Games with a 6 month old baby at home. Developing a child: from six months to a year

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The first significant date in a child's life is six months. From this age, the baby gradually turns into a person. Every day your baby will surprise you with the appearance of new communication skills, the manifestation of his personality and character. The development of a child at 6 months brings huge changes in the mental and physiological spheres of the baby, especially with regard to changes in nutrition and regimen.

Physiological development

In order to assess the physical development of the child, pediatricians use centile tables, which indicate the norms for months. They are different for boys and girls. In addition to body weight and length, the tables contain indicators of head and chest circumference, which are also important to consider when assessing the physical development of a baby. A child at 6 months should have the following indicators: weight 6.8 - 8.4 kg (± 1 kg), height 64 - 67 cm (± 3 cm).

What can a baby at 6 months

  1. The child is already
  2. By this age, in all children, the physiological disappears both in the arms and legs.
  3. Lying on his stomach, the child can lean on one arm and grab the toy with the other.
  4. Holds your hand firmly with your fingers when pulling up from a prone position. Self-pulls so that you almost do not have to make an effort. Some babies are already able to sit on their own (?).
  5. Tries to crawl in a plastunsky or on all fours, creeps up to the toy (?).
  6. When supported by the armpits, rests and pushes off with the legs, “dances”.
  7. Some babies try to get up by holding on to the edge of the crib.
  8. Grabs objects with one hand, takes from one handle to another. Holds a toy in each hand. Feels the thing with the whole palm. Picks up a fallen toy and throws it again.
  9. If you hide a toy, he starts looking for it. He himself finds an object covered with something.
  10. Independently plays up to 10 - 15 minutes. He repeats many times what he does: he opens and closes the box, wraps and unfolds the handkerchief.
  11. In six months, the first tooth can hatch, as a rule, this is the lower central incisor (about that). At 6 months, the child visits the dentist for the first time, who will evaluate the correct structure of the jaw and frenulum under the upper and lower lips.

Psycho-emotional development

  1. The child's babbling is improving more and more. Crying and crying fade into the background and appear with physiological discomfort. In the baby's speech, consonants and vowels merge in various combinations. Because of this, it may seem that the baby is already pronouncing the words and talking, but this is not the case yet. It’s just that the child already skillfully imitates the sounds he hears, but “speech” does not yet carry a semantic load. By the end of the 6th month, the baby makes up to 40 different sounds.
  2. Now the baby is not just maintaining a “dialogue” with you or repeating, he is trying to understand the meaning of what you said. The child is able to look for the thing that is being said.
  3. The baby can recognize the parents by voice without seeing them. If the child hears the voice of the mother in another room, then by screaming he makes it clear that he knows about her presence. Asks for hands.
  4. Many children are already capable of showing affection and tenderness. They can snuggle up to their mother when they sit on her lap. Outsiders are no longer afraid as before, but in communication with them they keep a distance and do not show activity.
  5. In the thinking of the child, the simplest cause-and-effect relationships are formed. For example, the baby understands that if you press the button in the toy with your finger, the music will play, the toy will fall, there will be a knock, if he screams, the mother will come up. But real progress in intellectual development can only be thought of when the baby develops fear - a sign that the child not only catches the connection between events, but can also anticipate them.
  6. The child begins to be interested in the practical application of the surrounding objects. Because of this, communication with him is now not only emotional in nature, but acquires the features of cooperation: the baby attracts your attention with babble in order to get the subject of interest to him and to learn with your help its functions and qualities.

Test for the development of the baby at six months

  • Keep the toy at a distance of 20-30 cm from the child. He must be able to shift his gaze from the environment to the toy, highlighting it from everything else.
  • Offer your child a bottle of milk first, and then a toy. The reaction of the baby should be different: when he sees the food, the baby opens his mouth and can make sucking movements, at the sight of the toy there will be a reaction of revival.
  • When the baby is lying, ring the bell in front of him, and then slowly move him away. With your help, the child will begin to rise and move to a sitting position.
  • Talk to your child by changing facial expressions. The baby will begin to repeat after you: wrinkle his forehead, smile.
  • Try to take away the toy that he holds in his hand. At 6 months, the baby will hold the object tightly and resist, expressing displeasure.
  • If you often call the baby by name, then at this age the baby should already respond to him with a revitalization complex.

What should alert

  • The child cannot and does not try to sit, even with support.
  • When you support the crumbs by the armpits, he does not "dance."
  • Does not transfer an item from one pen to another.
  • Does not respond to sounds, rustles that are out of sight.
  • Doesn't ask for pens.
  • He doesn't babble, doesn't smile, doesn't recognize his parents.

Additional Information:

Baby development at 6 months video 1

Introduction complementary foods

The most favorable age to start introducing complementary foods is six months. Until that time, breast milk provides the child's body with all the necessary substances. When feeding with a mixture, the first complementary foods are introduced a little earlier - from 4 to 5 months. When it comes to the timing of the introduction of complementary foods, it means the end of the month in which it is started.

Complementary feeding table from 6 months (Clickable)

After 6 months, neither breast milk nor formula can compensate for the energy costs that are spent on intensive growth and physical development. The baby's body begins to need a large amount of minerals, trace elements and vegetable proteins.

If you start complementary foods later than the deadline (6-7 months), then it will be difficult for the child to adapt to the new food and its consistency. Late introduction of complementary foods is fraught with the occurrence of deficient conditions (malnutrition, anemia, rickets), poor development of chewing skills and taste perception, as well as the need for the simultaneous introduction of several products, which can cause an allergic reaction or a digestive disorder.

It is important that the child is ready for complementary foods. Be sure to check with your pediatrician before introducing new foods. If the baby is choking or spitting out food, then wait a little with the innovation.

So, it is more convenient to start complementary foods in the morning, before feeding. For children prone to constipation or overweight, it is better to start with vegetable purees from zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Thin people can start with gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, rice or corn, boiled in water without salt and sugar. The first purees and cereals should be monocomponent, that is, contain only one vegetable or cereal.

In summer and autumn, it is usually possible to find quality vegetables. Before use, they must be processed and cooked, preferably steamed (this way more nutrients remain). The puree should be homogeneous, i.e. free of lumps and not very thick. To do this, use a blender and, if necessary, add water or a decoction on which vegetables were boiled. Or use ready-made baby purees in jars. Teach your baby to eat from a spoon right away. Use bottles with a pacifier only when necessary (on the road). Do not give hot food or from the refrigerator, the optimum temperature is 37 0 C.

Begin to introduce with 1/2 - 1 teaspoon, and then supplement with milk or formula. For 5 - 10 days, bring to 150 - 180 g and completely replace one breastfeeding. The rest of the time, continue to feed on demand. New products are introduced only after getting used to the previous one. You cannot introduce more than one new product. Multi-component purees and cereals can only be given from about 7 months.

Monitor your child's stool and allergic reactions. If there is an allergy to something, then cancel this product and try to introduce later.


Weaning from the pacifier

Weaning from the pacifier: if the crumbs have already had their first tooth, be sure to try to wean it from the pacifier. The pressure exerted by the nipple on the gums can lead to crooked teeth. It is better to buy a teether ring for your baby. During the introduction of complementary foods, it is easier to wean from the nipple, as the baby begins to learn to drink from a cup, and nighttime bottle feeding is already becoming rare or completely disappears.

Moms take note!

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Baby sleep at 6 months (mode)

After 6 months, the baby sleeps about 14 hours a day: two sleeps of 1.5 - 2 hours - day and night - up to 6 - 7 hours in a row. But still the mode remains individual. Many babies continue to breastfeed several times a night - this is normal and may last until you stop breastfeeding. Be patient. To help your child sleep longer at night:

  • The interval between the last daytime sleep and bedtime should be at least 4 hours.
  • Bathe your baby before bed. Warm water relaxes and soothes.
  • Feed your baby after bathing.

How to help your baby develop - games

Continue to stimulate your baby's language development as you did in previous months. Buy your child some small colorful books with cardboard pages that he can turn himself. It is better if the books are not just with pictures, but with short rhymes or nursery rhymes in which words and phrases are repeated. Children who have read poems from 6 months begin to speak earlier.

The centers that are responsible for fine motor skills and speech are very close and interconnected in the brain, so it is important to conduct activities with the child aimed at the activity of the fingers:

  • Kids at this age love games with boxes or molds of different sizes, nesting dolls.
  • Make several bags with different fillings: dried peas, beans, coarse salt, millet, pebbles, buttons.
  • Take a ball 5 - 6 cm in diameter, put it in the baby's palms. With your hands, squeeze the outside of his handles with the ball inside and roll him there. You can roll a walnut. Do 3-4 minutes daily.
  • Massage your fingers: gently massage them in turn and gently sip. Do 2-3 minutes every day.
  • "Combing": in turn, lift the child's arms and smoothly move them back and forth along the head.
  • Squeezing and unclenching a squeaker toy.
  • Spiral toys for moving figures.

The games in "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki", "Ku-ku", "Got a horned goat" remain relevant.

If your child succeeds in doing something new, be sure to praise him. The child already feels that you are pleased with him.

Increasing the number of toys exponentially is a problem that all parents face. In order not to litter the house with ten regular tumblers and cubes that bother the baby already on the 3rd day, divide all the toys into two parts. Give one part to the baby for games, and hide the rest. Change toys every 4-5 days. Keep in mind that at 6 months, a child can play with a maximum of two toys at the same time.

Reading reviews:

The baby will soon begin to crawl, so it becomes crowded in the crib or playpen. Provide the baby with a carpet on the floor and lay out a few toys on it, let the baby try to crawl towards them.

Continue to do gymnastics and massage with hardening procedures daily.

Try to keep all activities and games with the child simple and at the same time useful. Do not overload the baby, his psyche is not yet ready for long sessions. Now the child needs your love and attention even more. If you want to make his life joyful, follow your every word and action, which is now imprinted in the subconscious of a small person.

Baby development at six months video 2

sixth month of life. Child development calendar. Video 3

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months. Then, in addition to breast milk, it should be introduced to all children, regardless of the type of feeding.


♦ Able to extend his arms while lying on his stomach, hold this position for a long time, pull up his legs and bend them at the knees, trying to get on all fours.

♦ Some already know how to crawl and get on all fours and swing back and forth.

♦ Active speech appears, which is still a set of sounds and syllables.

♦ Picks up the toy from various positions.

The emotional development of a child is very important. Favorite toys, books with large pictures - all this causes his stormy delight. Read his favorite fairy tales as often as possible, and soon he will begin to memorize them and respond with a smile to a familiar beginning.

motor development

A child who a month ago was lying on his stomach and could only stretch out his arms and raise his chest a little above the floor, now he already knows how to get on all fours, and sometimes crawl (albeit on his stomach and not far at all).

Some babies begin to sit up on their own at 6 months. Therefore, now begins the time of active movement of the child. Do not leave the baby alone on the bed and if you leave it on the floor, then secure the surrounding space as much as possible.

The child actively plays with toys, easily transfers them from hand to hand. Rattles with a rattle, knocks toys on the floor.

How to play with a 6 month old baby

At this age, it is easy to develop a child's hearing. Various jingling, jingling boxes, squeaking toys - everything attracts him.

Please note: toys must be safe (including in size) so that the baby cannot use them, since the main method for the child to know the surrounding things is through the mouth. Everything he can, he grabs and tastes.

The favorite game of children "Ladushki" is a great option for developing motor skills. The child tries to hit the palm of the hand with the palm of the hand to the song. This develops, among other things, coordination of movements.

Initial development of speech

The child already knows how to double and triple syllables - this is the initial development. These attempts to talk should be actively supported by the parents. Repeat the names of certain objects to the child several times. You can try to conduct a kind of “dialogue” with the baby, answering his active babble and maintaining such a conversation.

How it feels and how it behaves

The child already focuses well and does not cross his eyes. He may follow a rolling ball, or he may follow an older brother who is playing nearby with sufficient speed.

You can see how the baby is looking intently at the toy that is in his hand. Improves hand-eye coordination. Note how he first examines the object, and then tries to crawl to it.

Babies learn about the world through touch. When you hug or kiss your child, he knows that he is safe and loved. When your child feels a cool breeze on his cheek, he will learn about the world around him.

The possibilities for developing your child's sense of touch at this age are endless, even during a typical day. The kid will play with toys and books, with things that have a different texture surface. See if your child enjoys touching a soft plush toy or feeling the texture of a carpet. Let the baby safely explore the world around him.

Do not forget that it is important for a child to feel safe next to his parents and to know about it. Kiss, hug children as often as you can, they become stronger from this.

Physiological changes

  • The muscles of the back and shoulders by the age of 6 months have already strengthened so much that the baby can sit without outside support. Sitting, the baby maintains balance and freely controls his hands. Muscle development is also important to start crawling.
  • The child rolls freely in any direction and is very mobile, which requires increased attention from adults.
  • The vision of 6-month-old babies is fully developed and functions like an adult's. The child easily follows objects that move, as well as the views of other people.
  • Many children at this age erupt the first teeth. They appear on the lower jaw. In this regard, the secretion of saliva in a six-month-old child increases.

A baby at 6 months old can already sit on his own. If your baby is not yet sitting, do not worry and do the appropriate exercises Physical development

During the sixth month of life, the little one gains approximately 650 grams, and the growth of the baby becomes 2 centimeters larger. By this age, the weight of the crumbs becomes twice the indicator that was determined immediately after the birth of the baby. The chest for the sixth month increases by 1-1.5 centimeters, and the circumference of the head - by 0.5-1 centimeter.

Each child develops at his own pace, however, in order to understand whether the baby is growing normally, the boundaries of the norm were determined, as well as the average indicators of the physical development of children of a certain age. Knowing about them, parents can identify whether there are problems with the growth of the baby and whether the child needs additional consultation with a pediatrician. We presented the main indicators for 6-month-old children in the table:

What can the baby do?

A six-month-old baby has already learned to sit without support. However, many children of this age are not yet able to sit up on their own. In the kitchen, the baby can already sit in a special chair, watching how mom prepares dinner.

Another very useful skill of a six-month-old baby is crawling. Some babies actively move in a plastunsky way on their tummy, helping themselves with their feet, while others get on all fours.

Encourage your baby to crawl as this strengthens the baby's back well.

No less important skills of a 6-month-old baby:

  • The kid also begins to stand on his feet, grabbing his hands on some kind of solid support. If an adult takes the baby by both hands and pulls it a little towards him, he will see how the baby will stand on straight legs. Moreover, holding the little one by the chest, you can see how the baby begins to step over his feet.
  • The child has great control over his hands. If the baby is interested in any object, the baby will reach out with his hands to him. A child can easily pick up a toy that has fallen out of his hand. Holding an object in one hand, the little one can deftly transfer it to the other handle.
  • The child can already connect his actions and the result, for example, if you pull his hand, a toy with a bell will ring, and if you throw it out of the crib, it will fall to the floor.
  • The baby is still studying objects, trying on the “tooth”. This is an absolutely normal way to explore the world for six-month-old children, which should not be taken as a bad habit.
  • The child already knows his name perfectly and answers it with a smile and animation. The kid listens attentively to the speech of the adult. If you tell him about any familiar large object, the baby will immediately find it with his eyes.
  • The speech of a 6-month-old baby changes. The baby connects sounds into syllables, but so far they do not carry any semantic meaning. The number of spoken syllables is increasing every day. Such speech is called babbling.
  • A 6-month-old peanut treats strangers with apprehension and is very wary. At the same time, six-month-old babies are more supportive of other children. They watch them and often copy their actions. With loved ones, the baby can show tenderness, for example, cuddle up to mom.
  • Six-month-old babies can already remove food from a spoon with their lips.

How to assess the development of a baby at 6 months, see the video tips for moms of the Supermoms channel.

Don't worry if your 6-month-old baby hasn't yet learned to babble, sit unsupported, reach for an object, stand on his feet, distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people, or eat solid food - all of these skills may come a little later.

But there are skills, the absence of which in a baby should alert. These include:

  • Flips from stomach to back and back.
  • Lifting the upper body in the prone position on the tummy.
  • Ability to sit with support.
  • Turning the head to view the world around.
  • Cooing.
  • The study of toys with the help of hands (the baby knocks them, shakes, feels).
  • Studying different objects with the help of the mouth.

Since a 6-month-old baby explores toys with his mouth, keep them clean.

About what the baby should be able to do at 6 months, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

Activities for development

  • Let the baby spend enough time on the floor. Spread various toys around the crumbs so that the baby wants to crawl towards them.
  • When the child is sitting on the floor, sit opposite and roll the ball from you to the baby and back.
  • To develop coordination, dad can roll the child on his shoulders, and mom can put the baby on her leg and shake slowly and then quickly.
  • Purchase small boxes to store your baby's toys. The baby will enthusiastically dig into them, sorting through toys.
  • Massage the crumbs daily for 2-3 minutes. Knead each finger in turn, and also lightly sip it.
  • Let your child play with molds or boxes of different sizes. The baby will also like toys in which the figures can move in a spiral, squeakers, nesting dolls.
  • Offer a third to a child holding two toys. At first, the baby will want to grab it without letting go of the available toys, but then he will realize that one of the toys will have to be put down.
  • Make several bags for the baby, in which there will be different fillers - buttons, beans, millet, smooth pebbles and others.
  • For the best development of the baby's speech, constantly communicate with the baby when he makes sounds. Answer the baby by repeating his babbling, and also voice all your actions. At the same time, say “mom” about yourself so that the baby begins to correlate this word with you (“now mom will give you a bell”). In the same way, teach the baby to connect the word "dad" with the father.
  • Show your baby books with bright pictures. At the same time, talk about what is drawn in them. It’s great if such books contain short rhymes with repeated phrases.
  • Walking with the baby in the park, show the baby leaves, trees, grass. If you take your 6-month-old baby to the store, do not miss the opportunity to show your baby fruits, vegetables, dishes and many other items, voicing their names.
  • Tie a balloon to your stroller and watch your little one pull the string.
  • The baby is still interested in such games as “cuckoo”, “patties” and “magpie-crow”.
  • Diversify baby bathing with different toys. Let boats, plastic dishes, rubber toys float next to the bathing baby.
  • Invite families with children to visit so that the baby learns to communicate with another child.

Play with your baby, it's more fun and exciting

Play with your child the games shown in the TV show "Mom's School" on the TSV channel.

The daily procedures for caring for a six-month-old baby continue to be:

  • Hygiene procedures - washing, washing, cutting nails, combing, cleaning ears and nose. Brushing your teeth is added to them, even if the first tooth has not yet appeared. It is advised to clean the oral cavity of the crumbs with a special rubber brush.
  • Massage and gymnastics. Stroking, rubbing, passive and active exercises help the body of the little one to become stronger.
  • tempering procedures. At 6 months of age, these are air and sunbaths, walking on a wet towel, rubbing.
  • Bathing. A bath will not only help the baby relax before a night's sleep, but will also bring a lot of positive emotions.

Do not forget about the safety of a six-month-old baby. The baby can roll over at any time, so leaving it on a raised platform unattended is unacceptable. A child who has begun to crawl is able to get to detergents, sockets and other dangerous things.

You can get acquainted with the technique of general strengthening massage by watching the video of Nikolai Nikonov, the leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia.

Daily regime

The presence of a daily routine is very important for the development of the child's nervous system. A baby at the age of six months needs about 15-16 hours of sleep per night. Approximately 9-10 hours the child sleeps at night, and the rest of the time is divided into 3 daytime sleep, the duration of which is up to 1.5-2 hours. Try to put the baby to bed at the same time every day, and you should not wake up a 6-month-old baby in the morning.

Walks at 6 months of age are still held twice a day, subject to weather conditions. Long festivities are possible in good weather, and if there is a strong wind outside, a downpour or the air temperature drops below -10, you should refrain from walking. During walks, the baby now not only sleeps, but also explores the world around him with interest.

Breastfeeding at six months of age varies slightly. Sucking at night shifts to the last hours before waking up. At the same time, in the first half of the day, the baby is applied to the chest less often, and in the afternoon, the attachments become more frequent.

A six-month-old child, who previously received only mother's milk, begins to introduce complementary foods, choosing vegetables for him in the form of mashed potatoes or porridge. The next type of complementary foods for a 6-month-old baby will be fruits. A new dish is offered in small portions in the morning, observing the state and reaction of the baby's body.

Breast milk remains the basis of a 6-month-old baby's diet

Formula-fed babies eat 5 times a day. The total amount of food for a 6-month-old baby is calculated by dividing the child's weight by 8. On average, a child of this age eats 1000-1100 ml of food per day. This volume is divided by the number of feedings, so the approximate portion of food for one meal of a six-month-old baby will be 200-220 ml. The food menu for artificial babies includes vegetables, cereals, fruits, butter and vegetable oil.

Typical day

Days with six-month-old babies are interesting and entertaining. And although the regimen for each of the six-month-old peanuts is individual and depends on the biological rhythms of the baby, we offer an approximate version of the daily regimen for a 6-month-old child:

Waking up and the first feeding (the child receives breast milk or formula), hygiene procedures.

Laying down for the first nap.

Waking up and the second feeding (breastfed babies are given porridge, and artificial babies are added to it with oil), a period of wakefulness.

A walk during which the child usually has a second daytime nap in the fresh air.

Homecoming, third feeding (breastfed infant gets mashed vegetables, and artificial baby gets mashed with vegetable oil).

The period of wakefulness and educational games.

A walk, during which there is usually a third daytime nap in the fresh air.

Return home, fourth feeding (this includes fruit puree and breast milk or formula).

Waking period.

Bathing, fifth feeding (breast milk or formula), laying down for a night's sleep.

Night time

Breastfed babies are applied to the breast several times, artificial babies usually do not wake up for feedings.

Do not forget that the baby first of all needs the love and support of parents.

The kid should feel love from his parents, this is the key to his psychological health. Frequent problems

  1. Discomfort from erupting teeth. In babies, the gums swell and itch, which interferes with the baby and makes the baby's behavior capricious. In some toddlers, the appearance of teeth is accompanied by fever, loose stools and other negative symptoms.
  2. Frequent waking at night. A better night's sleep will be facilitated by bathing before going to bed and feeding after it. Also make sure that there is at least 4 hours between your third nap and falling asleep at night.
  3. Injuries. A six-month-old baby is very active, so it is important for parents to prevent any risks of injury, which are enough at this age. The baby can roll over on the bed and fall off it, not hold on to the furniture when he got up, crawl and bury himself in the sharp edge of the furniture or chest of drawers. It is also important not to forget about the risk of pinching your fingers when opening cabinet drawers, tasting detergents, climbing into a trash can, or choking on small parts of a toy.

Conduct classes with the baby according to the “Little Leonardo” method shown in the video of Olga Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.

With each month of life, a newborn child acquires new knowledge and skills. Young parents are happy to watch the baby and note all the skills he has mastered.

At 6 months, a special date comes in the life of the crumbs - half a year from the moment of his birth. By this time, both boys and girls become very active and comprehend new knowledge at an incredible speed. In this article, we will tell you about the developmental features of a baby girl at 6 months and what you should definitely pay attention to at this age.

Physical development of a baby girl at 6 months

In most cases, girls develop a little faster than boys. By the time she is six months old, the future fashionista, as a rule, already knows how to easily roll over in both directions - from her back to her stomach and from her stomach to her back. This skill is very important for every baby, because with its help the baby can change the position of his body in space and becomes much more independent.

Very little time will pass, and the baby, driven by natural curiosity and interest in surrounding objects, will begin to pull her body up in her arms, and even later - to crawl on her own. In some cases, the level of development of a child-girl at 6-7 months already allows her to move in a horizontal plane, so now you can’t leave the baby alone for a minute.

In addition, many six-month-old babies are already mastering the skill of independent sitting. If this skill is not yet available for your daughter, you can help her with this, but only after prior consultation with a pediatrician. The musculoskeletal system and spine of infants are not in all cases finally formed by 6 months, therefore, before planting a baby, it is necessary to assess the level of her preparation from a medical point of view.

Psychological development of a child at 6 months

Most six-month-old girls have active babble during the game, that is, in their speech, fragmentary syllables appear, consisting of vowels and consonants. The baby becomes very emotional, she tries to completely capture the attention of her mother and communicates with her in all available ways.

At the same time, in the presence of unfamiliar adults, many children begin to be shy - when they see a new person, a six-month-old toddler freezes, carefully examines his face, and only after that makes contact.

For the correct and full development of a child at 6 months, various educational games and activities are very important. Be sure to give your daughter a daily "mom" massage and light gymnastic exercises that the doctor will advise you to strengthen the spine and musculoskeletal system of the baby, and also do not forget about the importance of finger games, which are a great simulator for developing fine motor skills of the hands and active speech of the child .

Six months is quite a significant date in a baby's life. There are so many events and new impressions on this frontier. First food, first tooth. And the first syllables, though they are not realized.

Having overcome the first half of the year, the baby gradually becomes a personality, an individuality with its own traits and characteristics.

The baby grows and develops with the same intensity characteristic of the first year of life.

What can a baby do at 6 months?

It will be useful for parents of a newborn to find out what a child can do at 1 month. To do this, you should read an informative and informative article by a children's doctor.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with what a child at 2 months old should be able to do, what basic skills and abilities a two-month-old baby has.

Find out from the article of a children's doctor how a child develops at 3 months, what are the basic skills and abilities of a baby at this age.

Useful information that relates to what a child can do at 4 months. The pediatrician tells in detail what activities are effective at this age and when to worry about the development of the baby.

  • If the child has not yet learned roll over on the back and on the stomach, At six months, it must be able to be sure. Parents should not lose vigilance and not leave the baby alone. Especially if the baby lies on such a plane from which it is easy to fall, carried away by rolling from the back to the tummy and vice versa.

In order not to worry later about a bruise on the forehead, a broken nose, or a possible concussion, always insure the child, do not lose sight of him, if necessary, put obstacles in the form of pillows or something else.

  • The child is already sitting, confidently or with support. Some babies at this age will already be able to sit up on their own from a prone position, helping themselves with their hands. Others need to be helped by gently lifting them by the handles from a supine position. And if earlier than six months, pediatricians do not recommend that a girl get involved in prolonged sitting, then 6 months is the optimal time to start sitting.

If a 6-month-old baby does not sit and does not even make an attempt to do this, does not express any desire at all, you should consult a doctor.

  • A 6 month old child makes the first attempts to crawl. This usually happens when he moves his body forward from a sitting position, moving his arms. But since the muscles of the legs are not yet strong enough for such exercises, he moves like a plastuna, actively helping with his hands.
  • A baby at 6 months successfully masters the skills of handling a spoon. When eating, he actively opens his mouth and removes food from a spoon. At this age, you can already learn to drink from a mug.

The best option for the first mug would be a cup. It is light, when it is rolled over, a lot will not flow out of it, and it will be easier for the baby to regulate the volume of pouring liquid.

  • Continue to develop skills in handling toys. The kid can already grab them from any position, transfer from one hand to another. Among the toys, the baby makes pets with whom it is especially pleasant to play.

Neuropsychic development and emotions

The amount of information perceived by the child and processed by his brain increases. Receive their food for the development of the senses.

Physiologically, the child is still far-sighted, and it is not very handy for the baby to examine objects when approaching too close.

But the baby is already beginning to gradually distinguish colors. The first one is red. It is this color of toys and objects that attract the baby in the first place. Children of 6 months not only distinguish colors, but they can also separate them into categories “light” and “dark”.

A 6-month-old baby begins to respond to his own name. Hearing it, he turns around, looking for the source of the sound, the owner of the voice. The sound of your own name is very pleasant for the baby. In response, he perks up, smiles, moves his arms and legs.

Of course, there is no such reaction to someone else's name. The baby does not react in any way or simply looks at the speaking person, waiting for the continuation of the speech.

In communication with others, the child shows an increasing number of emotions and feelings. It is no longer just joy and sorrow. A whole range of reactions of the baby to the events surrounding him and communication with other people grows and develops.

Of course, he first copies all this, adopts from his parents. With age, all these unconsciously copied reactions will become part of the child's personality.

In dealing with unfamiliar people, the baby is cautious. In most cases, of course, he will not scream at their sight, but he will not quickly jump off his mother's hands either. A child at 6 months of age prefers to be wary of strangers.

Games become more diverse. The child likes to take toys, pull them into his mouth, try on the tooth. Now he not only shakes them, listening to the sound. The kid can throw them with force, knock on the crib or the floor, offer them, stretching them out, to mom or dad. Seeing a small fragment of a hidden toy, he finds it, pulls it out and plays for a long time.

The development of a child at 6 months already allows him to actively improve his skills in handling a mug and a spoon. And although he, of course, still cannot eat on his own, he will not refuse to simply hold a spoon in his hand while eating. In the future, this will stimulate the baby to eat on his own, without the help of parents.

A child of six months pleases his parents not only with communication and emotions, but also with developing speech. This is the time for the babbling to begin. Previously emitted sounds merge into the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba". Sometimes even the words “mother”, “dad” are heard. But these are not real words yet, because they are unconscious and are obtained by combining, repeating sounds and syllables heard by the baby from loved ones.

Physical development

By six months, the baby had already decently grown up and gained weight.

The weight of a child at 6 months, compared with birth weight, doubles. You can more accurately calculate how much a child should weigh at 6 months by adding up the birth weight figure and the amount of due increases for previous months. By six months, the baby is gaining an average of 4.5 kilos.

The growth of a child at 6 months also depends on the initial parameter. Usually, in 6 months, the baby grows by 18 centimeters.

With the growth of the baby, the proportions of his body also change. The head in relation to the body becomes smaller, while the chest grows more intensively. By six months, their circumferences in most cases are equated, become equal to 42-44 centimeters.

More precisely, the centile table, which is on the table of every district pediatrician, will tell about the ideal weight and height of the child.

The weight gain and growth rate of a girl and a boy may differ. Usually boys physically develop more intensively.


The nutrition of a child at this age includes formula or breast milk and complementary foods. Moreover, the leading role is given to milk and products that replace it.

6 months is the deadline for the introduction of complementary foods. Formula-fed babies start feeding at 4-5 months of age. For babies, the optimal age is 5-6 months.

It is not worth delaying, as well as rushing, with the start of complementary foods. Earlier, its introduction is fraught with allergies and digestive problems, later - anemia, rickets and malnutrition.

After six months, the baby needs more energy, and therefore calories. The need for minerals and vitamins increases. Complementary foods, in addition, develop the skills of chewing, swallowing, enrich the life of the baby with new tastes and smells.

Basic Rules

  1. The introduction of complementary foods begins with cereals or vegetable puree. This is determined individually for each child.
  2. The time for a new meal is morning. The baby at this time is hungry and does not want to sleep. Therefore, he will not strongly object to the sight of new food. This will allow parents to watch the baby during the day.
  3. Small volume. We start with 3-5 milliliters. This is a teaspoon. Then breastfeed or formula feed.
  4. Gradual increase in the amount of food. In 5-7 days, we bring the amount of food to the age norm, replacing one feeding with a complementary food product.
  5. Introduction of a new product no earlier than 4 days later.
  6. We introduce multicomponent cereals, vegetable and fruit purees after monocomponent, in 7-8 months.

The best time to introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet is summer. Dishes made from fresh, not defrosted foods are much tastier and more valuable for the child's body.

A 6-month-old baby will most likely not give up the breast even after the introduction of the full amount of complementary foods. And he will ask her after a hearty breakfast, and after a hearty lunch. In fact, this happens very often. Do not worry, the time will come, and the baby will completely switch to adult nutrition.

Daily routine and sleep

During the day, the baby still has 2-3 daytime sleep and one nighttime. The duration of the day is individual. From half an hour to several hours.

An uninterrupted night's sleep is 6-7 hours, then the child usually wakes up for reinforcements. Some children are already sleeping through the night. True, among infants this is a rarity.

The active phase of sucking is shifted to the last few hours of sleep.

To make the crumbs sleep stronger and longer, small rituals can be introduced into their lives. A ritual is a specific sequence of actions performed before going to bed.

For example, gymnastics, or exercises on a fitball, - bathing - massage - a bottle or chest before going to bed - a lullaby. So, having got used to the given sequence, the child will already know that after all these actions it is necessary to fall asleep.

First tooth

Perhaps not the first, but the second or even the third. For most children, six months is the most common period for the appearance of the first teeth. First, the lower units are cut.

Often this process is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, loosening of the stool and a general deterioration in mood. But as soon as the tooth appears above the level of the gums, all symptoms disappear.

At this time, you need to devote more time to processing toys and washing hands. After all, babies put everything in their mouths. Especially when it itches and hurts. And swollen gums are an excellent environment for the development of various kinds of stomatitis.

If the baby is sucking on the pacifier, it's time to wean it off. The pressure exerted by the pacifier on the growing teeth can lead to improper formation of the jaw apparatus.

Instead of a pacifier, offer your baby a teether.

How to develop a child at 6 months?

The development of a child never stands still. The whole environment with its sounds, smells, tastes and objects already makes possible the development of a 6-month-old baby.

It is important for parents to know that their main contribution to the development of the child from 6 to 7 months is the creation of optimal conditions for the safe knowledge of the baby of this world and all kinds of help and encouragement.

For a child at 6 months, various toys play an important role. The simplest musical instruments will be useful - tambourines, maracas, drums, xylophones.

Of interest to a baby at 6 months are balls of different sizes and colors, toys made of materials of various textures. It will be interesting for the kid to get acquainted with the tactile and sound sensations received from these games.

For the active development of speech with a baby, you need to talk a lot. For some young parents, however, it is quite difficult to tune in to a constant flow of speech. You shouldn't worry. This skill comes to everyone over time.

The sixth month is the right moment to purchase the first book. Preference is given to publications made of thick cardboard, or made of fabric.

Gymnastics complexes, fitball exercises, massage and baby swimming will help in the development of motor skills.

Closer to the year, you can teach your baby to differentiate the main shades. However, the question

how to teach a child colors

Relevant and at the age of six months. That is why the baby needs to show objects of various shades to improve visual and color perception.

When should you worry?

Of course, the development of each crumb is individual. But there is a certain list of what a child should be able to do at 6 months without fail. And a child who does not know how to hold his head at 6 months, for example, deserves the close attention of doctors.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • the baby does not hold his head confidently;
  • with a slight sip on the handles does not make attempts to sit down;
  • does not respond to emotional contact with a smile or animation;
  • does not distinguish between parents and strangers;
  • does not make attempts at pronunciation of sounds;
  • does not respond to sounds and speech;
  • not interested in toys.

Always remember that your baby is beautiful. And the time spent with him is unique.

Approximate reading time: 8 minutes

Your baby is already 6 months old, and you certainly notice that he is developing rapidly and constantly learning new things. Some children at this age even know how to sit on the coccyx and crawl on all fours. With the help of these skills, the child looks at the world in a different way, from a different position.

In some cases, the child begins to play differently with old toys. They begin to study them in more detail, sometimes even find something new in them. But still, experts recommend purchasing new toys for a 6-month-old baby that are suitable for age, as the old ones can just get bored. In this case, you need to pay attention to educational toys, since at the age of 6 months a very important stage of baby development begins: memory, logic, fantasy, etc.

How important is it to play with a child?

It is worth noting that games with a 6-month-old baby are very important for him. PLAY A VERY IMPORTANT ROLE IN HIS DEVELOPMENT. Experts from all over the world recommend parents to take time to play with their child. And the more the better.

The fact is that without daily games, a child may master a skill too late, or not at all. That is, you need to understand that on your own, without the help of parents, the baby will not be able to learn much. For example, a child, at the age of 8 months, should already walk and even run. But without regular games, he will be able to learn only in 1-1.5 years. The same applies to conversation: without classes, the baby learns to speak very late. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that parents regularly conduct classes with their child. And the ideal option for such activities is games that have already proven their effectiveness.

The purpose and purpose of educational games with a child of 6 months

Games designed for the development of a six-month-old baby should help achieve the following goals:

  • improving the visual and sound perception of the baby;
  • development of the child's muscle strength;
  • movement coordination training;
  • emotional development of the baby;
  • replenishment of passive vocabulary, getting new impressions during the game.

Classification of educational games for children at 6 months

All types of activities conducted in a playful way with a six-month-old baby are conditionally divided into the following main categories:

  • games aimed at improving the organs of vision and hearing;
  • activities that promote the development of tactile skills;
  • games aimed at teaching the baby to crawl;
  • exercises for the development of intelligence and memory of the child;
  • games that contribute to the emotional development of the baby;
  • finger games (simultaneously perform several functions, including contributing to the physical, emotional and intellectual development of the baby).

Games for classes with a six-month-old baby are characterized by great variety. When conducting them, toys, household items, paper, paints and much more can be used as auxiliary material. The following games contribute best to the development of a 6-month-old baby:

To conduct this game, an adult takes the child’s hands in his hands and clap them on stressed syllables (i.e., for example, when reading the word “ladushki”, you need to clap when pronouncing the first syllable “la”).

Alright, alright (clap your hands)
Where were you? By Grandma! (keep clapping)
What did they eat? Porridge (you can continue to clap, and also show your hand to the plate)
What did they drink? Brazhku (clap)
Oily porridge (continue to clap)
Brazhka sweet (same thing)
Grandma is kind (clap)
We drank, ate (we wipe our mouth)
Fly home (waving)
They sat on the head (we help the child put his hands on his head)
Sit down, sit down (sit down on a chair)
Then they flew (we wave the pen, as if seeing off someone).

This game contributes to the development of a sense of rhythm, improvement of coordination of movements, trains the memory of the baby and strengthens emotional contact with the mother or other adults.

The duration of the performance is 7-10 minutes. Preferably in the afternoon or early evening.

To play the game, you need to bring several cups of different sizes from the kitchen. Put the dishes in a row and take the first cup in your hands. Then bring the bowl closer to your mouth and say a word, such as the baby's name. After that, alternately pronounce the same word, bringing other cups to your mouth.

The child will surely notice that the same word sounds different when using different utensils. Of course, he will not be able to say this yet, but nevertheless, this moment will be fixed in his memory.

Also, using cups, you can pronounce various syllables. It is possible that soon the baby will try to repeat them on his own.

The presented game is aimed at developing the baby's hearing, contributes to familiarization with the properties of various objects.

Duration - 5-7 minutes. You can do it at any time of the day during the period of active wakefulness of the child.

Take several empty plastic bottles from mineral water or drinks and pour a different amount of water into each of them. Then arrange them in a row and start hitting them one by one with a tablespoon.

The child will notice that each bottle will make a different sound: from more sonorous to muffled. In addition, the baby will try to take away the spoon himself and knock on the “musical” bottles. Let him enjoy the game.

This lesson perfectly develops the baby's ear for music, contributes to familiarization with the properties of various objects of the surrounding world. If the child himself takes an active part in the game, then the muscle apparatus of the hands is also trained.

The duration of the lesson is 5-10 minutes. You can do it during the day or in the early evening, when the baby is most alert and active.

To play the game, you will need several photos of mom, dad and other people with whom the baby communicates daily. Lay out the photos near the baby so that he can see them all at once. Then you should say the word "mom" and ask the baby: "Know mom!", inviting him to show the photo that shows mom.

If the baby did not figure out at first what to do, show the desired photo yourself.

Next, ask your child questions about other adults who are nearby. When the baby learns to accurately find relatives from a photograph, complicate the task. Say the name of an adult who is not around at the moment, and ask the child to show the desired photo.

This game perfectly develops the attention and memory of the child. The duration of the performance is 7-10 minutes. It is better to study in the early evening, as intellectual skills are better fixed if the lesson was held shortly before going to bed.

A six-month-old baby already knows how to wrinkle his nose funny, but, as a rule, he does not know how to blow his nose at all. You can teach him this important skill in a playful way.

As soon as the mother noticed that the child began to wrinkle her nose, she should immediately say: “Shall we grunt like a pig?”. Next, you should show the baby how to do “oink-oink”. At the same time, the air should not be drawn into oneself, as people usually do when pronouncing the indicated phrase, but from oneself, i.e. just like blowing your nose.

Ask the baby to repeat “oink-oink” after you, while making sure that he correctly performs breathing movements.

This exercise helps to master an important skill - the ability to blow your nose, because a child who cannot properly free his nose from mucus runs the risk of complications with the slightest cold.

Should be done within 3-5 minutes. It should be borne in mind that one should not get involved in this game and play it too often, because the baby may begin to grimace too much, and this is not entirely appropriate and useful for him. As soon as the child learns to blow his nose, the game should be almost completely abandoned, repeating it only in rare cases to consolidate this skill.

This game can be played both in the baby's crib and on the floor covered with a clean cloth. Spread several toys around the baby, then cover each of them with a piece of cloth or any other light object. After that, ask the baby to find the hidden toys. The child will probably begin to pull off pieces of fabric from toys and will rejoice violently at the find.

Then complicate the task: distract the baby and hide the toys in the same places, but so that he does not see. Then put the child in the same place and ask: “Where are the toys?”. Let the baby find them again, but without the help of adults.

This game helps to train the child's memory and attentiveness, and also contributes to his overall physical development.

Duration of execution - 5-10 minutes. You can do it at any time when the baby is actively awake and set to communicate with adults.

At the age of six months, the baby should actively perform exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the hands. Classes can also be carried out in a playful way, for example, with the help of the “Pen-Pen” nursery rhyme game.

Pens, do not be bored (we take the child’s arms in the elbow area and shake them slightly to relax the hands and fingers)
Where have you been? Answer! (we bring and spread the child’s arms close to his face, while holding on to his elbows)
Did you sit at home? (we touch the child's hands to his cheeks, then to his head)
And go to your friends! (remove the handles away from the face and wave them after the imaginary interlocutor)..

There is also a second version of the above game:

Pen, pen, where was it? (raise the child's arm by the elbow)
Could you hide from us? (slowly hold the child's hand in front of his face)
We will find you now (pause a little)
And let's go play soon (we try to grab a toy or some bright object with the child's pen).

The above fun games perfectly train the muscles of the hands, contribute to the development of the memory and attention of the baby, strengthen his emotional and spiritual contact with loved ones.

The duration of the game is 7-12 minutes (you can perform two repetitions during one lesson). Recommended class time is after lunch or early evening.

The best games for a 6 month old baby

Every parent should remember that it is not enough to give the child toys and leave him alone with them. So he will not be able to independently understand what these toys are for and how to play with them. It is very important to teach your child how to use these toys correctly. And if we take into account the fact that every day, new “modernized” toys appear, in which it is necessary to press certain buttons, pronounce certain sounds, etc., then the help of parents becomes inevitable.

Games for fine motor skills of hands

The development of fine motor skills of the hands at the age of 6 months is very important for the child, and this should be given special attention. Below are all the toys that are great for this.


It is advisable to take a pyramid with large rings. No need to think that the baby, seeing such a toy, will immediately begin to collect the rings in the correct order. Everything must be done gradually. First, parents should teach the child to remove the lowest ring. Then, when the child learns to do this, we teach him to remove all the rings. And finally, when the child has mastered this skill, parents should teach the child to collect the rings in the correct order. It is worth noting that this does not happen very quickly. For full development, the child will need a week, or even two. You can not force a child to master this activity as soon as possible, and even more so to scold him for mistakes. It is important that the kid himself becomes interested in this, and then he will definitely succeed. Do not forget at the very beginning to show the child how to pull out the rings correctly.

box with toys

At the age of 6 months, the child can already be taught independence. Take a box or a plastic container with a lid and place the toys in it. Let the child know that from now on, his toys will be stored in this box, and every time he finishes playing, he must collect all the toys there. Of course, this cannot be done on the first day. Try it this way: show your child a toy box and tell him that there are magical things inside. Then, together with the baby, examine all the contents of the box individually. It is important that all toys from the box are taken out by the child himself. Do this regularly and your baby will learn that toys should always be in this box. Then, teach him to put all the toys back into the box. By the way, you can decorate the box, stick funny stickers there, draw something funny, and then the kid will be even more interested in this game.

Ball games

For this we need a box, small balls, well, or any rounded object and a glass. Our goal is to teach the child to take the ball out of the box and put them in a glass. If you want to complicate the task, just move the glass away and ask the child to throw the ball into the glass. At first glance, the game seems too simple. But for a 6-month-old baby, this will be a daunting task.

Ball and spoon games

The next game is exactly the same as the previous one, but with the addition of a spoon. Any spoon will do: plastic, wood, metal, etc. The main thing is that this spoon should not be too small. The task of the child: take the ball from the box, put it in a spoon, and put it together with the spoon in a glass.

Gross motor skills games

The next game develops the child's vestibular apparatus well. Lie down on the floor, having previously laid something soft under you, and place the child on your feet. It is important that the baby's head is turned in your direction. Start moving your legs in different directions, holding the child's hands. During movements, it will be interesting for the child to look around, he will learn to navigate in space, as well as develop large motor skills of the hands. In addition, this game is great to help mom get rid of the tummy, thanks to the movements of the legs.

Teaching baby to crawl

6 months old is the time to teach your baby to crawl. It is enough just to spend 15-20 minutes a day on classes, and you will soon feel the result.

The most proven method that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers still used is as follows: let the baby lie on the floor, and we will place his favorite toy in front of him. But the toy should lie in such a way that our baby could not get it. Naturally, he will want to take this toy, and realizing that no one is going to give it, he will try to get it himself. Thus, he will learn to crawl. Of course, nothing happens on the first day. The child will try his best to move, but he will not succeed. In this case, we can make it easier for him by placing something soft under his chest: a blanket, a small pillow, etc. Now the baby only has to take care of how to move the back of the body, because the front can not be raised, as the blanket did for him. If you carry out such classes daily, then the result will appear very soon.

Fun to develop tactile sensations

This fun is very popular with many children, because for this, you need to undress the baby, and they like to walk without clothes. Lay your baby down on a soft surface and start rubbing across his tummy, neck, face with your hand or any soft object. Do it slowly and gently. Do not use this hard objects that can cut and injure the baby's skin. Start at the baby's belly and then slowly lower to the legs, then rise again. The kid will really like this fun, he will laugh from being tickled, move, wave his arms and legs. When you realize that he is bored with this activity, turn him over on his stomach, and do the same on the back, legs and ass of the baby. Do not always touch the baby with your hand. Use various things, such as a feather, a soft brush, a soft toy, etc.

Teaching a 6-month-old baby to speak

toy phone

This game is suitable for a child from 6 to 8 months. We need to get a toy phone and simulate a conversation. Place the child next to you and start saying simple words into the phone, for example, “mom”, “dad”, “woman”, “grandfather”, etc. Each time, it is necessary to change the intonation of pronunciation to interrogative and exclamatory. So the child will be much more interesting. Then, give the phone to the child, and ask him to repeat what he did.

Learning first words

Probably many have heard about this funny game more than once, or seen it on TV. It is necessary to put the child on his back, take him by the arms, and say some simple word, for example, "mom" or "dad." When pronouncing a word, spread your baby's arms to the sides. It will seem funny to him, and he will look at you with interest. Over time, he will begin to repeat after you, and learn his first words.

Touch Screen Mat Toy

There are special sensory mats that are designed to develop general skills. Such a rug has a large size, usually 110 by 80 cm. On its surface, various patterns are depicted, and there are also small buttons and Velcro. They can fix more parts that come with the carpet. It can be funny animals, trees, clouds, sun, clouds, cars, etc. The kid should, at his own discretion, place these items on the rug. This very well develops his imagination, logic and spatial thinking. Also, with the help of such a sensory mat, the child gets to know the world better, discovering completely new things.

Today, in the market of children's toys, you can find a very large variety of such rugs. Therefore, in order for the child not to get tired of this activity, you can buy him 2 or 3 different rugs.

In order to achieve successful results, it is not enough just to devote a lot of time to play with a 6-month-old baby. It's important to know how to do it right. The tips below will help you achieve the desired result:

  • All items that are within the reach of the baby and used during games should not contain small parts;
  • Toys used for baby activities should be thoroughly washed regularly. Soft toys should be treated with great care, because they are very difficult to keep clean, and millions of bacteria can accumulate in the pile;
  • A six-month-old child can be allowed to crawl on the floor for a while: at this age, he has either already mastered this skill, or is about to learn. At the same time, it is necessary to cover the floor with a clean cloth (an old dusty carpet is not suitable for classes), and also protect the baby from sharp corners and household items that are dangerous for him;
  • You can invite parents with a baby of about the same age to visit. Acquaintance of the child with other children will be very useful and informative for him;
  • If your baby is under 6 months old, you should set aside 5-15 minutes of playtime every day. And if the child is more than 6 months old, then the playing time is doubled;
  • Don't forget to make things harder. Don't always repeat the same thing. The child must develop. If he has learned to do a certain thing 100%, complicate this task;
  • During games, forget about other serious things for a while. Be a child. Otherwise, all games will seem very stupid and simple to you;
  • Classes should be carried out only when the child is full and slept. If he is sick or feels unimportant, then it is better to let him rest;
  • In no case do not scold the baby for his mistakes. On the contrary, you should praise him even when he still failed. At this age, children pay special attention to a person's face and facial expressions. Therefore, always smile. Let him know that everything is fine, that he will definitely succeed. And if he succeeded, be sure to praise him with some kind word. Thanks to this, he will feel more confident and achieve further success;
  • During games, it is necessary to be near the child. He will not be comfortable if you are constantly distracted by other things;
  • The ideal time for games that require physical activity is in the morning, and for quiet games in the evening;
  • Choose the right place to play. This should be taken very seriously. Do not play where objects dangerous to the child are in the public domain. The ideal place for games is a children's room or bedroom. Also, do not forget to ventilate the room. Playing in a stuffy room will not be comfortable.

If you use all the games that we have listed on a daily basis, the result will not be long in coming. Within a few weeks or months, you will feel that:

  • The baby has complete control over his hands. He can independently get a small object out of the box, whether it be a ball or another toy, and also independently put them in any place;
  • The kid knows how to use his sight, hearing and speech correctly. He knows how to focus on certain objects, movements. He also learned to pronounce simple words with expression;
  • The 6 month old can already crawl and is now trying to stand up. This is definitely a plus;

Also, do not forget to take pictures or video of interesting moments related to the behavior of the baby. Surely a matured child will look with pleasure and amazement at the video and photo archives of his early childhood.

And summing up, I want to note the most important thing - everything will work out. Even if at first, the child often makes mistakes and does not understand how even the simplest thing works - you should not give up, let alone scold him for it. Believe me, this will only make things worse. You should praise him for any achievement. So, he will feel your love and approval, and will try to become better. Needless to say, he must learn this today, or this week, since the friend's child already knows how. Children develop in different ways, everyone's body is individual. Someone starts walking and talking very early, someone late. The main thing is to take it calmly and help the child overcome all difficulties. And remember - everything will work out!

Educational games for children 6 months

It will be useful for parents of a newborn to know. To do this, you should read an informative and informative article by a children's doctor.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with what a two-month-old baby should be able to do, what basic skills and abilities.

Find out from the article of the children's doctor how it goes, what are the basic skills and abilities of the baby at this age.

Useful information that relates to what can. The pediatrician tells in detail what activities are effective at this age and when to worry about the development of the baby.

  • if the child has not yet learned roll over on the back and on the stomach, At six months, it must be able to be sure. Parents should not lose vigilance and not leave the baby alone. Especially if the baby lies on such a plane from which it is easy to fall, carried away by rolling from the back to the tummy and vice versa;

In order not to worry later about a bruise on the forehead, a broken nose, or a probable one, always insure the child, do not lose sight of him, if necessary, place obstacles in the form of pillows or something else.

  • the child is already sitting, confidently or with support. Some babies at this age will already be able to sit up on their own from a prone position, helping themselves with their hands. Others need to be helped by gently lifting them by the handles from a supine position. And if earlier than six months, pediatricians do not recommend that the girl get involved in prolonged sitting, then 6 months is the optimal time to start sitting;

If a 6-month-old child does not sit and does not even make an attempt to do so, does not express any desire at all, you should consult a doctor.

  • 6 month old baby makes first attempts to crawl. This usually happens when he moves his body forward from a sitting position by moving his arms. But since the muscles of the legs are not yet strong enough for such exercises, he moves like a plastuna, actively helping with his hands;
  • a baby at 6 months successfully masters the skills of handling a spoon. When eating, he actively opens his mouth and removes food from a spoon. At this age, you can already learn to drink from a mug;

The best option for the first mug would be a cup. It is light, when tilted, a lot will not flow out of it, and it will be easier for the baby to regulate the volume of pouring liquid.

  • continue to develop skills in handling toys. The kid can already grab them from any position, transfer from one hand to another. Among the toys, the baby makes pets with whom it is especially pleasant to play.

Neuropsychic development and emotions

The amount of information perceived by the child and processed by his brain increases. Receive their food for the development of the senses.

Physiologically, the child is still farsighted, and it is not very handy for the baby to examine objects when approaching too close.

But the baby is already beginning to gradually distinguish colors. The first one is red. It is this color of toys and objects that attract the baby in the first place. Children of 6 months not only distinguish colors, but they can also separate them into categories “light” and “dark”.

A 6-month-old baby begins to respond to his own name. Hearing it, he turns around, looking for the source of the sound, the owner of the voice. The sound of your own name is very pleasant for the baby. In response, he perks up, smiles, moves his arms and legs.

Of course, there is no such reaction to someone else's name. The baby does not react in any way or simply looks at the speaking person, waiting for the continuation of the speech.

In communication with others, the child shows an increasing number of emotions and feelings. It is no longer just joy and sorrow. A whole range of reactions of the baby to the events surrounding him and communication with other people grows and develops.

Of course, he first copies all this, adopts from his parents. With age, all these unconsciously copied reactions will become part of the child's personality.

In dealing with unfamiliar people, the baby is cautious. In most cases, of course, he will not scream at their sight, but he will not quickly jump off his mother's hands either. A child at 6 months of age prefers to be wary of strangers.

Games become more diverse. The child likes to take toys, pull them into his mouth, try by mouth. Now he not only shakes them, listening to the sound. The kid can throw them with force, knock on the crib or the floor, offer them, stretching them out, to mom or dad. Seeing a small fragment of a hidden toy, he finds it, pulls it out and plays for a long time.

The development of a child at 6 months already allows him to actively improve his skills in handling a mug and a spoon. And although, of course, he still cannot eat on his own, he will not refuse to simply hold a spoon in his hand while eating. In the future, this will stimulate the baby to eat on his own, without the help of parents.

A child of six months pleases his parents not only with communication and emotions, but also with developing speech. This is the time for the babbling to begin. Previously emitted sounds merge into the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba". Sometimes even the words “mother”, “dad” are heard. But these are not real words yet, because they are unconscious and are obtained by combining, repeating sounds and syllables heard by the baby from loved ones.

By six months, the baby had already decently grown up and gained weight.

The body weight of a child at 6 months, compared with birth weight, doubles. You can more accurately calculate how much a child should weigh at 6 months by adding up the figure of body weight at birth and the amount of due increases for previous months. By six months, the baby is gaining an average of 4.5 kilograms.

The growth of a child at 6 months also depends on the initial parameter. Usually, in 6 months, the baby grows by 18 centimeters.

With the growth of the baby, the proportions of his body also change. The head in relation to the body becomes smaller, while the chest grows more intensively. By six months, their circumferences in most cases are equal, become equal to 42 - 44 centimeters.

More precisely, the centile table, which is on the table of every district pediatrician, will tell about the ideal body weight and height of the child.

The weight gain and growth rate of girls and boys may differ. Usually boys physically develop more intensively.


The nutrition of a child at this age includes formula or breast milk and complementary foods. Moreover, the leading role is given to milk and products that replace it.

After six months, the baby needs more energy, and therefore calories. The need for minerals and vitamins increases. Complementary foods, in addition, develop the skills of chewing, swallowing, enrich the life of the baby with new tastes and smells.

From the article of the children's doctor, parents will be able to learn how to properly and how to cook mashed potatoes from a variety of vegetables.

The best time to introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet is summer. Dishes made from fresh, not defrosted foods are much tastier and more valuable for the child's body.

A 6-month-old baby will most likely not give up the breast even after the introduction of a full amount of complementary foods. And he will ask her after a hearty breakfast, and after a hearty lunch. In fact, this happens very often. Do not worry, the time will come, and the baby will completely switch to adult food.

During the day, the baby still has 2 - 3 daytime sleep and one night. The duration of the day is individual. From half an hour to several hours.

An uninterrupted night's sleep is 6 to 7 hours, then the child usually wakes up for reinforcements. Some children are already sleeping through the night. True, among infants this is a rarity.

The active phase of sucking is shifted to the last few hours of sleep.

To make the crumbs sleep stronger and longer, small rituals can be introduced into their lives. A ritual is a certain sequence of actions performed before going to bed.

For example, gymnastics, or exercises on a fitball, - bathing - massage - a bottle or chest before going to bed - a lullaby. So, having got used to the given sequence, the child will already know that after all these actions it is necessary to fall asleep.

First tooth

Perhaps not the first, but the second or even the third. For most children, six months is the most common period for the appearance of the first teeth. First, the lower units are cut.

Often this process is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, loosening of the stool and a general deterioration in mood. But as soon as the tooth appears above the level of the gums, all symptoms disappear.

At this time, you need to devote more time to processing toys and washing hands. After all, babies put everything in their mouths. Especially when it itches and hurts. And swollen gums are an excellent environment for the development of various kinds of stomatitis.

If the baby sucks on the pacifier, it's time to wean it off. The pressure that is exerted on growing teeth can lead to improper formation of the jaw apparatus.

Instead of a pacifier, offer your baby a teether.

How to develop a child at 6 months?

The development of a child never stands still. The whole environment with its sounds, smells, tastes and objects already makes possible the development of a 6-month-old baby.

It is important for parents to know that their main contribution to the development of the child from 6 to 7 months is the creation of optimal conditions for the safe knowledge of the baby of this world and all kinds of help and encouragement.

For a child at 6 months, various toys play an important role. The simplest musical instruments will be useful - tambourines, maracas, drums, xylophones.

Of interest to a baby at 6 months are balls of different sizes and colors, toys made of materials of various textures. It will be interesting for the kid to get acquainted with the tactile and sound sensations received from these games.

For the active development of speech with a baby, you need to talk a lot. For some young parents, however, it is quite difficult to tune in to a constant flow of speech. You shouldn't worry. This skill comes to everyone over time.

The sixth month is the right moment to purchase the first book. Preference is given to publications made of thick cardboard, or made of fabric.

Gymnastics complexes, fitball exercises, massage and baby swimming will help in the development of motor skills.

Closer to the year, you can teach your baby to differentiate the main shades. However, the question is relevant even at the age of six months. That is why the baby needs to show objects of various shades to improve visual and color perception.

When should you worry?

Of course, the development of each crumb is individual. But there is a certain list of what a child should be able to do at 6 months without fail. And a baby who cannot, for example, hold his head at 6 months, deserves the close attention of doctors.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • the baby does not hold his head confidently;
  • with a slight sip on the handles, does not make attempts to sit down;
  • does not respond to emotional contact with a smile or animation;
  • does not distinguish between parents and strangers;
  • does not make attempts at pronunciation of sounds;
  • does not respond to sounds and speech;
  • not interested in toys.

Always remember that your baby is beautiful. And the time spent with him is unique.