How to cheer up a girl at a distance: in VK or by SMS. How to cheer up a girl in different situations


Everyone has experienced a sense of apathy, moral dissatisfaction and a breakdown. When the mood is bad, but on the run important tasks there is no energy at all, a person begins to look for ways to improve his psychological condition. Psychologists generously pour recommendations, advice, demonstrate various methods and practices that affect a person positively.

There is no universal recipe for good mood, but there is a mass useful tips how to diversify your leisure time, get carried away with something new, forgetting about problems and worries.

  1. Never put things off until tomorrow. The mass of unrealized ideas, plans and the necessary routine work provokes a depressed state. The more work accumulates, the greater the panic or apathy. If there is no strength for unpleasant or hard work, it is better to choose the occupation that is most pleasant for the performer at the moment;
  2. Creativity is a universal cure for blues. Any creative work not only distracts from bad thoughts, but also helps to realize one's deepest potential;
  3. If possible, call friends or close relatives. You can speak out, laugh heartily, sympathize with the problems of others. With a stream of words, painful thoughts and sadness will leave the soul;
  4. The festive event will cheer everyone up. And communication and delicious treats will become another pleasant event in life.

How to cheer up a guy at a distance, via the Internet, via SMS

Subscribers, virtual friends, casual interlocutors do not carry that important emotional message that allows a person to feel important and needed. The essence of kinship is lost, the importance of real relationships.

Especially the feeling of loneliness and bad mood is aggravated when native person is at a considerable distance. It is in such cases that communication through Internet sites or telephone can play a positive role.

To cheer up a guy, a girl should be well versed in the tastes, hobbies, hobbies of her young man. After all, even funny joke, sent to your phone or to an account on a social network, will be able to make you laugh and cheer you up.

Here are some universal ideas on how to cheer up a guy:

  1. Submit a photo or short video. Such a file can not only cheer up a young man, but also awaken in him pleasant feelings nostalgia. In addition, the guy will be pleased that the girl keeps photos and videos with him;
  2. Send your photo (individual, with friends, etc.). At the same time, it is advisable not to post a picture on social networks in order to maintain a sense of some kind of exclusivity;
  3. You can transfer to your phone or via a social network love message. This is not necessarily an odious verse, enough sincere words from the heart. They carry much more energy, meaning, positive;
  4. Offer to listen to "your" favorite song. Music has an amazing property to evoke special memories and feelings;
  5. Simple call. Sometimes it is very important to hear a native voice, to make sure by intonation that a person thinks, misses, loves even at a great distance. The trembling of a native voice, a minute of intimate communication, the fact that a person pays attention, shows initiative - all this is necessary for each of us.

Raising a good mood to a girl, a pen pal

Women are especially capricious. A refined soul is not so easy to unravel, but how to cheer up or calm an angry girl is a secret for many men.

Eat universal advice for each. Whatever the girl, attention and sincerity are important for everyone. Any woman will be delighted with a love message written sincerely, specifically for her.

From a poem copied on the Web or banal phrases flashing on social networks, it breathes cold and primitivism. But if the words come from the heart, it will cause a storm of emotions.

If a girl appreciates humor, you can safely send funny messages with jokes, funny pictures or videos. It is desirable that the content be as individualized as possible to the tastes and preferences of the girl.

By the way, remove interesting videos or take a photo, you can do it yourself. What will be captured there (playing with your beloved kitten, sunset outside the window, a smile, a declaration of love made on the street) does not play a special role. The girl will appreciate the creativity.

When everything is bad, how can a person tune in to positive

Anticipating a problem is worse than the problem itself. This is a truth that no one needs to prove. If everything in life is really very bad, the negative eats up the energy and strength of a person, there is only one way out. It is necessary to act.

  1. First, this is how all problems are solved.
  2. Secondly, if a person is in constant motion, then there will be no time for sadness.

Taking the first step is always difficult. This is not only about eliminating negativity or solving problems. Each of us can “swing” for a long time, tuning in to work.

Psychologists advise arming yourself with the support of friends. It is enough to tell them your new philosophy of life and approximate plans for the future. From friends, active assistance and stimulation is required at the right time.

Psychologists about raising the mood, if it is not there, and you don’t want anything

There are many reasons for bad mood in life. It can be an interrupted relationship - the guy left the girl or the girl left the guy and there is depression and even want to cry. Or sad from the fact that there is absolutely no money. Autumn is also an argument for the state of mind of a person, and the autumn poems read warm up sadness. When you are sick and spend time looking at familiar pictures and photos, videos with friends and girlfriends, these are also memories that do not always bring only joy.

When vitality there is nothing left, I don’t want anything, but the mood is terrible, it’s time to treat yourself. Lots of options.

Every person must find his ideal scenario»: listen to music, watch a series, go for a run, read a book.

The main thing is to start favorite hobby will begin to give strength almost immediately. The only rule is: more active method getting rid of stress and blues, the better. Sometimes everything negative attitude to life only from the fact that people stay at home. Start with a simple walk, discovering the world in a new way. The heart will tell you the right decision further.

Continuation. . .

This will help! -

Zero mood? Look -

Girls - very sensitive and gentle creatures.

What to do if a girl is not in the mood?

We must tune in to the fact that a bad mood can affect the attitude of the girl to others.

Perhaps an upset lady will respond rudely, throw herself into tears, try to close herself off from everyone or blame others for her problems.

In this case it's important to stay calm and remember that a loved one does all this not from evil, but under the influence of a number of complex emotions.

General Tips:

  1. Don't judge her for (do not complain about the situation). If you point out that you do not like her mood, the girl will come to a state of irritation. After all, she is human too!

    She has full right on bad emotions and wants to count on support and understanding in difficult periods.

  2. Do not respond to provocations. Some people remove negativity by quarreling, screaming and withdrawing. But after such a “discharge” of negative emotions, even more accumulates, because there is resentment against a partner. Try to let the barbs go past your ears. When your chosen one calms down, she will become ashamed of her behavior and she will be grateful to you for your patience.
  3. Listen. It is important for a frustrated person to speak out, to remove this burden from the soul and find a like-minded person. Therefore, the guy should become a "vest" and a grateful listener. Perhaps the girl will play "martyr" and escort the guy out the door, while really needing support. In this case, you should gently ask her to tell about what happened several times. But if the fair sex really does not want to talk and openly declares this, it will be superfluous to insist.
  4. Until the girl calms down, you should not point out her mistakes and argue with her.

    Even if the cause of a bad mood was a situation in which she herself was to blame.

    In a state of nervous excitement, the girl will not be able to perceive logical reasoning and get even more angry.

  5. If a girl wants to be alone, give her the opportunity. You can gently ask about the reasons for the bad mood and offer your help / company. But when showing participation, do not be too persistent. Maybe your chosen one needs time to rethink the situation. Or the mention of what happened hurts her. Or she, knowing the peculiarities of her own, wants to calm down a little before talking with you.

    There can be many reasons. And if the girl asked to leave her alone for a while, you should leave.

  6. You can't talk about your problems. If an upset girl talks about her problems, you can not interrupt her and list your hardships. Firstly, this will only increase the feeling of hopelessness, because the girls are very worried about their loved ones. Secondly, the lady will immediately feel that her problems and feelings have been relegated to the background, as the guy "pulled the blanket over himself."
  7. Not a word about PMS! More than anything, women do not like when they are exposed as unbalanced and inadequate personalities. And tie into one story critical days And breakdown has long been a bad habit.
  8. Always pay attention on the girls. Most problems can be avoided by responding in time to changes in a woman's mood. If your significant other is upset or slightly annoyed, show concern and concern, ask leading or direct questions about the mood. As a result, the girl will speak out immediately and will not wind herself up.
  9. Tactile contact. Hug and kiss the girl, show tenderness. Touch can distract bad thoughts, set to positive tone and charge with positive energy.

What lifts your spirits?

If serious reasons the girl does not have to worry, and the mood has deteriorated as a result of a series of unpleasant little things, you can return the lady to a good mood with the help of little surprises.


A cute postcard with a soulful signature will cheer you up. But an unexpected surprise will work even more effectively.

Instead of handing over the card, you can push it in the gap under the door.

Or ask a friend to work "courier" and delivered humble gift in the name of a girl. And if the girl actively uses diary, you can hide the present between the sheets.

To do this, you will need to hide sweets or a gift in the apartment.

Then you need to draw a schematic representation of the rooms inside the postcard and mark the location of the treasure.


You can lift your spirits with joint photo on which are imprinted memorable events or exciting moments.

You can bring a photo album look at pictures together discussing this or that photo in a positive way.

Meeting with friends

No one understands a girl better than her friends. Take the initiative and arrange a meeting with your friends. Invite them home or book a table in a cafe.

In most cases, soarings dislike their girlfriends' friends and prevent frequent meetings. But some problems of the fairer sex can be openly discussed only with girlfriends.

Give your loved one a break

If your significant other works, studies and does household chores, she might just be tired.

And if you add household troubles to this, you can get a full-fledged one.

Send the girl to sleep or watch your favorite series, then go grocery shopping, cook dinner, do general cleaning or write your own notes to make life easier for a girl.

After she regains her strength, her mood will certainly rise.

Help her relax

To recharge with positivity just a change of scenery. Walk on fresh air, going to a museum or cinema will distract the girl from sad thoughts. You can involve your beloved in a game with pets, tell her funny story etc.

The most important thing is to capture her attention and bring positive.

How to cheer up a girl who is sad or sick?

Sometimes an upset girl cannot be brought to a frank conversation, and intrusive questions only exacerbate the situation.

In this case, it is necessary to abstract from the problem and act by "workarounds".

Sweets and compliments - this is a universal set that will cheer up any girl. It is very important that compliments are not feigned and forced.

Speak sincerely and from the heart. Well, if a girl is on a diet or proper nutrition, sweets can be replaced with fruits, or any other goodies that can please her.

A sick person needs support. Cook your favorite hot soup, go get some medicine and make sure she can relax.

If she agrees, you can call her boss and friends yourself to cancel scheduled appointments and appointments referring to the poor health of the girl.

And, of course, show that you love your soulmate, regardless of her appearance and states. After all, women always worry about how they look during illness. kiss and pleasant words will strengthen her belief that for you she is always irresistible.

What to write to her?

If there is no way to be near the girl or she wants to be left alone, this does not mean that you can let the situation take its course. Support her by texting.

Enough short encouraging messages:

If a funny or funny story happened to you, you can describe it and send it to the girl in the form of a short story.

You can lift your spirits with short SMS that do not imply dialogue or response:

I'm texting the biggest happiness on Earth,
and so beautiful
that you got me.
In a dream and in reality
I see only you.
You light up my life
My love!

This text went to the princess
And revealed in all its glory
Soon we will be with you together
After all, fate brought us together.

Dear angel told me
That you are my ideal
I thank heaven
Because I love you!

You can give pleasant emotions with the help of poems:

What happened, baby, why are you sad,
Where is your smile? I do not see her!
Dear, dear, gentle my baby -
Share with me, I won't offend!

Cheer up a little, lift your eyes
Look at the sky - the birds are flying in it!
Throw your sorrows far back
May joy bloom in your heart!

I am endlessly bewitched by you,
You are the meaning of life, an angel in the flesh,
You are constantly fascinated
And if something is wrong, please forgive me!

Every day you just inspire
You are constantly needed next to me
And I'll do everything you dream of
If only it was always mine!


Let your mood today
Like a bird soars into the sky.
Throw away all burdens, doubts,
Let miracles swirl.

May peace and joy be in your soul
Like scarlet orchids bloom.
Don't let fatigue bother you
But only happiness, tenderness and comfort.

What to say to her?

How to cheer up your girlfriend with words?

Young woman would love to hear compliments no matter what state of mind she is in.

But in order to "hit the target", you have to be observant.

It's not worth talking common phrases. Better focus on the little things. Mark in a positive way a new hairstyle, manicure or outfit.

Compliment those little things that really attract you to your girlfriend (eyes, gait, manner of speech, etc.). Work great and situational compliments- examples:

  • “You are very feminine today!”
  • “I have long noticed your new lipstick. She suits you very well.”
  • "I love your perfume!"

The girl will also be pleased to know that you need her. Tell me what you missed, want to know her opinion about important issue or you can't make any decision without it.

Any person feels a surge of strength when it becomes important and necessary.

If you have an extraordinary sense of humor, you can try to make the girl laugh with a witty phrase or arrange a mini-standup. But the main thing to remember is that jokes should not:

  • make fun of a girl
  • make fun of the unpleasant situation in which the girl found herself;
  • make fun of her friends or loved ones.

How to cheer up your best friend?

If best friend fell into despair, try to get her to talk and listen carefully.

Do not want to discuss an unpleasant topic? try take her out for a walk or out with friends at her favorite place.

And in order to raise her, you can arrange a bachelorette party with cosmetics, trying on outfits and styling. Sweets or pizza in this situation will not be superfluous at all.

The most important thing is to treat the girl with understanding. Every person has moments of sadness. And don't add fuel to the fire. It is also not worth being offended and “climbing into the soul”.

Otherwise bad taste will remain even when a good mood returns to the girl. After all, in a difficult moment, she needed support, not censure.

How to cheer up a girl? Learn about it from the video:

Silence, peace, the moon is getting higher ... Jealousy in the heart, the roof is going! Come soon, come on! Or from the roof of the Shiganu. 9

Gather your lips in a bow, relax, stretch in a smile, relax, show a duck with your lips, relax. Repeat 10 times every 15 minutes before my arrival! 14

Wanted the most beautiful person in the world who illegally crossed the border of love and stole my heart! I suspect you in the first place! 10

Your lucky number: 73526852234316562. Look for him everywhere! 7

Due to the violation of the article of the love code, I condemn you to life imprisonment in my heart. We will seal the verdict with a kiss, it is final, not subject to appeal. 30

If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, then don't stop. 30

I lie, struck in the heart, my fate is inexorable. And medicines will not help here, the disease of love for you is incurable! 11

My heart was stolen by you. Take it - I'm not greedy! 20

Honey, I love you so much that the zipper on my jeans can't stand it! 10

Do you know what people say behind your back? - Cool ass! 13

Sending you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and fun. Your photo, of course! 11

The virus got into my phone book, chose the most beautiful, smart, affectionate, sexy and charming girl and sent her this sms! 22

I need to have a serious talk with you. I have a bad news. It will be better if you learn about it from me. Imagine, quite by accident I found out such a nightmare, it turns out that Santa Claus does not exist! 13

The pulse is beyond the limit, the pressure is high, the state of mind is terrible, there is no coordination, the diagnosis depends on you, the treatment is your love! 11

In paradise they said that the most fled from them beautiful angel… But I did not betray you! 16

I want to gently kiss you so that your heart never freezes! I miss you, my love! 27

You live in my heart, you live in my soul, in my thoughts, in my head. When will you pay for your stay? 17

Autumn has come, the leaves are falling. I don't need anyone but you. 9

The world is conquered by the brave, the strong, the noble. Of course, it's about me! 9

One hundred thousand chipmunks, kittens and pandas cannot be compared with you in softness and fluffiness! 10

I would like to send you all my love, but I'm afraid there is not enough space in the smartphone's memory! 14

You've won two tickets to tomorrow's city cleanup! Brooms and dustpans are provided for free! The offer is limited. 7

You are very beautiful and beautiful girls gotta breed! 11

You are just awesome! You are beautiful! Your belly button is absolutely stunning! 12

How to cheer up a girl? When someone is sad or sad, there is a natural need to help a person, to cheer him up, to cheer him up. The reasons for a girl's sadness can be varied, from simple boredom to serious problems, and in what way it is better to change her mood depends on the degree of your spiritual closeness, openness and ability to feel the right moment. The main condition is to stock up on patience and attention, only with a solid supply of these qualities, it becomes clear how you can cheer up a girl.

How to cheer up your girlfriend?

The primary action is to explore the situation and show interest in the reasons for the decrease in mood. While probing the soil, it is not so important what your beloved girl will say, as how much attention you will listen to her. Because if at the beginning of the story you devalue or dismiss the situation, considering it frivolous, you will not hear the continuation, and the mood of your passion will only worsen. So, to get information, you should not interrupt, give unsolicited advice, express criticism - just listen, encourage, nod, ask clarifying questions when she stops, try to make your voice sound caring and sympathetic. It often happens that simply by speaking out and having received such silent support, the girl’s mood improves, and from problem situation there is an exit.

Then you can insert a few humorous comments or bring the current situation to the point of absurdity (unless, of course, the situation itself and your sense of humor allow). Often gloating together and transforming sadness into laughter, the mood is evened out by a splash of accumulated ones. Any actions and topics that come from you are good (except for a frankly opposite character) - the main thing is to remain in emotional and informational (and preferably physical) contact with an upset girl (you can get angry, upset, turn everything into laughter), since the most negative behavior in the current situation is to pretend to be a wall and wait until it passes by itself. It will pass, but not by itself, and then it will only get worse for you.

It is important to feel the moment if the beloved girl does not yet want to share what happened and reveal her thoughts and feelings (remember that reluctance to speak can appear at any stage of communication). Then it is better to stop all inquiries, and communicate your desire to always provide the necessary assistance when she considers it necessary. You can do something for her that she definitely loves - this is sympathy, which will help express and possibly melt the ice, allowing you to find out the causes of the disorder. Share your time, reschedule a meeting, free up the weekend to devote this time to her, take her to a cafe or for a walk. Actions aimed at helping her, even indirectly, will say more about yourself than a lot of empty text about how you are going through.

How can you cheer up a girl with actions? From spending time together, which has a good effect on mood, you can choose walking (saturation of the body with oxygen raises emotional background), visiting interesting places, listening to music (an effective anti-stress factor), communicating with animals (your own or someone else's, the main thing is that there is an opportunity tactile contact with an animal).

To cheer up your beloved girl, it is not necessary to be physically close all the time, and this does not always work out. You can talk to her on the phone, let her know that she is not alone, even if it seems to her that you are taking care of her with the means available to you, even at a distance (make sure that a smile can be seen in your voice, this is encouraging). When a person in a conversation is very immersed in negative moments and literally gets bogged down in them, like in a quagmire, the best thing you can do is change the topic to a more fun one by telling a funny story about yourself or mutual acquaintances, topics about funny cases involving pets. The main thing is to move the girl off the depressive wave and not to let herself wind up.

How to cheer up a girl in VK? If the situation has dragged on for several days, then several progressive steps should be taken: in the morning, please the girl with something, let it be a cute picture posted on the Internet, a wish good morning and smiley. You can offer to plan together the next day or week, it would be nice if the list of plans includes entertainment items and activities that can really unload life situation your girlfriend. Give her a break from everyday life. domestic work(make dinner, take your clothes to the dry cleaners) or unload some things (pay your bills, go to the store).

All these general tips must be adjusted in accordance with the personality of your girlfriend, because for a standard box of chocolates you can run into a scandal and get the opposite of the expected effect.

How else can you cheer up a girl? If a girl loves adventure and extreme sports, then it is better to offer her a hike, a trip to a new area or a dinner on the roof. For a romantic person, present yourself as a grateful listener and a bouquet of lovely flowers. For a girl who is used to achieving everything or building a career, create conditions where she can feel like a winner (lose her a game, give in to competitions). A girl who looks more like her shirt-boyfriend is likely to honestly and openly talk about the problem that has arisen, ask for your opinion; you can influence her mood if she is now able and ready to seriously harm the offender (offer any activity that requires physical activity to relieve excess stress, and she will feel much better). Creative personality you need recognition of her achievements and do not skimp on praise.

How to quickly cheer up a girl?

It is better to act on several factors at once, little by little, than to try to get the most out of the application of one piece of advice and repeat it until it gives a result. Most likely, if the mood did not rise at least a little immediately, it is worth moving on to the next options.

So, tips on how to quickly cheer up a girl. Try to feed your beloved with something delicious (remember about individual approach), food affects the primary centers of pleasure, and the substances contained in some products (bananas, chocolate) directly raise the level of endorphins, which improves mood. Do not forget about the appropriate environment, let it be a cozy restaurant, or a homemade dinner decorated with candles, and even better cooked by you.

Compliment her. They write about it everywhere and always forget about it, because, having tried the standard praise, they often get a completely non-positive answer. Try to approach the compliment creatively, noticing the uniqueness of this particular girl (she has elegant ears, funny heels, philosophical judgments about cakes) - and it doesn’t matter how it will be presented, at least by text message, even by a TV appearance. The compliment should be adequate to the situation, so if you have been complaining about the boss for an hour, you should not praise the beautiful figure of the girl, it is better to praise her line of behavior in conflict situation, to express pride in her ability to behave with dignity.

You can cheer up your beloved girl by giving her bright and new impressions - extreme rest, unusual excursions, anything that will stand out as much as possible against the background of everyday activities. A surge of adrenaline increases the level of joy, makes you feel life brighter, awakens interest.

Body contact as one of effective methods raising the mood - hold the hand, let him lean on his shoulder, hug, give a massage. With physical contact, a person feels his involvement in society, his need and feels the care of another person. If you are in different cities, then describe how you would hug her now, hug her to yourself, hide from everything bad in this world (do not skimp on the details and colors, let her completely draw this picture).

Offer the girl shopping, this activity relieves stress (new emotions) and brings joy (acquisition of a new one). But be sensitive to yourself, and if you instinctively hate shopping, then it is better to send a girl with a friend there than to go and spoil the trip with your displeased appearance.

Watch a movie, only depending on the situation, choose either going to the cinema (when the girl is sad from being at home all the time) or watching movies at home (after all, there are situations when the presence of people around can only be annoying). Discuss plans for the future, because bad things always end, and bright dreams can dispel the clouds of bad mood that have arisen now.

The reasons for bad mood may be a decrease vitality and interest, lack of a favorite thing and interesting lesson. In such a situation, find joint occupation, which will take time and bring color to an established life. Help the girl decide what she likes, or if she has difficulty organizing her favorite activity, help her with this.

But there are situations when a girl fails to quickly cheer up. It is worth paying attention to whether such a state is caused by a personal crisis, a series of strong traumatic events. In such situations, a psychotherapist is the best help, and you will need support, empathy and participation. Bad mood, because they didn’t get enough sleep or due to a hormonal surge and starting have different soil under them and require various ways fight.

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

In recent decades, new technological solutions have appeared in order to provide the opportunity to be near a person morally and provide support even at a distance. And with that came new question- what to write to a girl to cheer up?

Using the opportunities provided social networks, you can also please your beloved by liking, commenting on photos and posts, sending cute messages and stickers. It is better not to copy poems already written by someone and smart phrases, try to write for yourself and for the one whose mood you are now taking care of, so the girl can feel her own value and significance.

A gift service is provided in social networks - choose the most romantic one (a heart with wings) and the one you like (a teddy bear with a box of chocolates) and send it to your girlfriend. Perhaps this is one of the simplest ways that does not require any time or imagination. Can you send it to a girl merry song, video or picture. Make your signs of attention individual, for example, send your funny selfie - this will please you much more than a photo of kittens that has spread all over the Internet.

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence - examples. With the development of various services online communication, almost forgotten such a way of communication as writing paper letter, which, precisely due to the rarity of its existence in modern conditions, will have an impressive effect on the girl. You can write a whole real letter or sign a postcard, stick a stamp and send it by mail, or you can write notes on paper with a wish Have a good day, a successful signing of a contract, a declaration of love or a hand-drawn picture and put it in your girlfriend's purse or pocket.

If you are wondering what to write to a girl on VK to cheer you up, then words of support, jokes, compliments and a text about her significance in your life will be surefire options. Write about what you would like to be around now and give her hot chocolate to drink (warm your hands, take you home in a taxi). Use more emoticons and stickers that will express your feelings (smiles, hearts) or supportive gestures (winks, hugs), as well as your desires (a cup of coffee, a rose, a gift).

Try not to use slang and abbreviations in such correspondence, as such text can make you feel that you do not consider the situation that caused her sadness to be serious enough. It is better to communicate with a person adhering to such a manner as if he were now nearby, using the words and phrases characteristic of this, it is appropriate here to describe not only your thoughts about what is being discussed, but also possible actions support, such as "hug", "kiss".

Even if they do not respond to your messages or gifts on the Internet, and the words spoken, the gifts presented and walks do not bring instant results, you should not fall into despair and make claims to the girl about her mood. Do everything disinterestedly, and then perhaps the next morning, having accumulated enough of your warmth, a ray will look into your life good mood your favourite.

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Everyone good day! It is within our power to make such a day. We can create it for ourselves and for loved one. Become designers perfect day, and part-time wizards, not at all difficult. You just need to know the recipe the right ingredients and their proportions. Let's see how today cheer up your girlfriend or wife. And one moment. Often, giving a good mood to another, we do our own much better!

There are many reasons why you want the mood of your beloved to be on top. For example, if you had a little quarrel and want to get back together. Or, some trouble depresses your girlfriend. For example, at work, the boss Once again went mad, or someone in the store stole shoes that they liked so much from under their noses. So what to do to make sadness go away? Let's see how we can act in different directions.

If you are around

Sometimes, it’s not worth it to invent, everything you need is at hand. This is your love. It is she who will tell you the most effective ways:

  1. Hug and kiss;
  2. Tell a funny story that happened to you. Don't remember history? Retell in your own words the plot of some funny movie or book;
  3. Yes and funny jokes have not lost their power to entertain. Take advantage of this;
  4. Buy something tasty or some cute trinket. It seems like a plush bunny means nothing. But she will warm the heart and will surely bring a smile;
  5. And here is a method that has been operating for centuries, and continues to be valid today - poetry! There is something warm in them for a girl's soul. Awaken romance by reading funny or lyrical lines.

Of course, the very magic of your presence is at work here! But still, if your beloved sees your efforts and the search for an opportunity to cheer, she will appreciate it and answer with a smile, a radiant look or a mischievous laugh.

What if there is distance between you? How to be? I continue to share ways that can cheer you up.

How to cheer up from a distance

We are always there if we want it. Modern ways connections will help not to part even for a second. Viber, Votsap, Facebook, Skype, and much, much more are created for a single purpose - to keep in touch. What more do we need to say "I love you"? And what can better lift the spirit and improve well-being? It can only be done in different ways.

Therefore, let's use these systems, social networks and applications to:

  1. Send video. There are so many on the web right now; the Internet is filled without refusal with all sorts of short videos on different topics. Knowing the tastes of your girlfriend, you can easily find the appropriate one that will cope with the task - to make you laugh.
  2. Don't forget that your call, your voice, your presence and willingness to listen, mean much more. Therefore, just dial her number and be there for as long as you need.
  3. Support your beloved by SMS. Sometimes some people forget about this possibility, but in vain. Some words you want not only to hear, but also to re-read several times. Therefore, write and send messages! How to cheer up your girlfriend via SMS? The main thing is warmth and positive in words. Reassure you that you are there and support no matter what happens. Even if your friend doesn't get the message right away, it will catch up with her and always stay by her side!
  4. Submit your music. She always created an aura of positivity. If you have common musical compositions that both of you like, give them again and again in right time. Some songs with certain lyrics are able to say and convey what you would like to say.
  5. Also, a very simple way Pictures. It can be absolutely everything! Your funny grimace, or cute fluffy. What if you prepared romantic dinner or little surprise? Then quickly take a picture of it and send it! Be sure, it will cause a storm of healthy emotions!

Of course, it is worth considering that we are all different from each other. And what will amuse one person will cause sad reflections and even a sea of ​​questions and worries in another. Therefore, go the proven route if you want to get the expected result. Or, act on the basis of what you know about your beloved, about her tastes and desires. And also, do not be enslaved, reveal your talent to amaze!

It remains to wish have a nice day and the courage to be creative! Look for ways to make life more interesting for each other! And I say goodbye! Let me just remind you that in new article You will be replenished with recipes for happiness. And you will see how different it can be, but always the most expected and most necessary. And therefore, do not miss the next, and all subsequent articles, subscribe, invite friends who will appreciate our conversations and will be active participants in them. And that's all for today! Bye!