Crafts made from natural materials for children's creativity. We create masterpieces for a school competition


Natural material is the most accessible and interesting material For children's creativity. IN autumn period All children's educational institutions make small and large masterpieces from cones, leaves, acorns, sticks, twigs, bark, flowers, fruits and seeds. In this section, the teacher can find many ideas for children's creativity.

Crafts made from natural materials

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Richness of material from nature

Everything that lies under your feet will be useful for work - no matter good or bad. May be useful: leaves and flowers, acorns with cups, cones, branches. You can bring a lot of nuts from home; beans, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables and much more are also suitable for crafts.

What do you think of the idea of ​​creating fluffies, but not from traditional cotton wool, but from poplar fluff or real feathers? Or an application of black and green tea? Or maybe you sharpened colored pencils and you have a lot of colorful shavings left. Excellent works are made from colored sand or colored salt and semolina.

Nature is a natural habitat that is not created by man. Living nature includes plants, mushrooms, animals and humans. TO inanimate nature refers to the sun, stars, water and stones. As you understand, the choice of nature-themed crafts is quite large. This category also includes natural phenomena such as rain, snow, rainbows, volcanic eruptions, storms and even earthquakes. In this article we will look at how to make nature-themed crafts with your own hands.

You will need: nylon sock, sawdust, lawn grass seeds, flagella from nylon stockings, moisture-resistant moment glue, scissors, eyes for crafts, a tablespoon, hair elastic bands.

Master Class

You will need: colored cardboard, scissors, glue stick, cotton wool, stapler.

Master Class

Mushroom from cereals

You will need: A4 colored cardboard, boletus mushroom template, pencil, scissors, brush, PVA glue, red lentils, corn grits, semolina, split green peas.

Master Class

We present to your attention a selection of crafts made by charming inhabitants of nature. After all, it is thanks to them that nature brings life.

You will need: plasticine, toothpick, stack.

Master Class

The plasticine raven is ready!

Funny octopus

You will need: chenille wire two colors, 2 rubber bands, foam ball, pencil, scissors, button eyes, glue.

Master Class

Funny octopus from fluffy wire ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

You will need: plastic bottle, cones, paints, black wire, glue gun or superglue, scissors.

Master Class

Hedgehog from plastic bottle and the cones are ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

jumping frog

You will need: square sheet of paper Green colour, black felt-tip pen.

Master Class

  1. Fold basic foundation water bomb in this way: roll the sheet along one diagonal, then along the other. Fold the sheet in half wrong side out, then unfold.

  2. Make a pyramid.
  3. Fold the sides towards the center.
  4. Form the legs in this way: turn each side outward from the center, dividing the resulting angle in half.

  5. Repeat this process to create another foot.
  6. Turn the frog over with its legs facing down.

  7. Fold the bottom corners towards the top corner, first on one side and then on the other.
  8. Fold the right corner of the resulting square towards the center.

  9. Fold the left corner in the same way.
  10. Form the eyes this way: bend the bottom corners of the muzzle in half, then lift the eyes up.

  11. Make a zipper fold at the bottom of the frog near the legs. The jumping function depends on the size of the folds. The frog can jump forward, up and even do somersaults.

  12. To make the frog jump with sliding movements, press on the folded tail.
  13. Draw eyes with a black felt-tip pen.

One of the most popular decorations of wildlife are flowers. They can be made from natural and artificial material. Their main advantage is that they will become a wonderful gift for almost any holiday.

You will need: cones, brushwood, acrylic paint different colors, brush, colored paper green, scissors, glue gun, vase.

Master Class

Original roses

You will need: red colored paper, a pencil, scissors, a round object.

Master Class

  1. Trace a round object on colored paper.
  2. Draw a spiral in a circle.
  3. Cut out the circle.
  4. Cut the spiral in such a way that you get a “spring”
  5. Twist the rosette and make the required number of rosettes in the same way.

The original colored paper roses are ready! I recommend watching the video master class!

creative flower

You will need: double-sided colored paper, glue gun, stick or skewer as a stem, button.

Master Class

A creative flower made from colored paper is ready!

Unusual cacti

You will need: clay pot, sand, medium and small smooth stones (pebbles), green acrylic paint different shades, corrector (stroke).

Master Class

What's a holiday without flowers? And such flowers don’t even need to be watered!

Summer and autumn crafts made from natural material - the most popular topic for developing creative skills in preschool children, junior schoolchildren. Some adults are also interested in making dried bouquets, panels, three-dimensional compositions, jewelry, Christmas tree decorations, creating real works of art. Acorns and pine needles, pine cones and chestnuts, feathers and eggshells, moss and birch bark, buckwheat and shells walnuts, pieces of wood and seashells, river pebbles and yellowed maple leaves.

Tools, additional materials for crafts

In addition to freshly picked natural gifts, herbariums, to create all kinds of souvenirs you will need some tools available in every home. These include:

  • sewing needles;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • sharp awl;
  • scissors;
  • brushes for glue, paints;
  • stacks for plasticine, plastics;
  • clips or clothespins;
  • thick books for drying leaves.

Additional materials:

  • plasticine;
  • plastic;
  • threads;
  • PVA glue, glue stick;
  • white and colored paper;
  • corrugated cardboard, regular cardboard;
  • flexible wire;
  • fishing line;
  • toothpicks;
  • matches;
  • gouache;
  • varnish in a can;
  • cotton wool;
  • ribbons;
  • beads, sequins;
  • felt.

It is recommended that children be given special scissors with rounded ends and a glue stick for independent use instead of liquid glue. Needles, others sharp objects Use only under adult supervision; toxic, strong-smelling paints and varnishes are prohibited.

How to prepare natural materials for crafts

What can be used to create crafts:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • “helicopters” of maple, “earrings” of ash;
  • Poplar fluff;
  • grapevine;
  • flowers of immortelle, rose, lavender, yarrow;
  • fruits of chestnut, oak, physalis;
  • conifer cones;
  • lupine seeds, sunflower seeds;
  • whole peas, beans, corn;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • ears of cereals, straw, reeds, sisal;
  • shells of pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • coconut, peanut shells;
  • shells of mollusks, snails;
  • scales, air bubble large fish;
  • feathers, eggshells of wild and domestic birds;
  • fallen hedgehog and porcupine quills;
  • leaves of maple, oak, lilac, aspen, fern;
  • alder cones;
  • pumpkin, apple, watermelon seeds;
  • peel of lemon, orange, grapefruit;
  • tree mushroom;
  • birch, willow, oak bark;
  • moss, algae;
  • twigs, sticks, driftwood, roots, wood cuts;
  • pebbles, coarse sand.

To finished work for a long time had a beautiful appearance, not covered with mold, not deformed, the materials for it need not only to be collected, but also properly prepared - dried. Leaves and grains are dried between the pages of thick books. Birch bark, oak bark, and other elements that should be flat are dried under a sheet of hardboard, with a weight placed on it. Twigs with hawthorn berries, rowan berries, stems with poppy pods, lunar fruits, flowers of helichrysum, yarrow, mordovnik, are dried in a hanging state. Flower heads can be dried and buried in a container of sand. Straw, stems of angelica, hogweed are dried under a canopy on outdoors, turning over from time to time. Forest moss, acorns, cones, chestnuts, spruce paws, lay out on newspaper in a dark, cool place, turn over every day. Fish bladders, scales, egg shells, snail shells are washed and dried in the shade.

Compositions and crafts made from seeds of exotic plants brought from distant countries have an original look.


Horse chestnut fruits are easy to find on the streets of any city; they ripen in August-September. For crafts, chestnuts of different sizes are selected, but preferably the correct one, round shape, dark brown. You can dry them by spreading them in a thin layer on newspapers, without access sun rays, in a cool place. The process will take 10-15 days.

Drying chestnuts in a hot oven is strictly not recommended - their skins crack and the fruits practically lose their appearance.


Acorns are the fruits of oak trees, different breeds they differ slightly in shape, size, and color. They are collected in late August - early October; you should choose whole ones, not damaged by insects, without signs of germination. Freshly picked fruits are washed under running water, brushed if necessary, and dried on a towel or paper. Next, you need to heat the oven to 50-70 degrees, place the acorns on a baking sheet, leaving the door ajar. The process will take 90-120 minutes, during which time they need to be mixed at least three to four times.

From acorns you can make funny figures of people, animals, and decorate photo frames. “Crumbling” curtains made of oak fruits, wreaths on the wall, and dishes for a dollhouse look original.

In the village, acorns and some other plant materials are dried on top of a Russian stove.

Cones, pine needles

Cones of pine, spruce, cedar, larch, and alder are collected in spring or mid-autumn. If the seeds are still covered with scales, it means that the cones are wet; after drying, they will open. Before drying, the fruits are soaked in a solution of vinegar and water to remove insects; they are used to get rid of resin. cotton buds and alcohol. If you want the pine cone to be closed, dip it entirely in wood glue before drying.

You can dry the pine cones:

  • outdoors under a canopy - the raw materials are placed in a thin layer on newspaper in lattice boxes, nets, baskets, and left for 15-20 days;
  • in a frying pan or baking sheet - the oven is preheated to low temperature, but the door is not closed, the time is about an hour;
  • V microwave oven– take a large plate and cover it with paper napkin, cones are placed on top, the process will take less than five minutes, the process must be controlled.
    Spruce needles are dried directly with the branches, in the form of “spruce legs”, in a suspended form. Pine needles can be cut off if only they are needed for the craft. Slow drying under cover is preferred.


Walnuts are usually sold already dried; for crafts, their shells are used, which are separated from the kernel using scissors, since a hammer crushes the nut almost completely. Fresh fruits are peeled - it is better to do this with gloves so as not to get your hands dirty. The nuts are dried in the open air on a tarpaulin for two to three days, if the weather is dry and sunny, in bad weather - in the attic, on lattice racks, but the process will take up to a week. More quick way, no more than two hours - oven, country stove, special vegetable dryer.

Hazelnuts, pine nuts, peanut shells, and pistachios are also used to make crafts.

Leaves, flowers, seeds

Leaves of various trees are collected in summer or autumn in dry weather. Dry for a week or two, putting in old book, tightly pressing a few more on top. You can dry it quickly by placing it between two sheets of thick paper and ironing it with a hot iron on both sides. The most commonly used are maple, rowan, oak, birch, aspen, currant, fern, and nettle.

Seeds of dill, star anise, peppercorns, coriander, mustard, pumpkin, zucchini, sunflower, watermelon, apples, wild cucumber, apricot pits, peach, are dried on a newspaper in a dark, ventilated place. Peas, beans, beans, lupins are first removed from the pods. All seeds can be processed in a vegetable dryer or on a baking sheet in the oven.

Bulk flowers, such as roses, asters, garden immortelle, are dried in sand - it is advisable to pre-heat it in the oven or in a frying pan. Then the sand is poured into any container, the buds are placed on top, carefully covered with the remaining sand, and left for three to seven days. Flowers for panels (lilies of the valley, daisies, lilacs) are dried in the same way as leaves.

Grass, moss, poplar fluff

Poplar fluff is collected at the beginning of summer, but it can be stored in a dry, cool place all year round. It is important to carefully protect it from possible exposure to fire - the material is very flammable. Snow is made from fluff for panels, volumetric compositions for the New Year.

Moss (sphagnum, cuckoo flax, etc.) is carefully squeezed out, getting rid of excess moisture, dry on newspaper at room temperature or outside, under a canopy in dry weather. Grass, straw, and lichen are dried in almost the same way.

Moss is most often used to make miniature forest edges and thickets of grass.


It is better to cut the bark from healthy, strong trees, for which such manipulation will not be excessively traumatic, leading to death.

Twigs, sticks, wooden cuts

It is recommended to harvest tree cuts when the movement of sap is minimal - from October to February. Then it won’t take much time to dry the wood. To quickly remove intercellular sap, the pieces of wood are boiled, then laid out in a cool room on a concrete floor or several layers of newspapers, turned over every couple of days, and after two weeks dried in an oven or on a radiator. You cannot immediately place it in a hot environment - the saw cuts will crack. First you need to remove the bark.

After collection, branches, sticks, and driftwood are carefully inspected, damaged by rot and pests are removed, and then dried in a warm, dry place, out of direct sunlight. Branches with buds are harvested in the spring, the roots are dug up, being careful not to damage them, cleared of soil, and dried for one to three weeks, depending on the thickness.


The stones are cleaned of sand and earth with a stiff brush, washed with water, and sorted by shape, color, and size. You can dry the stones in any convenient way - on newspapers, a radiator, in the oven, with a hair dryer, etc. Stones with natural holes are used to make jewelry and all kinds of amulets.

The shells of sea, river, lake, grape snails, and bivalves are cleaned with a brush and boiled in water to remove all organic remains. You can dry them on newspaper at room temperature. Shells are great for creating marine compositions, decorating frames and mirrors.


For crafts, coarse river sand is preferable, but if it’s difficult to get it, any sand will do – from a nearby construction site, or from a sandbox. It is sifted through a fine sieve to remove all excess, washed in water, dried, spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet in the oven, stirring occasionally.


Eggs from chicken, duck, ostrich, quail, thrush, parrot, etc. are suitable for creating crafts. To prepare the shells, they need to be removed from the white and yolk inside. To do this, small holes are made on both sides of the egg, after which the contents are blown into a cup or sucked out with a large syringe. Then the inside is washed with water.

From the bat eggshells An excellent mosaic will come out if the pieces are painted in different colors, stick on a previously prepared surface.


It is preferable to take fallen bird feathers from domestic ones, since wild crows, pigeons, ducks, and other birds often get sick infectious diseases. It is not necessary to wash the feathers; you can dry them with a regular hairdryer while fluffing them up. Often on sale you can find already processed feathers of exotic birds - peacocks, parrots.

Fruits, vegetables, berries

Rowan and rosehip berries are dried on branches, hung on ropes, or laid in one layer on newspaper in a well-ventilated place. A small hole is cut in a pumpkin, zucchini, or squash, the inside is wiped with alcohol, stuffed with newspapers, and left for 10-20 days, depending on the size. You can dry vegetables, fruits, and citrus peels in the oven at low temperature, in the shade on a tarp or newsprint.

How to store natural materials for crafts

  • rag bags;
  • carton boxes;
  • thread mesh;
  • wicker, newspaper tubes baskets;
  • plastic containers (for stones, fragile shells, eggshells).

Ideas for kindergarten

When making panels, you should take into account the color of leaves, flowers, herbs and other things - light details look good against a dark background and vice versa. Here are a few simple ideas, described step by step, for the little ones:

  • owl made from beans - the outline of an owl is drawn on a sheet of colored cardboard, its inside is pasted over with beans. Eyes are made from dry daisies, a piece of bark is glued to one side - this will be a tree, twigs with oak and rowan leaves are attached to it. The wings and legs of the owl are also made from leaves;
  • hedgehog - made from a fir cone, to which plasticine legs, eyes, nose, mushrooms are attached;
  • chamomile - you need to take reed stalks, pumpkin seeds. Yellow centers are made from plasticine, seed petals are inserted on the sides, then the head is attached to the stem;
  • matryoshka - for work you will need a pebble shaped like a nesting doll, gouache paints with which to paint the face, pens, a scarf of the doll;
  • wood in a box - take a box suitable size, moss and pebbles are glued to the bottom, trees are made from twigs, which are secured with plasticine. Three bears are made from large, medium and small “fluffy” cones, gluing plasticine eyes, noses, ears from halves of acorn caps;
  • autumn bouquet - you will need a jar with a lid. A piece of driftwood and a twig are glued to the inside of the lid, to which multi-colored leaves of maple, birch, oak, and all kinds of dried flowers are attached, carefully covered with a jar on top, and twisted;
  • horses and donkeys - their bodies, heads are made from acorns, legs - from matches, which are attached to holes made with an awl. The ears are made from ash “earrings”, the eyes and noses are made from lupine seeds;
  • spiders - made from chestnuts, acorn caps, toothpicks bent in the middle. If desired, boots from plasticine or plastic are molded onto eight spider legs;
  • dragonfly - the wings are made from maple “helicopters”, the eyes are made from lupine, the body itself is made from plasticine or a suitable stick;
  • turtle – to make a craft you need a shell walnut, plasticine from which the body is made, eyes from small seeds.

Summer and autumn are the most better times year when you can show your creativity. After all, in summer and autumn there is a lot of natural material from which you can make a lot of different things. interesting crafts with your own hands.

To keep yourself and your children busy interesting thing, you can make original and beautiful crafts from natural material. Fruits, vegetables, cones, pebbles, leaves, acorns and shells and much more that nature itself gives us are suitable for this.

Use your imagination, stock up on additional tools and feel free to create! Below are 12 wonderful crafts made from natural materials with your own hands.

1. DIY crafts from pine cones. Basket

1. For a basket of cones, you need to prepare the cones and fasten them together with rigid wire.

2. Connect the cones and tie them into a circle. IN in this example 2 circles were made to make the basket deeper.

3. If you have made 2 or more circles, then fasten them together, this can be done with the same wire.

4. If you want to make a handle for a basket, you can try making a semicircle out of pine cones, connecting them with wire or using liquid nails.

5. To make the bottom of the basket, you can use thick cardboard or plywood.

2. DIY crafts. Autumn candles

Required material:

  • leaves (real or artificial)
  • PVA glue (decoupage glue)
  • brush or sponge
  • jar
  • alcohol

1. To get rid of fats, you need to wipe the jar with alcohol.

2. Then apply glue to the jar.

3. Use straight leaves to decorate the jar.

4. Glue for decoupage, you can grease the glued leaves.

5. Add some thread and a candle for beauty.

3. Crafts for the home. New Year's toys made from natural materials

4. Children's crafts made from natural materials. Seahorse made from branches

Everything is quite simple here.

Prepare some cardboard and draw a seahorse (or other animal or object) on it.

Saw off or carefully break the twigs and use PVA glue or superglue to attach them to the cardboard.

5. Crafts from vegetables and fruits. Apple swan

From an ordinary apple you can make very beautiful decoration for the table, and it's not difficult at all. Children will especially like this surprise.

You will need:

  • apple (preferably large and of the same color - for example, red - so that the contrast is better visible)
  • small, very sharp knife

6. Cup of coffee beans on burlap

This DIY coffee craft will make your kitchen look beautiful. And to create such a mini-masterpiece you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of cardboard (size 33 cm by 24 cm);
  • a piece of burlap;
  • glue;
  • star anise and coffee beans.

1. First, you should cut out a rectangle from burlap, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than a cardboard sheet. The burlap is folded and glued to back side cardboard To make the craft look neat, the burlap is ironed with an iron before work.

2. When you have glued the base for the burlap, you should wait for it to dry.

3. Now it’s time to draw a picture frame out of coffee. In order to get a frame, you need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the picture on all sides. First, we use a simple pencil and draw lines with it.

4. If you have drawn lines, then draw a cup and saucer in the center of the burlap. Moreover, the cup size can be at your discretion.

5. If the sketch is ready, now we gradually cover the picture with coffee beans. The first thing you should do is cover the cup and saucer.

6. When the cup is pasted over, proceed to pasting the frame.

7. If the craft is ready, then decorate it with star anise. Hang it in the corner of your craft.

7. DIY fruit crafts. Hedgehogs


  • pear
  • grape
  • (black and green)
  • strawberries (optional)
  • raisins (for eyes)
  • toothpicks

1. Make a cut starting from the middle of the pear (see picture).

2. Peel the peel.

3. Prepare toothpicks and place one green grape on each, which should be located closer to one edge of the toothpick.

4. Insert each toothpick with a grape into a pear in an uncleaned area.

5. To make a nose, put a black grape on a pear pod.

6. To insert the raisins (which act as eyes), you must first make small indentations with a knife.

7. If you wish, you can add a load to the hedgehog that he is carrying; for this you can use a couple of strawberries.

8. Crafts made from natural materials. Seashell photo frame

You will need:

  • simple wooden photo frame
  • white acrylic paint
  • tassel
  • glue “Moment” (superglue or glue gun)
  • shells

1. Paint the photo frame in any color (if necessary) and leave to dry, then apply another coat of paint.

2. Before you start gluing the shells, arrange them around the frame so you have an idea of ​​what looks best where.

3. Start gluing the shells to the frame. When finished gluing, leave to dry.

4. Add your favorite photo.

9. Crafts made from natural materials in autumn: monsters made from pine cones (photo instructions)

10. Crafts for kindergarten. Insects from natural materials

11. Crafts made from stones. Strawberry

12. Easy crafts from leaves

Required material:

  • leaves (flowers and/or other natural materials)
  • paper or canvas
  • paints (acrylic or spray)

Fir and pine cones are excellent materials for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. All sizes of cones should be collected - from small to large.

Place the sorted cones, size and volume (elongated, round, open and closed, old and young, pine and spruce) into separate boxes.

In the spring, when you collect old, dried cones with fallen seeds, you don’t have to worry about them becoming deformed over time. To avoid deformation, glue the autumn cone: dip it in a liquid solution of wood glue. Once the cones have dried, the glued scales will not open up and diverge into different sides, and the shape of the product will be preserved.

From pine and fir cones you can make various animals, birds, all kinds of figures, using plasticine, clay, sticks, fabric, feathers and other finishing materials to help. Each toy consists of several parts that are assembled into a base - a pine cone. Such a toy is either attached to a board under a stand, or suspended as Christmas tree decoration, on a loop. The most difficult thing is to sculpt the head of the toy. To do it right, you should stock up good pictures with the image of a particular animal or bird.

When starting work, you should first of all take care of a strong fastening of the toy, that is, a stand, if the toy is not intended to be hanging (Christmas tree). The stand can be plywood or thick cardboard, cut into any rectangular or round shape. The stand should not be bulky, but it is necessary that the toy fits freely on it, taking into account additional finishing: moss, cotton wool or other finishing materials.

It is best to secure the pine cone on the stand with a nail driven into its middle with the point up. A hole is pierced in the cone with an awl, and it is put on a nail. For a more durable fastening at the base of the nail, you need to smear the stand with wood glue or place a lump of soft plasticine.

Toys made from cones can be given to a sponsored person kindergarten, they can be issued fabulous performances tabletop theater, layouts, illustrate fables and poems in Russian language lessons. Such toys are hung from the branches of the tree by loops or they are placed around the tree, at its foot. Make pine cone toys for hanging lighter so that the branches do not bend from their weight. Therefore, the head and all additional parts for them should be made of cotton wool, cardboard and paper, and not of clay or plasticine.

Duck, chicken, goose, rooster- all poultry is made from cones of the same type. For the head and neck, a piece of soft wire of the required length is bent, which is secured to the handle of the cone by wrapping it between the rows of scales. Make the ratios of the sizes of the head, neck and legs by checking with drawings or with live birds. Attach the ducks and swan to the stand with wood glue. The stand can be designed in the shape of a river or pond by placing blue-painted cellophane or glass on the base. Cover the banks with moss and dry herbs. To attach roosters, hens, and birds to a stand, use small pieces of plywood and cover them with moss; Use twisted copper wire to make legs for the birds.

Make the heads and beaks of all birds from birch bark, cardboard, cloth or celluloid. Make the tails and wings of the rooster from feathers, the wings of the geese and swan from pieces of white birch bark.

When sculpting a neck and head from plasticine or clay, you need to carefully finish and smooth out all the roughness of the form. There are no irregularities on the neck of birds, and plasticine or clay applied with strokes will give the toy an ugly, sloppy appearance.

Fox, squirrel, bunny. They are made from cones of different sizes, the assembly principle and fastening are the same.

Tails, except for the bunny's tail, are made from an additional cone, strengthening it on a wire.

Muzzles, sculpted from clay or plasticine, are attached to the stem part of the cone.

Attaching to the stand is carried out by placing the cone on a nail. Animals standing on their paws are attached to a stand with nails.

The scales of the cone, facing from the muzzle to the tail of the animals, will be like fur. The tail is attached with the scales facing upward.

For foxes and squirrels, the tail bump should be long and fluffy. The bunny's tail is cut out from part of the cone-body.

The eyes of the animals are glued together using beads on plasticine. The beads can be replaced with shards of black graphite from a pencil.

The paws are made from matches, wire, pasted over with scales or covered with plasticine. It’s good to stick one scale at a time on top of the plasticine. Thanks to the wire base, the legs can be bent as you like, giving the figure a tilt.

Having sculpted several animals, you can create entire pictures, illustrating fables, fairy tales, puppet shows.

Telescope fish. Made from a short, thick pine cone. The telescope's eyes are two convex balls. Glue them with beads or simply stick them with plasticine. The tail is glued from curved feathers different lengths. If a fish is made for a Christmas tree, it is painted with silver or gold paint.

Chick. The body cone is selected according to the shape of the selected pattern. The design of the remaining parts of the bird depends on the available material and taste. The head and neck of the bird are made on wire frame.

You can make several of these birds and paint them with colored tsapon varnishes. Feather trim and varnish.

Mother hen. pine cone strengthened obliquely on two twisted wire legs. The neck and the spherical frame of the head with a beak are strengthened from twisted wire under the scales of the cone. A round head is sculpted from plasticine on a wire frame, and it is good to glue red cloth or celluloid onto the beak on top of the wire. The tail can be made from feathers or cut out a figurative image of feathers from cardboard and paint them brighter. Excellent eyes will be made from black beads on white circle bases.

Crane. Between the scales of the pine cone, a wire frame is firmly strengthened for long legs crane The neck is made no less long. The figure shows how to bend the wire to give it the shape of the head, beak and neck. All other design of the bird is as usual.

Special attention Pay attention to the strength of fastening the pine cone to the frame and to the stand. Carelessly made frames of paws, necks and heads fall off easily.

You can also cover the roof with scales small house on the layout. It will look like tiles. The scales can be painted with colored varnishes or oil paint. The single-color scaly roof is varnished.

Children's carnival costumes You can also decorate with cone scales. They can be sewn, strung, glued to fabric and paper, and made into various appliqués.

Little bear. For this toy you will need six old, open fir cones: one large and wide for the body, four smaller ones for the paws, and one small, possibly spherical, for the head. To attach the paw to the body, thin soft wire wrap the cone at its very base, passing the wire between the scales, and twist its ends one with the other. Then, pulling the cone-paw to the body, wrap the wire around the cone-body twice, passing the wire between the scales, but so that it is not visible anywhere, twist the ends, bite them off with wire cutters and hide under the scales of the cone. Having thus attached all four paw cones to the body, attach the head cone in the same way.

From pieces of old, unnecessary leather, suede or leatherette, cut out claws for the paws, two circles for the eyes, two ears and the nose of the teddy bear using scissors according to the included patterns. Sew two shiny black beads or small buttons in the center of the eye circles. Separate four scales from the cone and glue them on both sides to the ears with wood glue.

Sew the eyes, nose and ears to the bump-head, as discreetly as possible, with thick black threads. You can also glue the ears by spreading glue on the base of the ears and pushing them tightly into the depths of the cone-head. Also sew on the bear’s claws and bend them with finger pressure. Cover the bear's nose and claws with black varnish or paint them with black paint, and then cover them with colorless varnish.

Squirrel. It is made according to the same principle as the bear cub. Take three fir cones: medium-sized for the body, small for the head, large, fluffy for the tail. Connect them together. From scraps of old leather or suede, cut out the squirrel's paws and ears according to the included patterns. To make the paws hold better, make them on a wire frame, then cover the frame wire with a strip of brown material or wrap it with brown darning threads. Attach the legs to the wire so that the wire is not visible. Place a nut, an acorn or a small cone into the squirrel's front paws, attaching one or the other to the paws with black thread or thin wire. Make the squirrel's eyes from black beads. For the ears, just like for the teddy bear, glue cones between the scales or sew them on. When the squirrel is ready, attach it with wire to a round or rectangular stand. Cover the wire or nails with small tufts of green moss.

Fairytale bird. Prepare a large pine cone with very open scales, twigs for legs and feathers different sizes. It is better to choose goose feathers, as they are better colored than others. Before dyeing feathers, dip them first in soapy water. soda solution, and when they are dry, paint them with aniline dyes bright colors: yellow, blue, red, green, orange. For the bird's tail you need long feathers, small feathers with down will be needed for the neck. Attach the feathers to the cone like this: pierce the cone with a triangular awl, coat the end of the feather with wood glue and insert the feather into the hole. Attach the stems-twigs to the cone-body in the same way as feathers.

Make the bird's head from cardboard, leather or cloth. Between two patterns made of leather and cloth, be sure to glue a piece of cardboard or wire to hold the head.

Now take care of the tuft: pick up some bright, beautiful, shiny beads or beads, string each bead onto a piece of thin wire. Twist the wire into a knot and place it in the middle of the bead so that it is not visible. Place the ends of the wire on the first head pattern and cover them with pieces of paper. Then apply glue to the second pattern, fold them together and place them under the press. When the head is dry, glue it to the body of the bump.

Now all that remains is to paint the head, glue glitter eyes to it and secure the bird either on a wooden stand or on a tree knot. The bird is ready.

Cockerel. Draw the outline of the cockerel (without the tail and crest) on cardboard and cut out two copies of the cockerel body with the head. Then select the feathers for the tail and color them in the desired colors. From a small piece From red velvet or cloth, cut out a comb and a beard, also in two copies, and glue them together.

Apply wood glue to the first and second patterns of the cockerel's body, place the comb and beard on one of the patterns, and cover the first with the second pattern and place it under the press. To make the cockerel more voluminous, place wire inside the patterns. The ends of the wire can serve as the cockerel's legs and be attached to the stand. When the patterns are dry, sew the tail feathers onto them with thread.

Take a straw, cut it lengthwise and cover the cockerel’s legs with these strips; they will look very similar to the legs of a live rooster. You can wrap the cockerel's legs with darning threads suitable color, or you can just color it.

Paint the beak and the upper part of the cockerel's head with paints and cover the neck and entire body of the cockerel with fir cone scales, arranging the scales so that the upper one covers a little of the lower one.

Glue a few feathers in the place where the cockerel should have wings.

You can attach undyed, natural chicken feathers of brown or yellow color. Make the cockerel's eyes from beads. You will end up with a very interesting bright cockerel. The cockerel can be made more voluminous.

Flying bird. Place the pine cone in glue solution. Then remove the bird's head. Make the head like the head of a bird of paradise, only without the crest. Then cut from thin cardboard bases for the wings and sew feathers to these pieces of cardboard. Glue fluffy feathers on top to cover the bases of the large feathers. Make the tail in the same way.

When the wings and tail are ready, use a triangular awl to drill holes in the cone and, having smeared the bases of the wings and tail with wood glue, insert them tightly into the holes made in the cone.

Glue the bird's head and small branches-legs.

Feathers for such a bird can be dyed, or you can use natural ones - white, yellow, variegated feathers.

So that the bird can be hung on the tree, make a long loop on the back.

Hedgehog. Take a large unopened one fir cone and dip it in liquid wood glue so that when it dries, its scales do not open. Cut two strips of brown fabric, half a centimeter wide and slightly shorter than the length of the cone. Place one strip on a piece of paper and glue fir needles onto it, one next to the other. Glue the strip with needles onto the bump. When the glue has dried, lubricate the row of needles you glued at the base with wood glue and at the same time thickly spread the glue onto the strip on the pine cone itself. Glue the second strip of fabric so that it sticks to the first row of needles and at the same time to the pine cone. Continue gluing rows of needles, alternating them with strips of fabric until you get a round hedgehog. Do not glue needles to the hedgehog's tummy. Leave the hedgehog's face uncovered with the strips of needles. Then attach the legs of the hedgehog from wood knots, and make a nose and eyes from black beads.

You will do great prickly hedgehog, very similar to the real one. A hedgehog from needles can be made in another way. Look carefully at the picture, and the second method will be clear to you. Piece old fabric pull it, hammering it with nails, between two bars or boards. Then, dipping the needle in wood glue, stick it into the stretched fabric so that only a small tip remains at the top. And so stick the needles into the fabric one after another, placing them as far as possible closer friend to friend. Then remove the fabric, cut it according to the shape shown in the figure, and stick it on the cone, thickly smearing both the cone and the material with glue.