Should pregnant women eat spicy, fried, smoked, sour and canned foods? You can eat canned foods during pregnancy.


Having become pregnant, many women immediately exclude from their diet many dishes that previously formed the basis of their diet - after all, in the woman’s opinion, these dishes can harm the fetus. Is it necessary to do this?

Yuri Alexandrovich Kopanev, pediatric gastroenterologist Consultative and Diagnostic Center MNIIEM named after. G. N. Gabrichevsky in Moscow, candidate medical sciences, believes that pregnancy is not a self-sufficient reason for complete change eating habits future mother. After all, a sharp change in diet can immediately affect the metabolism in the body, and therefore strict diets during bearing and feeding a child are most often not justified. Some foods are excluded from the diet for absolutely no reason, simply “just in case.”

Preservatives should be eliminated

Of course, there are certain absolute prohibitions for pregnant women, but there are not so many of them. You need to completely eliminate foods that contain preservatives from your diet. First of all, these are canned goods with a long shelf life. If canned food says “no preservatives”, it can be consumed. Because of preservatives and dyes, you should not drink sweet carbonated water or eat chocolate or smoked sausages. Avoid drinking too strong coffee and tea, as well as whole milk.

Give up milk

Whole milk is not recommended for pregnant women to drink, and it is simply contraindicated for breastfeeding women. It contains too much allergenic protein. It doesn’t matter what the fat content of the milk is: any milk on the supermarket shelves is whole. However, you can add it in small quantities to tea or coffee, drink it after boiling it, and you can cook soups and porridges with milk. Besides, everything dairy products- yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream - you are allowed, and they can more than make up for the lack of milk.

In small quantities

Homemade canned food, canned vegetables, fish roe - if all this was prepared without preservatives, it can be included in the menu of a pregnant and lactating woman without large quantities. The same applies to sweets. Exotic and red fruits, as well as their juices, are also best consumed as a delicacy.

Make way for citrus fruits

Do not exclude grapefruits, tangerines, oranges from your diet - this makes no sense, eat them in reasonable quantities.

No fatty or fried foods

Of course, it is better to exclude fatty and heavily fried dishes - but this is not a reason to eat only bland boiled food. You can simply avoid frying foods to a crisp, and also avoid eating too much chips. Replace your favorite lard with ham, adjika with mustard.

Drinking regime

Drink as much fluid as you were used to drinking before pregnancy. Of course you will need to change drinking regime, if there are medical contraindications to use large quantity liquids. Nursing mothers need to drink a lot of water - it is especially important to drink a glass of compote, water or tea half an hour before and half an hour after feeding.

Child's allergies and mother's diet

Allergic reaction in infant may occur 2-12 hours after a nursing mother has eaten something. Therefore, there is no need to look for the cause of your baby’s allergy in the grapefruit eaten yesterday morning; look for the cause in your recent lunch or dinner. However, the importance of diet when breastfeeding often exaggerated - the composition of milk affects general state child is barely a fifth among the rest external factors. Therefore, there is no need to impose too strict restrictions on your own diet. If you breastfeed only a couple of times a day, and the rest of the time you give your baby formula, then you can afford even more in your diet.

The older the child, the less influence the mother’s diet has on him. It makes sense to exclusively breastfeed only for the first 4-5 months after the baby is born, to increase the child’s immunity - up to 6 months. After this age there is nothing biologically new from mother's milk the child no longer receives, and further breastfeeding is more psychologically necessary.

Down with cellulite

Olga Eduardovna Zaikina, presenter Researcher Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, advises pregnant and lactating women not to forget about themselves and prevent the appearance of cellulite. After all, it is during pregnancy, especially with a pronounced hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of cellulite, that it most often appears. That's why good nutrition should, at the same time, be aimed at combating cellulite - these two nutritional functions are very easy to combine.

1. The amount of fried foods in the diet should be kept to a minimum. The same applies to fatty meats, sausages, cheeses, pickles, marinades, pates. Reduce your consumption of confectionery products - cakes and cream pies, etc.

2. It is better to eat poultry after removing the skin.

3. The bread used should be coarsely ground.

4. Do not consume products with dyes, imitators, flavor enhancers, and flavorings.

5. Eat large quantities of raw vegetables, among which be sure to give preference to lettuce and cabbage, fruits and grain bread, vegetable oils, fish and seafood, whole porridge, cooked in water.

6. Fish, meat and poultry should be eaten without sauces, dairy products should be chosen with a minimum amount of fat.

During pregnancy you can take cold and hot shower, copes well with cellulite, use anti-cellulite creams, do a light massage. But immediately give up shorts and pants for weight loss, as well as special anti-cellulite belts. Otherwise, you will make your baby sweat in the sauna even before he is born. After giving birth, do not immediately begin active weight loss. Another year after giving birth, your body will return to normal; its endocrine restructuring at this time is not yet complete. But you can do gymnastics and resort to exercise from time to time fasting days. Do not eat large quantities of black bread, grapes, legumes, sauerkraut- otherwise your stomach may swell.

” №9/2011 27.08.14

Since even an absolutely healthy pregnant woman the work of the gastrointestinal tract is complicated and problems with the kidneys may arise, doctors sometimes play it safe by prohibiting canned food pregnant women. But if you approach the purchase of canned food and canning yourself wisely, problems should not arise.

When canned food is prohibited?

So why don't doctors recommend it to people with diseases? digestive system and kidneys to eat canned food? Because they contain substances that irritate the affected organs, complicating their already bad job, prevent the removal of fluid from the body. In addition, canned products contain antibacterial additives belonging to the group of antibiotics - tetracycline drugs, as well as acetylsalicylic acid. Why introduce unnecessary substances into the body?

On the other hand, cod liver, for example, is rich in vitamins A and D, which are beneficial for the body. And I really want pickled cucumber...

What should we give? To begin, strictly observe the following conditions:

you must not suffer from chronic or acute illness stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, bile ducts;
you are not allergic to a particular product;
you use canned foods, as they say, without fanaticism.

By the way, all of the above applies to canned food homemade . After all, they contain the same ingredients as industrially canned food.

Natural preservatives

These include sugar, salt, lemon acid, vinegar. All these substances slow down the processes of rotting and decomposition and preserve the properties of a fresh product. However, sugar is known to make you feel better, salt prevents the removal of fluid from the body, and any acid can irritate the stomach lining. But if you really want something salty, then you can get by with not a little blood, but definitely a little salt.

The simplest recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers is a liter of water, 50 g of salt, a couple of cloves of garlic, a few sprigs of dill, a currant leaf and a kilogram of medium-sized cucumbers. The cucumbers need to be washed, lightly pricked with a fork and placed in rows in a jar, topped with currant leaves, coarsely chopped dill and finely chopped garlic. Fill with salt water - and after a day you can enjoy it. Such cucumbers will not last long, and you are unlikely to let them stand for long!

Canned juices

Freshly squeezed juices can be prepared by pasteurization or hot filling.

In the first case, the juice needs to be strained, heated to about 80 degrees, strained again through flannel or several layers of gauze, and heated again over a fire to 80 degrees. Immediately pour into clean, prepared containers and pasteurize at a temperature of at least 85 degrees.

In the second case, heat the juice filtered through cheesecloth to 80 degrees, filter again to remove sediment, heat to a boil, immediately pour into hot jars and seal with tin lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave until cool.

If you have low blood pressure, be careful with chokeberry juice.

Before use, jars must be pasteurized: liter jars - at a temperature of 85-90 degrees for at least 20 minutes, half-liter jars - at least 15.

How to freeze food

You can freeze almost any fruit, berries, vegetables, and herbs. You can freeze food in pieces in bulk, or you can put them in rectangular shapes - this way the space in the refrigerator is used more economically. Of course, before freezing, food must be thoroughly washed and spoiled areas cut out.

You will have to tinker with the berries: after washing, you need to scatter them on a flat surface ( cutting board, for example), dry it and put it in the freezer. And only then pour it into a bag or container. Peaches and plums are pitted and cut in half. Apples and pears are cut into pieces (without cores).

Dried fruits

If you want to make a supply of dried fruits, for example apples and pears, cut them into slices about half a centimeter thick and dry them on a baking sheet in the oven: apples for 5 hours, and pears for at least 8 hours, constantly stirring the slices.

Label inscription

Letter E: natural and artificial food additives. They complement the taste of the product and extend its shelf life. Most of these additives are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (except for E-121, E-123, E-240, E-924a, E-924b).

Carcinogenic E: E-103, 121, 123, 125, 126, 130, 210, 213-217, 240, 330, 447.

Allergenic E: E-230, 231-232, 239.

Hazardous to the gastrointestinal tract E: E-171-173, 221-226, 320-322, 338-341,407, 450,461-466.

On any canned food, the markings must be clearly visible: letters and numbers are either embossed or applied with indelible, indelible paint.

Under no circumstances buy canned food on which the expiration date (manufacture date) is not clearly visible, is missing at all, and raises doubts about its authenticity!

You should be wary: too long term suitability, abundance of ingredients, substances with unclear names, lack of inscriptions in Russian.

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In our country, olives are the fruits of olive trees collected before they ripen. Dark olives are the same olives, but collected after the fruit has fully ripened.

The name "olives" comes from the word "butter" due to the fact that oil is usually made from ripe fruits.

There are more than 60 varieties of olive trees. But not all of them bear edible fruits. Olives can be divided into two kinds.

First richer in content vegetable oil and fat, this type is used to produce oils.

Second is more suitable for consumption, and its oil content does not exceed the permissible norm for humans. Olives, depending on the variety, come in different sizes.

Olives and olives differ not only in color and degree of ripeness, they also taste different. The olives are juicy and soft. Olives are firmer and less oily.

Olives and black olives arrive on our table after special processing. They are not consumed raw. Because they taste bitter.

Olives take longer to process than green olives. It is worth noting that olives that have undergone special processing for consumption do not lose their natural qualities and are still capable of enriching the human body with important elements.

Olives and black olives - Good Morning program

Olives and black olives during pregnancy


During pregnancy, eating olive fruits and products made from them is certainly beneficial. Olives contain essential nutrients for humans fatty acid and microelements.

In different proportions, but Olives contain all the vitamins, necessary for the human body.

Olives are quite a filling product. They are easy to satisfy hunger because they are high in calories and nutrition.

Olive fruit contain more than 50% vegetable oil and fats. They are rich in proteins, fiber, and...

They contain many microelements, for example, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, copper, and other elements.


Olives and black olives, despite everything beneficial features, are not served at our table in kind, but in canned.

Keep in mind that preservatives may cause problems, so consume in moderation and with caution.

Preservatives, especially if they were of poor quality or their dosage was exceeded during production, can harm your immunity and weaken it. But this can only happen if you eat canned olives excessively and of poor quality.

Canned olives contain a lot of salt. You should be careful with salt during pregnancy, complications with the kidneys may occur, bladder or will rise.


Eating olives contributes to the normalization of functioning of cardio-vascular system , digestive systems and cell regeneration of the body.

Olives replenish and saturate the human body minerals and sodium salts.

They have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, prevent the formation of blood clots. Helps cleanse blood vessels.

During pregnancy, cholesterol levels rise to double their normal levels. Use daily two tablespoons unrefined olive oil helps regulate cholesterol levels within the established norm.

The fruits of the olive tree, especially the green ones, have a good effect on bile levels and intestinal function. Women during pregnancy often suffer from stomach illness.

Olives are good for the liver. If during pregnancy there were malfunctions in the functioning of this organ, then the use of olive products will have a beneficial effect on regulating the recovery process.


You should avoid eating olives and olive oil if you have an individual intolerance to the product.

Olive oil promotes the production of bile; this should be taken into account in case of gallbladder diseases and it is better not to eat it. Olive products have no other contraindications.

The benefits of olives - “Everything is under control” program

Methods of use

Some people prefer olives with a pit, while others prefer them without one. There are olives stuffed, marinated, olives with pepper and vinegar.

During pregnancy Do not overuse foods containing vinegar, a lot of salts or hot pepper . It is better to avoid preparing olives this way.

Even if your pregnancy is progressing well and nothing is bothering you, drinking two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily will benefit both you and your baby.

Olive oil has beneficial properties not only for internal consumption, it can also be used for outdoor use.

Expectant mothers are afraid of what will remain on their body. For that, to prevent If a defect that is unpleasant for the skin appears, you should take care of the condition of the skin and moisturize it regularly.

Olive oil, due to its content of vitamins A and E, does a great job of moisturizing the skin.

If you lubricate the skin of your abdomen, thighs and chest with olive oil every day after taking a shower, you will not be in danger of developing stretch marks after childbirth.

Precautionary measures

If before pregnancy a woman did not eat olives regularly, then this product should be introduced into the diet gradually.

During pregnancy Special attention It is worth paying attention to the quality of the products. Be sure to read the ingredients on the package. Check the expiration date of the product you purchase.

It is better to choose products from a well-known and trusted manufacturer. Don't save money; if products are on sale at a deep discount or on sale, there may be something wrong with them.

Don't store olives in a jar, be sure to pour them into a bowl. In an iron can, olives are susceptible to oxidation.

Do not eat olives that have been left open for more than three days. Not worth the risk own health. Remember that your well-being is reflected in the well-being of your baby.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful, but at the same time, an alarming period of time for the expectant mother. Olive oil- nothing more than beauty elixir, created by nature itself and donated to man, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and rejuvenation.

Consuming olive oil and olive products during pregnancy will make you not only a healthy but also a beautiful expectant mother.

Changes often during pregnancy taste preferences future mother. But many foods can be harmful to the body. Is it possible to eat pineapple during pregnancy, especially in large quantities? Will it harm the child?

Composition of pineapple

The fruits of this exotic fruit contain a lot of useful elements:

  • bromelain
  • phosphorus
  • carotene
  • vitamin PP, groups B, D, A, C
  • calcium
  • folic acid
  • iron
  • sodium

Such essential components are contained only in fresh fruit or freshly squeezed juice from it. A canned product loses almost all its positive traits and turns into an ordinary dessert that has no value.

Bromelain– a useful and rare substance contained in pineapple that improves protein absorption. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improves well-being, preserves youth and beauty skin, helps to dissolve fibrin plugs that form in the veins.

At the same time, bromelain has an antioxidant and antiseptic effect. Thanks to it and a complex of minerals and vitamins, fresh fruit is considered useful for women during pregnancy, although you should not get carried away with such an exotic fruit.

In large quantities, the active enzymatic compound increases uterine tone.

That's why frequent use pineapple in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially if there is bleeding And nagging pain lower abdomen, can contribute to termination of pregnancy.

Ripe pineapple is rich in sucrose, nutritional fiber, antioxidants, and organic acids. It is quite acceptable to introduce 1-2 fetuses per month into the diet during pregnancy. It is important to choose a ripe fruit, and not one that is overripe or picked prematurely.

Useful properties of pineapple

A couple of pieces of ripe fruit will not harm a pregnant woman. He helps:

  • fight swelling;
  • balance blood composition;
  • suppress nausea during toxicosis;
  • thin the blood, eliminating the risk of thrombosis;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve digestion;
  • restore appetite;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • get rid of vitamin deficiency.

The refreshing sweet pulp with sourness helps to overcome the signs of toxicosis, due to which many expectant mothers lose weight and eat poorly. The lack of important microelements and vitamins negatively affects the overall health and proper development of the fetus.

What are the benefits of pineapple (video)

How tropical fruit is useful for humans and how to choose the right nutritious fruit - we learn from the video:

Essential elements of fruit

Fruit from hot countries activates protein digestibility. A piece of pineapple is good to eat after eating meat or fish. During viral epidemics, pineapple strengthens the immune system, as it is rich in vitamin C. It actively increases the resistance of cells to viruses and infectious foci, and also removes toxins, free radicals and toxic compounds from tissues, helps absorb vitamin E, as well as iron, strengthens the walls arteries and vessels.

Along with vitamins and essential mineral salts A piece of pineapple provides a pregnant woman with folic acid, which is important during the developmental stages of the unborn baby’s body. It influences the formation of the central nervous system fetus A lack of folic acid is fraught with abnormal pregnancy and serious complications with the health of the baby. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to drink folic acid the entire first trimester and you can additionally eat a salad with pineapple several times a month.

Pineapple pulp is rich in phosphorus and calcium, which form the child’s brain and skeleton. Without sufficient nutrition of these elements to the baby's cells, the “pulling” of minerals from the mother’s body begins. As a result, many women's teeth crumble and their joints deteriorate.

A small amount of natural iodine is necessary for the expectant mother. It promotes correct formation thyroid gland and the fetal nervous system. The unborn child may even develop mental retardation, if the mother’s body lacked iodine during pregnancy. Therefore, it would be good to add pineapple to a pregnant woman’s diet, seaweed, iodized salt or take iodine supplements.

Ripe pineapple pieces are a source of iron, which is important for the blood. This trace element is indispensable for the creation of hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the placenta. The situation is dangerous if there is not enough iron in the body, then doctors prescribe additional sources of iron in the form of iron supplements. In addition to the prescribed treatment, you can eat pineapple slices dipped in homemade yogurt.

In the 1st trimester, acute anemia (lack of iron) can lead to miscarriage. To exclude mental underdevelopment in toddlers, you should add iron-containing foods to the diet, including exotic pineapple.

Possible harm from pineapple

You cannot include a tropical fruit in your menu if you have:

  • inclination or threat premature birth;
  • threat of miscarriage (presence of bleeding, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, etc.);
  • increased uterine tone;
  • gastritis or ulcer (fruit increases acidity);
  • allergic reaction;
  • diabetes mellitus (including gestational type).

It is enough to consume no more than 150 grams of sweet pulp or 200 ml of pineapple juice per day. It is recommended not to eat the fruit in large quantities, as its acids can irritate the oral mucosa and destroy tooth enamel, as well as cause uterine contractions. Packaged pineapple juice and canned products contain a lot of sugar and not an ounce of benefit.

For pregnant women, according to gynecologists, pineapple in large quantities is contraindicated, as it can disrupt digestion and cause uterine contractions. An upset stomach often leads to severe dehydration. Bromelain from pineapple pulp increases the tone of the uterus, so it is dangerous to administer it if there is a risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

Can pregnant women eat canned pineapple?

Often among the population, canned products overshadow fresh fruits. It is especially actively used in baked goods, desserts and at New Year's holidays.

Canned pineapples can be used as a snack substitute or added instead of cookies to a cup of morning tea. Is it possible to have canned fruit during pregnancy?

This is a low-calorie product, containing only 60 kcal per 100 grams. This is the only advantage of thermally processed tropical fruit. The main beneficial component bromelain is completely absent in it. This element is very sensitive to heat treatment and is destroyed when exposed to high temperatures.

Canned fruits often cause allergies in pregnant women, although they may not have manifested themselves previously, so during lactation and while expecting a baby, they should be abandoned and replaced with healthy and fresh fruits.

How to choose a healthy ripe fruit

Unripe or overripe pineapples can be harmful to the body. They contain too much bromelain. Severe poisoning can be obtained from overripe pulp, in which fermentation processes have already begun and the proliferation of bacteria has intensified.

Fresh fruit should not have a strong sweetish aroma. When cut, its flesh has yellow. It is undesirable if the inside of the pineapple is light, that is, not quite ripe. The cut fresh fruit is eaten immediately. It should not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator.

You shouldn’t deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating your favorite tropical fruit during pregnancy. The main thing is to choose a ripe fruit and eat it fresh V small quantities and not often. So it will be beneficial, strengthen the immune system and improve general health, normalizes bookmark-related processes internal organs fetus

Many women expecting the birth of their children understand how important it is to take care of correct drafting menu. The possibility of obtaining useful components, supporting the body expectant mother and promoting successful development pregnancy. It is not surprising that the question often arises whether pregnant women can eat beans. You need to try to understand this in as much detail as possible.

Beneficial features

Are beans good for pregnant women? Yes, but raw vegetable strictly prohibited for expectant mothers. Otherwise, health problems such as heaviness in the stomach and flatulence are observed. If you eat red beans, your intestines will work more actively. As a result, decent prevention of constipation will be noted.

What vitamins are contained in beans:

  • iron helps preserve optimal performance hemoglobin;
  • B vitamins are necessary to improve the functioning of the nervous system. Future mom gets the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary stress;
  • nicotinic acid normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Hematopoietic processes and hemoglobin production are also improved by iron and copper;
  • sulfur, necessary for protein synthesis, improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • folic acid is one of the most beneficial components for proper development future child.

The benefits also appear in relation to kidney function. Beans have a mild diuretic effect, but this is enough to get rid of unwanted swelling.

Regular inclusion of bean dishes in moderation contributes to the successful elimination of morning sickness and other undesirable manifestations of toxicosis. Fresh and canned beans for pregnant women provide worthy support to the body of the expectant mother.

Canned product

A pregnant woman's diet should be as complete and healthy as possible. However, not all products are allowed.

Can pregnant women eat canned beans? High-quality preservation carried out in accordance with GOST is allowed for inclusion in the menu. Based on existing requirements, the size of the beans should be from 6 millimeters to 1 centimeter.

Doctors note that canned beans still retain up to 70 percent of vitamins and up to 80 percent of minerals, as a result of which they manage to saturate their body with nutrients.

The main advantage is the optimal calorie content, so even the dietary diet is supplemented with high-quality and properly prepared preserves. However, canned beans are allowed for pregnant women only in moderate quantities, as otherwise there is a risk of flatulence. In limited quantities, the product is allowed to be included in the menu of every woman.

Green beans for pregnant women have decent benefits, but do not lead to unnecessary stress on the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, it should also be present on the menu.

Allowed dishes

Experts note that pregnant women can eat beans without unnecessary worries. The only taboo is the raw product, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and increases the risk of flatulence.

Beans are used to prepare soups, salads, and vegetable stews. One of the most delicious dishes is Caucasian lobio, but it is advisable to avoid excess spices and take care of moderate pungency of taste. If desired, prepare bean puree, which is satisfying and truly healthy.