What is the name of liquid porridge with the addition of peas? Breakfast: pea porridge. A very quick pea porridge recipe


Known since ancient times a favorite Russian dish made from grain, cereals or flour, the staple food of every peasant family. Porridge was both everyday and festive dish, was used in many family rituals.


Porridge is a dish made from boiled or steamed grains, cereals, flour, one of the most common and beloved by Russian people.

Additionally, food items may be selected to suit the pregnant woman's taste but be satisfied with very little of the desired food. Often pregnant women, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, have an appetite for everything. If the appetite is satisfied by one or two bites, the pregnant woman should not continue to eat. Therefore, foods that block qi and are astringent should be avoided at all costs. "Fetal Toxins" Heat-related illnesses are associated with so-called fetal toxins, a concept that does not exist in Western medicine.

Many proverbs note the importance of porridge as a staple food product, the main dish on the peasant table: “Porridge is our nurse,” “You can’t feed a Russian peasant without porridge,” “No lunch without porridge.” Porridge has been known to all agricultural peoples since ancient times. In Russian written monuments, this word is found in documents from the end of the 11th century, but during archaeological excavations pots with remains of porridge are found in the layers of the 11th - 10th centuries. The word “porridge” comes, according to linguists, from the Sanskrit “kash”, which means to crush, to grate.

This applies to heat pathogens that are transmitted to the fetus in two ways. The first opportunity is at the time of conception. Here, toxins that were produced by unrelated thermal disturbances are passed on through the gypsy parents to the developing embryo. The second possibility is that toxins are produced during pregnancy through the mother's internal heat caused by poor diet or lifestyle. The consequences of this are, as a rule, thermal disturbances in early childhood, such as measles, chickenpox or scarlet fever or even idiopathic staphylococcal infections.


At the same time, they were prepared “cool”, i.e. thick, “smears” - semi-liquid and in the form of stews that replaced soups. Each type of porridge had its own name, which varied among provinces.

If the child can survive the illness without any drastic intervention, most of the fetal toxins will be released from the child's body, promoting a higher level of health. Broccoli and cauliflower, but remain false. With these 8 tricks, parents do it, offspring vegetables to taste! Stop taking peas: Some children eat vegetables rather than clean ones rather than cooked ones. Soups and soups are ideal for overpowering vegetables.

Almost all children are just bushes. If the offspring can eat itself, many families have a power struggle at the dinner table. Beans, kohlrabi and co untouched on a children's plate. Many parents are concerned that their offspring may not be able to take sufficient quantity vitamins

Porridge prepared from whole or crushed barley grains was called yachnaya, barley, zhytnaya, crushed zhito, thick, glazed, pearl barley. This porridge was called zhito in the northern and central Russian provinces, where the word zhito meant barley. Pounded rye, barley - porridge made from finely crushed grain.

The word thick in the Novgorod, Pskov, and Tver provinces was the name for thick barley porridge made from whole grains. It was so popular there that Novgorodians in Rus' were even called “gush-eaters.” The term "glazukha" was used to refer to porridge cooked from barley and peas. The peas in the porridge were not completely cooked and “eyes” - peas - were visible on its surface. Barley is a porridge cooked from whole grains, the bluish-gray color of which and slightly oblong shape slightly resembled a “pearl grain” - pearl.

The fact is that eating habits are formed in childhood, and vegetables are part of healthy eating. But this is also correct: parents achieve nothing with coercion. Nine tips to make kids want to eat vegetables. Food should be fun. "The child should sit down while eating," says Ute Alexi from the Institute of Nutrition and Health Sciences. food products at the University of Bonn. Stress has no place at the dinner table. It is important to have regular meals together in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Thus, food is associated with something positive, says Alexy.

Oat porridge (oatmeal, oatmeal) could be cooked from either whole or crushed grains. I liked it for its nutritional value and speed of preparation. It could be cooked on a light Taganka without melting a Russian stove or stove.

Barley and oatmeal have been brewed since ancient times throughout Russia, both in villages and cities, and were served mainly on weekdays.

On the other hand, pressure, coercion and exhortation are counterproductive. Some parents talk to their children, promise dessert or add alternatives to the table. The more involved you are, the worse it gets, says Tsobotrologist. Typically, young children eat very one-sidedly at times, according to consumer information assistance. They would have to grow into some tastes first. An important rule is that the child is in dining table must try everything, although very small quantities. If it doesn't taste good, the child shouldn't continue to eat it.

Millet porridge (millet, white - made from millet) was known to Russians for a long time as oatmeal and barley. The word millet was first mentioned in written documents of the 11th century. Millet porridge was consumed both on weekdays and during festive feast.

Wheat, turned into very fine grain, was used to make semolina porridge. The word manna is Old Slavonic and goes back to the Greek word manna - food. It was served only to children and was usually prepared with milk.

But try again next time to allow the sense of taste to slowly expand, says Pfannebecker. Children sometimes take up to 15 attempts to accept something new. "So don't give up too early and keep offering vegetables," she says. It is quite possible that the child did not cook the cook to his liking, but rather like a raw stick. “Fruit and vegetable raw foods should be given to children, which are finely chopped, and then eat much more,” says Alexy. She mentions that some examples of dips that can be served with raw cucumbers, tomatoes or caskets include frame, humus or finely grated parmesan.


Rice porridge was prepared mainly in cities and then only from the 16th century, when rice was brought to Russia. It entered the diet of peasants very slowly and was called porridge from Sorochinsky millet. In rich houses it was used as a filling for pies. In addition, over time they began to prepare kutya from it.

But be careful: young children can swallow hard, raw foods. Good way Introducing children to new vegetables means getting rid of the old ones. “New and unfamiliar varieties should be combined with known and popular products,” says Alexy.

If necessary, a small piece of ketchup on it. Pfanebecker says, “There should always be something the child likes.” “Embrace the tricks of advertising,” the author recommends. For example, parents might serve "princess peas" or "magic spears" instead of sweet carrots.

“Children should be able to help shape the diet without completely defining it,” says Alexy. Participation sparks interest. This can be done by growing tomatoes on the balcony or in the garden. If the child is allowed to help after cooking, he gets a connection with what later lands on the plate - the joy of eating grows.

Along with porridges made from whole or crushed grains, “flour porridges” were traditional for Russians, i.e. porridge made from flour. They were usually called mukawashi, mukaveshki, mukovinki, mukovki. Some of these porridges also had special names, which reflected the methods of making the porridge, its consistency, and the type of flour used for production: bearberry (bearberry, bearberry), solomat (salamat, salamata, salamakha), kulaga (malt, kiselitsa ), peas, brew, thickener (gustakh, gustushka), etc.

Always “hiding” vegetables is not a panacea. "But to increase the proportion of vegetables in your meal is good, so you end up with a lot less," says Pfannebecker. Classic example: tomato sauce. First, pacifiers are good at suppressing vegetables - so the offspring don't even notice they're eating vegetables. Soups are also accepted by many children.

You can cook carrots in goulash. Grated zucchini disappears into homemade meatballs. But all this hardly helps if parents and older brothers and sisters do not lead by example. Parents are important role models for their children, says Alexy. It's too abstract for children.

Bearberry was prepared from oatmeal, which is a fragrant, fluffy oat flour. Oatmeal was made in a rather unique way: oats in a bag were dipped in a river for a day, then languished in the oven, dried, pounded in mortars and sifted through a sieve. When making porridge, the oatmeal was filled with water and ground with a whorl so that there were no lumps. Bearberry has been around since the 15th century. one of the most common folk dishes.

It would be better to convey that vegetables simply belong: “If there are vegetables for the family, it’s a matter of course it will be for the child.” When introducing additional foods, parents should pay attention to a few things. Some products are not suitable or even prohibited for infants.

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After about six months, for most children, the time for additional nutrition begins. So slowly, the babies are then introduced to various foods. But this does not mean that your child can eat anything and everything from now on. The first papas are made from vegetables, then potatoes and meat are added.

Solomat is a liquid porridge made from roasted rye, barley or wheat flour, brewed with boiling water and steamed in the oven, sometimes with the addition of fat. Solomat is an old food for Russians. She is already mentioned in written sources 15th century The word solomat was borrowed by Russians from Turkic languages. Gorokhovka is a porridge made from pea flour. Kulaga is a dish made from rye malt - grains sprouted and steamed in the oven and rye flour. After cooking in the oven, the result was a sweetish porridge. Zavarikha is a porridge made from any flour, poured into boiling water during cooking with continuous stirring. Gustikha is a thick porridge made from rye flour.

Step by step to the family table

The introduction of additional products should be as gentle and slow as possible. You should absolutely note that there are some foods that should be off limits for your baby in the first year of life. It's important to know that the immune system The baby is not yet fully developed, nor is her digestive tract. Certain germs and pathogens that may no longer harm adults can still cause serious harm small organism. It is even more important to know exactly what is good, what is healthy and what should not be on the Breiteller when feeding a child under the age of one year.

Porridge was prepared in every home for both everyday and holiday meals. They could be consumed with milk, cow or vegetable oil, fat, honey, kvass, berries, fried onions, etc. On festive table They usually served three porridges: millet, buckwheat and barley.

Porridge, the oldest grain dish, was also used in many rituals. She performed most vividly in rituals life cycle: maternity and baptismal, wedding, funeral and memorial services. However, its role in the rituals of the annual cycle is quite large. Ritual porridge was cooked on the most important days for people: on the eve of Christmas and Vasilyev's day (see Vasilyev's evening), on the eve of Palm Sunday, on Spiritual Day, when the name day of the Earth was celebrated, in Kupala night, during dozhinok, on the first day of threshing a new harvest, on the autumn girls' holiday of Kuzminka, etc. Saint's Day Buckwheat sharks were even considered a porridge day.

How long will your child take care of what is nearby? additional food and/or the baby will be breastfed, this is usually an individual decision. Pay attention to your child's needs and progress. As a rule, dairy dishes are gradually replaced by additional products. However, many children drink one or two bottles of milk long after their first birthday or are still breastfeeding. And that's good too. Each child is different, has his own rhythm and usually decides on his own when he wants to switch completely to solid food.

The porridge was presented to Mother Earth and saints in the hope of prosperity and good harvests.

material prepared
Shangina Isabella Iosifovna

If you think that peas always take a long time to cook, burn quickly, remain too hard, or, on the contrary, turn into a liquid porridge, you simply do not know how to cook them. Here is a recipe for proper pea porridge and three ways to diversify it.

From a year ago, as recommended by many pediatricians and experts, children can eat normally with their parents and family. This applies here: it's exactly what it tastes like. But you also need to make sure that too much sugar, fat, and the like are not truly healthy for you and your baby. It is important to have a balanced diet that is fun and tasty.

Inappropriate and Prohibited Products

But not all foods need to end up on your child's plate. Following products should be prohibited during the first year of life in any case.

What is considered delicious and very healthy can become very dangerous for your baby. Honey may contain bacteria that can cause dangerous intestinal infections in children under one year of age. In the worst cases, children may even die from it.

How long does it take to cook peas?

Whole dry peas are cooked for 2-2.5 hours, or even longer: it all depends on the variety and the consistency you need. Crushed will take 1-1.5 hours to cook.

If you pre-soak the peas, the seeds will swell and become soft, and the cooking time will be reduced. Whole peas will cook for 40-60 minutes, crushed peas - 30-45 minutes.

In the first year of age, be sure to avoid honey. Whether in porridge or pure, honey should not be on a child's diet.

Of course, milk and dairy products are healthy and should not be left off the menu. But throughout the year, milk and dairy products can be harmful. Protein can damage your kidneys, and digestive system can also be very sensitive.

After about a year, babies can slowly and gradually step into cow's milk. Before doing this you should use breast milk and special baby milk.

On raw dairy, raw eggs, raw meat, sushi and leather, you should definitely go without your little treasure. It can also cause bacteria and bacteria to become dormant, which can become very dangerous for the baby and lead to life-threatening situations.

How else to speed up the process

  1. Do not add salt immediately: peas take longer to cook in salted water. So it's better to put salt at the very end.
  2. After boiling, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable or butter to the peas.
  3. 10-15 minutes after boiling, add ½ teaspoon of soda for every 2 liters of water. So the peas will become soft in 5-7 minutes. But be careful: if you overdo it with soda, the taste of the dish may deteriorate.

How to cook peas in a saucepan

Some types of vegetables and salad

Now you might be surprised because vegetables and salad are considered very healthy and important. For babies and toddlers, but various vegetables are not recommended. Eggplants are often contaminated with nicotine, and some vegetables, such as cabbage, lentils or peas, can bloom heavily. For vegetables, carrots, parsnips or pumpkins are the best choice.

Lettuce leaves are usually not chewable by babies, and there is a great danger that they will swallow themselves. Cucumbers and tomatoes are more suitable as a salad.

Most complementary recipes say that the porridge should be mixed with Ts1, because only then will all the vitamins and nutrients will be well absorbed. You should absolutely abstain from cold pressing. The pollutants that may be present in it can put a heavy burden on the small liver.

Be sure to sort through the cereal: throw out spoiled peas and small stones. After this, soak the seeds in clean cold water for 5-8 hours. Do not wait longer: the peas may turn sour. When the time is up, check if the grains have swollen enough. If not, drain the old water, pour in clean water and wait another hour and a half.

For 300 g of peas you need 2-3 liters of water.

Before cooking, rinse the peas and place them in a pan with thick walls and bottom: in this way nothing will burn. Pour clean water so that it is 1 cm higher than the grains.

Place the pan over low heat. When foam appears, remove it with a tablespoon or slotted spoon.

You should not completely cover the pan with a lid: leave a crack so that steam can escape. If the water boils away, add boiling water. Cold water You can’t pour it in, otherwise the taste of the dish will spoil.

Since peas burn quickly, they need to be stirred periodically. You can start as soon as foam stops appearing.

If the peas are boiled and the water has not yet boiled away, you should not increase the heat, otherwise the peas will harden and the dish will lose its taste. If there is any water left, simply drain it or leave it to simmer over low heat with the lid open.

Before turning off the stove or immediately after, salt the peas. If you need puree, mash the seeds with a masher or blender without waiting for the dish to cool down: this way there will be no lumps.

Season the finished porridge with butter or vegetable oil or heavy cream. Decorate with greens.

How to cook peas in a slow cooker

Place the cleaned and washed peas into a multicooker and fill with water in a 1:2 ratio.

Set the “Stew” or “Porridge” mode for 2 hours if the peas were not soaked beforehand, and for 30-40 minutes if they were soaked.

10 minutes before readiness, salt the peas and add vegetable or butter to them.

How to diversify pea porridge

1. Pea porridge with cream and vegetables


  • 1 cup dry peas;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 100 ml low-fat cream;
  • greenery.


Cook the peas as described above. Peel the vegetables. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the onion, and cut the pepper into cubes. Place vegetables in a frying pan, add salt and fry vegetable oil.

Add cream to the prepared pea porridge and puree using a masher or blender. Place on plates, add vegetables on top and garnish with herbs.

2. Pea porridge with stew


  • 1 ½ cups peas;
  • 300 g stew;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Cook the peas. Place the stew in a bowl, remove excess fat and liquid. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden color. Add the stew to the onion and fry for another 10-15 minutes. Add salt and pepper, stir well, cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Add peas to the stew, stir and simmer for 3 minutes.

3. Pea porridge with mushrooms


  • 2 cups peas;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 2 onions;
  • 400 g mushrooms;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


Cook the peas. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Wash and chop the mushrooms. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, then add the mushrooms. Fry for 10 minutes, add salt.

Add onions and mushrooms to the cooked peas and stir. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes. Serve with greens.