepare:

  • a set of colored plastic for needlework;
  • acrylic paints;
  • clear nail polish;
  • a piece of sandpaper;
  • sharp knife with a thin blade.

A master class on making plastic eyes describes the manufacturing process as follows:

The master class ends with making eyelids from strips of beige knitwear. They need to be made by placing a little padding polyester inside the strips to obtain volume. The edge of the eyelid can be decorated with false eyelashes by placing them on glue. Eyelashes are glued only to the upper eyelid.

The simplest options

If dolls are made for yourself and not for sale, you can do without master classes, but as material for the eyes use the simplest ones materials that can be found in every home. Small pieces of colored leather are suitable, from which eyes of the desired size and shape are cut out. They are glued to the doll with high-quality glue.

You can select and use two identical buttons. Some craftswomen sew sequins of suitable colors instead of eyes onto small toys - blue, emerald, black, light blue.

You can also buy eyes for toys in a special store for handicrafts. The price for them starts from 70–80 rubles per package, which can contain up to 100 products. As a mount pin is used, screw or adhesive base. As you can see, this is not at all expensive and will not require any effort or time from you. You can order eyes for toys online.

What can eyes for toys be made from? For the same toy, you can choose several options for eyes. You can make them composite from several layers of oilcloth, artificial leather or other similar materials. You can use any suitable buttons, beads, jewelry (for example, my mother’s old clips of a small size and suitable color can be very useful. Unless, of course, my mother objects :-). However, eyes made up of several colors, almost exactly similar to real ones, undoubtedly look much more advantageous and expressive.

Of course, the choice of eye shape is not limited only to those options that we presented in the figure. Based on our schemes, you can endlessly fantasize and come up with something of your own, unusual and original. We repeat, we are only giving general recommendations.

So, let's start with the simplest scheme. For example, we need to make eyes according to scheme No. 1. We will need pieces of white and colored (blue, green, brown) artificial leather or oilcloth. First, draw on paper an eye of the shape and size we need. Let's take a pattern of each part on tracing paper. They will look like shown in Fig. 1.

Then you need to cut out these parts from leather (item 1 - from white, part 2 - from colored). It is more convenient to cut out parts from leather using nail scissors, since the work is very delicate and we need great precision and accuracy. The appearance of our toy depends on this.

Apply “Moment” glue evenly to the back side of part 2, wait a little until the glue dries a little (20-30 minutes), and glue tightly onto the front side of part 1. Place the finished eyes under a thick book for a couple of hours, and then trim the edges if you will need this, and glue the eyes with Moment glue to the face of the toy.

This technology can be applied to all double-layer eyes. In the figure, their circuits are indicated by numbers 1, 2, 4, 5.

Three-layer eyes are made in almost the same way, but here, in addition to white and colored, we also need black skin. Let's draw an eye of the shape and size we need on paper. For example, let's take diagram No. 8. Let's take the patterns of all three parts onto tracing paper as in Fig. 2.

Let's cut out two parts from leather of each color: det. 1 – from white, item 2 – from colored leather and item 3 – from black leather. Spread the glue in an even layer on the wrong side of parts 2 and 3, let it dry a little, and then glue part 2 to the front side of part 1, and part 3 to the front side of part 2. Now you need to put the eyes under the press (that is, under a thick book) until completely dry. After this, they can be glued to the face of the toy.

A small touch that adds expressiveness to the eyes - imitation of glare, reflection of light on the pupil. This is done in option number 9. This highlight can be used to make eyes of any type, it will only improve their appearance. To do this, just glue a small circle of white skin onto the pupil.

Another very interesting manufacturing option eyelashes. It is perhaps more applicable for dolls, clowns, gnomes and other “humanoid creatures”, and goes very well with eyes made according to schemes No. 6 or No. 9. We will need a narrow strip (1-1.5 cm) of thin black ( or other color of your choice) fabric. For example, we need eyelashes 0.5 cm long. Take a strip of fabric 1 cm wide and pull out all the longitudinal threads at half its width. A fluffy fringe formed in this place. These will be our eyelashes. Now we’ll coat the remaining strip of fabric with glue, let it dry a little and glue the eyelashes to the underside of the finished eye. Cut off the excess length of the strip protruding beyond the eye. Perform the same operations with the second eye. You can also glue the lower eyelashes to your eyes, and it is better if they are slightly shorter than the upper ones. After everything is done, you need to put the eyes under a thick book for several hours, and after that you can glue them to the toy.

Olena Makarenko’s book “Kazkoviy svit igrashki” (“Fairy-Tale World of Toys”) describes several more options for making eyes and noses for toys.

How to "revive" your face
...The correct placement of the face or muzzle determines whether the toy will appear kind, cheerful, pretty or angry, sad, serious. There are several general rules. In animals, the eyes are located at the level of the bridge of the nose, and the nose is in the middle of the lower half of the muzzle. In dolls, the eyes are placed on a conventional line that divides the face in half into the upper and lower parts. Sometimes the proportions can be deliberately disrupted to emphasize the character or mood of the toy.

Can be made from buttons on a leg. If you place a piece of light-colored material or oilcloth under a dark button, the button will look like a pupil. You can do the opposite - glue a pupil made of dark material onto a light button. In this case, you can also use buttons with holes, first sew them on and then glue on the pupil. ... Very interesting moving eyes can be made from transparent packaging for pills - cut out 2 cases (see picture) and stick on paper. Inside each one you need to put a small ball - a pellet, pepper or bead that will run inside the eye.

Never glue/sew on parts of the face at once, lay them all out on the face in case you want to move something to change the mood of the toy.