Crafts from cereals for children 2 years old. Crafts from cereals - the best ideas for children and adults


Original crafts can be made not only from the usual materials: cardboard, paper, plasticine. Things that are created using non-traditional materials that can be found in every home look unusual. More precisely - in every kitchen. Let's look in the kitchen cabinet and think about what crafts can be made from cereals and pasta.

Cereals and flakes as material for creativity

Crafts made from cereals are the best way to keep your child occupied for the benefit of his development. Perhaps Cinderella's stepmother was not so wrong when she forced her to sort through the cereal, separating grain from grain. Such activities develop fine motor skills of the hands, which has the most beneficial effect on the child’s mental abilities.

Various cereals have different textures: by sorting through them, the child develops tactile sensations. In addition, even the simplest options for crafts made from cereals for children develop their creative abilities and awaken their imagination.

Most often used for work:

  • red and white beans;
  • split peas;
  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • semolina.

In the kitchen cabinet you can find other materials for creativity: coffee beans, pumpkin seeds, pasta of various shapes. All of them are used to create original crafts for the home.

Panels for kitchen decoration

What better place to decorate with crafts made from edible materials than the kitchen? A simple panel for wall decoration can be made using different types of cereals. To work you will need:

  • base with frame – cardboard with a printed pattern;
  • different types of cereals;
  • PVA glue or Moment;
  • varnish – decoupage or colorless construction varnish.

To begin, draw the outline of the design onto the cardboard. Beautiful templates for crafts made from cereals can be found on the Internet or you can use large drawings from children's coloring books.

We select which grains to use for certain areas of the drawing. A painting that uses grains of different sizes, colors and textures will look impressive.

Apply a thin layer of glue to each area one by one, filling the entire surface. Carefully, without going beyond the contours of the area, pour the cereal onto the glue. We fill in the next section of the future panel in the same way. The cereal must be glued so that the entire surface of the picture is filled.

Attention! To enhance the effect, you can separate the fragments using a stained glass contour.

At the end of the work, wait until the glue has completely dried, then cover the panel with varnish for preservation and place it in a frame under glass or without it.

Volumetric crafts for home

In the interior of the house, voluminous decorative items made from natural materials look impressive. Take a look at the photos of crafts made from cereals: topiaries and decorative vases, boxes and even coffee table tops can be decorated in an original way with cereals and coffee beans. Such things look especially impressive in eco-style and rustic interiors.

The basis for creating crafts can be:

  • glass;
  • sackcloth;
  • cardboard;
  • tree cuts, etc.

We will not give detailed instructions for making crafts: it is important to understand the principle of their manufacture, and everything else will be told by your imagination.

For example, it is not difficult to decorate a large glass vase or candlestick with cereals or coffee: you need to draw the outline of the design on the surface of the base (to do this, take a white marker for glass), fill the design with glue and carefully pour the cereal onto it. If desired, you can complete the background or details with acrylic paints.

We decorate furniture

Try to imagine how impressive a small coffee table decorated with cereals and seeds will look in the interior of a country house. To do this, it is enough to apply the outline of the design onto the base - the tabletop - and fill it with grains of different textures.

The table will look especially impressive if you make a three-dimensional contour in a contrasting color - white or dark, depending on the color of the table. Cover the tabletop with glass and secure it.

Beans, pumpkin seeds or coffee beans can be used to decorate a mirror frame. The manufacturing principle is the same: we apply glue, attach the cereal to it and cover the frame with varnish. The varnish will additionally fix the grains and add attractiveness and durability to the interior item.

Small home decor items

It's easy to make topiary that will decorate the interior of your home. Before you make a craft from cereal at home, stock up on the following materials:

  • a small flower pot, bowl or mug;
  • a strong but short tree branch or stick for the trunk;
  • foam ball;
  • cereals or coffee beans;
  • small decor, ribbons;
  • glue;
  • gypsum.

First you need to strengthen the trunk in a container by pouring gypsum into it. Then use glue to secure the foam ball to the barrel. Using glue and grains, form a ball. You can pre-paint the base with acrylic paints.

Attach the decor: voluminous flowers and butterflies, leaves. Wrap the topiary trunk with floral tape or satin ribbon or tulle. Decorate the container in the same style. You can use burlap, sisal, etc.

The simplest master class on crafts from cereals:

  • take a bottle or small vase made of transparent glass;
  • pour a little grain of one type on the bottom;
  • Carefully, so that the grains do not mix, pour a layer of other cereals or seeds on top, preferably of a contrasting color and a different texture;
  • fill the container layer by layer. It can become a kitchen decoration or a vase for a composition of dried flowers.

Be inspired and impressed, come up with your own ideas for crafts from inexpensive and always available materials. Involve children in creativity, and your home will become unique, filled with the warmth of the soul invested in every craft.

Photos of crafts made from cereals

At first glance, it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to make applications from buckwheat, such a small grain. However, this is true: buckwheat is an excellent material for crafts.

Buckwheat applications can be made in a wide variety of ways: thematic (fish, chicken, bear cub, Cheburashka, owlet, woodpecker, sunflower), the alphabet from cereals and even entire compositions. If desired, the craft can be easily painted. Then the work will become brighter, richer and more attractive. This activity is very interesting and exciting. The applications turn out amazingly beautiful. They can decorate the kitchen, children's room.

Application from cereals in general, and from buckwheat in particular, This is an opportunity to reveal children's abilities, as well as promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Making crafts from cereals is not difficult. You will need: cereal, PVA glue, a sheet of thick cardboard, markers or felt-tip pens, pencils, gouache for coloring.

How to make buckwheat applications

  1. Prepare a sheet of cardboard, preferably colored.
  2. Print out the drawing you like or draw it yourself using a pencil.
  3. Carefully apply glue along the contour of the image or lubricate all the details of the future application.
  4. Sprinkle buckwheat onto greased areas.
  5. Let dry (this will take about two hours).
  6. Gently shake off any excess grain that has not stuck to it.
  7. Move to the next section of the picture and glue the buckwheat again.
  8. If desired, paint the craft with gouache.
  9. To keep your craft for a long time, spray it with hairspray from a can (hairspray is quite suitable).

How to color buckwheat applications

Buckwheat crafts look much more attractive when the grain is colored. How to do this without ruining the work? It is best to color the core before gluing it. For this:

Pack the resulting colored cereal into different jars. The lid should not be closed. When you decide to do a craft, you have everything prepared in advance.

In applications, buckwheat can be combined with other types of cereals: millet, rice, semolina, as well as peas, pasta, seeds, pistachio shells, eggshells.

Original crafts made from cereals with your own hands will bring joy not only to kids and their parents. They will give a sunny mood to everyone who can admire such beauty.

Our kids have so much energy and curiosity! This can and should be used: let the child make something on his own, create his own naive children's masterpieces. Of course, with your help and active participation, small touching gifts may appear for parents or grandparents - for a holiday or for absolutely no reason, just to say: “I love you.”

Magical transformation of ordinary objects

When a picture emerges from several types of cereals and seeds, it is akin to a miracle. After all, it is traditionally believed that we cook porridge from buckwheat and rice, and throw away melon and watermelon seeds without a second thought if we are not going to plant them. But it won’t be difficult to look at it differently - and try to use non-traditional materials to create crafts.

Then cereals, legumes, seeds will magically turn into paints, and your imagination can suggest very unexpected solutions, and your little one will receive the first lessons in craftsmanship... But before you start mastering crafts from cereals, give your children a short drawing lesson on... semolina. Pour it into the tray and show how your finger can create a picture: a sun, a Christmas tree, a mushroom... The baby will be delighted!

What may be useful

Just imagine: creativity doesn’t require any special devices or materials. You most likely already have everything you need in your home:

When creating crafts from cereals for children with your own hands, you can use the natural colors of the inhabitants of the kitchen cabinet:

  • brown - buckwheat, tea leaves;
  • shades of white - rice, semolina, pumpkin seeds, zucchini;
  • yellow - peas, millet;
  • shortbread - wheat groats;
  • black, gray - seeds.

You can create a whole picture from beans of various colors!

DIY rainbow

But if you want brighter colors, such as red or blue, the solution is simple: change the color of white raw materials with food coloring. Even if a young creator suddenly dares to taste a grain or a seed for inspiration, you will have nothing to fear.

However, if you need to color semolina, you need to use a different technology. To dissolve gouache, you need to mix equal volumes of water and alcohol. In a glass or plastic plate, add the resulting liquid to the paint to achieve the desired shade.

Advice. The most convenient option is to paint a larger amount of cereal: not for one application, but with a reserve. Then you will always have a multi-colored palette ready in jars.

Craft base

You can draw a sketch of the future picture yourself or select an image on the Internet and print it. This is a good solution for adults who are not artists at all.

To begin with, you should try your hand at creating small applications from pumpkin seeds, sunflowers, beans and peas. In this case, plasticine applied to the base inside the contours of the figure can act as glue. For legumes, the retaining layer is needed thicker than for light seeds.

Of course, nothing will work on thin paper; it simply won’t withstand the load. To still use a printed stencil, it is better to stick it on cardboard and then wait until the glue dries.

Fantasy and creativity

What kind of materials do passionate people create their works from: scraps of fabric, pieces of paper, small stone chips... The list can be continued for a long time. And to name all the varieties of crafts is almost unrealistic, there are so many of them!

Hedgehog made from seeds

You can simply make a portrait of a cute animal with a prickly back, or, to complicate the task, draw another path along which the animal goes to its house.

The “Hedgehog” craft from seeds is not very difficult to make together with your child. Of course, you have already prepared a stencil on cardboard in advance, kneaded the plasticine until soft and poured seeds, buckwheat and rice into the bowls.

After completing each fragment filled with cereal, the excess should be shaken off onto a dish or tray. If you do everything step by step, carefully, the result will definitely please both you and the baby.

Is your hedgehog ready to stock up for the winter? Then make several plasticine mushrooms and apples and attach them to the needle seeds.

The works “Chicken” and “Mushroom Family” are performed similarly..

Craft “Flowers in a Vase”

And now it’s time for men (in this case, age is not the main thing, it’s about the state of mind) to get down to business. To make women smile and feel happier, there is one recipe: give them flowers more often. Having received your bouquet, your mother and grandmother will be touched, and your sister or friend will reward you with a radiant smile.

Making crafts from seeds and cereals with your own hands is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And if plasticine was needed for the hedgehog, then this time you will need PVA glue.

During the work process, all elements of the drawing must be done one by one and do not apply glue to several fragments at once: it may dry out, while you are working on one flower.

To ensure that each flower turns out neat, shake off excess grains - this way you will see where they did not stick and correct the situation in time.

To make the application look like a painting, you can create a background for a bouquet in a vase. This is not difficult: just apply glue to the free areas of the paper and sprinkle with semolina or dried tea bags. If at the same time the color of the background changes and becomes lighter from the perimeter to the center, the picture will “come to life.”

Panel “Cats on the night roof”

If you wish, the drawing can be done schematically and made with silhouettes of purrs on both sides of the pipe against the background of the moon and starry sky. Or you can try to create more detailed images - only you can decide how difficult the work will be.

To make it, you can use colored semolina and rice. Using something more massive is not entirely justified, since the panel is made on canvas. It is known that the fabric is overloaded can sag, become deformed and completely ruin the whole job.

If for some reason it is difficult to draw a plot picture yourself, you can print several templates from the Internet, and then transfer the contours to the prepared base.

The panel is characterized by two features: canvas and frame. Whether your work will be enclosed in a finished wooden structure, or whether it will be made from seeds, pasta, or strips of cereal, is up to you to decide. After all, you are the author and have every right to your own idea of ​​beauty.

If you decide to make a picture from colored beans, it is better to take cardboard and plasticine (hot glue). Just keep in mind: in this case, the process of creating a man-made masterpiece will be more like making a mosaic. Or perhaps it will remind your child of putting together puzzles... Either way, it will be a fun activity. This picture can also have a frame made of beans in a contrasting color.

It is quite possible that you will want to create new works with other characters: “Geese and Swans”, “Lisa Patrikeevna and Kolobok”... You never know the plots!

Crafts from different cereals, plant seeds are always original and can be used not only as exhibition objects, but also as full-fledged bright accents in the decor of the kitchen or on the desktop. Well, if you are “dragged” into the creative process, then, probably, a variety of ideas may soon arise and come to life: from topiary and napkin clips to decorated tabletops. Why not?

Attention, TODAY only!

Cereals and coffee beans are the most accessible materials for handicrafts, which are found in almost every home. They make very creative crafts that can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift to a loved one. Crafts made from cereals will allow you to fully unleash your creative abilities and also be fun to do with your children.

If we talk about coffee beans, they not only have a pleasant aroma, but are also quite practical for creative work, as they have optimal parameters. In addition, the smell of high-quality grains stabilizes the nervous system and helps stimulate children's powers of observation, perseverance, the formation of creative thinking and an original approach to business.

How to make paintings from coffee beans

  • A suitable size photo frame.
  • Polymer glue or heat gun.
  • Depending on the idea of ​​the future painting, you can purchase colored paper, aerosol or watercolor paints, as well as any other accessories to your taste.

Before starting work, you need to remove the glass from the frame and remove the protective film from the frame, remove the cardboard lining, and if desired, you can cover it with paper, a plain fabric, or paint it.

Then you need to think over a sketch of the future work. Using a simple pencil, outline the location of the drawing. You can pre-lay out the grains without gluing them to the base, which will allow you to better think through the design and, if desired, modify it. By carefully thinking through the picture, you can avoid mistakes and omissions. In general, the grains can be placed however you want, in absolutely any direction.

If you want to change the shade of the grains, you can tint them with watercolors or spray paints. Don't forget about different types of coffee, which also have differences in color.

After you decide on the color and design idea, you can start gluing the grains. You should not use too much glue, because during the work it can stick out and create unwanted stains. Remove excess glue in a timely manner by blotting it with a dry cloth.

Instead of a photo frame, you can use a wall clock as a basis and also use it as a basis for your creativity.

No less relevant is the idea of ​​​​creating a kind of coffee tree or. It can be made by placing a stick on a stand and attaching a ball of light material, such as paper, to the top. Subsequently, the surface of the ball and the stand are covered with coffee beans.

Crafts from cereals for children in kindergarten

The technique of gluing cereals onto paper differs from the previously presented version with coffee beans. For example, legumes can be glued separately. Small grains can be poured onto a surface coated with glue through a stencil.

Alphabet of cereals for children

When introducing a child to letters, as well as learning to read, it is best to use the three-dimensional letter technique. This will help him remember the letters faster and he will be able to enjoy the unique game.


  • A sheet of cardboard in a neutral shade;
  • Pencils;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Cereals: beans, peas, millet, etc. at your discretion.

Decorate the bottle with cereals or seeds

This craft will be a rather unusual decoration for your home. The design depends on the color of the cereals, which, just like coffee ones, can be tinted.

Educational games using semolina

Games with cereals are widely used to develop fine motor skills in children. To increase interest in the game, the croup can be colored. The essence of the method is that the cereal is poured onto a tray or any other flat surface, giving the child the opportunity to make original designs using his fingers. To begin with, you can choose fairly simple shapes like a circle or square, and then move on to some more specific objects. This technique also develops the baby's creative thinking.

Cereals, seeds and coffee beans are widely used in handicrafts. At the same time, they can be used to make a large number of creative products, interior decorations and even exciting games for children. you can transform ordinary food items and old home decor items into beautiful handcrafted items.